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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WKivvmuv, orrnuKn la ll vl J -I at Noon Thursday and All Day Friday, Arranging for Sale PAGE TtfO !!i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMLLfliff BBIBBLMBMBBBMuwHHHBBHBHnWW i 11 1 1 musrq Don't Spend Another Penny for Merchandise Until You See Our Advertisement in Tomorrow's Paper th Yom Kippur STARTS SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18th, AT 9:00 A. M. It will be the greatest sale we have ever held. It is the sale you have been waiting for. Our entire stock goes on sale. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE TOMORROW'S EVENING HERALD tsswmztmMzmz The Evening Herald E. J. MUK11AV Editor , FRED SOUIiK City Editor Published dally except Sunday by Tits Herald Publishing Company of I Klamath- Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. I IfOUSTON'Q : "Metropolitan Amusements " 1 Entered at the postotfico at Klam ath Falls, Ore., for transmission thru the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mail to any address In the United States: One year One month ..S5 00 ..- .50 Member of the Associated Pros The Associated Press is exclusively atltled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserr- WEDJJESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 101 HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DWC'ING eUnoilaj At Saturday Sights. . Popular Jazz Orchestra REHI T DUCKS DAMAGE RICH SACRAMENTO, Ca , Oct, 15. Wild ducks are playins havoc with a considerable portion of the Sacra mento valley rice crop. J. H. Stephens says his loss this .year due to wild ducks will amount to $12,000. Stephens declares he was refused protection by government representatives until the damage had been done. STAR THE'ATER TODAY " Artcraft Present. ' ixsii: it.rguSo.v In Tin: maihuaui: piuci: Also v! gaiii m:uv y The IVniale Chafwin In A lliproai iiik ConieOv STT Comli'rf Soon Tin: MIRACIii: MAX TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Jessie Ii. Lasky Picscuti ETIIKIj CfiAYTOX In TUG MYSTERY GIRL Also A Ljous and Moran Comedy And Hearst International Xcus . No spot in the British Isles more than 80 miles from the sea is MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDArS AST) SATURDAYS Merrill. Orezon not GO BACK 01 JOS COPMJ.VT IK) A HIT OP WORK TOR MONTHS BKPORi: TAKING TAXIiAC. I simply 1 misery nearly every mln-lback, and that is gutting better all i to Why. I got to whuru in) knees tho tlmo. I um going back to work nuxt week, ho ou may know by that "When I commenced taking Tanlac I hadn't been ablo io hit a lick of work In several months. but!lt!J "'i l-1'"8 'n tho small of my vonld pain and actio so bad that I couldn't stand on my feet any length of time. When I was sitting down I would bne to stretch my legs straight out in ordor to bo comfort able a few minutes. 1 would have to change my position often while In bed on account of being in so much pain, and such a thing us u good night's sleep was out of the question with me. My kidneys gao mo lots of trouble too, and I suffered u great bottles of this medkino hasjuacK n few mado such a big lniproeinent in m j "Tho different medicine. and that my condition Is greatly Itn procd I huto totd a lot of my friends about Tanluc and what It has tlono for me, nnd I am always glad to h.ivo a rliauco to say a good word for tho bust medicine on earth" Tanlnc Is sold In Klamnth Kalli by the Star Drug Co., and In I-orello by tho James Merc, Co. Adr. WAR CliAlMS PAID SACUAMKNTO. Cal.. Oct. 15. California families are being paid condition that I am now getting treatments I took didn't uo mo anv, J24.-I19.4G0 In war risk Insurance 1 .... ...... .1 .Inlm. I... Unm A Inl.l ready to get back' on tho job," said F.L. Snyder, a well known lumber man who lives at 44 Forst St., Port land, Ore., the other day. "I have suffered from rheumatism for tho past fifteen years' continued Mr Snyder, "aud the trouble grad ually grew worse all the time until It Anally got tho best of me and I had to giteup my work altogether. This rheumatism just seemed to settle in no kneo and hip joints and shoulder blades, and it's an actual fact, I was good at all, and in fact, tho only thing I found that has done mo any good at all since this trouble first came on me, is Tanlac. I began tak ing this medicine a lev.' weeks ago, and it is simply wonderful. I an truthfully say that I commenced to feel better by tho tlmo i had taken Tanlac four or Ue days, and 1 have been improving ever since. In fact, I never haie a pain or an ache now with the exception of a slight pain now and then in tho small of my claims by Undo Sam. A total of 2,794 claims are being paid while 1,023 aro being investigated. Tho winner of a cigarette smok ing competition In Knglaud kupt an ordinary cigarette alight for ilxty two minutes. "7 J JL 1 1 W; Probably tho first known Intoxi cant was tho fermented milk of marcs, and It is at the present time a favorite with tho Tartar. w&tgMMmWxm YOU CAN NOW HAVE FURNACE HEAT' The Quaker Pipeless Furnace offers clean, even furnace heat to the thousands of homes that here tofore have been forced to rely on inadequate and dirty stoves. Many times the ordinary type of furnace installation is out of the question on ac count of tearing up the floors and walls for regis ters and stacks. Again, the basement is too small to admit of the furnace or the home owner has not felt justified in spending the money required for an elaborate 'pipe installation. Whatever the reason provided, the home own er has, nevertheless, longed for clean, healthful, eyen furnace heat. The Quaker Pipeless Furnace lis Demaed The Quaker Pipeless Furnace has no pipes, no bulky cold air returns. Your floors and walls are not torn up, no cellar is too small, The installation is extremely simple. Anybody can install the Quaker Pipeless Furnace. An abundance of clean, pure, warm air, sent to every room. Simpler than a stove to operate, cleaner, more saving of fuel, and much more healthful. Sends heat to every room in the house. Venti lates as well as heats. Changes and purifies the air in every room. ROBERTS & HANKS Comfortable warmth A good oil heater filled with Pearl Oil gives real comfort with out dust and dirt. Steady, com fortable heat for many hours on one filling with Pearl Oil, the ever obtainable fuel. Oil consumed only when heat is required no waste. Portable. Economical. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere, the same high quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil ' sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order t by name Pearl OiL We recommend Perfection Oil Heaters STANDARD OIL COMPANY " (California) PEARL OIL MKEROilNir ' HE AT AND LIGHT J. J. MORTELL, Special Agent Klamath Falls, Ore. 4 ! I -IPv r . . I 3 ' IT.T !FL i i i vc?r MW SHSSSi lv , Children Love Them Instiiietivoly tliey crave this wheat f. 1 wilh its taste of Malt. And indeed notlnn.; euiiU! lie licttcr for them tliun crisp, dainty Snow Flakes. Your grocer ins tliem. Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flakes l'actf.c Cecil llistuil C: A I x" 2 : Z. - rVxv riiUyAa? tht Story of a Turret Captain Promotion la the Nry come quickly to thow who qualify tot higher tulatt. In March 1899 A. P. NUttoo ralittcd in tho Navy ai an Apprentice Seaman. 3rd claii. In April 1907 tie wat rated Chief Turret Captain. Ills pay todjy la $103.76 per month. 'rk$ai&XTZ& Amans life amon men Reel them oiT "Kio",GibralUr; Ceylon, Yokohama all the great ports of Ujc world arc they only places on Uie map to you or arc they ports where you've gone sail ing in from the high seas with every eye along the shore turned admiringly on your big hlp j-our ship I Every ocean has a United States ship sailing for some port north teeing. If you've any call In you for a full life join, and color all your years ahead with memories of tilings worth seeing with knowl edge worth having with an inex haustible fund of sea tales and afloat that wM make you a wel come man in any company. Work? sure, and a roan' w it is, among men. Play? weU.rather.withsbnwa of men who know how to pby. These comrades or ycurs cany in their ears the sounds of gret world cities, or booming gun. swashing seas-sounds you U share with them and that rJ never die am ay. And when you come home, yw face Me ashore with level cei for Uncle Sam ""! reliance as well as jdf-fe The Navy builds strmgbtmsn no mollycoddles. adventures picked up ashore and EnlUt for twoyear.. Excellent opportunlUe. for ? Four weeka holiday with pay each year. Chore ""'". fooj lond.ihtot port. vUlted. McneivaylcuBot." Q(t and firtt uniform outfit free. Pay bet in. the day you ' full Information from your neartrecruitIns.Utioa. not know wl.ara the oeare.t recruiting autlon U. i 7" Pottxnajtcr. lib knows. Shove off! -Join the U. S .Navy I , ,,00,