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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1948)
THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1948 HfRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SEC II PACE 3 National Potato Letter-' Early Spud Crop Outlook Unchanged; Late Crop In Good Shape; Demand Firm t iti.v Lata potato crop lupply Informa tion ii confined entirely to iiaatiinp tlons regarding Mm ell 1 stocks nil hand adjusted for disappearance 11111:1 thru. A of Airll I, It appeared llml there were aviilliihln something like 3MW curt fewer Uiuii woro ship ped after April 1 of hint yrnr, and shipment liitvn Iwcu very heavy thus fur In April. Wo have said nil limit Hint wn do not luivo too ninny lute potatoes, nnd we nrn moro tlmu aver convinced of It. lilnlio c-iimiul huve over I Hoo cms, prohuhly nearer MOO cum. Colorado fit I II tmii some where mound 4IH) in m. Minnesota hows Hluiia of tnerliig off, and North Dakota will not ha far behind. Tin coast stales have very llllli left, and Maine In maintaining a fast r lip at 43K ran dully. Wo rould run Mrs rtf Inle potatoes before Mny 1ft, the earliest data we ara likely In have a plentiful mpply of early crop potato. There are no significant chnngca In early cmp prospects. From Texas to North Carolina the crop went In lute and the varying degrees 01 weather diunage seem to be about aa reported earlier. Houth Carolina t the wurnt lilt, where considerable atfd rotted and thus further rrdueed an already fairly small acreage. The tale probably will have little more than half a crop, from North Caro lina north, growers were unable to plant on time, but the weather re cently has been nearly Ideal and crop maturity will come nearly oil time uulru further setbacks develop. Earliest yields III California have been Unlit, but that li to be es pecled In the earliest diggings and later yields may be much higher. In any cae, the California arreane now It placed at 7P.00O and will produce plenty of potatoes even with ylelda below recent yearn. MOVKMKNT Total potato shipments nave lip ped off tradlly during the laal four weeks, but the decline haa been less than uaually occurs alter the heavy aeed movement In mid-March. Dally ahlpmenla for the last two weeks hava averaged SIO ran. and that a a lot of (xitaloea. Of course, these Include many aeed ahlpmenla, but nevertheleaa the movement la brink. I.aal week, DS.0 enra of the total were new crop, with Florida gaining. Texas more man doubling, and California moving up from M can to 353 can. Kern county should pass the 100 -car per day mark this week. Kven so, we guess that early crop ahlpmenla will equal the late rep movement a little later than uaunl litis year becuuao of the rela tively llifhl supplies between now and May in. IIKMANI) AM) MAIIKKTH Summary of f.o.b. murket Infor mation for the Inat week shows the Into crop Kcnernlly In better shiie ttiun the early crop, Maine reports the demand mostly iiood, the mar ket firm Ui stronger, mid prices up 10 to 15 cents al the floor to a nickel under the floor, but practically nil sales arc size A at the floor to Id cents over the, floor. Upslaut New York has a moderate demand, the market firm lo stronger, nnd prices gained 3(1 nnd nre lit 35 to 30 cents over the floor nfter being un der the floor prncllcally nil lenson. Here nlao most sales urn slr.e A nt a dime blither. North Dakota has a good market for redi at 411 lo 50 cents over the floor, but very tew are avnllnble nnd floods are Inter fering In the north. Cobbler market appears a little wobbly about nt floor, but there la enough confidence Hint some sellers nre holding for belter prices. The flood may cause a weather market. In Florida, the demand la good and the market steady nt (0 35 for washed, but In Tesns the demand Is slow nnd the market dull and slightly weaker, with prices down slightly at 15 00 to 1(100 for washed I'j-lnch minimum No. Is, depending on the percent, age over 1 ' Inches. Kern county has sllpiied off from the opening price of (I00 for washed. Demand there la mudcrate to alow, defending 011 the quality, and the market linn weakened !i MM. This Is character istic of Kern county's first ship ments the stock frequently la so ) Immature that growers rushing to catch the high markrt upset their own playhouse. There la a plenty big hole for California to fill for Uie next two or three weeks, but consumers Just do not like the green stuff. One significant development Is the rlne In the cash to grower market In Maine. Prices have held quite steady at M 00 per barrel for some time now. but recently moved up to a general 14 35. with unofficial reports of many sales at 4 50. This means either that all stork Is In smaller supply than has been ad mitted or that good qunllty stuff Is getting scarce, or both. MIKCKI.I.ANY Rains have hrled Kern county's water situation but may be a boom erang If they cause uneven growth. Controlled water Is best for the White Hose, ns otherwise thev tend to grow rough and bumpy. That Is partly why the variety was discard ed In New Jersey many yearn ago. CARNIVAL By Dick Turner - J- ? com iw sv wr irmcr. ntc 1 m sia u. i. ft. ee "You're going to regret this youthful stubbornness when you're middle-aged!" . , . Wonder why potato growers have been so slow to undertake co operative processing of their own low grades? Looks to us ns though they are overlooking a good way 10 make reasonable returns on low grades without hurling the mnrket for their good stock. . . . Wonder also If we would use as many certified seed iKilatoes as we do If breeding were carried out here as It Is In Ocr mauy. Over there, new varieties are patented and the breeder gets a royalty on every acre planted. Wool Production To Shrink Again Wool production in this country will shrink again this year. Figuring on the basis of the number of sheep farmers and ranchers had the first of the year, and allowing they'll shear about the same jwrcenUige of their sheep and get average weight fleeces, economists of the U. 8. department of agriculture estimate a 5 per cent smaller output than last year, and the smallest clip In 34 years. Last year the clip was 10 per cent smaller than the year before and more than a third smaller than Uie record output In 1042. Bug Bombs Help In Greenhouse Control In control of greenhouse peats, florists are finding special advan tages In the aerosol method discov ered and developed In recent years by scientific workers of the U. 6. department of agriculture. The method Is rapid and economical of Urne, says the bureau of entomology and plant quarantine. Also, be cause the poison Is carried by a gas It does not stain foliage or flow ers as many of the spray mix tures do. The DDT greenhouse aerosols may be applied without the worker using special protection as he relesses the gaseous mist tn front of him while walking backwards between the benches of the greenhouse. The other recommended new and ef fective aerosol pest killer contains tetraethyl pyrophosphate which Is extremely poisonous to man, and the operator should wear a gas Land Price Boom Goes Up Steadily Economists of the U. B. depart ment of agriculture, who keep track of the buying and selling of farms throughout the country, have chart ed the rise In land prices since be fore World War II, They've com pared the percentage Increase In the past few years, with the like period, during and after World War I. They find, so far, fnrm land prices have followed a remarkably paral lel course to those In the land boom of World War I. What's more, they report that In the year ending this spring, average land values, the country over, have already reached the peak to which they climbed before the bust after World War I. In fact. In 32 states values have now climbed beyond that peak. In the year March I, 1947, to March 1, 1948, land values In the U B. climbed 7 per cent. In Florida and California, lower prices for citrus nnd other fruits have had a d'presslng effect on land values. But the decreases In those states were more than offset by further sharp Increases In the wheat and range livestock country, where values are still far below those of 1920. The fact that half the buyers of farms In recent years have paid all Cdsh means less distress. If farm values generally do turn down. The economists point out, however, that a mortgage debt for half the pres ent fnrm value amounts to as much as the full value before the war. Garden Cutworms Due Soon Two entomologists at Oregon State college II. H. Crowell and Bob Every say that cutworms can be expected In the home vegetable garden anytime now. This Insect is fairly general throughout Oregon Buspect the worst If young seed lings are found cut off close to the ground. The two entomologists say the cutworm received Its name be cause of Its habit of cutting off plants close to the ground level. The culprit Is a hairless caterpillar. Its color Is mottled-brown and It varies In length up to two Inches long. Unseasonal Snow Covers Ashland ASHLAND, Ore., April 39 OP) An unseasonal snow which piled up four Inches on the ground and bent blossoming fruit trees under Its weight struck this Southern Oregon town Tuesday night and Wednes day. Snow began falling Tuesday after noon, and stood four Inches deep by Wednesday morning; a heavier fall than at any time this last win ter. More flakes continued falling. 8now was reported In Medford, north of here, too. PARDOV ASKED LONDON. April 29 MP Norman Wilkinson appealed to Princess Eliz abeth today to help him get a royal pardon for his dog, sentenced to die for killing chickens. "The death penalty has been abolished for murderers." he wrote the princess. "Surely this should ap ply also to dog." mask loaded for protection against organic vapors and acid gases, and should also bathe with warm water and soap as soon as he finishes the Job, the bureau warns. BUILD PROFITS r BORROWING ",0H" I cMfk coopofrV LAND BANK LOANS H. E. HAMAKER Secy, Treaa. Loomls Bldf. Ph. 6476 "f r: I. d... r a a. ri n hi jiuipia u ovj vuii vpermo inem HYDRAULIC-LIFT IMPLEMENTS FOR THE UNIVERSAL 9 See these new hydraulic-lift implements for use with the Universal "Jeep." They are raised and lowered at the touch of a finger, by a hydraulic unit that can be installed on any Universal "Jeep." Hydraulic-lift imple ments now available include a plow, disc, spring-tooth-harrow, spike-tooth-harrow and high speed weeder. Come in and let us show you how to save time, work and money with these new hydraulic attachments for the Universal "Jeep." NOW ON DISPLAY! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! SHE. BY WILLYS MOTOR CO. 401 South 6th "See Selby Last" Phone 6934 Utile Ads net Hlg Results. Use The Herald and News Want-Ads I J. L. DEAN Public Accountont and Auditor New Office Location 306 North 7th SL Phone 9348 PROTECT YOUR WTTT) IT WMTIIAW mm PONTIAC SERVICE A PnJKd Cmml Melon the be1t ! The growing number of Pontlae owners who will use nothing but authorized Pontiac service is based on a simple fact: They get tht best servict and it costs them no more! Our prices on all operations are strictly competitive- ' and in many instances, less. That's because our mechanics trained by factory experts and using spe cially selected tools can do your work much faster and maintain the highest standards of precision. You benefit by our experience when it comes to tracing trouble. We don't have to guess because we know. And we do only the uvrk called for which keeps costs to the minimum. Every day more and more owners who have tried oilier service are coming to us. They like the treat ment they are getting. And so will you. ,.,CIVI IT HCTOtt-IHGIHIiOT m" enabling Ihtm 10 Hflr HMtmCH rHODUCl rOK rUCl-IUHN IN tOUl SCRAP HON AND IHtl L 4th and Klamath Klamath, Falls fT . - .if I J ' S 1 rt-"'' REMEMBER THESE 2 H HARW'N J J'' IMPORTANT DAYS 11 -g? MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 9 ; wk-sc mmj0r is the . best m fl mn w J3975 lh w. f ' LEX'NGT0N si. WifcOW U 6 DIAMOND BRIDAL DUO YOUR ACCOUNT OPENED IN 3 MINUTES .6e our ea&y credit plan ( NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES