The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 20, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Swift Year Book is Out
Send for Your Copy
Swift & Company was a favorite topic of conversation
last year.
Committees investigated it, commissions attacked it, law
makers threatened it, many condemned it.
Presently people began to think about it; began to realize
that Swift & Company was performing a necessary service in a
big, efficient way; began to wonder whether it could be done as
well in any other way.
Read what Swift & Company did last year, and what it
meant to you, in the Swift & Company Year Book, just issued.
It's a fascinating narrative simple facts in simple words.
There is one ready for you. Send for it.
Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yardj, Chicago
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
plnn hns not yet bccn
ofToct. Alrplnnos and
valued nt several liun-
NKV YOHK, Fob. 20 Commor-
cliil norlul navigation boenmo u
roallty In tliu United States during
tho past your. Tho sudden cessation
of hostilities ut tho rluHU of 19 IS
throw hundreds of airplanes Into tho
market and ninny of those woro pur
chased by prlvnto companies und re
nmdulod for commercial list). Alr
plnno niniiufncturors, whoso energies
lind boon devoted exclusively to tho
making of war ninchliius. nlso turned
their attention to tho comincrctnl
possibilities of aircraft mid luivo per-
1 reeled several atimdiird commercial
j typos. It Is estimated tlmt there are
'more thun 2.(100 privately owned
lain raft In the United States.
1 rivo regular passenger ronton
wore established ; the nlrplnno mull
service. Inaugurated May 15, 101S.
'between New York and Washington
.as an eporliuvut, was extended to
'Clou-land anil Chicago and put on ti
firms purchased aircraft and' utilized
them for tho dollvery of merchandise
and newspapers and for conduct'ug
'.ivrial forest surveys and patroln.
Still greater strides were mnilo In
i Kurope and Australia, whoro thoro
'are few thickly populated centers
I that do n:t hnnsl of regular aorlal
i commercial trafllo, either by nlr
j piano or dirigible, or both. Tho do-
lay In tho development of aeronau
tics In this country was attributed by
tho Manufacturers Aircraft associa
tion today to "tho failure of tho
I United States government to estnb
I llsh lundlng flolds, enact regulatory
: legislation, and adopt any fixed
floM-land and Chicago and put on ti . . . .
lonnlto basis: and scores of private ; ,wn .established
bouts. Tho
carried Into
spare parts.
drcd thousand dollars, wore recently
sold by American manufacturers to
French Interests, who nro planning
nlrplnno rtnnmorclitl routes In tho,
Orient. Delivery of tho materlnl has
In Kuropo threo Kngllsh com-)
pnnles maintain regular passenger
and parcel post service between Lon-i
don and Paris and Loudon and
Ilrussols. On one of tho trips a
grand piano was carried from a Lon
don store to Us customer In Franco
by alrplauo. In arcordanco with i
Hrltlsli aircraft regulations, adopted
last April, pilots of these rnmuierclal
craft are examined, physically and
technically, and licensed by the gov
ernment, landing Holds and promin
ent points nlotiK the routes are dis
tinctly marked. Btandard signals are
used and regular air lanes are fol
lowed. Two French companies carry pas
sengers on sightseeing tours over tho
battle linos, and tlinru Is a regular
service between I'arls and llrussels
and some of the turgor French
cities. .Merohaudluu carried on tho
llrst Paris to llrusscls trip lni'lud'd
ano iiounds of lobstoi-H. Ili'Kular
mall ' 'tfurv'lcO. between Palls uiid
last May.
Iiimlo the trli
of -f0 nilloa In OVi hums, liitludn :
30 piiiiutoa opdnl on French' soil
n result of a forced lauding 'in th
fog LMidon. Mnneliester, P r Is and
lleiln newspapers aro micivss'iilh
employing alrplnnos In the deln.i'
of their publications.
Zeppelins an well iib airplanes hu
been used extensively for common
pill poses In Clormatiy. AlthoiiRh
little In known of (ionium aviation
development during the past few
months, it Is reported that several
long n i r routes, including one from
llerlln to London vln I'arls or Ilrus
sols, uml another from llerlln to
Constantinople, via Vienna, will bo
Ladies' & Men's
Prices are very rcnMiniible
Your liifpwtlon Imlted
Chas. J. Cizek
AIS MiiIii Si.
nnllM' '
,'',,, , .. . Put into operation during the coining
Inspired by aircraft ninnufnc-:
turors, chambers cf commorco In at i fifty cities have undertaken to I
provide municipal landing fields for!
aircraft, built on specified lines us
plotted by city planners and olllcinls '
of the army air sorvlco, which has I
assumed unofllclnl supervision over
tho project, pending tho adoption of
federal regulatory legislation. Thcso
MN n
capital from the moment he leaves
his hotel until hi3 return, have ig
nored a recent decree of the authori
ties which, if enforced, would have
driven them from the streets.
That a government, or the local
authorities under it, which can keep
the streets of the fashionable water-
MADRID, Jan. 2C. (By Mail). ing places, such as San Sebastian,
The hundreds of beggars who im- free Irom' these beggars, cannot do
portune the visitor to the Spanish tho same in its capital city, is the
ing for he picturesque, but at the
same time destroying the new asphalt
roads, on which Madrid has spent so
much money and for tho preserva
tion of which the law against two
wheeled carts was passed.
Kissing is unknown to tho Maori
women of Now Zealand. When they
meet each other and wish to demon-
wonder of all. Perhaps it is tho pow- strate their mutual affection, they
er the beggars wield in local politics graBp each other by tho shoulders
in Madrid tnat nas sometning to uo aml rub theIr nosea togethor. In
with It. Madrid has over 50,000 men-jUmes of sorrow, when mourning for
dicants; about 10 to each 1,000 ofitJl0 death of a reiativo for Instance,
(Population. two Women will sit together and
I They have a strong oragnizatlon,imoan by tno houri a)I tho tlmo rub.
nvhich allots ''pitches", hours of lab-.blng tl)eIr nosea together.
or" and distributes tho collectien:
among tho collectors. Under tho tli-i
cities Include Buffalo, lloston,' Cleve
land, Chicago, Philadelphia, Now
Orleans, Hlchiucnd, Vu , Atlanta and
Macon, (Ja., St. Louis, Kansas City,
Denver, Sacramento, Salt I.akd City
Omaha, Pittsburgh, Itutte, Mont.,1
Fresno, Cat.; S"rant"n Harrl-tmrg '
nnO 'tri--ti Ft. ; " T'-ii f !t-ith3-t
i. and AHmr.7 N. V ; Sprln;?Telil
PI; (o'nniliu, O; I.-jib 'il't. Ky ;
:rhv'llL. Ttnn., Aioj.Ic, Ala., and
Houston, Tex.
Regular passenger routes already
established In this counfy nro be
tween New York and Atlantic City,
Mobile and New Orleans, Key West,
and Havana, San Francisco and Los
Angeles, and Lcs Angeles and Snu
Diego. Lack of nderiuate terminal
facilities is considered ono of the;
principal handicaps to ncrlal com
mercial tralllc development. If
aerial transportation Is to become
universal, alrcrnft' manufacturers
point out that thoro must be estab
lished adequate airdromes with do-1
finitely marked landing places, con
venient to business centers, and with
facilities for housing tho airmen and
their machines and providing them
Commercial aerial sorvlco has been
put Into operation between Johannes
burg and Capo Town, South Africa
Australia already has established a
tnins-rontlnonttil routo from Sydney
to Port Darwin on tho north coast,
a distanco of L',C00 mllos, with stop
ping points ovory 300 or 400 miles.
Experimental commercial aerial
Journeys of more than 1,000 miles
also hnvo boon inndo from Calcutta
to other points of liul'a, mill regular
routes are now under cons'derat on
A Pritlsh company ns okm.iU.-.I
nit .m" m a cnp'tal or many
..J''ois of do'larn for the establish-
v.e- t oi a sh'p linos virtually
Toni.d tlio earth. Airships of :i -
joo.ouO cubic feet capacity, nearly
twice as largo :ih tho Hrltlsli dirigible
U-3I, tho llrst lighter than aircraft
I to rrors tho Atlantic, nro contoin-
i plated. Theso airships would bo nblo
to carry 15 tons of passengers and
freight and have a cruising radius of
4,500 miles at a speed of GO miles
nn hour.
IMllfimiMUimUUUUJIHltluuinjjiii V. i..l.J"
'fewfSS?' Ml
arc the things Uiflt count
whon it rains , ij r,,,a
SrMwInSL. it IfjLlnJra
have m.iilo Cood V
.since IB36 V
,ttA ttrtnt Atnctteu ,
SAN FUANCISCO, Feb. 2n.--Ue-cogultion
by tho I'nlted States unvy
nf the cffectlvo aid of anuiteur wire
less o eirtoin In iiugnu'iiting and pro
Id ng -.' 1 1 '.it ind.'o forces for the
mif, nnvy und innrlne eorim for war
-itvIco in conteniilatod In plans an
nounces here by tho navy communi
cation sorvlco for co-operation with
imntfur rndio operatives.
Lloutonant U. 0. Twlss, of tho nav
al communication service, Twelfth
N'uval district hero, Is complotlng de
tails for uso of the navy radio appara
tus in working from tlmo to tlmo In
drills with amateur radio sots. For
this purpose tho district will bo div
ided Into zones, with Rurokn, San
Francisco, Sun Pedro and San DlegO'
rectlon of thi3 organization beggars
aro on tho streets
, hours of tho day,
tho twenty-four
tho late hours
Common garden sage brewed Into
a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
added, will turn gray, streaked and
f JnJ t,nl Vmniitlfnllii rlnwtp nnd lnv
urians. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul- "j8" mf 'm,ed a,nd dIaabl(1 me"' w' i ...l .ov 1 n 0f ho'""!"" l"Blr Jiiiaii"I'I'o "luiw IU UIO
phur recipe at home, though, is trou-
whlch Madrid keeps making this pro
fitable. To this organization belong
tho C79 licensed blind beggars who
ply their trade during the day; tho'
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
costs only a few cents.
In tlmo.
If congress ndopts tho extensive
nrnerriina nlnnnrwl trw t lw . .. ........
with fuel and repairs. At tho height i '.,' ',"m- i .
of r nnn ,. . , ... . . ""d postolllco nlr sorvlces, Amor can
or 5,000 feot, considered tho m n- , .
,.,,,,,' ., , ' 'manufacturers aro count ng upon tho
Imum at which commercial panes of ,, ,, . , , " , .,
,,,,, . , . . . I greatest airplane development In is-
tho future will travel, espec ally over ', , , , . ..
niti. ii i. ., r..i. . ... ...,." tory 1,,HnB tl10 C"B ynr. Avail-
V.v.., ,w ,U Hbl 4U,VM U1UI UU UlljfitlUU,
MtiitloiiH each sendini: out drill mes-
A routo from London to Now York ' 8;iKe9 fr a 80vonty-flvo mile area,
will be tho first to ho put Into opera-; At ,,cjRnatoiJ times, to be announ-
uon, ii mo compnny s plans are car- CC(, by llle navyi ,,rm ,ogflaKOS wlll'
rled out. Lord Northcllffe recently! ll0 scnt out from theso stations on
predicted that tho tlmo wns not fnr8nrk transmitters, and all nmntour
distant when London morning nows-rn,u0 operators with prlvato sots who
papers, delivered by alrplano, would j ro Interested will bo asked to copy
bo sold In Now York on tho sanio,nd forward tho messago as rocolvott
evening, allowing for the difference to the communication sorvlco of thu
passerby; the blind musicians, who
ready to use preparation Improved by
the addition of other ingredients,
costing about '50 cents a large bottle, I
at drug stores, known aa "wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound," tbus
avoiding a lot of muss
While gray, faded hair is not sin
ful, we all deslro to retain our youth
,ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one
can tell, because It is done so natur
ally, so evenly. You Just dampen a
sponge or pot t brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
"malj, strand at a time; by moj;ning
all gray haira'bave disappeared. A
ter another application or two your
ialr 'becomes dark, glossy, soft, 'and
luxuriant, and1 you appear year;
play outside the doors of the cafes,
and many others who whcedla con-'
tlmos out of the charitable in varied
Outside this union are the hun
dreds of urchins, who are busy a
round the cab stands, hotel and cafe
entrances during tho day picking up
pennies as best they can and an equal
number, who dart out of doorways
and archways In the night after any
Another decree that has been hon
ored in its breach Is that which or-,
rlnlnari Jinf n Inw nnRRpil nmn Vfinrn a
ago prohibiting tho use of two-wheeled
carts in Madrid, should comb into
effect" January 1. The two-wheeled
ox-cart;' still trundles over the cobble
stones of the city street, much to the
delight' of the tourist who 's look-
1 m
ii HI A
Try1 Freezono! Your druggist sells
tiny bottle for a few cents, suffi
cient to rid your feet of ovory hard
corn, soft corn, or corn betwoen the
toes, and calluses, without ono par
ticle of pain, soreness or irritation,
Freezone is the discovery of a noted
Cincinnati genius.
the motor of which has become
stalled, could volplane or glide a dls
tanco of four to live miles in u hori
zontal direction.
In addition to tho regular routes,
a company at Soattlo has started an
international air mull, operating be
tween that city and Vancouver, II, C,
Sevcrul lumber companies in tho
northwest aro using the alrplano for
forest patrols and surveys. A
Newark, N. J department storo de
livered merchandise by airplane to
customers In Asbury Purk last sum
mer, whllo a largo Chicago clothing
houso mado a speciality of delivering
clothes to college studentH within a
100-mile radius of that city. A
Canadian aviator carried 400 pounds
of furs from Toronto, to Newark,
N, J stopping at Clayton, N. Y., to
pay customs duties on them. Tho
navy conducted experiments in guid
ing fishing craft by alrplano at Glou
cester, whllo tho army conducted a
coast airplane patrol betwoen New
York and Newport Nows, Va.
Ono of the strangest uses for
which tho alrplano Is being consider
ed Is the spreading of tho gospel in
tho Congo states of Africa. A largo
American manufacturer received' a
request for prlcos from the Congo
mission' of tho Church of tho Dis
ciples of Christ, which proposod to
tufjiuiu Divuui iuuuvuco miu Miuj .
ability of hundreds of army and navy
filers, thoy said, will make this pos
M13XICO CITY, Fob. 20. The
man who hunted nil over China to
no avail for a dish of chop suoy and
lntor remarked that tho reason ho
liked tho Hawaiian Islands was bo
causo there woro no ukuleles thero,
would add to his storo of knowledge
by coming to Moxlco, bocnuso ho
might scour tho republic and would
nover find native-mado such "chill
con carne" as Amoricans bollovo is
a Mexican dietary staple Tho soupy
mlxturo of ground meat and beans
colored with chili pepper Is unknown
"Chill con carno" (chill with
meat) Is a common dish, but it con
sists morely of pieces of meat
flavorod with chill. Deans are not
an ingredient.
Nutmegs aro kernels of tho fruit
of a tree cultivated in Sumatra, Java,
and the West Indies. Tho shape and
size of this fruit resomblo, a peach,
and whon ripo it easily splits in two
parts, showing the kernel (or nut
meg)1, and mace; which surrounds It,
twelfth naval district.
Advico and nld to amateurs will her
rendered, to oncourago tholr develop
ment, In tho ubo of their apparatus.
In announcing the plans, Llnuton
nnt Twlss, that tho offlcioncy lit
maintaining radio communication by
tho United States during tho war may
ho credited In n largo mensuro to the
.availability of amateur radio students.
SACItAMKNTO, Cal Feb. 20.
Work on Sacramento's now $050,000
high school Is to bo started within
thirty days.
Tho Ilowor of tno Christian reli
gion Is tho Illy, that of Mohammo
dans tho violet.
Get a ,10 cent .package,, pf Div
' James' Headache Powders
and don't suffer.' your head ncha you simply
must liuvo relief or you wjll go wild.
It's needless to suffer whon you can
take a remedy like Dr.' James' Head
ache ,Powders and relievo tlio pnln and
neupOgia at once. ,Sond someono j.o-
'tug sioro now jor, a(ai,rn pncKage'
11 )r. 1Jnmfs' Headache " 'owilers..
Dot suffer! In a few moments youi
will feel fine headache gone no mor'
neuralgia palj. r