The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 30, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    iAom TWO
WUDAV, JANUAKY .10, 1020
' B
t i
Star Theatre
Sunday-Monday, Feb. 1-2
" Back to God's. Country "
After investigation
than one yonr, during which
actual tests on railroads mode,
over, that tho foregoing fncts should
nol ho tnkon an minimising tho seri
ousness or tho situation, and ,drow
attention to tlio fact that In conspir
ing thorn weight anouia no given 10
tho further fact that many of tho
viMtma nt tho train collisions aro
'pnsscngcrs who do not contribute by
tUoir ncgllRenco to tho accident niui
am entitled to tho largest measure,
of protection that In reasonably pos
slblo. It pointed out,- howavor, that
C, Jan. 30. tno limitations of automatic control
lasting moro ,,nvieM .r.oulil nevertheless bo olonr-i
many !lv ...,,, rgtomi, .
"The cost of tho automatic train
tho automatic train control cSm-1 . , u ,,, um',otorminod
mlttoe of tho United Stales uatiroaa i whcli ,nvolTOB ,10t on,y t,l0 0rl-
Administration has -roportod to) -j ongQ of n8tallatlon but also
'Walker D. Mines, director general t, t ot ,nnn,0nnco and tho of-
o rrnuroaus, uirouRu . i. u, ., . ortlciim unon tho capa-
j director ot tho division ot operation,
-that on linos ot heavy tralllc, fully
'equipped with nulomatlc block sig
nals, "tho use of train control de
vices Is desirable, but that the relti-
clly'of existing facilities," said tho'
commlttco. Its Insinuation whoro,
heavy tralllc is handled may noccssl
tats further expenditures for nihil-.
Unnnl runn nu'tracks. Tho service
tlvo merits ot the various types L, 8nlWftCt0rlly meet such conditions
automatic train control cannot ha I m&l thorcforo uo pnQ which will in-'
determined until further tests havo (orfro ni? mUo ns noUio with tho
enpa ity of a railroad and this ro
nutromont Inay necessitate tho con
dltion of speed, control upporutus, at
on Increased cost for its installation
and maintenance.."
The train control commlttco was -,
created on Junuary 14, 1019. Uh. first
vt .'- ... ',"
- - - ; . - 'l
There never was a film like this..-
' Sixteen kinds of wild animals play natural parts
in this picture. " ' '
The scenes were taken in the Arctic ice fields,
north of 56degrees.
The intense cold reached sixty degrees below
It is a picture of the open spaces, of the land of
everlasting snow, where the gaunt wolf stalks its
prey, where men settle their feudal battles with knife
and gun. , ....
I - Matinee 2:30.
Prices 15 and 35 Cents ,
WARNING. Owing to .the limited seating
capacity, patronsare earnestly requested totake
v advantage of ttie matinee performance and .avoid
the standing at the evening shows. .
boon made. And also that moro ex
pended cervlco tests, Including com-
pleto reports ot performances, aro
'necessary before n' decision can bo
reached on tbo availability forgen-
eral practical use cf any ot tho de
vices that iiavo lrocn .brought to tho
I ..!., ' !.- ...',.. Ill, A I
.nuouuou ui my "". u ..,.... . ien n.olnlftn
Tho committee recommended Jhat " ; - -- " " "
1 . -;. ... . i ,. director of tho division of opornnon
it. or a similar commlttco be cbn-, ' rraIrond art,n,lllalrt,o and
limieu 10 me unu ut iio ivuuiui om- , . . . , , ,. ,,, ,,ol.
Is A, M. Uurt,
M4 .iuAtni rtf tint fllvtnlnn nf
American Railroad gelation ,, ..-
a roprewn atlvo of the bureau or J bQ
!.. 11 ? ! !,"Un0" Vre W. P. Borland, chief, bureau of
ot tho railroad
fcdsral control tho work ot tho C3m-jlsm""""" ". . . ,, ....
mlttco should bo continued under tho Prc8UIU t "ir""
comnussion on inu coiumuiuu. iuu-
At the LIBERTY Sunday
LSiir' SflBP vSBStW'' ''-.ofrsnBi ill
m .
The Man Who Never Fakes
At the Liberty Sunday and Monday
Interstate Commerce com-M
I.. 1 -... t.l .U. IBUIUIJ,
cunmimi-u uiau luiumwcnuiu ., . ,. . i,.,, 0,i.
missien: u. in uiiuui MM"i.. "
ernl manager, Now York. ChlcaBo &
St. Lfiils rallrood; H. S. Ualliot,
chief mechanical cnBlneor, Boston
and Mhino rnllrond; J. II. Qumbs,
general superintendent, i'onnsyl
vania railroad, and K. W. Dell, gen-
arrangements lw made by tho rail
road administration or by tho Aliierl-
cun uallroau . association ancr inp ,
termination of federal control for
the further practical test, under rules
'that may bo adopted by tho commit- j
inn nt punti iKtvtnaa oa irtni hn nvnlt.
l.i,. n,n,r.on immvinr n. .Illinois Central railroad.
p -o ... t . i- .....V I tin a .
tdoisement, found 17 appliances, as Sinco oeginninB n u. .v - ;
nvnitnhin fnr fnrthnr test. made Inspections at various n.utu ... .,
"Train control devices wilt notfthe country; has Inspected 37 dlffor- ,
nr.nt niiuinn. .inn n- hrnko ent devices, either In laboratory
failures, which are infrequent and , form or. in actual service on tho roll- .
cmnnrlse onlr a small nercentaeo of road, and In addition naa examineu .,
itn, perform their functions Is a .com
paratively rare
circuit control block
are so designed that when any ;part- Congress
such accidents,"' said tho report of Plans and specifications of 300 train
.the committee. 'Tallure of signals control devices. K',
functions Is a com- . In. recltlnr the history of Invcstl-
occurrence. Tr'ackVtions of" (rain; control devices, 'thr
lock signal systems f committee pointed out that In 1906 -
Home site having finest 'view in city. Lot
66 x 120 feet, on pavement, including cement
sidewalks, two blocks from Elks Temple. There
is. now a four-room-and-balh modern plastered
home with large glassed and scrcencd-in sleep
ing porch on rear of lot A wonderful location
for someone intending to build. Can probably
connect with central, heating plant this summerl
205 Pine Street $5,000
directed, the
That's Dr. Kiag't New-Dif
, covery-for fifty years
a cold-breaker"
interstate' .,., otndnolnt nutomatlc train
-tails tho signal should display the 'commerce, commission to Investlgn'o ntrol eYjCC8 .'nro attll In. tho do-,
'stop indication. In some cases" of and reporVupon the subject ot auto-, Vclopmont stage" and that many
. friiim-ty however, the signal lndt-j malic, train control and that as a ro-'probloma jn connection with tbolr
..- .hnr, ,nv writer of the cates "Proceed," even though It 8ult in 1907 the commission submit- prnctlcai application remain to bo
operas than any otuer writer or ine JndIcate ..cautIon,. or ..Btop... ,ed B report t0 the congress rewm- aolved . ,
laBt quarter ot n century In Italy. He . fallure knov.n as ..i8e that official test for nu'.o-1 ,.ni,m,ynr)mpnt nf automatic train
wasaprollflc writer and had such anJciear" failures, contain a serioiw ele-Jmatlc appliances for tho control k)fcontrol devices,'' doclarcd the corn
intimate knowledge ot the theater ment ot danger, but their Infre- railroad trains conduoted at govern-' .... 4.hvr individual enterprises
(and its needs that all composers ofiquency makes the possibility of col- ment expense should be authorized mugt 0( nccegBty t,0 extremely slow,
, his time turned to him for subjects.) 1Ig,ona from tbls cnuso exCeedlnIy ,by Congress. Consequently mi iP-(nnd it" Is. believed that tho tlmo has
proprlation of 150000 was prniitcuicomo when moro active co-operation
,by Congress In 1907, and expended ,u0 undertaken by tho railroads. To
OTHINa but sustained, quality
and unfailing etrectiveness can
nmnao anM. IHltllllRlafim NOtu-.
but sure relief from. stubborn
old colds' ana -onrnsniug nwuura.
grippe, throat-tearing .couglis..8n4
cwup could, have .made Pr.,rapgs
wo.o nicnvovclfift nationally DODU-
lar nnd standard remedy; It is today.
Flf ty years - old and; always reli
able. Good for the whole family.
A bottle in the medicine cabinet
means-'a, short-lived cold, or cough.
CQC. &mtS1.2q AU druggists.
Stubborn Bowels Tamed
positive in action, yet natural,
comfortnble, pleasant, Dr. Kings
New Life Pills are a boon to bowels
that need assistance. 3.hey elimi
nate fermenting waste and put the
system In normal shape. All drug
gists 25c. a bottle.
I IUIca's most celebrated operas were
written In collaboration with Guls-
era. Manon and Adrians. He whote
Iris and Maschere without collabora
tion and has at least forty less fam
ous operas to his credit. CatalanI,
Cllea, Giordano, Franchetti and
many other composers drew upon
him for plots and lines.
Although lllica was 58 years old
when Italy entered the great war, he
volunteered for service and was with
the artillery for one year. He suffer
ed a fall from which he did not fully
recover and was forced to give up
military duty.
His latest important opera score
was that of Isabeau, for which Mas
cagnl supplied the music. The opera
told the story of Lady Godiva and
i was received with In difference
which discouraged lllica. There was
considerable discussion about altera
tions made in the libretto by the com
"Collisions due to failure of em- by
ployes to comply with rules of the n 1908. Since that time the com- accomplish this task a systematic
roads are a large proportion of the ''mission has Conducted various exam;. 8tUdy of tho problom must bo con
total number reported nnd many of 'inatlons and tests ot train control 'tinued, available engineering talent
these conld not have been prevented
by an automatic train control de
vice. "Automatic train control devices
may be expected to prevent only such
accidents as are due to the failure
of employes to observe, understand
and obey signal indications. Failure
use of by the commltteo of th& .-all-road
In its report the commltteo laid
'down clear-cut definitions ot auto
matic train control and outlined the
requisites for the design and con-
to see or understand signals may be gtructlon of such devices. It dis
cussed extensively all the mechanical
oinmonta of tho Droblem. "Auto-
devices and has reported thereon. nlugt D0 utlllicd to design nnd con-
These Investigations have be6n made gtruct apparatus suitable for tho
i poser and director and Mica said the
due to smoke, fog, snow,' absence of
the night signal Indications, com
plexity in the scheme of Indication,
unfamillarity of the enelneman with ,ni,i "la nnnularlv regarded as. a
, - -- - u ... MIIWI V . " ,t
the route over which tho train Is (panacea for rallro'ad accidents. Per
runnlng, the division of his atten- sons who are not familiar with mic
tion, or his physical incapacity, etc. 'toad operating requirements genor
Faiiuro to obey signal indications Jally fall to understand fully the faq-
that are seen and understood are tors whclh must' bo take nlnto ac-
purpose intended, apply it. to many
various operating conditions and
'conduct experiments on a moro com
prehensive scale than has been dono
In the past.
Mozart began composing at an
earlier ago than anybody else on ro
n jm . i x
kl "ry
i. v m
Sew, T'l irv m
Jfa-jm J p Vj ' MiW
V. Vlll
' CTfi 1
1 iVvVI
Asa - jfyv
is tbe wet weather
service uniiorm ler
the regular men
who make every
; day count.
Look forth
.leflex Edo
AI.TbwBR. c6.
yim M lUHht
it in ' i i
KOTTEilDAM, Jan. 30. To furth-
er nntlonnl and international avlar
matlc train control," the committee J cord, At four he was exhibited as don, the municipal council ot Kottor-
an Infant prodigy, and at Ave ho
composed 'concertos. Whon ho was
ele'Wh he wroto an opera boutfe.
dam has rosolved to construct flying-
grounds, at a' cost ot approximately
$000,000.. ".,.-.
rare and include only those cases
where enginemen, In their anxiety to
MILAN, Jan. G. (By Mall). Lulgl
lllica, the famous poet, and Ubrettls,
who recently died at his vilia.'Castell'
Aquato, created the plots for more
I production gave an entirely wrong make l'me take chances, or where
interpretation of his work.
Try 'em. "Herald Wsnt Ads
aH H
WT- T?, I I.,
w. r; i". iv
lr -rtt . ififtt Mti.'. 6 .. 1. 1
JH 1
1 j B
Wt. . Tnmm'i'nw NicrriKa I
t - m mmmmim m w v ; B.a m
m "' d'J'Ll ;:ii( Tin vi..
h -: WW III mi
they use poor Judgment In the in
terpretation of rules which permit
them to exercise some discretion.
"Statistics show that most ot the
.collisions which have occurred on
.tracks, protected by a track circuit,
control signals are due to the causes
, above enumerated.
I "There appears to be a popular
misconception as to the number of
fatalities that might be prevented by
count to the practical usa of train
control devices.
"Briefly stated, the problem is to
nrovldo bome appliance to furnish
j provision against accidents when em
ployes disregard signal indications
or so far ns possible when signals
Improperly 'Indicate 'proceed.'"
The committee believes that any
comprehensive study ot automatic
'train control must begin with the
block system, as the-principal of the
block system Js fundamental to the
subject and' must tfe the foundation
automatic train control devices., of any automatic train control sys-
Statistics show that train collisions. item.
ibave been the cause of less than, six
per cent fC the fatalities to, persons,
-other than trespassers, occurring on
the railroads, of the United States in
the1 five and one-half years ending
December 31, 1918,
"AJ1 fatalities resulting from train
i collisions' .average- per ye'ar from
July 13, 1913, to December 31, 1918,
Inclusive, 296, or 15.6 per cent of the
fatalities to non-trespassers on the
.railroads of the United States, and
of this number many resultod from
collisions occurring on yard tracks
at at other places where they would
not have been prevented by an auto
matic train control device."
The committee pointed out, how-
The superiority ot the block sys
tem as. compared with, other methods
of, train operation Is generally resbg-nlzed.-
It Is in us on practically
100,000 miles of railroad lfne, in-,
eluding the .busiest roads of the
busiest parts, of practically all rail
roads in tbis"'coontry.w
The, first step therefore which
should, be taken on lines which are
not' operated on the block system in
order to, meet the need for more
complete train protection Is not ex
perimentation with, or tho adoption
of some form of trajn control device,
but the -adoption oMhe block system
The committee -stated that from, a
January Specials
The Sunset Grocery
No. 2 Solid Pack High-Grade Kraut, 2 cans-..Sc 'S
XT.' 01 T C!nlM Dnnlr T3rtCnAn Unminir' nnr nan 9 ft- ! I"
Ncvl Solid Pack Asparagus, can, 18c; 2 for.:..35c r
High-Grade Tomato Hot Sauce, per can 7yic ;;
i-lb. nkff. Folcer's Hiieh-Grade, Japan Tea, lb 48c
4 pkgs. 10c Star Naphtha Washing Powder 25c ;
Swift (large package) Washing Powder 25c-
Good Petite Prunes, 2 lbs..- ,.25c ;;
f No. '2 V. Sliced Pineapple - , 40c ; :
,, . ,, 0.,.. ,. , ""
uraer a dox oi Bennett oeeunug Appies tuuay , ; ;
the best ever.
t How about" agallon. of Arkansas Silvertip Sor- ;
ghum? Only a few gallons left., ';;
Also have a big line oflajther; Log' Cabri,, : :
Wellman's Pure Maple Sap, Uncle John's, JSijver, ::
Thistle, My Wife, Tea Garden, J. R. G., Brer Rabbit,, ::
Phone ZOO
, ' i ,