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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1919)
WKIfflM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AGK SKV1JN HDAY, nov. an, mm $w4iji "fife 'smsi&b ' JmMmmt V 'fcifcMbHU, Vi'. Y If'wtfirJS stews5 pp- v roi's' P -a rr. jb ('". trriritii The Netrieton '; ft'ttidat'wi of Good Drat The value In lmyitit: Nf ttlcton Shoes is that they nut "iily look well wlica new hut tity xnw IJ f it i fully. A'."1 the low ami disappointment of oxperi mciitini;. We recommend Nuttlctons. SOI, I) IJY THE KKK STORE Exclusive Agents .rent of Ntlllclon Afei'a 5W !-, WorfJ't I'lnal W FOREMAN IT SHED HIS LIFE MAIIOM.l M.VKU Itt'l'HCTKD TO orr orr op iii:i MiMS NOW HACK AT WOltK. MORE THAN MERE CHAUFFEUR PI AND LOOK TO SARDINIA FOR CORX Office Supplies :Xmas Goods SV liri opening n Mix! rliisH Stn- ii -. Li..t-.i III llltlll U'lll III Iltllll'iy I""" t " " ' carried i vcrytlilng for the Olllro, an well in a select line of llolliltiy (lends. I'll I NTl.NO of nil Muds. WifBK 126 Main Street 3GO Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. UMts Friday night of each week at 1.0.0. F. liall, 5th and Main BtroolH , P. J.Gorgou , N. 0.; Fred Hroiuor Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encnmpraont No. 46, I. O j 0. F., raeots Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor re!, C. P.; Nato Ottorboln, Scrlboj P. L. Fountain Treasurer. A. F.Graham I General I Concrete I Construction I Shasta Sand Used I Exclusively H WOOD Present indications are that all kinds of wood will be scarce and high r in price in the near future. Take my advice and buy now. 0. PEYTON "Wood to Burn" fl'onu jk7 7()a MaI H(f World Turnlno to That Inland for Pro duction of Material So Much In Demand. fori; tins probably passed olive oil Hi the lending export of .Stirillnln. unil 'i muicrrliil Attache A. 1'. IleiiuH states 1 1 lit t recent production Iiuk been so stimulated '(.lint n large fnciory nt TViiiplii Is riiinilrupHliK Its rnpnrlt. 'I ln luirli In sfilppcd from the trrf iik( In nlii( years. At the Ti'iiiplu fnciory Ibc dried burls Is llrst thor oughly Hlcni I unil Mnttcncil out by h.Mlrniilli' incisure; It then remains hi piles iibout HO days, ulicn It Is taken inn covered with blue mold, mid l rurcflllly scraped nil bolb sides urn! cut Into widths varying iiccnrdlng I" the lengths of the cork stoppers de sired. The strips nre cut by hand into cubes, n process requiring highly sKIII id Inbor, with iniieli cure In plcUIn; nut defective pieces. The corks have been rounded mid tapered by high speed cutting luiichliie.s. but a new abrasive process In clulined to reduce tf-o waste of this llnlshlng from '-'0 to fll) per cent. Ilefore the war the fine dust sold In (Icrmiiuy for unknown use for about SIX) n ton.. At Terrnnova the cork In differently utilized, the best being billed In sheets for ship ment, while the Inferior Is coarsely ground mid used with 11 magnesium surface for wnllu mid lloor coverings. The wnr demiind was for cork trench mattresses, which were both light mid nlTiirileil protection from cold unil moisture. Even the Seal It Ik one of the disillusionment ex perienced by most sojourners on this planet Unit the wonderful pluccs of childhood's enjoyment nre found to linve shrunk amazingly on being re visited In uffej- years. liven the small people lind that Imagination plays pranks with them, nnd nre driven to Home Mich remark as that of the lit tle girl who, on being taken back to the seaside after two years or so, ex claimed: "It's not the same, mummy darling. It's gone out of shape." An American Solomon. The story Is told of a member of the American Hed Cross, somewhere on the Syrian side of the African con tinent, who found himself faced with something of the same problem the solution of which earned for Solomon, In undent days, the reputation of be ing the wisest of men. On this occa sion the child was that of an Arme nian woman, found In the bouse of n Turk at Aleppo, nnd who, the mother said, had been taken from her when three years old. The child she claimed iti hers was n little girl of seven years mid she Rave no sign of recognizing her mother. The American was puz zled to know what to do. An Idea struck him. He told the mother to sing the lullabies with which she hud been used to rock her baby to sleep. The little girl looked astonished mid thoiiRbtful; then she smiled. Memory bad awukened, mid the Armenian woman hud recovered her child. - ZIZ Dombor 11, 12, 13. 22-tf Scientific Management. "It doesn't do to swallow all the stories you hear about the elllcncy of scientific maiiiiReiiient, but I heard one ,thn other day Hint 1 can well bellove." Senator Cummins, the speaker, was cutcrtululuR ii luncheon party ut At lantic City. " 'Sn your wife refused to marry you when you llrst proposed to her?' I said to Drown during u confidential chut one day. 'Did you keep on pursuing her till sbo consented?' " 'Not much I' Drown replied craftily. 'I went out and inudo n fortune. When I came back it was she who did the pursuing.' " Many wondc.rul ending inuritH huvo been rIvoii Tailing, but tbu Mtnfi'iuimt iniiili) October !Uh by Junius Mahoiu-y, or VI llast lrJth St., Ani;cli!H, Cul., Is so luinnrkiiblo as to bo almost incrcdlhlo. Mr Mahoney, however, Is it man or iimiuoHtluiied integrity and has been roreiiiau at the Hlchurdii NiiUHtadt Const ruction Co. ten yeurs. lib) neighbors limit coroboratud his I (limit lablo statement In every do tall and will do so iiguin If called upon. "It was being talked among my friends, ' iiaid Mr. Mahoney, "that 1 was going to die and I don't believe auyono hud u much closur call. Closely following un Injury to my back, caiiHi-il by lifting Home steel lost July a year ago, my whole sys tem si enii d to give way. My stom-' uch (oinim need hurl lug in u terribly .iinl I uuliered frum gun mid indiges tion. Thoie seemed to be a lump in riy Hton.ach ami I could not oat a thing without Intonsu pain after wards. My appetite loft mo entire ly and I got no weak I could not even lift ten pounds. Then I be-c.-.ine constipated and my kidneys got out of ordfcr and disturbed me so at night I could not sleep Bound. I was In misery nil the time nnd so weak 1 could not lift my feet to go up the steps. I could not straighten up for the pain In my stomach. He-J foro these troubles started I weigh ed one hundred and forty-five, but dtopped down until I weighed only slxty-flvo poundH, and If theio was over n living skeleton J was. 1 could bear my friends, who emtio In to see me, say, 'Poor Jim, he can't lust much longer,' and, I had no hope myself of ever getting up. In spite of all that could bo dono I kept getting worse. That lump like foeling in my stomach seemed to get larger nnd the ptln moro In tense. Finally I wius told nothing more could bo done oxcept to op erate and I was too weak to stand that. 'One day a friend, who bad been coming to see mo often, told mo how Tnnlac had helped his daughter and urged me to try It. At first I refused, us my wife was opposed to anything except prescribed medi cines. Hut one day this friend of fered to go and get mo a bottlo of Tnnlac with the uudenUanding Hint no ono eli;o know about it. Well, I started taking It and by the time he brought me the third bottle I was feeling better. I stopped ovorythlng else, kept taking Tnnlnc and slowly Improving. I soon noticed the pain in my stomucli onslng up and that lumpy feeling began to leave. I got to eating something and thon commenced get ting back my lost weight and strength. I kept taking it until I used twenty bottles nnd as a result I am in better shape thnn I was for yoars even before. I was taken sick. I now weigh ono hundred andthir ty pounds, so ypu flee my weight has exactly doubled. I am working ovory day and can do tho heavy lift ing Just the samo as I ever could. I am not bothered any moro with my kidneys or constipation and I sleep liko a top overy night. My food tastes good nnd my appetlto is simply fine. My wife now thinks Just ns I do, that Tanluc is the grandest mediclno in tho world. I will prnlso it as long as I live, nnd I novor expect to bo without it." Tanlne is sold in Klamath Falls by tho Star Drug Co., and in Lorella by the James Merc. Co. Adv. New York Merchant Ha Driver Who Knows Business Methods and Aids Hla Employer. "I ddii'i believe In having inn many CiiriTull) worked-oiit iiielbi.ds foi iie veulliiR errois In an oriranlziilliin," writes I,. Worthclmer In SyMem. the tuagii.liie of business. Mr. WVrlliHnicr Is president of n concern which oper ates live hly ilepartmeiil stores Id the northern purl of New York city. He goes on to tell the plan lie ues: "One of the best hecks Ihut 1 pel on ni busings Is thrn'itr'! oit ''iimf four. I hac lii keep a uiachilir ut cull nil the lime, so t tin t I can gel from store to store wllhnut delay. Uy driv er Is not simply a driver; be is u high grade mil ii who knows u good ileal about my lilens of iiierrhiiiiibslng -a man who utiicclvabl.v may some day be liiiil.ager of one of my stores. "Wlille he Is waiting for me he does not slmpl sit outside In the machine. He wiimlers around the store. Inoking at displays, untiring how salci-glrls drill with customers, whether our prices are by chance IiI'jIut on this Item or on thai than they kIihiiIiI be. livery moin'ti;' his wrltl'ti observa tions air plnciil on my desk: frum them f Inve tltiie uml ntMln irb-imil plrrrs -if Infor-iiiiiii.ti i tint iir ilr a hi;: difference In ilw profits ol 1 1 - sinre." WOULD BE FRIEND IN KEED Grateful Colored Man Promised to ' Co if Services Should CJj Needed. "The race Hois In Chicago n mind me of lite 'nine snrt or excitements that run around Atlanta when 1 was llvlne there as n joung man." mud Ocorge McDanlel of Metro, fill., re centlv. "My brother and I were both me-ll-cos owners of smooth and virgin -licepsklns. We shared the some of (Ice and lunched nt the snme counter. In the midst of wild confuslou, one day. ,i wounded negro rushed Into our olllce and begged for protection. This was freely grunted, for we hud no nice prejudices, in fcplVe of our South ern upbringing. We also poured salve on the negro's bruises. " 'Vo' shiiiiii been good to uie.' said the grateful darkey, turning to my brother who, by the way. Is now practicing In I.os Angeles 'nit' I'll member It. doc. Say, If yo' ever kills any body mall friends mid I'll get you out If we have to bust the jail to do It.'" I.os Angeles Times. $j 21 ' 6i Thrift and Little Things Who are the men and women that become masters over great things? They are those who first of all become masters over little things. Dollar bills and silver dimes are only little things, so little that they often trickle away in every direction and yet they have formed the solid foun dation for many a comfortable income through the following slogan : "DON'T WASTE! SAVE!" Start a Savings Account today. First State k Bank savings KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Robespierre's Curious Vatch. The number of watches of various kinds mid size and value which are now seen in the windows of the jewel-er-wntchuinkors of Paris reminds a correspondent of PKclnlre of the watch which once was the property of Holies plerre, and which the correspondent saw at an exhibition of curios. It surely should have long ago found Its plnce In the Carnnvalet. The watch was In the shape of a pear and of the size of one, nnd was made of silver. It opened In the center, the face be ing in the lower section, while the top section was ornamented with pear leaves wrought In silver. A watch the size of a pear, and n good deal heavier. Is plainly indicative of some what bizarre tastes on the part of the "Friend of the People." That Is, at any rate, how It strikes 1'Kclalr's cor respondent. Christian Scleucc Monitor. CHRISTMAS RECORD HEADQUARTERS EARL SHEPHERD CO. New Store 507 Main Kitchener's Dog. Lord Kitchener's favorite dog. wh)cb he left in the hands of Admiral Gmnt before embarking on the cruiser Hamp shire, is believed to have become a good Australian. Admiral Grant, who lias been appointed first nnvnl mem ber of the Australian naval board, brought Kitchener's pet to the com monwealth on hoard the battle cruiser Australia. Ordinarily the common wealth does not encourage the land ing of cats and dogs from overseas, but Australia holds Kitchener In such dear memory that one may safely conjec ture that exception will be made In this Instance. Warblers of All Colors. Not taking Into account the human beings who nre sometimes referred to ns warblers, you will find on' looking into a bird book that there nre ninny kinds of warblers, ranging alphabeti cally all the way from gray-breasted warblers to yellow-rumped warblers, says the American Forestry associa tion, Washington. If you had a collection of them all together they would take in about all the colors of the rainbow, yellow, ornnge, chestnut, black, white, green, gray, brown npd other colors, with numerous shades entering Into their beautiful plumage. The imtcry Doctors The Battery Doctors Rni H rJ V JPW IS YOUR BATTERY A BOLSHEVIKI? Is it everylastingly giving you trouble? Then come to us we are running a Peace Conference! ior storage rsauenes If your battery is a "Bolsheviki" tell us and we'll make a good hardworking citizen out of it. Regardless of the kind of battery you have, wo can RECHARGE or REPAIR it with Master Hands. We arc tho RATTERY DOCTORS Let us bo YOUR BATTERY DOCTOR JUDD LOW AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 49 Main Street Tho Battery Doctors Phone 22M The Battery Doctors Radio Telephone Useful, The extraordinary vali.e of wireless telephony for directional purposes In connection with aircraft bus been ein phnslzcd recently In Its relation to night (lying, snys the Scientific Amer ican. It often happens of course, that In daylight Inter-coniinuiilcntlon be tween planes, or between wireless sta tions and nlrcraft, Is unnecessary, but In flying across country nt night the use of the wireless telephone will cer tnlnly become more efficacious. Operating Under Difficulties. The Huiin provincial government Is operating directly the Shul Kou Shan lead silver mine, ono of tho largest In Chlnn. Tho ore Is being smelted as It is mined, lint tho government Is short of funds nnd the lark of suffi cient caultal Is a serious handicap. 1S358 wok ia IN THE FIVE POUND CAN lirVk md SAVE mm Pmlw &sBeslCoi&eVoijCatBuy I JBfc R GoesMrfJier nHw '- Z9HkZW EVERY CAN GUARANTEED , rv. TV