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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1945)
January 5, 194S HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE FIVE ,h. Coot-Mr. unci Mm. r. ii,.,,.,i,.miii mvo roiiiiiicu ihclr new homo t Hrooklnu. Their on. U. Uob Nlco '"V, Peeon. Tex.. .'"wcoiniKniwI hl Pronu ur.dklnu (or ween vm. i',. Martin or furlliar y urnlton 'rt lwo -'t,lllien ; i,coii).unlcl lior purunU Hrooklnu. for ly Irk or two. 0 a it, am. will hale V,c..T coinii.u.ilcatU Balui f . ....... n l I ' 1 A n. in. (0 'lrl lunl lervlcei lor her Holert Ntrnuri, inem ;T 'JrtJc No. BB. AKAAM, , Wimh. Tho neivlcen will be ft V lf. Klanwih Kuiwr.l lied io i'iiv v womhlpiul mauler. 1, P.r.nH ITi; UOUEIBt ber from Camp Swllt, Tex.. I ni Mr. nrl Mr. Albort a lu-nny iuuu : purcnD '! wllo. VIrglnl fiber. HO will lonvo iu i ti ll 10 111 POil oniutu-J Amber hit. recently cam itd molorboBt m o c h n 1 c mlns "I Milwaukee, Wli. tvti Avlnlloi) Student i Ulolim, foil oi mr mm r.ntitrev C. Blohm, left ldne(ly morning to return lo niglm, Ai'lr... wmre ne i na- iccl. L-L iiieiiniu wiviimi, cllet ion, nun oei-n irniii red from HrunlnK Kicld, Nc ska. to Korl Sumner. New ..i-,. k....r.luif lo word re- ved hero by lilt prcnU. n Sn rrenclieo Friends clved holiday iircctlniiJ from . and Mr. K. Hiwarmnn, liter Klamath rcililenti who ,c moved to San Fraiicliro. e Sucarmant ami t h o I r ighter, Krleda, have taken KiMirtmcnt on Geary itrect, ti Fried lias accepted a pol- in at Livingston . Horn Richard V. firdner, EM 1c, arrived homo m the oouin i-acinc, win pent 31 month) with the i,h..- "R. v.. aa no Iilliarly knuwn, with hla wlfo tid dauitbtcr. I vuimm nil rircnli. Mr. and mr. ucorje retner, iouo uenvcr. Namtd Cub Mailer A. L. Sattcrli.'n, 4U41 IIIMjuo, was numed Cub mutter oi duck No. 8 at a meolliiK of tho coiiiiiitltco held linn mIii y evcnlnii In Altu moiit Junior hluh achool. Thu Cub pack coiriinllloo will bo headed by It. H. Ande-mon und a training meeting (or 'pack of- llcera will be hold at Altumoiit Junior hluh school Thurtdiiy. January 11, at 7:110 n. in. 'I'liU win include? tne Liin mnator, in- latum Cub minder, tho pack conimlltco ana (leu cniuu. Promoted At u recent hull day nirpiUo announcement at 111 Military academy at roil land, Ore, two Klumuth Kails hoyt rccolved nroiuotlonii to iiink of cadat first class private. The boys Hio Jninea 11. Mcuiido, son ol Mr. and Mrs, Hoy r. Mc 3r dc. 1787 Arthur, and Kred D. Miller, son ol Mr, and Mrt. r red M l or 201 1) Uardon. This appointment was recommended by C'nptnln .lonn A. u wen, aim unproved nv Colonel Joncph A. Hill, president of Hill Military academy. VISITS KLAMATH (rand pu Mother III Mrs. Mary Patch, who makes her homo with her daughter, Mrs. Kred Genercux, 2327 Orchard, lias been qulto III (or tho past two weeks, and two other daughters, rjerllia Sherwln of Seattle and Mrs. Albert Hun- Ren ol Chehelan, Wash., have een sent (or. This will be the first time the two sisters (rom Washington have met In twenty six years. At Inst report, Mrs. Palch was said to be somcwhut bolter. n. If. Anderson irlurch of the grand encamp ment of Oregon, on Id an offi cial visit to Kwuunu Encamp ment No. 4B, IOOr, Tuesday, Junuury 2. to Install new offi cers for 1043, Assisting Grand Patriarch Anderson In the Installation of officers whs II. M Munscll, act ing grand high priest; Carl ban doll, acting grand Junior war den; A, D. Tllton, acting grand senior warden; A. 13, Lund, act ing grand scribe; Ucrt Nelson, acting grand treasurer; 11. C. Smith, acting grund sentinel. Frank U. Miller wus Installed us chief patriarch of thu en campment, and with John Schncebemer as senior warden; A. G. Hurrls. high priest; W. L. Mahaffcy, Junior warden; u. J. Harris, scribe: A. L. Coau. treas urer, will conduct the affairs of tho encampment during this venr. A chicken dinner was served to all thu patriarchs present at this meeting und plans were laid (or the conferring ol the putrlurchal degree on a large class of candidates Tuesday, January 10. OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE tat ki fei HOLMEH HAS WINGS Lt. Ralph R. Holmor has re ceived his wsngs as a fighter pilot nt Victoriu, Tex., accord- i inn Takes Position Charles O Wamelad. former eng'uecr at Shaito dam, has taken his new position with the Klumuth branch of the bureau of reclama tion as office cniilncor. Warn stad will replace Luyton Stephens, who has been pro moted to reclamation superin tendent. Wumstnd'.t wife two children will Join him here soon. Saturday Night Party The Lovul Order of the Moose will hold the usual Saturday night party In the Moose hall, begin ning ut P::0 p. m. Attention is culled to tho chiinge of meeting nlghtuf the lodge from Friday to Thursduy. Initiation will be on the second and fourth Thurs days ol each month. "I If' 1 ' if ' 1 i (" K A. Lsal'Jkh.:. .. A si iinirTWllisHsal awns SMITH COMMISSIONED Donald Kdward Smith. Chllo- riuin, son ol Edward F. Smith ol that plBce, was commissioned a second lieuten ant In the army of the United States upon suc cessful comple tion ol the offi cer cand I d a t c course at the In fantry school ut Fori Denning, Ci. The new lieutenant wus inducted into the ormy on March 18, 1043, and served with the 10th light division before go ing on to school. 11': attended Chiloquln high school and Ore gon State college. TWINS IN SERVICE The twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Mclvin Vundcrhofl o this city DODSON IN CHAIR The first order ol business lor the last time. Frank Dodson, Klumath Fulls is shown In the c iU-NNI U3 J -si 'lmJ. ' "il WW v i '. y ' i Is sv " 1H 1 1 ' II 1 lei rv- i KrT .An with the highest standards of the military service. Mrs. Murray ana pvt. Mur ray s young son, rai, were nreuent at the Dresentauon made on the parade ground at Fort MucArthur November 24. MORGAN IN SCHOOL Pat Morgan, S2c, US navy, la now stationed at radio school, naval reserve armory, at Los An- - . . j-, geles, according , - r - hla parents, . Mr. and Mrs. i Mclvin Morgan, , t inn r-i V aito an n o n. 'J&f &aUi ol KUHS, uss ol 194J. nd lor a time waa with the era 1 d and News. This was HILL IN NORTH CAROLINA Cpl. Homer D. Hill has left for North Carolina whera ha Is stationed with the United States army. He spent an 18-day furlough nere with his moth er, Mrs. Ella Washing ton, route 3. box 462, and othor rola lives. Mrs. W a a h I ngton'i sister, Mrs. J. W. Jones of Stockton, Calif., i'i ol Cpl. Hill's turlough. California ii now growing Jap anese peppermint for menthol. JPat's llrst 1 Christmas aw.iv mmm from homo and IIB OUII, UIIC Ul I the most interesting Christmas I letters home, describing the hoi- j iday as he remembers It in his own home with the reaction of each member of the lamily. that has been brought to this office. I 25 -50 Wool UNION SUITS OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main ffo Inilsll Olfleers The De- cof Honor will hold an inslui- iii, ,n of officers on Monday, Jfliiiury 8, ut the KC hull. All of Illeri are asked to wear lormuls id til members are urged to at- ftd. Mrs. Edith wiard Is in firgo of refreshments. L Furlough Pvt. Rodney Vorc from Camp cook, IK.. Is on a 10day furlough Biting his mothor, Mrs. Lolllo re, 021 Washington. He will urn to his station next week. JTo Strra The American Lc- n and auxiliary will be in urge at the USO servicemen's liter on Sunday, January 7. Do tlon of pics from members or lends will be greatly appro-Itcd. Social Club The Rchkuli so cial club will meet In the IOOF hall Wednesday, .limitary 10, at 1 p. m. lor a politick luncheon, business meeting and election of officers. Hosles-ies will be Alma Cofer and Mary Curtis, and all members arc urged to attend. Pits Needed Eoch Frldnv Cuthollc ladies of Suered ileurt parish serve at the USO center, and they find that more pies arc needed. Those who may wish to furnish pies are asked to call Mrs. Ucrt McMiihon, phono 8023. Daughter Visiting Mrs. Rich ard Holt Wakefield arrived from South Norwalk, Connecticut be fore the holidays lo spend sev eral weeks hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Grorsbcck, oj-t n. utn. Llcsnit Issued A marriage icnsc was Issued to John 'iinlr nf I nm Mi..Iha. r-..ll. larnla. and Letha Wnrri ni Klm. li Falls, on December 27 To a Boilermaker in this area! you want a lob whera thera's My of work ahead . . . whera 'a work's appreciated and "c you'll feci you'ro with a 1 Outfit Vnn mtaht tllA thl. J t Southern Pacific. It's in J S. p. shops . . . working on 'WoniOllves . . . keenlnn 'm In Film Shown A film on tuber- osls was shown December 21 fore the Gilchrist high school, d a short Introductory speech a given by Raymond Oehler i, principal ol the high school. To Hold Mtatlmj St. Paul's Guild will mcel Thursday, Jnnu nry II, at 2 p. m. In the parish hall, Commiltees for the year will be appointed at the meeting and 1U43 dues arc payable. To Maat A business meeting of the Pine Grove and 0 1 e n c community hall committees will he held Monday. January 8. at R P. ni. at the community hall at Ulcne, Laborers ore badly needed at tho Klamath naval air station for all types of work, according to Eugene Lll) cucjulst, renrc nnintiun nf the U. S. employ ment service. The civil service commission Is also In need of electricians and plumbers at both the air station and the Marino Barracks. Information Is also available ut tho civil service office con cerning openings at the Pearl Harbor nnvy yard. According lo Liljcnqulst, va cancies exist from time to time for typists and stenographers, ond the employment otfice de sires those Interested to file ap plications for future use. Tanker Champ Flag Goes to Swan Island PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 5 Ml The tanker champ flog will ugain fly at Swan Island ship yard, because it delivered seven ,.nir..r (mm einht ways In De cember, General Manager Edgar F. Kaiser learned today. Trim Murlneshln corporation, Sausallto, Calif., which sent out only flvo tankers from six ways last month, won tho flag last time. , ... Flag-raising ceremonies will be held at the launching of Swan Island's 114th tanker the Chisholm Trail Saturday. Sponsor jyill be Mrs. C. A. Trcx el, wile U Rear Admiral Trcxcl, Seattle. ' rr.nifarred Lt. Jean Morri son, former WAC recruiting of- Inn to word received by his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hol mer, former Klamath Falls resi dents and now living In Port land. Holmcr waa graduated from Klumath Union high school in 1042 and Is now at Bradley Field, Conn. He expects to com plete his P-47 training in De cember. VAN EMON FLIES 1STH AAF IN ITALY Sig naling the "V for Victory" sign to his ground crew nfler iandlng 'voWi'va.- mi i i P from his 50th combat mission is 1st Lt. Walter Van Emon, 28, of 115 West Alexandria Ave., Alexandria, Va. Pilot on an an AAF Flying Fortress, ho flew his "golden" mission on October 23. when the Forta of the 15th air lorce attacked the Skoda works at Pllscn, Czechoslovakia. COLAHAN IN LOUISIANA Cpl. Clunton W. Colahan, son of Mrs. Grace Colnhnn, 1403 Mitchell, is now stationed at North Camp Pnllc. I.n in lhi ts.,lr 4 division and ex. pects to be ship ped overseas soon, accord to word nniyrnri lint-A Yn. ccnny. VV Clanton en- listen in me v.jtv army last io- BWWI t - - e a s 1 -,tP ' flcc'r here, has been trunslcrrcd v c in b c "r and to Longvicw, Wash., where sho will be.ln chorge 01 tne re cruiting station. Woodoraft Juveniles The Ju veniles of tho Neighbors ol Woodcraft will meet Wednesday, January 10, at 4 p. m. at the home of the senior guardian, Mrs. C. O. Drydcn, 610 N. 11th. Lucky Pinochle Club Mrs. V. C. Phillips, 2250 Garden, will entertain the Lucky Pinochle club Saturday, January 6. for luncheon nl 1 p, m. followed by cards. Traveling Lt. Betty Herring, formerly in charge of the WAC recruiting station In Klumath Falls, la now traveling In eastern Oregon In connection with WAC recruiting. Theta Rho Monday, January 8. at 7:30 p. m. girls of Theta Rho-will meet in the IOOF hall for a regular business meeting. Ill J. R. McCambrldge, assist ant county agent, is confined to his home with a cold. TIN COATS TIN PANTS OREGON WOOLEN STORE 800 Main -.r.-.- - ........ are now in the service, Don sta tioned at Hobbs field, New Mex ico, with the army air corps, and Dnlo, now a seaman 1c, United States navy, who has been over seas for the past eight months. Dale has seen service Willi me in vasion fleet in the bottle of I.cyte he has written his parents. Both boys were graduated from Klamath Union high school. class of 1944. TEDR1CK HOPES FOR CPOE Word was received here re cently from OM 1c Lyle Ted rick, USN, by his brother and sister - in - law. Mr. and Mrs. George Tedrick, 4331 Bisbec, that he is now l -ri stationed at Port t,'Jli j.ferT Huoneme. Calil . j 4 T r and that he O ' 'Y,' lopes to go up ' A k--V ii& for a chief petty feJffl,' officer's rating Jf- ); fV soon. I K ah-iff Tedrick en- listed in the few mm navy August 15, 1941. and went through two months boot train ing at San Diego. He was then sent to radio school for two-and-a-half months, but switched to ordnance school where ho spent three months. Since entering the sen-ice Ted rick has been married, he re ports, the event taking place No vember 31, 1942. At the start of 1944, there were 1,450,000 rubber-tired trac tors on American farms. Many of these now arc obsolete and must be replaced by postwar construction. took his basic training at North Camp Hood. Tex. He was employed by the Turner Chevrolet company before in- listing in the armed forces. His address is: Cpl. Clanton W. Colahan 30341336 Co. B. 816th T. D. Bn., North Camp Polk, La. barber chair Fhortly after his ar rival at the U. S. naval training ! center. Forragut, Ida., and he is j undergoing the last "boot" hair-; cut to be given by L. J. Burns, fjiip'6 service man, third class, of Wayncsville, Mo. Dodson was in the lar.t group of men to arrive : at Farragut and will continue training until about the first ol ! March when recruit training at! the huge center is scheduled to ; be closed. Drafts Irom Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Chey enne and Helena made up the last group ol recruits to arrive at Farragut. POSTHUMOUS AWARD Pvt. William F. Murray, for mer Algoma youth killed In action in France, was awarded imAi'mrg the Bronze Star p u a t IIUIIIUUDIJ in a ceremony e o n d uctcd at Fort MacAr thur, San Pe dro, Calif. The , q f ri u n c g 1 v e n the youth's mother, . -t .-. m r s. nance .Kw..' Murray, now of' ft. VV Dclteker. Calif. JSA-nf The award! went to Pvt. Murray "for men torius service in action on June 12, 1944, near France. the platoon, of which Pvt. Mur ray was a member, became cut off from friendly troops and was endangered by superior enemy fire. Pvt. Murray, with complete disregard for his per sonal safety, volunteered to take a message to the remain ing elements of his company and to guide them to the sup port of his platoon. Despite heavy enemy fire and the diffi culty of the terrain, he deliv nrnti his messaae and guided the troops to the assistance of his platoon, tnercDy cnaDiing them to continue the advance. His conduct was in accordance pa Forest Green All-Wool Whipcord Pants OREGON WOOLEN STORE Main at 8th GOOD HEALTH Your Greafest Posfssto Ragafa it by being ttUtrtd ol Hnorthold (Pil), Fit sura, Fistula, Kcrola (Rup- nnt without hojpltal op eration lUnHIIBUT u lor 33 ytari. Liberal cidlt Unnt. Coll (cr oxaminattoa or ind for i'HZE bookltt. Opn Evtrifaffi, Mon., Wd., Tt't.,7 Jo 8.30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Physician end Svrguan w r rr r BnTn1d and Ortmd At. TlpkoB EArt 3918, Portland 14. Oregott 2tA 't'lr for the heavy work ? i ' 0ur men ro "regular" -friendly, sincere railroader!, f '" Interesting. Once you get HI 11 kn knln. - j feral age limits. Railroad pass I"' rlna pension plan. FdiCal and hn.nll.l ...l... uranca henrn. i .- -u . i. -. mai jvu m a b if. inimri hi. , . t.uiii,nnjr Willi il u P0,t-war future. Look u n now. B' V. yrl, Trolnmoittr IP. fil.l nn VI ... .. r mniin rani, your n.arast 8.P. IARTFORD Mm .nd Inriemnlly Conpiny NSURANCE ! B. WATTERS -3 I - rty 1 umuDlLf: AUTOMOBILE USE A FT ' OR ONLY HARD OF HEARING Do not nagltct this condition avan it you ara only slightly HARD OF HEARING An Amaslng Development THE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AURAL EXERCISER NO BATTERIESI NOTHING TO WEARI ALSO SEE THE NEW T (....miiiiiii tr BamsnttraHon No Obligation Cu..rnmtnt i.l.ti.olttil- I..I fnlt.flalf mat.i It pot U ilblt for you to ni TnniY mltacla If during id planntd for W productioa ottor tnt Factory Rapraiantatlra will b at tha WILLARD HOTEL Mon. and Tuei., Jan. 8 & 9 Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Phone 4161 for Appointment! i Ask for Mr. Allan Stotemenr of Condition of First Federal Savings & Loan Association OF KLAMATH FALLS As of Dec. 31, 1944 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans ....$1,370,416.97 Loons on Passbooks and Certificates 5,381.81 Properties Sold on Con tract 28,300.97 Investments and Securi- , ties 1,499,628.02 Cosh on Hand and in Banks 268,131.92 Office Building and Equipment less Depreciation 35,085.86 $3,206,945.55 LIABILITIES Members' Share Accounts .'. $2,907,346.74 Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank None Borrowed Money None Loans in Process 8,361.87 " Other Liabilities 154,923.92 Specific Reserves 4,078.90 Ceneral Reserves 51,331.63 Undivided Profits 80,902.49 $3,206,945.55 DIRECTORS: chas. t. nonr.RTS n. D. HBEDER "UN 1IOUT FRItD H. HKT1.BRONNER Pr.RCV BVANS HENRY SEMON C. A. BF.NDIRSON ALFRED COLLIER C. 8. ROBERTSON f 4i ' V EYES CHANGE . . GLASSES DON'T. Have You Had An Eye Check-up Recently? No Charge tor Eye Examination Dr. John Monahan Resident Optometrist1 7 REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS Or. 9id C. K.I.I Dr. Sid O. N'olti. Jr. Dr. O. J. K.l.i L. V. 8. Army) Dr. D. R. H.Tl.r Dr. R. P. Al.x.nd.r Dr. T. B. Dr. Q. H.ohinl Dr. John Monitata Phone 712T COLUTJlBIAfJ OPTICAL SINCI 1905 .(XClVSIVtU OfTlCAl nriiHD an s.w. M two stoats h i am at h FAtts, ?3 main I tJ! i Date Drop Cookies Delicious moist date drop cookies made with lots of dates and nuts. These are ideal for those after-school snacks and they go towards making any meal com plete. Don't forget to in clude several dozen of these delicacies when plac ing your regular week-end irders. Fruit Rolls A tempting breakfast roll made with a rich coffee cake dough filled with a fruit filling. Watch your family smile with delight, when you serve these lusci ous rolls. 30c doz. Also include one of our rich Fruit Cakes with your or der. We still have a nice assortment in stock. Main St sM Ohona 4193