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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1944)
18 Morse . 19 Smith . PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Herald-News Precinct Sheet Precinct Complete Incomplete President 12 Dewey-Bricker . 13 Roosevelt-Truman .. 14 Thomas-Hoopes ..... 15 Watson-Johnson U. S. Senator (Short Term) 33 U. E. Reeder 34 Walter West .. 16 Guy Cordon 17 Willis Mahoney U. S. Senator (Long Term) Congress 20 C. J. Shoxb 21 Lowell Stockman .. State Treasurer 22 William T. Lambert ... 23 Leslie M. Scott Attorney General 24 George Neuner . . 25 Bruce Spaulding State Senator 26 Marshall E. Cornett . 27 Marius Petersen State Representative 28 Thomas E.Bustin .. 29 Rose M. Poole 30 Henry Semon 31 Dale West .(...:. District Attorney 32 Clarence Humble County Judge 304 Yes , 305 No County Commissioner 35 -Dorothea Buck 36 John R. Rebcr Sheriff 37 L. L. Low County Clerk 38 Charles DeLap . 39 Mae K. Short . County Treasurer 40 Chester Langslet County Coroner 41 Dr. George H. Adler .... 42 Dr. Samuel D. Earhart .. Linkville J. P. 43 J. A. Mahoney Linkville Constable 44 G. B. Cozad STATE MEASURES Bank Bill 300 Yes 301 No ..iGounty Manager 302 Yes .. 303 No Veterans' Loans Voting Privilege 306 Yes 307 No Veteran Education Aid 308 Yes 309 No Retail Sales Tax 310 Yes 311 No Fortified Wine Bill 312 Yes 313 No . Public School Support 314 Yes 315 No Income Tax - Annuities 316 Yes 317 No '. . CITY BALLOTS Mayor 46 Kenneth McLeod 47 Ed Ostendorf 48 M.'L. Shepherd 49 Walter Wiesendanger ... : City Treasurer 50 Ruth T. Berry 51 Ann Mason :. COUNCILMEN Ward I 52 Matt Finuigim 53 Angus Newton Ward 2 52 Paul Landry 53 Lynn Roycroft .... Jail Fund Measure 100 Yes 101 No Memorial Park Measure 102 Yes 103 No North Annexation 104 For 105 Against South Annexation 106 For 107 Against NON-PARTISAN BALLOT : Position 3 ; 12 J. O.' Bailey Position 4 13 Arthur D. Hay Position F 14 Hau S. Lusk ......'. VOTE FOR o o I (Fd itdod d COUNCILMAN WARD ONE I have resided for the past seven years In ward number one. I own my home in said ward and I am a taxpayer. For the past five years I have been the jwner and operator of a business on Main street in our city. We have three children, two of whom are attending our schools. I have no connections with any group or organization and I am not obligated to any ' person, persons or groups whatsoever. I believe in the future of Klamath Falls. I believe that the city of Klamath Falls should be operated in a business-like manner; that complete harmony should exist between the city and other departments of our gov ernment; and I will endeavor to do my port in such cooperation. ( I believe that ordinance number 3420, in effect since January of 1943, commonly called the "BLACK SNOW ORDINANCE," should be enforced, end as your councilman I will expend every effort to see that this ordinance is enforced. I also believe that North Third street should be made a through street and that all intersecting streets be made "STOP" streets so that our chil-. dren will be protected in going to and from school, ' I believe the playground in our ward should be made usable for our children and I will mak every effort possible to the end that the Old High r S WJ School Park Site be made the -beauty spot of. Klamath Falls. If elected your councilman, I promise to hon estly and energetically perform all of my duties with all of the sound judgment I am able to com mand. I earnestly solicit your vote. LAKEVIEW An old timer. Benjamin Franklin Cloud, died Thursday morning at Lakevlow after several years of ailing health. He was born 82 years ago In Springfield, Mo., and enmo west with his parents, who were one of the earliest settlers in the south end of Goose Lake valley. Most of his active years were spent ranching south of New Pine Creek. His wife died In 1925 and lie is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Ernest Robnctt of New Pine Creek, and Mrs. Leo Mulkey of Willow Ranch: one son, G. F. of Lovelock, Nevada; three brothers, James B Cednrville; Tom, Willow Ranch: and John of Cheney. Wash., and one sister, Mrs. Martha Miller of Willow Ranch. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 1 o'clock at Ouslcy chapel with Rev. J. M. Cooper conducting. Burial will be In Chico, Calif., where his wife rests. RACING RESULTS CHICAGO Foot to Foot, $164.20. and Gainer. Si! 1.40. com bined for $2489 winning daily double at Soortsman's park. A total of 17 tickets were sold on the combination. NEW YORK Crowd of 36 512 set new betting mark of $3,541,167 for seven-race card as J. Graham Brown's Seven of Hearts, $4.70, won $30,000 West chester handicap at Jamaica. INGLEWOOD. Calif. Mrs. Mabel Cooper's Jade, $3.80, cap tured $15,000 Golden- State Breeders handicap at Hollywood par, v Flashes of Life By The Associated Press NKW YORK A group of Manhuttim residents claim the unaccustomed silence of uio iuy- car-old clock In St. rewra i ui,,.l tfnUi'ttnitl t'lllirelt hlW disturbed their sleep, disrupted their daily schedules aim m itic their children latu for school. So they are eolicciing dona tions to pay for repairs to the clock's venerable machinery, broken for the second time since 1038. . . ROCKY FORD CARRIES ON nnrKV FORD. Colo Mai. Leo Cover of Rocky Ford, was notified at his base in India that ho would bo sent home and dis charged from the service be cause he was over age. vfni i ntit.nn nrrivrri ill take over with mutual shouts I of Joy. For Major L,awson ami major Cover live right across the street from each other in KocKy roro. REASON mnKPRNnnNC'E. Mo. They Just didn't trust banks, said Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Geduey in ex plaining how they happened t have $9700 In a purse tltut either was lost or stolen. Seattle Ironmen Lose First Hockey Tilt of Season, 8-2 By The Associated Pros Thu Scuttle lioiiineii, pluvious, ly undefeated in four stiiiis, dropped their first game of Hie I'acllic Coast Hockey leagiio sen. son last night by an 8-2 score to their hometown rivals, the Slurs. I'oithuid's Kudos won llii'lr flint Nvombr ' Vote ggjj For Electrical Heating Equipment Installed McMINNVILI.E, Nov. 8 (IP) Electrical heating equipment, said to be the first of its kind In the United States, has been In stalled by the Wright Dehydrat ing plant here. The equipment, requiring some 2,000,000 kilowatt hours of power annually, will Increase the McMlnnvlllo electric system load approximately 13 per cent. The Teacher's Promise oS '42 Was Kept t Klamath County School Districts Rtctlvtd $364,500 Surplus Income Tax Monty VOTE 314 X YES The Teachers Again Promise: BETTER SCHOOLS LESS DISTRICT TAX MORE STATE AID PS. AS. KUsMth Cmnlr Tiufcin AukUIIm DOROTHEA BUCK Democratic Candidate For County Commissioner 14 44 hy Ilaralhaa Huith K J, VOTE FOR Ruth T. Berry (Mrs. Stanlty R. Btrry) Candidate for City Treasurer "Full Time Attention To The Job" V4. AdrKalh T. n.rrr CAGE TrtiiBkiTTTr-W " Um Oregon,', .In,,,,.! I '1"""'",Ul wi" IllcTuslv" , a School Awiv I,.,,?!""'" .?, I II I I II I LOWEH STOCKMm for re-eecfJon to CONGRES SICONO CON0SISII0NM (lllJ tattarn Oregon'i Congreiimon-on.tfu. giving his vndMM attention to tht nwi of foiforn Oregon Lowell SliM'kman was 'bn iMisterii ( irrgon ami has I i -.1, i . , , i neie an ins inc. no Rr.VlUK Agriiulliiie Imm OrcsonS' Lnllege in Vi 11 and h.-is far cniitiniliiuslv ever Kinr. stands fur rnninion ffnwk ness principles applied to tional issues. Durnu, U years in ('ungri'ss hr.MliK.i a wide nc'n, inn, nin' and ence (iinmig his (rllov mr of t'oncress and a rrmititK iiidtistriousness, ellicicnn.d cration ami nllcnilinj to: ness. Lowell StiM-knun iitt Oregon's ali-Krpublicil lid lion to Loiigiess. VOTE 21 ri.t It.. s,in,(.,riY-tJ lifamA Falls 5 i Elect Walt Wiesendanger Your Mayor Four Years Active Experience on the City : Council The Ability to GetAlong With People Willingness to Listen to" the Problems You Have With the City Unremitting Efforts to Solve Them Vote for a Man Whose Progressive Record ;' Speaks for Itself The Best Mayor You Can Select for Your City Vote X49 Yes Mfoit .Ar;AcAnrlanr wan wmcociiuMno- M. . AdT Mill riBOlfM (Pd. Adv. by Walt Wlcsendangor)