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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1920)
P?g itettma Itostlft ihiai. r.tii:u ok 01 OI'HICIAI. PAPKK Or KLAMATH COUNT klamath pam Fourteenth Year No. 3912 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1920 Price, Five Cent niinnrnrn HUMP IHIIIIIII ULII nnflnl U whom MUnULIILU nil o WIFE SISTER OF LOCAL GROCER Kbeii Krotiri Ureetitaw, killed y" tariiay with il 'il Bar "M " Mutran bandit. brother-in-law of T l' IvnlnlH. local grocer, u bmc. knoMii ll nln ftr Mr Knlchl had ' ,n xhe Kvtmln Ilrrald uf Oio traedy told In an Amocii4 l're tlplcb Thn name of the lown whero (ho killing look place, accordion Jo Mr KnUhl l I'HiiU and t I J6 kilo mter from Ml CMly Mr On-oii-l, wa halt owner of sawmill eon. vrn called lh Muchl l.umbr com pany, which oprata plan! about On (lt of lb t'pllran Hay Lurnlwr company employing 3.000 Mdtrant and 1 Americana. II" lo ln (ofr.trd In Kl Oro Mining & lUllwa) rampany lloth thn milling and mln Inc rompanl" r American con roi, ay Mr Knight, and not con trolled by KnclUhman n atated In tbo dUpatthra Mr Knight heard from hla slater threo wcka Ago and al that time there w no hint of trouble, Mr and Mf Ofrotitaw had Ihreo chil dren, two boy and a tctrl. the mur dered boy. aged nine yoar. blng lbi Ut. Mr Oreenlaw i a veteran lum berman lie a the owner of Vblli I'lno Lumber company of I'tnli and a lumber company at Cliff. Arleow. which he old SO )var ecu und motel 10 Meilco Mr Knight lived nt Pallsada for about to year and l very familiar with Meitcan condition DOUBLE LAND SALE CAUSES LITIGATION The ull of K W Ktrowhrldge -agalmt It C HplnV over poMeMiou of land near ('hlloUln which both lalm to have purchased from II K Jackton. an Indian n'aldent of the rnervatlon, U on trial In the local court The trial Marled ymterday I'UintlfT claim to have purchned thn land from Jackann for 13000, .i curlng a de.-d llj nllege that later defendant prevailed on Jackaon to ll tho aamo piece nf property nicaln, defendant hntiiR tho purchaa r at 15000 Defendant recorded hla drml to tho land rtwl, plaintiff following within a few dy, Hoth deed are on record hut tho money In either trnnaactlon la held In crow awaiting determination of tho alt, Much connictlng tnatlmony haa on Introduced. Tho cane It nttrnctlng conalder able Intiiroat nmoiiB realdnnta of tho fhlloquin district nnd thn Judgn'ii chambora. whero tho trial la bolng hold aro flllod with epectatora. vi:atiii:u ui:iout OIIKHON'Tonlght nnd Wednea ly. fair; hunvy froal; wvaturly wind. MICKIE SAYS LMWi' riPP rkrwncikirk. T COT twuiv tvmu.eo UWE QOVTTAkACV os.-rwv -r' okmcN NNOKtM OUt'lA. y.U. MtW l"-s9 w -rvv oTUca mu. J WW. NOO TMM, TO TU PRINTERS ITCAAUITO I TMtCA I ruriivioos! ' S (&.: lOWlOff liniviTM ThtiAr m.m.L7..V ra Liauj IXiV ua i;,r9 CUUflU Sffii tt"a. &JI 'm i I'Wntti it uv MAItVlaMI VOTIIIIM II.M.TIMOIli: May I Major (ielmral I collar. I Vui dnfnutiiil tlnnaior Hiram Johiiuiii ynater day in the primaries for Mary laud a prn(ttrnrn f,,r , ( inilillmn presidential tiomlua tluu by a majority of 74l votea. according tit complete returns today There wm all unusually light tvto C4t INDIAN.M'OMH. May 1 rlr wither nd'dep ,0oted Interr.t ,h campaign r I viperlm! Id proilucn a heavy vol today In the Indiana prl- Itiary In which Wood. Ixiwden. i John. mi and Harding are con- , ir.iaut. for the nomination ior president There are no can- , dldan for the Democratic uom- Inallon The Indiana law fir , hid the writing In of namea A t -.. '' T E i " I llntwi-en night Irlna about Ihil1 BARNS VIOLA TNG I HlllllJWIIVIHIl IIIMI .in IM.UII-ll IIUI-TMI " '- "' i .,.. ..I.. ,,- country acting a escort for the atork .Interpretation of the national prohl ' nmendment nnd apportion the and dallv routine uraeilo Dr A A 0ton amendment, qualified as can- Present tlmbr growth for paper Houle. city health officer, has bein a ,n,jat fr national delegate In addl- making until new forests could bo busy man lately, hut hs found a fe on lo tllo 26 namet, by l0 ,,, grown pare hour here and there to shove central committee The democratic William Randolph Hearst of New the cleanup campaign along ! delegates are unidedged The prohl- Vork- ubmltled a letter setting forth The rpeillro Is taking a coure In uitlon group Is pledged to the candl-,hl" flews. He ndrocated n 20 or 2C municipal law between whiles ' dary f Henry Cloy Necdham of I.os lH'r cc" reduction In the use of print hrnwslng through the musty codec- Angelea l paper by all publisher nnd tho dou- lion of ordinances that have collect-' Uegtstratlon for today' election bllng of circulation nnd advertising ed In the last thrre decades and pick j nxceeds that for any previous prl- ratca. This, ho ald. would restrict ,lng out thine applicable to sontta- J mary election In California. Of the circulation and advertising without ,,on I 1. II 1.192 men and women eligible to affecting revenue. In hi chnio through the archives , vote. CS3.76? are registered a re- The fundamental cause of nowpa ho has routed out a number of queer publican's. 247.737 a democrat. ' Pflr recklessness In the use of print measure, some nf which are appsr- ently very applicable and In good working condition He ha found that plenty of law- o deal with most of the pressing sanitary problem ex ist, and need only energetic and gen era! enforcement Among ordinances having a direct bearing on the public health I one relating to of stable refuse, a law that Is In sound working condi tion but which la violated. It Is safe lo say. by the owner of every barn In the city It I provided that fly-tight bins shall bo maintained by every barn nnd stable. A far as thn health board's Investigations have gone, and they have been very comprehen sive, thero I nut a stable In Klamath r'alla complying with tho ordinance, which rend n follows "It shall hn .unlawful for any own er, occupant, tenant or any agent for property to permit any manure to accumulate In heap or pile nbout or nrnund any livery stable, feed stable, snlo stnhle, private stable, barn or any other plnca In thn city of Klntn nth Kill I utile the nmo shall be lopnsltod In roceptnele constructen In such n manner ns will exclude nnd prevent It Ion hnvlng nccen ttu-rnio, nnd It shall bo thn duty of ovory por non. firm or corporation to remove and cart nwny of otliorwlao dlapow nf In n sanitary mnminr nil rofuao, manure nnd dlsposo matter that may nccutmilntn an nforosnld. "I'onnlty not Ion than ?G or morn thnn $50 or GO days Imprisonment or both." Ilnnm nro tho natural broodlnR plncon of files nnd (lion nro tho nntur nl cnrrler of dlonno. Kvory honlth olllcor feel thnt barn nt thn pronont 1 1 mo nro nomnwlint of n, nncotwnry evil, nltlimiKli tavr towns hnvo thorn no widely ncnltnrod tbrouRh tholr roBlduttco dlnlrlctB an doe Klnmnth rail. Ah long nit them nro dirty ImniH nnd cm ruin tho honlth bonrd Is llghtliiK nRaliiRt odds In Hh offortn to keop Mm city froo from opldomlc nnd, runllzliiK tho sltuntlon, ono of tho most onurKotlo oIToiibIvob of tho local bonrd'H rniupnlRn l dlroctod iiRiilnnt thn InHinillnry stnblon. HTIUi MIX l-'ICKT Oil" HNOW AT CH.l'1'Hlt liAKIO lARK."v,,0Pna wul"r M " ,;,,",c, " u "l ir w. Momvor. former iiHBlstuntl Riijiormti'udont of tho tlrator I.nko Nnflmial jmrv. Ima rocilvod n mmo from the tmrk otntl n that nnow 1)rlm mixdlJ jxc.r.n und $16; ahoflp H,ll,K mntonai uouvnroti in Novom-i nt tho park luadviu.iort. In TO In- Bt0iuly und unchnuRod; liutor,H'r 1J)18' 1'lnlntlff nsKs Intoront' oho.1 (loop ut proBptit and SO lnclioilgtgn,ly Ml(j unchanged; ogga etoaUy, ' om dn, ot ''ollvcry nnd costs of j (loop nt WMrnt. Tho biiow Ih molt- 4n fl!ul 41 cents n dozbn. nlt nf"' s'l'-Kos that no pnrt of the Inn fruit tho report said. I bill for 270 haii boon paid. JOHNSON WILL BATTLE HOOVER IK CALIFORNIA: HAN KHAWIHCO May 4 f WAHHINOTO.V. May 4 Oovern Whether California' 26 dnl-Ktea to mont restriction on consumption or the Republican national convention ' newsprint paper were urged before are to bo pledged to thn candidacy a senate Inventleatlng comtnltt'-o "f H"""",r Jo,,non or ,,or,M'rt '""" ""'" 'hnf l..ue In today' primary Dnmocrata and Prohibition- lata are alo to rdrct ilel-ealii. The r Democratic Hut U unplodgrd j Weather condition are Ideal and faor a heavy voi. KAN' KltASTIKnn Xlny 4 ImIo. "" . ..,. between to groupa of 20 delcgatea iiu e reiiuuucan naiionai conven lll..u .. ..ll .- II- ,. ! jiHHi, uun I'lFiigeu io unneu niaiea !u..... in ... .i . .... "'ui fiiiHiu wuuniun nnu inni - - other to Herbert Hoover, former ,n urging government rvatrlctlona, I'nlted Ktatea food controller, waa , Mr Munaey aald there waa no pcwal oHered to votera at the California ' bio remedy left to Individual pub- prenldentlal primary election today. Hhera. Democrat and prohlbttlonlata nt-1 Cutting the alie of newapapern o were electing today 26 delegate would not materially reduce reven faeh to their retectlve national conlu,,, ot publisher. Mr Munaey aaaert rentlon Theae were unoppoaed. ex- ed, and would protect the forest, cept that on the democratic ticket nn remedy auggeated by Mr Mun- Henry II Chllder of ln Angeles, ..i.. .1... 1.. 1 1.. i,,&;s as socialist and C.321 ns pro- grestlves: 3.317 are Mattering nnd Publisher conduct their newspepcra 126. 30s declined to statu their party,0? ,no l,a'11 ot choap print paper nnd affiliation "'o high dollar which formerly exlst- HegardleM of party affiliation, c'1- rather than on the basis of high voters at this election may choose ! Prlnt paper nnd tho cheap dollar ex Ihe ballot of any party they wish, luting today. state officials have announced. A n Senator Underwood' resolution result. It wait expected that many authorizing n commission to confer democrat nnd other would voto,w'tn 'ho Canadian government re the republican ticket where Interest j Knrdlng existing embargoed on wood centered In thn contest between tho Pulp shipments to tho United State, rival Johnson nnd Hoover groups of W1 ordered favorably reported to prospectlvo delegate. (day by tho house foreign affair cora- Thn Johnson force woro expected mlttee. Under a conimlttoo nmond to show their greatest strength In ' ntont tho commlttco would report to 'Sun 1'rnnclsco nnd tho northern part j I'rosldent Wilson Instead of con of the state, while tho maximum Bros. Hoover vote wn expected from I.os Chairman Reed announced that a Augele nnd southern California. numhor of paper brokors would np- Only delegates to national party 'roar boforo tho commltteo Monday, convention will bo elected today.' "0 rend n telegram from T. n. Wll Dm statu primary will bo hold Aug-'Hams, rittsburg, president of tho ust 2i, when candidates for a United American N'owspnpor Publishers as State Bennlofshlp, cloven seats In 'soclntlon, saying ho could not congroM and n long list of Btnto of-jappoar boforo tho commlttco In nls tlce will bo chosen. California pre-1 official capacity, becauso tho asso Identlal elector will bo named by elation had decided to tako no part tho tato conventions In September. In tho congressional Investigation. BLUEBEARD REVEALS GRAVE OF VICTIM DIXir.I.ANI), Calif., May 1. Tho body of N'lnn r.00 Dol.ony wns found by n Bonrchlng party this morning. Tho search wns dlroctod by Wnltor WntHon, tho nllegcd Blny or, who also Is n confessed nrcli hlgamlst. At 11 point n fow mllea north of Ooyoto woIIb, Watson halted tho am bulance which hud tnkou lilm to tho sen no. "Thero' tho gulch," ho said, and nsBlstod by tho oflcora ho walked ncroHH thn ground to a Bpot uonr a Hiunll cliff. "Thorn's tho lodgo," ho said. Dep uty Bhorlffs turned n fow shovolH full ot earth, ami rovenlod tho body. FARM LOAN SUIT HAS TIED UP $50,000,000 WASHINGTON, May 4. Knrm lonna ngBroKatlnR oror JGO, 000,000 Iiivto boon hold up by litigation over ,,.- 11.111.. .1... ... !.. .. I. l" lulullJr ol l" l"'" '""" "ll " fnrm loan nlllclnla horo. MAitKiyr niM'OUT poilTIiANO, Mny !. Cnttlo wo.t):,.of Mt rrl for 27(- "or;cil to bo mo.i-'Btoora jU nnA j12. i,0K9 Jowor( .diio for cnttb powdor nnd shoop dip- RADICAL CUT N H SAYS EDITOR ,,y V S ork. Krank A. Mummy, of New publlahur of five dally newt- papnra anil thrr inagatlnea Mr Munftoy dclared that If the ratio of consumption continued for the next 25 yeara at the rate that It had In the taut quarter of a century there would be no wood pulp forrit left In tho world. The wltne ald - " -. 'hat even now tho nation muat look .-, iu ., bimi; .u-7 uaii nuwi IIWIMI. ktflll k. ..lllHU - K .K. i--v. -n. nuiuii iui u uu men IO fty waa for the government to obtain rrinlrnl nf ill fnra.i. I,v rnn.ilhiiln.. I'nper. the letter continued. I that I Telegraph Tabloids o- o WASIIINnTON', May 4. Tho llouso postolllco commlttco today re fused to act favorably on tho bill proposing to roponl tho grnduntod fucroaBo on oocond class mall rates for 1920 and tho two following years. WAKHINCITON, Mny 4. UrosI dont Wilson today slgnod tho Kullor pouslou bill, increasing tbo pon slon nllownnco of votornns ot tho civil war, nnd widows and othor rto liondents ot votornns. MUSKOCIHIO, Okln., May 4. Tho death toll of tho cyclono that dos troyoil tho town ot Poggs Sunday night will bo nt toast 70, It was Indi cated today whon nddltlonnl roports reached horo. It was ostlmatod that possibly n scoro ot woundod would not surviva. coiiMxttion suit . Suit has boon fllod In tho circuit court by tho Kconnmy Hob & Cattlo irownnr company OBninsr j. u. t;mor u:iii:i.H taki: ji ,ui:, UlTHOfT A FlfiHT WAHIUNOTON. May 4 Ile llet wus shown In government circle and by Mexican r-volu tlonary circle here today when It became known that Juarez, , Mexico, where revolutionary fighting has always been a po tential International danger, had been taken by the rebel without u fight Until now the rebel have succeeded In taking from Car ranza almost half hi territory without a battle but military men say that a few stubborn contest are Inevitable. R. M. BRISTOL IS A telegram received by E. M. Cbll- cote this morning tells of the death at Io Angeles last evening of H. M. Hristol. Death was caused by cancer, from which the decedent baa suf H IN SOUTH fered much during the last year or jot the city ct Salem and adjudicated more Mr. Hristol was 71 yeara old the aame weighty sort of problem and a widower. He made his home 'that perplex the local board. H In Los Angele with a niece and his J understands the psychology ot city denth occurred at the home of this 'councils with a flrat-hand. inside un rclatlvc. ; derstandlng and sort of sneaked up Mr. Hristol was widely known In I on them from the blind aide. Klamath Kails and greatly esteemed) M. L. Johnson Interjected the ele by everyone. He was an extensive J ment that resulted in the rescinding properly owner at one time and at , ot the order for aidowalklng Third tho time of hla death still held much, street. Mr. Johnson aald that la property here, which he purchased ! order tolay a sidewalk bo would about 15 yeara ago. He owned at the! hare t0 do 1000 worth of blasting tlmo of his death tho block of stores on the rocky front of hla lot. This on Main street between the poatoff ice the council agreed, on top of tho and the Ashlnnd Fruit store and also heavy paving assessment already oa the old Judge Hale property opposite 'tn property, was almost too much Center street nnd extending from to "k. The city is not financially Main to Pine streets. Ileforo selling blo to shoulder the cost and after he owned the corner of Sixth and 'much discussion it was decided to Main where Sugarman's store Is lo-' rescind the sidewalk order and lo cated and the frontage on tho west'81" the mayor to let o contract tor occupied by tho Star theater. Van llellen's shoe store and the Bluebird confectionery. T EDUCATION TAX: Strictly business, and essential business matters will bo disposed of If tho higher educational tax act, known on the ballot as 310 (X) yes, passes at tho May 21 election. When ho Is asked to vote a tax levy, tho taxpayor desires in advance so mo accounting ot tho uses to which tho proceeds nro to bo put. Tho pro ceeds of tha higher educational tax act would be disbursed as follews: A building program that would bo a pormnnent educational assot to tho state. Without mora buildings, tho university and collego cannot con tlnuo to train tho present numbers ot atudonta properly, lot alono any In creases. To meot tho Increased cost of oper ation brought on by tho world wido advanco In prices, and by tho vast growth of tho studont bodies. Whtlo Oregon stnnds low In its Investment per studont In bulldlugs, and low iu Its nnnunl outlny por student, it stnnds among tho highest of the states in tho proportion ot chlldreu who sook ndvancod oducatlon. Tho agricultural college), for example, is rated second in bIzo among Institu tions ot its kind in tho United States. Who will Bay that Oregon should In 1920 restrict tho number ot its youth that may hnvo advancod education? To avert tho resignations of tho host faculty epoclallsta. Tho nvorago IT X W WT ndvonco in salary at tho collego slnco,ovor tho Dod:i., garngo on Fourth 191C has boon 22 por cent, and at, stroot Ho uald ho had 35 bedj tn tho university about the same. The I stalled nnd was planning to get more- cost ot living in that period has ad vanced about 90 por cout. Many more faculty men will havo to resign it tho niillago bill falls; many bavu hung on this long by borrowing or dipping into FAvlnrB. To Improve th nuiJuy ot training. Uulvorsity nnd collogo unless xollof comoa Hpoodllv, will fall bohlnd tbo many othor Btatt that nn nivostlut, (Contlnuod on age &) N urn UP DNTHIRD STREET WALKS John McCall' alley It really be longs to the city and John McCall can't even use It under present con dition, but It' more convenient to f call It John McCall's alley than to designate It as "the alley opening off . Third street between Jefferson aad 'f i....1 .. til... n.niinA'. 1.IUUJIU BUCW.W ..V m-.m.,m I Hk wilt m ilnwti Tl .linwtfll MM 16"""'. "" " ; " " " ". 'last nignt ai me cuy council mnuai and ran true to form. There waa aui hour and a halt's discussion ending In a complete reversal of the coun cil's action of las't week, when they ordered the Third street sidewalk to be lowered to grade and constructed In order that the approach to the alley to Third street possible might be made. W. A. Welst. locat attorney, ap peared in behalf of Mr. McCall last night. It la only a few months ago that Mr. Welst sat with the fathers grading an approach to the McCall alley, tho cost to be based on esti mates by the city engineer. Jitney Parkins Question A delegation ot jitnoy drivers ap- j peared to ask the council for tho ' privilege ot parking on Sixth street. between Main street and tho alley 'north. They said that there were 25 or 30 cars In rent servlco hero and j at least 20 would find it convenient to park there. The police on May 1 warned all Jit neys oft Main street in accordance with the parking ordinance which, provides cars may not be parked thero more than 20 minutes at a time between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Jitney men asserted that it was hard to find convenient parking places on the side streets and they wanted a permanent stand whero CU9tomera could f lnd thBm. They also as,ked that the amendment be worded to prohibit parking on Main street tor more than 20 minutes either day or night. The city attorney was instructed to draft an amendment along tho lines suggested. Another Barn Nuisance A potltlon signed by Fred Ducstng and about a dozen neighbors was re ceived asking tho council to doclaro-, an obnoxious stablo In their neigh borhood in Canal addition a nuis ance. It was referred to the healthy board for investigation. Paving Petition Mnjor Charles E. Worden prosont od a potitlon signed by himself and othor property ownors in tho block, asking that tbo Washington stroot paving, authorized from First to Third, bo extended west a block from First to Ewauna stroet. Tho ongi noor was Instructod to got ostlmatea ot tbo cost. Lodging H0U0O "Curley" Underwood asked per mission to condii'l a lodging houso Tho question as to tho ndvlsabtllt,, ol having a rooming houi,o in tho same building ns a garngo wns raUad but mibslded wher It dovi'loped thor'e was no ordinance ngulust such location. Tho permit was granted by unanim ous vnlo. Private Peptic Tnt Will Ilunphrcv was granted por mission lo moro tc.eral bnuvati from f Contlnuod on fnro 6)