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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1944)
,b.r 19i1944 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fACE FIVE m mmmm illl'r" ' hi ni ' 1,11,1 Jrdliy. 1 , . u,. h'riin. b 'Tit "Kin '" ' llur' .!. iv Iw III Hi" l,0- , ,,,i iii .San Friiniiliii'O y...' "u loved l i : Ntilioiml bunk. '"' Vijiiiiiiiril ill Purls, '""'f c.;iu..iiii"K t'x!,,'-l, nnll l S Vl'iy M"' "" ' ;l'"n s army InU-lllKfiifii. "0 ninUS llllll 111" I'I'lll''"-. fi J iiiil'i r A I u i 1 1 1 1 1 1 iW ' V.&. Z.0 weekends together. cumminKS l stationed l nvllli', K's. .. Mi-m flrnre Sti'" V. . , ,i S " . ' ' I i:t.i All. I r'ftii'riu'l Wednesday night Ano Into ! " ! AjMi-MriTuimiild. Cold- iMgrvmi na ,llr v " &' U. (Jnl.linu In .tllMYL Hn Inslrurti.r In the' V-12 nil irnlnliiK i"'1'""1 "l,!llu U"1 Unity of South C'lri'llnn. jl t. n.... f',l Riifl Hue jiSison ot ' women's murine .i.i, ....... l, ti.ltli her miri'iit. hind Mrs. Axel Jiicnbsen of Portland street, will leuvo io- ilrif (Thurf.llivi inr inr miiihmi ortli Carolina. Ill avb nuivir I inula in I .I'll In cilewiirl, formerly ill v I.......H. li'..llu ...III I... i... niniiitm, iiiiin, win ui: inii'i I'm I'll to li'Mlii Ihnl hIiii Ik iiiiw In- I 1.. I .... A ...... I I l Ilium III i,i,n ihh it n HIIII 111 Ifl'IV I u . 1-1 i .11. i II IH "I MMiniuiit iiii'i iliiiii III Mil! U I.'.. f....ul I I.... 1 1... I Oiiiiiii rv t.iiini iiiiiit iiiijiiiiii, iiliriiilcrl hy llii! Snnlii Kc lull- null. mm i vi-ivi-ii in iiiiimit II .1 I.. ..i l..- ..i .... iii'Kiiit iii iiii-ii'iii-n in iiiwii mint! mil vT.t I ty hunpllnl, Iowa City, Hollowoon Danco Tlii'la Itho Clrln mo toiHlioiimir ll IIiiIIiiwitii putty mid iliini'ii In Hi.' KJOK mill, Mondny, Oi'lnhcr nt II n. m. Knell in.'iiilii'r In uskccl In brliiK iinu or innro Kni-Ml!i, nn.l 1 1 if rc- will ho K".il muni.' mid iv fri'nlun.'lilit. 'I'Iiiti' will lio u nliorl lninlni. im...lnK nt 7 p. in.. pri'mlliiK the pmiy, iiikI nil iiK'niliprn iirp urni-d In nltciul. Luvii Miirlnr ScrKciint llnr nl.l I). Klllri'lm, 747 Aliimi-dii, In li'iivliiK iTlilny I 1 1- llii? ninrlni' mir ill Qiiiinlicn, Vn , nflcr uni'iiilInK ll twn-wci'k furlmiiih Ihto. Ili linn ri'lnrni'd In the tiilr nflcr iminy munllm In the Pnclflc. hill ol Honor The Diwc . ...III ......1 MllllllllV 01 Jlilliui "n. in. . t Otttlicr 'IX nt II l. in- ui "'' K(J r'hfilrttiiln (if till Illll J ,. I. I,.ni.. IllllU vWW II (""J ." ........ riofrwos ore Vrsln SIIIm, Mln- if.llCtoy, urine ijuvn nun Irod Liul. Valley Mrs. Ilnrry nnvlr 'llii Knurrs!, mid her Infiinl liter nro ill Klnmiilh Viillcy ul nml nnl lllllsliln lis cr- Biiily r.'purliMl. llnllt inutli. tid clillu nr.; iininii nicely, tlini! la h"r iiiircnls. Mr. Irs, Leslie Hwr.t. Surqery Wlllii Ann .Slcffcim, Dorrln, ll yciirnl.l (liniulili'r nf Mr. mid Mifl. W. C. Slrffrnii nf Unit pln.'c iinil.-rw.'iil nuijnr Mir very nt Kiiinnitli Vnllcy hnnpltiil Ot'lnlicr 111, unci In ri'puiled on uio ron.l lo rccuvcry. Surgery Louiit Ilulclilnmiii, tfl yi'iir iifd nun of Mr. mid Mm. Jnlin IliilclihiHiin, Uciitty, In ri! covcrlni! nkoly from nnijor mir- 1,'i'ry whlfh lio underwent nt Kiiinnitli Vnlli-y lio.ipllul, Oclo bcr H. Improvlna Mm. Mi.-liiiln Lor- el7., 73, SnniKiie Hivcr. who foil mid fractured her hip thin pnst Sundny, lit reported dolnit nice ly lit Klmmtth Vnlley lionpltiil, PnoumonU Unlph W. nipley Jr.. Ilenlly, 20.iniiiith.olil mm nf Unlph W. Illiley, lientty LK lllim enmpnny employe, Is repiirl- ed reenverliiK frnni pneiimoiiln ui ivimniun vnlley lionpllnl. Soap Lnk Mr. mid Mm. ivnm i?.in U',.ii i..ri Eluy miirninn Inr Soap Lake, . wiiitc mis, 1..VHHS win re for n time In the. hone of illlni! her health. Ivvumt return to Kiiinnitli Falls In iliiys. tm Hoieburg Mr. nnd Mrs. ( I'olrhcll of ltn.eburi!, nr. nirsmiy to visit with i s Bis, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. 1211 Orchard. From rnlchctl wont lo Lakevlew short slay, hut Ills wife Is lis nt the Brink home. Iilor Circle Mrs. Lee Sul- nd Mrs. J. J. Pex will he 'fes for Ihc nieetliiu nf the r circle nf the Community Tcwitinnnl cliurch. to he 111 the SOclnl hull n.i f.r.r. pltlny, Octuher 20, at 1:30 bl Auxiliary The KnKles '"y win meet In rrmilnr n Frlrlny. Oeloher 21) nt pn. There will ho refresh- nim ciilcrtainment nfter Ira Cellfornid Mr. nnd v ran i uiit nrrlved Wednes tnm Visnlln, Calif., nnd are m me iiome of hl.i sis In. Roy Morris, 120 Geor- y Luncheon The rcuti mny lunrlieon for Rotary ir vi iiffi i...,ni ...i i ,n p " ii"i'--i win . L r - II. innnL' Inv .....iiiKir oi mo OreRon lax Will Cloie The niivnl re crulllnil office In the Federal Inilldlnii will he closed all Fri day afternoon as Dim Sehrelher, recruiter in churnc. will bo In Mill in on official business, On Furlough Pvt. Alothn Garrett. , who is stationed In Tucson, Arir.., with the WAC, Is visillnii her father, John Court, while hero on furloiiKh. OBITUARY JOUS HI'Ot.KK John fliwilrk . for I lm pint M p nri rfufdrnl nf lh MaIiii dutrlrt, ) wnv tit Klamath KnlU. ()rr., Thurlv mornlni ttt 4 lo , in. Orl"ler 10- 0U fotlowlnit n tirtrf IHnr. The itrcnl wm a nMllva nf l'rrhi)l(tvkli. nl W nnd fll yrmt, ft tnLiniln mut 4 Uy when Culltl. ( ti lurvlved t lilt vvlff Mn NotllB ftn.ilrlt of Malln. Orr., ami 4 tlftiiglitrr, Illaitrhn Hpnlek. Ua nf Mlln. Th remain ret In Wrrt' Klamnlh riincral - home nf thli city whnrv frlvnilA nxny mil after IU a. m. NAliirlny. Alliiniinrninitni of fuiwiml arrhttcin(iit will Im ml Uter. Sample Ballots Available Here Hiunpla election hullols ore now here from the printers and urn available to persons Inter ested in lookliiK over candidate! and measures to be voted upon November 7. A copy of the sample ballot can be obtained at thu county clerk's office or at Ihc Herald and News. In Hospital Klmcr llamdcn of the Star DruK company, un derwent major uri(ery at Khun mil Valley hospital, October 10. lie Is reported Improved. Courthouse Records ri.OAII-WAHJtllimN. Paul ffmllh Cloar, 21, V. H. mnrlncB. Nallw of IV it i !, irtlileill of CullliKo tJroVB, Tviiit. ItllM Akmoi Wmhlmrn. JO, Jrntl company. Native of fhlUdnltthlii, renn., re Me ii I nf I'lilUilrlphle. I'rnn, (iAiinir.i-HON - c O 1. 1-1 N H Arthur IMiicril C;nImIUiii, M, mill wnrkrr. NAtlvfi of J1lmiBolii, rulilcnl of Klm nth KnIIi. Mutiy Collin, ;w. mlllwitrker. Nttllvo of Missouri, reildetH of Klanutli Kills. t'ompUlnli rilvd WondM I.. Dudley vorvua OIn Odrll Dmilry, Hull for divorce, charm cruel lid Inhuman 1 mat men I, Couoin mar ri"d In Mnrilxui, Ark., Novainlttr 27, HUX I'lalntlff k reatornllun ul mnidpii name, Wanda L. Nelion. J, C, U Nrlll, altomey for plaintiff. Italph M. lllllon vtri Trudy Mlllun. Hull fur divorce, rharie dr erlton. L'oiili married Hi Houston. Tex.. July ia, iu:tK. u, 8. Ualanilne, attorney for plaintiff. J it tiro f'eurl Kiifrne llerlwrt Hay. Indian, llavlni IfirhnlJc iKjuor In poiteBilun, fined A( or lift days. lUiry Jiidiiui lime. No red light. Klnrd i.Vfwi, llol and Charlra l.elo, Indian, llnvlnf ulrohollr liiior In pottcMlort. fined atxi or U il)t, Ilnleiid MrNary. Hunting on enclosed lands, fined HO plus 17.20 costs. lull SCHOOL liililiiiiiittifliiliiiiii;; lPll!iPll lilWillllll'lI'lllI'lilliKHiHljl iw Notes and 1 l ,al?l'''!i'i,l!ll illllili vonimeni i 1 1 r ! r -1 1 i ' -1 -" ! 1 : ' i ' I I , . i ! I i i By JUANITA 8HINN The Juniors and seniors met for a short mcctliiK in tlio audi torium this niornhw to learn Hint they will be able lo buy class rliiKH for this year mid next. However, becntmc of the Sixth Wnr Loan drive which is to beifin shortly, both Stanley Woodruff, principal, and Hill Abbey, president, of the senior class, spoke in favor of thu stu dents UirnlnK their cash Into war bonds and stumps instead of the lillK.H. Hill told the classes that belore the year was over, they would try to have pins available for thu Kraduatiiig class which would be consider ably cheaper, and Just us practi cal. Member that had been elect ed to the traffic s(iiad met with Paul Anxstead, who Is to be their adviser, this morning. Un til the ineetinK, the names of the boys chosen for the ,Kuud had been kept secret. Sixteen seniors and seven Junior boys were cho .sen to positions. The vocational office has an nounced thut ono semester cred it will he granted for each 00 hours of successful work com pleted in the CAP training course. Since the course is a 200-hour course, and it will un doubtedly be Impossible for the complete course to be concluded before the end of the school year, it is possible that 1J cred its will be granted. The membership drive for the Parents and Patrons club will begin October 23, and will carry through the week until October 27. The Parents and Patrons club is open to all townspeople who are interested In the hlqh school and its functions. For TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drlre Mot Yoursall Sara U Long and Short Trips STILES' BEACON SERVICE Phone 8304 1201 East Mala those persons interested, who do not have children In school, they undoubtedly know some high school student who can answer questions they might want to ask, and to whom they can give their membership fee. A contest will bo carried on between the various home roomr, with a surprise, treat to bo given to the home rooms who go over the top in the drive. jonsdousne Reserve Blended Whlikey 88 Prooi 57H Grain Neutral Spirits. The Lansdowne Distillery Harre de Grace 9 Md. FUNERALS JUK IIMIKHIIAN H ANDOVAL The fiinrnl service for Ihc let Joe llrrkshau Hntutovnl, who passed away el t;hlloquln. Oregon, on Monday, Oeloher ID, 1044. will take plare from the Meth odist church al Williamson Jttver on Halurday. Octntier 21 at a p. m. with the llev. Harold ZcIJit officiating. Com milmeut servirrs and interment will follow In the family plot in the Hill rmttery. friends arc respectfully In vited to allcnd the services. Ward's Klamath funeral home in charge. AI.MIKII C. (1RADY Alfred C. Urndy, a resident of Sacra mento. Calif., for the past three years, passed away In ttiat city on Saturday, Urtotwr It, 1144. The deceased was a native nf Hehono, Pennsylvania, and was aged HO years, four months and 17 days u-hen relied. He was a memher of I lie lll'OK No. 1247. Klamath falls, Oregon, and of the Conks Union. local No, im:i. Harramenlo, Calif. The funeral servlrn will take place from the cho pel of Ward's Klamath funeral home, 02. High, on frlday, Ocloter 20, at 10::t0 a. nv, under the ausplres nf the Klks ..ndey No, 1347, Commitment services and Inlerment will follow In Mnkvllle rehielery. friends are respectfully In vited lo attend the services, - I.f'ZANNAIf M.I7.A11KTM CRANK The funeral lorvlce for the .late Lutannah Elljuiteth Crank, who passed away In this rlly on Monday. October 10., lo4. will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath funeral home, P2.1 High, frlday, October 20, at 3 p. m. with the Itev. Anna E Itath nf Medford officiating. Commitment service and Interment will follow In the family plot In the Kcnn cemetery, friends are respeel fully Invited to attend the services. Chest Colds Kh?lh! To Relieve Misery Rub on Tested DEWEY 5O.0O1 CLUB Here's My Dollar For Dewey. Nnm ...... -. Address C R Phone . IMPORTANT! PLEASE TURN IN ALL PROCEEDS BY OCTOBER 28 ri. Aar. Klamth ntw.y AO.OOt Club TOD Suffer DlttraMFrnm (FEMALE EAKNESS pi Hi Nmoui P fMllnji? niimtsirvm, lf' '! tlrril', iiutlianc ' acrs.iT Inl.l. r. ' "J.lll n, t-inn r tiifi hr''"" ot its """'Tt'ilsiiroalmedlrin. tiK AlioiiDrn. ,"5" "aalnat such fj. PINKHAM'S PK RELIEF FROM HiolDI,t,0Ar,ngfl.oin I"misiiJI .isr? "" tiMh. .!? " Acid- t1' HamZL "I" emath, bt. :?,l""'MplMin,n. !.. rwillirt": "" !P 'lays' trial! "IBM f'.n-. " SERMONS DIRECT from the BIBLE THE BIBLE Soma reject the Bible as being inspired because ol the number oi miracles that are recorded. This Is very poor ground for rejecting God's word. Consider these three questional FIRST. Is it unreasonable to believe that the God who created the universe can do anything He wanted to with It? Yes, Ha surely can temporarily suspend any law that He has made or He may employ higher laws that we do not undoratand. SECOND. Would God perform a miracle? To deny that God would perform a miracle, one would have to know more about God's plans and purposes than finite mind can know. Some roject miracles that are recorded in the Bible because miracles are Inconsistent with evolution. THIRD. Did God perform the miracles in the Bible? If we bellova that God can perform a miracle and might dosiro lo do so we are prepared to consider with open mind the third question, namely, did God perform the miracles recorded In the Biblo? The same evidence that established the authority ol the Bible establishes the truth ol the record oi miracles poriormod. CONCLUSION! "The heavens declare the glory ol Godi and the llrmament showoth His handiwork." Psalms 19:1. "Many othor sians therefore did Josus in the Presence oi the disciples, which are not written in this book; 1 bu ; these are written, that ye may believe that Jesus Is the Christ, the Son ol Godi and that believing ye may hava Ilia In His name." Jno. 20i 30-31. . M. LLOYD SMITH, Evangelist. CHURCH OF CHRIST 220S Wantland Ave... 1 . . ) Klamath Falls. Oregon. 1 ' It's no surprise to us that millions choos. The sturdy quality of Penney Shoes, The reason's clear: they're tops in fit and wcai, And smartness, too! why don't you try a pair? THE GOING'S GOOD . . STYLE-WISE J sL'sw SMJ, m ajw r . he season's newest and best styles . . . step-in pumps, dJ'Orsays, dress ties and tailored spectators, designed by Cynthia . for your walking pleasure! In smooth leather and rich suedes. Non-rationed . gabardine styles, too, at the same low prir' Men Invest in Style and Comfortl Towncroft De Luxe SHOES 4" Styles for every taste, for every occa sion. Sport and dress models in fine leathers, with long-wearing flexible soles to assure you . seasons of .service plus good looks. STYLES FOR GROWING GIRLS Moccasin oxfords and slack shoes that arc tops for school. The dark antique finish is Just right with sweaters, skirts and blazers. 12-3. 2 49 BOYS' AND GIRLS' OXFORDS Good fitting, long-wearing sport and dress styles in rugged leather. Composition, or leather soles. 12-3. In Siios 8!i lo 11 H.... 2 49 .2.29 BOYS' JIM PENNEY OXFORDS Handsome moccasin . toe styles that will take plenty of punishment and give foot comfort. Sizes 1-6. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. . DOWNSTAIRS 2 98 MEN'S WOOL PLAID MACKINAWS 6.90 All wool double-breasted style. High storm collar. A warm coat for any Job Bright plaid colors. Sizes 36 to 48 MEN'S BLUE MELTON JACKETS 4.49 Men's melton cloth wool' jackets, Cossack style. Navy blue, button front. Good warm service weight. Sizes 36 to 48 MEN'S WOOL-LINED UTILITY JACKETS 5.90 Men's wool-lined utility Jackets for that added warmth. Collarless style and long sleeves. May be worn under mackinaws or for shop work. Dark gray Sizes 36 to 46 MEN'S WOOL FLANNEL "SHIRTS 6.90 All wool shirts for the outdoor man insure plenty of warmth. Bright, color ful' plaids,' form tailored. Sizes 14 Vi to 17 MEN'S COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTJ 1.37 Warm flannel shirts fo outdoor men. Solid color, grey or tan, full roomy cut, well tailored. Sizes 14 Vi to 17 MEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS 1.19 Medium weight. Fit for comfort. Long sleeves, long legs. Fine quality ecru. Sizes 36 to 46 MEN'S 50 WOOL UNION SUITS 3.98 Fine quality in heavy weight. Long sleeve, long leg. Spring needle knit. Sizes 38 to 46 HEAVY DUCK WATERPROOF PANTS Double thickness legs, front and back, green olive drab color. Double stitched and reinforced " QA at points of strain. . .' CRUISER COATS TO MATCH .....1 6.90 . MEN'S WARM WINTER CAPS Water repellent, Olive drab color, flannel . . " A lined with turn down ear flaps. la IU MAIN FLOOR . CRIB SHEETING 36-inch Synthetic rubber coated. White Aft only. Yd. OYC RAYON JERSEY Just arrived! Beautiful all new fall patterns and col ors. 39 inches m Jtf wide.. Yd. .T DENIM SLACKS Sturdy denim slacks. Just the garment to wear for poiato harvest. Slack or' overall style, navy or faded blue. H QQ Sizes 12 to 22. ' .TO LADIES' CORDUROY JACKETS Fine wale corduroy jack ets, fitted ; tailored style with long sleeves. Bright and dark shades. yS A( Sizes 12 to 20. ttf 7, BABY SHOE.' White lace shoes for baby in a creeper or crawler. No hard soles QQ in yet. 70C CHILDREN'S DENIM SLACK SUITS Sanforized faded blue denim In overall type slack with sport jacket. Fine for play after school. Sizes " Of 1 to 7 I .TO SECOND ri.OOR LADIES' TEA APRONS Colorful printed cottons and. solid colored QQ organdy." OC main ri.oon v LADIES' 51 GAUGE HOSE Fine quality sheer rayon hose. Cotton reinforced foot. Sizes 8Vi to 10 Vi. On sale Friday ftO morning.. Ow