The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 31, 1921, Autombile Section, Page PAGE THREE, Image 7

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An Amphibious Airplane
'I'M ii Central Ori'Knii lllKhwny fol
low thn eiiat slupu ill IIiii Ciianiidii
llmiKO- It Ktililtm you over plateaus
Dial eiteod four lliiiumiml feel olu
vhIIoii, lluru you will llml huriln Knit.
IliK on randies aliuut im ll k iih oust
rril counties. TliiUD will Im scented
nnRii, Jnckriihhlts Unit nut u spiuu
with ttiolr wild li'iipliiK". unit liriiml
Oil librae lllllt kl'UIII UN Willi UN lllll
country tliuy ilwull In. If ou rump lit
nliht, liy tint vlila n( a Klreimi, tin;
Urcntn Imrklnii n( tint swift-fooled
cuyuta limy tio your Innltliiiu lullaby
Vou will Im inlil now iiuw in im
verao Ilia Central OroKon lllKliwuy
from I'ortlninl, thn center of nutu
toum. If. perchance, ynu nrn comlnu
Into Oregon out of Cnllfonilu, ruml
up Inatoad of down.
You limy trnvuraii tint Cnliiiuhlu
lllvor HlKhwuy ruM from Portland
roncUlliK It liy either limn I. Inn lluud
or Handy lloiilevard on tlm cunt aldu
of Ilia city ami by Ciiluiubln Itlvur
llllhwny tu Tim Dalle or to tlm mm
roml which luuiU aouth from Hpanlah
Hollow, Tim road from Hpanlah llol
low to Waaro, recently built, U on
a flo per rent xmiln, anil tlm road
from Tlm Dalle reijulre morn cllml-
liiRi both arn equully plcturon'iun.
While In tliu vicinity of Tlm Dalian
you iliuulil notion llm attractive illy,
tho renter of an important fruit ami
Kriln growing; illitrlct. A abort ill
Unco abnvo Thu Dalle. i tho Collin
Canal, government built at u com of
nearly flvo million ilollara, Tho Cell
lo Canal la onn of Inn great engin
eering achievement of llm Went It
Ii nearly tilim inllvn loii( ami cir
cumvent Klvo-Jdlln ami Ten-Mile
llapld ami t'elllo urTumwntiT KalU.
It remove tho lait barrier to unin
terrupted navigation on tho Coin in.
bin. from tho tea, flvn homlrnt mllea
Into Ihn Inlaml empire of Matin,
Washington ninl Oregon Thn aetllng
for Ibn canal la peculiarly Impreaaltn
Thn river rnara through narrow cut
In rock rrcfa ami below tint rapid
ml fall arn to Imi aeen thn Imllani
In rtimantlc poaturra tHiarliiK salmon
even aa Ihelr prugenltora who never
know or feared whlto men tllil. It
you leavn from Tlm Italic you may
run illrnct to Colllo at thn head of tho
ranal, then tako the roait to Waaco.
'Krom Waco you may follow tho
canyon of tho Deachulea by may of
Modraa, llvtlinomt, lletid ami Iji I 'I lie
ml an on to Klamath KalU where
tho groat plateau lako la altuateil.
Or, having reached I'rluuvlllu, you
may ki weal to Itcdinoiid ami then
south to lleml, or directly aoiltbwcal
lo llcnd ami thenco aouth
The beat wlah for you la I but you
may tee all of tbla country Thn can
yon of tho DeachUle la likened In
that of tho Grand Canton li itvpth
ml coloring, ami haa tho greatest
power ilovnlopmpiit possibilities In
thla country; lla flow, fed by moun
tain lakri, varying mil) a few Indira
during the entire year, unci tho trout
flailing well, juit try It, and you
will ever after remember tho glory
that la Oregon's.
I'rluovlllu la on Crooked lllver, and
Crooked Itlver cut for Itaelf n gaali
320 feet deep In finding on outlet tu
thn Doachutea.
Hedinond Invltea you to sea tho
deinonatratlnn farm whera posalblll
ilea ot dry land and Irrigated farm.
Ing are ahiiii, A aldu trip from Ited
mien In ('ontriil Oregon you may turn
In nlnioMt liny illreillun ynu wlah
Kilal of Demhulea lint plain rench
nut almost Interminably. With u cum
paaa you tuny go mm rounlry llttln
heedliig rimd.
I'riini llt-tliiiciiil vln I'rlui'vllln the
riniil In llurun. fur from railroads, In
vile iiml IliU roml lemlit ynu over
lliirk Moiiiiliiln ninl down liy Oliver l
Creek Ami miollier rnml to I In run In I
from fiend by of llmnplon valley)
with niiirrely uny urniln nt nil.
I'rnm lleml ynu may also go weal
to llm alnln built Tumiilo Irrigation '
project mill to llm town of HIMern,
ninl Iberii la also u roml, known n
the McKeniln I'naa, by which route
Olin may go. Ill tint Inter MiiMinnr
clonr liver Ibn Cascade mid ilonn thn I
McKiiniln Itlver lo digeun
When ynu have gulteu a fnr ninth
aa Klamath Kail. If you liiivn Ink en
tlm mad In thu right from I'rliinvllln
and llcnd, them la nnnther wny by
which ynu may pun mer thn Ciir
cadea to Medfnrd mid (Iranla Paaa,
vlaUIng mnneloiia Crnler l.iikn nod
Crater Ukn National Park on thn
If you follow thn from i'rlno
vllln to taknvlew, thn rouln lend to
Alturna nnd then In Iteddlng.
Onn may spend many pleaaant
hour In llm vicinity of Klamuth
Kail and Klamath l,ukn On tlm went
adorn ot tlm lukn la llarrlninii Lodge,
thn auminer linuin of tlm lain C II
llarrlmau, nnd now iiaed na n aum
iner hotel Thn trout, flahlng I ,-.
reedlngly gund nnd hrnad-blllcd pell,
can, na well aa thnuaamla of other
Inlereatlng water fov.1 urn found In
thnlr native habitat.
Kor Klamath la tlm iiaual alarllng
point for Crater Lake trlpa.
Kort Itork la given It iiamn be
cauan of tlm proilmlty of n huge,
fori shaped rock Hint rlae out of thn
plateau ateep and formldablo.
Hllver l-ukn I onn of tlm nldpat
aettlement In tlm aouth central Ore
gon dlatrlrl. and Hummer Uke wa
made fniunua by Colonel John C. Pro.
miint In hla eiplnrlng trip of 1X43.
1'alaley a aurrounded by rim rock
and aagn-bruah plalna.
Near Lakevlnw are great stock
ranchea and eitcnstvn Irrigation pro.
SjlSr'ir" SEtflffi "2SBa?aaMaM3aWj,
aVh. JSP','vaT iSStmi.
Did you ever wonder what would happen to an airplane It It wcro
forced to land In the water? Air pllota have wondered nbout that, too.
A ffan Kronclaco man hn Invented a device by which the pilot by moving
A lever Inflate taga under the wtnga and caata off the landing wheeta.
Thla convert tho land plane to a ocaplane.
Who uwiia, and whoro la tho olilcat
automoblln of Hlandard American
mnkn atlll In running condition?
Thut'a what tho manaKement of
tho national automobile, allow In
flrand Central I'nlacn, Nw York,
January 7 to H. and the Collaeum,
Chicago, Jununry 2R to Kcbruary 4.
wnnta lo know, and It would like to
hear from peraona who believe they
tlm entitled to thn honor of audi own.
Tlm purpoau of tho ahow manage
ment I lo glvo thn public n chance
to compare the car and equipment
furnlahed In tlm earlier day with tho
wonderful device and appliance
that nrn atnmlard new: In other
worda, to ahow tlm vnluo thu pur
rhuaer la getting now na ronlraated place tho atato among tho
In day of old, when thn pioneer
of tho Oregon country decided to
undertake n Journey of ten or twen
ty or thirty mile to Portland or Oro.
gnu City to lay In lupplle for tho
winter and to glean the Jateat now
from tho "aettlemcnt," tho trip wa
undertaken only after dint delibera
tion and careful thought. Kor atroag;
home wcro needed to pull thu wag
on over and through the road which
permeated tho wlldorncna. Htrong
wngon worn needed to ford thu
Rtrcaui and Ilia mud. Yea. and atrong
men went needed men, who, when
ocrnalnn demanded, could literally
put their ahoulder to llm wheel unci
nulit thu pcraplrlng horae to move
tho wagon through thu virgin uc II
that formed the roadway
Thoto day hnvo paaacd with tho
paaalng of tho pioneer llotli aro re
veracd memorlea. Oregon, today, ha
highway ylem which already
I wonder what thn road hog think,
a he goe on hi way, dntcated by
nil monled glnka, and cuaaeif by night
and day. He aurely hatea llm human
rar na down Ibn road ho awing
and In hla heart Ihero la no place fol
klr.'iy. friendly thing. Wo have our
llttln pewter cart, and wn would alng
nnd anille, If road hoga didn't break
our heart each quarter of a mile
Thn road hog loaf along, nlaa! and
when wo honk our horn, beaeechlng
room enough to paaa, he grin with
maudlin acorn Arnund tho rliky
curve ho fllea, and think lie' In
thn awlm; Ihn rule that govern de
cent guya havo little weight with
him. Home day tho fool will break lit
neck, but ero that day arrive, a
doien auto he may wreck, or poll
a doien live. And a I watch him
drlvn til barge, and weavo nnd purt
and turn, I wonder why Im I nt
large, when there are Julia to burn
i wonder why n man I fined ten
dollar or ton day, for alinollng road
ruond la through Maitraa to tho top of ,,0'!8 nml ,npr '"' "'""B Hie pub
Agency Plain where a view unpar-' llf ?' aaml Molorlat,
lleled may bo had of llm gorge ofl
tho De.chutca, I i'AX.UHAXH VHK Al'TOS
lleml la farther up tho Deachutea,
-Once il'wu called "Karowell lleml,".
At the turn In thn river uipedltlon
, going vaat bado farewell to water and
turned to Ihn tunmnrnblo aagohruah
trail, lleml I on tho border of tlm '
plno forest. Ilelween Hcdmoml mid I
llcnd are given the bent view of the
A total of 420,000 automobile In
Canada covered n road mllcago In
1920 which exceeded 1,680,000,000
nnd reglalercd a pnaaengcr mileage of
not leaa than 0, 820,000,000. Tho
atunm nnd electric railroad of the
dominion combined carried but 029,.
121,000, according to 8. I,. Bqulm ot
Caacade' mow peak colony In Ore-j tlm Canadian Hood Hoad nocla-
gon Ml, Jofforaon, Threo Hlatera,
Ilrokon Top, Threo Fingered Jack.
Alao pay attention to tho miinnlve,
weird bulk of Illack Unite, which n
lively Imagination will nt once people
with nil kind of itrango spirit.
You should bo reminded, too, Hint
Hon, n quotod In Canadian Motorist.
The number of puaaenger carried Id
:r.:,ono,nno nnnuuily.
Thn color of goldfish I modified
by changing the nmoiint nt mluornl
substance In tho water.
Berlin Plays on the Ice
with pioneer day. Moat of tho cor
at thn first automobile show In 1909,
and for aovernl year afterward, were
known "ona-lungera," because
I hey woro driven by a single-cylinder
gasoline engine. Two paaaenger wn
usually tho limit carried. Tho equip
ment wn, practically nil,
Homn Idea of tho vaat strides that
have been made In aulomobllo con
struction may bo gathorod from n
glanra at thn advertisement of tho
White Pelican (laragn on tho back
page. Thero la allow n thn modern
Chevrolet nnd down In thn loft-hapd
corner of the picture I tu bo teen
one of thn earlier model Sf automo
bile, which bear n itrlklng resem
blance to tho old-fnahloned two-aeat-cd
Rurrey of atlll earlier daya,
When men havo ceased to travel
And every one ataya home
Should tho social akcln unravel
Hack beyond thu daya or Home;
Hhould our sympathies, desires,
Ho confined lo nhnt-wo'vo-got.
And our Intorest mo rely fire
'Hound n single bouse nnd lot;
Hhould thn busy marl of trading
Never call to field afar.
No'er by rail or wing bo nlded
O'er tho geographic bar;
Should wo never lgh In summer
Kor a cooling northern breeic,
Should wo never aeck to slumber
Underneath tlm star nml trees;
Should tho travel lust that over
Krom creation' rising mn
Drovo our father, flopping never.
Till tho newest lunda wero won;
Should that heritago of wander
Ho forgotteti In n trice,
Could wo sit content and ponder
With content become n vice
Whon tho clock no longer beckons,
iWhen wo cneao to vnluo time,
When wo heed not fleeting second
In the universal climb;
When tho road no longer culls ua.
Whon wo still tho world-old trend.
When wo rnro nnt what befalls u
Thon tho "Auto lloom" will end.
Ohio Motorist.
Many new Idea In Ico yacht racing were evolvsd at th opening of
the iMion at rotsdam, Germany, Th above It rw itaftd by tat
,"l4m !y dub, Tb ikatlni yacht li em of tht moit ptuutw (4
porta n QtrtnWi
Mennlnit of PUton Klap
Tho' term of piston slap Is up
piled to a knock occurring at tho
cyllndor hood and piston head
when tho piston Is beginning, or
about to begin, power stroke, Tho
knock occur during an explosion
In tho cylinder mid I attributed to
carbon accumulation In combustion
chambers or Ignition. This knock
I sometimes formed "spnrk knock"
as It Is mora readily heard at ad
vauccd spark.
rank, and when completed, will be
second to none, Hcsldents of tho rur
al district today think of u thlrly
mllo trip to tho nearest city In term
of an hour and a halt's drive over a
hard-surfaced road that rivals tho
boulevards of their city neighbor.
Tho sprlngless wagon nnd tho bot
tomless road have bowed to tho ad
vent of tho highway and tho auto
mobile. Tho writing of tho highway history
of tho xtato should include not only
tho actual builders of tho roads, but
tho names of tho public-spirited men
who preached tho goapel of tho high
way conatructlon through long years
of unbellot nnd' Iflcrtlar Tribute-
should bn paid in thosVwho wcro "aa
voices crying In the wilderness;"
who roused tho Indifferent public to
llm noccsslty of roads as channols ot
commerce and tourist travel, and who
followed up this work by taking a
leading part In tho legislative bat
tle necessary to Inttlato tho broad
development program ot today. An
outstanding examplo ot this typo ot
man Is Charles Halt ot Marshfleld,
and for a short tlmo ot Klamath
Senator Hall Is best known through
tho part ho took In securing the pass
ago of the Hoosovclt Highway Hill
In the last session ot tho legislature,
but hi namo Is connected with tho
entire highway program (,ilnco Its
Initiation several years ago.
Mr. Hull's career In civic affairs
during tho past few years has been
such that ho has been nblo lo lead
entire communities In their battle for
better road. Ho was president of the
Hood Itlver Commercial Club at the
tlmo when tho Columbia Itlver High,
way wa being projected by Simon
Henson nnd others nnd was tho mnv.
Ing spirit In tho enthusiasm which
culminated In the organisation guar
anteeing the construction of thn high
way through Hood River County.
Later, when business IntorestR took
him to Con county, ho wa elocted
proaldent ot tho Marshfleld Chamber
ot Commerce, and Immediately there
after tho coast counties began to cla
mor with ono voice for u coast high
way which would servo not only ns
n military road, but would opon up
tho vast resources of tho coast coun.
ties to commerce nml tourist travel.
Hull was elected to tho Stnto Senate
by unanimous voto, and largoly thru
his efforts tho Hoosevo'lt Highway
was provided for and will soon bo-
como u reality.
Ah president of tho Oregon Stnto
Chamber ot Commerce Mr. Hall's
leadership oxtends to all districts ot
tho Htnto through tho affiliatod com-
-' 4
merclal club, nnd ho I looking for
ward to greater field Hi rand devel
opment Thn proposed Hkyllnu Troll,
which will traverse thn rroat ot tlm
Cascade from ill. Hood lo Crnler
l.ako, bail II Inception In thn Hluto'
Chamber. Mr. Hull I planning now!
on n system of highways and rail
roads which will link southern nnd
aoiitlmaslftni Oregon with thu Will-1
nmclto Valley and beyond tu tide.!
water, diverting through Oregon thin
commerce which originate In tho
Klamath country, nnd opening up thai
vut aoml-wllderiiPM of Lake, Har
ney nml Malheur Counties.
Theo plan may bo classed an vl
lonory, but so wn tho Columbia Itlv
er Highway, nnd thn Hkyllnu Trail i
Yesterday tho Columbia Itlver High
way wn completed and tourists are
telling It marvels to tho world, to
day tho Hkyllnu Trail I being blazed
Tomorrow who know? With men
like Charles llnll "behind tho guns I
thn road building program should bo'
limited only by thn unexplored scenic
attraction and undeveloped resour
ce which tho state .has to offor. '
Oregon Motorist. i
, I
Motor vohlclo servlro for tho
rtansportatlon of United States
mull I now established In 1C3,
cities. Thero nro 839 rural routes'
using car or truck. I
The Bare Truth of the Matter
' 1H
sssssssaV W'o aflv tffSH
KSdksiiamam. rl js; fai3
KaaaaB inl -;"0v!. .JWsal
HBB ii u 'v4si
Chicago claimed to have tho flneat array of "perfect backs" tn Um
world. "What!" exclaimed Oothomltes. "well ahow "cmr Aad so trkla
with beautiful hack aro being measurod and photographed at thcCohaa
Theater, New York, to gain evidence disputing tho claim of tbq.Wtedy
itiff 5
Dorit be a Slave
to a Stove
When a woman finds that she can do cooking
better than she ever did it before, do it with the
utmost economy of fuel and food, and at the same
time free herself from the necessity of forever
standing guard over a hot stove, she is likely to do
something about it.
Automatic Electric Ranges are getting all these
desirable results for thousands of women.
They are the only ranges that have really reliable
automatic control, and this control is one of the
things that makes them so economical to use. Nor
is their price as high as careless talk may have led
you to think.
Link River Electric Company
Wholesale Distributors
I I llfl
leadership oxtends to all districts of " if YJi
i , rjj w
iJSlv MM
V LONG y iifyfiL T MSZL' SOINGToBEATrJ Zjj ' ? ffe