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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1919)
8MgL irti tfKi.v:fliAV. nov. n, mm FHE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. rrT p-r f f IT Jin Nik K tuna ntKALU 5 b'LA55iritU ;u BlinT UULUMil t i T m Wfr WVJI 'SMr bK-jA'P t!i W libiLlMfi r JJtBK-TT 'liL' iH -i ii ,"j,riijFii"j UiiuV RWiii vs pv. '"?... .. rfi ."MMfrVMI' M i to r .)&w ' tf rV'i,' atp, i Y " Vv. 4ll -1W' ' A V1 -s ') " MSI7IfBiflLfL7iUftD 1 : 1' -Si ' saBxoemS r h&Mi ' . j L swwfc 1'actf.c Ctxtt nttculi Co. vpRsaexcKmS r ?, j& ' ' SfcfiT&vffi fCn!SiWjM, El5xfrf?mr taff1Si7?2&5ra? 1 " HBKi.V mw vT'i' Mm . " - r:i ,M&' . i .4 if' ;a v'"ilV Llt -nr7. ' 1W" Stv" V ...i "WW. ..(' i. J,,S ty. rw t'ii ; -im . Here Comes the Grocery Man itli Snow Flakes Thousand:! of children urn happier unit hr-alllilor boeiiunu thoy nn lmvo alt tlio Mnow Flakou they nooa 'twoou moulii. And what bettor than thirjo crisp, nnlisfying, salty crueller? Your grocer llll.'l ItlOIII. Bou't Aik for CrnoitrM any Snow rinVos HUE W o Hi GHOSSt 4- wi!;fiyXjiSggMiSBv! WU, t. if., pa. no x ) Llciiicnntil 8 Kuiidn, t nnd licad of a Jojilllii's y HONOLULU, (Iiy Mali) .Tiipiuidru girls' school at Wulultu rill the Itdund A (it Alnul, salil to liii-tlto only forcilfjnt'x r In Mjo Aiiiorlcnn .Itud Cross Hi I'liiin'c diirlni? tfio Iit6i',lay8 of dtp i vnr, Inn irturilM tiOitis. Z!? To iTi tto tlio rout Moutoiiant! Koinl.i ovci'patio deriar'tMunml ou- X Hind. i))nin(l In hl way Ijy'tlio ie- iilmiMiK of tlji'So Kovormnentf thoHo ct tlio Uiiltotl Stato. Oroat Urltafn and Franfia: nalil IiIh own cxth'iinofl arrosa oiio continent ami , two occniiB, nud hold lifii own funifs ' about to faco datiKor. f "I wanted to ;o," mild tlio-llou- vr pt' YOU U i FOR SALE Real Estate rssiTirf Home Hare HniKulna 5: ..?; ! A v have never been Jiere, we want you to get acquainted with our service, delicious cuisine and cozy accommo dations. THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. . Vru nnd modern nl loom plastor vi Iioiioi m lnrgo ronicr lof In ev fvllcnt location. It lias Imtli, good 1'orcliiN, lull nlono Imxcjiiclil, flni' iii'' finite, Indlrcrt liKlitlnc system, ll.icolfiiin, inul plcnly of ciililiict dil;. A i en I Ikiiiic at tlio low price of Hir.OO.OO. IVrmi. Vrttl !( (I tiir i.niiii II ii I iiiit liittrv j, ti iiioiii i ii ii r iti'iii ! .- A Ion In Mtliols AdilKlon near Utli i4 i ?it - fill t ifi Vf'tttttwtt l linn tnivn 1i . t .... win jr.. ..,.., ..M au inn in .ri.f j HELP WANTED ..tmrth Ml.l na waflAFAl WANT Hi" " " r"""rt n I work nntl cooKing m. aree, Ulyi OreKon. MISCELLANEOUS 1 WANTED Party with one' or i ton truck, driver to work Ih kIiik work and haul men to front work. Wrlto or Inquire M LtimlMir Company, Oilloauln, ' IB"' J. luitli, raliliicl work, pait ImicmcntJ WANTKD WprK on rnncn uy ii inid Is flu-, home at n micrlflro price nndwlfe, middle aged. Wi 5j of .l. -O.Ofl. Only 9500 cash nnd take, charge of ranch for salary, 3. j balance like rent. Jefferson St. , 15' ' A 4. f lot In Mills Addition at $ I J.-().()0 on .Mejisy tenns. Can et two adjoining .. lots nl wry low price, tenant, who Ih not nh American cltU . ?cn, "l)otau-o 1 foil It my duly tn'X Phone 185 610 Main St Tim brail of man or woman In MusIiiooiuh, a world whin pro notni'sl hoaltli roiftlim nemuthliii: due, aro an pUninrul In hiiiciia'ac llko 80,000 ImlrH. In lioprcal cIIiuuh It Reaches Yon Fresls Vacuum Packed Remains Fresh Indefinitely niiiku Home inpayment, for tlio ud van tnttoB I had enjoyed for fpurloen yarn under tho Amorlciin llaf; In llnall, and hceuuBa''! wlnlied to hIiow my four chlldron 'tlio lovo I bfar tho country of wlileh 'thoy are ollls-cnn " At WoRhltiKtnn, jioulcnnnt ICan da'H application (o Hurvo With tho Ited CroHn was rejected ouro, the nrltish consul thoru docllned six tlmi'B to permit him to nail for Ens-, land and tlio Fronch consul at Lon-i don refused hoven. tlniOH to lot hlnii go to France, where, however, bo eventually landed and, ocordfnR to his superiors, did pood work. . 15 : t mmMsMZEwm it ,. . . . . 'nirvv nATinAnE When you "i lour room " " 'n;c ' " """""7.-.l .(.nn. at. 1 IP YOU HAVE 1000 cash i v.i.i'ii i., .v.. .,. I........ . n build you a aouso on ciioimj will iM-nt jou to It. -close In. Call or address Room rhllcote Smith, oa.T Main St., j White Pelican Hotol. 31 St., Phono 00. 18-2t i " ! wAwrisn A cood second b piano for cash. Herald. . , g; A Itara Opportunity LOST AND FOUND ;;: !.:...:& c Iinw a 1OIA10O ft. corner) one block from Pltli St. nt tho lowi Is a tine location for Barapiiv nnd im,I.OST 2 Lincoln rams, reglBtra 5'-jrcful buyer. Klamath Is jrrowltiK, ed double bar or garden ii iljnnd this comer may brine; 910,000 LU-cral reward, Tom Newton, Kl , within a cn' few jcars. Conic nnd ath Falls. - l"-t f look It ocr. , . y, lilirmr- tV Mnltli, u:r.i Mntn Ht.,1 STUAYfcJU-T-row,ii ov"" Phone (10. ' J8-2t Ownor can have by proving Id Most Economical CoHco .' C-5 I iiftTriLj o rz M Qy Mnli Earl Shepherd says, "Buy music this Cltrlstmns." tf Today's Anniversaries xetici: ii on, i nnviner for keen and cos well built' thl3 ad. 850 Eleventh St. 18-3 17!i2 Col Cieorfio 15. mous Kentucky pioneer, born In Al- Whoreas my wife, Margaret Flackus'has left my bed and board, r licroby give notice that I will not in, rnmmnslhln fnr nnv ilphta rnn- Clark, fa- ti acted by her from and after this fSLEGTED COLBS l Inii ii Dr. Kins'a New Discovery opon brcaka a cold and chcckc a couch Our Guaraetee Your grocer will refund the f u!l price you paid for MeJ.B. Coffee, if it does not please your taste, no matter jfoow much you have used out of the can. (ITTI.r.S fever snoozes and . tbfii n hind cold develop. .f 1 ,il.o n llttlo Dr. Kln'.s New Discovery when tho snlftlN ttai;. It will sdnn'eli(ck the cold, (ho cough-pro oklag throat-ilckle. Ul overlior by people who kimw n; It has been on the market for halt' a century. Hellovca cold, imiph, f?rlpiie, iroup. No dlaT'et.ib'o nnoi-effotis. All drn,;iIsts 0c. and .1,'jo a bottle. GIu it a trlul. f You More money when you buy M. J.B. Coffee in the 5 Ifo0 Can . Also Packed in jOne and Three Pound Cann WMWMMWiA BoVcls Behind'iSchedule? Liver hctlnK ki?y?' "llrinc them to tlmd wh DiVjllnp's Now Life PIllc. (jcntlo but Mirt'-at'tliifr sjs toni cleaiHi'i'n are tonicity In ii( Hon and jjUJisIiib In results. Still "Ge, u boitlu at all drug fatoies. bpmarle coiinfy, Virginia. Died iear Louisville, rebrunry 18, 181i. ( 18:51 Juices A. Garfield, twenti eth President' of the United Slates bnin In Cuyahoga county, Ohio. Died at Dlboron, N. J., Soptomber 19, 1881. I 1844 Jos. II. Cotter, first Catho lic bishop of Winona, Minn., born at Liverpool, England. Died Juno 28. 1000. , 18!i0 Richard M. Johnson, tho only man over elected Vlce-Presl-donl by the veto of the United States Sonate, died at Frankfort, Ky. Horn at Uryant's Station, Ky., in 1781. I 1903 Hearihg of Senate commit-' tec ou tho nomination of General' Leonard Wood for major general bo gan. ' 1004 First assembling of ropre sentutives of tho Russian Zemstvos took plnco at Petrograd. 1014 United . States demanded (explanation front Turkey of Tcnnou-t" see incident. ' 1915 German aeroplanes bomb ed Uritish encampment in Belgium. 191C German troops completed i their passago through tho Transyl- vanlan Alps and entered tho plains of Western Rumania. 1917 Proclamation of President Wilson1 rouulriug all enemy aliens to lcglstcr. date 19-3t Theodore W, Flackus. Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Ttntcs I'liono 1.10 , 822 Klamath Are j FOR SALE 7 room home, with orchard and garden, . ,.. S0X2.-.0 with paid up water right. PHOND PEYTON for Wood. Terms. Apply fjox 4C1, City. 17tf . , 11 -I ...- .i, i imi. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fer- SITUAUUWa WAWICJ me bacramento uo. land, 40 acres near Lodl, cheap for cash. Will consider exchange. What have you? Call or address Room 12G White, Pelican Hotel. 31-tf IF YOIT WANT STUDENT HB call the Klamath County a School phono 350. Girls ionyj ! copying and filing: also geai i housework, caring for chiwrea FOR SALE Miscellaneous !oys for clerking, TneaseHgeraerv cnorcs, etc. apeciai bubuuwivm en to tuts service Dy ibbjs'bci AtS'V j FOR SALE Heating stove. Klamath Dye Works. FOR SALE at a bargain tne follow ing second hand cars: 2 191G Reo's In good condition, 5850. each; 1 1916 Ford touring car $350.; 2 Studebakcrs, 5 passenger $850., and $1050, C. L. McWHHams, 1157 Main, Phono 1C9. 17tf APPI n,,hnFltM Htl,l tlTl AlTnrt la tO 18"2t I made to make efficient, conveai dnd profitable both to the stud and to those requiring their servl 2t FOR SALE) First class milk cow, young, giving, milk now. Phone We make a specialty 'of lire, nnd accident Jrtsurjmco. Phone'OB i we'll do tlio Vest. Chilcote & Sm 5tf -. 450-J or address 930 Ninth St. MADAM IOINA, Palntltl 15-5t NOTICE OF UOX1) HALi: MNMMH4MiitM (ynJS?ney'5?,:ei' Wl' hud wirlc saver for land clearer and wood-cuttln" 1 bESS01, Ono man can movo it from cut to cut giiuplo r.utT rcliiblo. nj uiIl. KJ u, ?, oyer tho U. H. Vhcu not lu oso for wooa outuaf, tlio I J. V. nwor will ..7T '"a m"fs' ,Wa CUtt"' PUIl'P'. C Ox! .Mlrlt, from 0vrf "i'Uf!M": "" 0n- serf. ftkT5A &? Urttji Statu. im.j ' fitlM CRV!sSJ?Sw.-liAW s ks. mr ne.teiih,r.v"i:.wc.r..' y-&.-ivs)Y& mz&?" 7V1 i " "t Howie Garage ' VtcJand hbv the U.S. j V V SlgWll"L'"lyv")ilKUfM,T,ww'TMaAJ?hrW7' wrjiLff ni an 1.-,,.. J .1 l.n . i m. ! T.lin," I -1-' " ..-.U-J..t- Scnlcd nronosais will bo rennivrd by tho Common Council for tho pur chase of llvo Issues of City of Klam ath Falls Improvement Ijonds aggro gating fU7,0.'!l 22, authorized by or dinances ot said city, numbered 4S0, 4S1, 4S.1, IS1 and 4S5, for the im provement of Lincoln Street from Ninth Street castorly to Eleventh Stroot, including Intersections, $6, 013.23; for tho Improvement of Tenth Street from Main Street north erly to Lincoln Street and High Stroot, easterly from Ninth Street to Klovonth Street, $31,30S,47; for tho Inipiovcment of Market Stroot from tho northerly lino of Sixth Street to tho southorly lino of Lot 10, in Block 17, nnd tho southorly lino of Lot 30, "in Block IS, of Second llail load Addition, for $2,921 GO; for tho Impiovoment of Esplanndo Stroot liom tho northerly oldo of Wall Street to Intorsocttou of Pacific Tor 'iaro; P.iciflc Tcrrnco from Huron Istiout northerly to Portland Street, Inclusive, and Portland Street ennt lorly to tho city limits of tho City lot Klamath Falls, Oregon, including Intersections, for ?rc,sii.92; for tho improvement of Grant Street from Eleventh Stieot noithorly to Linkvlllo Cometqiy, Including lnto Roctlons, for ?97G 00, respectively. Proposals to purchnso such bonds will bo rccolved by the undcrsiguod up to and including tho 24th day of Ncnombor, 1919, at tho hour of S;00 o'clock p. m and'opened at a moot ing of said Council' immpdlatoly thereafter Said bonds nro to bo dated 'when Issued, duo ton years after dote of issuo, optional at any coupon date 6n nnd after ono year, homing Intorost nt G por cent, pay- ahlo poml-unnuttlly .principal und In torost paynblu at Oregon Fiscal Agency In Now York City. Proposals to purchase must bo un conditional and accompanied by cer tified chocks for 5 por cent of amount of proposal. By ordor of tho Council. A. L LEAVITT, Pollco Judgo, City of Klamath Falls. . 13-10 Locusts aro today eaten in Arabia, pretty much as they weid in tho tlmo of John tho Baptist.; Forolgnc'rs ao well as natives de 'claro that they aro really an ex-i cellent articlo otliet. - ? I FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis BIdg. Phone 432 FOR SALE Apples. Spitzenbergs, .Oregon Reds, Bennett Seedlings, Winesaps, Newtowns. Fine stock. Write for prices. T. J. Gardner, Box 20, R.F.D. 2, Medford, Ore. 8-tf World's Greatest PlireBoIogkrt l,alnilst'ond MediUK , ,Reads your entire, llfe-j-p pi'osent and 4f uture-corrqctly, I ing names, dates and figures Ia,b iness, love, law, marriage aad dt estlc troubles." Tells you what : rvs linnt Arlnnlnd 9eim A? t1imA A FOR RENT 3 room furnished' hX; Z, T ' , ,", , apartnftnt. With or without TJ,,Q ,nAv -aria hn- is.9t i- ' ' : .- r - J woum an open dook. a reaoHM? FOR RENT OR LEASE SMWWVVW garage. Phono 273-J. 18-2t ROOM TO RENT 237 North Fifth Street. 17-3t FOR BENT Good warehouse 50X 50 feet, near S. P. Depot. In quire Herald otilce. 1-tf FOR LEASE -To responsible parties that have equipment and cash to finance themselves, a desirable ranch. Adress M. K. 9, Herald office. 8-tf her will meet your highest.expw tions, and you will be wiser t happier, after 'consulting, her, i having the giftof removinkall influences and plojcing you In an vironment -of happy '"thought t contentment. Readings! Sunday daily, 9 a. m: to 9:30 p. nu Room Swanson BIdg., over gun store,' M St., between 6th and 7th, opp, Wt orn Union, Klamath Falls. Oreg w 12-13-11 "n Whose Word is Better Than Your Druggist's ? Phjsicians, Dentists and Nurses Kely on Hint -Isn't Tint Sufficient Reason for Public Conlldonco? Thero aro ninny good roasons for ferenco in order to obtain tho best tho confidenco tholr druggist, aho P ;, lVs1' public roposo in ho is educated to know by four yenrs ofi College and Practical training. Second, othtcal physicians everywhere rely Jmpllcity on h3 skill they trust him, This faith, of course, origi nates and is maintained by tho pro fessional servlco rendered by tho diuggjs.t in filling prescriptions. i:eryono admits this confidence when Offciing a prescription to u druggist. . Very few men can bo honest In ono department of their business, and dishonest In tho qther. Dr. Jokyl nud Mr. Hyde exist very little in real life If you trust your drug- jgist to fill your proscription, there fore , In all fairness, you must ac cept his word ngninst tho word of unknown nnd far distant mamu'ac- tuiors. formulas for its products that tno combined skill and, experionco of Us members could produce. All these articles aro non-secret, strictly ethi cal Tho ingredients in all A. D. S. preparations conform to tho stan dard advocated by tho government, and cannot be oxcolled In quality. As the association is strictly co-op-eiative, its merchandise is sold "at the very lowest prices possible for tho quality. In Klamath Falls there are 3 druggists that will tell you that jA. D. S. Household Remedies, liko AiiiK or Magnesia, Aspirin, uiges ttvo Tablets, Poredixo Tooth Pasto, etc. are the best that thoy can find in all markets. Those 3 druggists stand 8quuiloy behind every A. D. S. product with an unqualified guar antee and a hoarty endorsement Suph a locommondation is the great est that can obtain, based on the To recommend an article, tllO'snioMtUIn U-nnwInriun nf tens nf druggist must of course, know what thousands of oxports and fulfilled by It contains and now it is mane, ami a limil y0u know well and trust tills was ono reason for tho forma- f Impllcity your druggist, tion wf a co-operative national asso- Whonover you need n household elation of druggists and physicians remedy 'or toilet articlo, ask an who propaio a complete line oa. D. S. Druggist to recommend ono housohold romedle nnd toilet goods, to you. All A, D. S. Druggists idon Tho association 1s the American jtlfy themselves with prominent win Druggists Syndicate, popularly call- dow or counter displnysr Ask ono ed A. D. p., which boasts a' momhor- 'about A. D. S. products. If you ship of 28,000 druggists and phyal- would trust him to fill your pro clnns, 'tho largest of its kind in tho scriptlon, it's only fair to take his world. For 10 years theso prof-1 word about the merchandise ho fosslonal men mot annually for conn polls, Adv. , GRIT, BONE, I FOR CHICKENS - . . . J -w it '( ft fr T a f W . ' Lk.,i JJ ' ''Ti W U U lA.KGrahanl :; - - ? -vaap :: o j ; I " r1 : r resent indications are ! . ,c;fel : that all kinds of wood : H nonAyal will be scarce and high- v ,,wS ;i er in price in the near Concrete fL : future. " : . m v Take my advice and i Constfuctlbn? : buy now. ' " ;" " ii KJm rX 1U1N I Shasta Sand U.ed ij "Wood to Burn" Exclusively - f ;S Phono 187 702 Main St. I -El ' s , 1 'J HI' UN,ON made mm -itfai IMurphey's Feed & Seed Ston u J126 South Sixth St '