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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1919)
,,' !?. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON )K FOUR Si25., i f i M f f i, The Evening Herald I: A J. MUIttfAY Editor F1IBU HOULB aty Kditor Published dallr except Sunday ibr Ml Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falla, at US Fourth Stroot. Entered at the poatofflce at Klam--Ml Palls, Ore., for transmission thro M malls as second-class mattor. REX CAFE Subscription terms by mall to any Mdross In the United States: Ome year ......-.................... IS. 00 Oks month ... ,50 Member of the AMoclatd Preae The Associated Press Is exclnslreiy jatltlod to the use for republication Wt all news dispatches credited to It Mr not otherwise credltod In this pa yer, and also local nowa published truln. All rights of republication of spe-. UI dispatches herein aro also recrr- PIUDAY, NOVRMI1ER 21, 1010 Personal Mention For the benefit of those who do not care to pre pare an elaborate dinner at home, the Rex Cafe will serve a special Thanksgiving dinner that will consist of MENU . Fresh OtympU Oyster OocktMl CWcry Ht-ttrU Bolted Almond Turkey, Gumbo Soup Kilct of Bole, Tomato fUure (I'oinmcw Psu-Ukuuie) Rpccinl Fruit Salad with Whipped Ovum Stuffed Klamath Turkey with Chewtnut Drm-UnR, titblct Grory .(Cranberry Haueo) Candied Sweet l'otntom Sifted rw CIIOICK OF Hot Mince Me, Pumpkin Me, Fruit Coke KnclUh IMuni Mukllnir. hartl and n lino muco Cafe Nolr I.S5 1 We will also serve our regular popular-priced dinner menu, so those who do not care for the spe cial dinner can find a splendid dinner to suit their taste and pocketbook. VWWWMWMWWWWWWWWMWMWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAp G. H. Mosby is In town from the Java beds. Mrs. W. W. Dixon of Fort Klim:- Ath is in thn oltv tnilnv , , M Klamath aro visitors in tho city. Itho county seat attending to bust uvuuis u tonner 01 .Merrill is o ...,. Xlanath F,ii tnn'nv I W. E. Dryer of San Francisco and new matters, J. U. Slsemore and H. B. LooslV w- w Cnrro1 of PortInn are now Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Loosley of re down today from Fort Klamath. Inrr,vn,s at the White Polican hotel. port Klnmnth nro Tlsltors in Klam- Davo Shook of Dairy was in Klam-j A- Flynn returned this morning ath Falls today. th Falls yesterday. to Chiloquin. after spending several w Bclu and E T noUa lunb R. C. Spink of Spring Creek is In days In town. bunyers. left this morning for San town today on matters of business. u. M. Fenton Is down frcm hla k.v,inrisco Preston Mne of the Nine Lumber home at Fort Klamath, transacting company is in Klamath Falls today business In the Falls. J. H. Hesslg and wife of Fort' H. L. Chapman of Worden is in returned this morulug to tier homo In Oakland, California. D. A. Painter tf tho Mcrloud Ulvor Lumber company, who has boon In Klumath Falls on matters of luminous, loft (his morning for Mo Cloud. Mrs C. It llarr, who has boon In Klnmnth Falls for waw time, re turned tblit tnonilnc to hor hcimi In Hrny M Dubuor was down yesterday from hi homo on tho IKxtk ranch purchasInK wlutor Nupi'llfn Ho n tnruod thin morning on tho boat. II. J. Winters has returned from Francisco, whero ho has spent soveral days selecting his stock or Jewelry for his holiday trade Mrs. Kay, mother of W. F. Ko) who has been visiting hor won for tho pHt few mouths, returned this morulug to her homo In ban Fran Cisco. Mr. Kay is secretary of tho centrnl labor council. J. 1). Grant, pnvdent of tho Cnl-fornla-OroRon Poor Co.. and P. O. Crawford, chief engineer, have re turned to San Francisco after u busi ness visit hero. Major lteiry. regional director of tho Internal revenue department. loft thin morning tor Chlloiiuln, In company with !. W. Klfcuilulil oi tho Chiloquin Lumber compauy, to visit tho plant there. Mrs. llosa McDanleln returnod night from Chlco. Callfornltt, where sbo attended tho fuuoral, Inst Monday, of hor sister, Mrs. Sophronln Illnncho lo, who died recently In Ixm AncoUvt. Mrn.Mc PnnloU was accompanied daughter, Clara. Wm. Ilnrks of Merrill, town on business yesterday Mrs. F. C. Johnson, who has been tatting In tho city for some time, by hor ns In PAHIS, Nor. 21. Tho Btiprvmo touncll todiy d cl'iod to j,ive Pctbttd mandatory powers over eastern tin llcla for a period of 25 oars . HECTOR'S You'll Find It easy to pick a pattern to suit you in the Rose & Ce: line of quality tailoring. There's a fine assortment awaiting your inspection. Rose & Co. will fit your fig ure, please your fancy and satisfy your sense of value.' Central Outfitting Company The Store of Service 9th and Main Streets t FIBER SILK HOSE White Only 75c $5.00 BLANKETS White or Grey Extra Size $4.45 MMEKIIAN KfcU IKU05 The .,: of Hie alligator are tit- yt , en In certain lslund ut tho Vej SALE INTRODUCTORY Accomplished Its Purpose I wanted the people to know that my prices are lower and the hundreds of satisfied customers who visited the store the past week stated that in most every line that my prices are considerably less than they have been paying elsewhere. Have you attended the sale? If you care to get full value for your dollar, it will be to your interest to spend a time here and acquaint yourself with our special offerings. It will be a pleasure to quote you prices on anything you may be interested in. You will save money if you trade here. K&HJJ3E5E ITJ HEALTH AND A ITi VjHAPPY NEW VEARVl Indn'N ami on tho west coant of i Africa Tliov resemble In shape t hen h egg. but nro larger, and bar much the sntno t.intc. lloro than i hundred ikk twu been found Is one nlllgntor Shaving unit Introduced among I tho Itomanti about 300 , C. I'lln; imyii Hclplo Afrlcanus was the first Itoinnn who nhnved every day. Sob ,Hoiuontly tluN llrst day of shavlnc I was ri'Karilud by the Itomani at tbj I entrance upon manhood, and cele brated with great festivities. ..... .......- ---i-i-i-,-M-,vvv,rvtru'uTjvxn-rLrurij-uru-u-u ,w w ..fc ,, vri-rt-iinvivwryvwyvvnAnAjwuxA 35c WHITE OUTING FLANNEL 24c yard Limit 20 yds. to customer. NOVELTY PLAID SUITINGS 75c Worth $1.00 to' $1.25 yd. 36-Inch SATIN MESSALINE $2.65 Worth $3.00 yard 54-Inch NAVY TRICOTINE SUITING $6.00 Worth $7.00 today ' 42-Inch FRENCH SERGES $1.75 Worth $2.50 yajd 54-Inch ALL-WOOL SUITINGS in Navy and Brown $2.00 Worth $3.50 ARE YOU GOING TO BUY A COAT? This sale offers an unusual opportunity to select a good serviceable coat absolutely correct in style and made of the best fabrics, such as Velour, Silvertone, Broadcloth, Zibelines, etc, at a saving of $5.00 to $10.00. A comparison of prices of coats elsewhere will coon convince you that here is the place to select your coat .... Sale prices $16.75, $19.75, $23.85 $26.95 29.75, $33.45, $36.45, $42.45 Beautiful Velvet Dresses Colors, Taupe, Brown, Navy and Black. Sizes 16 to 44. Sale prices $17s45, $22.95, $24.95 $36.75 Dresses of Tricotine and French Serge All being offered in this sale at reduced prizes. Sizes 36 to 51. Sale prices $29.75, $33.75, $36.75 High Grade Tailored Suits Greatly Reduced Suits of Tricotine, Serge, Velour, Broad cloths, Silvertones, etc., in various styles. Sizes 16 to 46. Sale prices $24.75, $29.75, $33.75 $38.75, $43.75, $49.75 Georgette and Crepe de Chine BLOUSES Sweeping reduction of the entire stock. Values $7.50 to $12.50. Sale prices $5.85, $6.85 $7.85, $9.85 FLEECE LINED HOSE 40c Nice, soft velvet fleece, for cold weather, a special price and impossible to du plicate. Regular and out sizes, rib top. WOMEN'S' CASHMERE HOSE The good old quality of wool hose that is so difficult to find now. Prices $1.00, $1.25 ALL MILLINERY REDUCED Yes, even our low prices have been cut for this sale. You know what that means. Sale prices $3.95, T0 $8.95 PURE SILK HOSE for less than $2.00 will soon be impossible to obtain. We have a good selection of col ors, including black and white for $1.65 tv h$ ft.' ' WW M i,''-,1 iy,7,; '(.', UA teifiiTiri El rr i w: - 'I fT fi v m m SS&S KM lf(P WV. 11 p if IT jm Tfinaiinikspninij V n hi fflmm.ffi.tTOr' w5 frlrao wemdi S Ibsft inninsns A dreamv waltz-tune: n hearty laugh over stars of vaudeville; a genuine thrill by stirring ... . I L iiJAdoorr. bands any of these is an incomparaDje u and all may be yours if you have a i. i " m m VA ' '.,. Victrola Don't defer getting one all you need to defer ., u. it ,,.. unni to. vou can have the Victrola in your home today, and begin at once to draw dividends or pleasure, Stop in. let u demonstrate tlio Victrola for you. nd deliver , Uio irutrumcnt of your clioicc. Earl Shepherd Co. Now Htoro J507 Main T 3 jftMtM.tMmWWf ! H. tmWMMHMMI , IMHt