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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1948)
HTRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THIRTEEN , 30 Rial Eitot For Sal 1: CITY HOMES Fulton St reef . l-l)(ii1rKim aliuro hniiio with miv- I Ire ponll. (.'iilii'lrln fciuiullitlmi, ! furiiurc, hiuilwnntl (loots (tint hi i In 111 lliiolnuin uiul Kin nun, Miiy ' tMko Cll limn. IMIUU UihhI terms. k . i r- i ,m iNorrn iecona ', i. 4 rooms mid Imtie uIiium'iI-Iii puri li; ' I 1 bcdioiana, I'Di nrr lot, close In, !j j nil irnvruiiniil. (.'imi ri'ln oiiixliitlon, ; pint Imm'Nii'iit, Kiiliiur, vciii'llnn J lillmln; cxi client locution. IMHJU. i.jjjTrriiu. Roscway Drive "'. 3-bri1riHm, Willi full liiinriiirnt I ' llnrdwiHMl floora, (livpliur, ilH'd I ' f nrtin-. minute Clinw to school, j i Price IIU.160. Terms. Esplanade h I rooms, rxi'iillrnl locution, fire . place, hardwood floors, lull Imsc I '. nicnt, very unit mid clean. $H&U0. ; j- Term. l l Harriman Street S 5-room m.Monry home; 1 beatiil- ' tul liindscniird luU: 6 blocks (nun ! i arliool. Kllll basement Willi Blllo- ; niallo plc. funmce. 111,600. Terms. 'h SUBURBAN Delaware Street I rooms. Modern, concrete foimda tlmi. Ijiriio utility porch; one-third acre, mid Karaite. ei'f&0. Terms. ft ronnil. H acre eulnled. CIikkI basement. I'lrnty uf ' bullt-lns. $7260. Oood terms. Derby Plastered and in- Bristol I bedrooms, one-third acre of rood loud. Hnrtlwuod floora. furnace, (anise mill fruit room. Hevcrnl up- pie trees. I7IIM. Terma. ' ; R. P. OLIVER , f RKALTon r Halesmen: " A V, McVey iWMi Hub Rom JM2 : Amies M. Oliver, Hleve Moae lOJOol . i Ilorun Hietl "J-oui:i $2 N, tli Phoiira 4710 or 7177 ; FOR SALE .'; l-bedrnom modern home on J.I rrr. one hlork from city limit. cue year old. concrete foundation. plastered, $J2U0. terms. acre plus In l.kes!iore Oardens. " Ivel. excellent toll, drained, free ' Irrigation, 11000. Grocery nd Meal Market In Tu Juwa. Calif. Oood bulnea, won derful climate. KIJO0. Ml acrea on Merrill hlrhway, no f buildings. Irrigated, excellent land. now In clover, haa not been In I poUloea for three yeara. Tree from w; ilaeaa. Possession after harveal. ' 113.000 terma. 30 Real Eilata For Sal DROP IN At 1016 Main St. Inspect Our Pliotographi And Lot Uj Tell You About Or Show You Our Complete Range of Homes Hmilli Huh'.irb: 1-yeiir-nld, J-bed- rixiin, 'ft ncre. I'll Id). MudlRoii; 1 acre. S-brdrrxim home, luU uf oulbullillnua, 75()0. Alliimniit: 3-lx-ilrixiin, furnlalied, vihxI Urina. MbOO, lluuit'ilule: Very large 4-bedrooni, comer lul. Hf00. I'uiulre Tile: Urund new, large lot, brnutlfiil home. IU1M. Duplex: Uixxl lucutlun, excellent In come. IIU.MH). Curnlahed: 4-rtxun, modern, all new furniture. Clood terma. t370O, Nearly New: A beautiful home In an excellent lix'ntlnn. Fireplace. Venitllnn blluda. limftO. Klveralde: 3-bedroom, full baaement. :h(io. 1775 Down: J-room, furnlahed, not mixleru. '4 acre. 11700. NorlhMde: 3-brdroom, paved atreet, flreplnce. full baacment, 17000. atreet, fireplace, full baaement. Portland: 4-bedroom, 1 Iota, old but worth the price, S(I00. North Hide: A Inrge, lienutlfiil home on a gixxl atreet. Owner la now living down and rentliiK Uie up atnlra and rabln for 1135, but It la a perfrct family home. 113.500. California: full baaement. fireplace, aeparute dlntng room, all plaater d. Oood terma. 102V). Hanka: Ijtrge 4-bedroom, In excel lent condition. New refrigerator and alove Included for B5O0. Jefferaon: Two homea, large lot, buy at tll.SOO. CARL WII.DKRMUTH, with John C. Argetsinger 1018 Main nt. Phone SM5 ircvrnlnga S04H. MIDI Verne McClrllan with Eddie "Doc" Ricliardion BROKER ri Main Phona (211 (Evenlnga 4258) '., Huge Profits Oregon, California, : Washington Tax - Delinquent Properties s 1 to 640 ocrej, 25c to S3 ocre " minimum bid. j,.,' Fraction actual value l Send 6c postoge for circulars : ond maps. PACIFIC LANDS IKix 2350 VZ Hollywood, Calif. FOR SALE t-bedroom modern, In Chelnea Ad dition. Doitble (tiiriige, workaliop, chicken house, nice lawn, extra Int. New bath room flxturea, new roof. You can't bent tills fur only .$4050. l-bedroom modern In Allnmonl district, with une-tlilrd acre: elec . trie water heater, oil floor fur nace, gnrage, chicken house, nice wn. Price only HUM. Must aell week. Cheapee Teepee Mow would you like to amokum peace pipe In this neat, cloae-ln, 4 -room home with aolld founda tion, utility room and garage. Well arranged and In an Ideal location. I4O0 down, and balance at 4 In terest. 1 Shasta District 3-bedroom plastered home on one acre goixl aoil. oil furnace. Vene tian blinds, hardwood floora and roved ceilings. Extra large garage. Call for appointment to tee. I8JO0. Mills Addition A very attractive 3-bedroom home with Venetian blinds, hardwood floora and oil heat. Oood aired lot on a paved atreet. 2-Bedroom Stucco Home On H acre In Hhasta dlatrlrt, par tially furnished, newly redecorated. 90 floor feet, gnrage and chicken house, .'i500. 3 Bedrooms M00. located on Harlan Drive, oil furnace, and electric water healer, 23 acre with fruit treea and ber ries. Dandy chlckenhotue, and barn. Hui service past the door. See Burton rjrny or Ralph Brown Salesmen with E. GRAY REALTOR lOfflre closed Saturdayi 1031 Main Phone 3655 (Evenings or stindava phona 3431 or aim 35 Automotive 33 Automotive Used Trucks The Best Stock in Southern Oregon 1947 Chevrolet 2-ton with 13-ft. flotbcd; 825 20 tires; 2-spccd oxle, heater, defroster. Only 1000 miles. One year insurance $2745.00 1946 Chevrolet with Cook Bros, chain drive; high tor quo engine; lumber rolls; tachometer; 2-specd axle; lots of extras. Only 22,000 miles $1700.00 down 1946 Chevrolet 2-ton 45-yard dump box. 17,000 miles $2350.00 1946 Chevrolet with Truxmore tag; long w. b.; 16,500; 2-speed Ealon; ' Hydrovac brakes; high torque en gine. 900-20 tires $3950.00 1945 International K ond 3-ton; butane equipped; Brownlipe; 900:20 tires; Excellent all-oround con dition $2635 00 Two 1945 M5H6 (K8F) CI dual drive dumps; excellent ' condition, Will remove dump beds if neces sary $3450 00, 194J CMC 3-ton with dual qxle log trailer. New 270 inch engine. 2-speed axle $3475 00 1941 CMC 3-ton chassis and cob with 4-cylinder CMC diesel; Brownlipe ..' $2395 00 1941 Ford '2-ton panel, 4-specd $645 00 1940 White Horse package delivery $575 00 1936 Ford I '2-ton chassis ond cab $365 00 1935 Chevrolet 1 '2-ton with excellent 12-ft flat bed $495.00 We Take Trades. Juckeland Truck Sales & Service 1 lth ond Klomoth Phone 7755 Klamath Falls, Oregon 30 Real Eitate For SqU 35 Automotive Radiators Cleaned CLOSE IN 3-bedroom home with full b tw merit. Klreplnrc, breukfimt nook. Nice yard and lawn. 110.600. Terms. SUBURBAN One-year-old. 6-room home with at- I por,.!.J tached garage, on paved atreet. i tif-'Jii cu iiaruwood noora, 2-bcdrooma. large living room, dining room, kitchen and utility room. New lawn. Large lot. Reasonable down payment. Bal ance on 4 loan. See Kverett Ball and Ted Schuld, wlU) AL LONGE, Realtor 111 8. 51 ll Phone 82M (Evenlnge S07I, RV04. 6557) 36 Miscellaneous For Sal 36 Miscellaneous For Sola Farmers Check these bargains Investigate As these represent Real Savings Pormo Model 4-S Woter lifter, brand new, never been used $175.00 Skyline Combination hoy chopper and grain grinder, complete with pipe and dust collec tor $235.00 New Idea Farm Wagon, with 6:00x16 wheels, less tires $140.00 , Skyline chopped hay blower, complete with . pipe and dust collector $225.00 ' Used Equipment 1 Farmoll "B" tractor, first class condition, new paint, good tires $910.00 1 3-bottom 14 inch International plow $135.00 1 2-wheel heavy duty trailer, con be used for tilt - bed implement trailer, copacity, 4000 pounds $180.00 1 Model 1 1 4 John Deere hoy chopper, mount ed on 4-wheel trailer $450.00 Klamath Tractor & lmp. Co. 1353 Main Phone 8801 WALT pKVZ, with T. B. WATTERS , REALTOR Ttcnl K-stute mid Insnrnnce 107 South 7th Phone 4103 (EvrnlllKS 04(10) ' Altamont Dr. Home Modern and newly built. 4 cheer , ful sunny rooms nml complete bath. Utility room, minute, on '4 ,r ncre. Kxccllcnt Irrlmited oll. 111750. Terms, f" 1 Dale & Howes REALTORS I i!lEnstMiiln Phone 7206 or 0045 ' ron HAI.K four - room motlrrn furnUhtil home wllhln wslklna tllalanre. iaiouou. .... KaralUnt buy In a motel location. Some new construction. r . DupUa for sals ter trsrta. it ' .... everal bulldlna lots In Mills and Hot '. Iprluis Aildltlon. . . t Nlra home near Bummers Lane. acre . ground. Close In Only 5 blocks norlh of Main St. on level ground, easy walking distance to town. 5 large rooms, Including 3 good sired bedrooms, dining room. weeping porrh, cement bnaemenL Kcaaonable price and terms. Sound Value wen constructed attractive home on Koaeway Drive. Two large bed rooms, cement basement, oil fur nace, hardwood floora throughout, Extra large lot, nice lawn, shrubs, doing tor $0000, terms. Mills Addition 4 Bedrooms Located among other lovelv homes well built 6-room home with cement basement, flreplnce. furnace, hard wood floors. Large lot. paved atreet ana sincwnik. 1R500, terms. North Side 2-bedronm modern home completely and well furnished. Cement founda tion, good condition. Real value at 4000, terms. See Ray Moon Joe Leonard CHILCOTE & SMITH REM. Tons Ml N. 9th Phonfi 4S04 or 6839 Evening Call 8 (IBB or 6577 Four-bedroom hum. Rom I0M Main Rt Telpphnnifi MM or 3IW0 t ,F0H HAI.K B-hnlroom liuimit. knntty : ptn living room, t-lirtrlc wnlr Imik. ' clm to Rrhmil. fKKin.iHi tlnwn, with , fQH BAI.R lively 9 hrdroom " hnmt I Willi nxlrn tul. fircnlBte. autnuinilu L a- niriiflrit. riirnlNlied or iinfiirnlihad. r niUli Clinton. ffVO-riKniKtoM Iimp,-'venpllnii71i.- ' 3Rflfl I la(M) down, tsrmi. H owner. WW HomfilHlr. Pf fO HAI.R: flf) frut fronlmrit byloo ft: fjj', on Hmilh HWHi. Will rHI or titnn Ua Bo. iih. HOTEL 36 ROOMS, good location, furnish ings In very good condition. S-year lease with renewal. Low rent. Also large 3-room apartment for mali nger. Full price $10,000. For full particulars AL SCHMECK 617 Main E. HOSKINGS REALTORS Phone 3311 OR" BAM A3 Jirrei near rlly, on highway, 90 arrai RlfnlfH, lltl nrrn hhi Rrnna puilttrn, hnlnticii gmln Innri: morturn home, good outlmlldliigfl, Ittrliidlng mltklng liiirn mid conllng room. All good potnto Innd, 20 nt rrmly lor potntoei this year. Prlr Rm YrA Cofcr nAHNHISr.l, AOKNCY 119 8 Blh Phnnt 41M rOW "HAI.K ftV OWNHnrmortitm 9-nd-room furnlRhsfd hnmt. Nlc Inrallon. rim In. leaving town, mint tell Immediately. Be at 70.1 Lincoln Bt. SUBURBAN Her la an ultra-modern 2 -bedroom spacious lovely home. Hard wood floora throughout. Nearly new and complete In every way. Close In. Kealricted residential dis trict. Price 19950. Terms. Dale & Howes REALTORS 511 East Main Phone 7266 or 6045 HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis ReaJtor 131 N. th St Phont S49I tS tOft SaIJ, nw 9-brdruom bout, t'tlllty, garaa. gai floor furnc, hardwood flour In living room. 97tUO. Cr lirmi lSnj California. iNgt'lKC ABOUT tha twautlful nw mudam Nor par Aluminum Houmi. Kllrhan. hath, ttvlng room and 1-bedroom modal coals but 11230 00 dallv rd. Tor furthar Infornuitlon call MM tOH BAM" Oft THAHE "on property', trailer hnue god cnndlllon- and '.13 Cliv. rar Phona 9-377. 1300 Summiti I -ana OOWN Ukaa thli 10 arr with ft mom mndarn houaa. Ijtrg rhlrkan hnuaa Oood little farm. Itaiy terma on balance. 1013 Homadale. Phong 9MT. fOft flAl.C "or 'trade rriy equity ln'two bedroom home, located In Sum mart Park Phnne :MI32 after R pm Built to Order vVe have o good stock of re conditioned radiotorj Specialized Service Co. 1434 Main Phone 5103 32 Building & Remodeling -A1.1TTYPM Or' HooriNO applied and Riaranteed by an eitabllihed firm a Hig Datln Lumbar Co or phone 3144 CAftmrrWOHK-SASirbOOftSHave ut quote for you on atock ttama or low coat cuatnm made work SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. 47M g 6th Phone T70B DRAKE'S For your SOc hamtoo Inwn rakaa. 1x4 "l. ahlplap and 8 4 5, no per 34 I1HAKK LIIM1IER CO. Fuel-Heating Wood to Burn SLABS 16-inch Dry Mill Run $8 50 12-Inch Dry Fir Slobs $11 00 PROMPT SERVICE CONVENIENT CREDIT Peyton & Co. 915 Market Phont 6149 WARDS TRACTOR TIRES 11.25x24 9.00x36 9x36 10x36 9.00x40 All wonted sizes ovoilable. Montgomery Ward 9th ot Pine Phone 3188 COMPLETE RADIATOR Service CLtANINC FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade LOGGERS, MODERNIZE COME IN AND SEE THE NEW Waco Rubber Tired Arch CAL-ORE MACHINERY CO., Inc. 944 South Central Avenue Medford, Oregon Phone 2136 35 Automotive 1M2 2-ton"Dodf, truck fist bd Cston rear ,nd. sir-too,t,r brakes. Parfact thapa- 91UX). Call between a a. no. and 4pm 272 Montellui. FOR SALE' 1MI Olds 6. 1R4S motor"new paint and rubber, tens, or trad lor older car and raah. 2033 Wtard. FOR SALK: 1IMO V- 60 coupe, food hape frod tire,, radio and heater. No dealer. Phone 49l. FOR SALE- Model A rord coupe, new motnr. new tire,, food paint. Hugh (jiDson. lorru, t-ani.. box 341. 36 Miicellaneoui For Sole Just Opened Stover & Hoppe's Garage at Weyerhaeuser Junction Ford Experts All Work Ouaranteed Mobile Station Phone 4378 Give yourself a break DO YOD NEED Auto Glass Installed? Reasonable Prlcea Prompt Service Call At Kimball's Glass Shop 627 Walnut Phone 7378 FOR A GOOD Used Truck DRY PINE BLOCKS for tul by tnich or trl.r MRTL.CF BROS S 6th and IJrlvr Phone ifl2 35 Automotive For Better USED TRUCK VALUES see Steve Mosher or Joe Daly at West-Hitchcock Corp. Your White Truck Distributor 877 8. 7th 8t. Phone 7771 fori JIAl.iriMI RJ" Mack "trnrr with 471 UMC" fllanel cosine. Just over hauled, a-speril m. and Pals trnllrr led on II. Also extra rmrta. smso. Will rnnslilar Isle model car or pickup as trade-in. Private nwner. Box ear, nlinne 3ia. Weed. Callt. Ton 8A1.F. Jeep. Price 0!M.00. Phone 3ana after 6 n. m. onlv. f'Oft SAI.R. "equity In '.10 Pailck eoupe. rhnne am, hetween 9:30 and T p.m. (M7 FOnri, 1-ton panel lor sale. MI7 no. am or pnone esn.i. See Jerry or Juck JUCKELAND Truck Sales & Service, Inc. IHIl & Khi ninth Ph 7758 rOR ft At. ft: 1047 Mercury itation wimn, exrellrnt hp. Priced right. See at 110(1 Main. FOR fiAl.K Ht3tf-VeVT,ora coupt.l42(l IjletPVlPW. fOn SALE 1MB" Ford fordor'nedun, ex rellent rnndition. 8131 Miller Ave, Phone BH22. SAl.B- lB:WChevr4)-ton ttake Wd pickup. FA L SETT ELECTRIC. Tule lake, Cetlf. fOR ' fiALF.rhevlrolet"teiter 4-door tedati. 1P;1A, original owner. In good condition. 1931 S. eth. fort SALE to:w Studebaker Com" minder, in excellent condition. One owrwr. 11140 Treniont. FOR HALE' Equity In lM7Mercur Fordor aedan In excellent condition. :nanCannon Ave. HAVE new off-hlghwayVvpe Polnter WUIamelte heavy duty loKRlng trailer with truck equlnnient, 1334 rubber completely Installed on your truck for our rout, Mono. HOWARD COOPER CORP., tl Market. Phone 9213; eve nlnm 2-0340. fOtt SALE. SfudebakeflMA l'i-ton truck, flat rack, low mileage. Rt, 3, Box 10B.1, Wiwui. Tf4t DOIH.B, new engine, new palnX See Ed at tlulrk Uarnge, Wll.l. trade" hrtf Rro tW-ton atake body trurk, good rubber, good motor for Ford or Chevrolet pickup. Phone WHO. AUTOMOTIVE equipment for aale: on valve re facer, him, aeat grinder, boring bar and vacuum attachment, land boring marhlne, valve neat Inaerler, :in:t Van Nvrman brake drum lathe. Phone flomi. WANT TO BUY." fait uied 'caf for ap proximately JMOOO caah. No dealer or clunk wanted. Call at 320 Washing ton after 6:30 p. m. or Saturday and Sunday. New Equipment In Stock McCaffrey 1 yd. dragline bucket, complete McCaffrey S yd. dragline bucket, complete Waco rubber tired arch Wooldridge scraper. Model BBM, 4 yd. capacity LeTourneau Model A7 tlltdozer, low price LeTourneau tractor crane, 20 ton, 18:00 x 24 tires, sacrifice Burch spreader boxes, 1,3 of new price. USED Northwest Model 95. 3 yd. powered by Murphy Diesel, exc. condition TD-18 tractors with Carco winch and Angledozer, under 500 hrs., guaranteed Byers. S yd. crane. 30 ft. boom, ex cellent condition Byers. 1 v4 yd. shovel and dragline Northwest Model 6 shovel and drag line combination, diesel, excel lent condition. Austin Western 77 diesel motor gracr, good condition, low price Cb i-h-iO engine Byron Jackson 3" pump. Cal-Ore Machinery Co., Inc. 944 South Central Avenue Medford. Oregon Phone 2136 FERTILIZER and iopabllT Phone 3041". WGtfLt) mother like something laitlng for Mother'! Day? See our SPECIAL elsewhere In the paper. GREEN GARDEN'S. Phone 3-03S7. fOR SAt.ft-l!Vt ft. Port Orforereedar boat and trailer. Price 9150. Phone 61M. ""Dr.VeWA?-coders Phone 4877 F0"h SALC new " bed davenoZ Phont 74ft8. FOR SALE:One outifde" iolIefTgood condition, 30; wood heating stove, needs rellnlng, S.V outboard boat, need some repairs. $10. Phone 8660. OlEmodel 63 Byers Ward shovel, like new. Available Immediately. Price StkVMi Howard Cooper Corp.. RM Market. Phone 9213. evenings 3-034. j M-FT. PLYWOOD BOAT, spruce " rtbe. I Phone 9.163 I TOR SALE, good used electric refrlg-1 era tor. Phone 7332. 36 Miicellaneoui For Sale For Mother's Day Beautiful nylon homemade aprons and many other hand-made arti cles at the Clothes Mart, 101 8. 9th. Open evenings. Call 3364. ADDING MACHINES Calculators. Type , writer. Cash Registers, Desks, Chain. Files. PIONEER PRINTING STATIONERY CO. 123-124 S 9tb SL 2 FT. WTSTCrAfT-trailer niouse. 6ll heat, and sleeps 4. New Urea, dolly and painL lltoQ. See Dick a Garage, Bonanza, Ore. VACUUM CLEANERS. 1 per"-week". Phone 34131. ANS'LrAL and perennial-flowerT ftatp- Dernes. curranu ana regeuble plants. Cooper. 2003 Kane. Phone 3023. ffbVtS REPAIRED, ail available parts stocked Used furnluire Stoves bought OK Second Hand Store MOlSlth TlRfc BARGAINS See DICK B MILLER CO for new Urea Lew than cost Tires takeo Is oa new car change-over sales DICK B MULXR CO 10 Klamath Phone 4103 rdfTSALE. sable dredRusilan squirrel locks fur coat. Small else. S50. Phone 8153. f&R SALE, like new Baldwin AcrosonJc piano. MOO Phone 7468. TOR SAXe. Winchester Model 7S Twen- ty-two. Phone 7468 r"5R SALE. FRUIT TREES. Plant now Apples, pears, peaches, prunes, plums, cherries, apricots and combination apples. I to I varieties grafted on one tree. Strawberries and small fruits. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 rOR SAT30-06 and 270Sportera. ex cellent condition. Call after 4:30 p. m. 1320 Oak. Apartment D. CINDER. SAND AND GRAVEL, suitable for concrete and driveways J M BARNES phone 7B39 rOR SALE Complete house moving equipment Camp KeweU T14. Phone 0713 Tulelake. XNV PART of 2O0usheiiiTToeill grown flax. Puckctt Ranch. Keno. See Doug or Bob Puckett or call Doug Puckett 4333 Tulelake or 4tH9 Klamath Falls. Bob Puckett phone SOS6. Fl5Tt SALE, good 6-ft. refrigerator. 504T Miller. ITTON5 oat hay. Joe Balr. Rt. 1, Box fQR fiALi. mohair davenport ahdhalF, coffee and end tables. Spark heater, and oil barrels. Phone 4873. 230 Nevada St. FOR SALE," treadle sewing machine. 3231 Hllyanl Aye. Phone 6519. TOft SALE, upright piano, tuned." re condltloned, si 45, terms 13 down. $10 monthly. Louts R. Mann Piano Co., 120 N. ti. For' SaXK, practically new. high speed John Deere potato planter. Albert Dearborn. Bonania. Phone 403. rTRNiTOM fOR SALE, new rose davenport, chair, coffee table, com bination lamp table stand, throw rugs, 9-piece bedroom set, large oil burner, car radio, a bargain. See or write Don Splering. half mile north Merrill. P.O. Box 1093 BR 0 W?Tsu it. size IB. like newT25Talso 3 galvanized wash tubs, like new. Call 7342. FOR SAXfcTfiendix outboard motor." 50. good condition. Phone MOO or 2720 Summers Lane. 44 Miscellaneous Wonted POTATOES WANTED Bring us your surplus While the pripe is high We Close May 15th Wesley McKaiq Phone 7360 3950 South Sixth Residence 3267 44 Miscellaneous Wanted lTicJnF.S1'PRlCESaldfof hogs.'veat lambe and cattle Johnson Packing Co. Phone 33Zi dsy oi evening ff ANTE0 TO RENT Large traderhousi with option to buy In 90 days. Phone AfW). 36 Miscellaneous For Sole FOR SALE: International iT-20 crawler tractor (narrow gauge for crop row farming; Just overhauled and now working. 3-bottom gang plow. Just like new. Mike Zupan, Midland, Ore. Evenings phone 7327. FOR SALE: New Mhchbtaeli pipe. Also we csn supply - Inch and Inch galvanized pipe with plumbing fixtures. DAVIS PLUMBING CO., 337 East Maln Phone 5781. FOR SALE Certified B.ueTag"Whlte Rose seed potatoes. Sorting this week. Can also sort l's, 2's. or bakers to your order. Puckett Ranch, Keno. See Doug or Bob Puckett or call Doug Purkett 43.13 Tulelake or 4045 Klamath Falls Bob Puckett. phone 5088. FULLER BRUSHES R, V MORGAN Phone 234 532 South Riverside FOR SATE-'Kelvlnator refr1gerator"and Speed Queen washing machine. Call at 3110 Summers Lane aftere p. m. BARON UTAH "BLANKETS. pre-hrun-T quality, beautiful patterns Also have hotel, motel and apartment house blankets, sllverwsr. Phone 7723 for appointment AMERICAN" FtOO R" SaW DE R e'dger latest type, dustless. swift and easy to operate KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO J&40 S 8th Phone 4816 LANDSCAPING IS OUR SPECIALTY We design and plant your home grounds with choice evergreens, flow ering trees and shrubs Call us for plant and estimates of costs. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4288 A FEW-TONbaled or choppeda!falfa and oat hay. Puckett Ranch, Keno. See Doug or Bob Puckett or call Doug Puckett 4333 Tulelake or 4M5 Klamath Falls. Bob Puckett, phone 5086. FOR SALE. 6-fC Oliver grain drill with" grass seeder attchments, good con dition, S200. Phone 4213 Tulelake, Csllf. fOH SALE Used bedroom set. suitable for cabin. FAUSETT ELECTRIC, Tule lake. Calif. ARE RE-CARPETING bur shoe depart ment. Prenent used carpet for sale. J. C. PENNEY CO- 805 Main Phone 5171 38 Pets aSi)erso?J bOArdin5 KenntLs""1 S688 Delaware oft Homedale Road Phone 3047 PEDIGREED English Soringer Spaniel pups. 10 weeks old. Champion stock. Phone 9365. L 42 Livestock ond Poultry POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount Top market prices (or good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 Klamoth Poultry Farms 3229 Boardrnan Street t-tD IN BULK Oregon State Hatchery 2720 S 6th St. ANTEDLarge colored hens. Chris Poultry Farm, phone 4069 F5R SALX20welf-broke saddle horses, will be here the middle of the week. George Martin's Feed Lot. Phone 5980 or 4123. WANTED Dairy.' cows. Phone 9488. STARTED New HsmpsHlres from two weeks to five weeks old. Open Sun days. Phone 6095 Oregon State Hatch ery. 2720 S 8th. EANEH PIGS fer sale. SIS esch; ftnt come, first served. Rt. 2. Box 533. one mile south of Hager on Merrill hirhwav. Phone 8752. 7tPENGlLTS. 3 bredgilts. 8bred sows, second niter. 2 ooars service able. 8 suckers. AH pure bred. S12O0 for all or will sell any part. Lee Orr. li mile So. Merrill. THREE C"OWS. one 'mllking and ' two springers: one Hereford steer; two weaner calves. Fourth place south Midland Grange. 44 Miscelloneous Wonted WANTED"! dead or worthless animals Call collect dav ot night, for prompt service Phone 4638 or 5323 K LA MATH T AlXO W CO WANTED to rent. 2-bedrooni"house, for adulu only Local references Willing and able to take good care of prop erty Phone 5677 WANTED, working gtri "1o' share aparf ment, close in. Can have bedroom alone Phone 6633 evenings. AlT. OR SMALL HOUSE, furnished or partly furnished, wanted oy lady witn 3 daughters (14 and IT years old). Phone T920. WANTEBTold reWgerator. Wrlte33T Radcliffe. Give make and year. NEW ARRIVALS need furnished 3-room apartment. No children or pets, f none 4144. Montgomery. 48 Business Opportunities Raise Chinchillas (Not a rabbit) Visitors welcome at Klamath Lake Chinchilla Ranch For Information regard ip breeding stock, see or wrte Box 1042, Rt 3, Wocua, Klamath Falls. 46 Financial See "Chuck" Bailey for Quick - Cash - Loans ($25 to $1200) A. Auto Loans Dp to 11200 whether paid tor or not as long aa 34 month! to repay a convenient way for a quick cash loan. B. Furniture Loans Dp to 1300 character and ability to repay means mora than the security ttaell an attractive loan plan. C. Personal Loans A simple loan plan up to I30t for all people with permanent employment. D. Private Car Sales Financed. Klamath's Oldest Locally Owned Loan Company MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. C. A. Bailey, Loan Manater M-27S S-J41 114 North 7th Phone 3329 CHOOSE YOUR LOAN SERVICE (Up to $500) L Borrow on yoaw salary. Em ployed people In all lines of work may qualify for .a convenient salary ioan np to WOO whether you're In a new Job or an old one. 2. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Loan Co. paid tor or not. Dp to 1300 on your furniture; up to 500 on your car. 3. Special "Pay Day" Loans. $10. $25. $50. loaned till "Pay Day" or longer. Pay only for the actual number of days you keep the money. $25 costs 18c for one week. No other charges. Phone for Your Loan Local Loan Co. ' 115 No. 10th Phone 7400 or 7549 M-354. 8-276 48 Buiinen Opportunities FOR SALE, complete service stafloa equipment, 3 Erie pumps, hoist, Devlao compressor, Alemite frease set, oil dispenser Stronshold Cafe, phone 43M. Tulelake. BUSINESS OPPORtf UffltY New s raae butldlns. service station and equipment, three cabins and 5-room house. Good established business. Write or see J. L. DeMastus, Unity. Ore WanT YOur ' 6WS BUSINESS? 88-year-old reputation and our capital will back you. Others earning up to yearly. No experience required. Writ J. R. Walklnt Co., 137 Dexter Ave.. Seattle .Wash FOR SALETnarge hew business buUo Ins. never been used, on chotco cor ner. lot 100x130 ft., building 30x0 ft. Large basement, completely equipped for restaurant and fountain. Every thing goes for the unheard of price of $8000. See W. J. Evans, rirst and California Sts., Dorrls, Calif., or write P.O. Box 158, Dorrls. FOR SALETbeauty shop with gootTlesBa on building. Write P.O. Box 401, Klamath rails. FOR SALE, 2.1 postage stamp vending machines, win sacrifice, fnone swu. OUR BOARDING HOUSf . . With . . MAJOR H00PLE OUT OUR WAY By J. R. WILLIAMS WE READ THe Bia(6TART DEAUNfcV HEy 4. - UAA-KFF.' t,I VOU jJ'S WHUT TM STORV, MA,30R.'SOOd) OOT THAT 50 f WHV THE Jri HAOnTT SOO J ISbtiW I ( 2, I OLD VITAMIN BJtfTO I 6WAS--CRUTCHE5?J HEARDi1--- ,. V TO pLt i V TM !SmixVFl J ARE VJe OP TO SHALL X GO A ARE fc)o HAK-KA.' P. OFF SoTsj' HEK TO filT TirId OUR EAR LOSES )GET A BASKET! LOAOsKVff JUST ASH &'dl3i I TO KP- 1 ( GlrJ' ONTO M ) lMTR6ASURyX: lTOSTOFP5 SO rf VJAS 'JTARTINS S. tf WHUT'S J V