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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1919)
r ... vrmmnxz. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE) HKVKH 'Tome on iiujhe ad's jSftPvPi nriH ! jgJMJMlED COLUMNS e7oRSALE i FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICES smut, inviting pkopohalh. 1 -USED AUTOS- 1113 getcn paaeiiBr SUnlubakor. I!! Star' OwmJCIiwoM. HIRM,llinmi 1IIJ OldmoIlo t 111! Ford , , 1I1J Dby Overland nil Dulck Koutliter H0WU.NU .NI Mil OI.I.IIM ,i!W Next to i,i:n. I.lruiti'iiin. Rugs, Malting, Pahcollu. .Shinies, llucls, Miittr)jv()n ami ''nrlngii fur hiiIu or trado. Perkins' Furniture lloiihi 2n tf FOR BAIiBSmnll cnr. lleulluu Pho ( to Shop. 327 Mulii St. 2U-tr Irolt HAM: Improved residence lot , Muni sell. Hen 100S Main til. 7lf FCItNI'ITRi: FOR I'lollSallt AvellllO ham: 1211 lfi-fif HELP WANTED WANTBD --Girl for :"inrnl house- 1 vork and cooking - Mrs O i l.nb- aree, Illy. Oregon l-tf stonemason wanted out ot i town; Long Joli Inquire lld'ald of fice, '."J-Jf t ... 11ft Amu I il nil See. 30. Til u il vi K In mil t ll Co tirillllg ltd ttocklancl, lunc nine good tim ber. I birtn't any "i1" for It "'"I w,,nl to fell. Make on of fir Address MKIn- ler Mltcbell, 202 'i warn m.. rori Una", Oregon. t--fit FOR SALK Ono of tli( bent located hill blocki In thoiltv. 1 ail x 210 (Ml,) contalnlnK four large IiiiIIiIIiik Ion, Till property In offered nt a birjilnand It will pity )m hk an In TMlmtnl V A llliiHvt, Second mill Hlfh trt. l-tf FOR SALK 160 acres, homestead rdlnqoishiiicntn. fully Improved, wr Strihom rullrruiil Twenty-six BllMfrom Klnmath Falls, For purtl tiUn address No, 16 Herald Offlco. ll-Ut FOR SAI.K Tin shop machinery, al io one computing cheese cutter, SbowcaiM and aovcrnl otlmr things I in not ualnK. Address II, I.. Volt, Wordn, Oregon. lG-Gt VANTi:i llul maker ami npprcii-tiro- Appl) I'.irlHlau Mllllnerv r.l'J Main. 1 S-tf VANTi:i2 waitresses. Pelican Hay ' Hoarding House, .in. 21 WANTED Baker's helper lllrl linking Co . Kl'iiualli Falls 20-2t WANTED An experienced Ironor. 1 Initio I.auiulry Phono 421 22-tf FOR RENT " I'lmiNaiit hcdrnim for rum I'liono mmt 1 1 ii "lost aniTfound J. l.OHT III Orator l.nko Turk, Black leather purse containing about $30.00, I.nvnllero. Fountain Pen etc. Hiiturn to Herald ulflco, lk-2t LOST Hiiiaro locket with illainoml sotting, containing lady's picture Liberal Howard tf returned to Her ald Offlco. 18-tif LOST Eastern Star pin Prized as old relic Iloturn to Herald officii. Rcwurd. 18-31 Pursuant to ordlnnnco and order of tlm Coiiiiuon Couiicll of Ilia city of i Klamath Falls, Oregon, notlm Ih hereby given that propoHaln will ho rocnlvcd hy nald Common Council of tho city of Klamath KiiIIh, OroKon, liotlco Ih hcrohy kIvoii that propoHiils will ho ri-i'iilvcd hy Hald Common Couiidl for makliiR tho Improvement iloMKiiod for tho Improvement of HIkIi Hlniet from 8th Htrent weBtorly to IhI Ktrent IneliidlnK InlnrHertlonii, and 1, 2nd, th, flth, cth and 7th BlreelM from lll;h Htreot noulherly to I'Iiiq Htront, IncliidliiK lntume.rtlonB. Hald propound Improvement to tin made In ariordanco with tho plann and HperlflratlonH of tho city engin eer for ono of tho other of tlm rimmed of Improvi'ineut moutloned therein and approved hy tho wild council, and In nriordnnii) with Ordlnnnco No, 471 adopted on the I till day of AiiKiint, l'JI'i, and hy the mayor approved on tlm I llli day of AiiKimt 1'JHi H.i Id plann, HpcclflcutloiiH and tuitl mali'H lieliiK on file Villi the Pollen JuiIko mid In tliu offlio of the City KiiKlneor "The proposed Improvement will ho let In one contract and the time In whli h the wiino Ih to ho completed Is fixed by mild ordinance for Novem ber lit, V.M9. Illdii tniiHt he filed with the Police .Indue for hiiIiiiiIhhIoii to tlm Council, at bin off Ire In the ltv ball of nald city not Inter than K o'clock p m. of the 2.r.tb day of AiikhhI 1!H0: nt which tlnm and place propoinls .will bo opened and iiiiidldered Kach pro- Poh.iI muni bo arrompnnled by a cert fled rhei k on Home refpotiHlhlo hank to the amount of 1 ier cent of the aKKrej'iitn propoial, to he forfeited by the Hiiricnnful bidder upon failure to outer Into contract and bond for the faithful completion of the Improve ment In aiinrdaiKo with tlm contract. The clt of Kl.imith F.iIIh reHonlliK the rlHht to reject any nnd all pro poiilH. ' Tlm award to tlm fiirccssful bidder for iniikltiK the proponed Improve ment Ih hereby made contlnKent up on the nale of the lioiidi niithnrl7ed - ide Hindu for maklnB said im- proM'llielil. The, rpeclflcntlonH and ch iiiniifi above referred to embrace provide for the proponed Improve ment of Kiild HtreetH by urndliiB name to the eHtabllHhed rrado from prop city line to property line on UlRli Ktret from fith to Mb Streets, and Clh. and 7th Streets nnd intersections between HIrIi ud Pine StretH; and from property lino to property line on HlKh Street from flth to 1st StreetH. nnd lnt . 2nd, 4th nnd r.tb Streets from IIIkIi to Pine Streets, and hard mirfnrlnK cald pavement 21 feet wide on IllKb Street from 6th to Mh Streets and Cth and 7th Streets from IIIkIi to Pine Streets, nnd 20 feet wide on IIIrIi Street from Cth to 1st StreetH. nnd 1st. 2nd, 4th, 5lh, from IllKb Street to Pine Stroct In eluding concrcto curbs, with eitner oil mneidnm, concrete or bltullthlc pnveinent. IncludlnB cement slde walkH 4 feet wldo on both sides of said streets. Proposals are rcauestcd on all clnsscs of pavement mentioned. Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this Kith day of August 1319. A. I.. MiAVlTT. IB. 10t Police Judge. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each wook at 7. O. O. F. hall, fith nnd Main strootii. P. J (Jcrgcs , N. 0.; Fred Ilroinor, Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. Iaunu Kncamptnont No. 4C, I, O. O, F,, moots Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor rel, C. P.; Nato Ottorheln, Scribe; P. Ii. Fountain Trcaauror. DK. W. M. nLnVTIIINO, SPECIALIST in dihi:ahi:h or the iikaiit and NKUVOUH 8VHTfI. 420 Main Street. Phone 469 CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kind and KooflnK Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor PROFESSIONAL CARr iv PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cnacx Mrs. Itosa McDanlcIs, 301 High St Phone 455 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Oassengers r and Baggage AVVWIIIUtK IX TUB CITY QUICK HKKVICfi ki:aso.vaiii,i: ieatks PIIOXi: 1H7 WesternTransferCo. Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Itensonalilo ItiiteH Phone inn 822 Klamath Ate. VVMWWMMAMMMMMArMrAMi' 1 NiSSOK Tim PAKIHIAX I'.TIAUTV SHOP j Facial MiiKmiirliiK, llleaclilni? anil Fililal I'aelcM Manicuring, Khampnolng Scalp Treatment 510 Main Phono flflO . H. C. SCHLEEF I KATHERINE SCHLEEF , ,1. I'll) sic iaim anil KnrKOOiut f S Of fite, White HldK. X :-'.ttMM'rtrtrt4''4 It's a Long way to walk If you aro out in the country and find that tho repair work you had dono does not stand up try us and you'll rido and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wo buy and sell New and Second hand Cart). Speak to us before )ou buy. Wc can save you mon ey. Watch for our specials. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. m. to 9 p. in. GOOD COFFEE AXD IlEAIi CREAM A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Truar Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Hid Office phone HO.I He Phone 80M Coe's Jitney Service Day Phone 108 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. New City Laundry WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Shirts and Collars Ijiunderccl We iiIho wash silk, wool anil col ored good ery carefully. Try us once nnd be rontlnrecl. Our prices re right. Pboue 154. 127 Fourth Street Itack of First National Bank ! DR. G I Wi"VWWNi',,W I J DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDING I'HONE 385 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 8.14 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 Lbs. 7.1c FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRV "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner Main And Conger Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loom Is Dldg., Klamath Falls ,4444wK":x--::;x:-- rOR BALE 2 broke genllo work nirct rn fine shape. Price $100 dallin. Plcaio write Hny Frouer, Bontnu Ore. or call Sovun Hnrlng Bisei, Po Valley. 21-26t FOR BALE l'asturo and ryo hay, ucnna nanu Header. Addross P.O. nr it. - ... -. ..i xtDdonhall piaco. P. C. Carlson. it-i- FOUND Watch charm Finder can hiivo sumo by Identifying. F. W Clark. Marshall IIouho. 19-3P LOST ladles gold wrist watch at or near the dancing pavilion. Hetiirn to Hnrnld Offlco Howard lS-3f FOR BALE :ight K00(1 ,I(lr). cowg ... felfers ,U8t co'"lng fresh, ono '.7 ,ho,rt horn bull. Milk strain. woaU.8. Cream scpniator. Prlco "l't.0, C.Lewis, Olcne, Ore. 18-Gt FOR SALLCompletoly funilshed i nv(mod.ern) clo"(t ln ' " r fwm n? 3.12 or cu" Seehorn of " il! Main St. 18-tt rofLmLE.Mltel':"ln7ood oadtlon-A harguli, If sold nt Kn,q,Ulr0 Wr- 1'co' Wh" I,e ej 18-Ot KHkT0n TIUDK-Cooklng rui. S Varl0,", klm,H' alBO ft PMklns Furnlturo House. 20-tf W,J,,?AJ'-01'""1 ryo hay also nl- !gggngV7r,MCu11 ;yt-t-: "Sorsalooul City. ' ' resconi AVO., A-Ui" MISCELLANEOUS WANT TO TIIADK for Ford truck or touring cur, 3 work mures, well broke, weight 1100 to 1200 lbs. 2 with colts hy ildo nnd one yearling colt, 1-Iiln. wagon nnd 2 sotH of work hnruess, 1 light nnd ono medium. No Junk considered. 1,. J. ftlHlcy. Ilontty. Oregon. 19-Ct WANTBD TO TKADh-A room' nlasterod Ilungiilow on pavement for small ranch. Would asHunio mnnll umount. Jnmurt M. Watl.lns, Jr. Phono 32011. 20 3t YOUNO MAnRIICD MAN, hustler nnd business gotter, doslros poiitltn as salnsmun, with reputnblo concodn. Phono 117Y. 20-31 WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply C3S 11th St or phono 07J. 13-at WANTBD Experienced womnn for housuwork. Phono 31. l!i-tf "B,V..9l?P-a 13-tf --" w OlVOIIIim. tin i, Kour ll( I of hoavy.loK- --111!: io-iot "II, or0ut"N,,ll'il'1 Johnv,.,. Mor-1 : li-ct. mWaT;'0-,,"80'! Cni-H nt Hu7 lon, " uaraBo. Morrison & Potter- H-tt Kltt fen l mkhnn nm nt th0 ' . "aco. i10110 12 u Kct P0I SAiZ7TT -- . i JtoPhoV" '" K,,t"icr.03t,U'. Street, Uo" J,1,''l I-uw, 23 Mnln ' ,er o'clock J1Ulon' Ca" 2SM r-J- -L 18-Of JKot0!lJ,r?,?.B .'?' Blx r , ""-" m m. an-tc WANTKD Carrier boys. Evening de livery. Sou II. P. ThonuiH. llonhon lor. 19-31 WANTKD A small furnished houso or apnrtmont hy young rnuplo. No children. Address Hornld Offlco. 22-tf TO 1..EASE Tho best paying npnrt- inont houso In tho city. Jnines M. WntkliiB, Jr. Phono 320K. iO-Ct CITY OAnilAGl'-When you wimt 0 in liii go romovod phoiui 91. 11-tf WANTKD TO 11UY OR TRADE For any nnd till kinds of furniture. Per kins. 20-tf WANTED TO TltADB a Now range for tin old ono. you pay tlio differ ence. Perkins Furnlturo House. 20-tf Fifty dollars or moro nnd nn old riitign will got ono of iny new ones. PoikliiB' Furnlturo llouuo -0-tr In the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon. For Klnmath County. . J II. Knucht, Plaintiff, , V-i lllennor A Fnuglit. Defendant. SUMMONS liY PUI1MCATION To Flcntior A. Fnuglit tho above named defendnnt: In tho Name of thv State of Oregen: You are herohy required to nppear and answer tho complaint filed ngnlnst you in tho nbovo entitled suit, on or boforo the 30th dnv of August. 1919, thnt being the Inst day within which defendant u niinwed to nnswor herein, ns fix ed by tho court for publication of summons herein: nnd If vou fall so to answer, the plaintiff will nnnly to tho court for tho relief praved fo in tho complaint filed heroin, to-wlt: for n decree of the court that the bonds of mntrlinnnv now existing ne- tween nlalnMff and defendant bp for ever dissolved for general relief, and for nlnlntlff's costs nnd disburse ments herein. i This summons Is published ln The I'vnnliiK Hnrnld. n nowsnaper pub lished at Klamath Falls, in I'laath ' rolv 0"ftenn bv nrAar o' III" llon- orabln Ii. F. Conn, Judge of said court ,infoil 11? tb ilnv of lulv a n 1010 illnrMn- fliich pnimois to bo pn mi'. Hqliml pot is ln nncn n wepk for Pnlo of Vl'sl Pxi'lloatlon hereof Is 17th day of Jut v. 1 1 o lOtlVT I"""" I No. 128, No-"' " ' . I.'lnn'nth Fnlls, Orocon i ,1-.oj.3i., I ! 1 In Ibo Count v Coiir of ttio Stnfe of ' Oregon, For tho County of Klnin- alb. In Tho Matter of Tho Entitle of Mil- i- T. T"rT. P"h' NOTtpr IS IIFTtfllY GIVEN, Thnt tho undersigned Is tho dulv onnolnt ed. ininllflnl nnd notin" ndmlnlstra trlx of tho estatn of Jlllton J Ham 'or. deceased, All n"-pons hnvln" ' claims nualnst the snld esintn wi'l nresent tbein. to this ndmlnlstrntrlv, I duly verified with vouchers ntteeli ed, within six moiilliR from thn dntn nt tbls iiotlcn nt tho Inw offices of, II. M. Manning, nttorney for said es tnto, nt hi- offlco n the T oom's i HulldliiK Klamnth Falls, Klnmath i CO'in'v Orpeon! I TtnMn llnvnni, nnmlnlstrntrlV of tllO '"stnio of M'lto'n J. Harper, deceased. 31-7-14-21-2S VVWWVWVMVMWMMMIAAAAAAAMAAAAAMM ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomlnlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 10SW HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy. sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. B1SMARK 110 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 CITY AND COUNT ABSTRACT COMPANY 1117 MhId ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodles Chill Con Carnl Open all night Just off Main on 7th A little oft ot the Main street, rat It pays to walk FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ingNew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacks mithlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 259-Y 617 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE DM Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. )RT MB PHONE 170-J Phone 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. VWWWVWsWWVMMMrAMMMMMAMM Phone 4C0 Ico Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack' Monro w, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.s Peel nnd Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Office phone, 151J 420 Main St. Res. phone, 151M 1909 Main St. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathlr Pbyxlctnn Jt Hnrgeo uit 211, I. O. O. K. Temple (over K. K. K. Mora) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physl ctan and Surgeon In Klaraati FaUs.) SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION UO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Bos Plants. Complete plant contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. W contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Building .1. C. CLEGHORN Chil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. VWMWWWMMMVWWWWAA WELL DRILLING Vocbatzer Bros. & Hlabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AX LAW 111-14 WI1UU Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shnatii Sund from tlm Hooy, Unin.. sand and grnvol pit, ln nny quantity thnt inny bo doBlred hy contractors and builders, . All F. ORA1IAM It you want It, advertise. Hornld Wuut Ada brlngreaults. 1 Sonlod Bids will bo rccolved nnd Instructions given at tho offlco of A. F. Holdo, Odd Follows' Bldg, until noon of Snturdny, August 30th, for i tho oxciwntlng of a hnBoment for I building to bo oroctod. Cor. Main & ,0th Streots. ZO-Et f If you wnnt it, ndvertiso. Herald i Want Ads brlngresults. WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 20 6 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Best yot. Herald Want Ads. GLASS Phone me and I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. O. STUCKY. 1140 Main. Phono 840-W. ic--W':X':x::":"-M"::-X'::" ,i SHANGHAI , RESTAURANT chop suey and noodle heuse: 4 Short Order Meals Horved. X 73 Main StrH)t I KLAMATH FALLS, ORB. X-XXX-X-X:-.X--"