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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1919)
""-"tt .SIJlTKMHKIt ao, mill THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGH XHKMB WOMEN PREY OF LONELINESS London Writer Says That It the Cant -rttnAit HHUDHITY OF onto TCI II ITEBS: of Their Tireless and Cease- less Toll. ' M.-n tin- amazingly mill iiimmliisly Ignorant wlili respeii in tin int rlou life ll h) their mother, wive, dtitigh- I trrH iiikI mints. Tor ycnrs nt n ll'ur n ' iiiiim may kii nn blindly with his work uiy hi- piny mill ri'innlii In intnl Igno- , rutin' nlmiii the nrtllllcnftlii'c lnx ill(iilili bilngs. lie Is dimly nnd dubi ously nun re Hint they nic not 10 If. Iti I liU i.irnX)KiiiM In liiiiiltlnii h guesses ' tluit his couifurt anil oxen his luippl- fiesn In hihiii ffi1i1iiii mitt ilitM .! niifin . r i ' " -- - -- -...w. f i "i"'n , ,- ah.- ry regular on tho' their I'.ut iiic greater purl of sW'. ri . ...irtlon of Hick Kerr his pxiMwhc Im pnss1( In a sublime foX't'lb h uKh the fire of a chain-' 'rnuring "t "" ! liomenw mln. les tMtn only three iBetlilK-r. , wrought by uouiwi e.r duy of hi pirtttfcl?" tor, 8lIIee nnd"r cf tt K" , ,rnin 0f I have iiiini' to the conclusion tlmt rjriJfn f " f- l" lra,n "' .oin(.,i nrc Hi loi.e,.,t of (Iml's rn-n-,..,!; for (" baseball cliampion-f ur,.B ,, ,, nr ())lHllni.s , .,. hic" p'i" 20 " T1,B rhl" C"'1 " ..hi l.nrn n ltfClfll!ll "u lloila In thn ,,i I tnrllimii ..- , , r i ii manor of experl- Cf Jr on ..- f ilr IK1 .r..r lb. rime 1 1 Ill-lip against Ti . . ... ., .l.l't lirOURIll IKU "in Chicago In 19 J 7 will lio that i;ronl llmt iuiimc of (Jii'lr tireless unil cosinel. n loll, Jmiih'k Iiiiiiulim writes in Loudon upliilmi. Nriirly every mmiiiui goos ulioiit Willi ii lonely look on her fnce nnil the olilrr she grows the lotic II it Mil" looks. There nn wrj few lonely men, fur men nri' gr guriou. Ihey in ! ii I mi, upon thu whole, loss Imaginative limn women. They live 1 mure on tln surface. They do not pos- I Hale's Description of Doings of a Picnic Party. Yon nil pi out to ii p'cnlc, nnil moot together In some plcusnut place In Hip ivoixIh. nnil yon jmt Mown tin ImMiWs i r(s n( .vf ned wl" h rtiarionshiP I" .i.,,. ihc only rhuiBe tijberc w"' I'y "horl nn'1 Wcavur ,yrf I l917- M.MullIn played tho ... -,rner and Weaver Btiort. UIh- Urf bt:nft benrhed for Iho lltulnr ,in ,,,,,,111,. ,,f p,,Vi.r of living u pnef About id- only other rluinKui Mrret Inm-r life of i-onleinplntlon mid -r.t h m th iiitrhlnR fltaff and here I hrooilliiKly n-iroxpcrilw paNlnn, Men ' ,. LiiMie Clcottc. prohnlilyl IIwj In mid for Hie hour; womtin lives 1 ""n I tear Ihc brunt or the work with ' ""' ''" "' !"d mid thr future. ,ade Williams, also a veteran of.'"1' nn- nt war with their environ CUace wmia ". .,., ,' uivnt. Like Nnrali In "The Doll's ,te U17 raff runnlnB mieond "o,,, , HSL Kerr, the dlmlnutlvo l-IIie ,,.,,. , , . 0m. ,.,,,, tiscer, may proro tho dark horBu, ,,CI,S ,,. prlm ()f lruKiv nl,,llRtv y'ititr ol the eerles. Ho has not 'man's face. One MMnui mm-s anything Hi a tasc r a world scries gninc. u!m 011 a woimuiN. It Is till wiled 1st those c!o;c to thu doings of tho tumult of the soul Hint drlwi women CcxhYe'r aRBregation expect to see Into frantic and feteiMi lilhori. this younest'-r .old up hlH end In tt.Kt.Trnf to nn in with ti'o much LIKE LIFE'S PATHWAY packlaf, Manager (Jleason has I v W, ho pitrb-d threo of tho lltu- E(fectlve Parai,,e n Edward Everett ur games lo 1917, hut has not hee.i r'ss so well thtii season. However, tij faicoih piirlH-r may flrovo a urprue to thme uho have watched la work this season, by going In against the Ited aggregation. Ho tu ben slow In rounding into sbipe, but wise ones say that ruber will le In there against tho Moran clan. Macagcr Pat Moran of tho Jteih, ttcsgb be bas been through 11 world Kiln bliss-If. ab has Kid (Jleasrn, ns: rr!y irgely on men who have t:icr faced the test of a short series ca wblth everihing depended. Jake DjtiVrr phyd on the Hrooklyn t:aat wiai.-re In 1D1C, but tho t i frsi a man's record is not nn impr -in- In tho 101G series DMtcrt ba'Ud only .300. Sallco tzl Rard. 11 plaed with the Giants izziz-r " vhite Sox In 1917. Itarl ':' ' ' In tblrtoeti games at nr 1. . in six times tip hit U , -h . Whlto Sox regulars. 'y t' s aw rages wore: J. Col l:j i6 i...-t,0id. .400; AIcMtillln, U3, E fiili.ns. .109; Jackson, :. Feb.b. 273; Gandll, .201; Leaver. 31J; rjcottc. .143 RIs- wrg, 500. Kaber, .143. 'ae White !i x also boast two r!ayen who have been through core tbin one series. Eddie Col &u. generally considered the great t tecond basqman In tho gamo, H1 face the world series hurling ' bc slith time when ho steps to tl Plate against Moran's twlrlers. wlllnj was a member of tho ramous fUkdelphla Athletics during rour ' their pennant-winning seasons Pliyed on the Sox In 1917. Kd- Mnrpby, Gleason's aco In pinch ""'"g. will go into his rourth series T falL Murphy played with tho AtWeticg during two or their cham Piouhip ,carg and aIfl0 WM w)th mx two years ago when thoy tbe championship. Murphy did Set into the series In 1917 "t Ihe Giants. H0 j8 not a reg- T.n' but has "Ied hatted bet-. .400 this season as n nin.h mk SIMPLY COULD NOT FORGET ' Maeaulay's Memory Could Only De Described its Marvelous John ilrlght a Close Second. ! Tilltlnp trt ipii kin". In repnrlep n 'loij of S.Mlury Slnltli was ell.ij I Inn! not yet In iird. "In, tell. mo. Mr. Sinllli." cxcIiiIiikiI 11 rather gUKhlng .voung liidy. "uhnt Is dognnilliin" I MMy Mi sir jouiia hidy." he replied. "MoiriiiiiiUin Is only puppyism grown older." 1 I it-member nl hrrakfnsl one day nl my fill In r's. Ixird Mnraulpy liegnn 1o reponl nome tmnhy old lilstorlral bnl-1 Indn, mid so went on verse ofter erKi-' mull my fiiiher ixelnlincfl. "Why, Mn 1111I111. linw run jou he enn nilllnl nil 1h.1t mliliish to mi'inoi; Wleit inti-r wii.ic of tim. !" (' mlliiMl in niciiioi-y '" cried Mnrmil-iy. "I only hMi I could forget II. I xlm pl.V bIhik-imI over those Versi"4 wbi'ii Htmnllni: nt 11 lifMikitnll one d-iy." If T ' remi inln-r rightly, he said at the mime lliie that If Hie Hint four books or 1 Milton n "rnrndlw Iwt" were de- j "Iro.wil he 'ild reproduce them word i for word ... 1 Mr. lit inlit nnd Mr. Longfellow met ercn inner lor the nrst lime nt our liienkfast tnliie mid were nilglitlly de lighted with each other. Again the eiuiersiilloti turned upon inemor.v.nnd John Ilrlght nkeil Mr. Longfellow whether he eon Id Identify mid claim eiery line irf poetry he had ever writ- Mr. Longfellow thought he rntild not. Then he In turn put the (guestlon would Mr. Ilrlght be able to Identify eiery otieof the speeehes he had made "Yes." Kali) Mr. Ilrlght, "not ('very pasiiigc, pethnpu, taken by Itself, bill gleli 1 rtnln iiiuoiliit of the context I tiuilnuMoilly could " Prom "The Notebook of a Spinster Lady." 18 cents a package Camels ere cold everywhere in scientific ally sealed packages of 20 cigarettes; or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glass-ine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the horns or office supply, or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY WuutoD-SaJtm. N. C LITTLE CHANGED BY TIME CAMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had I Camels give such universal delight.such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you'll call them a cigarette revelation I If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty, odor, smoke Camels! If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body" well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can! Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste ! You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight! Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price ! Dwr!lr: In Mountains of Tyrol Live In Much the 5ame Way ao Did Their Ancestors. I The iMotit.t.'iliiR of Tyrol pholter nr.e I of the few remaining unspoilt d pest' ' rnt people of I'urope a people tlmt 1 wears n unlive costume, remember' It folk legends and follows customs ten- there, mid leave the pall with the lee In the handiest plnce you can find, and cover It with the blanket. Then joii all set out In the great forest. I'.ut I It Is only n few of the party who , choose to start I1.1111I In hand along n gravel path which leads straight to the well, and probably those few en Joy less mid gain less from the day's excursion than any of the rest. The rest brink up. into Indifferent knots, I and go some here, some there, as I their oci-unIoii mid their genius call them. Some go nfter (lowers, some after berries, some nfter butti rflles; some knock the rocks to pieces; some ' climb up to where then- Is n tine view. wimc sit down nnd copy the stumps, The mountain Tyrnlese are robust, hard-working folk. Life In the moun tains Memnnds work from eery mem ber of the household from daybreak until nfter dark. Then, on winter nights, the Tyrolese peasants play. Manclng Is 11 favorite nmilement after the day's work, nnd this Is ell the more surprising because the dances of Tyrol are more strenuous than thoe of Kussln or Poland. To swing your partner up to the celling, and to fall down and spring up again without us ing the hand for support are anion.: the "steps" of n v.od d.mcer's reper toire. While the dancing couple excitedly swing and enper. fie others sing nnd LIVE IN STRANGE ABODES some go into the water, ioine innke , piny the zither, the favorite Tyrolese Ut. BELGIAN' UULEILS COMING SALEM, Sept. 29. King Albert Qwen Elizabeth of Belgium will i ft rt,,nd. October 12, Instead ? 16, Pernor Olcott has Ii dr.. , change or program rr Pres,dcnt Wilson's illaws, Etta,., . WM advised, as tl.) 2EL. W,U Btart ttcr0S8 '" IeT . once ,nstead ,or spend- taj. ""' aa-"- at tho national cap! JOH.YBO.Y WIX8 .MEXICO CITY. Bent. 29Jnri, tltoT' f.rmer heavyweight chain- muT'u. a knocl"-i-t in the sixth . - i ngut with Kid Cutlor musical Instrument. OrlglnnI bongs are In hlgji favor, and nlso the old folk songs of princes and peasants, fchepherdessoq nnd huntsmen. The peasants sing lustily nnd well. Only a r ullxatlon of tomorrow's work puts nn end to the affair, nnd sends guests thnu If they had "held to the gravel 1 trooping home still whistling or hura- 1 .1 ...ll-.,.l 1.. ,.i.imii 1.. Iho well Ullllg Hie i:il &ug. i- - it l!re: some find a eninp of Indians and learn to make baskets. These nil come back to tho picnic enmp in good order eneh eiiger to tell what he has seen and henid, each having satisfied Ills taste mil genius and each and ill having imide 11stly- more of their day Danes and Hollanders Would Seem tc Take Big Chances In the North Sea. The wotld's strange;t dwelling places are to be found In the North ! tea, not far from Helgoland. Centuries ago there wjrs a large and prosperous Inland province, cajlcd . Nordstrand, off the coast of Sehlesig Holstcln. Storm and earthquake de-i stroyed It one Sunday night, arid near- j ly 8.000 people were drowned. In MAN BAINS 1 9 POUNDS ' thing radically wrong with me when. 1 1 tell you I had dropped down tm I weight from one hundred and flfty- eight pounds to ono hundred and thirty-nine. I just tried everythlng I could hear of hut got no relief un til one day I read a Tanlac testlmon . lal that described my case to a T. :XOLKM, WAS IV PII.IMi HUAIni I-'OIt A VKAIl IS WKIiL AM) STItOXG XOW. So I at once got a bottle of this med 1 Iclno and the third day there was a remarkable change In my feelings. Then, of course, I kept on taking It and after using fivo bottles I had picked up nineteen pound3 and bal anced the scales at my old weight, one hundred and fifty-eight pounds. That was four months ago and 1 have "Yes, sir, I certainly ca n rec- course of time, however, high ommend Tanlac, for it set mo right mounds emerged from the waters, and several months aco and I've entoved! ultimately entureome Hollanders i tho best of health ever since," said; never had -the least trouble with my built their cottages on the summits of j Donilnlck Knglemann, a car repairer, stomach. In fact, I never have these mounds. Uy snaring fowl and J for the Salt Lake Ra,'lroaaf Ilv,ng at' an ache or a pain of any kind and am. nnd Hale. back ngaln. Hdword Lvcrott Tho Creeks. It Is Impossible to contemplate the annals of Greek literature and art without being struck with them, ns by far the most extraordinary and brilliant phenomena In the history of A Stranger In the Woods. Years ago, when ijulte 11 youth, I was rambling In the woods one Sun day with my brothers, gathering black birch, wintergreens, etc., when, as we reclined upon the ground, gazing vague ly up Into the trees, I caught sight of a bird thnt paused a moment on a branch above me, tho like of which i i I jl 1 1 rtl as1 1ia4 iirt swr 4-vt 1: t av nnil f.onli lliev innnnfeil in el.-n nnf n llvtfif I ., ...j ...K . . - B. .. r, , ., . , ,. AUClCa, I.U1., Ill ti DIUIUUIUUI. at mc South Woodlawn The sea-girt mounds are known as "halligen." Hxcept on Oland, the larg est, there are no trees or fuel, except that obtained from submerged bed of peat, nnd no fresh water excepJ rain-water collected In butts. Owl Drug store, recently, "About a year ago," he continued, "I began suffering from indigestion and going down hill rapidly. I could not eat anything but what Street Los leenng as strung auu wen ua 1 uvcr diu. I ueiieve Taniac is tuo oesc medecino ever sold In a drug store for any sort of stomach trouble." Tanlac Is sold in Klamath FalU by tho Star Drug Co., and in Lorella by the James Merc., Co.- Adv. Nevertheless, adventurous Danes would bloat me all up with gas and 4li,m Imtiifiii ititml Thn verv Inn'.rllilire. even hi Its primitive simplicity, as I had never before seen or heard of. t came down from the rliapsoiusis who celebrated the exploits of Her cities and Theseus, was as great n won der as any It records. All the other tongues that civilized mini has spoken are poor nnd feeble, and barbarous. In comparison with It. Its compass and flexibility. Its riches and Its powers are altogether unlimited. It not only ex presses with precision all that Is thought or known lit nny given period, but It enlarges Itself naturally, with the progress of science, and affords, as if without an effort, a new phruse, or a systematic nomenclature whenever one Is called for. Thomas Kelghtly. Jo k'og champagne the grapes pressure Hoeewd ix Mmef each win, of a dlffrenr nimtltv 'M joiSM, or the fiboh or hAz" are aed "Imuon tor te? t their tips This Is a tZ? sU,arded PrJveKe of M,o Ma tout. Eats a Thousand Insects a Day. "A cliff swallow will eat a thousand flies, mosquitoes, wheat midgets or bee tles thnt Injure fruit trees In a day and therefore is to bo encouraged," says the American Forestry association of Washington. "This bird is also known as the cave swallow, because it plosters Its nest on the outside or a burn or other build ing up under tho eaves. Colonies or several thousand will build their nests together on the side or n cliff. Tlieso nests shaped like a lluttened gourd or water bottle arc made of bits of clay rolled Into pellets and lined with straw or fenthers. Tills bird winters In the tropjes." African Witch Doctor. Africa is a sick country ono or the sickest In tho world. Slulurlu, tuber culosis and pneumonia Oil tho swamps and forests with death. The fear of death is so constant u companion of the filuck people that they have come to consider their native witch doctor M more Important than tho ruling for eign government or the elder or their own tribe; But ottco tho white man set foot on the fever trail the witch doctor wight Just as well throw away his crary medicine. In his heart be knows he Is a humbug Christian Herald. It wns probably the blue yellow-back ed warbler, ns 1 have since found this to be a common bird In .those woods; but to my young fancy It seemed like 01110 fairy bird, so curiously marked was It, and so new nnd unexpected. It seemed like nn integral part of the green beech woods. I snw It a mo ment ns the flickering leaves parted, noted the whlto spot in Its wing, and It was gone. How the thought of It clung to me nfterward! It wns a rev elation. It was the llrst Intimation I hud hud that the woods wo knew so well held birds that we knew not at all. John Burroughs. and Hollanders, attracted by the thou sands of wild fowl nnd fish, continue to live on the "halligen," in spite of the fact that four months In the year the coarse grass pastures, on which cattle Just manage to live. He under wnter. Sometimes all is swept away. Two Hundred Years Ago. "And herein It Js thnt I take upon me to make such a bold assertion that all the world are mistaken In their prac tice about women ; for I cannot think tlmt God Almighty mude them . . . so glorious creatures . . . with souls cupuble of the same accomplish ments with men, mid all to be only stewards of our houses, cooks, nnd slaves." This advanced doctrine, which In Us cllmux sounds somewhat us ir It were uttered In u present day conven tion, wns written, us Is noted In a re cent book on Kngllsh literature, some two hundred yeurs ugo, by Daniel Defoe. Outlook. Coconut Palm the Tropical Cow. Copra consists of the dried inenti? of coconuts. It contains from CO to 03 per cent of oil. In India, Cochin China, the South Sea Islands and elsewhere the oil has been used as food since the dawn of history, for the fate contained In It are singularly like the milk fata of mnmmuls In moat respects. It Is al ready in wide use In this country an "out margarine," which Is coconut oil Into which some butter has been melt ed and the whole churned with skim milk that Is, milk with the fats re movedand worked as ordlnar but Storied Old City. Danzig Is one of the most strongly fortified cities in the world, nnd has been so through its history. It was a free city through centuries for the same reason that most free cities of the marauding ages were free be cause Its people had seized upon the naturally powerful defensive topog raphy of the country surrounding, and made its defenses almost Impreg nable. It was too tough a nut for the kings of the middle ages to crack with their armies, so they graciously allowed It to be free. Under the for mer German emperor. Its militaristic aspect was even more accentuate' than It was In the days when It wnt one of the "Big Four" of the IJan seatlc league. With Konlgsberg, Torn and Posen, It formed a mighty chain of fortresses. First "Dust-' Explosion. Until the summer of 1878 such fj thing as a "dust explosion" was un known. No doubt many such explo sions had occurred, but they were of small nccount and no Investigation followed to disclose the true nature of the case. In that summer the Washburn flour ing mills at Minneapolis, then the largest In the world, exploded with terrific violence. Several massive buildings, with granite walls two feet "thick and of particularly strong mill construction, were demolished as if by an Immense charge of dynamite. The flame of the first explosion was communicated to two other mills, which were destroyed in the con flagration which followed. The Japanese never sleep with their beads to the north, but their dead are burled in that position. there was the worst kind or a paiuj Wo gmjy, a specialty of fire. Ilia in my stomach all the time. I finally nnd accident Insurance. Fbone 00 tmta got to where about all I dared to eat1 we'll do t"e rest. Cbilcoto & Smith. was malted milk and crackers and even this caused me pain. I was badly constipated, lost weight all the time and got so weak that I could hardly keep up with my work. "You may know there was some- 5-tf Double entry bookkeeping origin ally Italian bookkeeping, was used, by Burgo at Venice in the fltteentk century. A Clear Complexion A clear complexion must come from with in. Only those with pure blood can have a clear, smooth skin. "Nyal's Liver Salt will increase the activity of the liver and permit the stomach and other organs to perform their functions naturally. As a re sult you'll have pure blood a clear skin and a healthy, rosy complexion. Price 65c af wammammamsammaksMaaaiat' mWluatX MAfMfc a9 A ijiwvi wwwww . ,r. iimi - KLAMATH FALLS OREGON rVr JVLAT1AI n TALJjS UKJ&UUn T7rr7 V 7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE tfUj I pupttV I BUY THEIR DRUGS UccdgAcVI