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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1919)
WKDNK8I1AY, AI'fll'HT I.T PAGH POUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Map Showing Control of the Various Factions in Mexico A prisoner In n Now York until Prisoners In HlnR Htnh biiuul tnr, tn H f...B,"i that hu bout his wlfo bocnusn ho Irlbut - I "inn jor .(. loved luir bo much nnd wih Jealous Imk Catholic indicium i. .. "" of attonlloiiM bIio received. ' Franco. u, The Evening Herald K . J . MUIUUY, Editor JAMES S. SHEEHY City Rdltor Published dally cscnt Sunday by f The Herald Publishing Company of unt ft Kails, nt ll.i Fourth St root. Kntercil at the poMOfffco at Klam ath Kails, Oro , for transmission thru tlio malls as se uid-rl.teg mutter. Subscription tortus by mall to any nililross In the I'nltoil States: One jear . $3.00 One month o0 .Member of tlio .oi'latO(l Pro Tho Associated P.os Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise ci edited In this pa per, nnd also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cinl dispatches herein are also reserv ed. AVKDNKSDAY, Al'Gl'ST tit. ItllO. KLAMATH FALLS READY TO OPEN DOORS TO ELKS (Continued from page 1) chartered months ago. Cots and lounges will be installed in most of the hotels to take care of the over flow Headquarters for rooms nnd nc commodatious will bo loacted at the Elks lodge from now on. If anyone in town has a hooni enn bo spared, they should immediately phone to the Elks lodge and leave the number of the house The room will be filled Immediately according to the com 'mittee. Tents are going up rapidly at the "tent city" and ny nightfall the 20 acre plot should be well-dotted with canvas homes. More tents are needed to accommodate the many auto par ties that are coming to Klamath Falls without a tent to house them. Both Lakevlew and Bnd will have their own tents. Lakeview's headquarters will be located directly back of Un derwood's Drug Store at Seventh and Main etreets. Headquarters nt Klks Lodge. Things are in readiness for hand ling the credentials and tickets at the Elks headquarters at Third and Main. Counters have been installed and all Elk who expect to attend the business session will be dulv roc'i tered and issued 1-i.dges that will en title them to admission to all the features of the week With the advancing houri'Kluraatb Falls is hurrying nlone- In fixing en-'-detail for the rssh'that is to come. She will be resdy tomorrow mornlne to open wide her gates to all who are coming to enjoy the big celebration. m.i I ' ' ' "" " ' UfalrffWrftr, JZ',-..X UNITED STATES "'" , n FEDERAL , WF,C(f--s?..& rfZ E ZAPATISTA p Llk I ii in i. i i i i , Say, Bill! listen According to tho War College at Washington, tho above may shows the relatively small amount of ter ritory under control of the Mexican federal government, mill Is an answer to Curranra claim to control. SALEM AFTER 1920 ELKS CONVENTION (Continued from race 1) MEXICANS 11 SUnSPRMtw vnn tup Mt'HAT.n One Year Apo Today in the War jobs, that of school director and al derman. This tlmo last year ho was in France In charge of the general motor service division, with 1,250 men. He sells automobiles when not attending council and school board meetings. Has a real movie picture lower Jaw that means business. Doesn't talk much. Shook hands with King George once. Almost be fore he had taken off his uniform the people of Salem elected him school director and later alderman. Robert Crossan. pioneer Elks member, goes quietly on his way and never misses a lodge meeting. Life member, honorary. Nifty with the cards, especially Seven-Toed Pete. Was once a political factor. Man of few words, but worth know ing. John Graber, sometimes called "the Grabber," as he Is In the plumb ing business. When not busy sell ing bath tubs and charging for extra time carrying plumbing tools to the job, he serves as manager of the fa mous Cherrian Band. Made a great success in this line of publicity.) Made one talk before the city council) once upon a tlmo, and told all he knew in 45 seconds. Is Great Illblc Reader Zadoc J. RIggs. As his name indi cates, is a great Bible reader. Sells pills and bay rum. Fine looker. Great for women folkB. Wears hazelnut diamond and Shrlner pin. BUSINESS IN tmeiiran Business Man Holding I,rKO Interests In Mexico Is Thrown Into Jul! by Some, of Villa's Bandit. ftheso were uoly trumped up against , him since hu hud them Investigated 'by a civil court and his ilalm.i up 'held. On lis trip thru tho north, during which he wiisj away inoro than a month and coveroil more than 2200 miles In hl.s automobile, tho Ameri can Mild hu fo'ind conditions nry 'chaotic. He said c mmunders of fed ernl forces weie making forced loan' and slezing property If the goat bucks and breaks your glasses we can grind yon a new pair 'right on tho snot. We do our own grindinir listen: And say, Don't lose any of tho beauty of our mair. nificont scenery because of ill-litting glasses, for we can give you a perfect fit -gu;u'an tee to do so. H. J. WINTERS OPTICIAN 70(5 Main St. Phone Mi)W i'iu:i:s imiTisii to ki:tai.v ma, of unit sra powkks. SYDNKY. Australia. Aug. 12. KU PASO. Tex.. Aug. 13. .Motor- would bo crass -"It . numu hu uiuni tUmiiiuiiy I'll 1IIU pun Ing through N'ortnern Mexico Is no ( of the British people to relinquish pleasure Jaunt under present cnndl-' uny .en power they possess," recent tlons, an American bitstness man . y declared Acting Naval Minister with largo Interests In Mexico, do-' Poynton. "Situated as Britain Is with dared upon his return hero recently i nil tho trade routes converging on nfter being held up by Villa's men, one point London It Is absolutely arrested, thrown In Jail and finally .necessary that she should have suf- released on bond by the Carranza government officials. Starting from Kl Paso with anoth er American In .i roadster, t'ie Am erican was held up by Vlllns man near San I.oren-o. They escaped by speeding their car and driving thru the Villa lines. This occurred after Villa had been driven from Juarer hv American troops but, the Ameri can said, the men he encountered had been left behind to guard Villa's wounded and had not learned what had happened at Juarez. Reaching Chlhauhau City, t!ie Am erican said he was threatened by the f'orranza officials because of a busi ness transaction he had had with a flclent ships in her fleet to keep thoso trade routes open." -.-.... : 1 1 i i 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST. PHONE 22-M frvlrnn whn hart mnfla falua ranrn. Steamer Frederick R. Kellogg tor- Ran for office once, but was too gooA-MnMlmg to tho offcals. After hid pedoed off Barnegat Light. looking, and got left. Good mixer,, ,Bg from t)e pol)ce nnd Great Britain formally recognized both during business hours and out : ,fwrp he wag fnuny arreat?fl at San-Czecho-Slovaks as an allied nation. of business. His motte: "The Lord Rosalle. Dm(.od in ju,i thor i .. !.... llTnli i ' " reported capture of 70,000 lovem a cneerim B'o. """"and. upon his Allies prisoners and thousands of guns Blnce great counter offensive began July 18th. ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright and prosperous by PUntlng. Kalsomining and Paper Hanginir. Satisfaction my guarantee. "W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. I'hone 1D3W HOMH COOKING Juit what you've been looking for Everything the appetite demands and the market affords. Board by day, week or month. S. G. Combs, 721 Plum St., near Oak St. 8-Ct knowing. 1 Oliver Myers, the Chesterfield of the Salem Lodge. Sells logs and boards for a living. Is a blonde, and goes In strong for brunettes. Finej 'dancer, and may be found any even ing at a Jitney dance. In Klamath Falls, where women are, thoro will he found Oliver Myers." Not married ,and. therefore entitled to have a., good time. Ho will. I K. B. SouthwIcU. Falnbus G. A. R.1 Wn in Civil war. had son In Span ish-American war and two sons th. la'tH war. Builds houses iivini? and one time thought would like to be a postmaster, but' the cards were stacked the other way. Wears well, and can liven up. with the youngest, even wear a G. A. R. badge. return, to Chl hauhau City, was again arrehted. He was forced to deposit a heavy bon'7 for his release pending a hearing of the charges against him. He said MASMVVsWWWVsVWMMVsWWWV The Most Perfect Production Possible' by Any Human Agency is in; for a he If ho does. HOUSTON'S HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday Sirturduy NltrlH". Popular Ju7. Orches'tJ-a STAR THEATER Featuring Special Music With tint 1'lrturcn, Hex Striitton, Piwiiltt. a A Portrajlnf! the Kamons Character of A Harry Sevier In Halllc Krmiiiic IUu-n' w I'opulnr oel. t "The ? Long l Lane's , l Turning" LIBERTY THEATRE - i:-: Today Only :-: TODAY'S EVENTS The city of Marysville, Ohio, is 100 years old today. I Representative Isaac R. Sherwood of Ohio, oldest member of the 66th congress, enters upon his 85th yean today. i Tho national encampment of tho Association of Veterans of Foreign Wurs will begin Its sessions today at' Providence, R. I. j The annual convention and exhibi tion of tho International Apple Ship pers' Association will open today In Milwaukee, to continue through the week, I , TODAY A 11 Woods presents HIn Hroatlvvuy Bucccmh 'THK GUIIiTY MAN" Other Feature on tlio program A Mack Bennett Comedy "Never To Old" Admission 10 & 25 cent DoorH open nt 7 p. m. It is estimated that it will cost tho United States a billion dollars to maintain tho price of wheat at $2.26' a bushel this year. If a man spent! $1 every minute of every hour, day and year slnco January 1, A. D. 1, Until today ho would havo spent only a llttlo more than a blllion'dollarB. rEMPLE THEATER TODAY TliomiiH II. Inco Presents KN1D IIKNNKTT In "FUSS AND KKATHKH8" Also A Dandy Comedy AiIiiiInnIoii MiilliK'o 10 Ji IB cents KvcningN 10 & 20 renin MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION VUrUHKh TUKBDAVH .AND 8ATDBDAV8 Merrill, Oregon Klamath Creamery Butt er ' Purity Cleanliness Sanitary in Every Particular Protect your health by insisting on having Klamath Creamery Butter Klamath Falls Creamery W. P. JOHNSON, Manager Phone 74. lltf