The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 21, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page Four
TiirTmnAv, fEmtt'Anv at, ton
i i
; Issued dally cxtcpl Hiiniliiy by Tho llcrnlil I'litilUlitiig runiuiny.
fflrOiMn North Klght HI., Klamath l-'hlln, Oregon
'lr. H, HOUI.K President nml Manner'
RUTH HOl'l.K ,. Hecretary-Trcaaurcr
' Bound second-clas matter, at the post office at Klamath Falls. I
if Oregon, under the Act of MXl!JLJL!lX j
t ., Member of Hie Associated Press j
, ',' ' The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for republlca-
tlon of all newa dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In !
thla paper, and to all tot al newa published herein All rights t ropubll-1
cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. ' .
, f. R. HOULK
H. li. HI Ll ..
w. w.
, Oty Ktittor
Advertising Manager,
Mechanical Superintendent I
The Evening Herald la the official paper of Kratnath County and the.
CJity of Klamathr alia . . '
tml VfCAR
IVIIvercd' Dy Carrier
lly MaU
, ON'K ykar
' : Copy for display advertising must be in this office not later than 3 on the day preceding publication In order to be Inserted In the
Issue of the paper of the next day.
' 1 Want ads and reading notices will be received up to It noon on
the day of laaue.
' .' Advertising tor fraternal orders or socletlea charging a regular In
itiation tee and dues, no dlscouul. Religious and benevolent orders will
b. charged the regular rate for all advertising when an admission or
other charge Ismade.
A " ton and a half of mail order catalogs already ar
rived in Klamath Falls and distributed. Two and a
, half tons more on the way.
; . Four tons! Eight thousand pounds!
This is the bid of mail order houses for Klamath
county monev. And for even7 catalog received a cer-!
tarn sum 01 periectiy good iuamam couniy money win
take wing and never be seen here again.
' .... Mail order houses pay no taxes in Klamath coun
ty. Nor do they have any interest in the county whatso
ever except in the money they drain out each year.
-,f. Citizens whose library tables are graced by a vol
umnious catalogs of mail order houses will do well to
consider, before succumbing to the lure of the attract
ively pictured goods, whether they are winners in the
long run by sending their money away.
i Fancied or real savings now mean a loss later.
The loss may not be readily apparent, but it is no
, less real.
:- i ! Support of home town merchants means they are
enabled to buy goods in larger quantity at a time, thus
obtaining a better price. Merchants are anxious to sell
theirgoods at fair prices. Local competition is keen.
The prosperous merchant can discount his bills, prompt
ly pay1 his notes. v ' f ' 1 " '
f Still, catalogs have their uses. They should not be
wasted. To provide entertainment for kiddies they are
worth more than expensive toys. Whole families of pa
per dolls," houses, automobiles, and countless other
things that delight the childish heart, may be obtained
from their pages. '
- ' They are valuable to start fires on chilly mornings.
i ne ensp paper lends ltseit readily to this purpose.
Keep a catalog or two near the kitchen stove.
; J', But first bum the order blanks, lest the temptation
prove irresistible. . . '
- -
MIW.ANI),' Mi. S.... (Kivi'.liil. I
"Sliiirly," Him ecllon bu.s of Mid
iiintl. uihl his crt rt uoikall li lulu
iiLvs" ovortlinn limt Kr'tlny. Tim ciow
vru on ilicl I very liiiiuv on tliu
apvvder when a trelghi tnilli cmuO
ui-ouild ohe bviiil und nut near
u;iuit them livfoiti they realised ihelf
duiignr. 'rim meli Jilmpuil (or lliolr
Mve tioin Imilt sides of the speailar,
narrowly escsp ng deatli, Tin trittn
i lill the speeder mid 'eilucud It lo
I illliter. "Hliuriy" left Hal urilti '
I IIHII'lllliu llliiinlllllll' III elllllll
' Alvln rornwonh slid Mr. and Mn.
1 C. K, Pitvls relliriled Tuesday from
'Hitliihd whurii they hitvn npviil (lid
li'ot Hi'elt oh busllliuis,
Mrs, AlvIM KttrnsWorill left .Hull
ilny fur Yrokii tvhore sho will ilileilil
t ho l :ul Of Kino and trnrtl wjilcli
Has riituiued If tor all luiorvnl II f
aevei'ul days entiled Uy Illness III llu
ly ' in in I ! of oiio of Ilia stionloy
o. VV. irownrd hiiiiIm u bimliiess trip
li Kliiinlli Kulls ll ThUiiultiy.,
llllbett llrown, Nonnuil W.hlte mid "" "leh'e.M trip 111 Hie evt
Wnlmr Nulsolt and wifo were busl
m s visitors hero avur th viek and.
Tltvv expect to return lif, t'h'ltwjulll
to Hiieiid t)i summer.
.'.Mr, und Mrs, Mliuler spelt! V e
day In tuwn oil their way lo l.nnvmit'
r.iiMti tit Kltk hoi o Miey will sptniil
lliv r Illume: ,,
.Mm, Kiiilii'iliiv m nml (laughter
:.rri( In CltlliiiUlll from Klamath
I'lills W'eiliiesday. .Mrs. West la Hid
unlier nf III" llew Commercial hoiel
(In t U beliig billll In ICit Chlliiiinill.
Jim Norred liu has linen iiiaklhA
The Office Cat
V A?
(Sacramento Union)
She lets me kiss her now and then
and that is nice, - .
She. does the. came for, oitK-r, men. .1,
get advice.
Of course I kiss a MenM or two or
maybe three,
A common thing for men to do. bin
why should she?
00 'i
An optimist, thinks Joo Brett. In
a man who is just starting a livery
stuble business.,
"I believe," said tlw Imnatient
Klumatb Falls man. as he put aside
the telephone, "that I'll go fishing."
"Didn't know you cared for
fitshing." .
"I don't, ordinarily, but It's the
only chance I have or finding myself
at the end of a line that isn't busy."
A outh who bore, 'mid snow and
A banner with this strange device,
"Yes, we have no bannnna."
Which leads us lo say that
Lmi:.v ever lost any money by
tending to his own b"lnett.
Yes, a womnn Is Uko a Kord In
:ntny ways: Dut who ever said "Cot
a wife an( epend the difference?"
German Ueggar (pocketing marks)
It used to be that when you asked
for money you would only get some
foot; now wheniyou ask for fotid you
only cet Koine ntoney.
DA fill
Another thing that puzzles us Is
i why do tlw writers of nonular wines
THERE is romance left in the air, on the sea, even if "l0 that for a liv.'n" w'. n tiny to'ii.i
romance on land seems at times to the reader of the 'live in arivllims "o expense ,.r u,.-
t l j: j Tt. u j. i slate?
jicwDpapcia t,u nave uiaappeaieu. u, wuuiu nave ueen
a thrilling sight to see Pilot Panghorn turn over the con- j
trol of his machine to Freddie Loon, who eot on board I
from another plane a mile from the ground, crawl out
on the rigging, lower himself to the landing gear and
help Diavato, the acrobatic airman, pull up to safety the
Houston chorus girl who was suspended in an entagled
parachute. And any of us would have gotten a thrill
if "we. had been on the tug boat Cleone when it vraved
the raging sea in Coos Bay to go out and anchor along
side of the Columbia, throw a line aboard the wrecked
steamer and take off the passengers in a breeches buoy.
Those were acts of daring, adventure and heroism
, that few. of us in the world today are privileged to see.
Thanks be that we can read about them still.
Efforts have been made to prosecute a wholesaler
' in Minneapolis who bought a lot of old potatoes in Chir
- cago and sold them as "Florida new potatoes" at a pro
fit of 6,000 per cent. The effort failed because, the
city law department explained, no statute or ordinance
i had been violated. Evidently the legal attitude is still
the old attitude of trade. "Let the buyer beware !"
Woodland Mail.
Every time anyone smiles it make"
a warm glow in the heart. Why not
save gas fuc;l by tsinlMng oftem-i-?
IT-! plact'd his arm around Iht waiM.
t She laid her head -upon his breast.
The car went crashing through a
An undertaker did tho iMt.
Shallow rivers and cheap flivvers
tii;titi! the most noise when running.
"liood-hye, I'll gfv: you a ring to
morrow." "Oh. you d'-nr! Do you moan It?
This Ik st sudden!"
.John Mtf'nll sayi when my child
nhks help witli her lessons, I reanzi:
ho.v much I have forgotten.
10. I. Klliolt diK-laif
Fruit is being varnished. This
preserves It so' tho shipper's effort
.vill not he fruitless.
Man In Michigan has edited a
weekly paper 50 years. Wo don't
know how ho makes his living.
As ye sow so shall ye reap. Bok
spent his money for peace, the oil
men spending their for Just the
reverse. '
Russia, poor RubsIii, her troubles
never cease; she bus been recog
nized by Italy so may cat garlic
out of courtesy.
Wire says the Drltisli Labor pre
mier hasn't dune miinuul labor
since he was 20, showing a re
markable Intelligence at an early
age. .
Chicago t'amstnrs are sinking.
When teumstera full out chauffeurs
eet more than their due.
These diiys a moth keeps one
eye on the calendar and the other
on your winter clothes.
The world would be much halter
if you could whistle with n pipe
in your mouth.
v"ii ttiil find tint three iheers
heal six Jeers.
?I"nry Fori .lanced u Jig ut W.ty
'."ie Inn piot::; the II;; is not up.
I.. Frusnel, all' of the Fremont n.
lluual forest service und located til
l.akevlew, were III Illy IhW wok
en route to Klamath Ft.lls, lo bring
back two cars from them to lie
in the foro t work this seinon. They
were tho first to cotnn over the
I miiiinitilh from l.ukevli.w ,m e t,ln
jinlti of a few wei'k ago and mink'
I Hie trip successfully.
"lls Jacqullna Weaver bus ret rn
I ed to Illy mill has accepted a poiN
; tfoii with the Illy Merount:le com-;
puny. ll Weaver has brnoi employed i
smith a'tieu last Hepteiuber rclilfnsd
to (hiloiniln yeiiTilny and expsrts
in etuy here during 'the summer. ' '
W, vv. tt'luhliiifhaih' wu a liuslnvH
vlslto.' here WdlnoiHlny on his wy
(rum K to in.ii )i KalU In Klik whore
he will be eiuiiluyeil this summer nt
Lamtn's camp. '
Henry Khadley spent Tuneday In
(thlliMtnn from the Klamath Valley
lioepitnl where lie U. still riioi'vlng
treatment for hit hand. . ,
It. V. Mnllory of Stockton, Cl
was a InmlnfM caller In town yes-
, In I. os Angeles, a ma!! stole a
; radio and fcot six mouths on It.
mere lomti ihnv li-.n i.u,. i-..l.,.l.u.
be two national spanking days; the ' i .;.., JA',,.r
SI'OKANK. Wash., Feb. 21 Op
position to any efforts lo compile a
"shorter tllble" or to eliminate as
non-essential any pa- of the Scrip
tures Is expressed In . a statement
made public by It. I.. Kdmlatoll of
till city, president of tho lltble Ful
lowh,'p of Washington.
"Thero la no power In the orgauk
government, federal or state, much
loss' In any person, sect or commit
tee, to in any manner divide, add to
or take from the Holy Ulble without
limm Inn cut of thu national founda
tion and sovereign rights." tho stnto-
W-nt declnres.
Tho federal constitution. It ai
sorts, forbids congrcas tho ipowoy to
enact religion laws, "and tho com
plete Holy" Bible la approved by the
kiss of each president on behalf of
the sovereign and of ouch cltlaon,
when taking the oath In the constitu
tion on behalf of the organic gov.
"Evory citizen and both the su.-
erolgn (union of citizens) and the
government of our nation are most
vitally and sacredly bound to use
every power necessary to Inculcate
aud replenish common knowledge or
the Holy Bible -jjvcalod luws," tho
latement continues, "undivided and
unimpaired, to eurh sovereign cltl
z. n, born or iiiadc, freo and distinct
from clergy und. personal profus
ion, to tho cfid that nnllonul Chris
tian citizenship be protected and re-
plenished In yielding allegiance first
to tho f indiiinentnl law of the Holy
lllblo and declaration of Independ
ence, second to the supreme organic
law of the constitution mid third to
rules of personal sect, cliii vh nut.
Hoelety. .
"Therefore wo hold Ihril the Holy
lllblo cannot be divided, reduced or
added to, except by (ho clearly ex
pressed will of tjie sovoihlgn by
means of the ballot, exercised as pro
vided by the constitution under the
unchangeable declaration pledge und
coinpuet, ull lu harmony with
flr-lst's comlmatitl, "I'liiit yi love one
another.' Otherwise, the taking from
Or adding to the Holy Itllile would
lo that extent ! secliiiiiin and not
within the national scope of (')iris
'.Icu citizenship."
fThe lllbli. Fellowship Is nil or
ganization of roprvjBcnlnllvcs of
1'roti'Hlant denominations of the
Blalo, l he primary object of which.
j tiicortllng to Its constitution, .is "tr
I ri.'itiove the legal barriers to the read
ing of the Bible In the public, schools
ii f tile slato of Washington."
ut t It-j (ioltlcn Hulo in Klamath Fulls i trrdny.
tne pitst taw monilis. m
Jack Mt:Aullffe spent a few day.i
in my tin weeg looKing atler sneep nni AMrt TAVfC DVrD
a ut.r. it i t i l-u ut bn
und cuttle that he has here.
.Mr. and Mrs. K. T. (ilvan and turn
lly .went Into Klamath Fill s on
Thiirsduy of Inst Mek. From there
Met. Ulvan and children will go to
Suli'iii for a mutith'it visit w th her
mother, Mrs. O. 1. I'ower,
Mrs. Iluiul lvtvrt went into Kli'in
Hi Falls Thursduy.
Mrs. J. a. Watts has been III the
litist week and at this time Is slightly
J.l Hi.) i Kdwill lintt vturlled from
Oiillfornlu whvru he apent the w'n
ter niontha. Mr. Kdsall Is expected
home within a few duys.
1. N. tllvan made a trip to Klam
ath Fulls the past week to meut
with certain business men rulutivu to
tho lClatualh Fulls round-up for tne
coming year. Plana for the co-operation
ot the business men and mei.
chant of Klnmnth Falls with the
promotrrs of the Itound-up waa one
of tho main Issues of tho meutlng.
tilenn Parker of Klamath Falls
la vla'tlug at tho homo of his par
ents. Mr. and Mm. Jossn Parker for
a few days. . j
Marvin Stephen has returned tu
Illy to live with his grandmother, I
Mrs. W. T. Uurrett. I
Roads out from Klamuth Fulls I
and Lakovlew are In fair condition j
now, vara being utile to come either !
way, thu few remaining mud hole j
sYou never can tell what a lovinir cun will lead to.
sin; Jew York a riot in which bricks were thrown, three
men badly hurt and the loving cup smashed was; the se
' quel to awarding such a trophy in a club where other
, members, dissented in the award. Stockton Kecord.
tin: (i.-
liriuit! froin
' - Friday is Washington's birthday, and all the bar
kers will lay down their hatchets. Medford Mail-Tribune.
. "
A Texas chemist says the elements contained in the
human body are worth just 98 cents. The fellow who
;Was guessed wrong as to his hostess' age would cheer
fully sell out for a third of that. Eugene Register.
day alter l!.HIo-eV;n
niter ilaiigiili'i- rctu.tis
tid'egc. , ,
'Sf-o-'t pt:r.-oiM. yrapi Floe Mtt'sey.
will have to c, on working -only a
few are able to write snugs silly
enough in bring rh-hes.
- - no - '
Uinor " Wic'ter.
It r.der?"
, Walter- "Ve: y ).:ir, ami lie Kooncr
;.(.u take your foot off tii biriter I'll
itwi it." , : ,,
. - -Oil
tchool tiacln n. Ihlnltt A. . frva
lnl, urn people who will got reported
tt they 'don't tival your kids lidtler.
- -on
Tne evening tli'w wax falling fut,
I Ten Year Atro Today
WARSAW. Poland. Tob. 11
Olio of tho romances of American
welfare work . abroad has Just
reached Its climax In tho formal
transfer of the V. A!.- C.-.A. III. I'o
'and from American to Polish d
ministration. This action means
I that only five years aftor III la
i trnduellnn Into Poland a welfaro
.. T .. I -I. ' K
service ior ine i onsn army, i. ei.
('. A. work huro has grown Jnto
tho permanotit form so familiar to
thu people of Amorlcn. , :
The formal transfer, whloh took '
place In the Warsaw V. H. C. A.
building, wu tho occasion for a
ceremony titlouiled'y'! tSor,rreal
dent of Poland und many other ot
Its notabla ell lions, Paul Super, Na
tional V. M. C. A. secretary for ro
tund, aaya:
"After tho Great War tho Ame
rican Y. M. C. A. conducted work
tor tho, Polish Army at nonrly 100
points, employing In this work C3
American aocretarle and expend
ing f 1. 700.000. All this war work
has, of course, ' boen discontinued
und the enterprise now Is on a civil
ian basis officered and directed by
Poles. It begins Its new itnlu
with some 7.&U0 membora In 17
cities and many thousands of
uro "trying up very fitst wlUi the rr,is in government, nnlvoralty.
wiivm weuther nro having. ,.v) military clrclea.. iven
The Illy hotel which Iium toen tin- j Ami.rrttl) V. M. C. A. secretaries
crated the past 'x years by Mr. and , ra,lllla lt plund as technical nd
.Mrs. O. W. Howard was sold by them ' v Ihoth und Instructors In tho work
to Mrs. Nancy Warren and Murvln j uf ,,.,, loBncl Ba an ex-
Tlle notei win now, ,. ...,,,., i,, f .ht,
j American V. M. C. A. with tho Pol
I lull movement."
Cross last week
be under the munagement of
Scoit Warren litis '.I'titrncd
Klama'h Fall to resume his ntudl"'
In high school.
is your corn
t'tli. -21, Cllt llirllglilful ,i,
; Tlte .Viii-l;Wgravla elm, will !
j In. 'fterta!m.-d tonlglit by Mr. aud
..Ir.-t. ( ail Cofer. Memls-rs of the
teitth are Mr. and Mrs. rarey M. Itams
j by, Mr. and M,-i. (harl'is Mart In, Sir.
I mid Mrs. F. II. Kngllsh, Mr. and Mrs,
I'iC. 11. Hall. )lr. mi l Mrs. Karl Wlill-
lock, Mr. and Mrs, l.c.ille llogera,
Mri find Mrs. Curl Cofer, Mr. uiftl I
M'iw. Htehard !:,, Mr. and Mrs.
.f. M. I'lr.ltnr, Mr. ' und Mn. niinid
l):i.'giiti, Mr. aud Mrs, Orb ('iiiiipiiell.
bus t(Hon attalr.d nni merely by The
ll.irMltl'u tr.. n,....l,.tl, h..t h
Ac-.through an Oregon village im.-sed lhe t))ttl" ot rCHaor,
Feb. 21. Negro syntax and pro
nunciation him no other origin than
Kngllsh, said fl. p. Krupu, profusor
of Kngllih at Coluiiiblu tinlvemlty.
in a -.ot:ent lecture here..
There remains no trace of nny
alien speech whMi the negroes might
have had nl first, I'ltifeseor Krapp
I fiolnled out. Ili lidded lliul tile words
j "vmtloo" and "linodo'o" might pos.
isdile be of African origin, bet lliul
"niosey, "Jazz" and 'tote ' und ninny
oihiir slung t'XIiror.ulons spread )
Hie American neglo wt-re iincient
Kngllsh derivatives, '
A large delegation or water
usees mended tho m'am meeednit
at Henley Tuesdny evening.
Mrs. Voss unci sister. Mr. and
Mrs. 'Myers, Aiidernw Johnson, Ju
cob Styskll, Mr. and Mrs. McComb
were uniong the visitors tit Klam
ath Falls Tuesday.
Mrs. Kritpka mid little grand
daughter Marie Van Meter wore
In Klamuth Fulls Tuesday for me
(Ileal ndvlce. Marie fell from a
horse about two weeks ago. Seri
ous trmtblu has duvploped from an
injury to the bone at the lliui of
the mil. A doctor took X-ray !!'.
tiros at Miilln. Mrs, Vun Meter was
sent for from Jerome wnero she
,vas visiting. An operation was per-j
formed Wednesday . ut Mmnnlli
Falls. .
Mr. J. A.. McComb has been ap
pointed as acting postma.iter or
Malln, Hunry Krupkn who hus
bean postmaster will go Into ranch
Work. ''.' "
At a meeting of tho hlllldln
com'mitteu of tho comniun'ly hull,
plans were Hindu for the healing
nml lighting of the hall und. for
finishing the' Interior of tho build
lug, II Is hoped to have thn build
ing teudy soon for use,
Mr, and Mrs, Fogle, and (laugh
ter Orletin returned from Sacra
mento Salurdny from a visit lo Mr.
Fogies sister,, j
Tli prestige of Herald Want Ad
tins iiuuii iitisined not merely by The
the fact that all of It readers are
,..r,..,..,l H Mot 14'Mt Stl
Silk nr..! TwiU
W k
'I bis dress of sllK und twill shews
(he lielltcss uiylc in a tunic effect,
The undtrdli is of iluurcd sllk. th
tunie of twill or rep. Thot ! a
ash l'lt tluu you may tin en tlit
side or In the back na you wish.