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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1919)
PAGS TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TrKSIJAV, HIII'TI 'M,, ll m, R b M trrs. FOR SALE- Used Maxwell Truck Enough work in sight to pay for it H&Hnan 1 BE lUGfi TROUBLE 20 CIVILIAN RADIO OPERATORS WILL BE USED IN HONOLULU HONOLULU, T. H., Sopt. 0.---So- I cretary of tho Navy Daniels nnnounc- Itnllnn Economists anil cd "nt ho had authorized tho em ployment or twenty civilian radio op erators for service In tho naval wire less stations or Hawaii, thus rclluvliiR THREE SAILORS DIE IN FIRE LAST NIGHT Arc Given New Spurs to Study Ills Problems of Daj "ltulc Without Kulo" ROME, Sept. 9. Intermttent and sporadic strikes, 'which havo produc ed throughout Italy conditions in come instances approximating Bolshe vism, In others a kind of socialism and in still others localized anarchy, havo given Italian political econo mists and statesmen new spurs to study and remedial action. There hag been "rule without rule" according to foreign observers. Tho government agencies long established for the administration of public af fairs existed but failed to function. Municipal authorities, communal of ficials and representatives of the stale admitted they were helpless to deal with the unusual situations which rendered inactive the preroga tives of those in power. Striking workmen forced demands upon a j helpless commercial class it is point ed out while tho authorities merely looked on "in obedience to the will of the disturbers." Styled Camera del I-ivoro. The organizations throughout Italy that planned the newest depar ture In governmental and economic administration were styled Camera del Lavoro. A literal translation would define them as Chamber of La bor but their functions went much beyond the province of labor, as one congestion of trafflco resulting from tho discharge of many 'Mutation of tho war" enlisted operntorc, -A committoo of tho Honolulu Chamber fit Commerce, wbie l pre sented complaint:: of poor clal wlrl-ss ulro to Mr. Daniels, was informed that tho secretary firmly bollevcs tho wirelesi systems should remain under the control of the navy, but that no effort would bo spared to improve the sorvlee and to maintain it at a high standard. Secretary Daniels pointed out that with several wireless stations work ing on this island, there would be in terference which would seriously hamper communication. It was brought out that 12,000 words are now being transmitted daily by tho wireless stations here as against , 000 in pre-war days. Today's Anniversaries 1S44 Maurice Thompson, author of "Alice of Old VIncennes" and oth er popular stories, born at Fairfield Ind. Died at Crawfordsville, Intl., Feb. 14, 1901. 1SG9 Gen. William T. Sherman became Secretary of War in Presi dent Grant's cabinet. 1870 Nathan Lord, tho pro slav ery president of Dartmouth College, J-AN FllANCISCO, Sopt. S. Re ports of tho death of thrio nii'ii of thn crow of tho battleship Now Mex ico lust Bight and tho Injury of 40 by fire was confirmed today. All wero vlctimo of sufforatXcm savo ono who was drowned. The tiro sfnrtod In tho Pheostut Room prob ably from n clgarotto that win rnre lcsblj thrown by sQtueonu aboard tlu ship A board of investigation waii named today. WOMAN NEW HEAD OF NATIONAL EDUCATORS I I ND ON .ffawie Garage' 1 n TI.ISKA.COTT.t SKIMU.CHHIl iiscovi:ki:i iv nu,. UltlNDIRI, Italy. Sopt. 9 -A i pulchro of If rn i'oMc t'mn )UMt hue i i I rmvrW In tho oxi I'vnt'otiF fr till) new ilorlut ! n i Mob back ) 7 i.. 0. Hos'rtM ion vn tip Mm innx an iinrlotit warrior It rontnlun ninny coins nnil trlnlti'lH, hikiio of which rolnto to tho consultihlp of Marcus Vcapntuuilits Agrlppn. Tho .sepulchre will In! pltircd in tho Italian Civic Miisoiim. UU1TI8II LI.WVK AltCH.WGKIi LONDON. Sopt. 9.- Kvncuntlnti by llrlllsli troop of Archangel wan offi cially iiiiuoiiucoil today. 't'rv 'inn. Horalrt Want Ads. NOBODY CAN TKLL WHEN YOU DAHKEN GItAY. FADED IIA1K WITH SAGE TEA ordinarily conceives that province, died at Hanover, N. II. Born nt Her and extended so far that prices were wick, Mo. Nov. 2S, 1792. arbitrarily fixed and the sale of com modities ordered. The merchant seems to havo been the one who has suffered most by the 1S91 An earthquake In San Sa lvador destroyed, many villages and i lives. "adventure." His stocks were com mandeered by the Camera del Lav oro, If he did not show tho disposi tion to sell at the prices fixed by that organization. In most cases, the arbi trary Veduction of fifty percent was exacted on all commodities- regard less of the cost of the goods, the con dition of the market or the rate of foreign exchange or any of the fac tors which determine selling prices. There were examples of forced reduc tions as low as seventy percent but these were few. The Camera del Lavoro would set the day on which the new scale of prices would take effect. Some of the merchants refused to open their stores but there were worse tbinr" In readiness for them. Those stores opened were crowded with people anxious to benefit by the change There never was such business in any of the merchant establishments throughout Italy. Every storekeeper needed between ten and fifty sol diers or policemen to keep the crowd In order. There was such a rush for bargains that, in many places, the situation quickly changed to violent disorder in which many innocent women and children were either trampled upon or received painful , handling by the mobs. Wino Sold Readily. I In the case of food, there was little to be done but to hand the ready cus tomers, the product for which they asked. Canned meats could be hand ed out with out much trouble. Wine, which is no luxury in Italy, was sold at a considerable reduction, one dol lar flasks going In many cases for fif teen cents. Wine could be easily handled and sold. So could veget ables and fruits and the usual table products. " But, when it came to the dlstrlbu- 1S93 Mr. Gladstone's second Home Rule Dill was defeated in tho House of Lords. 1898 The Ocean House, at Now- port, R. I., was destroyed by fire. ' 1914 Emperor William protested to President Wilson against the use of dum-dum bullets by the Allies. i 1915 German army under vort Mack'ensen captured Dubno. 191C British captured GInchy vil lage on the Somme front after severe ) fighting. ' 1917 German Crown Prince lost heavily in counter-attacks at Verdun. DOHERTY IS ANOTHER NEWSBOY TRIUMPH Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this Rtmple mixture was applied with won derful effect. By asking nt any drug stare for "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound,' you will get a Inrgo bot tle of this old-time recipe, lmprovod by the addition of other Ingredients, all ready to use, for about GO centH This simple mixture can be depended upon to restoro natural color am' beauty to the hair. A well known downtown ilniRglst jiivs overybnuv U8e, Wyoths Sago ain! ' Sulphur Compound now because It darkens 30 naturally and nienly th.i' nobody can tell It has been applied lt'5- so easy to use, too. You simplv dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through jour hair, taking one strand at a time.. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, it Is restored to 1U natural color and "looks glossy, 30fi ' and beautiful. 1 Josephine Corliss Preston Is the new president of tho Nation. il Fducatlonal Association Her climb In educational work dati-a back to 1916 when she won out In Washington slate by a big ma jority as state superintendent Shd la a member of the Itopuit. lican Women's National Comma. tee and regional chairman of tbu northwest. M)TICK I nm now prepared to (urnll Sluistn Sand from the llooy. own sand and gravel pit, in any qtiantlt thut may bo desired by contractor- and builders. AL K. GRAHAM ROOFING Now Is tho tlmo to fix that Rnof now bofoio tho rain and rnn-v nimit unci niiiko It al most Impossible to do tho work. o- n doing it now, and savo your property, uo worl- imil i' w'll iifin- right. W. D. MILLER Contractor rimno un:t 2:12 nth st. r Look and Feel Clean, Sweet and rresh hfinhau Drink n glass of real hot vit, before breakfnit to wail, out polon. Merchants lunch nt 11 n. 111. Crater Cafo 7th St. m. to 3 5-20t r & .HaaESIcicK Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may bo yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL &!iIM m. "ESSEBHSC WE CAN "FIX IT!" Hoagland & McCollum Next Door to Postofficc. The world's standard romody for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid trouble, tha e-nemUs of lite and look's. In uso since 1G96. All druggistd, three sizes. Look for tho nasio Gold Medal on ovary bos and accept no limt&tiun Sakd Jell Lime Jiffy -Jell 13 fla vored with lime-fruit es sence in a vial. It makes a tart, green salad jell. Jiffy-Jell desserts arc flavored with fruit-juice essences, highly con densed, scaled in glass. Each dessert tastes like a fresh-fruit dainty and it i?. You will change from old-style gelatins daintic-3 when vou once try Jiffy Jell. Millions have changed already. Order from your grocer now jwm. 10 Fiavort, at Your Grocer' 2 Packas' for 23 Cent JO, l.lfo l not nimelv m in,. .... , . I -.I. ,, w,. lllmt wrl,;;sv5 Iron well, look well. What n slor! condition to attain, m J"' ."" II Ih If onr will only tutopt g mornliir; IiihIiIo balh K.iIkH who 1,1 nrciiBlomcil to fed " "nil heavy wl. they ar80, ,.J tlUB hemlnrho, HtnlTy f n eol(, , ' miKiin, miHly bieath, arid Mo nm, liiHtimil, foul iih fi,.Bh as .1 ,jal by opimhiK tin, Hlulri-H f t,o ,.,tnJ i-nrli imunlim and IIiisIiIhr out the wl-oln of the Internal imlmmm, nnnt ninttor. Kverj'ono, whether nlllnc, gck or well. Mhould, each m.rnliiK, before bri'nltfiiHt, drink a Rlasn of real hot water with a traspoonfiil of limestone nhonnhiilo In It in wnui. fr. n . " iuo Bioni- nch. llvnr, kldnovH anil boweln the pre vlniiH iIiiv'm IiiiIIl-huiiIiI,, ,.,.,. .... " u "oiu, Bour bllo and poisonous toxins; thus clean sine. HwcoinnlnK and piirlMriR the en- Ilf1 allttlftnlllt V ntmnt l...rn.. ...nt I mom food Into tho Htoniach. Tho ae- ,ilon of lint water and lliiieHtono phos- Inhnt" on 1,11 empty htonmrli la wonder- full. luU:niatliiK. It cleans out H 'Ik sour fiMtui'iiiatlonM, Kascn, waste r 'ml nridltv imd K"- nno a uplenilM 1, p. -in, fin Iim-iiUi"! whlli iouare nlir inc vnur brcaUrii't tho wilrr and in phiiii' m ipiletlv 1 .irnctlni; a large . 'un c nr wuici rii.ui tho hi mil and M in- (en! fin ilmrniiKh flushlns 1 ill Hi" lnli in i- inn 'I N' mllllniiM uf piiiili who nro both 1 1 u if ii pinixfli mil i I ill 11 spells, 1 in . iiimlili' 1 1 1 'M ii 1 1 iiihcrj In. ' ii i m.-iIIiiu I,m iii,i I dlsnr- lil ' ll I h mil' ;il mi , l I Red 1 ti-i .1 iiiniiii pun i uf iitiii-.-'liine iiin piinii f-iim tin. iinij -in' which iiil imi ii. luiif hiii Is Kiifflolent 1 n iiin' jhi-nni' 1 iiiiinniini'fil rmnkon hi -11' 111 uf im. in ii luiUMinn Ad. If lt'n worth having, It's worth in miilii. d'l't n Stnniliird policy from' Clillcoto & .Smith, (KM .Mnin St. 5-tf Wo iiiako ii hprolnlty of fire, life nnil ncrlilrnt Iiimiriiuco. Phono (10 and we'll do tint re-tit. Chllioto & Smltli. 5-tf Oassengers and Baggage ANYWHKUE IN THK CITV QUICK SKHV1CB IlKASOXAIUiH ItAIKS PHONE 187- WesternTransferCo. The day President Garfield was assassinated, Harry Ix Doherty was newsboy on tho streets of Columbus, O. Today he Is one of the richest men In the world, president of over 200 public utili ties and second largest producer of refined oil In the world. De-, spite wealth and position he lives' tion of clothing and shoes, the real) York because It Is close to his trouble began. While tho clothing 0JP.ce. The Interior of his home is fcatabllshhienls did not receive ttij e'?S8Pt much a rush as the shoo establish-. nients they were crowded enougli and " tbo scramble for proper sizes and iit t'ns was a veritable catoh-as catch- ! can The attempts of tho salesnitn anO saleswomen of the shops to soi ve 1 pv.rfiis wan a fail i-o,, and hry .'on-1 tinted themselves inoioly villi ruceh--1 ftWWWWWIWWWMWMWW New City Laundry WE GUARANTEE OUK WORK Shirts and Collars Laundered Wo also wash silk,' wool and col ored goods very carefully. Try us once and be convinced. Our prices arc right. Phone 104. 127 Fourth Street Hack of First National Bunk WWWVWi''' CAMELS meet your fondest cigarette ian cies in so many now ways they are so unusual in flavor, so refreshing, so mellow mild, yet so full-bodied that you quickly realize their superior quality, and, become a Camel enthusiast I Camels are unlike any other cigarette you ever smoked. Their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos gives you so many delights. It not only assures that wonderful smoothness and refreshing taste but it eliminates bite and harshness I And, you smoke Camels without any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor I No matter how fond you become of Camels I Smoke them liberally! They never will tire your taste t The blend takes care of that ! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at ny price I i'.h- the small cmi payments that. wore made by tho bargain-hunters. I It Is said In Mexico City, that one of tho hanks of El Paso.Texas, has re fused to acccept any more deposits from President Cnrranza. His ac-1 count is now said to bo ample. 1 ' THE UNIVERSITY CCHOOLS AND DCPARTMCHTS The TJnlreraltr inclulei thu Collexe of Literature. Science aul tho ArU, tod tie special Bchoolj of Law, Medicine, (at aal, ArcMtficiurB. juuroauiu, wob" intrcc, Education ana juusic. Tor a catalogue. Illustrated booklet or rpeclflc Information, cddrnis THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, OR OREGON- vSBi l.-SPEOIM. FEATURE8- ' I A beautiful campus, faculties of special ist!, modem facilities, low coat, with many CDDortuniUei for tclf-belp. "athletic for creryhodr," a really democratic atmosphere tna -and famous "Oregon Spirit." rW IR. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY JLuM&iWii Wisuton.SIero, N. C. RfTmBtrtiln SULPHUR Let us make up your poo! car IVIurphey's Feed & Seed Store The price is right l26 south s.xth st n 81