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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1919)
I I t I'AGR KtGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIU.UHIlAYN0ViWn) l!U FIND OUT THIS WEEK HOW TO HAVE COMFORTABLE At the KKK Store you will find a graduate Practipedist a foot expert trained in Dr. ScholPs methods who understands your foot trouble. He will demonstrate to you the scientific way of giving them relief and cor rection. No charge for demonstrations. There is a Dr. School appliance or remedy for every form of foot trouble. Complete stock carried at this Store. Step in and have your feet examined We can give you relief. K. K. K. STORE FEE! A A LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS ft NOTICE OF 1SOM) SALE Scaled proposals will be received by the Common Council for the pur chase or five issues of City of Klam ath Falls Improvement Uotids aggre gating $97,031 2. authorized by or dinances of said city, numbered 4S0. 4S1, 4S3. 464 and 4S5. (or the im provement of Lincoln Street from Ninth Street easterly to Eleventh Street, inclullng intersections. $6,- 013 23; for the improvement of Tenth Street from Main Street north erly to Lincoln Street and High Street, easterly from Ninth Street to Eleventh Street. $31,308 47; for the improvement of Market Street Trout the northerly lino of Sixth Street to the southerly lino of Lot 10, in Block 17, and the southerly line of Lot 30, in Dlock IS. of Second Hall road Addition, for $2,921 60; for the improvement of Esplanade Street from the northerly side of Wall Street to intersection of Pacific Ter rce; Pacific Terrace from Huron St eet northerly to Portland Street, inclusive, and Portland Street east erly to the city limits of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, including intersections, for $55,811 92: for the improvement of Grant Street from Eleventh Street northerly to Llnkville Cemetery, including Inter sections, for $976.00. respectively. 1 Proposals to purchase such bonds will be received by the undersigned 'up to and including the 24th day or November. 1919. at the hour of S 00 o'clock p in. and opened at u meet ing of said Council immediately thereafter. Said bonds are to bo I dated when issued, due ten years. after il.ito of issue, optional at any coupon date on and after one year, bearing interest at 6 per cent, pay able semi-annually .principal and in terest pajable at Oregon Fiscal Agency in New York City Proposals to purchase must bo un conditional and accompanied by cer tified checks for 5 per cent of amount of proposal Hy order of the Council A L. LEAVITT. Police Judge. City of Klamath Falls. 13-10 Personal Mention CAUl) OF THAMvS We wish to take this oppor tunity to express to our neighbors and friends our gratitude and heart felt thanks for their kindness, so licitude and sympathy during our recent bereavement. Mil. AND MRS. burrull SHORT AND FAMILY. How about some NoodIe3, Tama les or Mexican Chill for home? You can get them at The Crater Lunch Room. 7th St. 5-5tEOD Mrs M E Moreno and sou, Lo la ml Harrington, have icturnod from a month's pleasuro trip to Portland Dr. Geo. II Merrvmun of this city is now in San Francisco, where ho is detained through a suvere attack of la grippe , S A lirovvii and F. O. Urowu, both of Crvstnl, are In the city for a couple of (lujs. S W Dwlnnoll of Macdool, man ager of the box factory at that place, is in Klamath Falls on matters of business in connection with various lumber interests. Ed Lachine, who has been in the county seat for the past week on matters of business, left this morn ing for Medford. Miss Dotty Gaddls left this morn ing for Eugene for a couple of weoks to be present at tho. "home-coming week" of the college town. Mr. and Mrs. Orsa Harlow,, who have been hore visiting Mrs. Julia Harlow, left this morning for Los Angeles. Mrs. Charles Marpel and little son left this morning for Los Ancelos. THIS IS THE RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS GIRL Keep Heels Square and True Run-down heels not only de stroy the shape of shoes but throw your whole body out of line. Keep your heels square and true. The Cros sett dealer is interested in the service you obtain. He has a repair department. Wear in a shoe is hidden. Hence the necessity of a brand that means something to you when selecting a shoe. The name CROSSETT on your shoes is a definite guarantee of full value and longer wear. Bradley s Shoe Store EXCMJSIVK AGENTS 727 Main St TfcT m TtAS U FC"3 WALK EASY" r .feiiSFi ,:i; T tiP ir4, H. ar tor ('nir K MPfl MT ' JM TV;?' r . rif ;. iv ( s SHEv': MR5j HHH SBa :sSB iHpH HK ' ' SJMPfllB ag frj3l HHESTf' WmmMC f f;f XfJH Brv' Pk4- '1mL?' Tr HBH ? ,C lflLLt l3lc wH whore they expeil to remain for tlio winter George llutto and (.' V. Allen of San Francisco are among the recent arrivals registered tit tlio White Pelican hotel. Miss Avis 'Dougherty, teacher of music in the high school, who was absent for u couplo of weoks on itc I count of n cold, has entirely ncov- ered and resumed her duties. Kenneth Case, who has boon con lined to his homo for several davs with n severe cold, Is again able tj attond school. Miss Edna Wells l now in Klam ath Falls visiting with relatives and friends. Miss Wells was formerly county school superlntondont. Mr and Mrs. Nnto Oltorboln left this morning on u combined pluasuro and business trip to Portland and expect to be nwny for an Indcllnlte period Attorney E. L. Elliott loft thin morning for Portland, whom ho In oxpcctlng to consult associate coun sol on mnttors In connection with tho court houso controversy. Mrs. Ed. Wilson of Chlloquln and Miss NInn Patterson, who has been visiting Mrs. Wilson, loft this morn ing for ValFoJo, California, whoro Mrs. Wilson is expecting to spend some time with Mrs Patterson Mr and Mrs. Claude P CimMnlii I are moving today to llruy. Califor nia, whero Mr. Chnstuln Is to take up his work with tlio limy Lumber & llox company. Mr. ChiiMuIn wum formerly omplovnd by the Klamath Manufacturing company itt Shipping ton Miss Murla Sllvu of Hudding, who has been here on a business trip for the past few davs, left this morning for home, but Is expecting to return nil' rtly to Klamath Falls Frank Ward is (oullued to his i homo with a severe nttark of la 'grippe. Mr. Ward was at onu llmo threatened with pneumonia but that danger, it is believed has now been panned. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .Sull,:h?--1J Modoc Limy Itarn ' B ' !'.J b nU IIIWtInico front room" en"!, "K,,t '"'"keeping roomPho" ! 1-'i I Ull SAM: Mt llnit iwtaJ i"i"u In city llargaln Undid ".''i11'1111, ' Term.,. 14iJ I "" 13-3t i.w.-i i.ikh cimrm No ur Initials J T II Homrd If rJ uiriiiMi 10 iioraiii oinco 13-31' HORN Saturday, October 25, to Mr and Mrs. Walter W. Johnson, C3 Main street, n son, who tins been named Italph Lester Johnson. Wednesday, Novembor 12, at tlio family residence on Sargeant nvo nuo, to Mr. and Mrs. J H. Taylor, a daughter. iirsn.M ai win: norii si:i:k SKiMiunod Take homo a tow hot Tamales or Mexican Chill. Tho Crator Lunch Koam, 7th St. G-StEOl) A cross complaint was file J teste. day In the circuit court br Mr! Hodrlguoz against Frank nodrljuJ Jinking a divorce On June 5,1111, tho husband brought a divorce r lion which is still pending C TIioimiih Is tils attorney l!- The onth of allegiance ttkra I naturalized citizens In the Broil County (N Y.) Court la now id.lil lotored by Mrs. Alma J. Cole, ill wos recently appointed a icecul deputy dark of court. I $100.00 BEVERLY HAVE -sjp" - y . Beverly Hayes says: "Buy Red Croas Christmas Seals. They protect little children from the ravages of tuberculosis. The build a barrier of health about the workers of the nation. They protect homes your home, "They spell hope, assurance and )hysical and economic rehabilitation to more than one million people In the United States who have tubercu losis. If you purchase enough Red Cross Christmas Seals, the death rate of this dread plague will be materially reduced. "Last year 150,000 people fell victims of the disease. Twelve thousand f these were little children. Think f It I This death toll Is needless. It we all do our part In the sals this year, next ear's death rats will bs small er. It will be reduced year by year until eventually tuberculosis tats pass ed Into the oblivion which baa already engulfed smallpox; leprosy and typhoid fever." ,P 9 1 30.00 . - ULHjCTi $25 and $35 jflK Indians Say "Long Hard Winter" We say "what's the differ ence if you have an abund ance of good music for those cold, stormy evenings when home is the best place after all." Earl Shepherd Co. Ono Business No Sideline 007 Mala Street 9200.00 W $110.00 iMHAi f&O, f 70, 70 9200.00 Tl!inwni5 HB li drw& ! IlinlH tb iTf WBm mgfifo r faw'i" II Player,, t490.0f mp rerlod Models, 9-MS.00 up 1O0OJ00, WW ir n m. M.