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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1945)
lears Pioneer Letter , 0( (hu Art Needlework flub on Wednesday At " !"C,V i ilio homo of Mm. D. V, Kuykendiill, Ilia hostess tiiooii. " ,,, to rend n letter which win dnlocl Decern NM lie (iuy 'ho flint train pummel throiiKh Oregon to 18. 1 Vm iVrlcii t'lillwood, then hi Ashllind, wrote tlut letter C. U. WiilHOiii wnu is MHiuicr oi rvin, J. . I, allii '"'. .llllWf.( of Klmiiulh Falls IbHM. w-- (-jjHwourt tu 1 1 it of the lurgu celebration In In inn .. B(t Jko wan driven, connecting the IU .. .. I M . .ilnil or'" (rout lied- il.nd Oil I ... I tit I1UI 1" . i and !.."' ...ikn la wf" luwn h Icn', ,1 Us niituri.l stale once were more 'bW eslerdiiy h"" .' In IOWI1 ' cd he large inch had . n.K l ie ruim f I frilll IH ll,;t,olS Wl" i ,' In large ; clrivliiK U'" lie Plf ' ,,,rl,-l P T. Irivr " v Col. Crock l ', d. ii.,.l enmillll to who w" l,l nil aoo it ?,": n o Hint win. L,t iho completion of the Wl LC!'Lechc by Gov- lwS J i, . George (ex- pennoyj.r..i.:f "r I-umaii) rrsmi ".j i , aim now Hint 'ho land Vevcrul others. Plxley Z 'that tho ri-llroml was fclfled, we would no ii.iww" Sa'cl with civilized pro- Lnd In time, become civil- KW.'m ntoal big I do, with a clunco In (.ran f .11. A Sod rniiny of the " .j i. .ni,v thnmse vea Xrfhcy Eft for Port- .17 m. he first through passenger from Oregon 10 miiih ikmniii ihla morning. t were icven coaches bo- the bagoo Ai.iia a number of tbe land people went over the it o thut they l have the honor of saying went inroumi mil n( Ortion." tmbera enjoyed hearing tho read, ai well as looking collection oi rnny.nny iium owned by Mra., Kuykcn Theso pout curd pictures made by Johnaon nnd com . who were photographers ;iamath Fnlla around 1010, eclal guests of the hostess i Mra. R. S. Hopkins, Mr. Baxter. Mra. George Kiev and Mra. George Ulrlch. C. H. Underwood, club Itienl. announced the next jinj for February 7. nt Iho of Mra. Chnrlei J. Mnrtin 28 North 7111. . . 5 pmei of Moose io Women of the Mooas met jular aeaalon Tueadny cvo- January id, In Ilia Mooie with Kruncci Wnllx. aenlor ll, presiding. Lodge wai led In reguUr form nnd Ihc (rail of officers allowed all Int. followjng the opening kionlcj, i clnaa o( cniulidi.tra Initialed In honor of the klihlp commlllcc and tho IdJhlp committee chnirmnn preaentcd ner chapter night am. mri. ACKormun pinyca nana loioa ana rluby Ucll, ate dean, wns tbe nrlnel- feakcr. She give the hinlory iraojnip, alter which sue presented hv Ilin ehnulpr 3 beautiful Hlhle. nnri Uolln Mlnsi chairman of friend- committee, preaentcd her a small ooM frinH.i.i,, ri,, hS Stalls, chnirmnn nf llw. Ifal guild committee, Ihon wr March of Dimes mid ted 34.13 lo be turned over iioienaai. pioni wero for Iho birthday dinner to id, Februnrv lfl. anH nil fcra of the chnplnr who iu nueiifi aluiuld call OS Wn Im ni 7imn I1..U.. Pt S30S, AH niemliprii nnrl husbands or cscnrln vulll h- me. . I'owlng the closing cere ii i "'"shmcnts wero 1 " me group. 8 S K filiary Meek ' St. Punt' Mr , ,., aVrl n. tV ","",cn auxin iti ?o T,,,lrs(,y afternoon, " veil, 651 Alamedii. Com fsip be npDolnteri fnr ihn f , are: Education, Mrs. .uRsion, chnirmnn. Itii- , .T'J''- H. Reeves inn; di . II. I llowsli e; aocl ii. no followed bv turn. m. . ""vuuoh r Mrs. Floy jPP; 'rs. n. it. n-nnt dp p lal n shrn-i u , " "ogcrs. "lo b,'n"" reeling I "ln n'l fellowshln nro S is' p.;. "clHl Pro l had iV 0 " Program I. P lfe" "rr"n''d by tn. program ler7v'nVC? ,n,rr lo " S S S Io Cn'J!: ""'ioway. Mrs. .dM.PC'"r":.C,. I, Hnr- Nle. -1ed will be Matron Si V !n FrlH. clock HOME-MADE flES to Mak. A. M. :30 lather Tri.d ch From U., 2 P. M, Closet 8 P. BURR.Q. M. N Amaranth Meet Kilcndtililp Court, niinihor II Urilcr ui iho Aii.nriinlli, null u nluted meeting on Wrduesdny, jnnuiiry , at ii o clock p. n In llic niuaniilc temple. A apnclul cli'rlliin was held. with Cluirlotlo Mn rt I ii clioaen its the royul million In the absence ol Mra. Kdllh Cimrl. Mra. Nllu West wua elected nssocliitu con ductress. Eva Len Long, grand truth, was e.icortt'd, lulroiluceil and givrn the grand honors. Hcrnko f inch mid Frances Kceves. past iniilrons, and Dr. M. C Cimsid, )iint piilriiu, wero eiu'orti'd and introduced. Mrs. Mcda Rush of Alluriia and Mra. Liuiru Stcnlii'ii- son of Ai4ilaii(l, both former real dciils of this city, were guests at llin meeting. Tho degree of tho order was conferred upon Dr. and Mrs. Cole, and at Iho close of Iho meeting, refreshments wero served by Freda Jackson, Kranccs Heeves and Charlotte Martin. The ditto (or tho Installation ceremony will bo announced Inter. I S 8 Catholic Daughters Margarot Mvaley, of the Na tional Catholic Community Serv ice, and Anne M, Klrksmelor, Nnllonnl Catholic Cummunlty Service rcpre.culatlvo In Klam ath Falls, wero guests at the meeting of the Catholic Daugh ters of Amerlcu which was held on Monday, January 8. Miss Mealey addressed tho group dur ing the session. Tho NCC'S Is a member agency of tho United Service nrgnnlxa tUms. In the USO, all thtco be liefs, i'rotestanl, Catholic and Jewish, aro represented, and co operate In service to our men and women of the armed forces, as well as their families. The women's division of this church organization Is essential ly Interested In this problem nnd In rccrentlonal Interests of all the WAVES and wives of service men In this area. Miss Mealey stated that we all share Ihc great responsibility of serving the vast Impact of mili tary personnel and their (anil lies who have come Into this dis trict, Tho Catholic Daughters wero congralulalod upon Ihclr splen did volunteer assistance which is being given at the USO center on each Friday of the month. Alter tho business meeting, a committee headed by Chairman Lillinn Hcndrlckson, and assisted by Gladys Stephens and Anne Zupnn, served refreshments lo Iho group. 5 5 5 Phythian Sisters Wlnemn Temple, Pythian Sis ters, met In tho library club rooms on Friday evening, Janu ary 12, for an installation of of ficers. Officers who will serve during lfMS are Roena Luglll, MEO: Wanda Elliott, MED; Lil linn Haydcn, ME.I: Vclmn Per mln, manager; Viola Herman, protector; Eva Richardson, offi cer of tho guard; Edna Jensen, captain of the guard: Charlotte Canoy, M o( RC; Anna McDon ald, M of L; Nina Beck, musi cian nnd PC. Installing officers included Jennie Hum, Edna Jensen and Efflo Hcrikcy. Following the installation ceremony, the Sisters enjoyed a luncheon nt Ilershbcrger'a cafe. The next temple meeting will ho on Februnry I) al 11 p. m. At that lime, there will be Initiation of officers, nnd a lunch will bo served by Ger trude Anderson, Nina Deck nnd Charlotte Cnnoy. Visiting Sis ters aro nlwnys welcome. The AAUW study club will meet with Mrs, Harry C. Mnhan al her home. 1177 California, on Wednesday, January 24. Sho will review Ihc book, "Anna nnd Ihr King of Slam." VFW Auxiliary On Thursday, January 18, the auxiliary to the Veteran! of foreign Wars met ln Its new meeting place, the library club rooms, and Mrs. II. J. McGllvary presided, Two candldalea, Mary Wilson and itiiitha Lund, wero Initialed Into tho auxiliary at this time. A loiter (mm lone Wood, hospital department chairman, thanked the auxiliary (or the donations to Urn veterans' hospitals, and May Conradl, senior hostess at Iho UKO center, thanked the or ganization for lis assistance at tho center on Sunday, January 14. Hlxly-threo home-made pies were served lo tho 1000 service men and women that came to tho center that day. A (lag Is lo bo presented to Al (amnnt school, where Margaret Lavln's home room haa organ ized the Young Citizens league. 11 Is called '"Hie Volco of the cascades. Special award (or Ihc meeting went to Edna Caldwell. S 8 Ladies Auxiliary On Thursday eveninu January II. Iho ladles auxiliary to llw llrotherhood o( Itailroad Train men met In regular session In Iho KC hall. Mrs. Henry Hod man, newly-installed president, was In charge o( the meeting, and 21 members wero present, as well as all tho officers except two. The (lower committee which will serve (or tho next three months. Includes Mrs. Red man, Mrs. V. C. Phillips and Mrs. Carl Henry. Mrs. J. M. Jcnson received the guest award, and Theda Newman, Naoma Redman and Lolha Snyder served refresh ments at the close of the eve ning. Aa the president has no tele phone at the present time, mem bers desiring Information should call tho vice president. Mrs. V, C. Phillips at 74H1. 5 Past Oracles Past Oracles. Royal Neighbors of America, met at the home of Mrs. Anna Woolcver, 1538 Sar gent, on Monday, January IS. After the short business meet ing, the evening was spent play ing cards. Lucille Heifer re ceived high prize, Frances Kll llan, second high, and Lola Myers, low. The traveling prize went to Martha Baker. The tabic was centered with a bowl of nansics that had been picked from Mrs. Woolever's (lower garden. Dainty refreshments were served later to Ella Pauley, Lu cille HcKcr, Amanda Ferris, Kato Hngue, Frances Killlan, Martha Baker, Lola Myers, Ethel Blake and the hostess, 5 Farewells Said TULELAKE Several fare well parties have been given during tho past month (or Mrs. J. C. Stevenson Jr. She haa been very nctive In clubs of her community ns well as the Klamath basin. Mrs. Stevenson will be especially remembered (or her unscKlsh work ss an advisor of the Tulelake Cad ettes, who arc connected with the USO. She has also been past presi dent of tho Wlncma Welfare club of West Side Tulelake, where she has lived for a num ber of years, and hns given much of her time to work In the Presbyterian church. She Is also well known throughout music circles, as well as social ly. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson and daughter will be at home to their friends at the Melss ranch which Is owned by ,1. C. Steven son, prominent rancher and cat tleman of Macdoel, California, ! .5 Birthday Party BLY A group of friends hon ored Betty Patzke with a birth day party at the Wilbur Book homo on Friday evening, Jan nary 12. Betty received many lovely gifts, and refreshments were server! later in ine evening. Thoso honoring Miss Patzke, were Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Patzke, and Joan, Edna Book, Shirley and Norma Jean Book, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Engen and Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McGlnnis nnd Judy, Mr. F, Pollack, Molly Mc Glnnis, Gerald Riddle,' Blllle, Annie, Jewel and Elmorine Fa gan, Russell and Lavon Atchley, Frances and Sherman Shoe maker, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Al gcrs, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Book and Wllda and Judy. Social" " " Calendar TvaHar, January f Klamath 1, nth era a Udli' Aid, I p. m . at th church. Waitrtfadar, January II Hagular rnvctlnjf ol th Holournra at tha Wlllard hnUlai lift p, in. A no hoataia luncheon bafor th mcatlnf ti optional, NalNrday, January 37 Annual Iloarntchrr la anonaored by Klamath rail Wnman'a Mnrary rlnb, Wlllard' hnttl. Taa chairman, Mra, nohrt A Thnrnpion. Drlilgo chairman, Mri. UO N Hula, MtniUr rhruary II ronnrlrr'i Day prnjfram In Mllll achool auditorium at i p. m. Maiitafi February IS Mra, Oforg It, K, Moor haa d to aptak bafort fJhrary rlub at J p. m. Wt tin radar, faomary SI Mutch UHla ftym phony apontortd by I ha Klamath Community Concert aito nation, I'ellran thealrt, p, m. Wt4nai4ar, March 7 Dorothy Maynor In concart aponaorcd hy Klamath Community Concert aaao elation. Tallcan thtaire, a p. m. I I i Sewing Club Three guests attended the meeting of the Happy Day Sew ing club which met Wednesday evening, January 17, with Mrs. Howard Cramblctt. -2117' Oak. The members present were Mrs. Frank Beard, Mrs. Douglas Frc- borg, Mrs. Homer .Stiles, Mrs. Clayton Wiard, Mrs. Harry wiard, Mrs. Reuben Peterson nnd Mrs. Lloyd Allen. The guests were Mrs. Hlllard Bell, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Kcllar, and Mrs. Kcllar received tho special award of the evening. Mrs. Lloyd Allen. 2463 or chard way, will entertain the club at its next meeting, and she will be assisted by Mrs. W. C. Little. Merry Mixers Eleanor Curtis wns hostess to Iho Merry Mixers club at her home, 1335 Crescent, on Thurs day evening, Jaiuary 11. Pi nochle was played during the evening, with Huth Anderson holding high score, and Ruth Lawrence, low. Officers elected to serve dur ing the year of 1945, were Ruth Anderson, president; Kozclla Walts, secretary; Ruth Lawrence, publicity. Those attending were Ruth Anderson, Jo Paup, Maxinc Rose, Rozella Waits, Dorothy Smith, Marie McDonald, Alberta Allen, Louise Cramblctt, Eleanor Curtis, and one guest, June Col lins, formerly a member of the club who is now living in Den ver, Colo. 5 Anniversary BONANZA Mr. and Mrs. Fratllr Nlelinl wnrn of hnmn JartlinrV 12 A ritrofipn Ihn fntt- gratulations and good wishes of incir irionas ona relatives upon their 57th wedding anniversary. Ml-. Nlrhnlc nnmA tn IM of the country with his parents In June of 1876. They came irom rvansns via California with one of the early immigrant trains, and since that time, Mr. NlChals has lived In Rnnnn-n During a trip to northern Call- lornia, ne mcl end married Mattie Jane Albertson of Adin, Who also r n m a rf ntnnna.- stock. hor mother having travel led wesi in a covered wagon, and her father coming to Cali fornia during the days of the gold rush. , In addition to a son, Lester, of Portland, and two daughters, Mrs. Ruby Brown and Mrs. Otto FrenRA nf RnnnnH ihm couple have nine grandchildren no iu grcai-granacnnarcn. All troops of Girl Scouts and Brownies are participating in the annual cookie sale, nnd each girl Is given a percentage of her sales to spend for her re spective troop. Anyone may purchase these cookies from a Girl Scout or Brownie at 35 cents a box. Announcing Reopening of lh Swansen Beauty Shop Monday, Jan. 22 Spocialixlng in: PERMANENT WAVING HAIR TINTING FACIALS OPENING SPECIAL $10 Machlnelesa Pormonont Wave Cold Wavn : I , $7.50 $10.00 Gertrude Johnson In Charge Woodcraft Meet In the absence of Alia Clark, guardian nulghbor, Dlcksy Weed, oust guardian neignnnr, prraldcd over the meeting of tho Neighbors of Woodcraft, held In the KC hull Monday evening, January 15. Following tho busi ness meeting, a birthday parly was given for those whoso birth days have occurred during Ihc pasl three months. Stella Bry- den and Evelyn Patterson were In charge of this portion ol the evening's program, The next meeting will be an election of officers, and there will bo a potluck supper at the clotc of the meeting. S 8 Dessert Bridge Many farewell parties were given for Lt. and Mrs. Peter llngi.n who left last week for Colorado, where they are plan ning lo make their home. A dessert bridge party was given for Mrs. Hagan on Thursday evening, January 11, at the D. W. Rice home on 1030 Huron, and hostesses for the affair in cluded Mrs. Roy Prcmo, Mrs. J. L. Mitchell and Mrs. D. W. Rice. Prizes were awnrdod to Mrs. T. Molatorc, Mrs. Lloyd Young, Mrs. J. E. Gates, Mrs. Clyde Slddcrs and Mrs. K. M. Moty. A lovely gift was presented to Mrs. Hagan (mm the group which Included Mrs. F. B. Hop kins, Mrs. C. J. Cox, Mrs. M. Dlckcrson, Mrs. Matt Flnnigan, Mrs. Glen Jones, Mrs. Ben Gib son, Mrs. C. D. Ough and Mrs. Myrle. Adams of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. Vcrn Austin and Mrs. Archibald Forbes of Malln. Yed in November ' BONANZA Pauline Morrow, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morrow, who are (ormcr resi dents of Bnnnnza, and aro now mak ne their home in Namna Idaho, became the bride of sgi. Artnur maiKnccni oi tve Inth. Minnesota, according to word recently received by Vir liinia Hulihv of Bonanza. The wedding was an event of Saturday evening, November 18, at 8 o'clock in the Methodist par sonage at Pocalello. Idaho. Lorcne Morrow, sister of the bride, was her only attendant, nnd Jphn Miladin, S2c, USN, wns the best man. SSgt. Malknecht has re turned to Muroc army air field in California where he is sta tioned at the nrcscnt time, and Mrs. Malknecht has resumed her duties as commercial instructor at Pocatcllo. The bride was graduated as an nonor student from the North, west Naznrcnc college, and has been teaching at Pocatcllo for the past two years. The Degree of Honor lodge has announced the Carnation Formal, which will be held on January 22 at the Knights of Columbus hall. The dance is for members and guests, the lat ter being admitted by invitation only. Members are advised that they may secure their invita tions by contacting the commit tee in charge of the affair, in cluding Velma Gordon, chair man, Dolly Cox or Cressa Grubb. Members of Delta Gamma chapter of Delphian will meet Tuesday at 9:45 a. m. at the home of Mrs. K. G. Cummings, Washington street The topic will be, "Sweden: A Modern Utopia?" ' Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver are expected home this weekend from San Francisco. Mrs. Weaver has been south sinco the first of the year, Mr. Weaver joining her this week at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Weaver. . Oswego Wedding The Sacred Heart church In Orwego, Ore., was the scene or an afternoon ceremony on Saturday, January 13, when Pa tricia Anne Campion of Oswego became the bride of Robert Les lie Bcrke. The bride.-who was dressed ln a turquoise wool suit and brown accessories with a corsage ol white orchids, was givon In mar riage by Georgo J. Greenwood Jr. Mrs. Paul E. Durand and Mrs. John J. Currie acted as the bride's attendants. Mrs. Dur and was dressed In a gray wool suit with a corsage of violets, and Mrs. Currie wore a wool suit of pale blue with a similar corsage. Paul E. Durand was best man for the groom, and ushers in cluded D. G. McPherson and Ar thur Guenthcr. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Louise S. Campion. Mr. and Mrs. Bcrke are now at home In Klamath Falls. Junior Circle The Junior women's circie of the Community Congregational church held Its January meet ing at the home of Mrs. E. S. Edwards on 2450 Orchard way, with Mrs. Robert Bedland act ing as co-hostess. After the business meeting, Mrs. Kenneth Lambie reviewed "Unfolding Drama In Southwest Asia" by Basil Mathews. An Interesting letter from Elizabeth Corey, who is now In the city library at Honolulu, was read to the group. At the close of the meeting, the hostesses serv ed a lovely lunch. Members present were Mrs. Don Rice, Mrs. R. B. Elliott, Mrs. Chester Greenwall, Mrs. E. V. Haynes, Mrs. Loyal Lust, Mrs. Kenneth Lambie, Mrs. Charles Griffiths, Mrs. Walter Patch, Mrs. F. L. Van Doozcr, Mrs. E. M. Gienger, Mrs. Rob ert Bedland and Mrs. E. S. Ed wards. Guests included Mrs. O. C. Bryan. Mrs. E. L. Gill and Mrs. H. L. Gaver. Monthly Meet On Monday evening, January 15, the Railroad Employes' Na tional Pension association held a regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. F. L. Howell on 424 N. 11th, with John Prince, president, in charge of the ses sion. It was reported that owing to the "must legislation" now be fore congress, it was impossible to Drocure action on the pension bill before the close of the 78th. congress. However, all prepara tions have been made for Us re- introduction in January of this year. Attention was called to the great need for the membership to pay its dues, which may be given to the president, or to any of the officers who will give members their personal receipt ior me amount. Dues are $1 per year tor pensioners and women, and $4 for employes, all of which is payable semi-annually. MZHALD AND HEW TIV1 Leaders Observe Sample Meeting Eleven Brownie leaders met Wednesday morning, January 17, at tho library club rooms. They were eager for more train ing, and In spite of being busy housewives and mothers of small children, these women are giving little girls the opportunity to experience belonging together in a group of their own, learning to be helpful and friendly, and having fun at the same time. - - Mrs. A. L. Brandt, the new president of the Brownie leaders, led the group In a typical Brownie meeting, opening with the circle singing the Brownie 'Smile Song." After each phase of the meeting,' problems and new ideas were exchanged and discussed. Where meetings are limited to a length of 45 min utes, it was suggested that ten cents a month should be paid by each member, rather than bringing pennies to each meet ing, ine proDiems oi meeting In school rooms were discussed, as well as the importanee of active games for the youngsters who have been in school. Many games can be played, even among rows of seats, when the gymnasium is not available or weather conditions do not per mit outdoor games. Each troop should own a sturdy chest or box which can be padlocked to hold supplies needed at the meetlne. This chest may be placed in a corner or some other out-of-tne-way place, ana win lessen the amount of materials to be brought by the leader. Mrs. W. L. Terwllliger, the music consultant for the Girl Scouts, taught a number of good songs and singing games, which the leaders enjoyed playing themselves. She will lead a joint meeting of all Brownies of the Altamont school on Wednes day, January 31. Those leaders who attended and received credit for another hour and a half of training are Mrs. F. L. Van Doozer, Mrs. M. F. Shreve and Mrs. S. C. Sauer of Mills school: Mrs. A. E. Fitz gerald of Riverside; Mrs. Charles Hull, Mrs. E. L. Sehorn and Mrs. Gertrude Pruitt of Alta mont; Mrs. T. J. O'Hara and Mrs. Ray C. Brown of Fairview; Mrs. Hal Ogle, on Fremont troop committee;- Mrs. A. L. Brandt of Roosevelt; Mrs. D. W. Holloway, training chairman. Meet Ladies, of the Townsend auxili ary met with Charlotte Canoy on January 10 for a delicious pot luck luncheon and business meeting. New officers elected were Ber nice McCracken, president; Viola Hermann, vice president; Effie Anderson, secretary; Eva Myers, treasurer; Nettie Schimi nesky, chairman of the card com mittee. Members present were Esther Mast. Eva Myers. Matilda Crapo. Bernice McCracken, Effie Ander son, Alice uray. setty Allen, Nettie Schiminesky, Mabel Mc- tit: i i , . . r Hayden and Viola Hermann. Rebekah Lodgt The regular meeting of fTu pcrity Rebekah lodge, number 104, held on Thursday evening, January 18, in the IOOF hall, was presided over by Nina Cur rier, noble grand. Two candidates were initiated, Elayne Lioyd and Eloise Logan. Lucille Heifer, Nellie Watten burg and Jennie Hurn were ap pointed to serve on the "good of the order" committee. Two visitors who attended were Amanda Duffy of Idaho, and Feme Zerble of Iowa. The socal club served refresh ments at the close of the meet ing. The committee in charge consisted of Kate Hoguc and Lu cille Heifer. The next meeting night will be February 1. Troop Party On December 12. the Girl Scouts of troop 10 had a Christ mas party at the Community hall. The girls drew names and gifts were exchanged, and all but two members were present. Games were olaved durine the. afternoon, including murder in ine aaric, ana rin-tin-tin. Cake and ice cream were served later to Donna Beck, Clarice Berg, Mildred Burgess, Gailya Eickendorf, Shirley Hut chinson. Crete Joyce. Rose Mae James, Connie Kochler, Barbara Mccraw, Barbara Phillips, Velma Lee Poole, Caroline Rum elhart, Dorothy Savage, Mary Stone and Zelda Thompson. The Girl Scout headquarters have been moved to the M. L. Johnson offices at the back of the mezzanine floor. The new headquarters are located next to the Red Cross work rooms, and were formerly established ln the offices of the Walton In surance Agency. Hock Wool . INSULATION Blown In St Your Fut. Free Estimates : SUBURBAN Lumber Company Phone 7709 I The Perfect Valentine . . : YOUR PHOTOGRAPH ktf X V"fl vH rf" ! No Appointment Necessary. Open 10 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Jyu ueswireein) STUDIOS "PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION'' 737 Main , Phone 7240 Across the ttreet from United States National Bank Studios also in Medford, Bind, Albany end Portland W-M: ..." ' : h 1 1 :-;y a FAITHFUL to his gsnius DAUNTLESS in his solute to Spring . . . CYMONETTE ere- ares his suit triumph of th yeor end sets a new eye-level fop American design. In black and navy, silver spray, lime ice, tryst blue, neon pink and seafoam. " $48 ti:.'M' Phone 6661 623 Main LULL