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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1936)
PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON January 8, 10M Stilt dfoening $eralD, HKIIALD HUUI.IHHINU COUrANI. rRAWK JKNKINB UAI.COI.el BHI.KT rubuahera Editor Manealna Editor Published ever? afternoon escenl (unaajt be Tne Herald Publteblnf ' Comwo, .1 104-111 Hnath Fifth SI reel. Klamalli Palla. Orenn Knlered aactind clam matter at tne anatnfriee of Klamath Palla, Ore. auauei to. !). undar aoi of Conareea. March i, lilt MAIL KATES PATAH1.8 IN ADVANCB Br MaU IB County tsutalrie County Thf (It. lit. Kit Hon Ike 17 I II One Tear 09 101 Ona Mfiotb ... Thfae Montta li Mootha Ona Taar ....... Uellverad br Carrlar In City -I l . 1 II . I 10 . 60 MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU Of CIRCULATION Mambar of Tha Aasoctated Praaa Tha Aaaoolatad Praaa la etcluelvely anlltlad to tba uaa or republication of all oawa dlapatreee credit? to It or not otbarwlaa oreillled In thla papar, and alao tha local oawa publlehed therein. All rucbtn of republication of special dlapatcbea here are alee reserved tlcntesrntrri Nationally hv M C Mngeneen CO.. Ina. San Francisco. New Torn. Detroit. Seattle. Chlrato Portland. Loa Antelea Coplea or tha Neai and Herald, together with complete Information bout Ibe Klamath Palla mnrkel. ma? be obtained ror tha aaklnit at any of theee offlcea Read the Pamphlet VOTERS who live in the Oregon sections of the Klam ath country are this week receiving: copies of the voters' pamphlets sent out in advance of the special elec tion January 31. These pamphlets give the measures to be voted on, and pro and con arguments on each. They should be widely read if there is to be an intelligent, informed vote at the special election. There is a tendency among voters to mark "No" on measures which they do not understand, or on which they have not been able to make up their minds. It's a conservative tendency, based on the theory that if you aren't quite sure about some new proposal, it's safer to maintain the status quo. While there is something to be said for that idea, it Is pcssiblc that this tendency may . result in a negative vole on sound, desirable proposals. It is far better that the "No" votes, as well as the "Yes" votes, should come from persons who have actually studied the measures, and are voting their convictions, not their hunches. This all sounds very elementary, it is true. But un questionably there are large numbers of persons who go to the polls wholly unfamiliar with the measures to be voted on, and without any personal study of their pos sible effects. Good citizenship demands that those who vote January 31 should know what it is all about before they undertake their part in determining the fate of the measures on the ballot that day. WASHINGTON NKWS 1IKIIIMI TI1K NKW8 e e e The liislile Story Prom Tho Cnillnl a a a 11 I'AUL UAIXON Copyright 1935, by Paul Mutton SIDE GLANCES-", ccu 'Aviation in Klamath THE year 1936 should see important advancement in aviation in this community. There should be devel opment of physical facilities, and general increase of public interest in the flying business. Conprress is expected at this session to appropriate money for the array air base development authorized at the last session. Klamath has a chance to get one of the intermediate bases under this program. Army experts have looked the situation over already, and know many of the technical details, but it is advised by those who know that this community should spare no effort in call ing attention to its natural advantages for this develop. ment Congressman Pierce should be informed of the interest here and should be supplied with the facts in behalf of this community. Certainly Senators Steiwer and McNary shouH not be permitted to use their effort for any other Oregon community to the disadvantage of this one in the competition for these bases. This program should not be confused with the effort to" have an alternate air route established on the east sidn of the Cascades in Oregon. The army base would utilize an entirely different field than the municiDal air port, vhich is an important link in the proposed chain of ports on the alternate route. This alternate route plan is s'so of TTE?.t imnortance. and hopes are strong for its SUC23RS. Mitnicinr.l airport development is -underway, and it is understood supplemental projects to bring it still farther ahead are in the making. - Aviation development in Klamath Falls means this community is keeping in step with the progress. WASHINGTON, Jan. . Al ways serene, Cht( Jnsttco Huxli- was vexed when the antl-AAA decision wns handed down. He leaned forward further than nec essary to nod grimly toward Jus tice Roberta as a signal to start the decision. During It, ho lock ed his jaws and fixed his eyes with equally extraordinary deter mination. It wns so noticeable that eonrt lawyers speculated whether Mr. Hughes had read the full pnaa display of his leiral opinions lu a local newspaper a few days earlier. Included therein was an opinion he onco expressed as a lawyer In a legal brief. The deli cate but ohrions point presented by the citation was that Httsthes would he reversing himself If he overthrew the AAA. ' Court lawyers also wondered If Mr. Hughes had heard ' the same Inside yarn about It as they did. to win That the old brief was dug up by an eminent lawyer-economist tn Williams street. New York, nnd brought to the highest of New Deulers here, who planted it In a spot where all could see, Including Mr. Hughes. a a e DISDAIX? Flippant rumors were spawn ed when the supreme court fail ed to attend the house session at which President Roosevelt rpoke. One. now current, is that the court was not invited. The inside facts are these: House Doorkeeper Slnnott went to the marshal of the court and I asked If the court wanted to at- 1 .,., 1. - knJu U. l.n M ha 1 1 .1 LI U a UVUJ , IIP BIDU CMt.U UV would find seats for any jus tices who wanted to attend un officially. Apparently the court wanted nothing, because no ap plications were received. Tha court frequently attends the opening of congress and the delivery of presidential messages. It is not a rigid custom, but a sufficiently established one ' to .cause comment when it is not 'followed. e e SIUPRISE Uppermost New Dealers ex pected to be reversed on AAA, but not as reversed as they were. What they anticipated was in validation of the processing tax. leaving the way open for an easy substitute. They were floored when the court cut, out legal ground on which the whole New Deal wa built. A couple of farm authorities were with the presi dent twenty minutes before the decision was announced. He had no tip on the decision then. He still thought the way would be left open. That was also what was In his mind when he transferred the AAA to the permanent budget in his budget message. The idea was to make it a more constitu tional. a e REJECTIONS Current ' mention of Justice Roberts' name as a republican presidential candidate is not exactly new. Months ago a cou ple of republican authorities put out indirect feelers toward Rob erts. Chief Justice Hughes and even Justice Stone (who has since aligned himself with the so-called New Deal school of legal thought). In each instance, feel ers shriveled. The three appar ently were not interested. Most republican technicians are personally convinced that su preme court justices do not make good campaigners. They remem ber 1916. I en A Y ears In Klamath BAN'DON, Ore.. Jan. 8 (P) The steamer Bertie Hanlon left here for California with an 80 nar cent cargo of lumber after longshoremen refused to go through the Sawmill and Timber Workers' picket lines to complete loading. . .,. The Moore Mill and Lumber company, at which ihe ship was docked, also was picketed but operations with non- Cradinj end surfacing of the Sard Crook entrance to Crater , continued lako this summer is the proposal, union employes. submitted to the Klamath county j : : : r court by the U. 8. federal bu- , In thf "ear . . . .... cf locust eggs were destroyed in rcau of public roads, A letter Cyprus. con!r.:ning ike proposal has just been rccaived by the court and will be Investigated by that body. SrrUm fgm&t milk t ii i hi ii i-'-T- i i ' n.. Telling the Editor "Hey, Eddie, shall we charge admission for Annie's little brother?" HKI.llll" IMtOIII.KM KLAMATH VMA.H OUR (To The ICttltur) 1 uui it iun II nu for help and iiipntliy from llto out turn of Klniniith county. Will you pinnae, do mo tho fa vor of Inserting this letter In tho columns of your paper. I nm writing In the tutorest ot every person tin tho relief rolls In the entire state unit nation, The relief officials will havo yuu beliitve that you iuo not un titled to asslntanco If you have not boon In the statu for a spocl- fled tlino. but surli a statement i la not the fni'l, for whim they toll you such to hluff you awny. : Tell them that relief wns estnii i llshed for every rimincliilly jalramlod pcrsuu in I ho UiiIIimI Status. On Pec. SI. lilSIt, my lltllo girl IUeeii, was Hiiililunl tiiknu I ill. I telephnniMl the health unit 'asking them for u doctor. Thu liiMlth unit told mo to phono Judge tlritzlo ami I told him that I had a very sick child. ' which had been sick for four duys. 1 thought that she had n cute of nppi'iirilclllH and that 1 needed a doctor. He took my ml -drosH, stilling that he "would see about getting a doctor." The Judge culled the relief of fice, They told liltu that we were self supiiortlii,; people and that they couUI not tlo anything Cor ns. They did not notify nie that they wore going to send a doctor out. At the nnino lime 1 had an- tnlkiiiK Willi her for a time, she said that If the operation was emui'leiiry for Hi', lllelaiiha to got III touch with her, llw tried to got In lourh with her and could not. 1 lu t htm performed tho operation a humanitarian act to prevent the elilld'a death, The hospital wanted thn fliinmilal ar rangements inailo before Ihey went Into thn rnsn nu deeper, 1 went to thn relief orflcn In per ntm and salted litem for asalst anoo. Doing sick myself I walk ed two nnd ouo-hiilf iiiIIoh lu Hi" snow and wut with my fnot al most huro to ask for help. The relief first nave mo nneoiirnuo nioitt as though they ,nro going to glvo iuo assistant'!), Tlioy told mo tn como hack, that they would let mo know what I hoy would do as soon as they could hear rroin tho place wlioro my hus band la working. Thoy said that they would aee what thoy could do about the matter: i went hack thn third tltnn In the rain nnd snow. They lower than tlogs wlit'ii It l iir money Hint Is flnanclli thla re lief lOvery working man lu Hie state nnd nation uud hi" posterity Is going to have In pay his "haiti of this relief fund hack Inlo the government. This applies In thti people of "very slain m well us tlieKon, Hn why nlinutd wn mil Imvo lltti bent'tlt of veil"' when we nee It? My lnmhnnd Is nt making suf flclenl wugos to support his family of seven ami at the sauin time pay a doctor and a hospital hill. If there Is an eiiiergeucy relief fund In Hie state of Ore gon I am contending Hull wo lie given decent consideration from Hint liciidquai'lora. Tills will he of Interest and a bciietll to every person on the roller rolls who la having the utile trouble that I am Imvlrtg. I hope that you will give m reeling lu I ltl umlior your moat sincere ronaltluratloii (or lite benefit or others. Wo are Junl li.inl working people "ho un said that they had not heard at Here lu living anil lulling live, that time. On arriving at the j .,,,( t0 Umiik Dr. Dlolarliu noiipiiai iiiey tout lite utiit tun re- ,( ,r pnUel'SOII for lliell' tllltll hand for tho campaign. Proof I They were hurt more than the of his quiet activities during the congressional recess may be found bebind the hundreds of postmaster nominations sent to the senate for confirmation the nther day. The appointments were nearly all for new men, meaning, of course, that hold over republicans are no louger holding over. A check of tho vital states shows that sixteen out of the nineteen appointees for Califor nia are new men; five out of five In Connecticut; fourteen out ot fifteen in Iowa; five out of six in Kansas; twenty-eight out of twenty-eight in Minnesota; seventeen out of seventeen in Missouri; nineteen out ot nine teen In New York: sixteen out of sixteen in Ohio and thirty-one out of thirty-four in Pennsyl vania. a a a XOTKS " Two house pages also fnlled to receive official cards of ad mission for the president's speech. supremo court. Hull Coordinator Kast man's job is likely (o be shelved by cou gress. although he wuuts It continued. Tho reason .why - Republican Chairman Fletcher hacked out of bis proposal to hare one man an swer Mr. Roostvelt's opening messngo immediately was because too many republicans wanted the job. There would have been con siderable Inner untngoutsm If he hud named anyone but himself, and he did not want the Job. Add signs ot politlcnl enm palxning: The democratic na tional committee hns employed a top-notch Washington newsman tKtlward L. Uoddanl as asslstuul to Publicizer Michelsou. Several houso committees are quietly arranging for authority to employ their own experts. Ap parently they cannot understand nil these bills coming before them. Ilef had culled the hospital and told them that they could not do anything for me, I went to the relief office again In I lie condition Hint 1 nut In. I asked for nsslslance for Hie fourth time. Miss Hurtsog said that they were low on funds ami that site wanted to hnvn a talk (til services and their kind alti tude. Yours slnioriily, Mrs. Kthcl Hook, Itoalu I, llox 7uX. Altauioiit, I'M Mil IIII.VOMill'H Kt.AMATII KAI.I.H, Ore. (To with my husband. I also asked I q.ln Kdllor) I'lensa excuse, I for a doctor ror my youngest ,. restrain myself, 1 Imhy whlrli had been sick for n , dismayed at the sort of bunk week. They nlso refused nml ymi. ,,,, )K willing, said that they could not do anv. ,W ,h c,nt,P, to Impress thing for me. I pleaded with her I yn wt, , fa,. that truth, and being almost exhausted from j,n,e nnd fair play Is still pre. being up night and day with al. k dionlnantly American? youitKslora, I didn't know what m, n PVer dawn upon youi to do, Sho told me that waa my I roiis. lenro. If vou have any. that other sick child at home and not j problem and the hospital's proh-1 being In the licit of henlth my self. I wallet! tvilh thn child Hleen Hook, screaming In agony and pit I n until 8:00 o'clock that evening and no doctor arrived, I took her to Dr. Dletsclie'i of- lorn. My liuliy la still without seeing a doctor. I am asking the people of Klaniath county: Why is It that a man who la being fur nished food, clothing ami rent money Is entitled to relief In the flee. Hn was not In at the time I form of medical aid uud a man that .1 arrived there. 1 wailed who Is working and trying his about one-half hour, when tho best to keep his family oft the doctor came In. I stated my fl- j relief rolls Is denied medlrnl aid nnnrtnl condition to him. stntlug ovon for nu emergency opcrn that bad tried to get the county I Hon. My husband on arriving at doctor. He naked me why I had waited so long. Pr. Dlntarho said that ha did not let people dlo because that they did not havo the money to pay their bills. He ordered me tn lake the child to the Klamath Vnlley hos pital. After he diagnosed the, case he decided that it waB necessary to operate at onco. In tho mean time I got In touch with Miss Hnrtiog, the head lady of tho tha relief offlco yesterday 1:0011 did not have time to eat his lunch;, wns told by the head ' lady of that offlco that If he were on relief alio could help li 1 tn. I When a doctor like Dr. Dlot srha with his faithful services would deprive himself of a New Year's holiday to save the life ; of a child when the relief people are drawing a salary to look after such rases and they don't we. Hie nubile, are not Interested In who you are going to vote for; that mil only are we not Inter ested but downright disgusted with your political propagitudn, uud ftit tlionnoru your crude at tempts lit perverting the facts ure plumb ohnoxlousf Are yuu kidding yourselves, my misguided friends, or just show ing a flagrant contempt for your readers' Intelligence? Yours truly. Thn Mun of Progress. P. B. How can there be prog ress with such a press? MIHMIONAKY WWIKTY Thn missionary soolety of tha First I In pt let church will moat at tha church parlors Thursday nt 3 p. m. for a regular business session. relief department In this place. 1 bother their mlntt In ths matter I stated the circumstances to her. She said that sho could not do anything for ma ns long as my husband was employed. Attor to save aay ono's life. Are you Klamath county pno pln standing by and sea Ihn working class of people treated Southern Italy's door-to-door m 1 1 k tn 0 11. who sell milk fresh from the cow, hava "llconso plates" for their cows; tho? art brass tags worn on a chain be tween the horns. First faint smiles of optimism sinco the ushering in of the new year, lighted up the features of Dr. G. S. Newsom, .medical di rector ot the Klamath county health unit today since this Is the fourth consecutive day with out a new case of spinal menin gitis reported to the health office. aasSMiImjrwnwIasiiS e- jHE HAD HIS AND SO DID THI WARDEN) .. .A jailelid findb escape in a wonin'i arms ...but tha law lindi them autl mm LLOYD NOLAN pprcv rnuKi iu r 1 huu 1 vvnutaMi WALTER CONNOLLY I u5 SWEET 5 mmmaBMtaamBmmnmm myAJ SURRENDER TO,J!DT!!,IIIB I YEARS IF YOU MISS THIS TOMORROW . PICTURE YOU'VE ANX IOUSLY WAITED FOR... FATHER BROWN . DETECTIVE" e with POSITIVELY ' WALTER CONNOLLY ENDS THVRS, PAULUJKAS j ppjy ANOTHER BIS ONE I jwEfeSfe I BACK BECAUSE IT'S DAINRnW fflSMB& JIDICIAl, PEKSOXAMTr I I ! 1 Mf ' T" 1 Justice Roberta has more Ju- B Akjy AMY I I ' IA" ,"A'' g dicial personality than anyone 1 fjTv "I ST- rlwc 111 1 i V I seen in a toga around here in I acAl B IIMfc Hj M . JL k-. I a long time. He does not read II Tff TJjT TT -H- I his decisions, as the other jus- pJasssaeaMMijui,iaa7aSBSsasssBasiai i 1 r - r - tices do, but speaks them. This 1 f AfffftI Wfiffrfll B permits him to make his points ,B,,M- l VUfHiiy A7 rtUlty M with more emphasis. His voice ""CiiifliNll'"'""" ! B Is stronger, and his delivery con-, aBaVKEEafl anaasSHiB'I TLJC CIDCT Dl I vinclng. He speaks as If he deep- 1 JBnXmmmEI&mmar I I lIC tIK3l Plvj ly believes what ho says. How- a H ever, if you compare his spoken . a I k I 8 6 SURPRISE SHOW I words with the later written A f A I J I H opinion, you will find he has t Vy r I M 11 rE TLJC KICVA VC A D B followed text exactly. He learns S B 1 int INCW I CAK j his decisions by heart at home THE STUDIOS THAT GAVE i! " ahead of time. ( Y0U MUTNY ON. THE MARRIED... Usif', imieparatiox BOUNTY," "CHINA SEAS" I B . auSfi' J Xi Postmaster General Farley has I . M n .iDCKincrvnt IC " IB IZXtZ. V A )1 the postmaster situation well In I ANU KtNUttVUUS, J7i . , AYjsTVH COME THROUGH WITH 1 Ugr asf'll !FrSS- ' " -Wm "T &&$t wkm AT LAST THE TERROR OF A MILE -. KiK 3 ;tW T OF HELL IS ON THE SCREEN . . . X'&A am '' --ll JEAH ARTHUR Sl THRILLING. B1 Jilt k ili55? VVl Lionel Barrymorc A A i Ji&T M Aline MacMahon ( ': K$&tiJL OPENS SUNDAY iSC RCX iSC f if fi mTTma i I IU D IfkUllV,l I "Hell Bent I I ;.,t.;m; "TssJ country store He, sen aee ''Ul l'fyeparejaasaasaaasiliaaast,i i -aMaaaBasai I 1 1- JT .,...S.';i , . H -V a4 r fit' i1 t u n JK9 tii iu n t?i,& 1' v 1 1 t. . tmJ i Hr-tt ajtwi ita'ktfj.' --',ICa I A-nt v.vf ,t- ssiwriva I " t 1 5 A . f fhf3"t t Vvbt),t irg tr"S x,tr 4mt ti ...nV ICn'A Mill nalalliTnila m l-TTll ' --j, -asaliasasaaaal TIus is .lie "Sight Mctcr"..Lci H check if your Iltmiic is propct'ly Lighted.. It costs you Nothing Young eyes are particularly susceptible to strain and possible permanent in jury . . . don't take chances with your child but see to it today that the light he studies by is the safe and proper light. You can do this by simply calling our office. Our representative will call with the sight meter. He'll check accurately every spot in the house and tell ' you how to remedy your lighting. We offer this service to our customers . . . HERE'S A SIMPLE MULE FOIl HEADING. Read in the light of a shaded lamp with one 100 watt bulb, or with two 60 watt bulbs or three 40 watt bulbs. If your lights are under this standard, they are inadequate and injurious to your eyes. at W an. The California Oregon Power Company BflBMeeSBJMlBaatofaBSBBSSSBSVVI