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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1919)
- immmwmSKSBIMsassSHBKHK fp' 'W'.,f;,?5w THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TAGE KIOITT iti ns . pi ? s ft? m MMAMAMA i4 the Theatres One of thn clovorost ot the man clovor Metro plays in which Viola Dana has appeared on tl sereon will bo the attraction today at tho Liberty The lire This la tho roman tic Comedy drama. "Tho Oold Curo." n play ot flvo acts. Annlco, played by Miss Dana, finds a town where, all tho young fol lows have left, aery dismal place to llvo In, and decides to take matters Into her own hands and supply the lamentable lack of men. Her plot Is a simple one and her only aid a box of carpet tacks. How she ma nipulates Jheso simple articles to achieve her own endit is shown In tho picture and the unexpected ad ventures which follow one another in quick succession gives action and life to tho brilliant comedy. Miss Dana is at her lively best in this new offorlnR and has tho able i support ot William II. Davidson, John MncOowan, Howard Hall. 'Klsle Mct.ood. Fred Jones, Kranklyn llnnnii. KM. Mack. Julia Hurley and Ueorce DowlluK. The scenario was ndapted from tho story, "( An-, nico." written by Alexli.e MnWndl nnd was direeto! h John Oolllm i I To ion remember "The thrls ;tian?" If so ou 10C.1II It as a won-( I derful novel by Hall Cali.e Hut i"The Woman Thou tJaU'st Me" Is 'still more wonderful. It Is now a ; raramount-AiAcift special picture ( 'nnii is mi view ut the Star Theatre: tonight. The cast l all star and It' in tho biggest thing In screen en tertainment seen hero this season. HKI.US UKSIDKNCN K. T. Summers has sold his homo on Pine street, corner ot Seventh, toj A. A. Bellman and son. Tho consid eration was not mndo nubile, but It 1 is understood the property brought ' a good price. MMUm Results in Cooking! That's What a Woman Looks For and that's what she gets in using a Coal and wood arc too high to s risk waste of fuel in a range of unknown reputation. You take no chances with a VVedgewood. On Sale at Evans & Balin 010 Main St. Klamath Falls Ore. a 1 nc wcaccwoou n Mjl Pacific Coast Fire Box A The Wedccwood Pacific Coast Fire Box is a bis Fuel Saver. wi r 'syifTra j?h I 1 ',''-'" 9 .r BRADLEY'S Shoe Store XM AB ' HEAR AM '""V u SKOp SALE "EARm ts a sa4 1. .? t 1 -sirsiK y ' v TvfrsW swoft ,A ' v 4 k. 1 i' "- rt ..X- Ml rfV -1 Kfi i VV3 1 (? 2. Fine Dress Shoes FOR MEN 4r -M- Exceptional Values in Men's Shoes. $15.00 Values reduced to $12.75 $13.50 Values reduced to $11.25 $12.00 Values reduced to $10.25 $11.00 Values reduced to $ 9.25 $10.00 Values reduced to . $ 8.50 $ 9.00 Values reduced to $ 7.75 $ 7.50 Values reduced to $ 6.25 $ 5.50 Values reduced to $ 4.50 THE SUITABLE Xmas Gifts 400 Pairs Army Shoes Included in our Immense Stock of Shoes we have 400 pairs of Army Regulation Shoes which we are in eluding in this Gigantic Sale. THE SHOE FOR THE WINTER MEN'S SILK HOSE make an ideal Xmas Gift MEN'S SILK HOSE, valuei to $1.50 SALE PRICE 95c MEN'S WOOL and COTTON HOSE 10 PER CENT OF REGULAR PRICE BRADLEY SHOE STORE 727 MAIN STREET KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON it TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ' JOOSK Qinixs "come hack- Sunday, November 30th, 1919, we are serving a J special dinner at $1.00 that will consist of t z R ex Caf FOR SAIiE One pair home inailo' LONDON, Nov. H. (Hy Mall). bob 8NM1B. wen ironeu anu gtecj streng: aiso waKon uuu uuu iutku hay rack. Cheap. F. C pens holng both Bcarco and DeChalne, .h,Rh 'n prloo, qullla Mich aa wore Phone 98-M. 20-3t e VVWWVWWVWWWWWWVWWWWWVWVVkAAMMAAAf usoil a half-contury airo, arc enjoy Inir a vocun In T.nmlnn. A nnmilnr FOK KKIST r.lcoiy fo,,,,n,tlu notIon , to ,,avo U0 nu,H room, furnace heat, use of phone and bath. Phone 43G. 29-2t dyed to match tho color of tho ota tionory or the corroHpondont'n lroH. WOULDN'T IIAVK IT LONDON. Nov. 11. (Hy Mali). CloorKii N. Harnofl, tho labor lead er who la now In the United State to attend tho labor conference, vu recently offorod tho British ambu diulomhlp to Ilorlla and declined It, If publlahed reportH'te true. Then Ikih boiin neither denial nor coo!r matlon of tho report. Dent yet. Herald Want Ads. MKNU Olympia Oyster Cocktail Soup Cream of Chicken with Rice Ripe Oiivea lU-llhllOS Dill Pickles Subul Fruit Salad Whipped Cream Your Choice of Ymiog Klamath Turkey, Cheetnut Dreesing Cranberry Sauce Dcmpstic Duck (stuffed), Apple Sauce Suckling Pig, Celery Dressing, Apple Sauce Vegetable Mashed Potatoes Sifted Peas Choice of Detfeorta Plum Pudding, Hard and Fine Sauce Pumpkin and Hot Mince Pie Cafe Noir X i FOR SALE OR RENT One of tho best homes In Mills addition. Owner going cast. A bargain if bandied quickly, or will rent subject to sale. James M. Watklns. Jr., Suite One, Swanson Dldg., 'Phono 84. 29-3t In concfeiU6h with this special dinner we'will also I J serve our regular popular-priced menu. " ! FOR SALE 1918 Dodge car, auto robe, L. C. Smith shotgun, 30-30 Savage, corduroy hunting coat and boots, 9X12 tent, i'A" tent, tar- naulln. camp chairs, stove, mroo- quarter folding cots and floss mat tress, largo floss mattress, puiQws, springs, bed, writing desk, small rug, electric percolator, Iron and lamp, canned fruit, aluminum waro, diuheB, cooking utensils, books, tools, etc., etc. Call after 10 a. m. 1125 Main St. 28-tf VOR SALE ImDroved 120 acres, 4 miles west of town. House, barn, good well, etc. All under cultiva tion, good soil. Will sell for price ot Improvements, as ownor Is going south. lizr Main ut. zou LOST Dodge side curtain on 6th St. Please leave at Dodge Oarage sy-at FOR SALE: Pair of 1000 pound horses. Sound, Good anywhere. Cheap. H. . Daniels. 29-5t WANTED Ford truck or car ser viceable condition. Don't care for looks. Must be cheap. H. M. Cheap. H. M. Daniels. 29-Ct 4i'i'lytwn- !7 BIG MILLINERY SALE 2t PER CENT DISCOUNT AH hats in bur Millinery Department go ok sale Saturday, November 29, at 20 Per Cent Discoumt, f II M A D T I M 3 MASONS ATTENTION Special communication Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. & A. M., Monday evening, .December 1, at 7:30. Work in M. M. Degree. Visitors 'welcome. By order of fiEO. C. ULRICH.. 0 This Thanksgiving and Next ; If you are the proud possessor of a growing Bank Account that spurs you on to bigger things be glad ; you have just cause for thanksgiving. If you cannot count this among your blessings, now is an opportune time to begin an account in this in stitution. Add to your savings during the year. And next Thanksgiving you'll rejoice that you started when you did, and be thankful for the bene- 0 fits which will inevitably have followed your action. Klamath State Bank 'THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main ,u I 5, 10, 15, 25c STORE t, v. f , J- f.v -'';'H''',,,,',,''M-t'. I