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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1919)
JSWbbh, PA0E TWO J-. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. v. ,i If ,.- The Evening Herald K. J. MURRAY Editor FRED SOUliK ' City Editor Published dally except Sunday by fhe Herald Publishing Company of j JlBHVU JC K1IB, at lid r UUTIU i9hltrci " Entered at' the postof f ico at Klam 4sta Falls, .Ore., for transmission thru '""las malls 'as i "second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any tddres ta the' United States: Ob year ..... One month ... .15.00 . .50 1 i Metaber of the Associated Press if 4 .j .) , The; Associated Press Is exclusively I aatltled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It ;or jaof otherwise credited In this pa " ,sr." and also local news published aareln. All Tights of republication of spa tial dispatches herein are also reserved. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1010 EASTERN E UCKS il STABLE RULING POWER PARIS, Oct. -.2 (Correspondence Associated Press.) An intimate view of conditions in Eastern Eu rope is given by an American official Just back from a tour through Pol and, Czechoslovakia, Austria and later' a visit to the Hungarian capi tal at Budapest. He says: "It seems inevitable that changes must occur in the governments of all these new states of Europe. None of them is stable. Everywhere Js the intrigue and struggle for power and place on the part of cliques and Individuals and beneath is the un rest and discontent of the masses. National independence has not brought Utopia and' constitutions do not furnish bread. "In Poland a strong opposition to Mr. Paderewakl has developed. Besides this, Poland will suffer from acute hunger this winter. Her peo ' pie are supporting an army out of all proportion to the population to guard her frontiers and any incident may' bring a clash with the Czechs or Germans. The Teschen question! lis ncuto and both countries are 'aflame. I doubt It n plebiscite wilt settle it satisfactorily or permanently. "In Ctecho-Slovakla there is a strong. opposition to. the present go ernoient, "which lack's strength In the personnel. The. danger llvs, how ovor, more .In the growing Jealousy of the Slavs. They have been ve-jr ! thoroughly subordinated, anil resent tho arrogant attitude ot the Bohemi ans proper. Again, the drnGttc antt German, pojtcy of tho government Is a source of danger. Ciocho-Slovnk-la, fn-npnyslcar sense Is better off than any other country over hero. She hns ample food and fuel and Is thus in a commanding position. Her Industries can resume with llttlo out side help. With n strong govern ment that country Bhould survlvo and prosper. Her danger seems to He In probable racial antagonisms with resulting political ccnfuslon. "As for Hungary, few people horo beltove Jt will survlvo as an inde pendent country. Eventual .union with Rumania seems now Inevitable, either with Its own king as vassal, or simply as part of the ouiplroj Tho Rumanians were quick to see tho powerlessness of the allies and simply disregarded tho commu nications from Paris. Tho so-callod Inter-Allied military mission, un backed by anything real, Is a farce. Tho other day a lotter wa ssent to the Rumanian commander by this mission? written in English, and he handed it back with the remark to communcate with him in a language understood by civilised people. "Another Rumanian personage re marked that the Paris conference had sent them a very impolite note. to which they were forced to reply in kind. These are merely Illustrat- Ive-of the conditions there. "Hungary will starve this winter. It is beginning to starve now. The Rumanians have stripped It' utterly. from seed wheat to the printing presses. They control and censor and deed, conquerors. . "Among men with whom I talked in Budapest, there Is a conviction that if Hungary survives it will be only under a monarchy. The peas antry want a king and the old reac tionary crowd is powerful, acute and busy. The great land owners are still the great power and, with the church, forms a powerful ' organiza tion. Recently one of the great dig nitaries of the Church approached the Inter-Allied mission with a pro posal to place the Duke' of Secretary Wilton Opening International Labor Confer ence at Washington 5j3Jpg Rir, - j "" irti. SJ3HMHMBBBs-sHMs : mWM$Kk. Avi t itHl h:tiHiHk: islm ' ? BMillllllllllllllillllllllllllilllj1ilA;. ,kw " ' dlviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHfllB v f-O'-.illllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllHilllHi, .. 1 1 kKiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK '"t, - illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHiBcl rnmrn wmm pp. rM 1 rsTtTstsTi ! .-B L""stI . tiv-wH'Mlu wj mrrm ', D '"" m"i.k,. i!, '& m$ awu... TiniA, RtntPa delccates will n'ot partlclpato in tho session-. rt " ... a . ..ill ll. "ntntn lift t3 . .u T.,n(nni T.nhnp Conference at wusmngion uniu iu o".. ratified the peace treaty. Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson presided, at the opening session. Ho Is seen here, gavel In hand, ready to open tho conference, which is holding Its sessions liUho Pan-American building. on the throne of Hungary. In fact, there are any number of royal can didates in the offing waiting to see what will happen. "As for Austria, every province and every district Is a separate gov- t '.' 'BIR nift-fen ' TVTRONSoftiwthop, ' t'BJ'HL, K 1-rcalizing that no detail .HgBH X of one's garb better ex- I Bm3 presses breeding than correct- ( ly. chosen shoes, invariably . "jV ask for Nettleton'g. A3 jH And in so doing diey assure DiH chemselv'es a distinction in ap- ' bam pearance and reliability in - IF service well worth any dirTer- H ence in price. -"ssiiiiiHv Iet us fit you with Nettleton ;V Shoes the model shown '-ovV above is typical of many ex- c31r elusive styles; SOLD BY THE . ernment by itself, acting. independ ently and often In defiance of tho Vienna government, which is actu ally controlled, ns far as any con trol goes, by those workmen and soldiers' councils. Nolther tho Chris tian Socialists nor the Social Demo crats have a majority In tho assem bly, so that the All-German party with its membership of about 39'hns the balance ot power and throws' i's vote to suit its own onds.: There must bo terrible suffering 'this win ter. The country will be practically without fuel, and it, is a rigorous winter cllmato. ;Food already Is Bcarce 'and poor and dally increases In price. Tho hospitals are still without supplies, the death rate Is high and, the streets literally' filled with begging men and "women and children. Highway robbery is prev alent, smuggling rampant and thero are signs of, .revolution unless con ditions quickly mend. "There, too, the body of tho peo ple seem to want a monarchy. They have had enough kit Republicanism. Well-informed people say a coup d etat is not impossible. It would not take much to place a king back if he were a strong man with quality of. leadership. In any ovent tho re actionary element is strong and is growing stronger in the absence of leadership, In the present govern ment. The Austrians aVo bopoleas regard ing their future and see onlyxa un ion with Italy or Czecho-Slovakia. if they are to survive. Tho country is bankrupt, stripped, ofi Its resources by the peace settlement and tho peo ple are too worn, out to fight. In spite ot tho treaty thero is a fooling that some way will bo tried to bring about unlou with Gormany." .; ' Wo make n specialty of lire, life and accident Iiwupauco. Phono 00 and we'll do tho rest. Chllcoto Sm'lli Otf Moro than a million, acres of-land have boon joclalmod from tho soa by Holland sinco tho sixteenth cen tury! S! H MB i m Wm vigaicucb maae to I meet your taste! v Camels are offered you ,u cigarette entirely! out of tho ordinary a flavor unit m...L '' never boforo attained. To best realize their X? ity compare Carnos with any ciiantX' tho world at any price "e ,n Comers flavor is so refreshing so enticing, it will vvin you at onco so new and unusual That? what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and ' choice Domestic tobneco gives you I You'll prefe this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! As you smoke Camels, you'll note absence of any unpleasant cignrctty aftertaste or any un pleasant cignretty odor. And, you'll be delighted . to discover that you can smoko Camels liberally!' yrithout tiringyour taste! m . m . . . 'St lane ameis ui any angietnoy surely supply cigarette contentment beyond nnythiner'yod evw experienced. They're a cigarette revelation?'. You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts.', You'll prefer Camels quality! . ' Cjm,.'. r lf ttrtywhn in rwpflliiaiir Maltiptcl. tUtir-tt$ff"vrinStrlvn, V tiiont y mmm I An ertan fjr th honit oreOitm tupply orwh, on litni TVc HUN DENIES lOHTINI OIIISINEV SWKEI'S Will bo here this wook. Those wishing to have their flues cleaned call phono 47." Satisfaction guaran teed. Keep your flues clean and protect your home from flro. 10-5t? 1 WATCH THE. BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneya-Hcart-Livcr Keep the vital organs healthy by .regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL dAUB-H to K K K STORE ( Exclusive Agents ifcl r g L lM Tb National Rmedy of Holland for centuritsand endorsed by Queen Wllhtl mlnm. At all druggists, three sizes. Lm I'm tt name Cold MtUI on rr bos mni accapt bo lmlltlo dPCTs Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. 0.-F. . Meots Friday night of each week t I. 0. 0. F. hall, 6th and Main streets. P. J.derges , N. O.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 48', I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. 0. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, 0. Pt; Nate Ottorbeln, Scribe P. It. Fountain Treasurer. SCIATIC PAINS -QUICKLOELIEVED Keep Sloan's, the World's Llal I ment handy to allay aches THOUSANDS of men and women, when the least little rheumatic "crick" assail, them, have Sloan's Liniment handy to knock it out. Popular a third of a century ago far more popular today., That's because it it so wonderfully helpful in relieving' all external aches' and pains sciatica, lumbago, neural-1 gia, ovcratrained muscles, stiff jointe, weather exposure results. A little it all that is necessary, for it soon pent traiet without rubbing to tho sore spot. Leaves no muss, stained sLin, clogged' pores. A bottle today is a wise pre caution. Keep it handy. .All:druRgistt (35f.; 70c.. 11.40, -itt VERDUN LOSSES ROOFING Now Is tho time to .fix that Roof now before the rain and snow come and make it al most impossible to do tho work. You save money by doing it now, and save .your property, too. Let mo do your work and it will be done right. W.D.MILLER Contractor Phone 203 282 Oth St. Never Lost Skid Chains made to or der wjfrh patent safety features. The best to be had. At 0. K. SHOP D. A. KENYON Sixth and Plum ' WERE HEAVY I1ERLIN, Oct. 15. (Correspond ence of tho Associated Press). In dofonso of his administrative career ns chief of staff of tho Oerman armies In 1915' and 1916, Ocnoral Erich Von Falkenhayn denloa that Oerman losses at Vordun wore excessive. Ho declares they wore under thoso of tho enemy. . Gorman dofenslvo operations at Somnio, he declares, wore effective under his dlrdctlon, whereas only limited results previously had boon achieved. The success of tho Eng lish and French at Soramo, ho clulms,- wero posslblo only bocause of tho Austrian collapso, which ne cessitated tho despatch of hoavy re inforcements to tho eastern front. Von Falkenhayn declaros theswift success ,of tho numanian campaign, wnicn no commanaou anor nis uis missal as chief of staff, was due' pri marily to exhaustive preparations of the general staff before his retire ment. Rumania's declaration of war, he states, was tho external pretext for his retirement, although this move on his part was primarily duo to tho machinations of othor per sons in tho Gorman military clrclo who had been plotting his ovorthrow for a long time. "Take it from Me" ays the Good Judge Wise tobacco chcvYcrsloog since got over the big-chew idea. A little chew of this real 'quality tobacco gives them better satisfaction and they find their chew ing costs even less. With this class of tobacco, you don't need a freih . chew so often and you find you're saving part of vow tobacco money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW , jut up in two stylts RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is q long finc-cutbacco I' CBBBsm i sbbbbV H it s RADIO CONNECTS V ARCTIC OUTPOSTS 'iiiBBBBlllllllllllllllllllllllllMSHBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! Bsb1iibbbbbbbbsIiiIIIIibbs T i I t?isMBBgflClJ?f:Jnfryi a 1iil I '' I " ' " , h DAWSON, Y. T Sept. ll.--(By Mall). Radio 'connections botween Dawson and tho far Arctic outpostni of Itersehel Island, Rampart House unu run oicruvrsun, is dbihk urgea upon Dominion authorities by the Yukon Development league und oth ora. Only ono wlro has served the Yu kon, the ono direct stretch south through the wilderness to tho Cana dian Pacific railroad at Ashcroft, 1, 600 miles distant. Local feoders have' been noglected. Even Mayo hdart of tho new Yukon silver re gion It Is pointed out, is Isolated entirely. Now the cry has come from outlying) mining camps, from persona interested in Increasing the usoful noss of the distant police outposts, for moro communication. "Helpful Hinto" LOSING A CERTIFIED CHECK WHEN a bank "certifies" a check for you, 1 JufSS ' TEES Its, pnymont. Therefore whon on0J8 ';,'. tfMd ' ' is required from the maker boforo a new ono it , In Its place. Cortiflod qhocks should ALWAYS s payable to tho ordor of a certain party insieiu "bearer." . ., nnif In hddttlon A connection with tho First National Bank, in ,$ . ..... ...-.. h.niinp rncuiiji ..-- i.. iu Burning uu u....."(. .. .,,on sourco of rollnblo financial Information wnen K. R. Rcaincx, PivsWcnt. I F. AVIIIIts, Vlcivlfesldeat. IhIIo RoKorH. t'asnicr. A. M. ColUer, Ciwhlcr. Cahier j I a f rnlllor. ANHt. llJ Joiin M. Moore, Anst JM r - "" KLAMATH mm nPmw " " VBSff ' ""in . i , GRIT, BONE, MEAT SCRAPS, EGG MASH FOR CHICKENS Murphe-s Feed &Seed'SWj 126 South Sixth St I