The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 16, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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iii hnvr you ny relations
there doctor?"
"No" replied Doc, "liut I have two I
maiden Mints In tho Kingdom of
610 Main Street
is one of our specialties. Those who are wearied
with shopping or visiting can stop in this restau
rant and partake of the daintiest repast, perfectly
cooked and served. We have special tables for
ladies as well as special dishes. We invite their
patronage, which, once bestowed, is always con
tinued. Our service is the reason.
The Jewel
I lly the way, what do mi think nf
tit In bunch (or ofllro Iti Wellington"
It might hd!i some of the thirsty
ones In the Falls.
President: Allien T llevotldgo ,
Yin-president: Maggie Tight.
Sec. or State: Congressman Put
ler. i .
See. of the
Sec of War:
Soo of the Navy:
Attorney (Istionl
Treasury: Konstor
Lou's Sherry. I
Prof. II. Hears.
Judgo linnti
l'otmntr donors!: Harris
W'rlm-loih. ' '
s.-c of the Into ler: (leoice E
111 ewer
sv.- of ABrlcalture: Hettry It.
Drinker '
.e. nf Cemmerce: Flunk II '
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
We 1 1 not clJ cuirvnt; c ell enlce. miiiihW odd
diM.n't It?
Well. uppoc iIip niMiil ilenlee nhl ervliv Instead of vvooil. It
vt.mhl li'tul to your futiiare mul jour r.ttiKe, take nvvny the u-lus
nnil the fluex. You would buy mi intirli heat.
N'otr you buy mi iiiiicIi light, although joii pay ncrorillnc to tlie
current Jim ruiiMiir.c. Hut the erlt N perfmmeil for you In thlt
company r.t the uht.itlon jiimI icr plum.
Thnt N what vto want to give you efficient rrltr. It l the
rrn of thl company to hate none Imi ntlffnl ruMomer. No
mutter what It is. If joii have a grlcvamc. or me diatUflrd nlmni
your hill or do not understand our rate. plene come In and oee
u or write u nbuut it.
If you hare nny suggestion to make, we will gladly avail our
selves of them a our aim I constantly to Improve our KO.-iire to
you n fast on the development of science and human ability Hermit.
California-Oregon Power
In t the flaw when he may havo for
go'ton its cause. ,
TM birieb 8itt u't the "wtr
nil riht hot I-on Ptsr thinks tht
the f llewtnn hunrh wuittt suit th '
il'" bettor
r"i wtm m w .iBiininwi nrina
e wro Is false to present duty, . J .
, ,fc , . . , . '. V ec-Pres llenr T. Rnln.
nks n threHd In the loom, sad t1ll - ...... ..
wtmwT nr mam iminrf- imnrv
Bk. of Ww Mator-flanerol
The above ti by tht once celalirat-', Se. of tho Ntivy: F. n. 8srenn
ed iireirher. Ilsnry Wnnl Iteechor ' Attortiw anerl- C. R. tlrook.
When be ojiiko tboso onli tn Cht-' I'ostBMSlcr Oonnl. Iltnry Wn
car", little did be realize how true tewtm
they would be In his own life Wit on i Sw of ,,,e 1'' t''"4. Dryer
he palce thoe wordt, his heart w:is' .
in hlH businesR of preaching tho go. ' u'p '", uono " nr u,u,r ,han
pel. When he spnko thone words. wo ou' l t0 ,m "nd " ' ou oven
t!ie future seemed brlsht nnd rosy to ""? " " " u" "' u" "" w,,r ,onn
hint. Hut sometime soinvw here.
Henry Wnnl llrecher broke a thread
Sometime somewhere! . , , . ..
I oe mn won biHtri iiib a u.
we otiRlit to be.
,i (This includes i.ons tiar.i
In the loom
Henry Word Ileecher ns false to
uresont duty. And ho found the
flaw when, doubtless, he bad for.
(rotten the cinse.
Knr be It from us to tilk ncalnst
one whoje life was ns useful as was
tho life of Henry Ward Ileecher I
merely call attention to how tho
truth of one of the famous preach
er's famous statements was brought
rasn who iUiei
bank arount may be SJtd
wclMulnncod man.
to ho
home to him.
O D llurke asked the .Star
the other mornlnc what the differ ,
ence between n safety sml an ordi
nary raior was
We replied that It was purely
matter of sex: the former belnx a
female !ntrum,nt. whll th liiit-r
Is n regular he-man nffilr.
Accessibility is a prime requisite for tho suc
cessful maintenance of n motor truck ai mini
mum expense.
You will find MACK trucks SncMporata more
advance -J principle 3 of de clopnirttt toward the
accomplishment cf accessibility thun can hi
clnmied for otliftr make? of tnicko. Tlds h the
result of MACK enjr'p.corm'; anJ twanty-fat'?
jesrs of building end perfrctinrj motor ttiicks.
MACK trucks ere build in twi types. The
models mtdar 3 tony (Rapacity arovLnoyn as AB j
thoae over aa AC. Tho molo.a arc identical ci
ccpt as to size.
Examine lltcay fcalttrcn of accesstbtlil;: Portt
in the side of thn crankcasc, removed by n
thumbscrew, permit inspection of tho ohfis;
Pistonn and Conncctinrr rods may be drnwn
throuuh the bottom without disturbiti"; eitlier
rltaft; the Camihaft may be withdrawn throucrh
the front; the Magneto and Pump arc locate! 1.1
front of the engine.
The AB power plant, including engine, clutch,
transmission nnd instrument board may be re
moved as a unit. The AC engine may be slid out
the front by removing the bumper.
J. H. Garrett & Son
All Ex-Service Men
Do not be too sure that Government Insurance
is no good.
Study it carefully before you turn it down.
Ask any reliable insurance man. He will tell you
that Government Insurance is cheaper and better
than any he can sell you.
No "matter how long you have been discharged or
how long your insurance has been lapsed you may
reinstate your War Risk Term Insurance at any time
before July 1st, 1920, by paying two months prem
iums for the month of grace in which you were cov
ered and for the current month.
If yours has lapsed, reinstate at once !
There is No Armistice With Death
Call or write Red Cross Headquarters, 119 S. 5th, for
information, reinstatement and conversion blanks.
I.ono Slur's ulfu 3id to him the
other day. "I with you would buy
mo a silk dust coat."
said I, "If I could ralO
& "Jvuould
I It has always been imI'I that (tod
was good to the Irlih tint that wont
apply these days as you will rind out
when you go to buy spuds.
We hear than New York telephone
girls are marrying off so fust that
tho service Is seriously Impaired.
Scsnu that they i;ui someone's num
ber all right.
Someone once asked a Mlssourlan
why Mlsourltood at the heud In
talslng mules.
"Hecause Its tbo only safe place to I
stand" replied he.
Heredity Is only n screen behind
which som people undcrtnke in hide
their proclivities for wrongdoing
They know thst the dead and gone
aro too far nwuv to tell them what
liars they nro.
I ... ge bio (I oil i' wixi ,iph ...,l
t'e d'iv
Who ' tin ooiiet hat Ihe
lead to pay
e-r r 1 In -rl w,i for jou
Thai n nothing v,o reidied
w irit.g in) shoes iiA.ty for you
Our llfo Is but a summer day
Some only breakfat. and nway:
Others to dinner stay und aru ful'.
The oldest man hut sups and go
to bed.
This was written by I.ono Hlnr on
meditating on tho high cost of living
these days.
Might have to h.ive
leather some
been a good stunt at
llooverlted on shoo
"The world seems to have beaten
a path to this man's door."
"Yes; maybe he makes mouse
trap." ,
"And maybe be makes moonshine,'
too." I
Wo heard this ono on Main street '
the day before yesterduy. I
(Jiorge Timer (nln Kiglilcen
I Among 20 colleges listed In the
distinguished class "for the general
efficiency" of their military Instruc
tion Is Included the Oregon Agricul
WASHINGTON, June 14. The an- turaj college,
nual Inspection of tho leading col-l
ah a result 01 inquiries, n is stated
leges and schools of. the
whlrh rnmltirt thp rphPrva nfflrnra'
training units show a grade of mill- ,1,at "otloa-plctures of domeUlc In
tary Instruction "decidedly more teres.t ?mott popuIar' Uh Wt'8t
thorough and of higher quality than ?rn ""' nU comedies tlclng
ever Iwforo In tbo history of our if"" second place.
country," nays an announcement to-j m
day by tho war department. ' a Classified Ad will sell It.
I'ouniN nnil III Itlii'
IMsnpixvim After taking Tan.
Inr Wouhln'l Take Any.
thing For (mhI It IHil
Jlr. Murray and Mr. Soulo wcrol
talking In the Herald office the other!
morning as the Star strolled In.
This Is what he heard:
Murray: "That young fellow
Scribbler sent In a paper this morn
ing "Milieu wny no I i.itq. ..What Tanlne has .lonn for in.. Is
Seule: "What did you do wlth;worth moro I3n n fortllne,.. ,aMl
' ., , !eorgo Tower, of 20' Itottenberg ,
Murray: ncturned It with an en- 8l.f ft ufc.ianK resident of ilullfax,
closed slip saying. 'Ilecauhe you Nova BcoB nn(, w-known em-
moiled this instead of bringing It ,)Ioyo of Ul0 Nova Scmln Trnm n(,
PC7nnJ '. . Tower Co. "I have gained eighteen :
(T. S. Don t expect to ever see noumJlJ nm f).oI ,iettor mn for
this ono in Print.) twenty-eight long years," ho contln-(
lucd. . '
"What Is this Spiritualism all' .., ,,,,.. ,., in ihn1
world sufforod from rheumatism as
bud as I did. It was u sharp, shoot-
When we die this is what we are
going to have engraved on our tomb
stone We have made arrangements
with Karl W'hltlock already.
Header pais on and do not waste
your time
On fulre biography and hitter
For what I nm, this crumbling
chy Insures,
For what 1 was, is 110 affair of (
yours. 1
We met a friend of ours of the
Hebrew perminslon on I'lno street
lail wek. and seeing his handsome
fuce wreiilhcd In smiles, asked lilm
why such happiness.
"Veil you sen" ho replied. "I mil
going 10 bo married tomorrow."
I "Hut your wife only died list
, week" we shot nt him.
"I know dot" he said, "but I don't
1 hold sliplte long."
This will be nil for today.
t llefore wo were married, Umo fl"V- M'KelvIn of Nobraskn s.iyn
1 Star and his wife weru a very loving that "wastefulness and extrnvnganro
couple This Is perfectly nil right ro twin evils of this hour and may
nnd as It should be. One night our bu placed In the snme category with
present wife said to us "Honey I'm Idleness."
"Ileinains to be seen."
line nuln that would eo through mv
Mr. Murray asked I.ono Star the Uni!Bti ,lown my ,,. ni, ,Mt0 tuy
other day. as ho was handing In on unMvll jUMt ,lky M)meiody was stick
article, "Aro you Buro that this art- .,. knif ihrmich me. 1't
'work at all In damp weather and
suffered so Intensely I would turn
'...hi... U .. Ul.,. 1IM.A.. t... ..,..1.
i..lij fin .. nnvuti 11 .lull (I.u .tlljvnny
'came on I wouldn't be ablu to sloop j
a winx, my joints wouiu swell nun
iclo Is or.'g'nul?"
"Yes" wo replied, "all oscopt a
few words you might havo run across
In tho dictionary before."
" Mwwwwftwwww nr. j ju
Western Floral Shop
living and departed, flowers
aro tho Icglcul, natural tri
bute of osteem and affection.
Jlelng Nature's loveliest gift
to man (except woman), you
cannot show your feelings in
a tenderer way than by
means of floral gifts. Choose
from our largo and beauti
ful array. Set pieces made
to order,.
Listen to this ono folks. It was
composed at tho recent circus- which
visited our town. It goes to show
that I.ono Star docs havo a glimmer
ing of humor once In a while.
Minnie was a cirrus girl
Her musclos were Immense
I asked her how bIio got thut way
8ho said "My life's In tents."
my luicoH would get stiff 11s boards
and I wouldn't bo uhlo to walk for
wo or llirtu daya ut u time just lay
tip In bed lint on my back.
"Taniuc was so highly recommend
ed by people right hero In Halifax
that I tried It and now I wouldn't
tnko anything In tho world for the
good It has done mo. My rheuma
tism Is cntlroly gone, my appetite
in uriicr iu lanu uuvaniage 01 ino.i.n, ni.u,! . . Bn,i i .innn
overall voto no doubt tho two lead-'
Ing political purtles will roname
Itepubllglnghum parties. t
Doc Wisecarver was recently din
ing with some folks' who were proud
of the recent elevation of a member
of their family to congress.
"This" said the doctor's hostess,
"makes the second of my family In
ovory night, and feel llko a different
man altogether, Tanlac Is tho great
est thing I havo ever seen and I want
to let everybody know what this
wonderful medlclno will do,"
., Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls by
the Star Drug Co., In Lorella by the
James Mere. Co., and In Merrill by
the Southern Oregon Drug Co. Adr.
-- .. - -.... --i---nr.-r-y-innni-LnrLnnjvmj-u-innj'
Within the next week or ten days we will
take over the stock of Roberts & Whitmore and
conduct a Strictly Cash Grocery.- Our aim will
be to give ihe people the very best at prices that
will appeal to all cash buyers.
We feel that by buying in carload shipments
and giving the people the right prices they will
be glad to pay cash.
Watch this paper for further announcements.
J. E. Enders & Co.
J. Li. LillUCId IX ViU.
Successors to
&x vyrgMtffr n&