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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1945)
Automotive Automotive 34 AutomitlT S4 AulometlTS) Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1943 HERALD AND NEWS N1N1 HilP Sell Your Car N O W OUR CHECK BOOK 34 Automotive) 34 Automotive WANTED : PLUMBERS ON Marine Barracks We Will Give You the Highest SEE ROSE WE BELIEVE IN GIVING YOU A Good D IS L Hour Week - $1.62.5 per hour ea 94 Olh St. M.atlna . Klsnial" Fall. VJ7 TUM. rtsv nlshl. T 4.1 p.m. Walnut Vl . I t I J,f,l..r. cordially o.t toil md round fcTn " J.',". MjftVJ"' , . - infTDANrB OHCHMTJA. T??rln Oak Bi. or i-nuna Service PLUMBING SERVICE it & llciillni! Equipment Lulled and Repaired DAVIS UMBING CO. c Hurry rhone 763S z-iumc 'refrigeration washing machine and mall Appliance Repair IVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phone 703B 2000 South Sixth 6t. OIL BURNERS JRNACE3, CHIMNEYS, leaned and Repaired 00D COAL . OIL. FURNACES lilible (or Replacements Compare Our Prices TUFTS SATING SERVICE Phone 8040 888tf APPLIANCE REPAIRS pair and icrvlce all makes fllcu, vacuum cleaners and other electrical appll We may have the typo of tubo you need. Reason- Irlces, Phono 5188. fARS ROEBUCK Tuca.-Thura.-Sat.-tt NCOME TAX SERVICE mmcrcl.l Bookkeeping Rollia A. Contrail 1,ram, . Jlopka Bldg. . oin ai. Htun 'Mine, and Saturday. . 2-10m 1 . W I VINfJU 1 'fil M,ons D'tnce K nrnnik C-ii- fNSFER and STORAGE I ,.Ultc Vnn Line, . i-none RR72 1-23 A I i BINSpN'S DELIVERY 110:00 a. m.8:00 p. m. ISP j'lxiiit. e. .,. fJM. """" and Upholat.".' rwi'"frrv iM,l,h"1"'" our - : " ". 2-im V. A local "-Mr,0 and In. . tail 101,1 "ncetn, Phon. w a-4 rrrr " Way. 2-lom i Soon.. 4060 Shasta Mermountain Plumbing Co. Phone 8475 lBUSlf 10 Service Phone 32.10 ED F. KING antla Tank Claanarf Tnprllnn fraa. Mod am aUlp main, comanu nauian away. mrMtriTt iiiNt; DnrnfiMAKiNt;. nmion nit nui-Ki niverfd. AUtrallnni on naw ami old rliHhlntf. Mrs. If M. Alltndar, Til Mali). Koom 310. I'll, T2t3. 1-31 in Wit. I. CAIIK ruH Cllll.DHrN in my hum: !' brai1 mid room chllslian Inqulra lain Kan Si. 1 -IT 14 Kalp Wamad PvmtU WANl TO-Sailiil-dy for drug ilnr work. 31 to 41. Kftptrlvnre dralr hll but not rrqulrort. Apply In per on. t (Undrtchi Drui, 3313 a. ntU in WANTED HvaiilV Aporalor ll tit PMrca Meanly Mltop. 1-17 WANTfl).- WaltraM .! niahwaihar Wo man prafartaO. Apply at Itutar'a Cof faa Rhop, UMU WANTEO -HnlPt rletta, rarmananl p' Hon. Wlna-rna hole I. M3lf Wr.t.l. r.NTAIH.IHMKO rillM nm errr lariat nprltf fur Inrat wnniart rletlr ing parmanant noitllon, Mml P4 ovar 30. with s bark i round of offlra vpartanra. Oovl nartlnc aalary llh ampia opportu titty of atlvancemeni for tropor paraort. Call Mr. Pramo at orans Co. if you fan qualify, Uflitf WANTKr- Itvauty operator, mil lima mptoymant. Good auaranlae. Van ity Baauty Shop, 100 N. 1th III t-U WANTKD-WaitreiM. Waliraan DriiK atT.Mf II Hlp Wanttd. Male WANTED Bodyman or Helper and Mechanic ANDERSON AUTO SERVICE 032 Walnut Phone 0444 2 iOOtf WANTKD Mrt Ar woman for aarvica nation worn, cxpamnca itoi nert. r. t willtnc to Irarn futura unlim Hart. foit war tacurtiy aitured. Ca'l M for apnuirttmant or A. V. ' Nwaartnuan 'it Union Oil flatvlra ( lion Carttar of a. 0th and Klamal'i Cfly. WANTED - Naat yoiinff man to handlr tight dalivarltt and work around alora. Apply In paraon. Moaller'l Klamath Flowar Bltoo. 13)1 Main Kt WANTVD - Aulomobtl mtchanlra for Chavrolat and oltr rara. Tarmananl worM. ot 3.M fUt rata, Cannon Chavrolat Co.. Yraka. Calif. lirt.P wantid Pan timt. Uwi Poultry rarmt. Phono 45S0. 1-17 If Halp WanUd, Mala W ANTSD Kxptrlanrad radiator rapair man. Old cttahiuhad, thoroughly quipped ahop. Big monay for right man. Andarton Auto Sarvlct. n Walnut. 14MH WOULD YOU Mka to aarn monay aftar achool dahvarlna a llaralrl-Nawi pa par routa? Ha Mr. Millar at the Haratd office after 3 p. m, dish WANTED Man and boya to aat pini. Light work, good pay. Apply Rowling AiTav. Atfl Main o. m. or any evening. Saturday or Sunday, P31tf HI IK CP ahearer wanted to tag 600 heap, We have good ahaarlni ahad but no elartrlclty. Call the Llakey nanch. 7914. lOIOtf WANTKD-BpoVtrr or praaier, Uptown Cleanera, 117 So, 7lh. 130 If WANTED Nleht watchman for local mill, nefereiicea required. Phone 4313 or Mid. 11 IS Situation! Wanted EXPERIENCED houMkeoper datlret no altlon. ood rook, latlafaetlon guaran taed. Write Box 3134. care Harald and Nawi. . MB 20 Room and Board ROOM. ROAnD-tientltm.n. 1607 Cre. .nl III 22 Rooms Pot Rent nooMs Man. us nun. ROOM FOR RCNT-lOas Jttl.non rnn nKNT-Hini hfdroom for man, MS Ornl. Plionf !HU. kl? jj"uLru"a-nj"iAjuiju,iiri i,r J "' 26 Houioi for Rant THUCKB TOR IlENT-You drlvai move vouraair. aavo . Bit at uearnn orrv Ire. 1901 raat Main. Phnnn n:ii)4. 3-7m 28 Miactllantou' For Rent FOB RKNT t.iran odlrt room In Vn rinrwnnil Rlili. Innulra 211 UndBrwnorl nidi. riinui'v nAMCii rnit nCNl'-.4fial nir. hca. Phona 70.14. 1 1 rnn I AUf. ranch, anulnnad with marhlnary. plenty fraa walar Inr Irrlaallan. Ivay C. Clark. Box llll. Snraaua nivar. la fOR nrNT-rioor .andara, aiiar and wallpapar ramnvlna machlna. J. K. Pallrrann Paint Slora. Thona M34. U3t Ian Main. l-3lm BI.CCTniC FLOOR SANDKRS and aclaar rmilarf tin vmip nwn work. Innulra Palnl Dapl. MONTGOMERY WARD At CO. I-Jim FOR RKNT-Pra.enl loi-allon nf Fnahlon f:l..nnp. nna Main, mndffrn front. Wi hv 70 root. Inquire Rudy'a Man'. Shnh. 000 Main. "'" FOR RFNT-10 ncr land cloa In, Pari old aHnlfit urnnnil, ""1 1IUI'. . . J: I". 30 . . Real Estate For Sal APAnTMCNT llOtlSK and furnlahlnaa tor aala. Now orcuplad and full, tau ter of rlty. Wrlla Box 3300, rare Herald and New.. 1-17 ann fiirnUlierf hnuae. In clndlns eleelrlo range, bedroom and ' llvins room aultai, 1, acre, Innnlrj MM Arthur St. . M FOR RAI.1ll.Nnw vacant. Nltrarltve Kn- coltaaa, . l.liin California. Phone 4.U4. 1-3 Possible Appraisa on Your Car Just Call 4103 and Get Our Figure Dick B. Miller Co. Olds Tower Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashley--'. TOP PRICE FOR YOUR CAR If reasonobly clean we moke no deductions. You need not socrifice when you sell to Ashley Chevrolet Co. 410 So. 6th St. 30 Reel t state For Sale ST. FRANCIS PARK One of the outstanding homes in this (IlKtrlct. This attractive G-room liom has brick con struction, concrete biiscmcnt, triple (iirniie, coal automatic lurnnce. Going for $8)00.00. Terms. MILLS ADDITION In desirable residential district, this 2-bcclroom attractive home has hardwood floors, circulat ing heater, electric hot water heater. Immediate possession. Price $3500. Terms. CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtor 111 N. Oth Ph. 4564 116 FOR SALE 6-Room Modern House In Hot Springs 120 N. 10th St 2302U HOMES FOR SALE JOHN McFEE, REALTOR 118 N. 7th Phone 4521 2-5 SPECIALIZING in HOMES EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. 8th Phone 8401 2-lSm FOR HALE-Equlty In t-mall, modern. 2 bed room houio and garage, with or without furniture, 3J28 Cronby, off Al t a mo ill. 1-18 FOR SALE Two-room fumtthed home. garage and woontneo. I'rtce aiw.ii. tVT3 Torrey st I -20 TOn SALE rurnlilied 3-twdrnom mod ern home. Gnrage. woodahrd and work ihop. Two Iota, large lawn and garden nil tinder nrlnkMng ayr-ir-m. Price 53voo canh. 1)44 Hank SI., Shlit plngloi. Dlit. 1-17 FOR SALE 3-room house, modern, with b lenient, partly (urnlahed; cloie In. Phone J4A8. ia.1fitf TOR SALR Equity In 3-bdroom mo dern home, i j acre ground, ehlcken hotme. aninlt burn, exrellent soil. .IMA Illabec. M7 FOR SALE Home In Hot Snrlnga Addi tion, rout 173(10.00. will aell for $4300.00. rurnlnhed home on Si. Fran rid. J22.10.00 rmh. Deal buy in clly. Bndenhamer, 331 E. Main, 118 FOR SAt.F.- 4-room modern hotte wllh bfith. double garaiie and root cellar on 1 acre ground. 3110 Wlard. Phone Rl)17. FOR SALE-H0 nrrc H mlln east nt Ma tin. good potnio land. Modern a hed room brume, Inrge ham. npurl cellar oh concrete foundnllnn, 3 Btirages, hop, bunk hnit5e, Inls of ahade. Deep, aandy anil, $21,000.00. Call Hudgea, Ul. Tulo lalrn llnlnl 1-lfl tjT-TUTlJVafarar-falJValrir m. 34 Auiomotlva MOTOR REBUILDING Align Boring Rcboring And Othor Mechanical Work GIBS MOTOR SHOP l(j;t3 East Main 1-22 FOR SALE RADIATORS OF ALL TYPES ' Will Build Any Typo Radiator You Need Klamath Radiator Works . 2221 So. Oth Phono 6042 s-7m FOR SAI.K-H-lierlrnom homo partly fur nished. Furnare. douhle RarnKC corner s. th si, Phon Mil, .1 7th at Klamath Thurs.-Sat. Phone 41 IS 34 Automoti Used Gars Bought v Sold :! Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends RADIATOR REPAIRING ' We Are Well Equipped To Give Prompt Service Troctor - Truck Bus V. B. SMITH 2549 S. 6th St. Phone S331 1499-tf Exchange Motors Fords 1928 to 1942 Chevrolet 193S to 1941 Plymnuths 1S34 to 1942 Dodges 1934 to 1942 or We Will Rebuild Your Old Motor Reeround Crankshafts With Bearings to Fit I. C. "Ike" Heath Phone 3214 937 Calif. Ave. . 1-2S Winter Driving is Hazardous Driving Is YOUR Car Insured For Complete Automobile Coverage? Phone 8195 John Sandmeyer, C S. ROBERTSON AGENCY First Federal Savings Bide. 1-31-m RECAPPING and TIRE REPAIRING BATTERIES NEW TIRES All Sites Monarch Service Station B. K. Tend 301 So. Olh Phone vuvl 1-7 NOTICE IftaO-lftM Ford and Chevrolet owners, w. now have the parta to recondition your motor complete. 1. C. "IKE" HEATH TIIONE 3214 t-20 FOR SAI.K 1941 llarlev navla s-whteler motorcycle. 1940 panel truck. Call after 7:30 p. m,, Mrs. Robinson. 433 No. 10th. 230Tlf TRACTOR OWNERS-Oet finest quality tractor tires. Let us help you apply for them. All sires available. 11x38-n.oo-3 . , , anB.o.1, puis Tax. Mont gomery WARD, th Street, corner Tine. l-l READY and WILLING TOP OPA PRICE Balsiger Motor Co. YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Main and Esplanade Public Used Car Lot 7th and Oak Across from Post Office South We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks Low First National Bank Finance' We Need Late Models COMPARE Our High Bid 'Before You Sell --See Selby Last- Phone 6934 34 Automotive Motor Rebuilding Starter and Generator Reconditioning MOTOR TUNE-UP 25 Years' Experience Elmer Tripp Home Garage 216 Old Fort Road Phone 7034 before 8:00 or after 5:30 P. M. l-ISm 35 Fuel Heating RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils Best Quality Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor 1-3 lm St Mlseallaneoua For Sal Attention Farmers For Potato Box and Sack Loaders, Potato Sorters, Tractor Cabs, John Deere Lindeman Track Type' Tractors, Hoymaster Stackers and Manure Scoops, Truck Mounted Lime and Sulphur Spreaders See Brown Equipment Company 3049 So. 6th St. Phone 8247 Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. . FOR SALE IRON FIREMAN COAL STOKERS BOB PORTER Phone 7708 204Stf FOR SAUB-Large ivoooen barrel,. In quire at Fluhrer'a Bakery. 173311 rirU.KR BRUSHT.S-Rep. n. V. Morgan. S32 80. Riverside. Phone 334a. , 2-em rOR RALE Blark fur coat In excellent condition. S7.1.O0. Ph. sbto. 1-17 FOR " RALE One prewar davenport and chair. 2313 So. 6IK Ph. 8388. 1-20 FOR SA1.E-F-14 Fnrmall with mower, cultivator and John Deere lo-lnch -wy plow. Ivan Traop. Rt. t. nox aat. mil west of Spring Lake school. 1-17 FOR SALE-100 tons baled nay. 1st cut alfalla. oats and ry. at Keno. See Guy Moore at ranch before crossing river or call Doug Puckatt, Tulelake T104. 3333tf FOR SALK-Dry wood. 1314 Dayton. Ray BUxseth. 2-2 FULLER BRUSHES - Clem Joyer. 14.13 Martin. Phon 8877. l-.llin FOR SAt.r-Trellar nouse. 24 ft. '43 model Plymouth. F.xollent condition. Cemaltly equipped. Klamath Auto Court. ltl FOR SALE 1 bedroom set and front room furniture. Call st 1222 Division. i-ia GLASS-.Mirrors, restlverlng; plate win dow and auto glasa, furniture tops, shelves. ' Kimball's Glass Shop, 3U7 Walnut. Phon 7378. 2-Sm FOR SALE .20.ft house trailer, eastern built, sleeps 4.. Durthurm heater, wllh f blower. Inquire Klamath View Auto Court. 1-18 FOR SALE' Two upright pianos. Good condition, $1.10 each. II.-. I Ooley, 9727 Akard St., Raddlna. Calif. l-in 2379tf 36 Miscellaneous tot Safe First and Second Cutting Alfalfa Hay Delivered In Ton Lots ' Mallory's Market Phone 4620 1-18 FOR SALE Box Tulelake. pump. Phona . 2004. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Don't discard yours books or magazines. Call 9392. 2-S STOVES REPAIRED. All available Darta stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, S20 Klamath. Phone S671. l-31m SPENCER CORCSTrERE Mrs. Enid Burch. 621 Oak. Phona 7.116 for appointment. 2-8m FOR SALE-Curved wedding Bet. Plall num aetUng. Can be seen at 3349 S. 6th. t-16 42 "Miscellaneous Wanted FURNITURE and miscellaneous of all kinds. Bought For Cash. Get Best Prices. SPOT SECOND HAND Phone 3429 1-31 FREE 4 qts. good drinking liquor. The hook? Find us a suitable furnished modern home to rent. Phone 6119 eve nings. 1-7 WAHTTn Plain sawina. 1801 Main. US' stairs. 1-18 MKCIANIf!Al.l.V MINDED MEN look into Refrigeration and Air Condition ing as a profitable future career. Write Utilities Inst.. Box 2248, car Herald and News. 1-18 WANTED Porlable sawmill. Give make and price. E. D. Talmore. Mokelumne Hill. Cant. 1-18 WANTED - Small furnished house or apartment in Talrview school district for mother and child. Writ Box 2065. car Herald and News. 1-17 WANTED Furnished apartment or house by permanent coupl. Phon Dispatcher's office, S. P. Co., after 4 p. m. I-ia cash nald for household goods. Phona 7310. 40tf SOLDIER AND WIFE In dire need -of small furnished apartment or house. Phone 7491 or 7378. 2142U WANT TO RENT-Potato acreage. Pay rath or share croD. Writ P.- O. Box 942. Merrill. 1-23 WANTED TO BUY-Palr of thinning shears. Please phon 4888 after 9:30 P. m. : 216111 RESPONSlnLK local civilian coupl are looking for a small, comfortably fur nlshed home to rent. Must have ad quale heating facilities. Will treat your furnishings as w would our own. Phon 8387 from 1 to S D. m, 1-16 WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR PIANO- Louis R. Mann, 120 N. 1th. Phon 4310 or 1179. l-2Sm WANTED TO nilY-Lale model pickup truck. Phona 7271. 1321 Sargent. RPtf Drive In With Your Car Today ROSE MOTOR CO. PONTIAr 4th & Klamath r..r PON II AC phone 8164 CMC USED CAR LOT ; 6th and Plum ' Phone 6130 44 Livestock and Poultry ' ANNOUNCEMENT A new Klamath Falls enterprise. Oregon's newest modern Baby Chick Hatchery will be in operation about Feb. 1, 1943 the better to serve southeastern Oregon. Arrange now to leave your order for our fine high grade chicks at STANDARD FEED STORE, across from Tower Theater. If you can't come in, write us for information and prices. FRED HUBLER'S OREGON STATE HATCHERY -' . 2720 So. 6lh Box 328 Klamath Falls, Oregon OREGON BRED CHICKS 42 Miscellaneous Wanted Wanted Furnished" House or Apartment by Marine Officei and Wife. Permanent Duty. No Pets or Children. Phone 5121, Extension 5. 2401-tf WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES . We want furniture, trunks, suitcases, clothing, shoes, tools, guns, clocks, watches. In fact anything of value. Give us a ring WE BUY EVERYTHING! 6th St. Exchange 521 So. 6th Ph. 7160 761tf WANTED TO BUY Innersprlng mat- Iresa. Prerer Beauty ttcst or scelcy. Must be reasonably priced. Phone 4890 between S and 7 D. m. TBlf WILL PAY CASH for used guns. Bring tnem in r or appraisal. BbLLS HARD WARE. 928 Main St. 131m WATCH WANTED About S15. 400CI snastaway. 1-17 WANTED - 2-whcel trailer with good rubber. Irving capek, Tulelake. cam. Box 447. 1-10 WANTED Fireplace screen: also rental or sewing machine tor one month. Phone 4411 days. 1-16 WANT TO BUY-Outboard motor. P O. BOX 247. 1-18 WANTED Small furnished house or aoarlment. Needed very badly, write Box 2116. care Herald and News. 1-16 WANTED TO RENT Modem, furnished house or apariment, one cniia. rnone 8473. 2U9U WANTED TO BUY-Up to 40 acres of potato land, write 2in,, care iicraia and News. 1-10 WANTED TO RENT House with 2 or more bedrooms by fcoruary l. rnonc 483R. l-l 44 Livestock and Poultry Farmers Attention! , Let Us Spread Your SULPHUR or PHOSPHATE Big or Little Jobs 2 Power Equipment Sots Do the Work . We Go Anywhere . Phone Your Orders Krizo Bros. Phone 8311 Klamath Falls Phone 74 Merrill 1-19 WANTED - Live poultry of all kinds. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Plv-ne 3372. l-3lm HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogs. veal, lambs and cattle. Johnson Packing Co. Phone 9323. nlghta 3303. l-:llm CHICKS. Finest and best grade nf chicks. Free delivery to Klamath Falls. Send for free catalogue, raieol Hatchery, Talent. Oregon. 2-3 FOR SALE Bred, registered Hereford gilts. Rice Bros.. Dillard. Ore. 1-17 WANTED-Dead una ' worthless antiuals. Phone 4030 collect. i-:um PAYING UP TO 83 Ih for rabbit skins. Millions wanted. Rush shipments to day. Valcauda Fur Co.. Seattle. Wn. ' 1-31 WANTED Furnished house by marine captain and wife. Preferably 3 or 4 rooms. No children. Call 9443. 117 WANTED - Potlllrv. livestock. I'irkevs and rahblls. TRULOVES MAKKF.T. 019 East Main. Phon 4282. 2 .1m 44 Livestock and Poultry ' D93t! 46 Financial When You Want a. CASH LOAN ; For Any Worthy Purpose Call on P. A. (Buck) Everetr at the office of - COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th Sr.. Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made on . ' Automobiles - Furniture, ' Livestock - Salary ' : Sales Between Individ uals Financed and O. P. A. Requirements Completed Come in Phone in or Write in Phone 7711 ' Lie. M-223 Lie. S-251 1-3 lm See K. A. (Dinty) Moore For LIBERAL CASH LOANS AUTO you" FURNITURE . NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete Privacy 12 Months to Pay . No Co-Signers Quick Service Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Klamath's Oldest M-275 S-241 114 N. 7th Phone 3323 1-3 lm Ask Us About "V EQUITABLE LOANS Much lower interest rales Long time easy payments, Prompt Service. . ' It will pav you to invcsligat the . EQUITABLE PLAN CHILCOTE & SMITH ' Since 19!)!) , 111 N. 9th -v.-.. Phone 4564 - . .. , Tucs.-Frl.-tl . If It's a "iro2eri" article vol need, advertise for a used oni in the classified.