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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1927)
Pape Ten THE FVEN'IN'fl HERALD." KLAMATH FALLS, onEfiON Thursdav, July 21. 102 ILL! ESS GUIS ED Byrd and Companions are Greeted at New York I TO LEAVE WASHINGTON, July SO. (API The Illness of King Ferdinand which fulminated In his death caused Qncen Maria to curtail Uer tour or the I'nlted Ste'.es last fell by month o ho tould ruh to Ilia bedside. Accompanied by her two child ren. Prince- Nicolas and l'rincis lleaha, the queen had traveled bout 10,000 miles in Canada and the I'nlted State when new of he ' king's Illness distressed hsr and caused her to sail for Rumania- on November Z4, Instead of .December 24, as her original plans called for. Wlri her earlier re turn she cancelled a tour of the south and a second visit to Wash ington. . Queen Marie reached America t New York on October IS and I a month from that day decided to return. At Louisville, on Nov ember IS, she received the news of the king's condition and an-i nounced that ahe would depart im mediately. During her tour, the queen visited both Canada and tfcel United States, traveling through j me east, middle .west and far west ern states. . , Possible political complication In the event of the king's death I were believed to have also entered Into the queen's decision to cut abort her American tour. ' Disagreements, among the mem bers of Queen Jlat.oa party, which started - sjon after her arrival in New York marked her tour of the county. The squabbles mainly were the result of efforts of her friends nd aides to serve her and she endeavored constantly to restore ini piared friendships with the diplo matic acumen for which shs is fam ous abroad. . After Queen Marie had gone to aiaryhill. Wash., to dedicate the i - A 7 l. 2Li-.' & f ? if .Mi...- Mi I'M.., i'V- v ;".rl-r -v.' v.v- r ltUNCII MANKI VKIt .l 1tS l KW WlltKI.KhH u.wn: I'AHIS. July . (ArM--Wlro-KM-(ultiM'd automoblUs, nur than a hundred of llirm. have sluxcd lli first "(.ulomobile radio rally." The cars recvlwd lh'lr orders b.1' radio aitlawre sent lob utiles ovur bud muds" In various dlrertliiiu. All arrive .1 final In l';e late afterniun at the Monllher imiUnoy suulb ol Paris. This contest, enrouruti'd by the gavernuient, was Intendud I) rtw olop Ideas fur rugscd portable equipment that could stand hard usage ani rough ruling. Kvery hour ttcl ill lonai road itlror tlous iwero srni out ou a 8 Jli-mi'iMr wave. Kdch rontcitant had to prve by a iCxtunt report that he had received the order aud hud lint Imply followed other can. ; One tar with the uuteliuuu tn ih" top ca us lit the wlrrleas wliilii Iruv elllug 3u mill's an hour. Most of the Instruments were built-by ama teurs. , ' Callouses Success nrrliilmcd: Tli,. a. hlrvcmciit of I', Ir. Itli lmr.1 llni i ii.l UU iiiimnl.,.i in ,,tf (I,,. i. lanllc .., reli-lH-nteil I..ii.L,j in .v Viwk Hlu n li; llem ivturmtl. TliU KA Smln'. Iiic i. iili.a.i ".'.""J."".,!0 T'r UrruM '" t''" rtK'" ville. Ilnl.. lu.oib.Tliu. Itnlrlirn anil .lnlH, wiitlnit Hello, to lork from the city's wtlcomlnjr htuit Mnc.n nlilib bru.mdt tlu-m tu the lUtl.ry Iront the ktrantlip lvlutlian on lilh they mine boiue, Californians Favor Fishing: in Oregon ROSEBrRG. Ore.. July 20. (AP) Joe Welch, noted Importer and manufacturer of sporting good.-i. and Jack Boat, fishing and hunting scout In southern California, repre senting one of the leading sporting goods firms, arrived In Koseburg today to try their luck finning Quick, sat, sure nlitf from I psinful callouses en the leet. I At m is u Xm iwtsi nrsehair Xino-pads .Trr IKl m fourth tourist In France Is an Amer- 10 to to per cent less wine has lean, statistics show, but that . one I been drunk In' Franco lu i,o l,t speuu. aoJul as uiuan as me otner slx , ln correill)unalll. , ... . . , i penous in tno past. Jf.BC had something over- a ( Kvr m,n, woluun anJ clllJ million tourist, here last year. sry. nevertheless., has had an average Pierre Audlser e,retary-generul ofiof , fc T he .00 association, trying to at- t , , tract foreign money. T..I. year, hew- out of warott,e, tnan , ever, he look, tor . good ' , Hwd in number. If not in dollars. The luck flitting Amerlc.D. hu reoorU, lB. ' "w. ,CD ' river. Mr. Welch. alc.te tpradi ,b3ut 1-COT , ; "!. been sold over museum owned by Samuel Hill, railroad magnate,' Hill and Major the North Vmpqua i in addition to conducting Sunley "R'hburn. the queen'. per-IT8 ta 0atiDK "P"11"' ! axnal .Ids, came into . sharp di.- !wel1 kaown "po,r,s wn,er' ,Mr' E"" ! .'. k . . is sent out to locate vacation spots. agreement in the queen's hoi at n Portland , horse show. Hill told Washburn that his orders were to be obeyed "or I'll crush you." . t WRITER SKES DECLINE ' IX FRENCH AVIATION I for California sportsmen and broad-1 casts . weekly report at Santa I . olIPnilMi TMa f mar than fnnr times as mu.h as . traveling Span lard, and more than tourists of oth er nationalities spend. the counter. SV ST T ' 1 I mm AIm esseTl h VTJ rfcy.UU.s la a High Blood Trimm, Acid Ca.dlilo.s KldoT Live m4 Bladder Tr.aklea ladlgastlaa Caatltf attaa Star Drug Co. A little more than twthirds of. all Americans who cross the Atlantic I come to France. i FRENCH DRINK LESS WINE. I OFFICIAL F1UIRES SHOW PARIS. July 21. (AP) French aviation is ln . state of decline, 'write. J. M. Amlot. basing hi. as sertion on interviews he says lie had with the ' principal technical men here. The trouble, he adds, is that French aircraft are "brilliant the ! Monica and contributes sporting ar-j tides for Los Angeles and Pusa Jden. newspapers. I . The sportsmen of California are tiring of the vacation spots in their own state and are turning to south ern Oregon for recreation, Mr. Boas ... . . . . , i-ars mai one rrroenman in ten 1st says, and his purpose in visiting) , . . , ' " .. .. , I going dry In Offense of his pocket-1 the north Vmpqua Is to secure in- r , ,. v .. jt u hi ay uij mui cey an ; . PARIS. July SI. ( AP) It ap pears that one Frenchman in ten l formation for them. Oregon com munities that develop their recrea tional resources are certain to draw throngs of people from California, he says, as the true sportsman does book. are watering their wine. -Official statist ts show that from WALL PAPER All New Stock 'Acme Quality Paints , F.R.OLDS AcroM from Pottoffice Phone 43 Our ideas of a modest man la one who can keep his opinion of him self to himself. FRENCH S.W I'. S. TOl'RIST SPENDS ftl.OUO IX FRANCE PARIS, July '( API Every "" losing m per- ot care hov far he traTeU lf c, muieut worth.' He gives the life j flnd a real Tacatla at the end of of most French planes as under 100n!s journey. . jiours oe itying m'-ine American ana f German airplanes are good for 1,000 hours. As proof of this discourag ing statement he says statistics show French army planes last year were replaced 1 1-5 times. The army, he comments, offers no objection to this policy because the pilots like new planes and the builders like "the business. Amlot consider. French pilot, sup eriority In ability and training to all others, but says that t'Je government spurns new Ideas and does nothing to. encourage the development of olid, durable, reliable flying ma chines. Amiot Is one of . number of writ ers who . recently have bemoaned what they consider the aviation eng ineering stagnation ln France, brought out vividly, tCiey say, by the success of American transatlantic filers and the failure of most French attempts at records of late. jllRITISH FASHIONS LEAN TO FEATHER TRIMMIXO f , LONDON, (A.P.) Fashion Is fol lowing a very feathery way In Eng land this summer. All sorts of feathered dress details, especially ostrich feather boas and shonlder wraps, are being worn by those who wish to help the hard hit African ostrich feather business. Queen Mary Is leading the way In- the revival of the feather boa. She has . number, and usually wears one to match her dress and hat. The new boas are made In all hades, chiefly pastel and sweet pea colorings. The colored boa has completely displaced the black, white, and grey boas of 20 year ago. ' 'Sometimes a feather muff Is carried for decoration with the boa. The feather influence affects other article, of women's attire. The very latest use for ostrich feathers Is to hare silk stocking, delicately fringed with matching fronds up the back seam. Parasols are mado wholly' W partly of soft feathers. Special Portland Sleeper New overnight service from Klamath Falls on the fait Wc Coast. Departure at a convenient hour in the even ing, with arnvsl in time to tart the day in Portland. Pullman rcaJy for occu pancy at 9:30 p. m. Leaves , Klamath FalU iO:45 p. m, ar. rival Portland 9:25 a. m. s Portland and bact; ' good for 16 days. Southern a PaciC J. J. Mfl.I.ER 205 llopka IllillC. . Phone 700 RICHARDSON SPRINGS On Highway Near Chico The most talked of resort in the state. There must be a v reason! Why not come and see for yourself? IN CONCRETE , INCREASES WORKABILITY DECREASES LABOR Celite is a specially prepared form of extremely finery divided silica. Small percentages are added to concrete mixtures to increase WORKABILITY and insure WATER' TIGHTNESS, Being composed of practically pure silica Celite does not affect the time of setting and is the most permanent ingredient in concrete mixture. It is to the interest of Contractors and Engineers to be familiar with the qualities this material imparts to all concrete mixtures." Once used it will be regarded as a necessity. . 1 ' To the Engineer f Workability Means"; Economy in Concrete I'niform Concrete. , Wator-tlght Concrete Wronger Concrete. Drier Conslutenuy and Less Keg ' .. gregutlon. ' " A smooth surface and inoro T v . pleasing structure. To the Contractor Decreased labor costs for plac ing. Quicker discharge from mixer.1 Less honeycombing and patch ing. Ducreased coats. . ' We use Celite in our Ready Mixed Concrete ' ' For further information call at our Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. ."New Management" Phone 582-W . Seventh and Market Streets I V ' f -tf W Uat tUayJUa.- f ' wwmw mem y yourvaCatton a ireaJ The car has ben doped and greased, engine is tuned and ready. Arrange menu to board the dog and the canary are complete. Tomorrow you itart on your vacation trip! - But what about tires? You examined the old ones, yes. You concluded they would do. . , Perhaps they will. Perhaps they will last the 500 or 600 miles of your trip and perhaps they won't. Why risk vacation's pleasure on jk doubtful possibility PARTICU. LARLY WHEN YOU CAW BUV FIRST QUALITY AJAX HI. SPEED BALLOONS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TWENTY YEARS OF AJAX HISTORY? .Drive 'round today. Wc will show you an AJAX Hi-Speed Balloon, the big, sleek, lusty tire whose very ap pearance bespeaks the quality and durability for which AJAX is famous. Let us explain the exclusive safety factor in AJAX scientifically engi neered design. ' s Then buy five to guarantee th un interrupted pleasure of your vacation tour. TODAY'S PRICES ARE SO LOW THAT THE SPARE IS PRACTICALLY A PRESENT. BUI CK GARAGE LEE. RICHARDSON, Mgr. , 1330 Main Street Phone