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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1919)
WKDNKHDAY, A"ni"aMm iagh kiost 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TWO STEAMERS RUN r. i Straits of Juan do fugn, owing to a t linnvv fnir. AGROUND ON SHORE) The Yomol Is In a dnngorouu posd- Hon on tlio llaco Kocks, IT lnllos SKATTLH, Aug. 20 A wireless ' west of Victoria, wlilln the Shltulil mnuuen received horn today stated Is on Hontleal Island. hn tn-n .l.-in.innso stennipni. thn Ynm-. The steamer Shltulu was 1)11. lll.KYTIIINd I.KAVKS. Dr. Wallace M. lllcythlng, spo' 1st In diseases of tho heart ami no'V out system, loft Tuesday mernttn: for a week's business trip to Portland. lloatod'i)r uieythliiK's patients will bo hand- visiting s ... -. . I . ..II.... - . . ... . . ot Mnru and tho Shlndu Mara, '" '"s anornoon. n is proceouii.K w i,y I)r. A. A. some, witn wiwm run aground on the shores of tho, to Port Angeles In a leaky condition ,)r mUythliii: Is associated. HE SATISFIED "Peter the Great I m. IIIIIIIIIIIIIMB 11 11 THE WORLD'S GREATEST CO-STARS FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN -AND- BEVERLY BAYNE IN A POWERFUL 5-ACT METRO DRAMA Liberty Theatre Today Only -Ti'r ' Barley Malt ?l6 and D DC hemian . tV" Hops -' This is a combination that is hard to beat ' the nutritive value of malted grain and the . tonic properties of hops. Malt Extract Is a food which aids in the digestion of oth er foods. It gives strength and refreshing sleep. It is an especially fine tonic for warm weather debility. Try a few bottles, taking it after meals, and at bed time, and see how much better you will feel. It' a Safe and Pleasant Tonic for Summer Time 4 nderwoo(b Pharmary rv iyjlapiai n talls uixuuun T7rr7 V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE lj PUJPITY BUY THEIR DRUGS Ar.CUBACYL Siili'iiild' Writes That Kliiiniilli I'uIN .iiiiltli'l Itself Willi Honor In Handling the I let nils of the lit out Coim'titlon. : Goethe - Napoleon ""--' i i StiO-vro If after you Ituvo worked and tug- ged mid planned and schemed to do something for someone else, and after tho Jolt Is done you feel that you have "put It over" In pietty Reed style, and some fellow comes along uuil alnps yon, on the hack and says. "Kid, you did fine." doesn't It make you fool Reed Well, that Is tho effect of a letter Just received from 111 h. Purdy of Oregon City, who was an attendant at tho klk's Convention. Mr. Purdy Is a pretty good-slxod realty operator, he's an Klk and bo- Ioiirs to many other fratorual organ izations and was a candidate for gov ernor at tho last election. Ills letter shows that he Is a chap who does not forpot and who Is glad to lell a tol-.- . t. i .. . .i i.i. low warn, uo uuno a hum. j ,,,, f V,n , .something tliat so seldom Happens that It Is really worthy of note. That Is why his letter, which reached tit Ilerahl today, is puhllshed. Klamath Falls did a good Job In handling the convention and Is Rlad to know It was appreciated. -Mr. Purd's letter follows "1 herewith make a report for tho columns of your paper of my olcot ra tions wlillo visiting your city as a member of the Klks at our annual conumllon. You might ask me if I Rot tired. Yes, I did get tlroil. You might ask again If I were disgusted. 1 was dis gusted to think that In tho crowd that assembled on this occasion there should ho seven persons who would havo a kick coming. You may ho In 'cllnod to doubt this, hut nevertheless It Is true. And, I know from tho fact 1 1 that I mingled with tho crowd very thoroughly, nnd Jntorvlowed practi cally most of tho people present, alid I found only seven who had any fault .whntover to fln'd. I I should- like to hay n fow words In I regard to tho Klamuth Falls country from a ronl man's point of view. I was really surprised at seeing such a magnificent country. Tho possibilities aro great and twiw vrutonic or SALION i avij MOOM X I II NTI(. inpoitui.t inoettm. Vu ,,,- WiRnit 20. h iry '"'3 Impenetrable It 'teems, tho greater it h power to attract. This hi tho view expressed by Dorothy Dalton, tho, our atteiuiaiu Ik ilonlred ., .. .. ... . mimitiint metitnu u..,i , ' '1 f 11..1...IU 'I'iii.ii. i j .. .... ......., fi i. .. f ..... iiiiiiwiir, iituiiM.n II. Ki.u-I ill if ill. iiiiii. I,.,.,,.. iiiik-i.i siar, unit nor opinion was given niter she had completed her work In iier newest photoplay, "Tho Kaiser's Shadow," In which alio will ho seen at tho Star theatre tonight, This Is Hiild to ho an absorbingly Interesting photoplay, tho story of which deal.? with I lie plutlugs of llun agent.' In this country, and thn of-; forts of 1'nlted States Secret Service i operatives to stamp out tho menace of Herman propaganda, In this ro-' spurt the play tenches patriotic los- rinorlran citizenry, while at the sain" time It presents n story iih captivating In Its develop-, incut as It will prove Interesting to all who lovo red-blood and real Amor 'cinilsin In motion picture drama. Not n War Picture. o o Wallace Held has olio of the host parts of his career in Van Twlller Yard, tho young man who comes hack In "TJie Source," tho latest Para mount Picture In which he Ih starred and which will he hbowil lit tho Tem ple theatre tonight The role affords an Interesting study In psychology, hut tho development of tho man, far from being morbid, ulwayn shows tho upward trend, and tho optimistic und cheerful nolo Is sounded throughout tho picture. I I No wonder tired. All the wciuht ' the arches A make brij'jps o- they weaken down. The ' naturally tu ' pains in 1 :v k .. u amine. '1 If . you get "wr bodyijoj fret Short u In tia: 1 Inally hreal n item n id- ', and o(:ea ' i l.-gj. Tab mgm Fancy Hoguo ltlvor Ilnrlleot Pears, 12.7." per box Sunset Orocory. 20-1 1 I XOTICK TO COXTItACTOlW. Scaled Illds will ho received and Instructions given at tho offlco of A. V. lluldo. Odd Follows' Illdg. until noon of Saturday, August 30th, for tho excavating of a hnsemeut for building to ho erected, for. Mnln A- have no doubt that i"th Struots. 2U-.M A clianco now to Ret new Lexington Cars First come, first served. Klam-: nth Stage (inrago. 19-2t All customers of Chlncso laundry,1 ' Iv 111 tun til A vii mill t. ... ...... H i ll It can bo developed fully, from tiio fact thnt the pooplo there aro filled 1 with an Klkdom fraternal spirit. For ! Instance, ono husIncsR man placed a 'Rtgn In hlfl window saylne thnt ho d'' K In tun tli A vii mill t. might he said In regard to the grow- Bl)0(H Sllo .. u" ..,, siur,av Ing spirit of tho place us rflferrei! to 19-iit by tho Kdltor of tho Herald In Frl- day's Issue when hu suggested that Klamath Fa'ls wns destined to become ti city of 25.U0O Inhabitants on or be fore 1925. In that article lie gave his rcueons for belloving surk to bo. the, and I wish to nay that tho fig ures and facts ns riven by ttiq Kdltor were very convincing and surely will make at least an Impression on tho outside world. No man could make a mistake In Investing In Klamath County real es tate. As the price of land there Is bound to rise as developments pro ceed for they suroly have the cllmute, the soil and tho natural advantages. Were I twenty yearB younger? I should immediately cast my lot with tho people of Klamath Falls, and I am sure that no mistake would he made In feo doing. Perhaps I havo taken too much space In your paper In expressing my Impressions recolvcd rotative to Klamath County; tho railroad pros pects,, the Irrigation projects could well bo mentioned at this time. My main objoct howover, Is to thank you and tho people of Klamath Falls for your courtesy shown us Klk .'irothors and trusting that I shall havo the opportunity to meet you and tho people of your city again in tho near futuro, I am Youra respectfully, WILL E. PURDY. Adjustable Arch Builder provide, the wpport nature IntnW your archei to Imc. liy ilutribulii(ihi weight of your bdyrvcnlyorthlt the strain ii avuMnl and icrioui cow. qiiencci averted. eti can walk, iut Iliad without becoming uniutunllrlitA The Wiiard AiljuitaMe Arch BmUcf i not in ordinary meul plate arch wppoit It li a featlicrllclit, flcxiMr, til lotto device thai can be adjusted to ljm arch by limply arranging the Imertilatht pocket, o that they feel eomloralle. They give imtant ami permanent reCd, U you have been wearing oidiiurriKi iiipporti change anil get a pair of Winrl Arch iluilderi. lly gruiliul aJjuitratw at home, you can build up yourowuti to normal, with cue and comlort Van BelleriA t'or Shoes AAAAAWMWWWWWVM "k Dirty Job" BUT WE HAVE THE DIRT So if you need any dirt cheap to fill up a vacant lot, or some parking in or around your place, we are in a position to deliver it to you veiy reasonably. And now is the time you should take advantage of this, as dirt this close in is not always avoidable. SEE j The Sunset Grocery I or John Morgan U At the Theatres VWWWVMSMHMMMMAMMMMAMMMV Francta X. Bushman, co-star with Beverly Dayne In tho clever Metro production, "God's Outlaw" to he shown at tho Llborty Theatre today, was noted at Annandale College, as a clever all-round qhlete and as a specialist In tho fine art of boxing. Ono of tho scenes In "God's Out law," shows Mr. Ilushman In a ter rific struggle. It Is not a ring fight with padded gloves and careful train ers In attendance but a hand to hand battlo betwoon two big men. To ay that It Is ono of tho most gripping scones of tho pluy is to put It.jnlldly. Mystery photoplays aro rollshod by everybody. Tho dcopor tho mystery, tho greater tho thrill, and tho morel 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From 23 MAIN ST. JUDD LOW PHONE 22-W