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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1948)
HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MARKETS and FINANCIAL GRAINS BOOM AHEAD TODAY CHICAGO, May 12 WP) drains spurted under the lead of corn In active dealings on the board of trade today. Strength developed first In May corn, but later spread to all sections of the market. Most of the buying appeared to be covering by previous short sellers. Wheat closed 2tt-3'4 higher, May 2.47-2.47. corn was 3 to t higher, May $2.3214, and oat were IS to 3 higher. May $1.16-. There was no trading In soybeans. Wheat Open High Lew Clow May 2.44 "4 2.4S 2.44 2.47-3.47H July 2.32-',4 2JS 2.324 2.34-2.35 8epU 2.30 2J3H S.30 2.334 Dec 2.30K 133 ISO 2.33 Stocks Show Wide Trend NEW YORK. May 12 P Stocks turned In a skittish performance In today's market before steadying somewhat in the final hour. Selected Industrials showed sag' King tendencies from the outset. Losses were narrow, however, and many of these were trimmed or turned Into gains by late buying. The pace was somewhat under that of Tuesday, transfers totaling around 1.500,000 shares. Staying In lower ground were In. ternational Harvester, Sinclair Oil, iiiii mm Cosy to opptyi Fast-drying I f shiniog, loof luting colors for v wood, concrete. linoleum Soon. Protect m with tough QUICK STEP Kick it! Scratch it! Scrub it! Quick -Step comes out jnininf. $162 QT. 9H Gulf Oil, International Paper, Ana conda Copper and American Wool en. Santa T touched a new 1948 high. Others holding advances or climbing Into the plus division were U. S. Steel, Youngstown Sheet, Douglas Aircraft, Schenley, General Electric Westlnghouse Electric. American Can and International Telephone. Al Chem Se Dye 191 American Can 90 Am Pow & Lt 8; Am Tel & Tel 1544 Anaconda ,, 364 Atchison 109 Bendlx Aviation 35 Beth Steel 34 Boeing Airplane 25 Calif Packing 37 Canadian Pacific 15 Case J I 46 Chrysler 5S Comwlth A Sou 31 Consol Edison 234 Cons Vultee 13 Crown Zellerback 31 Curtlss Wright 7 Douglas Aircraft 63 Reynolds Metals .... Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Paelflo .. 27U 234 - 194 39 34 55 Standard Brands . 27 Standard Oil Cal 6S Studebaker Corp ............ 254 bunsiune Mining . io Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros Pic Westing Elec Woolworth 31 180 174 384 774 124 - . 39 44 'i POTATOES CHICAGO, May 12 (AP-USDAi Potatoes: total U. 8. shipments 791: arrivals 73: on track 269: suddII rather light: demand slow, market unsettled and slightly weaker; Ala bama Bliss Triumphs $5.00-50: Call- rornia long wmtes $5.30-6 00: Missis sippi Bliss Triumphs $5.00, old stocks: Maine Sebagos $4.15. Du Pon De Nem . General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodyear Tire Gt Northern Pfd . Int Harvester Int Paper Pfd Johns Manvllle Kennecott Long Bell -A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kemnator Nat Dairy N Y Central North Am Co Northern Pacific Pae Gas & Elec Pac Tel & Tel Pan. American Penney J c Radio Corn Rayonler Rayonler Pfd .1751; 37 - 38 56 44 - 47 96 - 584 39 53 26 - 60 17 27 164 - 15 25 - 33 .. 98 v, .. 94 . 45 . 12 . 30 . 34 General Paint Store (15 Main, Klamath Falls Cummins Hardware 4621 So. (th, Klamath Falls Favil West Tnlelake, Calif. Van Meter Hardware Malln, Ore. LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. May 12 lAP-USDAl Cattle, salable 150; calves 5: load lota medium-good steers and heifers absent; supply mostly grassy she-stock; market about steady: load low medium grassy 1000-lb. range cows $33.50. sorted at $23.50: dairy type $20.00 21.00: cutters largely $17.00-18.00. few canners $1600: good bulls $?6.00: medhim largely $33.00-24.00: common 900 -lbs. downward to $22.00: calf market weak, good choice quoted $31.00-33.00: common medium heavy slaughter calves $70.00-25.00. Hogs, salable 100: around 50 cents higher: few packages good-choice 180-230 lb. butchers $23.50: medium god sows $15.00-16.00. Sheep, salable 50: for three days spring lambs 50-75 cents lower: late Tuesday deck choice 97-lbs. spring lambs $25.25: numerous packages iresn slaughter ewes; medium choice $8.00-10.50. lambs) medium-good wooled lambs 23.00-50: common grades down to 19.00; good shorn ewes 11.00 down with one lot good 120-lb. 2-year-old ewes at 13.00. " i ' "a 'in II U iurvlvad by tlma of hta paaatng. hia wife, l.utvv uf Oils t-llv: ttuwt tlaiitth lira, Mr. Uabcll MadnU'k mid Mra, Klln Karram of Mode-to, I'nltt.. Mr. .i.iiiii lomitRiit- nt MtHnph.s, Tcilil two ioiii, Donald am! David of lit I'. S army. Tha rvmahta rl lit Ward a mamam runam. noma, M nigh Nnu of lha funeral arrangenianu Mill b m CENTURY Forced Warm Air HEATING SYSTEM Conversion Lo-Hiboy Furnac Cut Heating Costs As Much As 15 to 50 WESTERN OIL & BURNER CO. 182S So. 6th . Phone 3873 PORTLAND. Ore.. May 12 (AP USDAt Cattle: salable and total 50; calves 25: market very active, strong witn many sales 25-50 higher scattered lots good 932-1106 lb. fed steers 2900-31.00: medium grades 27.00 - 28.50: including Holsteins at common down to 23.00; com mon - medium heifers 22.00 - 26 00: canner and cutter cows largely 17.00-20 00: strong welahta un to 21.00: few shells 16.00 and below; iat dairy ty-e cows 20.00-22.50: med ium beef cows 23.00-24 00- noH h.f bulls 26.50-27.00. some held higher: co -imon-good sausage bulls 21.50 26.00. Good-choice vealers strong at 28.50-33.00. Including a 353-pounder at .UU. Hogs: salable 100: total 400: mar ket only moderately active, mostly steady ' poorer quality considered: extreme top 25 lower; good-choice 180-230 lbs. 24.00 to mostly 24 50-250-300 lbs. 22.50; few 165 lbs. 22 50 feeder pigs scarce: good-choice sal able 25.00-26.50; good 350-500 lb sows 18.00-19.00: 320 lbs. 19.50- 282 lbs. at 20.00; good 535 lb. stairs 17.00. Sheep: salable and total 200; mar ket active: fat lambs 50-1.00 higher no spring lambs offered, quotable upward to 25.00 or above: one large lot strictly good-choice 98 lbs with No. 2 pelts 24.25 (new high for fed NOTICE Good Sandy TOP SOIL $1.50 per yard PHONE 2-0327 AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FRACTIONAL HORSEPOWER GENERAL ELECTRIC MOTORS l4-l31234H.P AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY KLAMATH MACHINE 8 Locomotive Works Spring & Elm Mill Supply Dept. Phone 5141 NEW! (NOT REBUILT) FOR CARS AND TRUCKS CHEVROLET REPLACEMENT ENGINES Wa cm replace year wara-aat, rs wasllnr cnclne wllb a eemplsta new cjllndrr block and warklnf aarta . . . a lacterr-aaaemblca: aswsr alanL. HEBE'S WHAT TOD GET: New crllnaer lit alstsiis 'lack ana tinea .h.'lt" '"" N w tlmina ' fant tad stars ! $20 per Month ASHLEY CHEVROLET Marrlaca I.tcanaaa HANSON-HKST--Math Fredrick Hun on, 4, (armor, native of Orv.nt. mi dnt of Long Crawk. Or. Vol ma Juii tw, in. naiiv of Washing ion, rl uvni nr Klamath rlli. HUMKI.IIAHT-THONAS JantM Vr numeinart, xi. aiinan. natlva of South Dakota. mt.Wnl of Klamath rallt. J run ianoyo Tnomaa, IB, atmo raphi-r, nattvt of Ncbraaka, realdtnt u( Klaiualh r atia. CamnUlnti OWfm AdlUmllllttlil Kn.-lia v- Mar man lj. LKtiaani. um to obtain paymrnt. At torny for plaintiff. K. F. MfUrn. F. D. Thornton va. K. D. Hoiucakir. suit to obtain paymt.t. At turn) for plaintiff. VI. S. Dalantin. K. Uwtw va. H. W. Witaon. ault to obtain pa.vntnt. Attorney fur plain tiff, L. Orth Slivmora. Matvl la Wtlltama va. Thomaa C WiU llama, ault for dtvorva. Charar. cruel and Inhuman treatment. Couple mar- rira juiy iu. in Spokane. Wrt, Plaintiff aaka rttoratlo of maiden name. Marcclla Me er. Attorney r.r piainiui. l lay ton j. uurrvll. Baulah A. McCulloch va. William Loren McCulloch. suit fur dtvort-e. .narge, cruel and Inhuman trvatntent. Couple marricil Aiauat Id. l&tl. in Seneca, Or. Plaintiff aaka custody of two minor children. tlW uer monih support, property settlement. Attorney ur piainwii, J, U Ieill. ElUabeth Lawler va, Clifford D. 1 ler. ault for divorce. Charge, cruel and innuman treatment. Couple ni4rrid May US. in SaInaw, Mich Attor ney tor lay ton j. Burrelt jMsiire tauri Hiramer R. Hobblna. no license. tne )'dla Jane Knotta. net nnaratiir'i licenser, r ine so w. Lydia Jane Knotta. four In front t rina $5 iW. -ioya a. rnuiipi. tnadeauata emere. invv oraae. rint John Hrnry Brown, running atop alarn. Tine Gerald William, running atop sign. Fine W 50. Howard Thoma Kelllson. Inadequate emergency brake. Fine S-.SO. Howard Thomas Kelllson, no warning Julea Verne Napier, running atop atgn. Fine 30. Henry Fred Butts, running atop algn. Fine W W. Eric Stanley Gilberg, paaalng on hill. Fin K M. Leater Thorn paon Neraeth, running stop sign. Fin K W. Shirley Brt Hamilton, running stop sign. Fin (3.30. Charles Edward Dover, no operator's Ucrna. Fine S3. 30. William White, drunk on highway. Fine SIS. Joahua Foster, drunk on highway. Fine 1S. Grant Otto Thomas, no llcns plates. Fin 30. Ivan Wtnfred Shaffer, running stop sign. Fin S3.30. Tommle L-un Abner, running atop sign. 3.30. Fred Cecil Hollcman, overload. Fine, 30. Elbert Eckhoua. overload. Fin 19. Jea James Arnold, overload. Fine 931.30. Edgar Thomas Row, no PUC permit. Fin $10. MUNICIPAL COURT RECORD Charles P. Scott, drunk. 10 days. Terranc J. Kelly, drunk. 10 days. Art A. Bakkila. drunk. S10. Clay Whi taker, drunk. S10. Gilbert Copperfield. drunk. 20 days. Fred Slusher. violation of doc ordi nance, $3. Edward D. Loftaaaard. violation of doc ordinance. S3. E. Palmer Dixon, drunk: 30 days. Tom W. Huff, drunk; StO. John M. Clay, drunk; S10. Walter Smith, drunk: S10. ' Wood row Anderson, drunk; 910. Wilbur Harrington, drunk; 30 days. Jay Duffy, drunk; 910. Carl Carlson, drunk: 10 days. Oscar H Zimmerman, failure to stop 1 at stop sign, 93. IHANK At'Ot'NT AN HUH HON Frank Annual Aiuletnon, a -rtdciit for the paat 3i yitara. Mcd aw.iv In this city ou WediWMlay. May 111. M at fl la a- m. ne was a nutlvo of Mill ma Mwetlen and vvna acid 70 years ami atl days at the time of hla pawing, lie Is aurvivra uy Hire mina. Eric ami Clrorge of thla city, Harry of Portland, Or ; two iiuiii.-imj, ira. nrien iainain of litis city and Mrs. Kulh Whll of Plotievr v ant.; aiso M grAiidchlldrvn. in rrmaina rest in Want a Klamalh ritnvrai noin. iim inch Notice of the funeral arrangements will b announced later. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF IIKtHINtl ON MNAl. Art'tM'N r NOTICE IS MF.lltnV GIVEN thai I nava flli-d my rtnal Arrmml In lhi mat lar of tha antala i S. U WOdDAIIIl. (, arid (ha I'trvult Courl ha. al Sniurday, tha JJnd day nf Mav. 1II4H. al lh hour nf Ian nYKx'k A. M. Itv Ilia (Iitii1I Cnurl HiMtni of tha Klamath Counlv Court noma. Klamath rail.. Orcson, aa tha llnta and ttlai-a Tor haar In of axecptton, and ohlaotlona lo aald rinal Account. If anv tltara ha WOOnAltl). Exarutrlx nf lha E.tata of S. L. WOODAKU. IVcaaaail A 14 31111: M S.ISNo, M. CLASSIFIED RATES One day 3-day nm .. 3- day nin 4- dav run Writ run Vnth nr word 4o per word Hr per word lie per word l.V . er word IV Ada received by 1 p. m will appear Mine nrriuxMi m iew itHiay" column. Mew Today WANTED DEPAHTMKNT MANARm for men's fiiriil.hine li.riiiiMii r. cellent starting salary with fine chance tor advancement, net started now with la rite company offering a permanent career with many extra advantages. Experience In this Un of merchandise Is necessary Write Box 14fl. nra llaral.l. News. They'll Do It Every Time sMrW i n- ea-s By jimmy Hatlo K tBzfcsr-.-;ri J-ill V aamag AND I IE H IE GUY WHO KlCKHD VM-IEAI Wt BURNED LEAVES LAST FALL- AH tMTial iW Like overtime wine J leaves last fau :. f we leftoor nice AK$Ez? IS, , ,( I 3J &-.xZj&&4G VtMiN THE PE6lrJNIN5 OF A W V I IJCtJifMfA BEAUTIFUL SUMMER -tr H- 1 1A-4T-I 1 I A-V -ar S.'' iriL ni lu rvi lis X'A' j MR MRS CilL BGAtXtn I t1 DRttkniVw-tri i Aiu N fud a STATK VETERAN 3-room home and halh. part basement. furnace. Has nice view. S.UKto. Can lie hantlted on stale Gl loan wllh a very ii casn payment and long term con tract. VETERANS ATT1TVTION" We have a 4 -room molern house wllh basement, furnace, 9 lane lota. 93000. May bw handled on Gl loan. Nice S room motem home, located on one-third acre. Irrigated. 5-room modern home, located on one- nau acre. i-art basement. Iniulated. oia 01 ansae, mm tree and berries, INCOME PROPERTY Three apartments and 3-room modern home, located on a corner lot. Near ous stop. We have a W-room hotel with dlnlm room and tavern, on Crater l-ake hi ah doinc nice business. Can he han aiea on reasonable cah payment, bal on ionj term coniraci. R. P. OLIVER. REALTOR Salesmen: A V. MrVey i3t)J Bob Ross Ag-nes M Oliver Steve Mfwa iftlurJi Duran Brett MB N. 8th Phones 4710 or 7177 TAPE and die, larce set. for sale Stan nartj tnread. Phone 7333 v- nines. fOH SALS'. 1M1 nuick aedan; 1D47 mo tor' radio, heater, new tires. See Klamath View Auto Court. SPECIAL NOTICE TO riTZSIMMONS Born at Klamath Val ley hospital, Klamath Tails. Ore., May 11. 194S. to Mr.' and Mrs. Wayne Fltz simmona, 3061 Eberlaln, m girl. Wclfht, a pounas a ounce. LAY Bom at Klamath Valley hos pital. Klamath Falls, Ore.. May 11. 11H8. to Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Lay. 3323 Harlan drive, a boy. Weight. 6 pounds 6 ounces. ROGERS Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falls, Ore.. May 11. ltH8. to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roarers. Box 5. Tulelak. Calif., a girl. Weight, 7 pounds 14 ounces. OBITUARIES DAVID BENST WECCH David Henry Waeeh, a realdcnt for tha paat 20 years, pasaed away In thla city on Wednesday. May 12. IMA at 7 20 a. m He wai native of Utah and waa afed 68 years a months and 29 daya at lha 410 SO. 6th Phone 4113 Mortgage Loans Hasinas, Property Borne, Apartment, Stock Ranches Long term, low Interest rate. Prompt Service. Prepayment privileges. No brokerage. Monthly payments. Including principal and Interest, as tow a S6.M per thousand. Howard Barnhisel Aalhrlsest KrAker for FrvdsntJal Insnranc C. IIS le. A Pliant 4 ItlA John Deere POTATO PLANTERS Two and Four Row With Fertilizer Attachments SPfied Uniform Plaeementi Proper Fertilization Careful Covering Large Capacity Hoppers Light Draft In 36-Inch row,, with tractor traveling at SH mile, per hour, about 30 acre can be planted In one 10-hour day with the double "Twin-Twelve" Four-Row Planter. Brown Equipment Co. "Your John Deere Dealer" KLAMATH FALLS AND LAKEVIEW PHONE 3 6 8 1 CLIFF YADEN'S SIGNAL' SERVICE STATION South Sixth and Midland Road IS AGAIN MAKING DELIVERIES ON ALL ORDERS OF Pres-to-logs We Give S & H Green Stamps On All Sales PHONE 3 6 8 1 aliVaa, SOUTH SUBURBAN HESIIJIC.NTS i St. Franc It. Park. Summers Lane Wiard or Homedale Districts. I hiv prosp4rtlv bf;er for 2 or 3bd ronm horn. Mul! be In good con dltlon. wllh concrete foundation Any one navtng sum, piai contact MARK R JOHNSON Salesman. Suburban Offlc WESLEY M. SHAHIM.r.S. REALTOR Arrows from Swan Lake Mould ine Co 3333 S. 6th. Phone 73U3 cevenlnga 3-07 43 1 HAVE GOOD INCOME PROPERTY For Sale VALUABLE CORNER LOT. only 1 block from Main t., near Dustnrsa center, Good monthly incom from rentals. to S15.000 will handle, depend inaj on terms of deal. fOR SALE, automatic floor furnare and atorant tank. Call 4773 evenlngl. WANTED, ridrrlr man to look after cattle. Call 4flft7. t)R SALE"1037 rord dump" truck. $3BS, f none tnn. CARPENTER "saw tUd hyhand Oood work done. 3133 N. Oak. Phone 4H03. SUMMERS 1.ANE AUCTION MART SUNDAY. MAY 10 13:00 Noon There U strong demand for food fur- nllure. also milk cows, calves, feeder pigs, poultry and rabbits. We can handle more at our sale. Attend our auction and consign what you have to a 11. Sal every Sunday. C. C. SAMPLES. Mgr. COL. SWK5ART. Auctioneer FOR SALE Model B coup, with box' Call ROM after 6 p m. 60-ACHE FARM on" the Mrrlll"hlgh war! with modern home. Excellent joca Uon. $2.1.000. Terms, OMO down. EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR 121 N. Rth St. Phone S4M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Cleanlng-Presa Shop for sale. Extra well equipped. 4 year established. Good business. Good prices. All cash and carry. One-day cleaning service. Good and permanent location. Othr business forces me to soil. Price :iH75, R. D. Ruasard. .V3 E. flih Av., Albany, Ore. Phone 728-R, rOR SALE:19M Studebaker'Commander! 4-door, new tlrea, radio, heater, ex cellent condition. BU5. Phon M27. 1010 Jefferson. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Equity In 1937 Olds. Radio, heater, spotlight. Phone Auction' Every Wednesday Night" 7:.10 P. M. HAH AUCTION MART Wneui I good davenport and chair. 1 good table ana rnairs. also heavy chrome chnlra and many other articles, Bring your iiema tor saie. Col. Fred Howard. Auctioneer Phnna 04 ID COST:" Lady's yellow goliT'wrlstwatch band, on Main street, between Gas Co, and Pelican cafe, last Friday about ft p.m. Phone 2-0237, Reward. FOR SALE: Trailer House, 2.1 ft Stream line tandem axle. Electric GE refrlg era tor and water heater, shower, bu tane heater and modern range. Full bed and daveno. Closets, kitchen cabinet, etc. I22&3. Call 700H or a at 2111 Eberleln. I SIAMESE KITTENS, papers and Inoc. Call .K)l week daya or Ilox M7, Malln. YOUNG MAN wants part time work afler school and Saturday. Call 2 02HO, SEVERAL GOOD OPENINGS for women who want a permanent, posi tion wllh excellent atari! n salary and Rood working conditions. Experience In selling or office work preferred, HEARS ROKHUCK & CO. Mower Shop imvi;r (At Greenhouici) .1614 8. Bth. Phonra 0336 and 9340 Fri-e DrllvcrT Hnwari by Wire Funeral Deslgna Our Kpeclally "SPEEDY" By H. E. Hauger INVrTETO SMASH lrTHOC. MAPPBtVI THAT (5ED TH PARACHUTE 1 Rttn&wr mi -mswv irJFiv, FOOM NCWON ru. AT1CK TO HAUGfC rT COOO AMD SAFE ANO I woT have to wouuv now x ltT DOWN mtWC: 4wt,ie 1946 BuIck 56 SerIes 2175-00 1941 Dodge Sedan 1275.00 ipeclals: 1941 Ford 2-Door . 1245.00 1939 Nash 2-Door 875.00 NEV AOA STREET 4 rooms, full iMaemcmi, large lot. good artiKii sou, sutn luiltltur. 4.1750 UO. Terms. CONGER AVKNI'E Irg well built liunie, 4 large bedrooms, largo living room, fUeplac. oil (urnat-e, service porch. hU of aturag space. Hcautiful grounds. Terms. ST FIIANCLS PARK t-arge 3 bcKtrtMtm tiUMlcrn, fireplace, hard wimhI floors, mriwr lul. Vry nlc htNii. 111.300 00. Trims. ALT A MONT DRIVE One half acre. I room houae Clna In on bus line. litno mi cnah or terms. Itap Caldwell. HIM Nelsun Salesmen wllh Nri,SON HKAI. ESTATE Aral tor 1M1 So. fith Phone S7fl3 or 4U18 FOR SAIJS: ItHt PontUe Torpedo sedan. vcellent condition. Also new Cit-Iay cabinet railto-phunograph comblnatluii. Call a-l)ofH. FOR SALE '2 Model A. 2 Chrvaler aedan, 1130 each. 4117 Aitamotit. Phon i HtHJ. FOR SALE " SmarL tniHlem' 9 tut ratlloa. excellent lone, plenty of vol uiur. available In d odors for only 14 Mi See at Walker Oil Company. 142 East Main. HAVE YOltH GAHDEV "plowed th ItnlotUler way. Phone 4411 bfur 5 p. m. or call at Avalon. FOR SALE: I0:L1 Chevrolet c-.ufe. rebuilt motor, exrellrnt nilter Also a T fl. 2 wheel trailer. 7.10x1a si ply ltra. Phone Nick, al 77M. EQIMTY FOR SAI.Et IK4 Chev trMck Llk new. Van lody One block to the right off Altantont. xtM Hoard man. Can b seen any time. 12 I1ASE ACCORDION Will sell for t-V) or trade for rifle or sewing rnai-hln. Write Ilox 23.V Spragu River, Or. TOR SALE' .)0 head feeder hog. 20 head or rattle at public auction bv the Farm fltireau at Anderson, Calif.. Wed neaday. May 10. Cattle sale at 10 DO am. hog hale at 1 oo p m. Hogs graded and sold In truck load lota. Cattle sold Individually by the pound LOST, female German shepherd puppy, black with gray chest, nerk and feet. This puppy Is sick and requires special car Child's pet Return to 3M Pin or phone 42MS Reward. fOH SALE. 4-room furnished hou ' V, acre, $20M, 11150 Arthur, or phon STRAWnERRV PLANTS- Hardy Gms, ine oesi everoearing. (.all between P a m. and J p m. Look lor algn, 1010 summers NEEDED ItY COMMUNITY PLAYERS, any tytw men's and woman's cliiiliintr Sulla, hats, overcoats, dreisea In partod of 102U-IU25. Fleas rail Mr. Georg mills. rti7 or 72U7, or Mrs. Charl t. MrNin, ojia. VACANCY at HameI"Aprtmnts. FOR LEASE, fi room bouse, close In. ror information, phon 4.U2. WANTED to leas, with option In buy" 3-hedroom suburban horn. Phun WANTEO-T(T"liHJY.fooiI llghi'ladl' saddle Phon 7427 aftar d m. WANTED, aid delivery rack. In good snape. oeorg rerniund, HI. 1, )ui nnnanis. urn. CHtXJHETED flED.SPREAD. sweetheart neign. popcorn siitch, loo. Phon 4.U1.1. or 41U N. Bth. vVaNTKD to rent, on or ' 3 -bed room nous, rurnished or unfurnished reoponslbl middle-aged coup I. Phon S7IH HiJtl CfinVSLER sedan, good running cooumon t-rice Altamunt unv. rmme unn. WALNUT HOPE CHEST 2 drawer 4(1. men long, regular prlc reduced LUCAS VlIHNITtJHE. 105 E. Main FOR SALE, modern 2 -bed room home, utility porch, large fenced-in front yarn, jawn ana sbrubbery. Furnished, 1:1750 Phone 2-OUHi. or call at 12J i-ersning way. VTiM Aai r lll-lll "a,k.u...t. .. ' .mj aown. w per week. t225 full prlre. nl M nth Hi. lhnn :ulvi FOR SALE. tu:i5 Chevrolet aedan. runs goou , aoa aown, an per week, tans full price, won n, um ht. I'hun JO0. SniS'rsir equity" In v30 Dulck coup. trow ei umi .rescent. WISH to take car of child In my horn' Phone 71132. INDI.'STRIAL sit in Boseburgr Or;, " i. nignway ironiage, excavated, on railroad. Ideal for factory, ware house, or aulo court, sewer runs full length of lota; Includes fl'i-roorn motiern nouse. 1'rlred reasonable, by owner. Writ lo 0M Prospect St., Rose burg, Ore., or call Mr. MrRoherts, Wilinrd Hole), Wednesday night, this COUPLE rleslres 4-room houa fur msned. IMJ77 svinlno FOR SALE, 3 bedroom housed not new. in uucrw visia, on mil a nova niam ath Lake. Extra lot Included. Total 1 2100. 1132 W. Orevon Av FOR those summer camping. " fishing ou vHiiuun irips, seieci your port able from Derby's Music Co. IICA Victor, Zenith and Motorola, priced frnrn V2.1.IK). Phone 45111. WANTED, receptionist, young lady be tween 21 and 30, must b re to travel. See Errol Pendleton, Taho Suidlos, Wlnema Hotel, Thursday, May 13. le t wean 7 n.m. and fl n m. FOH SALE, llluetag Gem potatoes. E. C. Sihwcitrer. Tnlelake. Phone 4.'I43, "OLD AT 40. 50. 60?"" MANf- You'r crazy. Thousands peppy at 70, Out rex Tonic Tnblels pep up bodies lacking Iron, For rundown feeling many men, women call "old." New "got acquaint ed" al ONLY 50c. At all druggists In KlHtnalh Kails at Walgreen and Whltmiin Drug. FOR SALE, l40"Dode panel." first- snape. ore at ine uiner, Oak and Spring. lll4rcHKVROLETplckup.CaII at 228 S, fllh. rOlt SAT.R, gentle sarldl mar" and yearling colt. 1054 NlmiU. Phon n:i4. WE CAfnow order'you iT grandfather viock, prircn ni wvm, siw, 70. LWCAS FIJHNITIIHE HtK r. M..n fOH RENT, redecorated 4-room cottag. wood stoves. No children. Call be- '.."J!..''. ?nf 7 P m t 5250' Tirlatol, WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE, a nr 4-lttiiMini house. Tup rent. Perma nent. Phone IMtU, Ulsliict Manager, Whllehoiiae Co. 1 Mooting Not Icei 10 Sorvicet i.onor MrrriNo KVEMY TIII'MHIIAY anil titltuilon awry ftMiilli Thuistlay. W C. IIOOITII. 1010 I'm. 1 Macralary KLAMATH CHAPTEM No. 35, Royal Arch Masons, nir -t. log Wednesday. Mav 12th I7M pin. Mark Mmier Irgie will lt conferred and all Companions ln Vllrd. "Aloha " Chapter ' No 51 O E S. Will hold Slated meeting at the Masonic Temple, Tuesday, May 1 1 at H p in, All itioiiilrer and visitors ar Invited In attend Alma 11 Getr. Worthy Matron James II Hunter, Worthy Patron 2 Lost and Found LOST Mark notebook 7V x 4'." Itn . porta nt mlislotiary n.iles Call .lUit 6 Pertonolt DA R TENDS n and worker for summer and fall Percentage basis and guarati- MEN Ke th fine selection of Regent Park man s suits at Hudy's. WW Main 8 Transportation EXCAVATING Mobil Hhovrl unci Trimch III J llullilntrr Kill Dirt TuiMotfl, Drlvrwuy C'lnclrra CHANK HKItVICB GRAHAM BROS. I'hiiiie on New Method Rug and Furniture Cleaners Mail mutlrrn plttnt In Sauthfrn Urritmi. Wull (a wall ran! clean, ctl In yuiir lutnir. Cnniilr( Imur mice. I'lmiir 4411 MM fjipUimda PROFESSIONAL 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Fully Iiuurrd "Our KxiM-ilrnro la Your I'rolocllon" I'lIONE 3479 Mother ond daughter, 2 years old, want round trip ride to Yankton, South Dakota, or nearby during the month of May. Will share expenses. Mrs. John Erekstol, V o c a -tional School. Tor ll.avy H.ullnf. Crana or Wlnt-h wn,k. call 77111 KLAMATH rilKKIIIT LINKS lul Klamath Ava. 10 Service! Su re YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE or SALARY And On YOUR CAR $50 00 tc $300 00 $50 00 to $500 00 And Repay From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP 107 N. Stll 81. Lie. 8291 M223 Plume 7711 Tom O'Dwyer, Mitr. SEPTiCTANKSCLEANED NcwMt Snlillury Method Alio ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clcnnn Bewcr I.Iiim of Root, I'M. Phnne 0841 nr 3iS0 KD II. KINO FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER 14:iJ Miirlln Htrrrt Phon M77 WIMK1W f l.(tANINahoma ami n. ntnn-UI Isnltiir saork . Ialnla4 walla rlaannf. ri'Hiti rranl and waaatf. , JfcSNE Mt'llllAHD a, HUNal I'liiHia 7o7a nr a7 rt.onn HANDING and raflnUhlntf. Nurntait rralav, fhaaM Ur WINC ,l,r..m.Vini" and Itaratlana. I'tiona a (TJ7U AI'TO INSMlANrr. holnrraaaaK ralrs Wltllani N. (lias, Towar Tha ali llhla IMiuna Tjad. (iAIllirN l-l.llWINd. harrowing 4la ma ava llltlwa I'hotia alMl. LAWN MilWrMl hCKVItT. harpanln; and irisalrtnf. rull stM-h at narl k Nrw hand and pt.war nmwsrs. TarmaP. If MoUrNHAMm HJU'AIN Mill If ill I Main Loral and linff Daunrs Wovlna. I'raltna, Paihlna and atnrafa KI.AMATIt tllCKillT Ph.ina T7II1 lul Klamath Ava. I'l.iiWINtl. During "or Harrowing, gar dan or arrraaa. No lul, loo larga or too small. Maynard Kmlth, aJlg Win tnr aw lhima 7U4. Al.'l I'M A I'll INH. ladlVtallnringWorai tfiiarantrrd Sl:n t'nttaga Phona aaaM. hi iiv itr.PAin miop Hawing Marhlnaa and Uwnmowflf Ph.nia ikllB aj.ll llllrard. KUmalh falla r:.1ICNINO. drsumaklng. allarallons. t;rara l'-ay, phona lla7, Pallcaa Tliralra AiU. For Ambulance Service Phone RMO 24-Hour Service Anywhere Anytime Kaler's Ambulance Service (New Cadillac) Fertilizer and Dirt NOW III the time to put It on new and olrl Inwnx, flowers mid gurden, Alo InndnciipliiK. J. A. WEST Phone 2-08UA Kl.ttTMrV VOWH HKWINd MACHINR Motors and Itithta t:in.iai rraa inaiauaiion astimaie Urnlslird In avanrn. HINCER SEWING MACHINE CO IP. Main Phonr IU02 WKI.I. Dlin.LINU. Jena h. Andcrsan, 3.131 Whlta. KVANH CAH1NKT HllflP HIT E. Main I'hnna Mm 1 MocHng Notice! KI.AMATir YMAA AKIMK No. 2tm RrKnlnr m 1 1 n k mvtiry Tilntdny nlflhl 7:4fl p. m., r. O. K. jfr.nmu, mn ana wNinut. TiOxZfy VUltlnt mfmlwn cordially tnvltcl. n FLOWER SHOP 4JOMHIN WOHt MMtrS447 ni'lillil; PICTUHR FIl AMINO Cameo Shop, 7.17 Main. Phonn MH7. WIG r0 HKMHTITC1IINO," lfeyf. of cotmn, IM .vii, for mm. Art Nccrtlo work Hlinp. "A2H Main, iiilln. tt.MKH HMITII Crinrnl cnnlraclor' I'honr 4it:in. zmn paitrmnn. I!ANO TliNINd nnl rrpnlr. Unvi- ymir plann (nnifl at If-nM nnco a yrnr. I'hona Jim J I m it r uon, rpllrrrel litnrr, 2'(M7II. CtlltTAINH r.AHNDRIIP.I), pickup anil iiillvtry. Phono 411(1)1, PAJNTINCl. Inlrrlnr and rxlrrl-.r." Krin- IhnhiK. II, I., Ill own, phona 422(. fiHICK I.AVINCi-10.14 lllffh. DK'KSON rilHNITIIHK N1IOP IfpliuT ttertnn, reflnlihlMif, rrpnlrlntr, RprliiKfl rirnnilllloned. Phono 4.117. ..(HI Btianla Way. KLRfDPTW 12 Educational l WOULD I-lKf to ulk lo rlihl.mi whn wnuld Ilk lo Ualn In imf IJm I.. lrirn wvlilinc. ntcial work, Bpray polniliig a iwlalrd l auto iHtdy and frnilrr repaint), hnuld m mtH-hanl rally Inclined, will not lniarfr wllh yniir toll Vrttrtaiu and civlllana. For In form.. I Inn alx...! thla training writ al oner, giving nam, aildrcaa, mgm, and wniktntf hotira Aniu-rraria Training, llx I. III. raia )iralil-Nwt. IIOOKKKKPINO. Htiurthand, T y p I n fT Kindrrd iilJirU, nffir marhlnaa. KLAMATH IlL'NINCH.I CO.t.r.K 7.1.1 Pinr Phnna 4T) VOK K A.NIi PIAVO INHTHIICTIOH Hhotla Ann Mr own I.a4ma at atu denti horita ur at tudlo. Phona for IMtinltnenl, 32M or laav mtiMIl at 7.1 in 14 Help Wanted. Femala IN'I'KKVlKWr.ll and Itt-prvtunlatlva'i Utanl wantpit fur potlllnn In local nvrrnrnrrtt ngvnvy. Mint b vrl rmril and raiiahla of tnaatlntf puhlto. (.nod salary. Contact Mr. Cook. Thura dav morning, Hi mm 3u4, Wllllla Blrtg. WANTKI): An pMtrlsnrfd mlddlaagad ho(ifki-rrr. Muit havt rafarancaa. Phnnr :oia WAN'IKO l)lnhigronm raihiar. mtut ?..""'." .J" .,l"- Apvi)f ln P',ln Wllliiid Wot !. WANTF.I. rar hup. Apply "In prmon wniua urive-in. pio iihona call. WANTKI) - Woman tor Imumwork rata oi one rhlld. Writ Uoa rart iirrain and Niiwi, AI:.S(;IL Wantrd -Duato.ncraa.ea lilialnrai. wit nrrd another ulmifl ail at in M, miMliricalloiifl ara naf anil in icwlnil nr mnvlmia traintna ri.u.rf aalniy Paid vurnllon and enmpany r llrriiirnt plan. Iix.ulra Mr, llall, Mgr. 4 in n .m p m. SINdKIl HKWINO MACHINR CO. 4111 Mnln Klamath FalU (.ADIKS Optxtrtunify avallahla how; perannnl riunlifirnlloni mora dailrahla than liiialtiraa hack ground. Phona ?U3? ! lo 7 p. in. HUH' WOHIlVINfJ""almutmonoy-you can Rppnd with rnnndrrnca whan you ari rurnlng a atrady Incoma aa rapra ipnliiliva of finllnnally faniotn coa niflln hoiiaa. A few opening north pari uf iiiwii npnn now. Wrlta Avon blilrlrt Manngar, 4M W. 10lh, Eugana, Ofcgnll. WANTKII, nilddlr fiKPtf woman to cr for rhlldrrn. 14.1(1 Canliv Nt. ISXPKllIKNr Firwaltraaa naadrd'lmma- nmiriv. Uiiod wngaa, room, board. ( nil ('rca-I)rll (.udga, rollacl. WANTKI) An f xpnrlf nrtd 'waltraaV. I,och l.cvun l.oftgp. Call BUM bat waa n 10 n. in nml noon. 16 Holp Wanted, Mai Retail Opportunity ApiillnncB mileiimiin wanted. Tin eurnliiKn npiiortunllleii are excel lent. Permanent position. Annll- caiit nuiHt bo cxnerlcnced nd nliimld bo local resident. Montgomery Ward Otli nt Pino v Phone SIM WANTKII ho..- Wl. nnnnHnli'l. Cull for llnh; TfUUNU MEN Il.2i1 t. Prrn In Irnvel, wastprn alataa, Naat apW ppiininra nssenlliil. Immarllata axpansaX ailvani eil t'jim monih avarsaa aarnlnis. Apply In pprsnn. MKB Mil. ROnEIITnnrl 710 P. M. KAI1I.Y HOTCIi WANTKII Two (Iral-clasa reaehanlai; ..up w,,ii man. naa aarvica aunafar nl Itiniaii Mnlor Co.