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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1948)
MONDAY, MAY 3, 1948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FIVE . WEATHER WK.h'l KUN OIIKlillN riimily Willi r.ln l.'il.l. iici h.IihiwIIv lmnltiHtv Tiira. iImv cliiuily Willi ih rn-liihiil allimoia, Hllghtly I'.iul.r tlila .Hpiiiihiii Willi lilitlii iu .' in im iuw iiimuhi -in in 4n Hiniim unlit wlniU till I'tmat, il.i'ieualiif nin. wIihI I'liilMlil fcAHTI'.UN UIIKIIIIN Cl.nulv Willi ln tKiitillleiil rtilll I'.'Imv. lioritnilnil w.iii. wlml limvl.i limlillit. (itnaiil.i.lil. i'l..llllllli".H Willi ntltviril ahuwt'ia 'III... d lliali. till i" iia Uiwa ;m iii 4n. KLAMATH AI.I. IT.iiiiI with .hnw.ia li.lllnhl. Tii.arl.y inlllv Mill, ai'Mllrii"! atiuwi'l. lll(ll tml.y limit 111. lw tonmllt 4H: lllgll Tua ilny lift NUIlTIIKIIN lAUMIltNIA Kulr ..mill NMil inn II I'lollilv mil III IihIm). t.'llinlit .ml Tiio'Ihv. ...'.in I'lollilv Willi ii. m altm.l IIHllI lulu l"lis eatumi. milih.ltl t'.mal ami H..I Oii-kiiii huMlfr anil f.'M Ml. Mil r.llll.l toAl M.iilvlnt. ..lulli Wfl 111 w..l WUkU nil l-.tuil, K('. ii,c'H tlx li.afi till imitherii cai. Itullslllrrs nl Nile -.llliilllll tclll pie. IlilllKhters 1)1 ilin Nile, Will HUM HllltiriluV. Muy H. Ill A.itlllltlll. At I'J ID p in. ii lull. Iii iiii nnil piiiuriiin to honor eliiiiitei" members hnve been utrnnucil. Thin will lie lirlil In I he Klkn temple. All liicinlicis of the temple wllo citll llllrliil lire asked lo do mi, For ri'.i'ivulliiiin lor liiiii-lirnii anil tiiiiinpiiiliitlnti, local members mity cull Mm. (Ii-ihbci May, MU7, ItcMMviititiiis should bo In by Wednesday. Week-end - June HcrMl brrucr, ilniiHlitcr of Jink HrrMi ba iliT of AM N. llllll, spent the wcek iir.d ttt home, Kim in a flrnL year student at Utn University of Orinon iiNpliiuetie. Hlie Mini a her Innine "iirst, Jrminle MrOlhiil ol Clili iiKn. 'Mir two art Alphtt Cliiininii Delia sorority sisters m the university. Nrliliboni of Woodcraft There will be u rruiiiiir nirrllim of Nelith born of WoiHliriilt In the KC hull Monility nvriilnu, Mny :i u( H p. in. and a Mother's Day proimnti hnn been planned. Kclrciliiiiems will bi wrvH by Idii Mih-IipUiix. KIIpii Kly nnil Itulh Hull. I.plnn Aiiiprlrnn l-ulon nnil miKllltiry iiipinljpr hiivp brrn InvltPd la Miilln Momliiy nliilit lo imiiu ipnip 111 UlP crlrbrntloll o( thp lUlh nil nlvpiMiry ol Ihr orKunliulon of the Mnlln niixlllnry. 'I'luup mini! nrr In npPl l Hip lesion linll hpin t 7 p m. to nrrnnb'p ininniKirlnllon. Tlittt Nobtp (Irttllll Club- Jennie llurtt will bp luwiPM to thp Punt Noblo Cllttllll Hub of lMiiprlty Hp lirknh lmlB Thurulay. Mny i m hrr honip TIiptp will bn pollmk limilipnn lit 1 p. m. MppIIui ri.inii -TIiiti' will bi' nuuliu' liiri'tlnii of Wiuut'ik ol the Moomi ul H p. in., Tuiviiluy. 'Micro will bp Inltliilliiii, nnil nllli liil vliil liH'H me pxpBt:UU. 'I'liw pi'OMt'iiui will Ihi (llrci tpd by Jo I'liup, thiili'iiiiui of i:hlld cum mid triiliiliiu. Hpfipnh liirnlA will 1 wrviMl. f rom lloiiiiliiil - Uiiiin Iluuiiiuinn of DM Wiiiihlimloii, who l ronovpr lull from major miiitpi-y, whh movpd nun KluiiiiUh Viillpy liimplliil Hiin dny moiiiliiK by I'roli'iwlniiiil Ambil liuico hPi'Vlce. Wrdiipmluy lull -'1 hp WpdiiPMluy I club of Ht. I'uul'ii Kplnmipiil cluin li i will inpi'l Wi'dnpiidiiy ul II p. in., In 1 thp piu lnh holinp. Ciiiiln will b pluyrd. Mi nibrrn mid their iiupkUi ii ro curdliilly invited, To lliitpllul -Mm, oibi flmilhtoii . of mil Walnut, wioi inovpil by Kulpr'n niiiljiiliini p from hpr hump lo Khun- j itlh Vullpy liiMpital Huiiday iiIkIU. i Itiiulnlon Ik ii liiiiu-llmp ruiploye ol ' Moty truck uliop, I Midland CiraiidP Mpnibcrs ol I Midland ki'iiiikh will mppt at 8 p. in, I Wpiliipiiday at which limp there will : be it MoUier'n Uay piimium. Hp- ' fielimpiiln will be hpivpiI by the Home Kconumini club. All Kriuuicm nie welcome, j Vlillor-Ml. NpIhoii Mrn, Paul ISeinlinrdt, both nt Hmin. ', port, in vlmilnit here thin week ul . i me home or thplr brotlipr and l-ler-ln-lBW, Mr iind Mm. C. A. Ilcn dprnon, 11)72 Karle. Curd PrlyThe 8ulirbii leiisue niixlllnry will hold a pinochle puiiv 1'uewlay nt 3 p. m. nl the home of Mm. Ailn lliirlmi, 1747 Hope Arrlven Mrs, Mnruaiet Dudley arrived by Uiillrd plane Holiday mmnliiK for n nhnrt vlnit with her dniiuliier. Mm. Malcolm Kpley, mid fiinill)'. lier home Id nt Oakland. Orianlir. I rulrrnlty - ,luhn Hell bromipr of Klmrmili Fnlln was in Ktrumeiilal In oiKiuillnif n chapier of Alplm Phi Omi'ita, nntloniil wrvlce fnilemlty for men, nt Hmilhprn Oipboii collcite. fiulld -81. Piiut'ii ittnld will meet Tuesday at 7::io p.m. at the piiruli hull for a xxlnl evpiilnit. All mem bern nre Invited to be pieneni. Kiwanis To J Hear Officer Talk Here hi:kvick di n PIHK1HAMH Quoin club, Monday, T p. m., Pellcnn cafe, t,akevlew Itolnry, Monday noon. Hotel l.ukcvlcw. Junior chnmljer of commerce, Mondny, 7:30 p. m chamber of commerco. I.Ioiih club, Tuesday noon, Wlllnrd houd, 20-30 club, Tuesday 7 p. m., Wlllnrd hotel. Lakcvlew SoroptlnUnl club, Tuendny noon. Hotel l.akevlew. 'fulplnkc Hotury, Wcdneaday noon, HporUmnu'a hotel, MoroptlmiM c I ub, Thursday niHiii, Pelican cafe. Lnkevlew Llona club, Thurnday niKin, Hotel Lnkevlew. Klwanln club, Thursdsy noon, WlllnrU Uulcl, Itomry club, Krldny noon, Wll lnrd hotel. BecreUtrle or program chair men of the various clubs are linked to mnll program Informa tion to the new del4. Herald mid News, In lime Ul reach the desk Mondny mornlnus. If In formation I telephoned. It ahoul4 not lie later thnn 0:30 a. m. Mon rlny. The Ilernld and News Is anx ious to make this Monday report n complete ns possible. candidates uoiumn Campaign Statements From Candidates At The May 21 Primary Election t HUT AuillUrv-The Auxiltnrv to thi MiolhrrlKKHl o( Kutlwfty Con diiflont will ho!d a rrynUr mcrimg In tin KC hull WcdiiPMlny. Mny & at 7 30 p m. mid th hiMtr.vuM will hi" Mr W. C. Milkey nmS Mr. U. W. Davm. IJrum C'orr - The Ka!r ujs lllnry drum corps will practice to niKMt. Monday, l 7 30 in the upiwr FOE hull, Thp mrHJns i v-i im portant and All rnrps mrntbrrft tf uritM to attrnrt Tlirtr (.ullUkittrn" Hob Mrnd of TulHitlu u vtf prrAidrnt of the new Hipultij tulld mamd l Boulhrrn Orpnn colIrKe At Ah Und. Krnnpth llndlmw u tu dent UKr mannspr Ifjf thf group, CltM Hump Mrs. K C Plrrcr, who rinrcntly hnd nmjnr mspry At A Kltinmih KnllA honpltnt, wn aUIp to rrturn to hpr home Snturdny. ( uunty C'mmrll- Klittnuth County rtiunnl nf IM A will hold a not hick hinrhron at 1 p, in , Turdiiy, In the Krpmmtt school rntrirrla. Malin LEGAL NOTtCES Norn r: to i ai.oniias Nnllr la tiri'lo- sllrii iomI Inn unilffr, Isnpil havit lorn HDixilnlril ixrrutiir Sli'l enilrl. i.iK.llvrl , nf Ihr ealate il Tlt''na 11 Nklllllifltmi. rterraaril, by III Clrrull Court nf Kia'liairt I'.tunly, Orv m. and llisl all xrtiia having rUht-A lllal Mill rallB ill ll! (IrrfMaffl Nrr hrrfhv nollhril In prpapnt lllp aiime lo aahl vvneiitfir unit rvfrntrlv 1 Null I. MalhatK llullilltiK. KlfttliMlh klla, Otcn.iii. li.llhr will, proper vmirhrra, within sl nionlha of Ihw tlntr ol Ihu notlr Dalvrf Ihii lull rlv of April, lflts I.VNN r KKll.UNGTON riOIIOTIIV AIINCII. A II IB M: M .1 10- .N,, m NOl It K Nollce la hpreliy given Insl lh undnr slsnntl hMa lwm siiiltllr.l pvrriitnr o( Ihu will of NONA I' trtml'KNINU, d rfnard, sml tint qliallflril, and all neraona liavliia a t-lautt aSMlnal aalil ealalv am lir-rehy retiulred to iireaenl lha aama Willi prit. vninhtr allai-lnd. If Ilia offlra nl mv attorney. I,. Ortli rllriuor, 21.1 Klrunrl-Urrw lliilldlna. Klainalh halla, flrraoti, wllliln ala monlha from Ihe data ol lllla nolli'a. Oaled this lilll day of April, ItHfl l.r.l) DONOVAN. A Il ium: M. ,1-Nn m. MAl.IN-The lOih birthday nnnl veranry ol the Malm American l uiou auxiliary will be cclebiuled Moiidiiy, May 10. at 8 p. in, with a proiirnm honoring charter member. Kuch member u n.'.ked lo attend and invite a visitor. Mrs. Fred HplSbronner of Kl mnth rails, dlairlct 10 president, will attend with her cora of officers. Mrs. Anna Petrnaek will hnve chnrice of the prottrnm. There will be a short business mretiiifi preceding the entertainment and refreshments will be served by Mnry Elmer, liar bnra Uruner and Ilia limine. All visiting members aie invited u attend. A visit from ffiirvey DeArmond llciilennnt itoveruor, to the Klwanls club al 11 Thursday luncheon ! a service club proiirnm hlRhllKht of the current week. DeArmond will be puylug his of ficial call on the local club. He Is an attorney at Bend. Motion picture rcela showing fish. Ing and phrnsnnt hunting In Idn lm will be fentured nt a meeting of the Junior chamber of commerce tonight at the Winema hotel. Dale Throckmorton I program chairman fm the affair, which atarta with dinner. Rev. Kenneth Brown of Merrill will give an Illustrated lecture en titled "How to Opi Twice a.i Much Out of Life" at the regular meeting of the Tulelnke Rotary club Wed nesday noon at the Sportsman hotel. Burton Hoyle la chairman of the day. Klnmnth Rotnrtnns hnve an open date for their Prldny luncheon at the Willard. Reports on the 20-30-xponsnrcd Hack meet of last Snturdny will be heard at the 20-30 club meetlnit Tuesday evening at the Wlllnrd. when Queen Hetty Plnnlger and her court will be guesu. Election of officers will be the By W. V. HWIfiART Republican Candidate for Mlieaiff In filing for the office of sheriff of Klamath county I realised this to be a real Job, but one that I can handle. I came here H0 year ago this next November. The first five yearn I spent only a few months out of each year here but always return ing. I then located here, buying a home and entering my profession, "auctioneering," I have been very successful In my profession nnd evi dently very satisfactory to the peo ple of the Klamath basin. Consider ing the trust they have shown In me In the paat. If elected sheriff I pledge to render the same satis factory service to the people ss In the past 2S years. Having been born and raised on a farm In Illinois and graduated from the Missouri Auction achool. Having been picked an one of Uie five out standing men from a class of 111 ntudenta. Am married and have one ison. Regarding my supporters for I ! major business at this week's meei j Ing of the Boroptlmlst club. I LAKEVrEW. May 3 Three ser 1 vice meetings are on tap this week I for the l.akevlew hotel, on Tuesday, i Wednesday and Thurvlay. The Soroptlmtat club meets Tues- day at noon to entertain senior ' Klrls of Lnkevlew high school, Helen Stlne of Klamath Falls, home dem onstration agent, will be the princi pal apenker, Joe Pechnnlc of Portland, regional head of the forest service's range and resettling work, will address members of the Rotary club Wed nesday at noon. The Lions club has the Thursday spot al noon and Is to continue plans for the club's variety she scheduled for Mny 17-18. this office I wish to state that I am not working through any organiza tion or group but merely on the choice of the voters of Klamalh county. If elected to this office I will at all times be ready and will ing to perform the duties of sheriff. I am making no big promises to bounce back later. I am 100 for the teen-agers and will support any thing of Interest In that field. I will be fair In all dealings through this office and cooierate with other branches of the law. My post record Is enough to qual ify me for this office. If elected to the office the people of Klamath county can rest assured that I will be sheriff and am taking no orders except through legal channels. I promise a clean business like admin istration. I wish to express my op preclatlon to The fferald and Mews for this free opportunity to express my campaign statement. Your sup port will be appreciated at the pri maries May 21. Turr those no-lomrer-used1 ar ticles Into cash now I Herald and News Want Ads are Inexpensive and bring quick results 1 tgggfiP I (TJx G WHSEL and ITEMING ALIGNMENT SERVICE DICK 6. MILLER CO. 7th Klainalh Ph. 4103 TRUCKS FOR RENT U-DRIVE VANS PICKUPS FLAT RACKS Rl by mile, hour or wrrk OPEN 8UNDAV8 BEACON SERVICE STATION 1201 E. Main. Ph. J3M mm NUNN-BUSH SHOES NEW SHIPMENTS OF LIGHTWEIGHT MARSHFIELD LOGGER BOOTS 8-inch beighti Single lofes Oil tanned leather Single vamps Alio $18.95 calked sole carried stylet 10" White Mediumweight Loggers $28.50 y Sine MANSTORI - MANSTORE- 7SI Main .FASHION PARK. STORE HOURS 9:30 5:30 She'll Always Welcome Lovely GAYMODE NYLONS ! Sparkling glamorous tones of taupe, pastel or brown full fashioned, 45 gauge. In sizes SVi to )Q lOVi I.W7 Main Floor Full Sweeping Lengths! RAYON SLIPS 2.98 Fastidious rayon taffetas, sat ins or crepes fn face trim med or tailored atyles. The longer lengths Mother likes, and fashion demands ad justable straps. White or pink fn K-49. Main Floor Youth Shot While On Fishing Trip POHTLAND, May 3 uVi James Bklnuer, II, accidentally shot by his twin brother on a fishing nip. was reimrted Improving today at a hos pital here. I The lad was struck by a bullrl from thp gun of brother Tom while on the Deschutes river near Mitupti). Two nearby fishermen, William j Clarretl and Leland DoUon. Port- j land IlrrniPit, put a tourniquet on the boy s leg and brought him to ! Portland. It pays to use Uie Want-Ads! WASHING MACHINE SERVICE ' All Makes Authorized Maytag H Service TUCKER STE1NKAMP APPLIANCES Esquire nidg. Phone 8805 I z FREE Gift Wrapping for Mother's Day Kelrrt tour gift at Pfn nry'i nnd have It nlrfly gift wrapped! Boxen or folder aff en peel fir fine. Dmlgned for gift. Select Your Gift for Mother Now! Gay, Pretty Thrifty! Bib V Tea Aprons 98c M-sq. percale, organdy or dotted swiss! Colorful cheeks, florals! trimmed solid colors. Many with rick rack or ap pliques! So low-priced, yonH want several Main Floor No Matter Where You Buy it 111 at -im ill 1 MiU-S I H Saturday. II it f Gor :: I cm i V GIVE MOM A ROBE! LUXURIOUS CHENILLES 4.98 Ideal tor Mother! New lightweight chenille that weighs but a few ounces. Wrap-arounds In fay col on, Sliea U to 20, second rLooa COLORFUL SEERSUCKERS 4.98 Flattering- sipper front styles with gSoriDUi sweeping skirts! The? eome In gay floral patterns. Siies 12 to 44. SECOND I LOOK SOFT AND NICE RAYONS 7.90 Glamorous Princess style cut Willi long sweeping skirts, daintily trim med with self ruffles , , . dainty rich colored robes. Slies It to JO. ncornt noon five Mam deveba tfpede GAY COTTON HOUSE DRESSES 79 ZIPPER STYLES BUTTON STYLES SIZES TO 52! Here's Springtime beauty for her. 80 sq, percale in florals, plaids, stripes, checks and polka dots. Tailor made. Whirling skirts, frills and trims so pretty and pleasing to her. All color-fast. SECOND ixoon Colorful Hand Printed TABLE CLOTHS 3.98 Beautiful, pure linen, hand printed iabteehrth. Brighten up your table with one of these. Easy to launder, fast color. Size 114x54. Bulrony Mother Can Always I'se Printed Scarfs 98c .Mother can add Interest io tired clothes with these bright, ra.voB crepe sblongst Delicate floral prints to com plement every outfit. Gener ous I8"x43 she. Main Floor Frilly or Tailored BLOUSES 5.90 Choose any style or color she likes! Long sleeved classic, high jewelry neririhte . . , pert collars, dainty frills, turks and pleats. Siies 32 to 46. Second Floor Women's Flattering Open-Toe Slippers 2.98 Smooth rayon satin with comfortable platform soles, wedge heels and pert, offside bows. Pretty and practical! Red in siies Downstairs So Dainty and Crispf " Bright Hankies 49c Brilliant linen prints and soft, white cottons with colored embroidery. Free Gift Folder Main Floor Calortol Cvttss Seersucker Pajamas 2.79 S!$ S4 lo 4J Kn n t'slr nice assortment of style, Nemtlj trimmed, too! MAIN FLOOR Sparkling As the Season! Costume Jewelry $ 1 and 1 .95 plus tast Flirtatious little earrings, pins, neeMoMS A bracelets of softly tinted, simulated pearls, bright metal, rhine stones. Incite. Main Floor Bright Handbags 2.98 vius isi Complete your spring outfit with a fresh, new handbag f plastic patent. A brilliant assortment of colors! gM Main Floor