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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1919)
ii -i T & tf ' PArim ' Uet i?i -4?' TprfiLrt &-H OFFICIAL PAPEK OP KLAMATH COUNTY .KLH RKH H H jjbtii r.iw-" esyj I& CI;J Mi ""- j KLAMATH I-ALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1919 Price, Five Centa 1 $ta ia M r3 Ki I l. mN Kn tfJ p vfeHjSk ryi ftWET PRICE , JU MIL , i I0TGROP i . WORKINGMEN LOSE $7,000,000 IN WAGES WINNIPEG, Mllll AlIK t ' .inn (Hun wdrkltiKiueii lout $7. 000 ,i, wiiki'm In Juim it nil slightly mote tliiui Imlf amount In tlm pritrtMlltu: month, fict ortliiiK to estimates Tho Winnipeg strike iiIoiii toM Tint wrklngiueii seviirnl million ilol Jiii-h. Hoard of Trmlii iifflrlulx believe '"ionerV tho (((inomlr I UK pi tn miiniiuut. iniiii ufuctunir mill Iho tuiltllr nn tit least 100 pur cent morn Hum tli nt Ttkei Steps to labor ions. Ill, mi. IJIftlll nni.'fi III . 1111" mlit liivulvi'il 87,91 7 mull, women uiiil chllilrun. Tlm official estimate shows a Ion of about M4r,021 work mm El s II SUES LIFE OF REflOH ARE QBGUUTID 4,000 FLIES CAUGHT IN TRAP IN 48 HOURS lilt) llctitiiis Wnllit In In iiikc of nf WIINoii Block riru Cuoiiiill), .flrr Finding Kuiiioik llf I'lllll fill) I'lllllll 1(1114, I Does It pay to Install a now gal- anlzed Iron fly trap prepared with special bait In front of your store? Ask E, II Lawrence, proprietor of tlio Lawrence cigar storo on Main 'street, nnd find out. Two days ago i MlnlMer Iteluriiliig Prom France lie set a trap In front of his store, .Sii)i Stories Clnuliitecl In America and In tho short period of 48 hours VILLA'S AH IS BO I Reduce Living Co.U fAUTRESS WILL HELrnK ,iay. Tho averago wage involved J"'1 wnw I In tlm Winnipeg strlkii was about '"" " 1 13 a day. i ll 1 yj nvdwal Commission In , Miy ,hprn wern s mrifc,.,, . ' mZL y tarfUtf I'ron " IJr'i volvlnic 77,88 workers who lout " 1 zTtoL-JU People Aw Prone. 8H3.S16 worSJng days. , " Humors that him1 been rushing i und down Multi Htrrctt unci about ever since. Wednesday tuorii dlnnntroUM fin; concerning the ciiusii of tliu dentil of "Unco borne About A. i: ili'ioii und P. Soldiers Arc Sinn Put run. Deserters nnd Impressed Soldier Who Escaped from Army Say That Villa's Ilntid Is Badly Disorganized nt This Time. . I some 3,000 to 4,000 flics were' trap pcd. Dr. A. A. Soulo, city health officer, Is certain that tho peonle can rid themselves of tho pests If they will follow the example set by Mr. Law- EL rencc. "Swat the fly. trao the flr. Cisco Villa's army, which advanced ;ind possibly caused a distrust of m tne nj d0 ony of these but .on Jaurez with the Intention of coax cnaracter or tno men wno nave ,e suro and rid tho city of thcm be- luerlng Northern Mexico, and estab- foro the big Elks convention." That's Hshlng a rebel government in ta IIILLINOS, Mont., Aug. ports thnt liuve gained some public loth. PASO, Tex., Aug. 1. Pran- comprlscd the American expedition ary forces oni resented In a letter to tne plan and program that Dr. Soule north, retired before United State has outlined. He Is most hoDeful troops, badly demoralized and dlsor- Af PW"' ,,r,c" li1' PAHfOll I.KAVK ITV jlfctt Attti Ilrtlgnatlon of j wonK (v ilttJKIt KIKI.M. r V, TiMf't ' Tariff Itoartl Hcv, W. L. Wilson, pastor of tho " l.'mmanuel Ilaptlst Church will wisHMOTON, D. C, Auic. J. preach his last anrmun In this city ironeuti ilwn 0ul b' "l0 n,on,,,,r tomorrow, tin will leavo shortly for lj .( lh ltdtTU. ruor.O uuaru luriiiiini niiu iiii'iivti u nruiiir ' linn" Itixlilim hiti' illsDcllcd last Ight when tlm coroner's Jury, ufter n innings man from Itov, Walter H long and tedious session n-turned ii,. s-orti,, formerly pastor of a local that It will he mrrloH ,,t ,i.i. .h'eanlzed deserters. Impressed sol- vnrdlct that Ileddan had met his church, who left here some time ago ro.nora.inn r .. ..u . .. Hiir vhn mmiip.1 nnrt riviiinn. ). ....,.. i..n ... .. -.... .... . .. - " " ,ra"";"l' u,u"6 in cngugo in nciu worK unacr mo wjth the efforts of the city. isaw them at Villa Ahumada auspices of tho V. M. C. A. j "It Is to ask your aid in correcting Brt ,, TO n -. -,. slanders through my statement, If DULfi 3 DAN JTKUIV1 death by usphyxlu and suffocation from smoke clouds. So many und varied were the ru mors thnt tho deceased had been shot In the head, that the Jury spent j no other, effecting the character of I tho greater part of yesterday after-(the troops." says the letter. "ThatJ noon In tracing down the reporti. ' slander is. In substance, that all of' Every possible clue wus hunted down , the men detained In the A. K. P.. e. '. After two days and nights of In termittent fighting for possession ot Jaurez Villa had depleted his amaw SERVICE IN FRANCE nltlon supply. A member of au ' I staff who came lo the border after IZti hit there will bo no Immc irhora he has a call to n larger '" ,h" J',r' ',rlor " ,I,ul"" ,,'c,r " "iny of occupation, arc on the gtreets todayho l8 marrled la's Ki rth, prent H church. If ha desires to accept It " A A Sou ,;. exam ,,.,. ( those who have become the victims ? Si, t m.m .h "2S S.Hitbtr.U.KneraldUpo- Ileverond Wilson has made many Phnklan. e..l oyer the bo, v f loathsome diseases or are held planL.d on entering tho matrimonial rlfl IJoleo Is back! Dut It Is a changed tho retirement said many of VUU'ai Holeo whom his friends are greeting men had no ammunition. Only VU- s uouyguard nad more tnan 109 rounds. Soldiers had thrown taalr rlfles awav while crosstnr the deaart Ileddan very carefully and failed to fr breaches of discipline I have lol ",. " XV. "-""" "".. with the American cavalry i Dur- flnd any trace of bullet hol.-n or had opportunities to know specific mU and then Ame ,p . V8""- wounds from outside soun-e. ! Instances In which this slander, espe- ,nto' the war and Holeo thoughf' Vllla'8 telegrapher, who escaped "I ueier m- n caie where people daily the first, has caused muchUnan rtn' Jolned the' TweUet from Villa at Vllla Ahumada, report- uproail rumors as they did In this ( trouble, for men havo come to mo K,,Kneerg un'der VaJor n . Jh 'ed to Mexican officials In Jaurez that one." Njid Judge X J. Chapman art repeatedly with proof. , ... without food, and Mimy Itteis .ie Sent I ,, n , , ,,..., ,,,, (that their morale was very low. a clean chap, i,n .. . . , ....., .....j'i Dissensions took nlace amour .m. ..1.11 ,1, iiiciii;a ijul u. sunn iimi? , "One oung man, I'lltiMiaoBl the people to accept tli o frlnnds while In this city, who will mwitcrlce lemli. Tho month or regret to novo nun imivn, nut win im JiljHtlnCMMM along many lines, glntl In know that he has a larger aid tb iwllef wai cxprcsseii uiai inn ih'ih in which io worn. jMtet level of prices would prevail . .i... .a ,.... i ivii.i. frr iii: f..t viiiii.t-ri I D1 UU1W IU iuiiiv, ' ....... , , I ,n,ml.l. I,. rnn.Mer l.iesns of II tOOKV LLE. I .. Allg. 1 Will '" '. ....' .."" TeJacIcs the alga con of living was II Hays, chairman of tho Republican rHl,1- lo 'I'1"' l" nml ",r,,n,1 tB,' ntinlA , mgifvutM w--r """ " I. .... I rf .1.1 !. ... .. ' . t i. .... . - m of nUnet ofllcers at tho olllcu that ho would not bo candidate for "h "'"" "'" " """ "" " , "' ww i e marrieu. far t0 Ila8ler our TOr3lon of the En ft(crr.eraenfrll'almer Iteport nomlnntlon us governor. Ho said '" ",,MM- '"" 'ic"i ", ing. in.suosiaiK.. i nave learned nSh language . .. . . . .. lllflltl'flt Crtttllk J.ltllb.lnllifnttirl iftit! Mln .n.uAt vnn ' or. . n.i.iln,. 1.r.... , till k midi) by the committee to Iho mat nit intenus to coiitinuo his pros- ' ' '- - ..o.,., ..-,.. .,, . iJKrttntea Monday. ''"t "tles. t finding., of the Jury that there was no and ouoled the report. 'Since that CRACKS OF HFM1 nrif i'iui imiy i'i i.imkiiiii h ui'iii ii. ik iii(. case, i (io noi u:iiil voo rtr io --..- . P. C Andrew, P. M Priest. John come or write to me. for I never IVrnell, T. O. Haguot T. Smith and shall see jou again ' A wife writes a C K. Uriilidenburg composed the husbanil that Is faithful: 'If this Is' Jmv that luestlKilfid tho cae. Tho the reason you ure not coining home. today, following' n confer- National commlttoo. announced todnv Tlm Jury hunted down every wl.lMer-( had a letter from his sweetheart to aml has not n , h opportunity so Vll,a'8 men aftr tlle Jaurez battle- . . .. ... (fit .....I j.i. i.l lliiil itlnm H'riD iiiillilni. ..I I. ............... .,.l ... I ..i...i , i wi.uun on .... ... I? r Miser alil thnt ono siiRgi'itlon ,lir reducing I he living costs was tin the Romnmc-nt uuuld sell tills ITilr'i when tton nf tnnrtrnl urtpA .Till would he- determined by iho Totiupply and demand, nnd mnko 1,Wiiurnllo he farmers out of tll.OOOOO.ODO fund nnnrnnrln(...l Ijijwtirm. The boose committee favorably re- Wed a raoluhon for tliu Pedoral i OF Tl SEND 30 INITIATES OVER THE DIVIDE wltnei-ses who were-ummoned fir vou need ntner come.,' A mother jppY 111 "luifMifs who were-niiiiiioueu n r mi nv I'I M I MJrI testlmonv were W. I). Mann. Archie! writes a III N ' nM'l ,,nKl"1' ' r- '"'". n"n McLcod. doarmeii UL-II J J lilt! r o. Larsen and Dan .McMullIm ;nnd can: Martin Lopez, who led the fighting In Jaurez, is said to have denounced Villa and accused the bandit leader of deceiving his men Into believing; the United Status government would. recognize the Villa revolution, and American troops would not molest them when they attacked Jaurez: Another leport reaching the bor- luformatlofi jrlMOtihwi. The Prejldent accept- ,0,nr ",al Ul nI'pnl""K r,,c" rlot ,lmt nl '"'I- '''. ws 1' " , results of this slander. Wo havo Klkdom In tho local club-roor "dtleieelgnatlon of V. W. Tausslr ,,,,,wcon yvMi nl"1 ,,,nok ot 11,,) Ohio nnd was about -is years of ar;. n()w thousands of men at this base, what went oh during the fo l,llnun ot tho United States Trlff "!"tt W0"lc nr c",1,Ml- CUn" to S,00 8',,,n,, ' l,a' ff" ,,lt tuwral an(, nie8l llns a8 nianj. I110r0 Tno hours ,s 1:ntwn onIy t0 niks ai lu radiant hue, arranged in double ' "er stated that Villa selected 2,000 son with many words of on- file, they marched lost night while j Picked men from his forces and nt: 'If you are In trouble their iinml d Tiior-n im n .n. 'started south toward Pnrml m. Iwtf rAmn Vinti.A t.tlt hm nml . . .1 ... '. ,.. ,1 . 111 .... . 1 - -..... ....,.., ..... ...v, ui.u ume in uie oin town lonicnt i'""i"6 oai He couui not neat glcn out 'by S. i'., I will help you all I can.' j as lambs beinir led to a si.inuhte-' the Americans,' and savlnir he was CHICAOO, Aug. 1 Stnto nnd Steven., who arrived In Klamath i Ko- .Men In (iimnl llimw Mvt re the . or more neni.hvt. tvhn Cofng back to the mountains. Villa. Tnde CommlMlon's Innulry Into thorl,y nut,,orl,lcs woro of ,lu, opinion Polls yesterday, was to the effort -Theto nre but a few of the many were Initiated into the mysteries of 'activities In the vicinity of Parral rooms Just ''"' uuiu iena io connrm tnls four long i report. Geeral Angeles was re ported to have separated from Villa, and to be hiding In the hills near the border. Villa partisans here denied that Villa's army was demoralized. They say one of Villa's tricks is to scatter his forces after a battle, and then re assemble them when he is ready to conduct another campaign. Pilar da Conchos. on the Conchos River, near Parral. is said by Villa's agent here to be the rendezvous for Villa.' forces, and all of his bands are drift ing in that direction. Cottttlalon. Congress us ask oil tnt" ,roo,", lmvo '",1,n "" K,lur'' ' lt''"l'', of his friend Interment w n pf.Ceutage lPmldent .W'lUon (o crento a spe- "'" "0Km ,1,Htr,rl ll,,rl"K ""' l,a(,t be In the eiiy cemeten thl nfienloou house nnd W lateilljatlng commlttw to pass "' ""', 1,avo ",0 Mlua"on ' H Increases for railway shop- "' control. Tho death list t aad other employes. from ",u ""''""K numhors 3S, tho llllllll.l,.. nt I..1.I.1. a.... .. -fr j"inj ". nuitu iiru iiCKroes, from lors. Whltloek'a ruderiiiUlug I'ar- DM0Nn.C MADvc -... ...n.vrwo , A ROAD TO DIAMOND B. H..Edmond and uir. i....... ....' 'Jmed from 1 uit . tti . . . . "aUj w. J .. .'iBimiiiu mho, , 5?W. with Mr. anil Mrgi Stellimcx I fZL , W,ral dls rcitlmr siifd'i !,Ibi. 0a lhlp . ,....... . im "::.. l" "" " y '.. "v"""":rBl' uirticuity s,tI. V. ' r0M' ana ,0 nl' '"turo l rd Into, off fr ,;....: ? month wo xetici: to sriwitiiicits. 7laLn i.7 l " ,H" K1'ath ' A ? aboro tho . ri'r 10 turn to thui U.iri .. " nine 1. t.ri!l0a."a.''uo,e. ;?. . ,,,v uvi and left. 1. ..,."-"'"' a - "l n ine not . be ,... ' " ""cvo ci"-o'A Wr 5. C';ed' Tl'l Is about Mv J fe( fron, , r'harrly,otholl,f( ."""' i e iiriieh, "vc Subscribers receiving their papers through tho molls nre re quested to cxamlno tho date fol lowing their mimes. It tells you when your subscription ex pires. Whon this ilntn Is reach-, cd, your paper will bo stopped, unless you lmvo renewed your on. During tho past 0 havo been lenl nt on this point, hecnuso wu lime been revising nnd rorreotlrg our list und wanted to haw It absolutely correct heforo pub lishing this nntlco, rieglnnlnt; August 1, ovory paper will bu discontinued whon tho ox.ilm tlon dnto Is reached. No .itleu. tlon will be paid to tho nnmo of i e atrsisht i ' ' Hi. '...."- u"li1. US t IO lr:iv,.1 .... fc- 10M wnnlJ ..... """" A.4.I.- .... ... . flriiii, u muicniu tlmt iliial l"u nuosenuor. iuo iiiuiiiiik "it,:;""! rl ftn back nn 1. "at ynu "" h-'fc-S ?, ....1Ien" "'-. "r on jfSS55 .... ,, gOKOtuLui r-woiii 8HANTUXO Aug. l. sorloua clerl: will fllinply oxnmln tho date, nnd If It Indicates that tho subscription hns not been 'o nowed, thon ho will romovi It from tho list. It Is not ; ques tion of credit or anything of tho and their of men In tho guard newly acquired members. Some 20 detention camps, set nparl iiiixIoih whe and frinds waited In ,for bttch cases, Is very small; In fact, as man motor cars that stood out , almost negligible. J have never had side the battle-ground, far the ! so hlch im mifnlnn nf our Amorlrnn m.....,....- Thn .,.!. ..r i.n ..1..1,. . .... - ... . . v... .....W..HH.. iiiui h- .c ijmti uk 111c'l'l men as I have had since I have llted !nd morning was broken by .ho mur- 1 with them. I do not mean to saylmiir of tho pine nnd hemlock, es It that they are always refined lu sneer'. 'resounded from contact wlwi u nea- or free fTom traits that would not 1 h; te as he passed new milestones in P II Curlrli will this week break .sound well In refined society, but I hi career. ground for another home on Ninth) do say that they are men of good The smiles that local "Bills'- are street, which he will occupy when It principles, thoroughly as moral and ' wearing this morning and the pained Is completed. Plans for tho nowjnprlght hero as when they were at countenance of the Initiates are tes- GARICH WILL BUILD HOME ON NINTH ST. structure are already completed and ground will he broken at once. It will be 11 seven-room bungalow, with bath, sleeping porch and full base ment The lower hrtlf of the building will bo rustic and tho upper half shingled, tho luterlifl- to he finished lu natural nnd white enamel This Is tho eighth house that Mr. Ciirlch has erected on Ninth street, and It Is due more to his efforts tliiui any other one thing, thnt tho old home. And this, too, with tho ro- timonlals nf the siieeeEJ nf (h ,i. stralnts of feminine und family tlesjgree work. Those who were Initiated laid aside. It Is vllo and treacherous ' were: A. T). Epperson, Chos. McCar to stab them in the back. I want tie. It. M. Flnn. J. J. Shanahan, H. tho nen and women at homo to C! Heals, L M. Martin, TJ. L. Cook, know thnt the slander Is malicious. C. V. Fisher. J. W. Bryant, O. It! and without the slightest founda Prlshbe. W P. Johnson. Wnit'nr niv' , tlon." Inn. I.. Stnolrnr f n.,-., i.... ..... ... .........u., . i iiu . , n. K-ilJ I MeCartlo. Pcy Hickman. T M Dan- lltA II. KOItPltTMS.MAUltllMl. ton. L. W. Copeland. F. K. Pell. J , 'l' A.?i(o. C J. O'Connel I. .1,, Lnto .u-terd.iy nftt-rnonn Ira P J B Slsei, ore. 71 11 lnn.i.v w n. , rtobcrts nnd Miss Alice Maude West- Wilson. E It. Cnrdwell s been wlp-"o Broom is a ion of Mr. and Mrs ("1111111111 tat he has I-- II Kolitrts. pioneeis of Poe Val- I . U )jf . bountiful loy. The yrunK people will make their ll If U M M I .1.. ........ liniiialnllil. m ,- . Vfatll SlliiUI kind. It Is simply a systematiz ing of our mailing opffratlon, nnd must bo followed rigidly to ft. '.1 .WerO rOOnrlA,! n. -, I A Annl.lfh .. nvnl MinMn iwlti "' ' ciDti n ,V oiuan-- ' . ...u. ...u... .,..-- (HIh,1! ; 0l Provlnco of takes, Whon you renow your W(5i " TUe command-! nubacrlptlon, no receipt will bo iMlaw ttr"Bon doclared .gittSJJJ- I Valentine have Wrum h. t . "" was for-Wtt'hnE'reher.The 1 " ttadft tk . ' u"or- The iiS9' tam M.h:"ra"l.,, vWi (ortnerly MarshfieM, Dr. 'ny practiced ma.n. .'Will .In.. ...... . " ' ,0 Mk. convention, sent, but the date following your name will, he changed. Watch this, and you will thon know that your money has been ro- celved and thnt you hove boon given orcdlt. The nttontlon of our city sub- scrlbera Is called to tho fact that on next Saturday tho car- rien will collect for the papor. Pleaso be prepared .to pny them 10 that they will 'not have to make moro than one call. Wo ask this out of consideration for the boys, who suffer as much ' t from the heat aa do ttielr eld- tlmo appellation of "poverty flat by which this .section of the city was f,!l1 tt,,ro married by J It. Griffith. known for many years, has been wlp-Tl'o Broom Is a ion of Mr. and Mrs eil out. Etery houso that elected hna been modern of design and n credit to tho neigh- liome lu this county, horlioml. resulllng In greatly Increas ing tho value of all of the property , lu this section of the city. This last one will In the best of all, and while Mr. Onrlch sa It will und his home-1 LONDON, Aug. 1. It Is estimated building ambitions, It Is quite unlike- tm,t tho Increase of $2 to $2.50 in mi I.VCP.EASE OP WEEKLY WAGES 1 TO COST MEItCH.WTS 1UG SPU HI I I I5UKKE ItKACHKS XKW YOKK. Mr. and Mrs. O, D. Burke have been made happy by the announce ment of their son Percy's arrival in New York from a long stay in France with tho American Forces. The young man has been in the service nearly three years, with never a furlough during the whole time They are looking f 01 ward with much pleasure, to the time When he will arrive from New York. ly that ono who has been so success ful along that lino can permanently nlnndon tho work, PRAISE SERVICE TO BE HELD AT CATER tho weekly wages of all shop clerks BERLIN, Aug. J. Eastern Ger- wlll cost merchunta of the United many will remain quiot, despite the Kingdom $l2r.,000,000 to $ 150,-tac that some parts of It are Includ- 000,000 a year. COPir OF TREATY . PUT IN REBOS "lligr Fho" Treaty With Polaud. Placed In Senate Records Proto cnl to Hun Treaty Submitted. A novel service will bo conducted on tho rim of Crater Lake at tho Hotel, on Sunday evening 10th nt 8 p, m. This will bo tho soc ond annual praise and prcuchlng-sorv-Ico conductod by Hov. John W. Hoyt, Sunday School Missionary of tho Presbyterian Church, Lust year a largo nttondanco gathorod lu tho par lor of the Lodgo and a very success ful mooting was conducted. This year all who can nre asked to make, the trip and attend this meeting. A vol untoer choir Is wanted for the occa sion 'and any who can assist la this way la asked to help. STRIKE GULLED Br R.R. SHOPMEN WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 1. a copy of the I n.l .l.liln .kn l.Aw.ln .. n. .. . ... ......... i..u uuiuvid ui i-uiuuu oy IVASHINUTON, I I tho peace treaty, wires the Thorn Senator Lodge put ' correannmlent nf .hri TVmiBitk t.i .MAn.. 1.-. .. . 1... . v uvuum nm nouijr uoureon ma "uig Five" now tung. "It Is," ho adds, "the, painful era and Poland into the senate -reo result ot obsorvatlonivmado on tho'ords today, after ..fnMn,. ; w.. J spot'." Ho declares that the gov- treaty had been1 signed at Versailles ernment, contrary' to Us promise, has 'on Jurief28tn, and had been' subinlt- fignominlously delivered up parts of. ted to tho British parliament two weeks ago. , i Loter in tho day Vice President Marshall laid heforo the seuateth jut-mem 10 mo uerman treaty whlcbt 1 tho eastern provinces and that Prus ' eta k aa n l.n.1 .a . .. .. ... . o. uoa tu.tau tu come 10 mo aia ot her crown lands. Tho correspondent slates that the CHICAGO. Aug. 1 Members df natives and' the troops had determln-' defined tho exDianBtns ...j . tho Federated Shopmen's Union to- ed t0 defend their hearths and homes In tho' memorandums exchanged be day called a nation-wldo strike of l tno Tery 'at, but tho government's , tween the Gorman and Allied-pleat-tho railroad shopmen. Walkouts oc- cnan"e of front .now' put an end to , POtentlarles. Tho documents were, curred in Boston, Philadelphia, Den-1 tn080v Patriotlo asplraUons. Ho pre- aubmltted by the President yester ver and elsewhere. Strikers ald,d,ct8VaraTe menace to the country day, but were too late for submlssloa that the railroad administration had -aaa reu1' ot tae dissolution qf troop until today. Explanatory letters promised them a'settWamt by July. "T" wniCB BftT0 beod accumulating were given out by Wilsoa, as well aa. lit. - 'th,r' iuif ' Xi 8ecrrJ:SUteLaM(it. f' fr itv. -m 'mS i xmz'iL itTJ jr'ifSs Jgi iifi M m f'l -fl w J ,1 I 7H. Ai a mk 1 tsV wtt.