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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1944)
XCE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON cmbr tn Out Oui Way By J. R. William. f PUT 'EC THERE, f FINE, WES.' V FINE , FINh, WES.' TH ACT'S 1H' 1 PUT 'EC J WES.' PUT ) I FIRST OKIE VOUVE S THERE, ) f 'ER THAR.' ( CAUGHT IK FIFTEEN! V. BOY.' ' , y - TH' FIR6T sT f THROW I M .CONlGTUUATlOMSrS. .1 ifcwmtl nU? -; Y. Ml ACCIPEMTAL GLORY 12-10 CATTLE KILLED HKKDSl'OHT. lVc. 20 (Vi Loss of t'ivo dairy rnltlo by spot- iiiuiuk ninui'is ino tusi nvr slock Ihmv lost this your in Hint miimioi' wits reported to stiite polloo today hy Doulus Dully, Smith river ihiu'Ikt. LEGAL NOTICES KOTH'tt 1K FINAL AtTOl'NT Noltot Ik hereby given, tlml the under slKittM T. U Wttli-n aUmtnUttatni nf Hie entitle of Junto K. SwaiiM-n. ile t'cunt, tins fltril Ills rititil tnviuml lit llic C-ituit c'oitit of ihu Stntc o( UirtiJii for Kljiuiilli County And Saturday the JVlh duy of Dccmibr i 1!H. i the hour of leu oVloc';: A. M. of mHl tiny. In the county cmut hoiiM- At Klamath Kails, orouoii. lit the Circuit Court rmim of Siiiii court, h.i Iwn el mi the lime ami place for iti'iinnti objection thereto and tlu soUloinoiil thereof. T M WAVmtS. .miumtr.itor of the rt.-ile of j.utirn r juvnnnf n, neccrura, N. 3a-iw, , (l-l;i .v- Nii. a;wt. N'OTU'K IS ItintKHV CIVKN rimt the 1 'ii" " u-r nii)unii'ti Atimin ti.ti.iinr of thr tfsiato of Itolwit K. tiioi'r, ilt-op.od. nn.l thnt all ucrion hnvinit clrtimi .iK.nnt mHl drcrtlonl or tils etat shMtl prrscnt mine, dulv vrriflcd. to inr at th office of llcrl 0. Thom. Attnrnrv At Law. 8 l,ooint llvitlttinu Klun-nth VnUs, Ore, within six month from IVcember 1:1. lim. iMtFSTON i: CIKKKAK. D. J. 34(1. Ration Calendar Red Ryder War Price and Rationing Board. 4.1(1 Main uli cel. Office hours dully, 0:30 n m. to 4:30 p in ; Saturday, o .10 in. to a p. m. Phono ami for all Informa tion All applications must be MAILED In By Fred Harmon &REATHIW3 THROUGH RIFLES IN T'E EOTTOtt OF ATiNI POOL. RED AC H'5 PRiD ARE eUD FKCJS T- FVnl. oc TE FOREST FiRS THAT -WP 0ERTh? FOLIOWED BY ATERKtFlED 6R1IZLT &ER THAT FLUNVSES' TO SAFETY 1. V.w A FR13HTENED WE FOOL " - '-V -lPSETIINo to the War Price anil HntlonlnN lliwiid i 4.w Main etiwi, and nut pretenied III PCI'ttOII NiKJAIt -limion hook 4 KiiKNr Unu ihiouith ICI vmIIiI indrflultely, ft tioiind eHtli atMinp 4U valid throujth f pU, ail IW43 for o pound home cm it l (i It only. Stamp 34 valid) November lu indefinite!), iH(KKssni rocn - HLt'K KT AMI'S ration book A All thmujili H .tnd A3 lluoUHlt Wl valid Imlclinltrly, XV,.1 and A J ami UJ valid Uecemuev 1. Indtftuitoly. MEAT IH1TTFH. CHKKSE- UriJ STAMl'M - ration hook 4-AH Ihrotinh zn and A5 Ih ro unit I'fi Kootl lit defiutlrly. gtlSS valid Decent be r J, Indefinitely, UASOLINK."A" U expires Decern be i 31. Kuch coupon worth 4 Halloiu. Cou IHiui not vitlld uulati endoroil. "It" or "C" cou pom may l renewed wtlhln. hut not before 19 deyi (runt date on cover of book. Ft'KL OIL-Period 4 8 couiiont and new iter lot! I isniponi valid thniuih Atijnii si. it 13 koi more man T'b of tcukon'a ration ahoold he lued to date. STOVKS-Applv local board for our. chio cvrlltk-Mle. SMOKS-tlnok a airplane ilampi l-J a vd indellullely IMIU'K CONTMOU-Hefer Inqtitrlet and compUlnU In price clerk at local tumid KKN1 OONTlttH-lindlord petition for adjustment now be in a accepted by rent control office CLASSIFIED RATES One day .or word 4c J rim - , ,.PT word flu J rf" ir word lie run per word 1.V S day run tH.r word 14ff Week run pr word LV Month run . oer word 43e 30' uucoiint lor I'artnent in Advancs 3 Discount for I'arment h ttuh Ads received by :O0 p m. will appear same afternoon in "New I'otlav" column Ads o into regular claislflcallnn aflet the first day Ads mav be cancelled bt cnllitut 3134 bv 1 1) (W a m DISPLAY claslfled 'ails with larger typei must be In the day before publication. New Todiy Wash Tubbs By Leslie Turner f rVE TO RUM OKAY. B3, IN.EASV. BUT HEES V LATES.. A-3 HADflUA5TRS.. rT WANTA (SO W y EET YOUR NEW A .-J Ct WHV.1TC0L(3WEL FBILL! 1 wet I o Ki'kvi j THIS IS A SURPRISE VgSHAT TO zB 1 j. A0VEP IM WITH THE ?orM A'BRJecE I THIS SPRIWj.Ey. IN CHIN ED IS) TIME F0 TUCKER TO PICK LADY W1SHKS mnr. lo San rnnrlim lMrnre Huluritny. Uecrnttwr SJ. I'hcino !. 1J.J1 Moollnq Nottcas MtlOHK UIIUM'MAK I'lKJUItAM AND THEA'ld roH TDK KIDDIKH MtlDAV NltillT, DIC. 23 13-33 CARPENTERS' LOCAL No. 190 Meetings M and 3id Wednesday eve mugs of ruch monili, 7 30 p. in., at Labor Temple 433 ftfeiin. C. D l.UNU. So.', and a. A Office Open 7:00 to it tKi p. M Kvery WadnsMlay. Phone 8337 n 1 4in 2 Lost and found LOST Pinker "HI" fountain pen. linine Thirrit Ih-t.'ew. Mewnrd. Phono 7131 d times, 13-31 LOST - A grey gtttiMidlnv suit skirl somewhere between I'Mscmte i'leaners Mild 3IHHJ block on Main. 3032 MaIii lleward. 13.30 LOST Hetween Tttlelako and Merrill on highway, one cae Of 13 guue nhoigun shells, if found phuno .I4i;i. t lbeial reuaid. 13 30 Genornl Nottcei lDV WISHKS HIDK to Eugene. 2.1rd or 21th. Phone 4.134. 13-31 WANTKD Cnpablp housekeeper, lent WMgen. No laundrv. Con modern home. Phone tUWd. Kxeel ipletelv 13 27 VAt.ANL'Y - Single light housekeeping room, everything furnished. 140 1 Klamath Ave. 13-20 KOn HKNT 2-room furnished cabin Altamont Auto Camp. la 30 rOH SAI.K 3173. lermi. down pay ment i;73. Modern 3room house, built-in brenkfnst nook, garage, new electric range, oil healer, Iramlt burn er Included. Call r'etrow, 11740. after 0 P. m. U 37 OPENING! Two Sisters Inn AT WKKD-ASI" ' ..D JUNCTJN 3 milos xvost llltiliwuy 07, Forrierly SHASTA VIEW INN SPECIALTY Smilliorn Krloil Chicken mid Striiks Owners Iliilli mid Cnl Cioriulry I'hnnvDUUU 12-30 30 fll EiUI for BU 30 rOH STUAIITS DANCR OIll.'IIK.STIIA. Inquire Al 1134 Uiik HI. ur lilluna H.VL1. Trnniportnllon MOTIiril AND CHILD wl,ll rid. to Lo. Amtolf, luihtrv Jnil. 1. Will ah.r. pk twitira. Write Uuk ma. c.r. Her. lit .nil New. U-au MILLS AD11ITION An Ideal location among other home,, thl, modern a-batlroom home at viki nim-HKLL ST. ha, an till furnace, larno utility room, and a corner lot. Immediate poMesntuu. 1'rlco 9,730. Term,. CHILCOTE & SMITH ill N. nth i'hone 4331 11H Freckles and His Friends By Blosser VeS MISS MSC-OOSEV 1'VF BEEN FRECKLES' LATIN TEACHER fOi TWO SEMESTERS ! 1 Guess I h&d voo pegged all WKONfa. MISS KEMP.'.-- t-KOM CKECKLES' DESCRIPTOM OF YOU 1 THOUGHT VOU'O BE AN OLE ISSUE MOTHBALL Li 1 1 . i i i - 'ly olc issue jvvyrHBALL -J 'VtlSS KEMP. I CfBTAIMLV LX)YOU. DO! I THINK Think its I you'vf WORKING? WORRIED J HIM INTO 1,1 -i''ri SPEAKING I ENGLISH rir I Dl AV MY PART WELL ENOUGH 7 It WAS STRICTLV DING-HOW. MRS. m GOOSEY -AND X DO MEAN , STRICTLY 1 r psi "ki(M -iia t. m. ma u. n. pat. ofriWiyf riS3) il-z. Boors and Her Buddies By Martin Alley Oop " " ' By V. T. Homlin f " WiW$ raJourTi know not! SIMM fTTA bov dw hat RyES up , s I y4fSiSl,TH?TH4TST0JE f WHAT MA6IC WT rScWTEfi , U&f.U N0W VLL GET I XBJ5 D0CI? WONT STAMP HE 14 USWGTajT VWERE Li?c?J E THAT B03TAILE0 COYOTE.' 1 I JrXSrJ wJ'iUfH more of Vitponttake t wivffi ! , J W FOR SAI.E-S-bedroom home with bath. Electric hot water healer, acre fine garden soil, Irrigated, chicken house. Juit off Summers l-une. Price MM). I400 down. Holand Wright. 1137 Main. Phone 3104. u-30 rOH SAlJC-ltna Oakland. Call U7fl. 13-30 rOR SALE -10.14 tudor Chevrolet. Cheap. See at 010 Spring St., or call kumj. 13-33 ro SALE 19M VD roadster. $23.1, 3tM4 Vine SI. Phono JWU. 13-31 FOR SALE An Ideal Christmas gift. Duck and goose feather pillows. A Itargnln while they last. 533 Walnut St., or People'! Warehouse Bag Co., UI5 Uroad St. 13.33 rOH SALE-Mahogany foot stools for needle point, $1150. Lucas rurnlture Co. 12.72 rOR SAI.E-Slover No. M grain grinder. $100. Chel Barton. Poo Valley. 13-33 FOR SAIX-New fl-lube small model Melssner radio; Volu-Tone electric guitar with amplifier; a professional recorder, complete equipment Includ ing 50 blank discs. Phone 37U4. 13-33 WANTED -Pasienger to Halein and re turn over Christmas holiday. Call or see Shirley Miller. V30 N. 4th. Phone A371 wflrr d p m 1 n.t2 1 1 FOR SALE APARTMENT and Dnnk AK 1 . i2RoomsTapartments Thermostatically Controlled Oil Furnacp Insulated Concrete Buildinq Innerspring Mottresspi $500.00 Worth of Lo,.n.i c.s, Nirn Vo. " i t' wIUI Clears from $200 to $300 Per Month and A Place to Live Price Phone 3445 $7000 - Balance to Suit Inquire 710 N Klmniilli Km ore. IB Help Mil IpWanlod. Milt 10 $ VICM Wood Coal Oil FURNACES Iron Fireman Oil Burners - Stokers Bob Porter Phono 7708 403tf FOR SALE-Plectrum banjo. Klamath Hotel, Room 31b. See at 13-33 FOR SALK-Just arrived. Chenille bed sprenrls. white background with as sorted colors, size DO inches by KM. Price $10.50. Lucas rurnlture, 105 E. Main. 12.22 WANTED TO BUY- 3 S&H Green Stamp books. Phone 6003. 12-30 MARINE AND WIFE would like ride cast by Deccmlier 33. Shnro expense and driving, oou Plum St. u-21 FOR SALE-5-room modern house with floor furnace. 3550 Vine. 12-23 FOUND-1 sorrel I horse branded JW on left flank, on or about Sept. l. Owner may have by paying for feed bill and for this ad. Phone 7020. 12-20 Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR Factory Authorized Scrvlco Household ond Commercial Phono 0017 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. 127 So, Oth St. M3m LOST- Ilrnwn wallet with anap toatcner containing; aoclnl acc-drlly card, etc Pica,, phone o-laa, Mary Jane Drake 12-21 Little Orphan Annie KOR SAI.E-4-room modern hot,., new ly aecoratea. Mu,l be ,een to he .mvikwicu, in unD,. i'hone 30IH, FOR SALE-Vrnom modern home, com. pletely furnlihed, In Sl.warl, 2Bi)li Phone oOls. 12.2:1 rRJSA!'E-102" Dol" n and (I Ded. 1 combination Dear Cat No. cnonper ami hammer mill, allairn apcclnl. Phone 71120. 12-22 U.ed .lightly. People'. Warehou.e. 12-22 fon SALR-r.lbaon refrlierator, 1.1-lube radio, prewar davenpnrl and chair. Drewar nn,nn,in. m.i. . . . , - ,na ncn, floor lamp and end table. Call 4:102 .."-.".i u -no . cveninsn, 12-22 r n" fLT;. """Innd pony laddie. 4HIT "'""ee. Call ovonlnKa. 12-23 'n SAI'--w"'lnhou.e electric oven. Phone 324.') afler 3 o'clock. 12-22 anrt m 11 w"h m'1"' Prlna 7,.. .uoier none. I'nnne . 12-20 r?5Li8A.'m ,Almo,t now Oalyac (ur ., Luall, .ize 1,. grey ,h tan. tut'""'1 rX!'- HCh """" llnl" Mr, Meyeri. Phone 3119 until Dec 22; afterward. 023 No oth. 12-22 K!?in'5AI' f1-w "".'"""-"t ""t heal of By Harold Gray feRS ! Mooting Notlc Klnmnth Falls Aerie No. atfOO. Ilpuulnr meeting every Tues day night. 7:4fi p.m.. F.O.I! hf nih .r.n' O&t Walnut. V 1 1 1 1 1 n g 7,J members cordially mvneo. f REFRICERATION WASHING MACHINE ond Small Appliance Repair DAVE COX, Service Man Klamath Refrigeration Phono 7038 2000 South Sixth St. Mime HOSIERY MENDING Prompt Scrvlco Mall Orders Accepted Florino Shcpard UZH Miirtin rh. 5742 12-30 CALL 1 ROBINSON'S DELIVERY Phone 7423 Regular Bokkiiko Purccls Deliveries Hours 10:00 a. m.-8:00 p. m 12-21 The KINDERGARTEN Din Walnut SI. 0 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Lunch Included Phone 0327 Slipervlaor. Illllh Wlllmolh Jnne, Director., Dr. and Mr., Hoyd E. Hpramie 1-2 iioiiHKCl.EANINd, floor waxlim and wuuiow wa.nine, Lee J, rope. Phone ., 1,. inn ni. 11; RPENC.'Krt r'niiMRrivnv Mr, Enid lliirch, 021 Oak. Phom 72111 .or appointment, l-0m rqnMKn COLOR ARTIST wnnl. Ilntlnl. year, experience. , atudlo price. 411-hour aervlc Phone 74011. 083lf SEWING MACHINE SERVICE, all make.. Phone 0771. II2IS Shaala Way. Mom MOIIKL AIRPLANES Jeeps Tanks Trucks Boats (In Kits) Gas Motors for Airplanes HOBBY SUPPLIES Poole's UU yvU Store 222 So. 7lh Phono 5520 WANTED Office Manager THIS IS A PERMANENT POSITION FOR A CAPABLE EXECUTIVE We prefer a man but a capable woman that con accept responsibility will quality. VArlro FUv ennv f, r . . . .fcw wwr UI C J I II t I A . 1 rierald & News giving full details of past experience, education, etc. If you want to work in a loanina carrm. sawmill or lumber yard where conditions are good, call ol tho offico or phono 5 1 46 bclwecn 8 30 and 4 30 p. m. We need men In all these departments ol out operation which is an essential indusliy. WOODS: Choker Sot tors and Knot Bumpers MILL: Dry lumber handlers. Pelican Bay Lumber Co TP 10 Sorrlcot PLUMBING SERVICE Plumblnti 4 Healing Equipment Installed and Repaired DAVIS PLUMBING CO. Wo Hurry Phono 70H.1 1-lOin INCOME TAX SERVICE Commerclnl nookkeeplng Rollln A. Contrail Room 4, Htipkn I)ld. 110 N. Uth St. Open Evenlnffs ond Snturdnys Phono 3240 l-10in FURNACES, CHIMNEYS, OIL BURNERS Cleaned and Repaired WOOD . COAL . OIL FURNACES Avallablo lor Replacements Comparo Our Prices TUFTS HEATING SERVICE Phono 8040 BOOK E. J..DUNIVAN Public Stenographer Phono B52H 1020 Main St. 12-27 MARINE WirE wnnl. to cam for chil dren anytime in my home. Phono :im. 12 31 10 Sorvicei HEMSTITCHING DIIKSSMAKlNd. llulloM ,,4 I .,.v'r,n,t AllrrallOIII Oil nr. cliilhlim Mr,. II M Allrrtrl Main. Ilonm 2IH. Th. 7:u KAUSOMININli. Kcmlnnlnl s ri Inc. I'lnine :uHI7. PHOTO 1111. TINTINO-PM". SEPTIC TANKS n.EANHD 1 Blalled. I'lmli. mut i'HOTO TIN'I'INII III nlurltl llcaaiinahle pur,. ia v... -- Dr.NTIHTIIV, allrrrioon,. .Mfltt I Wnv. I lllllNIl" MK YOl"'ll W"I-JJIJ nil. Hlinii Honltn PARK VIEW CONVALESCENT HOME 53 Granite St. Aslilmid, OrrKon IH,n 7HII1 flnwliinlo Nurso in CWi 14 Hnlp WntitofwJjJ YOUNO WOMEN HH P filT.ED VITAL TLI.F.IMIONS CAUJ. , T.,enhnne Compunr OI'KIIATOnS ""'ii T;f;, l!.'i paid nhlle -" ',"1' ar,' l'l il rcmilnr l"'"v'"..J: iirowJ j,,irrf,iiiriii,Mr-- 11:3(1 nun i:-1"'1 '" E PA..'IFIO.,T!rit I TKI.K I"" ;, nlll Till " lai N. inn. Kl.n"1 PAPER AND PAPERMANGER available. E. Patleraon and Son Paint Store, 1220 Ea.l Main. Phone 3.124. l-14m CURTAINS LAUNDERED and atrelrhed. rnone 3717, 12-21 SEPTIO TANKS CLEANED, all enn- WANTKI-II'"E' S'j Jitnuiiry " Wriit bwb aomc CMl'rrirn '"w Herald n'"1 WANTnil WnM . ""J '.'('''ll'tf j mini ii'L fee Simp. - : rrT7. ocrmn?'T,I WANTKI. -..J , ', IK.V' . .i.rl ... iL-nnilill I".'. 1 WANTKI)--yn oM rinuirrii a.-..- - 4i,w. iiiKS4J TV ..1- r,nf 1A- Holp Wonit; WANTED A raal in' ' uM 0 II would lirll' " 3 .alary J Wrll nox New., icnu hauled (Way. Ed r. Kin.. Phona 3230, 1-1