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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1944)
Lb.r 8, 1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON!. 1ITTEES SELECTED FOR PATH i USO operating 01'Kiinlzn ' .TAr nnnoiuicod lotluy by iiiml)lo. chairman or LornlloiiN .roup. he oxecmivo """"" 1 Hoycrofl, Vlca chiiirmnn; "ML ..wrnlyrv: Lt. Col. 1c Aii'ii". M")r nn,,y '"" rmcn of sub-commlllues. H,cr coiimimecs, wmi ciiiur- nninra i""'- itldlniz - Molcolm Eploy, Inn lima, now i-uo.u. ritertolnmcnt and program 'nn. Y'"V.:"V"i.. J'O. W. Jones, Judgo U. E. jHfr, Vera Chase, iidict nd finance G. C. X A. M. Collier, Mnrtha ark bar Arnold Gralapp, Sci Brlxncr, Myrtle fclling- Joitesscs Virginia Schubert, Jura Jnckman, John Sandc- ifbilcllv C. R. Slnrk, John ilon, Esther Lawlcr. ulflnt Adit Brinii Itctsults. DREW'S MANSTORE Id-Painted BRACES by HICKOK t virUty f colon ond $ rttili. Vary ifflort Outstanding Window Display This replica of the Klamath World war II momorlal shaft is on display in the window of Woolworth's. The mlniaturo shaft boars the namos of Klamath war dead, as thoy appear on the big obollsk on the courthouse lawn, and a tiny light burns in front of the display, similar to the perpotuel light at the courthouse. Tho shaft is surroundod by picturos of men who gave their lives in the war. DREW'S MANSTORE 731 MAIN Navy Prisoners Escape Twice In Day OLYMPIA, Dec. 8 (P) Twice escaping from military guard In the tame day, three navy mil itary prisoners were under lock and key In the county Jail here today nftrr two Thurston oounty sheriff's deputies "boxed" their stolen command car and forced It off tho road north of Tenino last night. Deputies Ed Stearns and Dick Bryan, who made the capture, said tho prisoners identified themrelves as Ray D. Pitts, 17: William E. Jones, 22, and Gail IJhruh, 18, MALLORV'S Morrill-Lakeview Jet. Y MARKET Telephono 4620 ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY NOW! . They are very short. We will Insure you delivery. Pure Pork Sausage .....2 lbs. 45c Country Style the best on earthl Liver, pork or beef 2 lbs. 25c Pork Roast, lean and tender lb. 27c Pork Steak lb. 29c Pig Shanks, cured or fresh 15c Bacon Squares lb. 16c Winter Banana Apples, fancy, box. .$2.95 Kraut, in glass qt. 29c LISTED III FIGHTING WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 (F) Under Secretary of War Patter son said today that in the fight ing on the western front "We are suffering severe casualties and are facing the grim pros pect of more to come," He made the statement in a weekly wHr review which dis closed that on this third anni versary of Pearl Harbor United States battle casualties amount to 992,016. Patterson said army casual ties reported through November 22 totaled 474,81)8. This was an increase of 13.840 from the re port last week which covered the period through November 15. The new navy total is 77,120, an increase of 1228 for the week. The latest army casualties, to gether with those reported a week ago, follow: killed 01,625 and 80,840; wounded 208,080 and 258,106; missing B8.026 and 57,514; prisoners 56,249 and 55, 598. The navy casualties: killed 20.738 and 20.480; wounded 33, 460 and 32,600; missing 9427 and 8328;. prisoners 4486 (un changed from previous week). Capt. Moore Hurt, Captured In Europe . Details have been received concerning tho wounding and capture of Capt. Lynn Moore, former Klamath lawyer, in tho European theater of war.- Mrs. Moore, now at Toledo, Ore., has written friends here that Lynn was first bayoneted on D'day, Juno 6. He was hos pitalized 10, days, and rcturned to the front.. Shortly thereafter, ' he was again wounded and was cap tured. He Is now in a German prison camp. Capt. Moore's address is Capt. Lynn L. Moore, United States POW 85583, Oflng 04, Germany. Those wishing to write him should get a special form at tho postoffice. Collectors' School Held In Klamath A school of instruction tor deputy collectors dealing with tho problems of income tax re turns for 1944 began Friday and will continue on Saturday, De cember 8-9, at the local deputy collector of Internal revenue of fices in the federal building. Thcsd offices will be closed to the general public during those two days. L. W. Sims, deputy collector from'Portland, will conduct the school for tho benefit of tho fol lowing deputy collectors from towns In this general area: A. E. Hull of Bend, Beth Thompson, Erie Gray and Earl Clements of Medford and Paul H. Wright and' Elenora Wcatherford, local collectors. Cold Storage Plant Bought By .Apple Men HOOD RIVER, Dee. 8 UP) Purchase of a cold storage plant at Portland from Terminal Ice and Cold Storage company at an undisclosed price was announced today by the Hood River Apple Growers association; The plant, which will be taken over by the growers early next summer, has a capacity of 50, 000 packed boxes and is reputed PACE NINB.J to be one of tho most modern In" the northwest. IIS MAIN BTHEST RADIO REPAIR By Expert Technician GOOD STOCK OF AVAILABLE TUBES-BATTERIES-AERIALS For All Makes of Radios ' , Z EM AIM ' S h Quick, Guaranteed Service 116 N. 9th Phone 7522 . Across From Montgomery Ward on North 8th it D AN C EL AND 515 Klamath Ave. DANCE Music By PAPPY GORDON'S OREGON HILL BILLIES SATURDAY NITE - ' Auspices V.F.W. iff1 & U&f k f ' V'J . -; s Jl n , wif v humigating v l-ioor waxing 7 Furniture and Rug Cleaning V Oriental Rug Cleaning Runs and Furniture cleaned In your home or at our plant. oremus Rug and Furniture Cleaners 'Favorite print, stripe, plaids and oentraeta, styled fer teens and pre-teene to weer f rem December through March, Nile aeasen and next. BLOUSES iPtoI Dainty and tailored ablee to wear with Jumpers, ult and Jerkins, sin 7-14. UT'S FINISH r1 THE J0I BUY EXTRA I0NDS T0DAY1 holiday Hi-Norma .. : jsmmft as4v-' I KV Clever design, proper proportion, and eoiy warmth win wl I m il lW?Sz3&t P" 'J lieOTl ' A,J 51 the Junior' vote for winter-wear. And Scare, of course, Wl'jl vXy'Af ss'Ss'ss Mk - Wjr T complies .;. with a big selection and a bright one. jl ll'l 1 wsjgw SAUCY HATS. f iMl f ' ' JslM , 4 With a holiday mood i, . . sooHles, . . l P 1 1 lKr ; 2fi3 ; I I Ifjf Wg I KA ' 1 Te var'wlthatvrl'fnim ' '1 I . 1 HaJ I Vx -'sW Ztrl through the holidays and all Jf Jr' J I ' Ell ,J 1 1 next term. Colorful urt. ji 7 Warm 'COATS WJ" T" (tt Cirlir SK1RT5 V gJ New fitted models, Cheeter- t,V: Si I n ' Jfi t - 6 flaWfc end bay foata with a nj&rL WtfT$ffi III " Wet, fcvewJs,' cheeke er ff:t ' ') wealth of emert detalllno, KK "H frTT! ill Ytk(s ?, ill smooth new solid oolor. weiola r',' wmhlin- "nd 'Mf ,r-r . and partvls. -S!"C ; Jjl2 0 h Mde"' C,eaBi"9 Plnt Nor,he,n -0,l,ornla ana ou phone9g575