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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1919)
PAQK rOUB THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, Af tHt ,, 1 1 4 j! The Evening Herald E. J. MURRAY Editor JAMES S. SHEEHY City Editor Published dally except Sunday by "The Herald Publishing Company ot XUmath Kails, at 115 Fourth Street. Entered at the postofflce at Klam ath Knlls, Ore., for transmission thru the malls a3 second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: One year $3-00 One month 50 Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserv ed. "- i i ii MONDAY, AVGVST 11, 1019. BODIES DISCUSS PLANS FDD HIGHWAYS GARDINER, Mont.. Aug. 11. Plans to bind the national parks of i the west by a great system of motor j highways into a single unit of com- j petlon with Europe for the tourist I travel of the United States and the a world were discussed resentativea of civic eleven western state. i Europo received In this country as a result of the war. No opposition of the railroads was foreseen by W. 1 Kenney, of St. Paul, federal manager of the Great orthorn railroad, ! f "I believe the railroads nrt public spirited In this mnttcr, he said, "They are large enough not to fight It. 1 believe that by noxt season the (treat Northern, the Northern Pacific and ohter railroads will be routing pas sengers partly by automobile In order to glvo them a taste of motor travel between parks. Wo are already figur ing on doing this between Yellow stone and Kinder to bring this about. Mr. Childs said that slnc th'i season opened June 20, Yellowstone Park has had five times tho number of visitors It had In 19 IS. "Americans bate to travel at homo this season," he continued, "but it will not always be so. A good system of highways Is tho thing to keep tho tourist coming west. I "When John Jones motors from I Gnlesburg, Illinois, to see Yellow stone Park he is not satisfied. Ho Is told there Is a fine road to Glacier, so ho goes north. "Still he is not satisfied. He says to himself, 'Here I have brought my family this far. We'll see the whole show, 'and away he goes to Mt. Rain ier, Crater Lake, the Yosemlte nnd starts east by way of Rocky Moun tain Park and Denver. "In other words, tho tourist wants more than one thing to come west for. He wdnts a combination of attractions." MANY TENTS ARE I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NEEDED BY ELKS (Continued from Page 1) DEKUING HKADKIt- Kor Hale: 12 i ft. In good running older. II. .!. Lester. Merrill Road. tl-31 LOST Watch Liigraved U It. Store. chain and rhl.-m--- IC. It. I.imvo at K. K 1 l-2t competing for tho 1920 ntntu con- volition of tho Elks. Just what mo Cherry City" Ilka will show in me R - uwy l,w.. , lino of features Is uncertain. t,m,0 RlU, ,, f,,m.,,, , i,r. Headed by W. C. Cooper nnd Dr. r,,s ,i fruit finest view In Khun J P Turner, tho vanguard of Elks nth. Call 707 Cypres Avenue. IMvur of the baby lodge In llon.l. will ar- jJ Addition or ...Idiom. ?$ rlvo In Klamath Falls Tuesday, to '' . . . . nrmiirii for the reception of tho lar- I want u six cylinder cur. Who will ger portion of the delegation, sche.l- buy or take In on now ear. my Max ... i .i ...... ,.,..., ,.itv ..m wol . bought new In April, for $950. ulcd to reach tho convention elt on ...,,,-. ,,,... iniulu,.i bnt- tho following day. With tho latter tor).( 5 Ovorslr.ed tlr.'H. Plate gliiHS detachment of Elks will bo the ofrl- window and iilcklc irlinmings on nip, iVV'A1V'lfV'VV'VVUu., bumper, spot light, chains, licensed and In llrst class .shape. $1150 value. 1 1-1 1 Dll. A-A. SOl'l-E. ' KOR SAI.E-Red Astrakhan apples for Jelly making or cooking. Old Conger Place. ll-2t KOR SAI.K-- Partly furnished two room cottage on High .school hill i-;j00. Terms, In.iilro Herald Of fice, lltf ROAD IS OPENED. Captain O. C. Applegate received letter from the superintendent of today by rep- Crater Lake park this morning, an bodles from nounclne the onpnlnr nt tho mn.. 'around the rim nf Crnfr lU i, The project, outlined by Secretary was necessary to do a great deal of of the Interior Franklin K. Lane, blasting to make this drive safe for would offer a "arand tniir" th ' . ,. ..... ... tractions of wht-i, L3, . "TWU'U""B oul " now in snap The following Ilarbcr prices tractions of uhl.:h, according to H. around tho entire rim, and many 'prevail on and after August 11. 1 W. Childs, president of the Yellow, tourists vlsltln tho Lake,lnv Hair cut - .stone Park Hotel and Transportation i took n,W,.Q , , ...... , SPnv cers of Tho Dalles lodge, who will hnvo charge of Initiatory ceremonies In Rend Monday night, nnd who will camp nt Odell Lake on the following evening. Frnncis Galloway, Exalted ruler of the Wasco County herd, will head those making tho trip from the Columbia, river. Tteml will I'.Hi.r Cook. For tho last three weeks membora of tho Contrnl Oregon lodge have Fine residence lot on paved street. been making plans for the hlg gath- "'""J '"" l ,u;wor,0,l"cJ,1: . ,,. .. . ., i . ud. Terms. In.iulro Herald offlco, lltf orlng In Klnmnth Falls, and have pre-. i pared n number of original stunts. WANTED Position ns clerk, dellv tho nature or which is being rellg- ery man or Jitney driver by young in i r ii i a iously guarded until the convention "" ' "'" "J- """ opens. A largo majority of tho .NOTICE. members will bo In Klnmnth Falls, . for at least a part of the week. , Notion Is hereby given that my son During he gathering of "Mils." tho Carence ProvoM has loft homo and !.... I ...III ..... I... ...a..n..Ull.l.. rM ...... Tin. ..7 nml Tho Tllllna ilplllliw W III V".'v ' " '" ""' "V ' '-I"""" "- '" " by said Clarence ileht.1 ronlrui'tetl keep open houso In n huge tent to be rt)vost. erected by the Tuesday arrival.". An Dated at Klamath Kails. Oregon, experienced camp cook will be In- this 11th day of August. 1919. stalled In full charge of the culinary JOSEPH PROVOST. department, nnd hunks will he rc-nly for those who want them. As a n it ter of fact, however, tho El if. don't intend to do much sleeping, iinJ beds will be chiefly for the sic.': und wounded. HOME COOKI.NO Just what you've been looking for Everything the appetlto demands nnd the market affords. Hoard by day, week or month. S O. Combs, 721 Plum St., near Oak St. 8-6t NOTICE TO HAI(IIEIt.SHOP PATRONS. will company would offset the advsrH.,1.,., ..- ,w. .,."" . . ' lu Tonic ' " i'.o iuji9 irora an siaes. I I' Gertrude & Co. New showing advance styles in Autumn Mdhnerv Plain Shampoo. . onic -ainpoo ... Glovers Oil Singe Massage Beard Trim Witch Hazel Steam Razor Honed .. ,t.i, .25 J - i ;aui ..3.1. Ml 1 Id 9-2t : .. . . .50 .-.. ... ..-,n i: 80 ywft X.nlon.Ni. 841, XWri h. CROW, Sec. :ZZ HOUSTON HOUSTON'S PPERA HOUSE . t iA;ci:ttT U'eiliK-iliiy tV VHliirtluy '(Jl'fj. Popular -I.tzz Orchestra STAR TH EATER lYiillirlng Speelnl MukIc With the IMrturcN, Itex Ktratton, l'lanlt. What Eyeglass Service Means To You First I have had 25 years practical cxjet ence in fitting and grinding lenses. Second We use the most modern tools and machinery and have the best equipped Optical Store in Southern Oregon. Third We can refract your eyes and grind your lenses and adjust them to you the same day. You don't have to wait. Fourth Tf your glasses need adjusting, or you have the misfortune to break them, we can repair them in a few hours. You don't have to wait Fifth We have the latest and most mod ern machinery to refract your eyes for all kinds of eye trouble. Cross-eyes straightened by the. use of prismatic lenses. Sixth If your glasses go wrong you know wVinr to find us. Sixteen years estab- . . . . - lished business looking for the glass-fitting.. in this city, most difficult we are cases in Just received? selected by , &, Gertrude Eckman, now- ln New York- . nats for tailored and dress1 wear Hats of Duvetyn Hats that feature the new colors' All at our well knQwn LESS THAN ELSEWHERE PRICES Gertrude & Co. The Store Always Identified with QUALITY PLUS SAVINGS' 527 Main St. TODAV Oolriw).) PrvttentA TOM MOORE In "CO WEST YOi'Nfi MAX" A Thrilling Story Mnn A IHk V. Suertu) I'uii.oly R J. WINTERS 'GTnate and State Registered Optometrist 706 Main St., Klamath Falls, Ore. The Herald tells you today's new today not tortlOrrbW. ...j..:..:-:":...;..j.:......:..j..j..:...j...j...j..j..:...........4j.-.' ypODSTOC BACKET THIS KEYBOARD, Are iUl Tfce "Worth Wkile" Features Foand ia Typewriters Simplified and Improved Thattmndara typewrlttr Umehlnef fcuiinMi not of Mntlmcnt. It thmta Dm jodxedoniu mn-Hi lone notpniunwno or fm. Tako th Ubel oft the bottle. Uko the itenell off tho plino tho truaconnoU ear. too real muilclen can tell;appv uo tameteat to a typewriter. Tho Felreit Tetti Try Ixatandardlcej. board machine, with the eyea bliBoVoldeal the Wood! toe W anunf them. Let your iinw of touch and hearing; alone toll yon. and then iudsje. . k Put the Woodilock lo hUUil.aaJtktn let your eye behold its nny Btca; advantaKea. The TFoodatoclc mint be aeen DuatbefaltBndoperated.tobeapprecIalrd. Giro It that chance better your type writer equipment It auya and crowa In favor, became it la built to flt tho hand, to fit tho mood, to fit the job. Bhnpl Bed and Improved, tho Woodttock with IU unit mot conatrueuon oa bmi vim la trouble). You ttet your own fav- TEMPLE THEATER TOD.W ritriiiiKiunt I'lii-iits ';s it.w in '. XIXK O'CIXM'K TOWN" ANo Il.Oro X'h l.uli-sl'i.t KvcntM. Admlaslon 111 & in cetila MnUnee V!.HO. Kv.'pIi.un 7::IH A II. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTIOV I'MTI'Mlis TOKHIIAVS AXII HATt'UMrtVl . J- The First American Life Insurance Company Is a leader in Life Insurance. We are strictly Mutual, and have not one cent of stock, the Company belongs to the stockholders. We pay more into Oregon each year than we take out of it. We pay more to Policy holders and their ben eficiaries each year than, we take from them. Our policies are up to the minute, and you can find nothing better in life insurance in the world today. HIGH CASH VALUES LARGE DIVIDENDS ABSOLUTE SAFETY Before you buy Life Insurance it will pay you well to investigate the new 1919 Policies of THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY of New York. GEORGE C. ULRICH District Manager Office over First State and Savings Bank yifm 01 eonabruetloh ho I (AftiTlI.. .,M.V VMlt nrlta maehlneand the eat featurei of tho le). YouttetVo m) the beat fea beat ot otlieff. In the Woodatoclc S, hiitj &bit ! t H. J. WINTERS JKWKJJCK ANO OITIOIAN ' 700 Main St. Phono 14W 4 t i if i m Life is the aft 'of giving pleasure IMPERIALES MOtmtPlCCB CXGADCTTSS have 'added much to life, for 'they ard pleasing thousands of discriminating smokers vvbo appreciate the artof good tobacco well blended. They will. please you, too. vl0orl3c Tba John Bollman Co. Branch Maoalactiirere Dainty Jewelry lor Hot Weather Dead nci'kluccH, poarl, white stono bar plus, clrclu liroochcu, veil 'lilriH, llngerlo cIurjib and col ored Htono rlngH, play an Im portant part In being well drcHsed In summer. And as thero are upeclal styles for Hoclul oecasloiiH und for sports, Upp's has taken special pains to meet your needs In correct Jewelry for summer time. Thero Is great variety ln pattorns. Styles aro tho latest modes. Tho Upp rep utation Is assuranco of quality and value. Frank M. Upp ji:vixi:it nil Main St. Offlclul S. P. WalcU Inspector. .rhi f .- ,";!'." . l i - IT .A.,ZtV.iiJMl hX-L-kJui, tJLljL is ajamipaliiaipi'ai.aif.a inn'nin HII JP W9w9W-4Wwuwm aa wi. r'fwa 'mzzzzzzzzai tf Kin Lei 3 mr Til sk; -a v c r ii :wmm Jrfm mmW' f ?& X 4. niw.' W-rv WWA X Cv Z2J J r-'-ra wm-l . -jT 't .'Ct W jVA L r w 1 vp7 rrv am s.'.'.-m - 'JUi.'V 'jZrSSSj ,'w .ffffmi.. il iviif.; .rip-ir. k ea rZFJnPUM 'Al HJ.IMM' I" Jit IU IU, 111 'M "' '" ' J I'M 111 s, ha. jmiiAxatj -1 fA i -UiUr mMU p Y 1 1 PjThjlalrPliM I ' ' . 7myMginEklBjaiL ju M A wrapped f " " pn,'lf'-''r'TnTTiT1;CT-m . . in tu IN "-!'",''' 4lf aT H MF m W V. trlSZ P55lC II ll'ILJj.V 1 HsKKm,w The longest lasting benefit,. the greatest satisfaction foi" your sweet tooth. wrigleys i in the seaieo packages. ftlr-tight andi in)Purity-proo SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT' The o Flavor y Lasts t i Sf J The HAJMARK Sinn, 'rtWtffi1fM$y t t J ! 3 ' ' agfagjai