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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1936)
January 1, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Classified Ad Section Buy, Sell and Trade With News-Herald Want-Ads for Quick Result RATES: CASH ADS par ward per day's Iniurtlon. 2c CHARGE ADS 3c 10 20 per word par day's Insertion. par oont dlicount on ada running one wsok. par cont dlicount on da running one month. All Mall Order Ads Must Have CiihIi Willi Order. Alt elssslfled add are Insert ad In both The Klamath News and Uvenlng llnrnlil ot the a bora ratal, appearing In Tim Newa flrat. Tlma limit for classification In tba following day's papers la 1:0 P. M. Ada desired In serted on tlia aama day as sub in ft tod will hnva to run "Too l.nto to Classify." CLASSIFIED INDEX All classifications are num bered and appear In numerical ordnr. Following la au alphn bethlcnl rofnronra lt ot tho mora Imtionant claaalflcatlona: Automotive lit Building Matarlala 10a nmlnoaa Oppotruultlta 10 Contract Work Wanted.... 10 Kducallonal 8 Farm Implements 19a Furnished Apt. to Lot 11 Furnished Houaa to Lot.... 14 Purnlahad Itooma to LaL. 11 Financial IS General Notlcaa 8 Help Wanted, Mala Help Wanlod, Komale.. 7. Livestock and Feed....... 11 Lost and Pound 1 Mlacallaneoua for Bale.. 10 Personals ...... 4 Poultry for Bala . 12a Real Estate for Bala.. 17 Real Estate for Leaie. .. 18 Real Eatae Wantod........ 17a Room ent Hoard. ..... 11 Bltunllona Wanted. ....... 1 Bwnpa 10 Tranaportallon 6 Unfurn. Houaea to Let. 16 Wanted Miscellaneous... 11 Wanted to Ront. 18 Tranaporlalion DRIVING Kanaaa City. Mlaaourl, Jan Ind, Take three passeng era. Inquire Elk Oarage. till SAVEI Go by Bui : Via Band and Mt. Hood Shortest Route, LowoiF farei to Northwott Point One Round Way Trip Portland $5.90 $10.65 Seattle $8.40 $14.65 Spokane $12.30 $20.05 Bullae Leave 11:45 Noon From The Greyhound Depot For Information Phone 991 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTKD Home care for con valescent pntlent, young worn j an. Nuwa-IIorald, 1844. 1344 ' aaaaBmagi i i 9 Situntiona Wanted avaaaiwaaaaawNiaaiet WAITRESS doalroa position In restaurant or bear parlor; banquet!. Room 10, Metro politan Hotel. 1341 WANTED Houaowork or cook lnf tor orow. Experienced. Rt. 1, Box 200. 1346 EXPERT Clorlcnl work, ac counting, bookkeeping, all or part time. Box 1441, Nowi Hornld. 2298 11 Furniahed Rooms THE OLARBMONT, 118 N. 4th. all modorn outalda rooms. Froo parking lot. .. 4406 Klamath The firms and individuals represent ed in this Alphnbctical Directory of Specialized Business and Profession al Service are known as Klamath Falls' most reliablo business men and Baths Cabinet ataam batbi and massage, L. Stone Lady Asslitant. 137 South 7th. Phone 1(40 Beauty School MEDFORD iohool beauty culture nnnounooi now class to start Jan, 1, 1986. Tims payments, only 6 to enroll now, Phone 84, 418 M E. Main, Mod ford. Commercial Printing. Printing of nil kinds. SHOP PINO GUIDE, Pelican Tlioatre Bldg. e," Floor Sanding.., FLOOR SANDINO AND RftPlN ISHINO. Phone 86W4.' Hemstitching Hemstitching, specializing I n suits and coats, woolen samples, dressmaking, Mra. H. M. Allen dor, 614 Walnut. Room and Hoard LIUIIT housiikuuplilg or MlnopliiK room, elnsn In, Reasonable, Phone 1 130J. 2301) 1IOAKU AND UOOM 18. Now management. Plenty of hat. 1404 Klumuth Ave. 1993 13 furnished Apartments EHI'LANADII! COURTB A I a 0 Hlmoiia apartments, 323 Coin uiorclul. I'houa 1114J. 2238 VACANCY Aroada ipnrtmnnia. 14 Furnished Houses TWO-ItOOM partly furnished house, close III, 1 10 month No child run. I'hone IT IS. 2360 17 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE: 2-room pUitorod house on lot 50. M0 hell block from Cali fornia Avenue on Cook slroot. Plonty of room for another house on lot. Taxot and paving paid to dato. Full price, $400.00 $50.00 down and $10.00 por month Including interest. M. L Johnson, C. R. DeLap 406 Main St. Phone 2161 19 Automotive '20 FORI) COUPE Oood condi tion, priced to soil: privately owned. Cull Kern Hotol, room No. II. or !)! Hoy Cufo. 2367 KOH HALE Hy prlvato owner. 1028 Hludebaker coupe, In qulro at 831 Klamath Avn. 2389 USED CARS 1931 Cadillac 6-Pasa. Sodan. wire wheele, new tlroa, excep tional condition. 1928 Chovrolet Coupe. 1019 Packard, Small S Sedan. IMPERIAL MOTORS, Inc. Cadillac and LaSalle 3rd and Main 1935 Chev. Spt. Sedan Low Mileage Only Been Sold Five Monthi ' Just Like New. and . Guaranteed Ai Such $695.00 H. E. Hauger Buick and Olds. 1330 Main 20 Miacellanoua For Sale FOR BALE 1934 table battery radio let. 1139 S. 8th. 1361 PINK AND FIR wood. Phone 1891-R. 2299 GOOD used piano. Reasonable tornis. Dorby's, 117 So. 7th. 1343 FOR BALK llrauly parlor equip ment, complete. Bargain. In qnlro 2211 Whlto. 2210 FOR SALK 1 cows, one to freshen soon, land lovelcr, grain grinder. Rang plough, heavy pint form Rentes. Old Anderson ranch, IV, miles N. E. Merrill. 2211 NEW RADIOS with motal tubea. Plorco Electric. 123 S. 6th. EXCELLENT repair service, ra dios, appliances. Pierce Elec tric. 122 Bo, 6 til. 1862 MOVING? Call 704, locnl, long dlalnnco. Insurod cnrrlor; ex perienced men. Peoples Ware house. 463 21 Wanted Miacellaneoua WANTKD TO BUY Electric adding machine, for cash. Write nox 2307, News-Hornld. 2307 I Business Directory women. You will find them ready to serve you promptly, economically and efficiently. For your own satis faction Use this handy guide to the services they offer. Music Klamath Instil uto of Music. I. 0. O. F. Bldg. Piano, violin, collo, guitar. Instruments free with course. High school oredlta. Palmer Chlroprattor DR. GLEN MOOhtt Nourocalomotor Analysis 888 Main Opp. Court Bona Piano Tuning U It. Munn, Derby's Muslo Store, , . . 117 8o, 7th. Pumps Ryron Jackson Pumps I" and Service J, M. Waucbupe. 116 So.'llttTBt, Phone 180S-J Raw Fur Raw furs wanted. Hlg'iest price Paid. Try us hofnre you sell U. L. Hoiiibrao, 820 Klamath. Livestock id'l F'nod FOR BALK OH TRADE For woiinnr pigs, Duroo mule hog. II. V, Yoidy, Tiiliilnke, Cullf., 2 In Hun northwest of Tuleluke. 2361 FOR BALE 16 head of horses, 1100 lo 18UII pounds. J. K. Whltlnteh, I , mllee west Btuksl bridge. 1368 FOR BALE 13 horses, Including alx morel, with foal. Hank O'llrlen pluco, Dairy. 236U FOR BALE 100 acre! atundlng barley, ahoop pasture, Henry Nlcol, Mnlln Ore. 2.164 EIGHT HEAD of young cattle, aleera and heifers, weight 600 to 800 pounds. 8226 takes the herd. I'hone 2167. 2.106 FOR BALK Bows and pigs, 3 miles aotitli east Tuleluke. T. K. (Her!) Wcnlherby. 231)3 22a Poultry Po. Sale SUPER QUALITY CHICKS While Leghorns, R. I. Rods. Marred Plymouth Itocki, 811, loo, prepaid. Mugulre Electric llalchory, 1416 N. E. Oregon atroot, Portland, Ore. 1434 25 Money to Loan LOWEST RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Safe, No co-ilgnors No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua flnanco your now or aicd car purchase Motor Investment Co. 114 No. 7tb Pb. 881 License M104 MERRILL, Jan. 1 Attor neys In Portland aro exported to verify pliins for the city election to bo rulled here In the nenr fu ture for voting a bond Issue of 311.600 to In financing tho proposed city sewerngo dis posal system which has been under consideration for a num ber of months. Action was tuken following a recent meeting of lornl residents and the election will probably bo culled tho last of January. In event the Issue carries bids will bo called for within 30 days after the election and It is ex pected that this very necessary civic Improvement will ho car ried to nn early completion. Application for a WPA loan of 4 6 per cent of the bond Issue will be made. Roosevelt Message To be Given Friday WAQIIIVr.TnV .Tim 1 fllPl OAtif.tA ninl limtan lunilnra IntA today agreed to rocelvo Presi dent Roosevelt's message to con- greis Friday night. The agreement waa made at n conference In Vice President fnhn V nnmer'a office, attend ed by Gumer, Republican Senate Minority Leader cnnries .mc Nnry, Speaker Joseph W. Ryrns. and Representative Uertrand Snell, republican leader of the house. It waa Indicated the session wnnH hn frfiin a tn tt-d lv til. and that It would be broadcast. Connecting Highway Nearing Completion TULELAKE, Jan. 1. January 16 la expected to mark comple tion ot tho 6V4-mllo stretch ot connecting rond !H miles south east of Tulolako to the Oregon state lino, according to L. 11. Williams, resident engineer, who with 60 mon now employed will complote bridge ratlings and minor details boforo that date, A grader Is still at work smoothing the surface ot the Radio Repairing 6 months guarantee on all ropnlr I work. Phono 1790. ANDERSON-MOORE 126 South Eighth Street 1867 Real Estate If you want to buy a bouse, a lot, or acreage, from one to 60 acres, see H. . B. Hauger, 133U Main St. Roofing EXPERT repairing and recover ing composition shingles. Terms. Atlas Roof Co. Phone 1611.. 2400 So. 6th. 41 Upstairs Dress Shoppe TOULER'S tor SMART TOGS. Stewart-Drew Bldg.. 781 Main. Wood FOR 8ALB Pine, fir body limb wood. Phone 76W1. and 896 new romlway which Is of gravel buse. No provision hns as yet been iiinde for oiling tho aurfacu, WllllBiua stated. Upon completion of the con tract huro Wlllliims will go to a contract oast of Redding. SOUTHEND GRANGE MERRILL. Jan. 1. Joint Insinuation of the Merrill, Ma lln ii nd Tuleluke granges was conducted In the locul grange hall Monday evening with an attendance of 76 guests. Mrs. D. W. Turnbaugh, Tulelako, art-! ed ns Installing officer, R. II. I Anderson, Merrill, served as1 marshull and Miss Goraldyno Fotherlnghain and W. C. Ilalluy, Merrill, were assistants. rouowing the installation a short program waa given when Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frailer, Merrill, and Mr. and Mrs. Will lain Franklin Colt, Klamath Fulls, were honored. The lovely lublo waa centered with a huge wedding cuke, baked by Mrs. Hugh o'Conner and a miniature bride aud groom beneath an arch nf greens. Each bride mid groom In tho grunge Is presented with a ruuiembrance by the grangera. Tho presentation was made by tho newly elected master of Mer rill, Lelaud Pope. Officers ot the throe organ!. zations who wore present for the Inalullatlon and the offices tbey will fill are as follows: Maiter, J. L. Pope. Merrill; D. W. Turn baugh, Tulelako; L. B. Schrlner, Malln. Overseer: J. W. Rcoeglns, Mer rill; Hurry Wilson, Malln; Ival Wolfe, Tuleloke. Lecturer: Mrs. John fllacoml- nl. Merrill; Roland Parks. Ma lln; Miss Champion. Tuleloke. Steward: C. N. Hasklns. Mer rill; William Anklln. Malln; P R. Scott, Tuleluke. Assistant Bteward: Arthur Frazler, Merrill; Andy E. Street, Malln; C. Htonecypher. Ttllelnke. Chaplain: Rev. Forest C. Tra vallle, Merrill; Ivan Covington, Malln; Mrs. William Kandra, Tulelako. Treasurer: Mrs. Arthur Fra iler, Merrill: Mrs. Helen Loos. ley, Malln; A. E. Spence, Tule- lake. Secretary: J. L. Fotherlngham, Merrill; Mrs. Agnes Schrlner, Malln; Mra. J. W. Englond, Tule lako. . Gutekeeper: Oeorge Andrlen, Merrill; Joo Zumpse, Malln; Ed ward Eslnnd, Tulelnke. Cerea: Mrs. w. O. Dnlley. Mer rill; Mrs. Blanche McCollum, Malln; Mrs, John Kandra, Jr.. Tulelnke. Romona: Mrs. Anrust An drleu, Merrill; Mrs. Teresa Mc Comb. Malln; Mrs. Stonecypher, Tulelake. Flora: Mrs. Pete McNeil, Mer rill; Mrs. Dorotha Haley, Malln; Mrs. D. W. Turnbaugh, Tule lake. Lady assistant steward: Mrs. Paul Lewis. Merrill; Mrs. ,H. E. Wilson, Malln; Mrs. William Weltknmp. Tulelnke. Executive committee: R. H. Anderson, Merrill; Mra. J. L. Hulley, Mnlln; William Weit kamp, Tulelake. Tho praying mantis, also known as nun. saint, and preacher, is one ot the most relentless killers ot the Insect world. tUopyright, 1036, MiA service, Inc. The Askarls havo learned to obey orders and to fight In the white man's way, but the European custom ot billeting Iroops In barracks Is one idea they scorn, preferring to live tn tent-like conical huts whose thatched roots keep off the tropical sun. How the squad huts are aligned In spruce military manner Ii shown In this picture by Ray Kousecau, NBA Service staff, cameraman. (Copyright, 1936, NEA Service, Inc.) The conditions under which the Ethiopian war has been waged haven't given the Askarls a chance to prove tholr mettle as fighters, but they are considered among the tlorcest warriors ot Africa, rivalling the most savage Ethiopian tribes. At the Askari camp of the Italian army, Ray Rousseau, NEA Service staff cameraman, wltnoBBod this primitive war djuicejyhich ike warrlora rouse a fighting freniy, 111 SEES ST OREGON HAI.KM, Ore., Jan. 1, (7P Ore gon as the for nl point of the grciitivt development In tho na tion s history was tho New Year'i prediction of Governor Charles H Martin made to tho people of the t u I ii In an interview bore Tues day. New Fra fieim Tho people of Oregon are do- log more lhan embarking upon a new year, the executive said. They ure embarking upon a "new era," which can ho termed the "Ore gon renaissance." Explaining his enthusiasm for tho next yeur. the 73-yenr-old liiajor-generul who waa elected to tho high atute office last year dielureil that there will be many icenee to tho great Oregon drama, of which two Bonneville dam and the Willamette valley project ure outstanding. The governor said that the Bon neville dam project, which "yes terday waa a dream and today a reality," would be practically completed by the end of n,ext year. The completion of this Co lumbia river project means "un precedented Industrial growth." Ho urgod the people of the state to make It their Job to see that tho benefits are wisely distributed and administered. Hlllll Picture Bright Referring to tho Willamette valley project, a lund reclamation progrutn, the state's executive aald tho so r iey now being made re vealB that from two and a half million to three and a half mil lion acres can be cultivated where now only about one million acres aro under cultivation. The proj ect, he said, Includes flood con trol. Irrigation, drainage, power and navigation. Governor Martin stated that whllo these two projecta were the mammoth polnta upon which he bused his prediction, there were many other features which gave the cheering picture for 1936. Among these he mentioned the Explorer Discovers Ancient Tombs , I Paxson E. Hayes, explorer, atudles the Dead ot a giant mummy dis covered by him In a deep cave In hitherto unexplored regions of bo- .. . ... Pm nt a rare 716 feet tall nora, Mexico, inu muuimmcu mumiH and preserved In excellent condition. Corn found with the mummies baa been given to scientists. large building program launched In Oregon during the past year, miicn witn federal aid and grants, He declurcd that the prlvato cou- Swedish Citizens Threaten to Riot Against Fascists STOCKHOLM, Jan. 1, (IJ.R) A special police guars was thrown around the Italian lega tion Tuesday to prevent demon strations against tho killing ot nine Hwedish Red Cross men by itunan nomucrs In Ethiopia. Chief of Police Baeckman an nounced ho would use all means to prevent terrorism outsldo the legation. Sweden wbb horror struck by tho bombing, which it learned In extra editions of newspupcra and hy radio. Prince Charles telegraphed the International Red Cross at Gen eva demanding the most com plete Investigation possible. The prince, head of the Swed ish Red Cross and one of the sponsors of the III fated unit, de manded Investigation particular ly of "how tho Red Cross emblem failed to be respected." Public expressions of bitter resentment against Italians were heard in tho streets. Italian Minister Marquis Palermo kept within the barred doors of hii legation. Evening radio program!, sched uled to have been devoted to gay New Year's eve cabaret music, were given over to classical workB in reverence to the Swedes who died In a humanitarian en terprise In a far off land. Blue eyes are not blue at all, but actually colorless. There la an absence of pigment In the outer layer of the Iris, thus ex posing the Inner layer, which appears blue because of the scat tering of shortwave light rays. Wo have a large proportion of people with fine educations. If this does not work to the good, God help us. Ambrose Swasey, Cleveland Bcientist. This is a people's war. It la a war ot the poor, of the disin herited, of the proletarians. Mussolini. The largest living non-rumlnat- lng even-toed mammal Is the hip popotamus. 4U ?1 UtwTf" e"3 SIDE GLANCES-' o'"Ci.rii "Say, we haven't done so where we were structlon over the state was a "healthy sign of the times." The five Oregon coast bridges are nearing completion. Where a year ago these were still mostly talk, they are now things of fact. The same reflection is seen on other projects even in the smal lest city, Martin said. In concluding his remarks Gov ernor Martin urged the people to greater concerted effort In this "greater Oregon program." Great er love of atate and country and a finer appreciation of the glfta "that hare been so nnstlntlngly bestowed," are essentials. "Great and Illuminating faith Is what we need." Tt ,,r- , IrfO V-UKULO AFTER THE. CRAZE IN AMERICA TTTAMie DKACTga. -X THE IrfTEArWIONAL ICE OBSERVATION SERVICE WAS FORMEOl AND SO WELL. HAS THE SERVICE FUNCnONCD THAT ANV SEA CAPTAINS HAVE fJOT SEEN AN ICE&E-J-IN WEW Af!S New Year's Puzzle HORIZONTAL IGod ot Jan uary. 6 Obese. 8 He was a god. 13 Poems. 14 Twists. 16 Oarment 17 Soup-fin shark 18 Mare. 19 A lure. 30 Nullifies. Answer to 22 The Carnivora 26 Domesticated: 29 SmelL 30 Nettle rash. 31 Cur 62 Fern seeds. 63 Fishhook line. 32 Tiny vegetable 64 Contest ot speed. 66 The first day of the waa sacred to him. 66 Loans. VERTICAL 1 Iota. 1 Worshiper 33 To rub out. 38 To come in, 87 Auctions. 38 Goes hungry 39 Three units treated as one. 46 Snakes, 48 To annoInL 49 Turkish title. NAIfell WPARK J feuNnfii!l 1 DR. EM5EIEN1EE- mr"n rNisUt Al on J PARK sWeE k ns ns c EEES TCI lAl II D A T El IUIS EIR IwTolMieiNni-lElbr ihTeiaIdIsI It s 3 4 5 e 7 e 9 io n ia r:nc:::" z ii Si 24 5555, 23 86 27 UB nifiiC 53 33-- IfyCS i3- 95 1 I 5tT I M 11 I 1,1 I I l-r badly. We're almost exactly eight years ago." FILM ACTOR TLMHLKH , INTO CACTUH NEEDLES It wasn't so much the fall that worried Sidney Blackmer, film actor, as It was the thing he fell Into. Due to a loosened cinch strap, Blackmer slipped from his horse during a riding scene In Pnramount's "Woman Trap," and fell flat on his back in a mess of poisonous cacti, on location at Lone Pine, Calif. Dr. M. A. WIN liamaon of Lone Pine pulled 8T cactus needles from tlii actor's back and arms. Halley's comet bad a short tall, compared with many others, yet It was 50.000,000 miles long. Yr. By William WVKLU Fa. Ferguson BEGINNING WITH THE VEAR IS40, UNITED . STATES PRESIDENTS ELECTED AT 7WyV7"V- INTEflSALS HAVE IN office HARRISON IJ340 UNCOLN I&60 &ARpieix isao VUCKJNt-ET I900 HARDING 1920 1W5 ev sca sesvicr. ihc. 0 I.200.000 WERE AAANUFACTIJREO IN 190. AT THE HEIGHT OF THE CVCUNO Previous Pnzzle 30 Tidiest. 21 To make torpid. 22 He Is repre sented with two . 23 Braided quirt. 24 To divert. 26 Center ot ampltheater. 27 Steaks. 28 He was god ot gates and 84 Payment tor release. 86 Treatise on morals. 40 Headstrong. 41 Wayside hotel. 42 To require. 48 Sick. 44 To relate. 46 Like. 46 Golf teacher. 47 Iniquity. 49 Eagle. 60 Insane. 61 Musical not. 3 Fiber knots. 4 Custom. 6 To whip. I Epilepsy symptom. 7 Examination. 9 Eye. 10 Ratlte bird. 11 Dwelled. 12 Mesh of lace. 14 Pronoun. 16 To observe. )