The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 26, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    it i:kiiv, I'miiii ,uiv ho. mui
Page Four
ihp: f.veninc. HERALD. KLAMATH falls, orfgon
(SI? Hiuutiny 3-l:eralii
InhiiimI dully except Sunday by The llrrnltl rtiMIhin.r company,
i ' 0-IIlT,L" N'"p" :isl Sl- Kliimnlli Kails, Orci-oii
C K. HIH'I.H , '. President iiihI Manager
lU'TH NOI'I.K ... ., S,Tri'lrv-Tri BnT ,
Entered im neoond-clnsa matter. at tlm post officii at Klamath Kails!. ;
. ; ,' v Ori'Knn. under the Act of March 3. IS79 !
.. Member cif lint AsKicinlnl I'rtutt
' Ths Asuoclnled Press la exclusively entitled In thf" use for republlen-
ttnn of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In
tblt paper, and to all local news published herein All rights of republl-1
nation of special dispatch heroin "re "Isn j-oserved. :
p. ii. mvm - Kiiitoi :
II.' K. HIM. '"V Ml'-"-.
K. H. WA1TH ; - Advert islm: MmntiS'T j
H. W. RHYOI.IS ... Mechanical SnierSiileniloiit ;
The .Evening Herald la tho official paper of Klamath County anil the.
City of Klamath Kails
pcllvcrrtl lly Carrier
Tllltl-'.K MONTHS
Oopy for display advertising must he In this officii not later than .
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'Other chars Ismade. . ' , . ;
, . ,
v J
ATTEMPTING to gain some personal and partisan
advantage for themselves, , certain democratic;
leaders have been declaring that President Wilson was !
"crucified by politicians." They hope thus to profit by!
the general grief over the death of a former president I
of the United States.
; Resort to such an expedient1 will be unsuccessful,!
for few there will be who
and ulterior purpose. President Wilson was a man of i
high ideals and fought valiantly for what he believed j
, to be best for the world. But his judgment as to the j
wisdom of American membership in the League was at I
. variance with the judgment of a majority of the mem- j
" , bers of the United States senate, which body is charged j
with responsibility equal to that of the president in the j
making. of treaties. When the senate refused to give!
its approval to the treaty with the league interpolation,
Wilson undertook a campaign tour of the country in
if behalf of his opinion of what should be done. He. was
; warned by : his .physicians JJiat he.was overtaxing hp
Ptrenpth but such -was his determination to make a
I minority prevail over" a majority'that he persisted, with
the result that his strength gave way.
? j? This is a statement of fact well known to the coun-
jj try. .Wilson was not crucified by. politicians or othCr-i
. wi o. He. undertook to lorce the country to accept a
i - policy of entangling alliances with Europe. On his
K ypopkiiyjr tour it was apparent that although the coun-
-yy "honored him as its President, it would not yield to
j , his . dictation. The .rnore irresponsive his audiences
toi his League arguments, .the..gieater became his exas-
peratioh and his determination to have his own way re-
ghVdless of the judgment of any and all who differed
. with. him.
There was only one wav to induct Wilson to give
... u: : .1
Up IUS eailliJcttgll, ctllU UliXl IO JKitl LU II Jill. 11 UJC
senate and the countiy must yield to any" president
vyho insists upon having his way, then representative,
povernment must yield to dictatorship. If men who
disagree with a president are" to be accused of "cruci
fying him" just because they will not yield their judg-j
ment to his, then the whole-purpose of having a senate
'' ! J.1
is overinrown.
Wilson was not the master of the American people
he was their servant. He was bound by certain con
stitutional rules adopted by the -people, among which
is that, rule which requires that treaties' negotiated by
the president cannot become binding in any way until After due
ratified by the senate. Wilson was not willing to letux
this constitutional provision prevail and tried to force illk"'y '""
the senate to adopt a treaty 01 whicn it did not ap
prove. It was his persistence in that effort that brought
jris physical breakdown. If he had been content to
say, "Let this question be settled in accordance with
the will of the people as expressed in a constitutional
manlier," he would be a live and healthy man today.
!; No one was responsible for his course except him
self. No one forced him , or encouraged him to proceed
as, he did. In fact, his best friends advised him to de-
.iit.:To say now that he was '"crucified" by politicians
i&Ja utter an obvious untruth.
Newton Baker announces that he is not a candi
date for the Presidency, and in view 'of his attitude the
Democratic Party has decided not to draft him. It is
about time that ex-Senator.
quadrennial announcement
"Of course. Dautihertv ouo-ht to resiVn. Mo i?; not so.1
obtuse as not to know that his presence in the cabinet
is a very great embarrassment to the administration.
He, is a back-breacking burden for the Republican par-' 1,11 ' '"""d. n over . her
tylO; cany. Portland Tclejvram. . '"" K"y '" a ''" '''' ,(,,,":k 11
xr-f : over before ir(;hl.
3 Much of our Democratic Presidential timber is !', The ,;,.,,) trouble '.ih n,e p.opi
scrub, from the cutover region. Houston Post (Dem.) '- ifiieve oiy wiuu tiny imnr is
Tf U fimnV. A mm P'ln'f inr r'tnh-n fthi'in in!
thirty minutes, but a chicken can pick a man clean in !
thirty seconds. Stamford Advocate. , , .
H. ."in
. KM
.. I .M
.0.1 '
. .VI)'
.. U.T-. ;
iv:r.i;r.i:v si. hum
will not discern its falseness!
t 4,. u: le iu'
Jim Ham Lewis issued lioestrt . standinir-coiii."
to the same effect. . ;iyi. for fm iniin notify ean hiie
The Office Cat
-Seventy-five yiiuilK wntl"n inurch
ed out of u h,,.'! M iheir in;;!.;
cliiilitii durlns a frt! in San Fnin-
Cisco lciceuti... Vi't they claim that
Hinuke that ovorrauio a' fire
- On - ' ' '
AVo have a ikia' si'iiiu;i'aiiii'rr.
Her name is Lizzie I. link;
WJicueli r this luuiil IHIUl'tuill.,;,
The accent's on (lie nunc.
. oo.--
Amttuor sdviinlako' In h.Jn'i-'com-moii
in llmt you lull eat in Ihe
.klli hen where it's waui.
OIV- -
Nine out of leu men favor short
rcseii litcaliise they ;iro "sensihle."
(Not Ihe ine,, sklrtn.)
oo -
I'"ew Hi'.isi are us had as th.'.r
uKht lie. eM i'lit a i'ti tinlnt 1 trieil
tj use ,1'iiieiiily in a local haute.
, ' , - ,)o
One Way (Hit
.Wife .-What's Hie iiinltrr, dear?
Vou look worried.
Husband The hooks down at liie
office won't- balance.
u ii-' i tin i you hiiy some new
hooks? - - -on---
reinoiiv the Mellon
liroK'.im will very
il out and hurleil.
-- oo
lint What '.l.ikes .'I
H'oin.iit's No"!! Shine?
WU are told that It flays some
where In Koi'lesnisies that "man's
wisdom causes his fiu.o to shine."
This probably explains why we so
seldom see u man with u sh'ny face.
On the oilier hand, too, we suppose.
It Is his lack of wisdom that causeth
his nose to bloom.
Tltun Wadd Is no H(!lit that on
('lirliitinuo Kvo he told his kids )hnt
Santa Clans Just died.
TIk) nice iMiik nliout hclni! n
fnniKfr Ik, .viui never huvu to leave
home lo (io to the country.
; I heir ilouhle
OO -'
Iti I : it I :i ii '1 . ll. nrv Uovce. makei
!of tL Hoiis'itoyce" 'if,
, of himself eri.fleil, '
has h'ltl a statue
Tin.! niav work
! thai Jli'cy hflii'vn )n vf.nniis liiilf.
" "
not ul It) w children lo "Illicit
r steal rides from movinjr
A $J"' . CJrJ Th'mo liife-w buns ,
nnnnrn m mp
K1U). (.. I-', h I'aviui;
v.- i i h i ii ir.i.T block was lii.l ly
j tiits ii.onlU for the first t:nie in tu
j tfni:e( S:ate by liie Tire
j .'i Uiltibcr culii'iialiy ill il si.-ctiou or
tiiit .i-i.4jri'oiiititgi iir Akrurt ' iilaiu.
I Tiie riiiiher blocks i'.-seiii')W lom-
f mo"' 1'iiyliit (jirki. ttHl.e iiml' shape,
with 'tile exception of 11 -tongue and
n'llilW! . COlli... 'UCllilU on two siiles to
(Join in.' Mucks together in a close
luiiuii. 'J'uo botioiu .and wearing sur-lu.-es
ui ihu blocks u;e buiiHJtli.
- Wifr-ltie Mnds. and 'grooved sides
oil-pi il in lint . ir couipouiiil 10 foi in
lit. -t t:i;bt joint, thft blocks am laid
mi u concrele basu t'overud With il
oai.oK of tiie.tar compound.. ..
iuurtyi ar enKluoeis received
itti-sirin from iho Akron city coun-
il uioKt tliati a uioiilh uko 1" luy
u section to test ruhlmr hloi k iiav
in .coiiiiioiiiids aiul construction, a-i
well as to determine the wcu'riiig ei
(ect of traffic upon the blocks them
selves. A ai'utiotl ID by li feet was
laid in ihe Mn.:t directly In front of
one side of the factory entrances
wtuutv loaded trucks pasniiiK In nod
out will Hive tllo,' ptlVlUK a I llol nil nil
.1'.. out.
I'iiiu:..e i.f rnb!e:i' block 'jiaviiin
I..MI- l.ihl, i.iij.',jnei-is exiiJain, I'ii'.st,
it li duces n-affii! vib lilioti found III
otlr-'r paveiucnis, thus Iirotcctiu Ihe
nil- llatilsm uf vehjcles rlilliiK ovor It.
(in Hie biiill;S II Is said to be Hie
tie uiis of cu u .iik oo.wi on ttie
v.oik l.-i ,1'i-d t,,,.tiitt(J I'iora
.iwiis, ai.'O uiinilliUtilK cistaili::allon
of i lii steel, because tlw rubber takes
P part of the shock creatr-d by
occii.'id, rtiiilu r bricks ri.fluce traf
i.e no.'st-. and are r-speccii to line!
u..i'ial in deadening fcoitn.i in 'iius-piti-I
quiet .ones, apui'tiuent court
yanti;, station platforms and oilier
plain. i were tru king und travel am;
TO.MIiSTO.N'K, Ariz., i''eh, 26.
The ancient "bofffeer on horsebaclt"
has nothliiK on iiiendli.'utitH of
today. Twice In tho last few
mouths. Tonilistoila has been cun
vit.isi il by women, carryltiK bithles,
(".'kii:j charity lo purchiise food,
while near-by -was' 'jiarked a cur ' In
wh.'ih was lDiillug' nt! iihle-hii(fr:ed
In eacli i;aso the couple were
MoikliiK iii,dr way to the coast.
All over the South trest complaint
is made of union) tihlln tramps,
who provide thenisclS'os with new
oilier siippl'eH from cars.
are sn ipped In the towns .
who even steak ihe Kasollii"
needed for Hto roiu',,
At lleiison a lie ti l
Kiiest wusj
:tloppei as ha was. wallvliiK away !:.: !u the Jllli.K of ! re(iirii,
with a Navajo rim und it. hlunkei i T ij,, so resuIlK III confusion am
rroin the room ln had ik'ttpletl, 1 1 onnesilon iIiii Ihk tlm cIouIiik tlnys
limb nt'llcles Wi"!' tii he lined onlof Ihe fll.'IIK period wlll'll llll)s III
Ills until Journey towijid Kf J's. j lilltlultflit of March 16.
Ik'ilili't'ons ullowetl tuiiiyi-ni I"
connei'iliiti wltli the maliiteiian.'e itul
operation of uuloiuolilles urn the fuli.
Jw.'t of freiiuehl liitj'ilrlrVi 'from I x
pnytw In fllliiK a federal In nin.i tax
return. The followlni; h for Ihe lyiid
('nice of owners uu( proipcoilvo own
ers. Such cost fur nar.iKe lulu, (ta.o
llnn. repairs, etc., may he ileiluctei
n a biis.'nes,! (x ji. n mii when an liuio
litohll.i in used wholly for biislncn
'""I '"' 1,1 "'"i". priucision or
laruiiiiiC- When partly for such tui . -
j pose and partly for Hie pleasure in
convenience of the taxiuu-ers unit M
fainlly. ihe cost may he pioiale( anil
I that pari to biinlueiH
to the oilier pilt'siillri uf 'lit ioneil ,t
ducted as ll huslllivts exieiise.
The sumii rule applies w it it i ckui'iI
to ihe iled'Klloii for dep. 'elation,
wlt'cii Is allowed when an iitiloiuo
iillo is used wholly In business,
l.iad.o irofess,'oii or fiinrinig. mid
must tie apportioned itccordlUKly.
wileu lined partly, for fltich ptirposei
and partly for plenum.. If tin until
mobile Is ii'ieil almost ,ev Itislvi'ly for
lile.'isiirii a ilt'iliietlon for dcprocliiiloii
Is not nllowod.
Tho purchase price of mi aiitomn.
hlle.-eveii when uutul wholly III bulb
tiess, cannot he deducted from K in.'
,'ueome, Il Is a capital expenhlliire,
deduction of which Is expn dy ills
allowed by th-ri revenue act. The ii
ptV cent tax which utlliches to Ihe
title of (in automobile, cannot he ie
d net etl by Iiiirchnser he-n use It U a
lax levied on the sale by Hie maim
factui'.'i' and must he returned mill
paltl for by him. Tho inunufiietiirer
may reimburse himself in tho nmoun
of tnx lly uKiwenient with tho pur
chaser in manner prescribed by the
treasury reKulntlons. Ho for ns Hi"
purchaser Is concerned lite tux li
n part of tl.o cost to him of thn onto
mobile, Tho niiinufnct"i'er nmy not
deduct tho tnx In his return unlem
'Jin. amount Is Included In his nrns
Income. '
An automobile lk'enxi feu Is re
nnriled in n tux ntul nray be detliidled
whethe'.' lite tuttomohllo Is liced for
'business or for pleasure or onvn-
nee. In the event of a collision
l Iv.ecn ii truck und nn niilimiablle
used for pleasure or convenience the
owner. of the truck may clulm a de
duellon fur ilatniiKi's, provided the
truck is lieliiif used for h:isln"'s til
I lie 1 1 in-: of Iho collision. No deduc
tion Is allowed the owner of the
automobile hecntisn It was not hclitu
uivd for business purposes. Amount"
I'vOi'tnled by owners of iiiiloiinli'le
used for ploaniiAo or coiiwnlclire In
i-fjpalrjnn datniiKn Ihereto cinneil Ir
,w,RMK';ni operfttlon do mil totnlllule
deduct Ible losslfS.
Taxpiiyet , m e iuH Ised imt l . '
tsv nrn pt ni
A ULLIuullU n
t'liiisilliltiK KtiKlnei", Moielailil Moiiu
Trti''lt Ciiiiiiany,
. ' i i 1 1 i i ii i c.niMe rmiitne ( i y i ii II
'annul III rv. i y tnelal M incline,
l:ill tliull;;!i III, i (llteil Kleele lire
iiM'il In Hie mill fail me of all Hie
! Ilillillile rill'i ami 1 1 in li M, hey W ill
a i ii r um Tic nvei itiie lile of ii loin''
nu car I- lllllill lilUI'.i'l' lllllll ilini or
ii 1 1 nek, even tliouitli Hie loin llijt cu '
Is driven iii iniich hlulier Hicedn, The
chief illffel'i iicim lirfectlllK llf II"
ef tile inn ure In the iln'K n ml ( '
Hie HIH lllKI.
Hiircri'in e in Sniim.
A toillilm CHI' welKhtllK llmi" O- j
Iiiiiii iiuiiuile. lv ciiii'ei il I I
In ccc of lllioul I unit ioitliln.
wilich l um more thill li him I t'i I'"'
. lit of II. uclr.ln. , nell i. kIimii d !
truck iihiiiiIIv ciiirlm nt lull loud,'
Hill n r cent, nr iniiii'. of II h own I
A -1 i ' ii ft U mill erricli'iil when
II Ik ilefleclell I'ollxlilc rnlih', III 11 I oil I . I
Inc. cur the nir:ni! Is ulwiiyn '" lnl--r
collslilerilhle (leMire K'llie the "I'v
loinl Im eoiii)uirullv.y imill. Ill inot
iriiKkn, on the otho' liund. Hi" mirlnis
U loinleil. fur If they would flex
nut h at no load, they would hit hat
Mm under full loud.
Tires. '
A pniMinmtli' tli-i has Hie ti'ill'ty
ii iihsorh email olutt ui'tlui.s nil the
road without!tii the uxle. The
tiro will conform to tho Irregularity
"f tho road su face, mh the presoure
nn the ntitalile overcomes ih" ntr
pii-nuio of lli' Inside. Pneumatic
ilres are very uulck In nciloa. tuitt
s to "0. even when roIiik at hliih
speed, the tire In very efficient e
aLortrnx o!istriictfntis on th" road
and e Hh I tin I ii k Hie vehicle.
A miIIiI rul'iier tie', on the mlur
hand, Is slivw- In in no n. if a block
of solid tihbcr It hit ii rapid blow,
It will jcJvQ very little: wliereiis, (,
lueisiiie or u loud Is applied slowly,
it w'll "jjlve" ri'tMlitertihly tnort'. Thn
r.'.ir.nii rubber Is slow In "notion" l
(hut lit shape dm tilt's under u load.
Air nn he iniiiii-.ueil Into u smaller
space; rubber, on the other ll.'lld,
caniiol In. contp svsHei( call only lei
dc pt-ficil when there In room fur n
to t :u'. a. I In another direction,
this resjieci. rull-'r acts like n llitHil
for Instance, water, which Is non-Couipie-islhle.
This Is Hie clilef r"-i-"u why H l
lllns itble lo tun at II ii: Il speed with
solid t Inn. and that the vlhiitinn
aitil Juts Increase very rapidly with
speed, 'Piio Iiei ii yd hardne-s of
slld I in a liei:ltis lo become v. ry
noticeable at". thou! I . or III miles
in r hour. ilepeiiillitK on the quality
of Ihe rubber.
I''tn t-lit tenure, Um soft.'r the tub
Iter, the itioi'o power will Ii lake to
propel the truck. Tills Is due hi tin
fact that "ru!'.i"r Is slow Ul if Hull."
When the irui'li is In tn'loii tin
r liber ill rriint uf Hie wluoil, wb' i'e
It first cullies III conluei with te
mail suriaco. Is 'lepresietl. while
HI;. Tii It leaves Ihe iitail surface II
will not press buck tiKulnsl Hi's sur
face thus KlvltiK II ll certain
iiinauiit of forward kink, lis Is lb"
'it.ui Willi Hi" pueiimutli! .l rn. It lulu's
lime for rubber to bo dopresnil, mid
it takes (line to' II lo return to In
iiriKllliil shape wk-'ii the load Is re
moved. Tills Is tint reason "that tlm
tunny rubber cushion tires which
have hii'ii tried, have not been nmre
ki nerally adopted. The 'ffc t of soft,
-olhl rubber till", li I h" snuie r.s
wiieii travellnK w.'lh tirdliiury tires
In deep sand or nuit.
liict'ciiHliiit 'I'nicli l.lf",
One siiRiteslcil remedy In In use,
uprlnim ritlll'll llefle.t sllfflclelllly nt
Unlit lends,, and yet not lilt bottom
under full load imd rnnd cnndlMntis.
Various pr!nK constructions em
bidlyjiiK this principle, hiiv been
used, sopw nlvlnn very (tood satls
faelon. Tlm iimtitrkVltiK 1(1 "n Is Hi
have ti ni'i I it spiliiK and nn utixillnry
Klirliinr. At IlKht loads thn uiulii spring
I'lir (im (ill tie Imiil; tw the load Iti
I'l'eiiKi.'s l)e nilllal'y spnlnK Kt'0'1'
Itally stops III mill hi'lns Ihe mill n
sprlnu;. This is cisii,'(ilally iitteftil on
trucks of larner cnui(ily,
Atinlller remedy is til list' pni'il
tiinllc Hfes, riifti iluniilely, )IKtl inn t to
tins lire not ns suitable for lietivy
loads as solid rubber llts, mill Ibey
ciinnol. otai.d "oveiloads." Tlm price
of pneumatic tires, p.:tnhle for heavy
trucks, In furthermore, very lili.h. ,
Cue remedy, Hie efure, for ltcrea
ItiK the IM of llltlll Ittll'kH. Is III"
net of piio.Miiuilc lre; lo Iticreiise
Hi" life of lino v v I rucks, iiuxllliiry
sprlim's shoitlil Im ii."'i in uoiiJiiiic
I Ion w'tli Hie miilh sprliiM"s, Willie
Ibis con .1 ruction Is more dully, Ihe
xlla cxpotiMo Is aav-.'il hiatiy times
over In retlii:ed truck ilopi'iiclalloli
niiil In lower t'epnl.' hills ami cost
lf llillilICO,
! "V II. H. VANOK.
, nln um it.iiinr of lltn Hlmlnliiiltef
j t'ofniuolloli.
'i'ii,. (l l( 1 1 1 1 to ii.iulili'i' ii it 1 1 1 y cms
i uanllly Iniala l III'' uuderlyliiK
ic.immi ..thy III" I'llll'"! HlllU'a i'llll
j Hie tuition of the world In III" itiiinu-
( ulliolllolllleS. Auierll'llll
i i ,,i.i, u iili ft'iv except limn, i'oiii"'le
j (. ..fully will the IIUlOlllohlleM of
j ,,, unity Into which llioy urn
, i.ii,.,), uuil even lit nun of 1 1
, ' 1 1 il i I 1 1 , ttllern erllllll' llllliillcnl-
i-l It) Ii!k!i lovi'ori illlili", tunny
,lllM'lc:ll curn lll'l Mllld.
Ni ri iy XI per rent of nil the luoioi
vi nl. hi n-Ki-l-ied III Hie world In
I'.ir! weic inilliufiietllied In thlN
i iiilil.), A I limn I'll I' nt IH m ui'.i
Hill y l il i lillillile II U Cilll.erVlllll e
lii .! thin, Willi the luran liureii.n
In Aiiietliiiti nulouiohlhi prodil llnu
in iiiMiroxliniiiely liu r r"ut
uf ..Il lilltolliolilleii now r"Ule nil in
lite world Iiiivo heen luiiile III llie
I'nlii'il Stale,
Ann cio 'In of inn'or tf-'lllc'ci
In I ft J 3 retire. nie, tu m r fill of
I'!"' "'"'' I'roiluctloti of luoior
i "lil'li ; nil "ill"' rminirlnt III Hi"
cvpotls lit Unit year W".'re 7H,33t
mote tlinli ilouhlluu thosn of Hie pro.
vlom er- und flKtir (or 1 12 J "ill
how a liriis Ini'tvn.e over 1922.
vVmerlcnn rsrs etijuy ninny fen.
Inns of t on t ntct loll w'.ili'h nn.k"
tin la in ire nervitlile and mi I la.
(i mry to opi tnte.
Aiiierlino Her vice HIiiipllHeil.
They are built along- Ihu inline K"n.
et. 1 1 Hues, (Ml of nil, and cull to
asity iiinle tooil und ron.tlHri by
aierhnnle.i. liurupemi cms, on Ihu
Inn- band, do lint conform with any
ti.ilo staiidiir.l, and in a rui,
(t.;.k'' cars upiiriir on thn. fiirelun
.. ih'ii This, of inlioie. mtik s It
i r'icult to ohtnlti set vice,
li.iropcnti can i do hot Imvn na
ti.' eh re .live power u Hie ave nue
Ailier'i nn auto. ii. ilnle. Where Hi it
Siu.lelmker Imhl six has nn II, A. t'.
ratlnit of !l l hor.e power, Ihe ureal
' si nuiiiher nt Kiml "h und Kronen
ir nre iitlpi'il with four slieedu
forwuid, In-l.-nd of three, Willi Hi"
result llmt th" d Ivor inuat shift 1 1 out
fun it li to Uilrd pe"i In order in
Htu'i the most ordinury hill. .'Ill's
l.nt. a n.l the lidded flexibility of
Amerlonn-inuiln motors, told favor tn
Auicriruii ours III the markets uliioad.
Soiuetline nun Kurois'titi rnrs could
l.-t oteraiei with luwi'.'''illnii run.
iiniipiloii. dun In the amnlliioaa. of
t tie motors, hut initnintiilvn nitltlncors
In till, country have ultiio't rntnilee
y olfiet even fh;a temporary lluro
p.'iin advuntaita by decreusluK 1"
fa. I coiisutupHon required by iho
pewetf I Ami'i Icuii-miido, rural.
ti.iieiiiily speakliiR, Kuropeiin mi
toiuiiblle btivn lower rrtiid oleor
attcn than Anieilciin rars. Tills l of
Utile iiuimii I'.inct In Kiiulahd iir
l'"rance whew hluhwnys urn Improved
imt It I) a tleniiteil ti sii.lvnnlilKe, fur
example, wti n I'UI's tun lleiilltlliin
the runiteii i itad i of A um t n liu or
Smiili Afi'lcii, ,
,l"'t Aiiii'i'leiiii ,Meiiiis,
Kit ope, in miiiiiiruiiiurers, protlur
.1.', only a limited iitiiulior of rnrs
a ilay, utile) sell HK'lr products for
trie cceiilly In excess of those of
:l.(t Amci'lean maoiif.i Hirer with n
: liac'ly of hundreds nf cars dully,
A Kiirupean cur, selling for U
equivalent of $1,100, tinea not com
pare In Intrinsic value with nil Amor.
liN.n cur ul. the sumo It Ice, benmuan
in the .mupiifiK litre of foi'tilRn curs'
tunny custii. such lis exdesidlvu over
liciul per.. car, expense flf vhnviillcnliid
itiles, eic, have tn on nlisnr'nod,
Sotpo fotelun ninnnfHrtlirBrti (trn
IncniisliiK their e(Miirlly (ifid urn
mlopllnu American larnc-prodiiotlon
ilielhods, becaiiso'hy operalltiK on n
sinalle'.' basis they havo not been
abln to inoot .the Itrlces nm quality
of American eirs',. Moroover, they
renHzo that tho ,rnpelllnn of Ihq
tame oijerutldtl iiinil.v limes timda to.
wiiiiU Krwiter pi'iiclHloti ami skill .In
thn worked nnd conHnquenlly rosiills
In it hlgltwr d-woe. pf nccuracy nin
tiinllty In the pi'oduirt Itself, "
Ten Y?r Ao Todnv, I
-- , 4
I'ebi um y, ml," III 1 1 Iluys A Ornw
Thp latest Klnntnthlln In polt
Ihu ranks of the giiHtileno buyers
Is County Hi'botil HuperliitniKlent
Kred l'olersoii. Ho linn Just P'U'
chased n l.'oril I'linnbnut,
l i b. till, till I 1' I'loni Morrill
,1, Ft link Adiinis, nccnmpnnletl
by .Vis. Adams, drnvo up from
Merrill Wednesday for n rtuy's
slioppliiK In he foiinly sent.
riiiiiinrs nre not fish oven
Iho lilKKimt nnoii do let