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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1919)
; -tf-" . 3- B 1 "A- f4 Mi Ahj rtft THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREftOli Tri( x "-"t - 1 r" ' u I, TheEvening Herald B. J. MURRAY Killtor FUK1) HOUMC City Kdltor AT TIIK THlCATJClW Tho thrills which nro In popnrnblo from tho motion ilcturo work of William Knrnuni hnvo boon Klvcn in nbumlunnco In this stnr's l.itcst photoplay, "Wolves of tho NlCht." which will bo neon for tho last tlmo here nt tho Liberty Published dally except Sunday by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Tilp-,r ,minv . ! Ono of tho nuvt thrilling points Entered at tho postofflco at Klam- In the story, It la conceded, It tth Falls, Ore., for transmission, thru ut mans as aecotui-cinss matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In tho United States: .$5. on One year . . . Ono month CO Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively ntltled to the uso for republication t all news dispatches credited to it r not otherwise credited In this pa yor, and also local news published kroln. All rights of republication of spo lal dispatches herein nro also rcserv- tho great mlno scouo where b'.unum, ns tho hero, Is imprisoned ill a mine through an explosion of dyiiumlto intended to , destroy him. Ills eventual escape In erased condi tion Is certainly ono of tho most powerfully graphic scones ever en acted for tho 111 ms. Another hnlr-ralsing scene pres ented is a tcrrlllc tight by Farnum and three men who havo plotted his ruin and havo almost accom plished it. That such n promise would bo fulfilled to tho lettor was uiot to bo doubted by any ono who ha seen tho William Fox Star In n personal encounter against odds. Tho romantic element Is nu Im portant factor In tho play. "Please Oct Married," tho Screen Classics, Inc., production of thi suc cessful Uroadway stage comedy of honeymoons, starring dainty Viola Dana, has been booked as tho nt- . Friends here hae received nn- l'n al ie utoeny u.enire. oo aouncement of the marriage of C. P'n,llnK Tuesday, and the manago 6ur Merrill, prominent stockman of mcnt a8Sl,rc3 lts' Wtrom of entor- tho Monlll district, to Miss Mlldrca. ta,nmcnt of tho ",ost amuslnR klni Tauline Fesscnden. daughter of ' "Vleas0 Got Mnrrloil." by Jamrs Mr. .in.i Mr j.-,...n Kwn.! Cullcn nnd l-cwis A"cn Urowne. was Monday, dkckmiikr 1, tu LEADING STOCKMAN AND TEACHER WED Clinton. Kansas. Tho btide taught in the Merrill schools for two years and during that period met Mr. Uerrlll and thus begnn the romance that culminated In tho recent wl ing. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill will re side at Merrill and will be at home I there after December 10. ATTEXTIO.V HKMEF CORPS. The Regular meeting of tti9 Re lief Corps will be held this evening. December 1. There will be election f officers and the regular business the Corps transacted, but the ad dress that was scheduled to bo giv en by Mr. Groesbeck, as well as the stnslcal program must be postponed t this time on account of illness and the entire prograra will be car Tied out at a future date. ono of tho hits of tho sctboa when li was produced in New York by Oliver Moroaco. and nil of Its mirth provoking qualities havo been trans ferred to tho screen. Miss Dana Is Ideally suited for the rolo of Muriel Ashley, tho timid oung wife in "Please Get Married." In the delicious situation of n wife, but not a wife, she dlstil3 every drop J of comedy and clevor naughtiness with which tho play Is surcharged Among the spectacular scenes pro Tided for tho production are tho burning of tho hdtel. a chuso by nu- tomobilo and mnny beautiful and striking bits of photography. John K. Ince directed tho picture from tho scenario by Finis Fox. SPECIAL XOTICE First show at. the, Liberty tonight -starts at 7 o'clock -and the second at 9 p. m. ' Iceland ,ha8 several natural re- aources that have never been devel oped, among the most valuable boing its sulphur deposits. Coal exists in many parts of Per sia, and in the cities of Tabriz and Teheran it is rapidly taking the place of wood as fuel. One of the oldest actlvesuffragista in the United States Is Mrs. Judith W. Smith, who Is living in Boston in her ninety-ninth year. Mrs. Smith began her activities with tho pioneers of the suffrage cause Lucy Stone, Julia Ward Howe, Sus an B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Seven hundred carloads of brrom- corn wero produced in tho famous Lindsay district of Oklahoma this year. j. From mines In Japan and South Manchuria tho Japanese produce about 25,000 tons of coal annually. W4r'yW1rtt'4,rt At The Liberty f X Monday J "WOLVES OF THE NIGHT" X Starring $ WILLIAM FARNUM I n - Jliiifflfl-"5 wolves op me might stt lirJmrn" -V whuam fox .1T. , JhmPy 5 . A stoiy of romance and intrigue in the copper coun try of the Great Northwest Last perfQrmances at 7:00 and 9:00 o'clock tonight Monday At The Liberty.. Corn This brand of Canned Corn is of the 11)19 pack of superior jrrade.v Can Doz. 19c You Better illWi rf'iwJi5fcW ':' ni-i". . Can t)o Here Tomatoes A few Can Doz. cannot be 17k $1.90 WINNER'S PRE-INVENTORY O AM, -La JLa THE WINNEK'S PRE.INVENTORY SALE HAS NOT A FEW SPECIAL PRICES, BUT ALL GOODS REDUCED DUR ING THIS SALE. 9nilW''1 Fancy Canned Fruits An excellent stock of Del Monte Canned Fruits are in cluded in our Pre-Inventory Sale. Del Monte Peaces the can, 48c; doz., $5.40 Del Monte Apricot the can, 48c; doz., $5.40 Del Monte Pears the can, 55c; doz., $5.90 Silver Thistle Peaches Small cans, regular 30c, can 28c; doz., $3.00 Jams, Jellies and Preserves j You can NOW at these prices afford to put in quite a supply of Jams, Jellies and Preserves. We are handling all brands and of first class quality. Red Ribbon Preserves, No. 16 size, in Blackberry, Loganberry, Plum, Cherry.' Regular 50c value; now 40c Tea Garden Preserves, all kinds except Strawberry Regular 50c value. Sale price 45c Strawberry. Sale price 48c Eight-ounce Jellies in Currant, Raspberry, Loganberry, Regular 30c. Sale price 24c Sunkist Orange Marmalade, regular 35c. Sale price 27c Sunkist Grapefruit Marmalade, regular 35c Sale price 27c Welch Grapelade, regular 45c. Sale price 39c A Splendid Assortment Salad and Cooking Oils We cany a large sup ply of Cooking and Sal ad Oils. Wesson Salad Oil, qts. Regular $1.00. Sale price $ .85 Wesson Salad Oil, l-i Gal. Reg. $1.90. Sale price 1.60 Mazola Oil, pts. Sale price $ .43 Mazola Oil, qt3. Sale price 85 Mazola Oil, xz fjal. Sale price 1.65 Mazola Oil, gal. Sale price 3.25 Special Baking Powder Royal, Shilling's and K. C. Baking Powders are one of the best features of our great Pre-Inventory Sale and you will find and excellent value in this line. Itoyul linking I'oivdcr, iii !.., rciilm' l!W. Halo price. .. Itoyiil linking I'ovwltr, Hi lbs., H-gulfir ijlf.iSO Hnlo pilci Ho id linking I'imdor, ft I lis., regular $l!.ft(. Huh) prli'o.. . ' . KIiIIIIdk'n ItulcIiiK I'omlir, J Hi., ri-Kiiliir fiftc. Snlo jirlco HIiIIIIiik'n IlnUiiiK i'oiwlcr, !i)L His., irj;uljtr ijU.itO Hnlo pilco.. SIiIIIIiik'h linking I'ontlcr, ft His., ivguliti- i'.'.M). Sale prico K. C KakliiK I'Dtvili-r, tift ). Sitlo pilio K. '. Unking I 'on iter, ft oh. Sulo prlco It .(. UnkiiiK l'oulT, HO o.s. Hnlo price .9 .10 . I. Ill 2.!ft .no . i.'ji . u.:ih .. .u:t . .ift CRISCO. LARD AND LARD SUBSTITUTES Crisco, 1 lb 35c AVz lbs 53c 3 lbs $1.00 6 lbs $2.00 Sinclair's Pure Lard, Medium Pails....$1.75 Sinclair's Pure Lard, Large Pails $3.25 GOOD VALUES IN COFFEE AH Brands White House Coffee,. Reg. 60c. Sale price 54c Hill Bros.' Coffee. Reg. 60c. Sale price 55c Shilling's Coffee, "Con tract." Sale price....57c Barrington Hall Sol uble glass 47c FltHSH KTOIJK A.V1 I.V m:v Dried Fruits HihmIci! IIuMiim, No. 10 pkf. IU-K. Uftc, Hull! piltu lc Si'iMlril KiiImIiin, No, J a pkR. IU-k. 20c. Kali) pi leo Ifto HiwiIIi'mn ItalsliiH, N(i. I ft Jk. 1Uk, liftp. Hale prl lo. KccmIIcnh Ital.shiH, No. 10 i)k. lU'K. lUv. Halo prlr ,lfto C'liiNtcr HiiIhIiih. lU'g. KOc, Halo price aic I'runcH, ivtlto. llcf?. SOc. Halo pricu l4o I'riiftcN, 70 to HO. IU-K. 2ftc. Hnlo price , aic I'riiiiCH, 50 to 00. Itt'K. 27Uc Hale price 22c I'runoK, 0 to 40. JU'jf. llftc. Hulo price .....Ulc Soap Any quantity of Soap of all descriptions and for all nurnoses. You, will do better in buying soap in large supplies at the prices. Lenox Soap, the bar..5c P. & G. White Nap tha, 3 bars 25c Ivory, 6 oz. bar, 4 bars zc Ivory, 10 oz. bar, 3 bars 30c Washing Powders Pearline, 3 for. Bc The oldest washing powder on the market White Star, pte A naptha washing pow der. 1 W4 I -JU : 1 r-rr