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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1948)
tEC. II PACE 4 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 13, 194S Wheat Lab StudiesSmut Resistance PENDLETON, Ore., May IS (PI Oregon' wheat eommlMlon ha. al lotted 15000 Co tent new amut-rril. ant vartetlr of wheat. Smut In northwest wheat hat In rreaaed from .8 per cent In 1 to about 14 per crnt last year, Admin lalrator E. 1. Bell reported. The commiasion money will be rscd to hire an additional chemist lor the new western wheat quality laboratory at Pullman, Wash. He will test milling and baking qual ities of new smut-resistant varieties developed at Pendleton and Moro, Ore., and other Northwest experi ment stations. Bell said. Good Qualltinl Much of Ilie smut Increased In wheat was found In Allcel, Elgin and tjolden varieties, he reported. All of Uiese have good baking and mill ing qualities. Little smut was found In Rex. This high-yielding variety is popular vlth producers but It is difficult to mill. Millers report it does not sift well and its quality is not uniform. ' home of the new crosses are smut resistant. Plant breeders hope bak ing and milling tests in the Pullman laboratory will hasten development of an "ideal" wheat for producers, bakers and millers alike, Bell said. April Start The laboratory, under direction of Dr. Mark A. Barmore. started opera tions In April. Its job is to test new varieties of wheat developed in Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. It also will try to Improve present testing methods and develop new and faster ones. Bell said that so far only money for the laboratory had been provided by Washington Slate college and the V. S. bureau of plant industry. How ever, they did not have enough money to meet demands of the region, he said. Idaho and Washington wheat farmers were expected to contri bute to the project also, he said. 258 Spud Cars Out In April The April report of Ross Aubrey hows that the Klamath basin has shipped out 258 carloads of potatoes during April which makes a total of 7264 carloads up to May 1st, from the crop of 1947. Tulelake was the leading shipping station with 949 cars, closely fol lowed by Mahn with 739 cars and Hatfield with 418, Stukel with 306, Dairy with 257. Merrill with 255, Malone with 225. Adams Point with Mormon Crickeis May Be Threat Again In The Same Four County Area As' 47 Here's the latest report on the Mormon cricket Infestation in the Columbia basin counties. It's from Bob Every, extension entomologist, who's just returned to Oregon State college from the cricket areas. He says the crickets are a problem this year in the same four-county area Sherman, Oilllam, Morrow and Umatilla where they gave so much trouble a year ago. This is what Every has to snv about the crickets now. They're hatching. In fact, some of them were hatched as early as April I. But. cold weather has not been good cricket weather. They've been sluggish. However, with warmer Farm Page Notes By H. B. SCHIEFERSTEIN, County Weed Control Supervisor The use of oils as carriers tor 2.4-D In selective spraying is not recommended. There Is more danger o' Injury to crop plants from 2.4-D-oll combinations than from 2.4-D- water combinations. The volume of water with which to apply the 2.4-D will depend on the spray machine to be used and the density of plant growth. The safest practice is to use enough wat er to insure uniform cnstriDutton oi the 2.4-D and allow a margin of safety when the forward speed of the machine varies. A broad rule to follow In choos ing 2.4-D material for weed control is to use the salts for the more susceptible weeds and for selective weed control, and the ester formu lations on brushy, hard-to-wet or mature plants. The term "selectivity" of 2.4-D is only relative and even resistant crops are affected by the chemical. For example, in grain, if there are no weeds in the crop a treatment of 2.4-D will lower the yield by a bushel or two per acre. With asfew as 2 or 3 weeds per square foot, however, a treatment of 2.4-D will increase the yield significantly over untreated grain. By the proper use of 2.4-D. yields of grain have been increased as much as 50 to 100 per cent over un treated fields. ; days cricket activity will Increase, Every promises. He says some of the crickets Hint were hatched In early April am now about half grown. In their third or fourth in, star, the scientists say. That means the crickets' third or fourth skin. A Mormon cricket sheds seven skins before it gets to be a tull-sttcd adult. As to how the crickets compare with last year, Every says there are about the same number. Meanwhile, there's been no damage reportrd up to this time. About 15 federal entomologists and control workers are on the Job spreading poison bait. This year tor the first tiinc, the butt crews are able to get after the crickets in the desert areas. Every says they now hrve four vehicles powered with four-wheel drives that will take the special bait spreading equipment oer the rough, sandy desert lands, late last month, they were covering about 1200 acres r week. But. as cricket activity increases, they'll be able to do much more. Every says the cricket poison sodium fluostli cate is killing about 85 to 95 per cent of the crickets In the baited areas. Meanwhile, farmers have not been - jSEp $100 a Month for Life Ufal Tht Golden Years Plan giei you insurance protection now and a monthly income for life when you retire. Details will be gladly explained by any Standard Insurance representative. STANDARD I2VSUKAXCE Company LYNN HOYCROFT JULIAN ABBOTT BERNARD FETZER 412 Main St Klamath Falls 224. Shipments, to date, compare with 11.447 cars for the same per- i lod from the 1946 crop. I KARL CONCRETE BLOCK BONDEX W Tented. ligMfit'Raiht Add Color-Seal Out Moisture. BONDEX Does 2 Jobs at 1 low Cost Replace that "cold look" with a Bondex color that suits your taste. At the same time head off dampness. No skill needed. You can brush it on. 51b. pVg. mokes about en gallon, white (olgn iSgXIr hiotot Color Styling Ideas in the BONDEX Color Chart. Free, from... A B Paint Strt 1229 B. Main St. Bir Baain Limber Cm. Main and Spring Su. Balltlrrs Limber Ca. 2074 So. 6th St. J. W. Cap eland Tarda 66 Main St. Tulelake, Calif. Pjrock'a 1001 Main St. General Paint CorparaMaa 515 Main St. Goelfer'i Paint Wallpaper Store 434 Main St. Home Lumber and Supply Ca. 2324 So. 6th St Lake Ountr Hardware Ca. Lakevicw, Oregon Suburban Lumber Ca. 4784 So. 6th St. Swan Lake Moulding Ca. 3226 South 6th St. "VSWl&nSli BONDEX HYDRAULIC CEMENT PM used to be a time of day. But now, to millions, it means "Pleasant Moment?. . J. the smooth, mellow whiskey that's always the Perfect Mixer. , - the flavor that favors mil Promising MoodsJ 'n 1 I f 1 Ktiuul Dhlillm PnJmcH Crpr.hM, St Vent BlttueJ Tkuktf. 96 Prrf. 70 Grtin Kelr,l Spirit spreadinir mudi cricket bait yet, Hut, they'll be netting on the job soon, for the dunK'r season Is ap proaching. Every points out that cricket eiiul. tcatlon Is not a one or two your Job. It's toimh to gel rid of any Insect In festation ns liwise us the present cricket urea. Uut, where federal en tomologists have worked III the pus! they've been successful In reducing cricket numbers to a point where they're no longer a problem. Every points to linker. Wallowa, Malheur. Wasco and Jefferson counties as typical examples. Mormon crickets Preferred BY MILLIONS SO PURE, SO FAST, SO DEPENDABLE St.Joseph ASPIRIN NEW! ST.JOSEPH ASPIRIN FOR CHILOREM Ky to Ink. Haa ornnga flavor tliM a twvt toiu'uta I'hllit'iitAffte, ICiay to !vo. trtlUhWlBfor 36c Try itl were a nuisance In these counties one time, but they're no longer a problem. Columbia basin farmeri are look Ini foruurd to that Mime crlcket-lcss day In their own four-county iiiea. mahuv GRANTS PASS. May 13 i t'i- Ed ward l.unilbeig, tt'J, and Kllraueth Mue Colby, tin, both of Mrdfoid were married here Tuesday atler I'.oon by Justice of the Pence J. It. Mathews. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Nood Not Embarrass Many wrarvr of fnu tlrt h.vt tut rer,i! rval inlMirraMini.itl beoau,. 1I1.11 Dial. ttrtii.,l .Uoppu or vvablilrit at out Ihf wrons time. Do Itol live In rrar 1 thu haonrntnit to voti Jud Itrltlkle a lllll. I'ANTKKTH. IK. .Ik. Iln. inoii-a,Ut uowri.r on our ulate. ttolrta ralte mora firmly an lli.v f..l tnor oomfortabla, tltwa not .our t-'lirck.. "nlalr rnler" iilrtmir. lirrathi Oal lA8TKETH at any rliiis tor. Home Ec Professor Passes At Pullman PULLMAN, Wash., May lit Miss Cntlieilne T. lliyilen, nil, as sistnnt iii'olessor oi hmne econiimli's education at Wnslunnlim ttijito col lige for 30 years, tiled Wednesday, A unlive of Tybo, Nev Miss lliy tlt'ti hntl two degrees from I lie Uni versity of Idaho, where she was griidiinli'd In 1IIIH, nntl one from Columbia university. She also hntl studied at Oregon Htntc college and Chicago university. PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relief HON'T IlKI.AV ANY lOSdKKI Ntw, ft tlo' li'i a foiuutlH uu ton us At huii' t r'lio ill.troxHiutr of iinlu Hr li trillnlliin tltitt (it piU'r". T.Mntn tit tif tvit mi t nhrlnl ftwotlliitf, I w IIiIh iittn iln. litre formula. V.ui'll Im atinpl at lis ariu.n rt'Upf. Al( ynyr ilriiiiHiot ti.tfv fur Ttinrntnii Mtnr'a Itwlwl Olnt Mriil nr Htii'i"nttii 1 'Miir in trutttuua, For al ftl all Urug attttett. Hho wiin thn mitliur of a book on lu mc iTDiHiniitn in Hi miulfl a nxivliid pk-turo ou Dip MtUJiH't, HI ip wiin t ltrtUtMil I'oulitbtilor to inuHurinos, Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Pnfttnra iitr Titurklrtnr enntln II mllM nf ilnytiiliiirlllifri witlf)ilip u-iiurifrilt lilittxl md kp ytm hniUhr. Wlivit thr tirl mtt doit 't work riltt In tli Uvlim, nntii)f)ixtil ttAvittit Kt ui nliihti, Ktetitiml ori-anly lHnitmv' lln untrt Iiik mit httrnlna iiliiitllil iluttv thai la umpthliiC wriHi With your k.iliHy or blmlilwr, Dita't nultl ttilnroiiilMltinantl loativiluilil, rHitfulli Vtiinillonltrir kldnvy Cu net Ion iirmlU ttltiiitiiii iiiNitvr in rrmalit In yuur ulmnl. It iimyUii(Mti4itntrttliitf lmoki-ht itiniiutlii inhi, Irir pnlnn. In at pen atut Mrtrr awrllitiK. imllint ia Untisr tlia ajrna, liMilacbvi and illnthifsji, iKHt't wall I AtV your tlniff lit tr Pian'a Pill, a tllntuUtit tllurvtlit, uaml aiitrai(n1ly by liiiUlun rr ovr 0 jrw. lhn'm flva IilMy rrlUf anl will hl (ha 15 mla of iltlncy tiitM rttiRli itut pttUnnuua watla from yuur Muud. Ua( Doao'a I'tUa, It rnyn to I'm' 1 1 in Wunt-Atlrtl A madam, madltailly wnil W liaalmant thai fan ratilraiylla -HOT FLASHES? ,Ar?.T.ou ""'"I "'"l tmioininni mliUI .-auf iixtlixl iwiillar in ouiii- ii l.ill-nj sr..) I Iu.k. una ini.ko yu.l tirr.r tr.mi hot fni-l ,u rr. !'""" higli-airiing, ili...l Thru m ny Lull. K. I'lnkhain'a Villain I'uin. liminit to aih'h ayiniitmnn t I'llikhain a t'oiii,iiuiui al.n haa wlmi. Ducluia vail a touiaulilu uimu eninit I 1 LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S NEW LARGE SIZE Copenhagen V 'i" m& vh : I mmssau ll fissBB nrt.vicr.ivi i aaataaj a nr imiiaiii mmm II r 1 1 I """' I n.- Lie l I ee I ,mt nr J WJto master cask k ltWW3WW UANNId I til dC I mtHrmXJT I CIGARETTE L,GHTE.?U SSflfel Uth"r lfflt-'- R.D.X. LIGHTER I gI5 COMBINATION MfeH l& IS I TARLETS i Sllin iP Beautiful ehrom. flnl.h fZJl f -1 i K&lTK M . I TABLETS I LJ388 L2)(2DD CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES Whole maraschino cherrln, Hm mini In rich, delicious cordial. $1.00 Valu Pound Bex miff M aX UaVl I 59c nl ssstrri"n XI JJ li" vj 10c BOBBY PltlS. . . 6c Cleansing Tissues 23c 149 Clothes Basket 98c 4 oi'Nces PURE OLIVE OIL nil. ll 23c LARGE HI.C LISTERINE PONDS FACE n CREAM D. A LMder la IU Field ARRID DEODORANT The new eremm deodimant that aafely ttopa pertp I ration SrraMleaa does not rot or stain reeae or mea'a ahirta. Larp l.05-i Slzt 49c riM Taa. LADY ESTHER FACE POWDER gay Ravlon Lipstick 65c $1.00 The Choice of Thousand COLGATE RIBBON DENTAL CREAM Com ha to bad breatfh rereal til natural aparkle of your teeth. . eiini sii 4IC Una MM a1 TEEL KLEENEX LIQUID CLIANSINQ DENTIFRICE TISSUES SS- 39o Z 18c HMaHJLHa A POPULAR FAVORITE SALE-98C Hot Water Bottle . . S9c SALE-j-oz. Tincture Iodine ... 8c SALE"'OZ. Mercurochrome ... 8c SALE -79c Hospital Cotton . . lb. S9c SALE-39C Burn Ointment .... 2U HOUSEHOLD RUBBER GLOVES rata raf haada t a aa tmahn aa4 r)nti. PAIR 39' SALE"2Sc Zinc Oxide Ointment. 11c 12? HALO SHAMPOO -Tli ntm irxi'IkaJkne idiinMth- leavet no dulling film on hairfor normal, oily or dry hair. Kir 79c sr .... 49 SMITH BROS. DR. LTONS ! COUGH TOOTH (f 1 DROPS POWDER for 10c I 79c 1 155 ii EASTMAN DUAFLEX REFLEX CAMERA Tak.a U pirli.fM on t'l S9.49 film. ffvnrhronlfH for flaah KODAK VERtniROMB ROLL FILM Slu 127 27a 620 or 120 '.32o 616 or 116 43o RUBBER BATH i'JLWI... SPRAY Hat nan ranim mtlal ihnf r Jifail, ant a 4 uilattU (mil aaaafrllaa 59c BAYER ASPIRING Bnttle of 100 7So Valu l!kbi' VIlMilm Art Flftl Ckl VIGRAN CAPSULES Multiple vitamin earxulca. A diet aupplmmt for tfaa pr.TMi Uon of vitamin daficliai. 100 -C?" '2.89 .IG."i i T".V a'ic"o' ill - I1S.M rW) IAIIMAN VI0ILANT JR, ' FOLDING CAMERA Take I hill alt. pic tuna an 620 l film Kodet, Una in Dale flutter haa botli y. andwalit lrj view flndara, 20 .20 lr emim? i: 59f ntk B.B IALL POINT 1 PEN Oaalfnad ta fl?a la aimaal In kUnr antt la wrlllnf aa Twa lirllllaai aala nnfclnalla. ma raa aaa allMt. klaa 6q nr f u