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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1944)
-. tail 20,1 Nil. "loin ft, 0. H tbr zw, u.Id Want"'!' Male ITtTV , ,v.,wV wv WANTED ilCH SCHOOL BOY f iz Over To Do seot-k Work ears, KoebucK and Co. 10-20 Vrrr t MrrTiANitu wanted -(Sir " S.ii-M.n and wit" lr '"' l r - .inri.m . 'tv- ,IHI ..... I HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i Miq)i , , jrii-M, a V' "WTW Your Chevrolet Dealer -John Ashl ev Tcom.u "Hi' no children. P"; T.-h lor.lrn """ "' uti ind !) ' ' Plni. III Mtln P I.h.. or 8uml r' mm tru -. ""j" :m'.; ;:D;, . cleaning L, inj aWrilos. piiosr pur- unaK in aUro Cln". t. u.n and lKtt- 11 Ml Dim TnV wnln. MriiMiren or in- run-Handy mm. n I'lltm II.HB. 10-31 StD.NliW j.Miior ! H lniHior ,2k iwt lake " ,ur""": r" .3.,,.d or Int.poiwiKod. Wlncme Situations Wanted CASH FOR YOUR CAR We Will Pay Full OPA PRICES ON MOST LATE MODEL CARS : SELL TODAY Ashley Chevrolet Co. 41(1 mtu ci ' JMteeellaneoU8 fog Sale as Ml. ,-.11. ........ c- ... -i-Tr i rm" nimiiniioui For Sal j oivr rxi'nnr.Ni r.11 care in JhwtM 10 mild 3 lll r ... Till 1(1 J' Boom ind Board aJID BOARD-334 Hiehigin Real Estate te FOR SALE Phone 4113 10-31 Rooml For Bent mil. iOOacro form on Klamath river ono mile ubovo Keno. Known (he Cliiirlr-y Nclion place. All level tllli.1.1. I... J ..i.. I ill fulfil nnrl nnlnm All la...-.-, cd. free wntcr right. 840-Ilfr( alnrtr rnn..K In....... 'i--oiiiiin ranch. 70 cro Irrl- KHica ootiom land, 100 acrei 34 Automotive i ri. I.IJ L Ll Winter Driving Necessities t."(l-lTOom iii-ni'iwu "pv. mini MtictlUnou for Rnt ' M iiung, Duiance mil pas- . .-.J f..nlalil frillll llMllllia I' I UIV1 ALMtb i ,,. Kcno. Oreson. ' Si' 1947-U lADirtrntnti for Hani - - - - - i HOT SPRINGS One of (he "ihow places" on Eldorado, thla dlitlnctlve 8Toom homo Is ready for Immediate occupancy. I Ins fireplace, con crete basement, oil furnace, recreation room, double plumb ing, artlsdc shrubbery, and many o(her adractlve feature!. A home you will want to buy. S-room home near Hillside avo With firenlars. ment. insulation, Venetian oiinai, a real buy far $4500 CHILCOTE & SMITH 111 W, 8th Phone 4XA4 OR RENT Potato WE HAVE Floor Mats Heaters Heoter Switches Heater Hose Defroster Fons . Defroster Shields Tire Chains . '. Driving Lights .. Fog Lights Backup Lights . Batteries Anti-Freeze ' Car Radios Radio Aerials Also a Complete Line of Accessories Another Carload of FENCING Just Received l2'2 Gauge Barbed Wire, 80 rod 39 In. Cattle Wire, l2'2 gauge, 12 36 In. Cattle Wire, gauge, 12 32 In. Cattle Wire, l2'2 gauge, 12 32 In. Hog Wire, l4'2 gauge, 6 in 26 In. Hog Wire, 1 42 gauge, 6 in. 26 In. Hog Wire, l2'2 gauge, 6 in. 48 In. Poultry Wire, 1 5'2 gauge . 60 In. Poultry Wire, 2 in. mesh .' 48 In. Poultry Wire, 2 in. mesh . 36 In. Poultry Wire, I in. mesh . , 12 In. Poultry Wire, I in. mesh . . . . $5.00 ea. in. stay .54 rod in. stay .49 rod in. stay . stay . stay . stay . .44 rod .45 rod .39 rod .55 rod 6.89 roll 5.95 roll 4.95 roll 6.25 roll 2.89 roll Sears Farm Store 34 nuiwillOUTI J 4 AlllAmnl w. PACE NINB Automotive SEE ROSE You Will Never Go Wrong When You Come Here for a Used Car. 1937 PONTIAC 6 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio and heater, good motor, very clean. 1939 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN Cood rubber, good motor, original finish like new, very clean inside. 1937 PONTIAC 6 mP' neT uPh,ste'y new paint, excep. tionaily good rubber. ROSE MOTOR CO. pontiac ; -Jssjth CMC btorag IcKendree Co. errill, Oregon 10-20 ItNT-riuor i.nd.r.. orliin init n 11 . 'vninr.. v. K 3"" lOJIin frlC rLOOR BANDERS ml .d.r nuniuuMtHY WAIII) At- IO-3lm POTATO LAND 139 Irrigated 100 acres In all. No Buildings. 18,000 V, Cash. MARION RAP.NFC. Phone 7098 Olene. Ore. 10-26 8 Manul a. Vardul. 1543 Ein 1st. 10-31 L'i " "VD ' U-lajr IDACS. CI II aiW IIiatpQIllMnt Ave rim.. 1 lo.jfi Rul Eitm For 8tl rOK SALEinrji md. tor $t Mven room houM. 3O00 bIub mtrchindiM . , tu Inventory. Tor parlleuUri Inqulr i A R. t.onmli lookout. Calif, tn.yi 34 Automotlvft ROY CALL AUTO CO. 727 Commercial Phone 6763 Phone 5188 ;L L YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Y, O U 10-20 We Buy and Sell USED CARS BUICK GARAGE ' 1330 Main 10-3Im FOR SALE clean, morli- fnj, living and dining Ain-ncn and bath. Double iiu wooashed. . Also . !' station wlih i..,i, ... r"'" iance monthly. fm. Van Duker ""C 1026 Phone 6857 . 10-24 HOMCC rrnri .' . . - fTT DENNIS, REALTOR Flione 8401 ' ll.iim 1 Hock ; "'"rera bir S!'K ,,nr" 'm 'nil mT, .ii ,.nl ,or " In 1.'".. ""' i""l rln- '"llmll.a u,.,."" S" " " . uro. i.nn.r.j "nmnpo fitnrerl Willi uo'm-X Wcl f. .. -'" Jrkn framly (or win .11 KLn'"" 4n" Med- '. "om Bl Mid. "ARNES HEAL EflTATf! in nn I 1 horn 74Mi aos Mid,. mortem hom. For Sale . RADIATORS Of All Types ' Alto Will Build Any Type Radiator , ; You. Need BODY and FENDER . .REPAIR . , COLOR MATCH INC and COMPLETE PAINTING . : KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 2221 So 6th Phone 6042 10-ji m Used Cars . Bought Sold Traded ODELL MOTOR CO. 744 Klamath Ave. Where 8th Street Ends 11-lOm MODE!, A ind B. eo-tip.. as. hp. and 9 hp. rteondltlonod Ford motora. 193S-36 nd 104O-4I Chivrolit molon. Alio olh.r lircor molon lullablo for ill tloniry work. WrlU Box 1010, Ririld nd Niwi. . 10-33 FOB SALE-IMS Eord irdin. oxelllonl llr. ixrrllrnt condition. Pricid for iui- rum. tio.. IO-3I R CA R Bolsiger Motor Co. Main and Esplanade N O W YOUR FORD DEALER FOR 21 YEARS Balsiger Motor Co. 3 Mtacellanaoui For Sale auction ; . ; Sunday, Oct. 22, at One o'clock, at ' 126 North Third St. ' FURNITURE and ' MISC. ARTICLES Circulating heater, like, new. u-.j. coal; occasional chair: i-hilrTa a;u - , . wu, tumpieie. " a Kunir, aresser, flopr lamp, tricycle, end , table. i ii. , ume eooa 7 7 piciures, cur tains, lawnmower, garden tools many omer articles. SVERRF 1WTTMcrXT COCSWIGABT, Auctioneer USED GAR LOT 6th and Plum Phnn aivi AUTOMOBILE and TRUCK PAINTING DOLL UP YOUR CAR We will match any color or paint your . car complete. Let us give you an estimate AUTO PAINT SHOP John Probst, manager . 2nd Floor Cascade Garage Corner 11th and Walaut Fhone 8361 Tues.-Frl. Mlieellanaoui Waatetl 1 4B Finanri.l i i.iik 36 Mlieellaneoua For 8al SEE MT.L HErfflY at Lombard'! UiH ... . mi ior your car. All miriii ind model, for lala. ll-lm ui rauun iran.mir.iion, 4 new ftnt 2 lrV nawiy rivcrnauiad. " My ba lean at gig Klamath or .... uv. aiiar a p. m. 1D-3 roa sale 1t30 Modal A Tord. ai.i Minrom anir P. m. 10-30 RECAPPING - . 1 Day Service Tire Chains WINTER LUBRICATION TIRES and TUBES ANTt-FREEZE BATTERIES Monarch Service ' Station . B. K. Teed 30J So.. 8th Phone 7071 ll-13mc it .. VT!": H. 'nial .Ka"wn' ""' h r in.oi MubM!j".":Addr. ,,n M B.- "'. '"i" c,,ni 1 , fan rSe,c "ii.n'y road. L""rnil, O n "ll,m"i M f io-ai L 'J ' Pl.ce .7". Hardwood o, uiono In, I . 3147U TOP CASH PRICE tor .vmir clean, lalt modal oar or tqvilly. Sat U M. Quam at . BURNTSS MOTORS " ) ' Aulhnrtiad DaSotn-PlymouUl . Parta and Rarvlca Goodrich Tlra Distributor sis So eth StMTtf FOR 8AI.E-1n33 Plymouth coupa; alio 10 31 35 Fuel. Heatlntt RICHFIELD Stove and Diesel Oils . Best Quality ' . Prompt Delivery Phone 8367 JACK EICHENDORF Distributor t0-31m 4. ft. I. a... at. va iiiibwaimill rur oat LANDSCAPING - Evlrlratnl, flowarlnl aiiruba and trail. Maka your acloe tlon now for fait planting. LAKE SHORE OARDENS NURSERY, Phona 4083. 10-30m FULLER BRUSHES - Clam Joyer, KM manin, rnona ooit. - 10-Slm Roofina Composition and built-up roofs oi au Kinds. Modern equipment ior not mopping. Sealey . Bros. Phone 7709 1173-tf FERTILIZER and GRAY CINDERS Roy Schmack. Phona 4003. Rt, 3, Box 1043. 10-31m PK?fJ OREEN AND RED SHTNOLE STAIN, r. R. Kauiar. Ooan All Day Saturday. S19 M.riiL Phona 7331. 10.34 FOR SALEOnt Royal Crown bottla vlca. 811 so. sih. n.30 FOR SALE.Sacond-hand burlap potato a, .. 10-30 Ladies Attention! INSURE THAT FUR COAT NOW WITH OUR: ALL RISK POLICY -Call -John Sandmeyei Phone 5195 C. S. Robertson A First Federal Savings Bldg. ' ' 9-3 0m range. Phona 3817. U3430 FULLER BRUSH REPRESENTATIVE . V. Morgan, 532 So, Rlvenldo , : ll-ta F?5. SALK-Barley bag. Uaed. onca. 15c apiece. Dewey Smith. Malta. Phone , . - 10-25 ' bs1-"??11-14 on bber. Harry Booth. Malln. Oregon. jn-21 ? , .Mlaeellapeoug For Sal FOR SALE One new Monarch kitchen Service, Sll So. oth. in. 30 FOR RALE 1 new Monarch wood range. VI ait 4 Ufa. -tela m ll.akl.. aa , ... ' a. . " """ rivi)(ii- atirvici. Oil Bo. Bin. 10-20 TRASH BURNERS Wood and Cool, Heaters I and . i I COOK STOVES ARE RATION FREE ' ; All-white porcelain circulating tvoe trash hum... ,..ltu 1. ? specially priced. ?57.50. All-White UOrcelnln pnnlc ihuu priced from $59.60. Circulating heaters Driced from S7sn HARRY HAFTER'S FURNITURE STORE Where the Cash Buyer Gels urn oieaK no reserves Entrance Corner Oth i V and Klamath : 3773-t TOR SALE-3S-55 Wtacheater, li box ihelli. 35.00. 031 Main. 1(5-31 ALLEN Adding MacSlnM and FR1DEN Calculator!. 134 S.. 9th, St. Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co? 40 .fclPY.CAS8 ,or " Bring -5lJ11.frip?r!,'J- BELL'S HARDT "ARE. 838 Main St. 10-31m BONDS If rou hava any no-longer-uaad artlclea of any ktndlyUu aroSnd dm, ji oxiic man you nava a .. nelP trie rar 1? otha people neJo: than too tba money Ton raise "''' ''" wi oa con nan Dapt today e70tf uiuiii " 1 4-uauiuuin torn- two adultly employed in lumbar In dustry. Call 3148 days, and 8373 after WANTED Furnished or parUy furnished . -i ........ . . aval, tia walnut. Apt 8. 10.33 WANTED Furnished two-bedroom mod- . ... .... u auuiu, iw.a renters. Phona 3733. Ball Studio. - 10-33 WANTED Experienced kitchen hell '..:.. umn noun, good sal ary.- Apply In person. Klamath nil nsrda. 10-30 W A hJTIrn Ti-k D Tvrt - - - - w aui uw :c iuiini cgu -.-a, wvuii, lurnunaa .pfurmeni or bOtu. Phon A078 after 6 n m aJ73U WHX PAY CASH rou YOim PiAMft W A KIT IV Bitv -1 v - isosmn or aozen ana "Vj puutji. araon M7S iter WANTED TO BUY-Slad with nod run WANT TO TRADE-Undenvood portable t.vpwrlter for 12- .hotun. 1122 uivuion. 1 . , ,a , WANTED-100 TieM-younr Hertford cow. Notify Box 1990 Hwald-N. ; - - 10-21 PAY CASK'S MM MOVnc nTrrrti P. O. Box 247. ltv4 WrJ ED10-U hotun ihtlls. Call m iwii-4 or o room med rn horn, alther unfumUhed or partly u""'" pan-iDio miaai ina coPl n ehUdrwj. Phono 5373 or WAKTED - Poultry, livestock, turkey j uui . inUWVsV O aUUUVCila 91B Eait Main. Phona 4383. ll-4ro HIGHEST PRICES nalrf fnp nA iarou. and catua. Johiuon Packini Co Phona .1323, nlghta 3905. - ""V" "HU'pp-a wnn iarm ma- ii'I.i l5,"r- ,wF"a 846, care Her. aid and Newi. -' . i 3945 FOR SALE 4-room home. 3 acres of f, ln o"g aualfa. rlca $3000. Soma terms, 1 block from but off Summers lana. 433 Bartlett Ave. FOR SALE-Sllghtly uied bad daveno. FOR SALE-33 ft. Piatt factory built num., inquire nooinion I trailer court. 10.21 FOR SALE 10.17 V-a tnick with Brown- l.ln. Illin D.n 1 k. ... 10-30 FOR SALE '.14 Ford cab. New rubber, Ifl.n I ..... 1 1 .. til H- I.., 1 n nm FOR SA!.E- in:l3 Chevrolet 4-door ladan. .imiu nuiiar. im miicnoii 91, iu.i xvn iiftii -.i.ti inirriiaiinnil track . layer. John Deere fnodil "D" whaeli: tractor. No. ltn Galllon grader, rubber tires, aiwn runner; 1 i-n, interna tional combine. 3 grain drllli, 1 3-gang plow, 1 4-gang plow, 1 Cllrpar fin ning mill, 1 grain elevator. Tom Calmei. Keno, Ore, 3814tf APPLES Jonathan, Delicious, New towm, savaral gradai. $1.00 up. Good ilze, clean. Bring containers. Apple Gift Package for service men in II. S. A 10 lb. mailable, ready to artdrelf. $1.78. WHITE APPLE STAND, S',4 miles aouth Highway, A. C. Lewis, rtox 3.14. Rt. 4. Medford. Open Sat urday and Sunday, . 10-31 FOR SALE Truck rear end, Model A tvuim a"r, .iu.vv; evu-cniCKCn Oil brooder and pipe, $10.00; 11 moi old Guermey heifar. $30.00: 8-yea'r-old Guerniey tow, double teilid. freihen thtl mnnth lOct.l, $70.00, 43 Bart, lett Ave., 1 block off Summers lane. 10-30 FOR SALE Brown utin lined coat, Ira 38-40, ilk paw. Priced $10.00. Phona 373S. 10.31 lTFI! "L ,m,'l " engines ro palrid. Bodenhamar Saw Shop. 3M . Mln- ll-13mc GLASS Mtrrors, reiltvarlng. plate, win dow and auto glisi. furniture topi. U-4m SEWING MACHINE PARTS and sup- J!L Phona 8771. ,121a Ihaita Way. . In-3lm MARINE COUPLE and J-months-'old baby , ""."'.""i nouro or apart, mint. Pleasa call Mrs. Danf at 3124. ' . . . 3948U oil healer, Call 5734 after 3 o'clock ' ' ' 10-31 'hl.if.S.AL?-OR TRADE For cows or helferi. 1 grey mare, 7 jcen old. 1600 ' "I'" '''IMftipg colt, t two-way home Jlow, lit in.. Ilk. new. Roul, 1, Box MP across from IOOF Merrill .ceme-10-31 QlMrrn I .... . . . . . . . ... . n vuuiu-y UI au RinOI. Also eggs. Martin Produce Co. Phona lo-.Tim 44 LWegtocfc and Poultry ' . s.AIfcs',r, m,r- 4 old weight 1000 lba.. partly broken. $83.00 Call after 3 n. m.. 8453 Simmers Av. 10-30 46 Financial See WANTED TO BlIY-OILLETTE l.f TBir Birn. mm.... - - --..o. i-iiui-iE, oiiio. 10-30 FOR SALE Drag saw, heavy weight Vaughn, completely equipped Including blade. Price $85. In Rood running order. L. B. Fender. Malln Call after e n m. ' 2000U O'VE 1 HIM A BURQESS VIBRO-TOOI -. , vpen an aay eaturdav. nia Market. Phona 7331. . 10 ji WAKITn. C...I. . .. . u-.". (uiipie 10 inare noutte liter l"""' 3U niv'"- Plow oil jo-ae WANTED-r.lrl's bicycle or boy'e imall ffiH'In?" ' phona ShTita Food and leave address. 10-30 APPLES, Newtowns, Spltrenbergs, Gold- wi.iv., wiiciuu. ann oiner van ties. Jo. Nary, Rl. 1, Box 403, Med ford, Or., Ph. 8508. 10.30 ton SALE100 tons baled hay, lit cut ..,., ma rye, ai r.eno. sea Guy Moore at ranch before crossing r ver or caU Doug Puckatt, Tulalake 7104. 335JU STOVES REPAIRED. All available parts w. luiniiura, aim-as DOUint. OK Second Hand stora. 830 luVmlth pnona 8871. lo-3im FOR SAUt-Pedlgreed Cocker Spaniel puppies. Taking orders for Chrlit' jpupplaa. blacks, blondei, golden. OREEN-LEA COCKERS, eii Soulh Rlvarildi, Madford, Oregon. 10-30 T-1ALf-rM,r WW. three way electric standard lamp, one large wood trunk on cutors, suitable for toon. L. H. Wheadon. Lakeihora Drlv. 10-31 WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE Fully equipped meat market In good bull-Ir""""- Wflta Butch. P. O. Box 188. Klamath. Falls. . 10.31 WANTED TO BUY-Planc, Phona 8189. 10-11 "'J BUY-Small portabl. radio cenw Phon. Wob. . . WANpD - Wholesale houae or wagon moats, 30 pkgs, td OahJ-pecanl, al 11' aJnVi.l '"hewi, fiih, bottled horwradlih. e ot.-4 os.8 oi. Com" million bails, real aeilerl. Write: Ore- , Qranta Pan, Oregon. .. , .. 10.33 K; A. (Dinty) Moore '' For LIBERAL : GASH LOANS n AUTO Yr FURNITURE NOTE Private Sales Financed Simple Credit Requirements Complete. Privacy t 12 Month. 4a t.I. - -" ..... j v . or . No Co-Signers " Wuick service t ; Locally Owned Motor Investment Co. Mamath s Oldest M-27S. . O Hit 114 N. 7(r Phono 3328 , 10-31m When You Want a CASH LOAN For Any Worthy Purpose Call On P. A. (Buck) Everett at the office of ; COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 No. 9th Sr Klamath Falls, Oregon Loans Made On Automobiles - Furniture . Livestock Salary Sales Between Individ uals Financed n - rt 0. P. A. Reauir-m-nte: Completed Come In Phone In or Write In Phonf3 77 H ! Lie. M-223 Lie. S.S7 10-31m First Federal Has Plenty of Money Buy a Modern Home ' Refinance Your Old Home e Pbv T rm.. n . .' j utM j. nun Aem ' ' Long . Terms Low Rale FIRST FFDFRAI ' SAVINGS and LOAN Assoc. of Klamath Falls ' ' Sixth and Main Phone 8195 10-31m Ask Us About EQUITABLE. LOANS Much lower interest rote ' Long time easy payments , ProiriDt Service It will pay you to tnvegiia4e the EQUITABLE PLAN ,. CHILCOTE & SMITH ' Since 1909 111 N. 9th Phone 4544 48 Builnan Oyportunltlee ' FOR SALE Business building . 3 stora) roomi with 3-room nawly decorated apartment. Downtown. Good Income. ' Terms. 433 Commercial. "10-34 IF YOU WANT TO OPERATE A BOOM. I.! tmtioat 4.1. i . - " vwaj, - Ill pro POI1 llOn. LaTTe) tie money needed but good return. It it'O vg-n .l-1. M. a W4,vtl mk UWIV VU n-rl aHveH fcaa na.J ' 1 "on 4. 'a m UBfJU gjjaj in (he classilied. ',. -, , ;