The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 28, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
........ ....Kdltor
City Hdltor
Published dally oxcopt Sunday, by
Tbe Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, nt 110 'Eighth Stroot.
Entered At tho postotflco at Kla
math Falls, Oro., for transmission
through tho mails as second-class
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso for republication
of all nows dispatches credited to It,
or not othorwlso crodttod In this
paper, and also tho local nows pub
lisher horoln.
MONDAY, MAKCfl, -!, 1IW1.
The Office Cat
Women's faults nro many,
Dut men havo only twe:
Everything they say
And everything they do.
Moving Picture Modesty
A moving picture actor was suing
n company for an Immcnso sum for
breach ot contract. Upon bolng
cross-questioned by tho opposing at
torney, as, to Vrhy he demanded such
a sum, ho replied:
"Uecauso 1 nm tho greatest actor
In tho world." '
Later, one of his friends took
him to task tor so loudly singing
his own praises.
"I know," replied tho actor, "It
must havo sounded somewhat con
ceited, but I was under oath, so
what could I do?"
Tho first tax move Congress
should mako Is to Insure that there
will bo Incomes to tax. .
Indianapolis Star.
Suggested title for a lecture by
O. K. Chesterton, reputed master ot
the paradox, now lecturing In Amer
ica on "The, Ignorance of tho Educat
ed": The Wetness of Prohibition."
Gormany denounces the bill as a
crime against civilization. Well,
there's a country that ought to know
a crime against civilization when It
soos one.
Now York Qlobo.
It Is bard for Mr. Harding to find
men at onco big enough to satisfy
tho country and small enough to sat
isfy tho politicians. That kind doesn't
Tho Independent.
Ho had been reading knightly ro
mances and grew dissatisfied with
tho-prcscnt sordldnoss of the world.
Ho believed It to be his duty to Inject
some! romanco Into tho dally grind.
On a rainy, muddy day ho sallied
forth to perform some knightly er
rand. Ho boheld a bewitching prin
cobs about to step from her llmouslno
upon tho dirty pavement. Hastening
forward, ho spread his fur coat under
her dainty feet.
She looked ut him In surprise
"Well, of all the damn fools! she
Smart Set.
It you wero writing your own
opltaph, what Is tho best thing you
could say about yourself on your
Itoy Crawford says that any man
with a beard has a barbarous nature.
Oil stocks oro moro plentiful than
oil wells.
Harry Ackley says a friend who
will loosen up occasionally is what
ho'd call "closo".
Tho, only difference wo have) beon
ablo to notico between tho 25 cent
shavo of today and tho ten-cent vari
ety of yeslordiy Is the fifteen cents,
which, In tbe good old days, would
buy three loaves of bread.
Tbe Baby Must Been the Receiver
of Thfl'Ftrair-Eaton & Eaton,
A news dispatch from Redwood
City, Calif, says:
"Mrs. Louis Eaton won tho right
to spank tho on bnhy. Knton sued
for tltvorco, nllcglng that Mrs. Katun
spanked tho bnhy, Mrs. Raton's counter-suit
alleged that Hnton hnd
spanked It first.
Muslim, Piio Mister Will H)e.i
'Fcnwlck McCloud of Clenrflcld,
Pa., received a check from tho gov
ernment the other day. It was due
his father, who served In tho civil
war, and hnd been In the malls since
A mnn doesn't give life much for
nil ho gets out ot It.
Why Not llnve it Nice Little Street
l'nrailc Jutt lleforo the Service.
ltov. It. J. Itcnnot, Morgnntown,
W. Va., lms hired a brnss band to
.piny In his church bctoro and after
tho sormon. This, ho believes, will
attract tho mnlo element of Morgan
town, having noticed that men and
boys nro always In tho front line
ranks at circus parades.
Sunday school tencher: "If you nro
n good boy, Wllllo, you will go to
heaven nnd havo a gold crown on
your head."
Wllllo:' "Not for mine, then. I bad
one ot tho things put on a tooth
"A man, muta torn year tnkes a
drink of moonshine nnd spunks."
(From dally pnpor.)
NOTE Ilents any pnnacua tho drug
gist has.
Turkish women have begun to
show their faces, but-evidently noth
ing startling In tho. way of benuty
has been rovcaled. There has been no
rush ot movie magnates to Constanti
nople. Idaho Has Worst
Fire Hazards of
All U.'S. Forests
MOSCOW. Idaho. March 28.
That tho fire hazard In tho forests
of northern Idaho Is worse than In
any other section ot tho United
States was the, statement mado hero
recently by C. C. Dclavan, flro as
sistant on tho Coeur d' Aleno na
tional forest, In an address boforo
forestry students ot tho University
of Idaho.
"Although north Idaho's rainfall
Is moro abundant than In many oth
er sections, there is practically nono
during tho months of July nnd Au
gust, when forest fires nro at their
height, bo said. "During this per
iod, high westerly winds sweep tho
timbered sections having n power
ful drying effect.
"We havo the minimum ot rain
fall and humidity occurlng when tho
winds, temperature, sunshine and
evaporation aro greatest, a combina
tion of natural factors which cre
ates an abundance of Inflammablo
material nad onables tho flrso to
burn fiercely and spread."
Mr. Dclavan recently was detail
ed t omake an Investigation of tho
climatic factors affecting tho flro
hazard of the northern region. In
conjunction with J. A. Larson,
United States forest examiner of tho
Priest river experiment station.
Horald classified ads pay you.
Tying Ty Managers' Worry
JKr wBrnia pitches
Tying Ty-Cobb has a new meaning now It once meant lying
him at the plate and on the bags. This year it will mean tying the
wbolo Detroit ball club that Is being directed by tho quickest think,
Ing brain on spikes. But Ty was never tied as A player. Tying
htm an it Rklnnnr will be a. blseer Job.
(Herald Woohlngtou Durum)
WASHINGTON, March 28. Con
solldntlon ot mnuy of tho land oft
flco positions of register and recolvor
Is proposed by Secretnry of Interior
Fall, mid It his plan succeeds, as It
apparently bids fair to do, many of
fices In Oregon will bo affected.
Secretary Fall prepared n bill em
bodying his plan nnd submitted n
copy of It to Chairman Slnnott ot tho
public Innds commlttco, nnd hns call
"oil for his comments on tho proposed
Secretary Fnll doslres the cbnngu
for tho purpose of economy whoro
the offices mny bo comblnod without
Impairing efficiency.. Ho says In his
letter to Chairman Slnnott thnt land
offices wilt hnvo to bo malutnlnod
In ninny places on account of long
distances for trnvol wero thoy nbol-
Ished, but the consolidation may bo
undo In many places. Tho bill gives
tho president authority to consoli
date tho offices ot recolvor nnd
resistor by oxocutlvo order.
It fixes tho snlnry nt $500 per un
num plus nil fees nnd money here
tofore received by both rcglstor nnd
receiver ot land offices, but makes
n limit ot all reimbursements of
$5000. per year. 8ocrotary Fall be
llows a largo nmount'ot money may
bo saved and many employes climlt
ed from tho service, duo to duplica
tion of tho work nt prcsont.
Anyono who wants to go Into tho
range country to buy cattlo now Is
viewed with suspicion. James, 11.
Mockwlth ot Fort Klamath, register
ed at tho Imperial, hns been on a buy
ing tour In control Oregon and says
that apparently ho Is tho only man
who was out to uuy. "I'vo gof. a
big ranch nnd lots of grass so I de
cided to take a chanco and buy some
more cattle," ho explained. "I gath
ered up about 200 bead and havo
them feeding on $7. CO nlfalfa at
Pilot Hock. In about 30 days, when
tho snow has disappeared from tho
vicinity ot Crescent, wo will walk
them to my ranch In Klamath. Thc!foro Thursday, tho 12th dny of May.
will cover a dlstanco ot about 1G
miles a day. I bought flno stock for
$2 a head less than tho owner was
offered and refused last fall, and he
has had to feed them all winter."
Mr. ncckwlth usually sends his stuff
to tho California market, which is
moro convenient than shipping to
Portland. Oregonlan.
HEALDSDURO, Cal. March 28.
Members of tho Healdsburg post of
tho American Legion aro demolishing
nn old Soventh Day Adventlst Church
hero and will uso tho heavy redwood
In tho building for a Icglon club
houso. Tho timbers In tho church
were taken from nearby forests and
cut at a rudo mill set up by the
church members. Tho church was
abandoned when tho Adventlsts mov
ed to St. Holonn and Mountnln Vlow.
YAKIMA, Wash., March 2S. -llttr-rlng
uutorscon disaster tho Ynkliim
vnlloy npplo crop this year will ho
cl(i9o to 12,000 earn, according to
state department of agricultural
workers. It Is estimated thnt 9,000,
000 boxes will bo roiiulrod to puck
tho 1020 crop, which will mean 1.
B00 earn of lumber at 30,000 feet to
tho car, or 30 solid trains,
No less than 4, GOO, 000 pounds of
pnpor would bo used for wrapporn
If tho crop meets expectations. This
would ntmmnt to 112 cars of 20 tons
to tho car. Poxes nlono urn expected
to cost growors nbout $1,2(10,000
this season nnd wraps $4 BO, 000.
SALEM, Or., Mnrch 28. Tho Cull
fornlnfornla, Oregon Power company,
with headquarters In San Francisco,
hns written n lottor to tho Oregon
public service commission to tho ef
fort thnt tho corporation Is planning
to flont bonds In the sum ot $1,000.
000 for Improvements, the grenter
part of which will ho expended In
Tho lottor received by tho com
mission was In reply to an appeal ad
dressed to the corporation urging
thnt It tnko some action to nssl&t In
relieving tho present unemployment
Tho grent Mandnrlnn version of
tho Chinese lllhlo, completed by tho
American Illblo Socloty after twenty
tlvo yonrs of work nnd nn expendi
ture ot several hundred thousand
dollars, places tho Dlblb nt tho dis
posal ot morn than four hundred mil
llpn people, a greater number than
that reached by any other translation
In history.
Ijuv No. 11M0
1). T. (lodsll, plaintiff, vs Maurice
Qulnlnn, Iltich Fnlvoy nnd Dan Sulli
van. Defendant
To Dan Sullivan, Lcfcndnut'
OF OIIKCON: You nro hereby re
quired to appear nnd nnswer tho com
plaint filed ngalnst you In the above
nntltlml rntirl ntiil ncllnn nn nr !in
1921. that bolng tho last dny of the
tlmo prescribed by the order of pub
lication of tho nbovo entitled court
within which you mny appear and
answer, and If you fall so to nnswer,
for want thoreof, tho plnlntlff will
take Judgment ngalnst you for tho
full sum ot $S0OO, with Interest
thorcon nt tho rate of 8 per an
num from February 24, 19)9, nnd
tho further sum of $C0O ns his nt
tornoy's foes on his first causa ot ac
tion, and tho full sum ot $1702.14
with Interest thereon nt tho rate of
8 por nnnuin from Juno 8, 1919,
and tho further sum of $200 as his
attorney's fees on his socond cause
of action, and for his costs and dlo
bursements horoln to bo taxed, and
also that any monoys orproporty bo
longing to the nbovo named defend
ants or any of them which may be at
tached In tho nbovo entitled nctlnn
shall bo held and sold and the pro-
coeds applied to tho satisfaction ot
such Judgment ns plnlntlff mny oh-1
tain, ns Is by law provided.
This summons Is sorvod upon you
by publication thoreof for n period
of six successlvo and consecutive
weeks (7 Insertions,) pursunnt'to nn 1
ordor by Hon. D. V. KuykemUll,
Judgo of tho nbovo entitled Court,
which said order Is dated March 2fi.
1921, -the dnto of the first publica
tion of said summons bolng March
28, 1921.
Attornoy for Plaintiff, whoso busi
ness nnd postofflro- nddress Is
Loomls-nidg., 409 Mnln St., Kla
math Falls, Klamath County,
Mnrch 28 April 4-1M8-2S M. 2-9
No need to sacri
fice lustiness or food
value inyoureflbrts
to keep living costs
That is, If you
know the tempting,
satisfying goodness
and real economy of
Dil, Monte Beans
cooked with Toma
to Sauce.
Mr. Business Man:
Let us call your attention to our large
supply of inhs, paste and pencils. We have
made a particular effort to have this line as
complete as possible. We mention here a
partial list:
Writing Fluid. Quarts 7B
Writing Fluid, Pints - M.OO
Writing Fluid, 14 Pints - 60c
Fountnln Pen Ink, All Colors v 0c
lilco Paste, r. ox. Jnr Willi llrusli rBo
Clco. Paste, Pints .2G
Ail llest Cedar Wood.
Preference No, 2 nnd No. 3, per do 700
UMnco.iNn. 2 nnd No, 3, per doz 0c
Venus Pencils, All (Irados, Each too
' Ilnkiirn Pencils. No. 2, 3, per dox 8Gc
Economy Pencil Hhurpeners $2.00
Call and see us when you need office
supplies. We have 'what you want.
By the Stationery-Man.
Falls Creamery butter which if pre
sented at our office will be cashed
Local Hi Graduate's
Track Performance !
Startles Bay Runners
The surprise ot tho California Cnl
vnrslly Olympic club tract meet on
tho California oval, March 10, wns1
the defeat of tho Winged O two
mllcr, Hunter, by Charles Dorr (
This Is Dorr's first fccason.
Hy winning this event In the re-i
markablo tlmo of 9 minutes, 48 and
4-G seconds, Dorr showed that ho Is
one of tho grontest two-mllers ever
developed In tho west," says tho Dally
Callfornlan. "Tho tlmo In this event
was six .seconds faster thnn tho California-Stanford
Dorr graduiitcd from tho Klamath
county high school with tho class, of
'Hi and Is well-known among tho
younger set hero
Btiii -if -V-iwiJ-.
a xyniid2t
C 111 d QllBsPleSi "w "' av "(iV'' uuM
ift SsSJ B WSmmSmSmMm
S5JB cT. 1M Mil I 'MMUL TfflMnftfsWIMTsMi
S ! F3 " B&EPlKl II SEW r ?PW5WIBr
Smm mm h sW i Mi
Oak floors aro ofton found In such costly surroundings that '
fow Imnglnn how llttlo thoy cost. Very fow pooplo roallte how
much thoy can got for their monoy by laying -lnch Oak floora
over old floors.
Tho dlHtlnctlvo modern and artistic appoaranco of a homo, as
veil ns Iln health and comfort, will bo greatly Increased by tho
ubu of Qalc flooring. Oak flooring la rich and chcorful In color,
and Imparts nn air of ologanco and roflnomont to a homo.
'For pormanontly artistic floorH wo recommend Long-Doll Fork
ed Leaf Oak Flooring. It Is uniform as to color and toxturo, per
fect as to mnnufacturo and Is of suportor quality. Iln remarkably
smooth uurfaco Is unsurpassed, and It makes an Ideal foundation
for a beautiful Interior.
Lot us know tho slzo of tho rooms you wish to" floor. You will
bo surprised nnd pleasod at tho figuros we con quote you on"
7i-lnch Long-Uoll Forked Loaf Oak Flooring.
Big Basin Lumber Company
Telephone 107 Main 'nnd Spring Streets
What Sick People and
Prospective Mothers
Want in Home or Hot
pital: Rafo. flano. Prompt, Proper Tro
fesslnnnl enro and results at mini
mum cost.. (Collocllvo meaning,
Provontivo K'irgcry) Surgical casef
belong In a Surgical hospital. Most
othors can bo efficiently tndijnor
economically cared for at bom.
Allopatlilo MedlclM aad Barge?
7th and Main 8U.
Phono 280-W. Klamath Fall ,