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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1936)
January 21, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND RATES: CASH ADS 2por word per ilny'i Insertion. CHARGE ADS par word per day's liiaurtlon. 3c All Mull Order AdB Must IIuvo Cusli With Ordor. 10 20 pur omit discount on ill r u d u I n ( onu wauk. por cut discount on tilt running ono month. All claaatftod ada art Inaert od In liotli Tho Klnmnlli Nuwa mill KvenliiK Herald at tho nl-iva ratea. appearing In Tho Newa first. Tlmo limit for claaaltlcntlon In tho following day's papers Is 6:0 I'. M. Ads desired In anrtcil on tho nmiio tiny mi sub milted will have to run "Too Late lo Classify." CLASSIFIED INDEX All classifications urn num bered and appear In numerical order. KoIIowIiik In nn alpha hi'tlilrnl referent-,, lint ot llio moro Iniporuint claenKlcutlous: Automotive - 19 Building Matnrlala 10a Rnaliii'aa Oppotrunltlee 10 Contract Work Wanted. 10 Educational Farm Implcmonta ...... 19n Furnished Apt In Lot II Furnlahud lluuau to Let.... 14 Furnished itoonia lo Lot. 11 rinancliil 23 General Notlcca ........ 8 llitlp Wanted, Malo ( Help Wanted, Komalo 7 Llveatork and Ford 21 Lost and Found 3 Mlacollanroua (or Halo lo Pnrsatiala 4 Poultry tor Halo 2?a Real Kalttlo fur Halo 1 7 (tral Klnln f(r l.ciio 18 Real Ketate Wanlod. ... l"a Room and Hoard 12 Sllunllona Wanlod. 9 Hwapa 2a Transportation t Unfurii. Ilouara to Lot... 16 Wanted Miscellaneous it Wanted to Rent 10 2 Loat and Found jU1-jXAJxrrarrrarra"i"i - - KOI'ND Hiuall whlto dog, brown pota, bohhi'd lull. 421 Oak. 4030 ItUWAItll tor Inforinallon Ifad lug to thn rtcoviTjr of ono brown guiding liriindrd conntirti'd on li'ft altouldor and T3 on Infi hip. M. J. formr, Olrn, On. 40SJ 3 General Notice! OKKK'K HOOM3 In bi-at block on Miilu. 1 16. Inquire Dri'wa Muiiatoro. 2491) WAOON HKI'Allt KACTOHY Kxpi'rU'iiri'd workmen. Cutting down whi'da a Hpciulty. (luur aiitood aatlHfactlon. Wrlto for low prlcoa. Homo Supply Com pany, Lnkiivlpw, Oregon. 4094 MUSIO furnlalii'it for all occna lona, onpocliilly dnncva, I'hnno 1701. 3448 FOIt KXI'KKT roofing or putch work. call 8S5-J. 2605 Peraonala STOMACH IIU'KR. OAS PAINS. INDIOKSTION vlitlma. why iutferl For quick relief get a frco samplo of UUUA, n doc tor'! proacrlptlon at Slur Drug Btorea. 2101 Tranaportation SAVEI Go by Bus Via Bond and Mt. Hood Shortest Route, Lowest Fares to Northwest Points On , Round Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Buaaea Loar 11:45 Noon From The Greyhound Depot For Information Phono 09 Klamath The firms and individuals represent ed in this Alphabetical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most reliable business men and Commercial Printing Printing ot all kinds. SHOP PINO GUIDE, Pelican Theatre Bldg. Floor Sanding FLOOR SANDING AND RI5FIN ISHING. Phone 85W4. Hemstitching Homstltchlng, specializing I n suits and ooati, woolen samples, dressmaking. Mrs. 11. M. Allen dor, 614 Walnut. Palmer Chiropractor DR. UI.KN MOOKB Nourocnlomotor X-Rny 826 Main Opp. Court Houso TRADE WITH NEWS-HERALD WANT-ADS FOR 8 Help Wanted Male WANTED I'lilntor In pnlnt nnd kulaomluo In icIiiiiiko (or runt of furnished coUuko. l'liuiiu Alluniuhl Aulo Cump. 41)1)8 0a Salesmen Wanted AN UNUHIIAL opportunity la now available lo r I k mun us lilmrlct AKi'Mt for thlH torrl tury. Expenso iillownnco pluii overwriting plu good flrat your nml renewal rniiimtaaloiiB ' on pnraonitl hualnniiB. tihould Im 80-46; Willi several years Utrjil residence; aitllafui'tory lltii Inmiiituro experience und own iiir. Wrllo rnr Inlurvlcw kIvIiik full dniiilla In ruply Willi h will hn alrlrtly cunll iliinlliil. Huperlnlnidiint of Agendo, Ull I''uIIIiik Hulld Ink, I'orlliinil, Oregon, 41)1)3 7 Help Wanted, female WANTKD Unincumbered worn- j an for permanent poalllou aa hnuaikiM'ptr In homo with ono ! rlilld. Apply lu person. No. i 3 1 , Knrly hoi el. 41)37 j WANTED l.'niniieieiil Klrl for geni-nil liimiii'work. I' h o ii o I 1903 fur appointment. 4034 WANTKD-Clrl to work ml flul work. Hupi'Hor Troy laundry. 4U4f 8 Educational WILL poraonully Interview men wIIIIiik to work hard to qualify fur Ki""l-piiy poult Inns In He-frlgi-ratlon nnd Air Condlllim Iiik business. Prefer mm with fulr riluratlon, mechanically Inclined, now eiiiployod, willing to devote aomo scare tlnia to preliminary training to becoma Installation and service oipma. Wrlin fully, giving sgo, phono, proamt occupation. Utilities Eng. Inat., llos 4088, News llnrald. 9 Situationa Wanted EXPERIENCED a li e o p hand wnlila work. Write L. II. Koruui, Itt. 2, Hox 48. Mi-d-ford, Oregon. 40SG EXPERT Clerical work, oc couotliiK. bookkeeping, all or IKirt ilino. llox 1441, News- llfrnld. 22!IS 11 Furniatiec! Rooma CKNTI.KMAN dialroa bntchlnr iuar(i-ra with KurtiKn; cluao In. Iloi 4DIi6. Npwh llcrnld. 40S( I'll K Cl.AltK.MONT. 23 N. 4th. all modern oulaldo roonia. Free nnrklne lot 4406 12 Room and toi.rd ItOOM AND HOAUD Mra. Ilrock la bnok nt her old adilrena at 1125 N. Oth. 4029 13 lurtiiahrd Apnrtmenta Foil HKNT 3 and 3-room cot tagea, liglit, water and fual furnlahed. Iteiluced rntoa. In qulro Altainunt Auto Camp. 4057 VACANCY Corner Pino and Cedur. 4063 .AHGK apt, adnlta, 419 No. 10th. 4047 FintNISHKD three-room apart iiiciit. Phono 71S-W. 4033 VACANCY Rex Anna. 4010 KSPI.AN'AUK COUIIT8 A I a 0 Sltunua upli tinontH, 323 Com mercial. Phono 111 4 J. 2238 VACANCY Arcade apartraonta. 14 Furnished House! MODKIIN 3-rooni eablna. Lake view Auto Camp, near Pell ran City. 4031 KOUR-room house, 1427 Jobnion next to Crescent. 4043 15 Unfurnished Houses FOR RKNT Soron-room house. 315 (iruiit. 4030 16 Wanted to Rent WANTKD TO HKNT Good flvo room unfurnished house, roa soiinbly closo In. lot Springs district proforrod. Will loaso. Call 1217W. 4065 17 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Flvo-room unfin ished house, with lot. Cash and terms. Cheap. Inqulro Frle's service station, lllvorvlow ad dition, Kono route. 4064 FOR 8ALK Flvo-room house, $800. Closo In. Inquire 414 Walnut. 4048 Business Directory Piano Tuning U II. Mann, Darby's Musis store, 117 8o. 7th. Pumps Byron Jackson Pumps and Sorvloo ' M. Wsachope, 115 So. 11th St. Phone 1303-J Radio Repairing 6 months guarantee on all repair work. Phono 1790. ANDERSON-MOORE 125 South Eighth Street ' 1867 PHONE 178 for reliable radio rapnlrlng. Ronsonnhlo rates, quick sorvleo. Roborts and Harvoy, 1007 Main. 2443 19 Automotive We Welcome Exacting Buyers Because They Fully Appreciate the Superior Value of the Used Cars We Offer Them .... If You Are An Ex acting Buyer, We Invite Your Inspec tion of the Values Listed Below: '29 Dodge Sedan '31 DeSoto Sedan '31 Chrysler Sedan '33 Chov. Master Coupe '33 Ford V-8 Coupe '33 Plymouth Sodan . OSTENDORF 424 19 Automotive USED CARS I9S1 Cadillac t-Paas. Bodan. o wlra wbeela, now urea, excep tional condition. U28 Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 Packard. Small S Bodan. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadlllao and LaSall 3rd and Main We are conducting a roal uacd car brio during January uu u will puy you well to buy now from ua. A big solcctloo oi atundard makes at bargnln prlcca. H. E. HAUGER 1330 Main 2392 FOR SALB 31 Ford truck, dual wbeela, and drng saw. Call after 4:30 p. m.. 7u3 Ful ton. oci 20 Miacellanbui For Sale WaVia!,"'aa FOIt 8ALE Sonora cauinei phonograph and 80 records, $10, .811 Plum. - 4063 OPEN FOR BIDS Merchandise and Shop Equipment of the Al-len Electric Store, Inc., Bankrupt 115 So". 4th St. I reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. Bids received at 521 Main St. W F. SKAItS. Trustee. MAKE YOUR DATES for paper hangers and decorators. All 1036 wallpaper nt bargain Hi-Ires. Floor Sanders nnd polishers for rent. Pattorson Paint Storo. 230 Main. Phono 1646. HEAUTIFUL. hardy pedigreed Springer spaniel puppies. Law son Dralnerd. Merrill. Ore. 2632 MOV1NQ7 Call 704. local, long distance. Insured carrier; i porlenced men. Pooploa Ware house 4 6 3 ?Oa St'&ps WILL TRADE 1934 Chov. pick up, good condition, for young cattle or good cows Just fresh or coming fresh. Phone 2167 what you have to trade, nnd givo prices. Address 2441 Orchard Way, Klamath Kails. 4095 22 Livestock and Feed FOR SALE OR TRADE For older horses: flvo 2-year-old Porchoron colts: three Chester White sow!. J. E. Whltlntch 1 mllei west of Stukel bridge. 2436 women. You will find them ready to servo you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction use this handy guide to the services they offer. Raw Fur Raw furs wan tod. Hlg'iost price paid. Try us bofore you sell. 0. L. Hombroo, 820 Klamath, Roofing EXPERT repairing and rocover. Ing composition shingles. Terms, Atlas Root Co. Pbono 1811.. 1400 So. 6th. 41 Upstairs Dresa Shoppe : TOOLKITS tor SMART TOUS. Stewart-Drew Bldg., T81 Main. Wood FOR SALE Pine, fir body and limb wood. Phoix 76W2. 898 QUICK RESULTS 19 Automotive MOTOR CO. S. 6th ,2 Livestock cnl feed HIGHEST corn-belt prloeo for carloads broko or unbroke range horses, inuli-s and colts. Fred Chundler Horse and Mule Market, Charlton, Iowa. 2466 COOI) mllrh cow for sale cheap. N. J. Smith, Chlloquln. 40h0 HARDY ALFALFA SKED Di rect from producer. Also sweet clover and Grimm. Sr tu ples and prices sent on re quest. C. E. Atkinson, Cedar vlllo. Calif. 2536 22a Poultry Po. Sale NEW llampshlro Rod, also White Leghorn breading cockerels for sale. Pbono 670J, Lewis Farms. 3426 SUPER QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns. R. I. Hods, $10. 100; Barred Rocks. $11, 100, prepaid. Magulre Electric Hatchery. 1415 N. E. Oregon street. Portland. Ore. 1434 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and ' ' REFINANCING Quick. Dependable, Safe, No co-slgnors No lied Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Lot us finance your new or used car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7th Ph. 882 License M104 Legal Notice SfMMOXS Kqilily No, -1503 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. George E. Smith, plaintiff. J. W. Tcel and Kntle Anna Teol. husband and wife, and E. 13. Pierce: alo nil other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or Interest In the real estate de scribed herein, Defendants. To J. W. Tcet and Katie Anna Teel, husband and wife, and E. B. Pierce; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or Interest in the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defendants In tho Name ot tho state of Orecon: You and each of you nre hereby required to appear and $225 $350 $395 $462 $444 $529 Annual Statement, City of Klamath Falls, Oregon Year Ending Dec. 31, 1935 Fund General Street Fire Light and Water Airport Library ..... Park Park Pnvlrg ........ Poraoual Taxes .. . Armory Cemotery General Sewer Incidental General Bond Sink General Bond Int Light Unit No. 2 Part Pnyt Imp. Bond Ref. Acct. - 8th Sower Daf 66th Def Imp. nond Int.. Imp. Bond Sink Discount or Premium . 49th General Bond Sinking; Fund Inv Airport Const. Fund Inv Cash iu Banks $771,297.76 ..V, " State of Oregon, ) . .' '. County ot Klamath, ) SEAL , , ,!,- City of Klamath Falls) I, RTJTH 0. BATHTANT, Treasurer of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the fore going Is a true exhibit ot Rocelpts and Disbursements, and the condition of each particular fund at the City ot Klnmath Falls, Oregon, nt the close of business on December 31, 1935, as shown by receipts and vouchers, on file In my office, and the ledger of said accounts and funds, and the above cash balance. Is a true and correct statement thereof. Witness my band and sen! this 20th dny of January, 1936. RUTH O. BATHIANY, . (Jltv Treasurer. (Herald Jan. 21 No. 14) National and T CHICAfiO, Jun. 21. (IP) With spociilullvo und commercial In terest at a low ebb, grain vulues made no Important cbauge to day. Wheat futures held within a very small trading range, the Mny delivery continuing lo fluc tuate narrowly around the dol lar mark, at which prices there was some buying credited to mills. Jtuius likely to delay threshing In Argentina were re ported, and so too was some ap prehension lest any change to colder weather In Kuropo might causa crop dnmaga. Wheat closed steady, un changed to it lower compared with yesterday's finish, May 1.00-1.00 4. corn ,- down, May 59 -60, oats unchanged to higher, and provisions vary ing from 2 cents decline to an equal gain. CHICAfiO MVKSTOCK CHICAGO. Jan. 21, (.P (U, S. Dept. Agr.) Hogs 23,000; un evenly sleudy to 16 lower; most ly lu-16c lower than Monday's average; top $10.00; bulk 170 250 I lis. $9.80-10.00: 2C0-360 lbs. j.i;r,-ar, : choice light lights $10.00; bent sows $9.20. Cattle 6.000, calves 1,500; stoer and yearling trade a little more active than late Monday when prices were 25 cents or moro lower, this downturn re sulting in moderate carryover fut steers; bulk today $7.76 9.75 with strictly choice offer ings held around $14.00, but best bullocks early $11.25; thin Blockers very scarce; meaty feed ers $7.50-8.00; few $8.60; all she stock a little morp active and firmer and sausage bulls strong, up to $6.50; beef bulls very dull; vealers strong to 26 higher; up to $12.00. Sheep 14,000; fat lambs open ing slow; generally asking around steady with early bids 15-25c lower; sheep steady to weak; feeding lambs relatively scarce; undertone easier; early bids up ward to $10.25 on good to choice native and ted western lambs; now asking $10.50 and above; bulk slaughter yearlings $9.50: three doubles choice 110 lbs. Montana ewes $5.50. Legal Notice answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 6th day of February, 1936, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of this summons. And If you fall so to answer or appear, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the court tor the relief prayed for In his com plaint on file herein, to-wit: For judgment and decree that yon have no estate, claim or In terest In and to the following described real property, situat ed in the County of Klamath State of Oregon, to-wit: The SEi ot SWJ and a SO' foot roadway running North and South along the West Hue of NEi -of SWi tn Section 6. Township 41 South, Range 12 E. W. M. And that you be forever en joined and debarred from as serting any claim whatever to said premises adverse to plain tiff; for plaintiff's costs and disbursements Incurred in this suit; and for such .other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable. This summons is published once a week for four (4) successive weeks (five insertions) in The Evening Herald, a dally newspa per printed, published and of gen eral circulation in Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, by order of the Hon- orable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of the above entitled Court, made nnd entered on the 6th day of January, 1936. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 7th day of January. 1936 GILLEN WATERS, VAN VACTOR & SISE.MORE. Ry D. E. VAN VACTOR; Attorneys for Plaintiff, 205 Odd Fellows Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon. I H .1 F 4 4 Balance Jan. 1, 1935 Dlsb. $ 15,648.99 2.3S8.42 579.12 237.93 8,516.06 2.270.23 2,288.55 6,878.18 2,707.28 46,000.00 60,363.41 24,422.14 19,110.61 21,779.55 8,770.48 8,113.71 4,937.65 9,922.04 2,707.28 67,499.74 4,023.64 8,277.45 84.60 99,163.86 44,280.00 5,497.68 4,351.09 766,052.15 7.41 30.89 323,361.53 87,251.84 62.00 7.05 2,664.11 9,463.48 .0 357,470.25 6S, 561.87 S40.71 6,138.46 - 1S2.498.77 3,021.30 $705,063.01 $1,560,083.10 $252,291.10 4,ttsu.43 614,446.22 STOCK AVERAGES Complied by to Associated Pre Tuesday previous Day , Montb Ago - roar Ago ... J '3B-3U High 1936-36 Low 1934 High 1934 Low BOND AVERAGES CosapUed by the Associated Press, Tuesday Previous Day Month Ago . Year Ago 1935-38 High 1935-36 Low 1934 High 1934 Low New High. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Jan. 21. UP) Many prices trickled lower today and In the quietest stock market In more than a month. . A few divisions, such as air crafts, metals and sugars, found a following at slightly Detter levels at times, but the majority of leaders slipped down fractions, and a few aa much as a' point or so. The closing tone was about steady. Transactions In the stock exchange totaled around 1,400, 000 shares. The cessation of London fi nancial dealings and the short hours adopted by important com modity markets here tended to keep trading to a minimum. A norrowly lower range was the rule. Cotton was ahead 20 to 35 cents a bale at the earlier closing, while wheat was unchanged to J of a cent a bushel lower, and corn surrendered 1 to I of a cent. Bond,) were quiet and mixed. Leading foreign currencies were steady against the dollar. Losers of fractions to better than a point Included American Telephone. Du Pont. Union Pa cific, General Motors and Con solidated Gas. Santa Fe, Phelps Dodge, V. S. Smelting. Seaboard Oil, Interna tional Nickel, Southern Pacitic, Douglas, and United Aircraft gained up to a point or so. Today s closing prices: Air Reduc 184 15, - 163. 129 .. 28 i 7! 81 . 59 .. 1581 101 - 281 67 S01 17 - 213 49i 28 25. - t Sil 97J .. BBS .. 85R 141 - 20, - 3 Alaska Jun Al Chem & Dye Am Can Am Coml Alco Am ft For Pow Am Pow Lt Am Smelt QHt. AT&T Am Tob B Anaconda - Atchison Atlantic Ref Bait & Ohio Bendlx Avia Beth Steel Boeing Air . Borden Burr Add Mach .. Calif Pack Case (J. I.) Cat Tract Chrysler Col Gas & Elec Coml Solv Comw'lth Sou Coutl Can . 83 70) 41 142 160 361 12 . 361 36 54 171 19 S3! 671 461 Corn Prod Curt Wright Du Pont Eastman m Elec Auto Lt Erie R, It Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Motors Gillette Gold Dust Gr. No. Pf. . lnt Harvest Int Nick I T & T . 151 Johns Many 1011 Kennecott 291 491 Balance Jan. 1. 1936 Receipts 76,303.87 23.968.13 19,000.09 23,019.23 462.23 9,242.82 4,920.33 4,373.33 3,953.15 12,499.74 4,995.57 661.66 119.70 137,453.84 57,490.28 6,102.83 6.712.54 797,652.48 7.41 30.39 192,326.41 247,962.76 62.00 7.05 $ 30,584.45 1,934.41 462.60 1,477.61 5.197.81 3,399.34 2,271.23 329.47 3,953.15 3,526.04 1,847.69 89.40 395,760.73 71,772.15 445.86 6,499.91 31,600.33 46,463.35 163,733.22 $1,626,317.84 $771,297.75 Local Markets t It 1 tt In da's Rill Dill's Btki. 74.T SI.7 46.1 Sl.T 74.7 31.S 46.4 66.9 72.5 Z9.0 43.2 54.3 63.9 24.6 25.5 39.4 76.3 3t.8 7.2 67.8 49. S 18.5 21. 34.1 Rf.4 43.0 40. 51.4 45.2 22.S 24.2 34. 16 1 It Raila lada'a Util'e For. 90.1 10J.S 101.4 71.I 0.1 193.J lot. 6 rt.t 85. 101.7 9.4 .6 86.9 95.5 86. .6 9D. 10S.T 101.6 71.2 76.4 92.2 84.6 66.5 89.4 2. 88.9 70.0 74.5 73.7 8.I 60.2 I Llgj & My B j Llqold Carb I Lorlllard I Monty Ward 113 39 Zit 31 171 361 tu 281 28 27 331 621 7i 41 73 33 391 461 401 131 221 58 60 17 251 16J 16 401 531 181 1 331 12 73 119 141 261 71 181 411 171 461 101 521 Nash Mot Nat Blse . Nat Dairy Prod Nat Distil K Y. Cent North Am Pac Oa & Elec Pac Light Packard '. Park Utah Penney (J. C.) ... i"enn II ... Phillip. Pet . Pub Ser N J Pullman Radio Rem Rand i Key Tob B Sears Roe Shell Union South Pas Sperry Ine Stan Brands St. Oil Cal St. Oil N J Stewart Warner . Studebaker Texas Corn TransAmer Union Carb Union Pac Unit Air Linei . Unit Alrcft Unit Corp Unit Gas Ima U S Indus Alco U S Rubber V S Steel West Elect Woolworth Closing curb quotations: Cities Ser 4 16 Elec Bond ft Share South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 21 ftrp)Hogs: 1575, direct 1450. About steady, top and bulk 165 170 lb. Callfornlas $10.75: nsck- age 160 lb. Oregons $10.50; few iwaius SOWS ts-SS.OU. Cattle: 925, direct 350. Steers opening slow, steady to 15 cents lower; load medium-good 900 lb. Oregon fed steers $7.60; three loads medium around 1000 lb. steers $7-$7.25; car 1130 lb. weights $6.75; range cows and heifers slow, low cutters-cutters steady to weak, mostly $3.50- 54. bu, lew down to $3; bulls scarce, odd head good up to $6 Calves: 40. Opening about steady, few medium vealers $7, choice quoted up to $9.50. Sheep: 2300, direct 1725. No early sales slaughter lambs, ask ing stronger, . undertone weak. asking above $10.50 on two decks choice wooled lambs; ewes unchanged, package medium 100 lb. Oregons $4. Modern HORIZONTAL 1 Lincoln , searcher tor new lands. 8 He explored near ths Pole. 12 Ale. 13 Particle. 15 Monkey. 16 Type standard. 18 Baseball nine.' 20 To exhaust, 21 Tip. 23 Map. 25 Sloth. 26 Tree. 28 God ot love. SO To rob. 32 To retain. 34 To Jog. Aniwer to 66 Imbecile. 67 To sot again. 69 Thought. 61 Bad. 63 Dress coal end. 36 Ego. 38 Natural power. 63 Organs ot 40 Precept, hearing. 42 Sun. 43 Humor. 45 Skin. 47 Cedar tree. 93 Sketched. 64 Epochs. 65 Sash. 66 He used a for exploring. 67 Ho attempted to span the Mil INUaJUIA r fc lMaIKIAIR MJE RmBN E t&U A S E DP lA MIeInIdIe JJt; SROION IfiATg HEARD PIETR0 EELON AGlfflEE BADQ6UQ I DIAINT SJatES pJolSlElD riV 1 An'D NE ETfB 0 wt PIA NSlJAD OR ElJTDE A SILlEiElPlyi" ImI I iLilmAlRly 1,6 345 b 7 H V IO TT" f " 13 " " fJ.w!T So" : 3ii3S 3 ij 5rSr4o- Jr33 XsJU 43" 44 yVN 45 46 47 37" 30 5T- rs? 55555- 57 58 59 fcO gjj SI S SS fee. o7 I Pi E IN BUTTER PRICE PORTLAND, Jan. 21. (P) A half teal cat to prime nisi butter quotations an tke axchang was regarded aa an adjustment ot quality value, llutterfat rnlne4 unchanged. WlilU the ouly price change far eggs en the exchange wu a loss ot lo la medium, sUudaruX I hare waa coatlnueil pr- limit ing on the open mnrkot wllh many farmers peddling to retailers and creating further weakness. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Jao. 21. tP) Batter Print. A grade. 36 lit lb. In parchment wrapper, 37 lb. In carton; B grade, parch ment wrapper, 35. 14 o lb; carton. 36 'Ac lb. Batterfat Portland delivery: A grade deliveries at least twice weekly, 37-.18e lb: country routes, 3t-3c lh; C grade al market. B grade eream for market Baying price, batterfat basis, Bit lb. Eggs Buying price of whole salers: Fresh speciata, 18-19e; extra 18c: standards lie; extra mediam 14c; do medium tint 12e; nndergrade 12c; pullets Uc dozen. Cheese Oregon triplets, 18c; Oregon loaf. 19c. Brokers will pay 'A below quotations. Milk A grade, Portland do livery. 52 Me lb; butter fat' basis for 4 per cent. Country roeats Selling pries to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, under 150 lbs, 14 1,4 -15e lb; -ealenr. No. 1, 14 14 Vic lb; light and thin, 9-110 lb; heavy, 8c lb; cutter cows, 7 - 8c lb; canners, t-7c lb; bulls 8- 8 Ho lb: lambs 17-lSo lb; me dium 12-130 lb: ewes. 5-t0o lb: lambs 17-18C lb; medium 12-1 So lb; ewes, 6-1 0c lb. Mohair Nominal buying price, 10c lb. Cascara bark Buying price, 1935 peel, 2Vc lb. Hops Normal; 1935 fugilsa ) lb; clusters, 7-9c lb. Live poultry Portland deliv ery, buying pries, colored hens, over 5 lbs, 17-1 8c lb; under 5 lbs, 17-18o lb; Leghorn hens, over 3H lbs, 15-16c lb; under 3V lbs, 13-14c lb; Leghorn broil era. 2 lbs and up. 20c lb; under 2 lbs, 19-20c lb; colored springs, 3 to 3Vk lbs,; roosters, 8-9c lb; Pekln ducks, young, 14- . 17c lb; geese, ll-12c lb. Onions Oregon, $1.60-1.75 per 100 lbs. Potatoes Local, $1.40 cental; Klamath $1.65 cental; Scsppoos Netted Gems, $1.40 cental; De schutes Netted Gems, $1.50-1.75 cental. Wool 1935 clip nominal; Wil lamette valley medium, 25a lb; coarst and braid, 23c lb; eastern Oregon, 16-820 lb; southern Idaho. (.) lb. Hay Buying price from pro ducer: Alfalfa, No. 1, $15-16; eastern Oregon timothy, $17.60 18; Willamette valley blmothy, $15-16; oats and vetch. $12. 50 13; clover. $11-12 ton, Portland. I'm too chivalrous to hit a woman, bat II sbe said I did, I'm too much ot a gentleman to con tradict her. Fred Stanley, San Francisco, haled to court by a woman with a black eye. Of every 100 victims ot fatal road accidents in England, 49 are pedestrians, three are drivers ot motor vehicles, and the remain der are bicyclists or motorcyclists. Explorer I'revloux I'unlr 10 To make lure. ' JfIoIrIcIeMI " 19 Visible sign. 22 To decay. 24 Pedal digit". 17 Market. 29 Observe. 30 Flower. 31 Thread fold. 33 To trudge. 35 Elm. 37 Bloodsucking Insect. 39 Fearful. 41 Pertaining to air. 44 Seed rovei'lua 46 Loaded. 48 Unit. 49 Piece ot turf. 60 Excuse. 61 Small memorial. 53 To alienate. 55 Chair. 58 Cravat. 60 Constellation. 64 Senior. - Con tinent. VERTICAIi 1 Equable. 1 Pound. 3 To harden. 4 To sob. B Pope's scarf. 6 Musical note. 7 Mortar tray. 8 Possessing flavor. 9 Custom.