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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1919)
, tuiwdav, nkpti;: AGK right MllRn i THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DA. i... PRESIDENT IS BETTER, REPORT )Mi.slrlini Announces Iiuitruvoiiirnt IMtiout's General Condition Ho Is WnUliliiK Trcity Kiftlit With Intcrott but Takes IVo lliuul Steel Corporation Head Who Refused to Confer With Labor Lenders s;',yjs?Ts'- WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept 30 After two days ot complete rest, Prcslilont Wilson's condition today showed improvement, according to announcement issued by Dr. Gray son, tho President's physlclnn. Although the Presfdent's illness s still serious enough to preclude his taking nn active part iu tho light for the ratification of tlio peace treaty, he has shown much interest in tho progress of tho struggle. Last night ho received a report from Secretary Tumulty on the sit uation in the senate, which advised tho administration that tho treat would not he amended and no res ervations requiring its re-submission would be adopted. HI T 1MTEED TO FOREST USERS Grazing Privilege in Modoc Na tional Forest Will Ho Shared Alike by Stockmen of Oregon and California, Says Supervisor r-"srsir5Ksm skskkkkijsssssss Iff xlHi Si- Hi JBHsSv' v 1 "? iniHi i IDEW CLOTHES WORN II : SOUTH RUSSIA PARIS, Sept. HO. People In hoiiio of tho villages of southern ltiiHsIn me wearing dresses Hindu or lei von or grass .sown together with tmmhuo filne. owing to the difficulty In ob Mining cloth, says Major (!. M. Tow so, who is In charge of tho lied Cross activities along tho shores of the Mack Sea. It Is an Ideal costume for tho summer when southern ltunsla has a tiMiiperaturo llko that or tho Gar den of Kden." said Major Towso, but I shiver when I think of what will happen to thoso littlo girls when the snow begins to fly." i The lied Cross Is expected to dis tribute a shipment of clothing In Miuthern llussla before autumn. HOWIE RETURNS FROM CALIP. MOTOR TRIP KMtKI'T II. GARY .--, ,i ncctitiiftt' nf n strike I I'UCIUK lilt." inwiJ i affecting the thousands of employees of the United States Steel Corporation Judge Elbeit H. Gary, chairman or that corporation's executive board, refused to confer with members of tho Amalgamated Iron and Steel Workers' Union. Ho dented thoir contention that they represented a great majority cf tho employees and; declared that tho corporation stood solidly for the "open shop." Both sheep and cattle men of Klamath county have been some what in doubt as to whether or not thejr applications for permits to, graze in the territory known as tho lava beds country, which was re cently added to the Modoc National Forest, would receive tho same con sideration as tho applications from live stock men living in California. Secretary J. H. Carnahan ot the Klamath Wool Growers' Association fecelved a letter recently from W. G. Durbin, forest supervisor at Al turas, California, wherein he states that applications received from per sons living in Oregon vill receive the same consideration as if they lived in California, and thero will bo no discrimination. Each individua' case wijl bo considered and deter mined regardless of state lines. HOMES DESTROYED BY FLOWING LAVA HONOLULU, Sept. 30. Mount Mauna Loa, the Hilo Island volcano, hurst into a new eruption last night, j when a wide stream of lava poured i down the Kona side of the crater,, destroying many houses in its path.1 Residents of the devastated district aro fleeing to Rea, 50 miles away. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One small cook stovo, one single and ono double bed and spiings. Tel. 258-M or call at HI South Riverside 2U-3t Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Howlo with thoir two .sons returned last evening nftor spending a month motoring through Ceittrnl California. Mr. Ilowio Is enthusiastic about California high ways, and predicts great things for Klamnth County and Oregon whon this section has reached tho point of highway development attained by tho Golden State. "Tho greatest asset California has Is her roads. You often hear people say that wo don't want to build road.s for tho tourist. Thls"ls a mistake Wo are all tourists. If wo go to Merrill or Fort Klamnth, wo aro tourists. Tho farmor is a tourist when ho comes to town. Hut using tho word to'urlst in. tho broadest sense, tho tourist business would do more for tho building up of Oregon than any other ono thing. It has built up California and Washington and It will build up Oiegon, tor this state is going to havo prvi miuN. It is only going to bo a matter pi , short tlmo before nearly ovoryono In Klamath County will bo turning in other states, and whon they do, thoy will bo glad to receive a cordial wel come and luue good lo.uls to triv-l over. In all my travols, howovor, 1 saw no place that sui pushed Ki.i math, and few that equalled it. You can walk further on our Goodyear rubber heels. CO cents a pair put on Bradley Shoe Store It Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing apparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing else can.' Curtains, towels, dresser scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phono 214W 131 N. 4th St. 1 STEAM ENGINEER and . capable mechanic desires connection witn concern offering steady employment ,A-1 retotences. Address Box II, ! Herald 30-2t I : Black Bear Mack'inaws and Log gers' shirts at N. B, Drew's Store, Cor. Sixth and Main 30-3t Bos3 of tho Road Overalls and Khakis at N. B. Drew's Store , Cor. Sixth and Main 30-3t ' Foil" SALE 2C head pure bred Wllllamette Valley Lincoln Bucks ' and one Rambolet as we are moving i out of the country would rather sell I these than move them out. These j bucks aro high grade stuff and in , fine shape. Can be seen at D. B. ' Murphy's place eight miles out on 1 the Merrill Road. Address H. S. Newton, Owner, CC2 A St., Ashland,' Ore or D. B. Murphy, Klamath Falls, I Oregon. 9-30-10t I President's Daughter in Gown Given to Her by Girl Friends in Brest FOR SALE OR TRADE Burglar proof safe. Inquire W. C. Davenport port,733 Main St. 30tf "Give It a Boost" Next Thursday and Friday are the days for our Klamath County Fair, and every community all over the valley is going to put its best foot forward towards displaying its own community exhibit. Now, Klamath Falls has been asked to join in this great event and we want to show them some of the wonderful fruit and produce that is grown in our city. Therefore, the Sunset Grocery is taking an active part in this, and is asking everyone who has anything they can dig up to bring it to our store, or phone us and we will see that it is taken care of and delivered to the fair in the best of shape. Don't neglect this opportunity to do your "bit" towards helping out our display, and show to the people what we really have in this wonderful valley, as well as our thriving and growing city. If you can't deliver the stuff to the Sunset phone us and we will come after it. The Sunset Grocery WW n Jm0mmm&5for If. ,V. MOIO, Proprietor Meeting Every Demand of the Discriminating Woman Our Show' F?SS -v.' ,'5 m isa V I I if CSJ f v n-1 VA-i jm i m ava y i in . V I U- (LI N J I Hteffiyrtfb-Y Mrt7, t -H Beautiful New Coats Offers Assortments Delightful in Completeness at $20.00 to $85.00 One likes one's coats to express individualitv iAi remembered and of the coats we aro now Eii it may be said that each has some special nllureS its own some particular charm, oiwl oriirin 1 adapted best to a distinct type of figure, offi -S ular fabrics as lluP Silvertones, Velours, Brondclolhs, Novelty Materials and Rich Plushes in Remarkable Fur Effects 4.l TJ? WBBl r -n i RS&J&A WKM.l .' MHfN k.'i . 11 .PIN V. H?,f rimming Our assortments include every shade and tr; cllcct that lias been approved for fall. Some coats ire elaborate, others conservative, and in between the two extremes models that illustrate the charming medium Priced Under Market Value a Splendid Variety of New Dress and Coat Materials In spite of tlm fart that all fabrics have Increased nollcciblr In prlco, many of tlio liolow iiiuiitloiii'il materials retain iliu mirklnn if last year. " 01 French Serges $3.50 and $4.00 Kino Quality all-wool French Heroes In nuy, grey and plum; IS and 54 Inchos wldo. Splendid values ut those prices. 50-Inch Serges at $2.50 and $3.00 All-wool French sows In navy, wine, groy and dark green; 12 and CU Inches wldo. 32-in. Corduroys, Special at $1.85 Very dcslrnhlo for tho making of children's coats, skirts, etc. In taupo. Old Hose, dust, green, na vy, dark brown and bUck. Princess Cloth $2.75 and $3.00 A splendid nil-wool material (hat fashions admirably Into frocks. In wino, dark green, Uurgundy and black; 42 Indies wide. New Velvets and Plushes AmonKHt tho now arrivals aro Now C'ont illiio Velvets in tuupo, navy and DurKiiuily; .10 Inches wide. Special at JI.G0. 54-inch Plush Coatings at $16.50 A splendid long pile fabric that Is haidly distinguishable from natural fur. in brown and black. 54-inch Grey Fur Effect Plush, $10.00 Used oxcluslvcly for trimming purposes. Fine Percales, Special 39c Kspeclnlly dcslrnhlo for tho making cf housu dresses or nprons. In light nnd dark blue grounds, ntrlped and dotted; ;ttj inches wide. A special. 54-in. All Wool Coatings An iinUHiially wldo variety for tho selecting of tlio desired mitt. rial for the unking of tbo coat, ' Is offered In heavy Oxford grey givon, vlno, nnvy, black and the popular plaids and chocks. Ex cellent values at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4 Outing Flannel Special, 39c A very good grade ot materia!; especially good for sleeping gar ments. In pink and Lluo stripes and checks Special at this price. " Figured Flannelette 30c yd. This Is a sperlal value Very desirable for the making of dress Plaid Scrfres. 65c. 75c. 85c lB saccules mid kimono?. la ' -,--- .. . pretty norm paiierns on porpie nnd blue emu mis Also nursery on tnn and blue grounds; 27 la. wldo. Ot serviceable weight cotton and wool inlxliiro. Iu pleasing color combinations; I!C Inches wide Supreme in Style, Fit and Workmanship a Fine Showing of New Welworth Blouses at $2.50 A deslro to bo tastefully dressed and a hoiiro of economy com mend these blouses to tho woman who Is thriftily Inclined. Duo to their unusual excellence, thoir unfailing dependability, thoir modest prlco, and more particularly perhaps to tho fact that tho styles aro nlwajto now, these waists have mado thousands of women regular purchasers. An especially pleasing nsKortmont of now models has Just arrived you will lluo them. Stylish New Wirthmor Waists at $1.50 This waist, wo bollpvo, ropresonts tho ultimate In valuo. The styles aro always pretty nnd tho materials of a character usually found In waists at u much higher prlco. Many now stylo models will ho shown for tho first time tomorrow. 0--J.B im v vr? Later Purchases Will .Cost You More Buy Now and Save on t Blankets and Comforters The retail prices wo liavo given theso blankets and comforjors aro based on wholcsnlo costs it t time of purchase, many months ago. Tho roplacomont of any ono' of tho bolow mentioned m.n" will mean a higher salo price, as all of thorn havo mado material advances within tho past montn. Very Good Cotton Blankets, $2.65 A special valuo. In tho 50x74-lnch (threo-quar-tor bed) size. Grey with pink striped border. "Wearwell" Cotton Comforters, $3.50 A vory good grade cotton blanket. In whlto, tan or grey, with colored borders. Slzo 04x80 in. Wool-Finish. Blankets, $6.50 Of flno staplo cotton with tho desirable wool fin ish. In grey only, with blue border. Size 70x80 Inches. "Wearwell" Comforters, Special $4.00 Tho filling Is ofgroy and whlto carded eottg. tho covorlnu of protty sllkotlno In blue ana pi" floral pattern. Slzo 72x84 inches. Pretty Comforters, Special $6.50 Flno cardod felt filling. Covered with sMko'to in dainty floral pattern. Slzo 72x84. Tnu vory apodal prlco. Pillows, Special at $2.00 Filled with strictly now, curled and well sel feathers. 2Vorod with taking in lavender, unu youow uorai uosicu. oio -- &Z&Z2ZZZH' MISS MARGARET W. WILSON As a token ot friendship French girls of Brest designed, embroidered and mado a gown for Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson, oldest daughter ot the President. This hitherto unpub lished photograph shows Miss Wilson woaring tho graceful garment. M p GERMANY MUST EVACUATE BALTIC PARIS, Sopt. 30. Qenoral bldfck ado ot Gormany is threatened by the allies In case tho German troops undor General von dor Goltz are not removed from tho Daltts region, Immediate action is demanded from tho Gorman government and it Is reported that tho blockade will start today unless the required evac uation Is begun. , No food ships will bo permitted to sail for German ports until fur ther drdors are Issued by the Allies, Now October Records. Shepherd's. U. S. MARINES ARE LANDED AT SPELATO ROME, Sopt. 30. Amorlcan ma rines from the U. S. S. Pittsburg, tho flagship of Rear Admiral Andrews, are maintaining order in tho city of Spolato, Dalmatla, where outbreaks of a racial nature botweon Italians and Jugo-Slavs are feared. Feeling on both sides Is running high, forc ing tho Americans to Intervene. Ladles havo your old grey or brown shoos dyed black. Look llko now. We spoclallo on dyeing at Dradloy Shoo Store, It MIHmeii and HoHnak 4ftL v 1 Tat Inn J. J u JjOClU www - .. . 0J A most Important "jgV Thursday, October 2, at 7:New-Quarterly PasswaS Secretary. NOTICE . pit jjii On and after OctlrtJJiirf Depot will handle the m the Perfection DMY itit ,U milk delivered after ' v bJ p. presented and cotteew" i-i. TfllrV. r perfection so-itJifJ--Want Ads brine reuW. u, m