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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1945)
. iho J. 0. H""' ranch Jt.lh., ,1,7, ,illilcl will .wit rok" ,,. . ii.n I "T n-.n riltllll 11-11 11 d. "'"' iH.fl of tho !'. "1" ' look nfler te w" reported ffifJ someone uot S . nuiu wt,ro "i,u""u, 11 .Irilllll'd lllllt I MILKING' ill SID our cari. I""!'"' L,.',.n V L'JtImI the '..I KiihtT II i v ... tk. or n lumii " i..i.l r nil Iriiiiii'il UM by Mi Hi r.7, ltdii auto T. Mlinn, .. n Inrun i.- Kt..Ml.w. I1U tfiMi THO Mill' i. or n town. nulnfil C ration coupon! Sn . car Uckcr. . Miainc" ' 1043 u .u" Thundny morning j , tublo model UUIOCKUU lOVCI OI on Mnln iticl Km S5. I'""1"' rntl i) wcro BC1 i.ii anu. u were mm tuck opcrnlcd l).v Harold no ul ..V""" ... -?r , street In Hie renr of 1 ImplelllClll lUlllinniy iv morning. Tho carrier . 1... M I. A. I IIP V. ncrc no personal iniurlos, .1.. anffiirfwl fill.,.. f IIIC ItUVIV ...... v.-.. Kclscy, 1522 Siskiyou reported a minor crnsh , !,! mr and 1 narked k at 7:30 n. m. Wednesday fa and mil. LIFFE NAMED fill!! iWNGTON, Jon. 25 P) Gen. Anthony C. Mo . who retorted with "nuts" to a Gorman sur ultimatum at Unstognc, Dminalcd todoy for pro- lo mnlor general. 4U-ycor.old deputy com' of tho 101st alrborno dt n decorated with tho hiljhcd Service Cross by hi; UcorRo a. I'uuon, jr., field December ;iu. Mc shomo In In Washington Roosevelt also sent to halo tho nominations of major aoncrnls to thrco' UK: il C. Wedemcycr. chief of lo. ucnernllmlmo. Uilanu K: Lconurtt r. uvrow. bidor of Ihq .fifth corps In isna wniinm n. simnson iiidinx ijenernl of tho rmy on the western front I Clerks to h How to Say 'No' fTLAND, Jan. 25 (P) Re- ucicrKs nerc win bo told say "no" to Jittery wnr Locnrn mrr silkj . I ON CITY, Jan. 25 (P) ". n, nioiiiim ok- I 11 n line. .11... t t. . 1 1 i I sirueK by t""'" ' mo woods. RATHER r"'r. Janturr Max .iji3::.JJ iMomers nt n marketing r Wheeler. Kort Worth ho will jpenk. dlsn Of 'Don't you know wr on" and thinks "uum ioko "on hour to necessary. !!. IBIS Min. I'rtcln. ,uo ...w .17 Ind ,;,k"".l.,,n"' Hll'l rain nlihr ' ""'"". Hllflilly '""J!1 0'n-Conldmblt . "'"iieratiire. , PbttUXry" ('IN smith .. . ... li m iu? Klam.ll. ta. by hli J,."1 V?1" Kllm.ih "' !"rl Jllh. Sm,n Vc. V pait Johni, 110 tlepaon, H l.ula McQfalW McCny, all ie hold lied. and : FUNERaT 'UV WlRTl .'"hlfc:..':!. !' i.J. a. win tPfl.,",l awuy Ti nil?, "J1' '"wrl Iom rhsnnl jinr, lOlJ "H Ihi i.v..J"'. I" t 2'ilelallnB M-! 1" uroniim mt u in "llmonl iervirn ?l"i Wii T J .i" J-'nKyin. tv k '"How I. l'n,rai.T!illK A '4 to" ilteni'lh. '.?.!? r"'i B'T n' v vn 1 1 womati leiuj aillrb fMa,,",'elJ'I;,HI" Caialnen I'j '"Utealliio, "a. T....,J"?.'1. W.I .Ion. M!1' "I "... an. Itt ."'" Hm..l a."' hln. a-o j,i. r""m". aaT I, hh.;..""''. bom.. t2 i .iT.r. 5.. "M'! alaai ,i,,,l'M.000." Sr,'n '"""I t 2 Mii ,i J , ' nulnt i5,'6, li?n"' t'.l- First Camera Appearance '; .... .fgKm- ""yr. '. u 4 ' i ' ,-'V TtUpholo) Rebece Wrllrs, daiiKhter of Orson Welles and Actress lilt liayworth, logs! a bit aurutlsed ns she mnkrs her first enmem debut at the age of 1 month ui her mother'! arms. Leads Drive lim ii I ii n ? fitjJ Ma). Gen. Oscar W. Grliwold (above) oommands tha Mth corps which . is., leading, tha American drive on Manila, ac cording to Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur. The corps includes ins 37th. 40th U. 8. divisions. (AP wlrephoto). Farmers Asked For Definite Gas Data More definite Information Is requested from farmers subniit tliiR applications for farm trans- fiortntlon to tho county farm rnnsnortnlion committee, ac cording lo Ted Dunwoodlc, sec retory ot the agricultural adjust mcnt. agency in Klnmntli county. Farmers upplylng for motor fuel should list their proposed activities for the next three months from tho dnto of nnnll- cation, nnrt statu why gasoline Is needed. Sunolemontnl. forms nro ob- tnlnnblo nt cither the Klnmntli off Ico of the 01JA or nt tho AAA offlco In tho federal building. Correct Information in filling out these forms is Imperative, in or der that tho application may be given proper consideration, ho said. MERCURY DROPS PORTLAND. Jnn. 25 M) Tho mercury dropped to 24 de grees nt the rortinnd nirport this morning tho lowest rend ing this winter. '!' a "I -Vi-.. n " arliola tro. need, ndvcrtlso for a used ono in tho classified. SWEATERS All Wools, In Sllpon arid Coat Stylos.' ' OREGON WOnt FN STORE : Main and 8th Merrick's Ball Room Medford, Ore. Thurs., Jan. 25th . v IN PERSON . with a Great Combined , SHOW and DANCE Featuring AMERICA'S I COWBOY COMEDIAN And atari from Holly-' wood Darn Dance, ' ' Grand Ole Opery and National Barn Dance, The War At a Glance By Tha Asaoclatsd Presa Weatern fronti Allied planes hammered Incessantly ut tier man trnnspurt fleeing Ar dennes buttle sector: British pushed toward Juncture with Americans on Roer river; Ar dennes salient virtually oblit erated as Americans moved ui) toward German border; French continued offensive In south against Colmur pock et. . Russian fronti Berlin said East Prussiu was cut off as Russians reached the Baltic coust; soviet armor reported storming across Oder in .Sil esia; fall of Brcslau seemed Imminent; decisive battle said to bo developing In Poznun urea, l.'7 mllos from Berlin. Pacific fronti Clark field near Manila under siege; Lu zon' capital 50 airline miles from American columns; net work of defenso caves cap tured near Clark field; Ban ban river crossed, town of Banban taken. Whale Woos U.S. Sub, Leaves Disappointed SEATTLE, Jan. 25 (P) The amorous ambulations of a lovC' sick whale who wooed but failed to win the undying lovo of a U. S. submarine were described hero yesterday by a sub, sailor homo on leave. ' '. "It was a noble experiment," says Lt. Cilson Rohrback In sum ming up his sea saga of unre quited love. ' "When wo surfaced," said Gil son, "he swum round and round us cutting all sorts of capers making a regular show-off of himself. ' "When wo submerged ho'- fol lowed us down and nuzzled the sub affectionately all the time making funny noises which wn picked up on the sound device." The sub's salty suitor was a persistent wooer for many days, sold Rohrback, nnd then,' in a sudden fit of disillusionment and with a flnnl flirtatious flick of his flippers, disappeared Into the deep. Thrco hundred Mexican train ees, now undergoing flight in struction nt Randolph fleld,.com prlso tho first group of its kind. Washington Solons To Visit Fort Lewis OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 25 m Stats legislators left their desks today for an Inspection junket to Fort Lewis marking an In termission in tho 20th leRlsIa tivo session which to tills point has completed surprisingly little action. Observers generally arc agreed legislative action is tern, porarlly . slowed pending Gov. Charter Members Night Planned Thursday, Jan. 25, 194S TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON WICKS VVapoRub ; M If -m : I f ''"it f.t vi&.vv il ' -''A :r " ' .mt4 - HERALD AND NEWS THREK 1 BOOT SOX Wool ot Part Wool OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main Bill Houston and M. W. Coseboom talk over the newa and plana for tho Elks charter members night at the lodge Thursday, January 28. Charter membora of the Elka lodge here include Coaoboom and Bill Houaton, Fred Houston, Charles Martin, John Martin, Bort Hall, Ed Dunham, Jim Drlscoll, G. A. Krause, E. L, Paddock, Goorge Merryman, C. H. Underwood, W, B. Barnes, C. R. Miller and Perry O. DeLap. . . . . Mon C. Wallgrcn's decisions on social security and liquor legis lation. Meanwhile the republican op position, through J. M. (Bud) Dawley, stale GOP central com mittee chairman, charged that tho democratic administration now is "busy chopping off hun dreds of competent state em ployes merely to satisfy Job seeking political hangers-on. WORK SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 17. OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ZEM AIM'S Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th ' Phone 7511 Across From Montgomery Ward on North 8th , FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Announces a Free Lecture On Christian Science Entitled iw Christian Science; Prayer Made Practical ' by LEONARD T. CARNEY, C.S.B., of Beverly Hills, California Member of the board of lectureship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. FREMONT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 715 HIGH STREET Thursday, January 25, 8:00 P. M. The public is cordially invited to attend. Now She's Walking On Air Evtrr lr. people who mll iulter from (IrM. burnlnv feet r learning lh oufck, thrllMn comfort that Ilea In at Jar of Ice Mint. Under Uio tourh of llii froatj-whlt cream, you tin actually feel tlrvd muaeUa relax, b your feat reapond atmoat Instantly to Ita rcfrcahlnr cool n cm. To htp aoftan eorna and callousae, thera'a nothing battar than mcllcinai lcoM Int. Bo gat a jar today and anioy tha bllaaful feeling thai come with aliMlay foot comfort. At alt druggUU. r tun -vr iv by SietfititiL caiiroaai oaiaiae Feted to be matedl The self repleating TRIKSKIRT that- folds up, rolls up or hangs up combine,! with a matching jacket to male e 100 Wool end Rabbit heir year-rounder suit.. Lovely Cali fornia colors. . 1- Si:es 9 to 1 5 for Junior. "S $18.95 .. fit; Foulger's $2,5, Main ,,; ; Vfeir ' V" it- Sheer Crisp PRISCILLA CURTAINS . j Sheer grenadine ruffled cur j tains with wide ruffle. Expert j tailoring and French headed. ? 84 inches long. White only. Point de Esprit grenadine, fully mercerized. Extra -full . ruffles and French headed self material tiebacks. 72. inches long. 3 98 298 Sash Curtains 54-inch sash curtains in gay printed patterns." Full ruffles with tiebacks. 1 98 Sears Values Sugar Sack 1 1 O DISH TOWELS 10 for . I e IV All Linen KL - ; CRASH TOWELING yd. O SIC Blue and White . AAfl TICKING ............yd. X7C 3 Pound IQ COTTON BATTS I. IV 2 Pc. Cheniile ' A AQ BATH ROOM SETS .t...;.i70 Ladies' Warm "1 TFiO FLANNEL GOWNS Ie V' Women's A f" ' COTTON STOCKINGS Z)C 36 Inch Fancy Weave VI O MONKS CLOTH .......yd. I!C 90 Inch Bedspread DO O MATERIAL yd. I ii7 45x45 Inch Checked 7aO LUNCH CLOTHS TT C Jacquard, Full Size jr n BED SPREADS 0.70 PATCH WORK QUILTS ... 4.29 TUFTED RUGS 2.99 Ono Pound' m 'fg WOOL BATTS I.UU Sedrs 1 Wool Filled COMFORTERS 698 All wool filled comforter with printed sateen covering. Solid color back nnd border. Largo 72x04 size. 100 Wool ELANKETS i' Full Site, Woshoble MATTRESS COVERS i 21x27 Inch Foothcr Filled BED PILLOWS . .... ... Superb Slunibcrsound quality 100 wool blanket. Stro'nfily loomed with a firm, even weave, double woven for ex tra warmth. Glistening rnyon 4 satin binding. Pnstel colors. 72x84 inches. Weight, 4 lbs. 3.79 ea. 2.79 TLAMEX" GLASS OVENWARE Watch It Cook . . . For Smart Housewives DOUBLE BOILER Fine for baby foods, sauces and frostings. Easily cleaned. Lock-on O lid fits both parts. SAUCEPAN Flamex saves , time, fuel. Cover locks on to keep in steam, flavor,' vitamins. Cook and serve "I QC in same pan. . ' SKILLETS Browns food perfectly. Pan has convenient side handle; ' also detachable handle. Famous O OQ Flamex quality. MQJ UTILITY TRAY A dish of many uses. Bake and serve in this attrac tively designed glass dish. 60c CASSEROLE Dual purpose glass oven- ware use casserole for ; open baking dish, cover as ' a cake pan. A1f Quart size. D3C LOAF PAN Flamex glass ovenware Is beautiful and serviceable. Dish has etched design. Bake, serve and . ATLg, store in It. . &n 03 CB0C5CS Go 1