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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1927)
Page Eight THE KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1927 ADVERTSING (Continued From PM Onel In a genuine factor In (he dlatribu dlans, lu tint and sw-con-l Doaltiona with third honor innir. IS BIG FACTOR, n,ly w,th,n rMch of . ui tuv uuw uiii inuian entries. Mad Bull, heading the contest. atruck out for the last 87 mllea of Hon of their product. In fart., the rourm at 10 o'clock lant night newapaprr adrertlalnit today l-arter having had almost flva houra second only to the necessity of mak-jof rest. Flylnc Cloud arrived three Ing a good product at a fair coat i quartera of an hour before Mad and a reaaonable price. null left. The holder of second it I were asked why an artver-, place sot lea than three hour User ahould use newspaper adver-jrest. tearing here ahortly before Using, my reply would be: "It coata midnight when 9 mllea behind the leant and aervea best. leader. . News .til KloxlMo. Mollka'a hacker, awaiting hi ".Vewspaper advertising la flex- arrival here early today, prepared Ible. It ia a godsend to the manu- to push him on In a last factnrer. or what wo In the ncwn-' tffor, to overtake the other two. paper Industry term the national! The other six runners wera advertiser. When 1 say 'flexible'. I at rung over a distance of nearly I mean it may lie used at will andljoo mllea. In keeping with local conditiona In j With hia usual run of luck and every part of the country. jalamlna. Mad Bull waa expected to Tan you imagine a manufactur- pull Into C.ranta Pasa some time to er of electric fans advertiaing his night to capture first prlie of .- not weatner ran in Boston In He-looo. Another $1,000 will be dia rember? Vet he may profitably tributed in secondary places. advertise electric fans in Florida Inj December. The aame method In n yi . , lm n . reasoning applies to almoat any , lJ I API U tf I kind of merchandise." Ten reasons were listed by Bar ton In support of his statement that newspapera occupy first place In both the distribution and aale TELL OF LIFE merchandise. These reasons were Ten Kcaaons. Practically no waste circulation (Continued From Page One) f'a poster with our pictures on It. and got away with It." Look Alike , Slight, slender, almost Identical of each oiher that we couldn't, the youth answered. "Wo knew they 'stood a better chance of catching in If e stayed together, but we lust couldn't part. I guess that'a where we made our mistake." At this point Itay broke Into Hie conversation. "You know," he said, "they wouldn't have caught ua at that. If they had given ua a month longer. We had decided to stir In Ohio Just a month longer. The circular la the post office at Hanging llork waa a constant menace to us." "If it hadn't been for my wife and baby we wouldn't have been caiiKht." "Did you ever feci like telling your wife that you and Hoy weto the Do Autreuiont twins?" Kay was asked. "No. I never wanted to do that. You know we were getting along so happily. It would have spoil I everything to have told her. I really forgot that my real name waa De Au;remont." INTEREST RUNS HIGH IN PAPER CONTEST the reader can act Instantly by go- j ave a missing Incisor In Ray's mouth log to the dealer and buying; prac- and his peroxided hair, they talked tically every one reads newspapers: !ltu the aame husky drawl, with the newspapera are timely and up to'ame tossed back head, with the the minute; the potential buyers same Inflection, can be selected to inform places) "You may say for me." Ray where dealers are ready to sell; j drawled Immediately following bis charges can be made to conform t.,; arrival in the county Jail, "that my conditions of the locality: a waste -only wish is that my mother and my or advertising money is not neces sary to get a dominant position: Intense reader Interests: the deal er benefits from national advertis ing used In conjunction with his own advertisement; advertising and distribution may go hand In hand, placing the advertising near the dealer and the dealer near the ad vertising. . .. . KAROOK INDIAN STILL IN LEAD i ht I wish my family might be spar- i father and my brothers might bo spared the heartaches this case has caused. Yon may say that I only wish I might bear, here " and he tapped his chest "all the burden of this sorrow." "Doea that mean," he was asked, "that yon wish you could shouldnr the entire blame in the case?" Roy stiffened somewhat. Koy Nettled "It does not." he ahot back posi tively, "it means only what I said (Contlnned From Pare It Whoever occupies third position will be rewarded with a 965.00 Kssex Sedan, and the fourth highest, an !8t00 Chevrolet Sedan. TI.e four capital prises will be awarded to the candidates polling the hirhe-t number of votes, Tegardlesa of dis trict. The territory covered by Tim News and Herald has been divided Into two districts, and In each dis trict there will he awarded a Stromberg-C'arlson Radio Set. a Ktc art-Warm r Radio S-t. J75.UO in rash and f50 in cash. There, are also cash commission for all active non-prize winners.. It takes but a moment to became a candidate. There is no fee. either now or later. On another page in this Issue Information and full de tails of this offer are g.ven, also a nomination blank which, when properly filled out and mailed or brought to the campaign department !of The News and Herald, entitles ! the entrant to 12,01)0 free voles. I Spare Time Woik Tlun subscriptions to The Kla math News and Evening Herald may be gathered In apare lime, and ! these may be obtained anywhere the ( candidate chores tn got them, j There nre no terrltorinl restrictions whatever In getting; vmhsrrtpttons. I in mis manner tiininiamla or votes .may be aocuuuitnteit n rapid order. I That's all there is to II. Candi dates wlih the most Votes at the end of the campaign will win the cars and other awnrda. '. ( As a further help to candidates In gettlux a good curly atari, a bonus of SO. 000 votes. In addition to regu- j lar votes, will be given for a limited time on the first subscription turn ed in. All thia la explained in the page announcement In this Issue. Turn to It now, pick out the prise you would like to own and go after 'It! An early start is a great ad vantage, and as soon as your nomin ation arrives in the campaign office of The News and Herald valuable, auggeatlons and everything necea sary to start will be sent you. ATTORNEYS NEAR FIGHT IN HUGH TRIAL (Continued from page cue) "Somebody shut Coyle Johnson In the bark wheu he writhed with seven buckshot lu Ills abdomen. Ido sheila and cartridges don't prove It," cried Neuner. "but It la a cir cumstance consistent with guilt." "I want this Jury tn comb this j evidence with a fine-tooth comb and at every turn of the road they will I find three men the throe In the ' Kugene atnrea. the three In the Nil ; verton ramp and the three In Port - land." shouted Neuner. j "The post office receipt In the overalls la culled 'manufactured evl I deuce,' when you go homo after I your d liberations, rummage your old suits and aee It you don't find evidence." i Alleged Brief Case Bootlegger Arrested With his brief rase filled with pint bottles of alleged moonshine 'whiskey. Don K. liarticll, Pelican City, was arrested yesterday by IHrputy Sheriff Louis Mueller on the charge of poKsossion of liquor and ) today was scheduled to appear be fore Justice of the Peace W, 1. llarnes to answer to the cotmilulnl. 1 Hartaell, according to officers, plays for a dinre orchestra. Health Conditions Of Klamath Good Communicable diseases have dropped off considerably diiilua -"" Hie past few weeks, ucconlllH In a bullet In from the "late bmnl of Ileal! Il giving Hie llunjtll of Klamalli for the week ending June II. Mill five new raava were repoile.l to the medical director of Mm Kit iii a ill county health unit during Ilia week, the bulletin stales, an I I hey were segregated as follows: Measles, . 3; pneumonia, I: and lubercutosls, 1. Keforc Vacation Time Come In tomorrow and let u I'til your teeth In proper condition. Don'l spoil your vacation tlaya Willi aching and infei ted tooth, We guarantee expert dental work at reasonable prices. FREE EXAMINATIONS GIVEN - Portland Painless Dentists. Mr. Havens, .Malinger. I lib and Main. IMione 04 GLEANERS (Continued From Page Onel . d the sorrow that that is bound be out In costume to welcome their has arutn over our arrest." runners. The band will be on hand I "We Uvtd la Hanging Rock, and everything pcin:a to a big cele- Ohio." said Ray. as he gulped bits bratlon here this evening should'0' nl Potatoes in the county the Grants Pasa runner keep up his : J" kitchen. "We worked in the pace and come In first. Misusing Rock Coal and Iron Com pany. "We made many friends in the Intimate Friends so in- ' CRESCENT CITY Calif.. June 21. VP) The sSO-mile Redwood high- 'o rars we were there. way marathon between San Francis-1 inenas, you Know. co and Grants Pass Ore., entered tlmate that they undoubtedly car Its final phase today with Mad j rled with them a perfect mental plc Bull and Flying Clond. Karook In-1 tare of us. My hair was bleached. but that wasn t enough. I "The post office at Hanging Rock : Is small. Only a corner in a store. There was a board. Poster Threatens MRS. JOKKI'HINK HOWKIt "And the only poster on that Friends ara resneeifullv,l board waa that of ua. It was in to attend the funeral services for the editable that some day some Intimalo late Josephine Marjaro Bower to tw I riend of ours oM Iook " " n'1 . held on Thnrsdav mnrnlnr sr 10-SiiOur laces wouia iiasn inrouKn uis Obituary o'clock at the Earl Whitlock Funer al Home, Pine Avenue at Sixth with Bev... Frank Wemett officiating. Interment will be made in the Ltnk vllle cemetery. al mind, and then flooey. "So we left Hanging Rock though we hated to." "Why didn't you fellows separate." Roy was asked. "We think so much MRS. MINNIE WILSOX Mrs. Minnie Wilson, wife of tho late Alva C. G. Wilson, passed away at her residence, 1840 Johnson Ave nue at 12:10 o'clock Tuesday morn ing, following an Illness of one week. Mrs. Wilson was born in Oklahoma and had reached the age t of 44 years. She had been a resi dent of Klamath Falls for 20 years. T Four children survive. Otis and Her bert Wilson. Mrs. Cora Welcher and Mrs. EnU Tyrell all of Klamath Falls. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to be; I held on Wednesdsy afternoon at ! J 2:30 o'clock from the Earl Whitlock t Funeral Home. Pine Avenne at Sixth with Rev. Frank Wemett, i pastor of The First Methodist church officiating. - Interment will be made In the family plot In I.lnkville cemetery. t EMBOSSING BRICK CAFE ; 111 No. 7th St Just a little off Main, but when you find us you will always come again. Open All Night "Always Good COFFEE" P R Phone N 522 1282 T Klamath I N G mm r Piiffafrry7friii t t 1 Klamath Printing Co. $ IPS? Save V Res. Phone 1143 Klamath Falls Office Phone 1183 Mclliaae Uldg. .00 You Might Save a Dollar! on Glasses and lose a million dollars worth of eyeslghi? You cannot measure the value of good eyesight in dollar and cent ' calculations. DR. H. W. BARR Eye Sight Specialist GUS DUNN JKWKI.KIt AND 'OPTICIAN 005 Main Street No Need Now To Wear a Shiny Suit F No Need Now To Throw Away a Good Suit Just Because It's Shiny I BECAUSE by a new process that has been tried and tested in every way, we can positively re move the shine from your garments. This new process, in a unique way, raises the nap, and we ' guarantee to remove the shine without shrinking your gar menu. Your Suit Is Shiny Just CJi Acme Cleaners 15i Main St. PHONE 1166 Get it tomorrow June Clearaway Values like these cannot last much longer Every suit in stock goes out at these drastic re ductions including Hart Schaffner and Marx You Get - More Style More Quality More Value More Fit for less. Scores of men have taken ad vantage of these values in the past week. They're satisfied and telling their friends. These men "knew Sugarmen quality, Sugarman prestige and Sugar man low prices. Many more are going to leam this week will you be one of them? One Special Group . $19-85 Celebration days less than tivo weeks away why wait? This ad is directed to the man who is accustomed to paying much more. Suits up to $35 $27-85 Suits up to $39 $31-85 Suits up to $47 $3685 FLANNEL PANT S at the height of the season St Special Lot Values to $10 Values to $13 $4-95 $7-95 $3.95 Stock Wide Hat Sale $5 Styles $6.50 Styles $3.95 $4-85 This includes straw hats as well Sugarman Sale of Shoes $10 and $11 Shoes All $5 Shoes $8-85 $3.95 Largest stock in southern Oregon K. SUGARMAN " Ain't Mad At Nobody" r