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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACn FJVK MOTOR RHEUMATISM Take out the Carbon. Give the Engine More Pep National Auto Accessory Company 119 NORTH FOURTH STREET Between Main and Pine Phone 471 iresONAL... RfirC "vvsiv ZZZ OIBL At the Theatres ffrJjg""1 ni mir ic L. !! L U u L, ! u pf MCIIOI ' UMHIIlly BWlt VlHl tof from Uoiwit.a JIJur) . M1.11.....1. jcilcniny n HO GUI! "wrWTi1- '" -' . J V I .linnet Olivii i unwind, who wmi' .11' l''Ti' tl ' I'll ii ' r,in nlin'i I. tor C, II. Wltlirow mill puily '" ff ' (cv iluys liiiiHlnK 'rl' llllH (or week. v Homier wiih In yesterday Jl his ranch at I'll... Orovo, jmr rkiriu iPl,lll,H mrlcs Mack transuded IiiihIiiohh ltlle county Boot yealonlay fr.n.i H,inch In tho y- R c Spink In In town looking nf 1(rljsl..cln r.-iK riom III l"me idlercst im SP'K ('"",l' , j, Lozlcr Irtv oior from Mi ...j ...ipnluv fi.r a few imyH IIIM'K wra j kiillgRin hlm Hi pj j (, '.ni. i hi N u touiitv ,f,t TUIlor toilio fiom Merrill, Oerc bo Is a lumlliliiK phynldun. IliiiuiliJi I'liriner villi lie 111'" II" w u l.hilc fin Send in ,.. liy Monte M " . nig i. lnr ,'" 'h ! ". ' lins liei'ii a.lnpii , Kill turjiilin for urn-i n ""TWSn,JflrJft'eSaff ,irf..'SSKSiiSs?iS"!R!.S.'.S1ii i, t wnriinwimv" wkm I I Jv -- Ki (III I'lliliiJ I'of AhiiuIi mil Itnllci; Of lliillllflu .Mi'iilmiil I.jihI A I i i 1) O, Ilroeillovo wiih finm I giillly lite yesterday afternoon In (tin Clr rull Court of I) V. Kin I on. I'll of t.if. Ik ii will who Is woil Km i t' Amci kiiii ii. i,i(.f. Mr CuiYiol iniiny stories have won him a largo following tin American inm;i zliiii ami liooh rcaclltiR public and tho man rondo, h of "Peggy, tho Pirate,' v. Ill wi'lioim a cliaiK!' lo see Pam- ( ill U'lllf Mil.,.ilt.,r It. .win - iihhiiiiIi inn! buttery on tl... person or'lnmi , ,. .' ,., ' " ------ .. w t,j VIW kuuiiii- "" 'W1 iMWirwt t--- i"7Lk TjBil3 iSstv71 tjypiV fr S fi Mmwmmmm i VG9 ?Jfl& .,"" J,f5Wlflj' mm ferv? I uJ ' Ji Sit " ji' L'StoJi. at!.. , f $fi.HM& Gulbranacn Trado Mark EASY TO CHOOSE AT EARL SHEPHERD'S Mr. anil Mrs. Jink Morton woro Is ton )cstonlny from tluilr liouin it Hlldeuriinil triiiiHiiviiiu; IiukIiii-hh. Mjrtln (Irpcn initio Into town Itrday from I.Ih rancli ni-ar Mlllor Hill to look after mntlum of Iiiimi- tCBJ. ni T A MiI'IoiiiI. loft t titr- (!()! K Rparrjiiii'i, u well linnwn llonan.a incri'liiuit on .Mn .' 2'm.i !,im Tho ciiFD wiik (oiimicnrii I joUen'ii (tioiultiK. arctimi'iilH itiailc -i ml f Jury rcnili-rcil a xcnlla In u , )(,it tlino. IIkiIIomi, who In ii lancni'i- In lint Vlcl.lltV Will ll'CclVO lllfl xciltUtll'" II' it Frlilny Tin- law Bpniriim n flm .if flftv ilnliaiH lo flvo liuiiilrcil ilollurn mill n J. ill Hditcnoc of not Ii'kk than tjiri'i tiioul Iih anil not morn than a your for thin offmiHO. MANY REPEATERS AT MAGIC SHOW fill little l.lln Uo MIhh I.i-ii'h Hitililcn iIhd lo f.mip Inn hi'i'tt one of iho uk.hI cxtraonlln nrv happ'tilncH of ihc year In tli miii'cii world, .mil hIic him fully ll cd up to tlin eliliorali' tliliiBM thr't wi'ii- iiri'dlitcil foi her by her im' inlrerK "Stt'h a Mttle I'lnitc" will ho hIkiwii tit the St. ii theatie tonlKh ' Keller Tliniir' Ik aitly lltloil If ut!i a iiciL'un tan led a iiich H!i!u of optluiiHui and good dicer, thlH Is one. Written by King V, Vlilor, the brilliant young author of tl at notable huccchkh, "Tho Turn in the Koad," "llettor TIiiioh" luus an 'Individuality and charm that will not fill to please It wns produced lv I'l nt wood for Itohertson-Cole and . I ..I III., I .,..1 ,1, .. Il .1... I.. I.... -'"'"' MM. "I 11V I-MIIIIIIDIM .11 III Kill EOrnlllR lOr MH.iii. nen nui- ii ii. i '.. ...... i ...... - ii . loin her Iiusiwii.1 who left huro u-, peiilim at the Ciinimu Ma,-. .1 1 Th- story of a gill who. In npltu ot ersl ilis flhow running at Hie Iloust in f)ei'i " en.lronmeiit of pcsHltnlsm, rose IIo.iho. Aery lninn nbaro of thnsc 'iiiperlor to her deprosdng Mirrou hi who attciided the flut purfoninniin '": mid miidu a micceHs out of an woio on hand agal'i last night. nopiuent falluro. in the theme around 1'iofoHMor Cunnltig aioiii)n' I whlih ruvoho many .imusing and Tho best e imiiiii nd "Ion Ilia glwn an em ! i in in ( ' i in Ii lh ii- nlli'iiii"ir .l ni r All.. . .....I lit.!. .tiiii.l JOIlIWlliini "' '""'i .....i ....... buyers, Is In town iIiIh weok look Injovcr tin' real eht.ito prospeetH in Klamath County .Miss Mlldrcil TliniHliul' loft thin neck fur tlie Orctfiiii Agrlcultunl Colkgo. when1 idle will ontor an n ireshlinn th lull Ills ningle mid llli.H'onnry aits with u liun.oroiiR iiionologiie and hush many iiiontlo.iK put by the aiidlonco Tho show Is dei'lureil to bo equal of anything of this nature given In ''liiimth Kil i ' nl ii.i In the ti litr ll, i i 1 .1.1 1 II . i) ll.e 1 i Ifl I ) ill.M I 111 r llllMIII iH Willi Will I ois cil) ill' r. Ii.iin . I Chester llosklns Ih a county neat visitor today (rota hit) much ne.i, Merrill for thu piirp.Mu of looking ni.i, i" w t I OK Mill). w iwi r alter business matters. I J. Frank Kvans, of tho Star Drug Combany, Is moving IiIh family from theuj former homo on Third .street to one on Crescent nenuu. i Mri. A. A. Mnhnf fey, who Iiiih boon visiting Mr. nnil Mr. Lawrence Me tatfey at Antloch, California for tho pajt,Iew montliD, roturni'd last night Jack McAullffo, Is In town todiy from tls ranch at Kurt Klamatii. r purchase ti nrw rnr slnec h' 'Mi i ler was larneil In tho Fort Klnmnth taraje f re John lio)0 ntul Arthur Loavltt ro- turned last nlKlit after a tlneo days' trip around thu Tfpper lake, whni-i mey soundwi uirlous streams which to into tho luku Strict Attorney W N. Duncan. feompanlcl by i, Wfo mlli Hon, "lamed on Inst night's train aftui M extended visit In Kontuekv with wle who has huen very 111. I Johnstone, nf ilm ti n " .U illJIIIIIILJIIU lawlture Comnnnv i..r ...!.... ,0! TortUnil. whor i, wm ., ImULi .- .. " " ..', l0 "10 factory In order to '" me loot Of tho fnrnll,,... .!... K, cause of exorbitant prices and 0"er tnrnlture troubles. I'AV.AS-YOU.fjo imxch. A Pay-as-you..'.. ,i ...... . .. Ipfti, j . " n.u null ij jr 't dance yUu ,i D'8lven at .i, ,i.. " '""" Triday i """Bion upora Houso "'Mrs ,. i aor Ul """Plccs Wlber..:"""'"001 l" ,ltf I.eai'lle National League American League Amorlcnn Association Southern Asosclntlon international Lenguu Western Leaguu "'astern Longuo . . . I'nriflc ConRt Leaguo South Atluntlr Assoc. Throe-1 Lenguo Texas League heart-thrilling episodes. XuSu I'ltts, who plays Nanev Si"ogi?H. Is a comedlenno with a tjlo el! her own. and slie nr e '. In giving fii't the right torn h of II' I'' , '" r.j',,r ,.r., ttr'e n,i 'I im 'i' ' ' ''i h'nc ( l ' r " i ' t 'I ll" III. tillllgllt. O Q Odd a-. It may sacm all hcroe.. iturn are not suddenly discovered, pounced upon by an admiring mali nger and Immediately besought to sign a life contract nt a fabulous salary. Alia fVnWmova, tho great Russian actress, who enacts'n dual lolo In the grent production of '""V" I Dnil T ni,ni " .....a. Knnnlvnn n nnlnw. (. . , . I iv. -ii im lit ll. nui, ivi'nra 11 oiuui 'olUPlble 1 Hii.nmiti.rti.n tln would lunKc n bank president I ' I lift: 'Al K?a MS m mi 3 'A 1 v 3.. 35 . ,.- 'L! ??m$mm. viM&rJPX ATjramM-. . mmm K--25Nb ry v I I BrVS iSSZVfmfti hi UXli2!B'i.WZJVlraAr'aitSBI JlMHIul Ii lliti 1 I ' . pr s T ... -H J-.J iVI "lyJ it. tf E : i - ii i rf -?i "".-lags V JWV tgnaraOTtSJgagggl 11 J it 'cara"3""" i ffiC Whether it is the finest quality piano or a low priced used one that you aro looking for, it is easy to choose from among the fine display at the Shophrtl Music Store, bituated In the new Kerns Uiiildlng, which was built especially to house their fast growing establishment and conveniently located opposite the First State & Savings Eank. Cli'c'n'i"!' Chicngo . .St. I'nu! Atlanta Halttmo" . St Jonol. l'lttsflold Closes Oct Si? nr yt ti t.''V. ''i-fiTl'j. ' ' i'pAi$ w'lS 1 1 yj ...... . ,. HFeSR lM it MBESFbr .,' ." I i i5!a r -3 ,fi .' (! MXliSB3B. !.v. KJK5 KSi-iffis" K'W EV&t; ia : tfi-sa -r9ucnsin tui si n v tjcttTriy-3s4,rc.7ri -iv5Fa m -4a.i w? Fort Woit' Virginia League (1st Half) Petersburg Virginia Leaguo (2nilIInlf) lUohmoni' Mlchlgan-Ontar'a Leaguo S'g'n.iw' Wostorn Canada Lengue Siiskatoor food rui('i:s now 1IHJHI.ST IX II1STOKV WASHINGTON. I) C, Sept. 2"J Itetall prlivs of ft od im leased 1 per cunt In Angiiht, as compared with .Inly, and reached tho highest po'ut wonder how he was clever enough to make ends meet. Hut nrcorn'nr to hor owi statement, Mne, Xn-1' movi beeati her stage career bv ac cotitlni' en e"iinmpnt for a oononn e( n nl"v nf fl a moil'', "t wow lll"'lited et lo rlin Jni " clio cnl.l "fflf l,.r-o. f'.Of l Jl b'lT Cllll" for n bcp-lntipr " Tbn greit Nn7lniovn co'es to Tie Liberty Theatre next Sunday In "Thu Red Lantern " STKAYKI). Jt.'etil luiv. wlth.lumn on hack In tho nitlon's history, despite the'.md with .1 Prank Adnms brand campaign to redueo " en irter c'rcle "n left hip Lnft unt '"' nv nmeii en snvt'uo r'ver Sem in Kowaui tor l.uoi niaiioii. i; i Cardwell 20-Bt fefreshnients. 3'ei hCnod?"?", y Ions. II. j. '""uiiiHi. 'n.'t goveninient's tho cost of living, tho dopartni of labor's loport shows. Tho foodstuffs Increasing in prlco woro eggs, rlco, potatoes, milk, pork chops, butter, cheese, coffee, dry beans, sugar mid hi end. Prices declined for sirloin and round steaks, ribs and chuck roasts, onions, bacon, Hour, cabbage and ennnod pons, corn, bonus and tomatoes. EARL SHEPHERD COMPAN r Largest Stock of Pianos, Phonographs and Records Between Sacramento and Portland, Now opposite First State & Savings Bank ii CAlt HIIORTAflK ACIJTK IX OltntJOX. COTTAGK OROVK, Or., Sopt. 23 (Speclnl) Millions of feet of lum bor Is being piled up In tho yards of tho mills In this section hecnuso of tho lack of rolling stock to got it out. Tho Bliortagils bocoming ncuto, and Is said to bo from fin to 715 per cont of tho iloinnnil. SWVVWVNVW,VNSSSV HOUSTON'? RlrtropolltJiii Aniusements "Sf 'ipw . . I it m Jk J L' I HI v l.ii; HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. I'opiilnr Jaiz Orchestra ih Wchav e Booterv I CHAS. P. MAGUIRE : 3 Main Street I e JUSt l'eCGlvPfl n slu'nmnnf nf srlinnl shnps k j!nVdai'kshade of Brown and Black Box calf J ld's' hisses' and Younrr Womon's size. I STAR THEATER TODAY ' Ji-who It. hasky Pieyiits JiIliA I.KK In "SUCH A MTTIiB I'lltATH" , Also A Ditmly Coniedv In Two V.wti. rEMPLETHEATER TODAY VHagraph lresent 1IAIHIV T. MOHEY In "SIIiKNTJ STHEXOTII" Also Putlio News Iatest Current Eicnts. Anil A Sidney Drew Comedy Admission Mntiuco 10 Ji l."5 cents lCvciiings 10 & 20 cents R A V CIM17 XlCI I C i oiir-w yy ,iio TO WATER STOCK UEND, Ore,, Sept. 23.-Mn an in vestigation of the possibility of link ing nrtesinn wells in tho Fort Rock section so as to increase the avail able rango In tho Des Chutes nation al forest, B. N. Kavenngh from the district forester's office In Portland and Supervisor N. G. Jacobson stnrt cd on a trip through Fort Rock. Summer Lake valley and Pcssley. A laigo area of potentially valu able r.mgo In tho Fort Rock district cannot bo used because of the long distance stock have to go for wutor. By drilling wells, the forest offi cials hopo to opon up much now ter ritory for tho stockmen. .SMALL TOWN MAN HAS BIG TOWN PEP ." IMUXr.VIhhB IS AFTttlt IRRIGATION SYSTEM I MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATUHDAY8 Merrill, Oregon PRINKV1LLB, Ore., Sopt. 23. Plans wero being formulated today for tho organization of tho Lono Pine Irrigation district, embracing about 2,000 acres of land, which Is -V IMg 42K 11 T2d Ronsh, champion batsman of the champion Cincinnati Reds, broke -Into baseball from a small town,. Uke mahy anoher who- hair llmbed to the top In the national tame. Mia home town la Oakland City, Jnd. . ? - NOTICE Alitltn Plinn(n f l"l C ...111 1 -.1.1 n ho irrigated with water furnished' ,t8 regiaV meeting Tuesdav Evening NOTICE- Urunswlck Phonogi.iphs have ad vanced in price wo will sell all nin- by an extension of tho Contral Ore-, Sept. 23rjl. AVork and refreshments, chines on hand nt tho old price. II. J, gon cunnl, and convoyed ncross Crooked livor canyon by a brlilgo to tho lands which Ho north of tho river. Nr.i.Uih, Va.i ii.-i.... 22-at Surety bonds ulille'you wait. Chll cote & Smith. O-tf Winters, 20-2t If your-glassos or i,yes aro not re fracting "right. Hee Winter's aiid see better. 20-2t 1 I tl