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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ,IIIIIU PAGE HI2VE.1 n r .Hit S!l, KHI. S5Tc assi fjeTgoluMns FOR SALE ,( KUnw'b I " '''' '"""1 lis Orow " h . MI..UV. mimru. nin I '"" ,"",,,r IrrigH o, !-" 'lnr. mil be ....u mm.. I '- l-ump: woll fiW". , i ...i unyi'ii wire: no build- ,aK, Goml ' ''" " 'lVPloi nlfuift ranfh ' ,'"11 Investment ; prico rwionaM" ""I ' rln" "ny ii .at' ooijsiim i. wiy. SECONDHAND Autos for snlo two ' '.oi linn mm 1911 Ol'iirllUllI: CM ll Mmlibdkir UoaKtasiil & jjtCollun 1" " FOIt s'AI I ' "'"I r"' l'nv 0," "'' falfii lu- n'"l I" ''n" s'' lmh Si or 1 in-ii'- -' M. ' 2-if ft-KSimi' 'i lid' SI- - for "1" fi ...- nimlom huement owl 'nrr- rffm 1 lil- k" ' ' M'1 ,n' M ' ' rwlotflci- Loi 3 in i i if. lll'TJIOIlM I .r fr iwlo or trod" fornoik .: 2 Mno St. miih mi- I 'Men 15-61 ri'RNIT1 UV Tor Sale nt ""- Klamath 17-31- IFOR 8AI.K l-'nril Sedan. Georg Inifkn, 31 KlnmMh avenue. 1 0-tf. FOR RENT I MMM iFOIl I1KVT 1 rif"n flnt t? 'ir month A A Mdiaffcy "" Mnln ft nnt HFIP WANTFn ITfAXTBD- Mnn nn rnttrli in tin rcc alar farm work Clnno In. fiooil Ititei. Apply llcrnld olllco. St f D IPHOVR PPYT-nV for Wrmit11211 MISCELLANEOUS roSITION' WANTKl.-Man wnntii Job on ahri'p or cattle ranch In nil- ttiorlllre taparlty Kxpi-rlonn-il 'onli consider salary nml percent ol Increase See nn- itoom fi. N'o 6! Main St or mldrcM 1' (). llox , Klamath Palls, ttntll July 21th. 19-31 . LEGAL NOTICES xotickop siiiiitirt'N sai.i:." H)T tlrtue of all iJcrilllnn ilnlv u. md by tho Clerk nf tli.i J-ourt of the sinli- of OroKon for Klamath Cnnniv .lnin.1 !... nn tain --....- . uitn.1 ., nu. In a crinin milt in mild court " nic!i, on tin- nth dy ot Juno, 13U. It P flrnit.ii.r nu ..tninttrr rewercl Judirmi nt'ilnHt lMinnmi i v.nucoto n ndmltilMlrmop nf il late of J u Winner, df-rcnBcil, rnr ''" 1116 aillll nf tirto fn i .... . au ,"fonat ll'cnik-of 10 porfent por vl,,'ln '!! I.iuikoII Vnll.-v Irrli;n fm: i,r!,n! Juno H- 191u' "'"J ! " 1)lM'r';f "ml Hint tho Hoard of lift 9o "I'l'iiritemi'iitB taxed nt "IroclorH of (he UiiikoM Vnllev Irrl ' V"' . Kiitlnn DlKtrli-t hIiiiII tnko neees.snrv hb uth in lR'r'"' fi'von tlmt on "'"I'M h provided bv rhuptor rtr,7 Ih'uPn t! , ' "l l,, irnni noor ot aihi?.ii lxm I" tho city ot Klnin. Bl falls. OrpL-n.i .,, in ..,.,. . Ida fn..K --" u iiilhi in uctlon tn m' ,WlU "M nt ,n,mlc taih ii, ... ,"h'i,'i iniKior ror '" inmnri ih iiouuileil nml ilen-erty'towU- 'ni' (U'scr"JUl1 Prop- Tlhnd iih follow h- situated t v. . .... ron ihn , "'"in uuniy, uro commcnriB-".. .I' nni1 1ocrlloa nn llw,.... al'" intorBCCtlon of Broad ,tn.i. f. coril(,',"f Wll nml Oregon ti, .y .f. Kln,1"tl Fnlla, terly linr, . . . ny IUOnft th0 Ihencn . . ., 1.on,, "root 80 foet: ft! thenco ! ?n,Kiu 0'lHtor'y 7C or of tho NK of tho NWU of Sec rly 80 feet t 1 r,B,,t J",B, north- Hon r. of mild Towimhlp mid Uiiiiko; WU etrcet t),l Bouthorly "no of tliunro North ono-linlf mill), moro or "" outherlv Vin? , "!.or,y n,onf l'HH. I" tl cimtor of Section 3 2, tfl'MnUsect'on Ii ll 7,B Tow"hlp 40 South. ItnKo 14 BorI : "Jinning, bolntr thn nnwi,..i oa nHl ,0 l"0 NllJ- cornor of tho NW frnkmo2?I!l,l"M ncl ItanRe: thonco South W.nialh Plh. Owgon- takm nX t(i th? N"-lhUa8t corner of tho SWH ed upon In aald ii Rn? ot tn NEI-4 of Boctlon B, Township 2S?f,.M ny So noUc'0.0' tt i"cfh 1 South. Itango 14 Eut of tho Wll ZUH Jdwent. .nK7ifcS ,Bmotto Meridians thonco onet to tho g ,U .imCiJ" Northonst cornor of tho BW of tho "otmayaccrue that NW of Section 4 of said Town- itu, ii, HUMPirnniv nnip ana iuuiko; innnco rsorin one- xMMr, iqUartor mllo more or loss to tho FALLEN Rin am aao"ii. Township line: thonco East on IDtt,j . nr... -nno 23d. iio "oputy. --.. LEGAL NOTICES ssi .ti. vi itoi i.s iti Tim ir-n t i rnllM ur. .. -ready fm the iimii. Hon of intim.ii Ticse ttlin wuir in i tin it "xnii-nt In ot w'ui wih In K til. mil any chuugo Insforo roll arc Ullllrlt OVcr I" lid- III'" '! nl I lil.l I T.iUlott, cut) ito rn until August i 5 s I -J 1'. 1.1.1.'. County Anvtnt !l 101 Itl HOI. I YIO.N i rlmujjo the grade on ntlli ttirtrit li'tufcii M.iin and Pine Htrrofn WJIKRKAfl, the Common nunrj dtioiiift ll oxppdteut to change t Ito crude on .'til Mreet bwtween M.ilu nnd I'lnc K I reels In the On of Mum nth 1'i.lln TIIKHKI'OHI. IK IT RKOt.Vll tbnt t Ito khiiIo on Kt It ftroet beiwnn Vclli ninl I'ltin Street be rliitlKi'l a" foi'oiv. to-wlt' At ".?'( feet from the tinrl'trTlv Htm of Main Ptroot on Mb Street frum I'Vvntlnii I ''too fm-t to l'.l T,' feet rorknncil from the establish. rt e'tV I'f.llltll Ptni" nt n-tnn rn"'v of Klamath ft of Ki'imni'i I'niu i t A I l.piiv'tl 'J'nll".! Iiiilpn o' "lit fli iio li.K.v i-iini'i- ihnl llii frnnlni' N n it"lv nrnlVil rotiv of ii i.n( l-.i -.ii rlitiT-"!-" rrtiil" on r'i' iiip litfTi Miii ntlil I'lti" Clfn4 P nliVA .nt frt n nftll l" lin l'il,.rn r,1""rt nf lin f'ltv .t...,.,(, 'nm Orir'i, on liilv It 1 1 e 10-IOt tS.'p'inn A ' '"U'it I'nllro Ji.i;p xetici: OwIiir to dtio'litci- of I.nlior nml ri...n.,. ,,f rnlli"-ititr. 1 ! cit ! n Tt t n - Tiilv 2rilh I'M'' w "II fo on n rnnh l.n It. N'o wooit ilKllvorlcH will lio tnmli' "I'M pnld In nilrniiro. or Kent C 0 V I" 3t'ftlO"V o im:yton'. IK-St iti'i-niti-: Tin- uoiti) of iiiiiri-. TOHS OP TMK I.A(il'l.l. VAI- .:v ihmk; xriiiv iii-ritUT or kiiA.math roi .vrv stati: or oitrcov xetici: or ami ivti o I'lrmios roit iMi.r. mov or rritTMv i.wiis within tiii: not nitii:s or Tin: iN(;i:i.i, v.i.i.i:v utiti- . (iATION DIS'llHCr notici-: is iu:ii:nv r ; i v i:.v that H K. Wiminiil. M T I'rlini'. .1. 1" Hiiiiii. (' r Wnlld-r. C.-oiko Niilile ,lr' W. II l-miki'v. C Mliinril. I! W WIIK-vrcon. Itoberi Di'tliiven, J V. Shityliiim, ( IIokbh. '"rnnrlH lOllltT. mill W T. OHluirn .11.1 iii.m.i till' 12th ilnv nf July, A I) li'l'J flic with lli Hoard of D'ructnrN of the r.:iiiKi-ll Vtilloy IrrlKiitlon Dli- trlrt ii petition prtiylui; tliut n ivi tnlti hodv of I.und nilliii-i'iit tn th. - """ Vnlloy lirlt:nilon Dlsirlcl. lint t.ll.i. flit. il. turn II. ml 1... Innlii.l.t.l "' "" nuiinieH or uri-Kon or nil, tw tho liielimloii of mild Iniids Sold lw,,i.. i i ... ... ,...,......, .""w " i. .tn. in iijiummi in nu iiii-iiitii'ti Wllll,n ,"l,, '',"K"II Viilley IrrlKn- "'. ,,,B n,.a i". " " i"''1; "in Doiiiiniiry nun or mo i.iiuki-ii Vnlley IrrlKiitlon DlBtilct, which anlil point Ih tho NortheiiHt corner of Hoctlon rt, In TowiiHlilp .11 5011th. Uiiiiko II JOiiHt of tho Wlllmuotto Altirldlnn: theiico i:st 0110-half mile, moro or Ickh. to tho NortheiiHt corn- Township lino ono-quurter mllo' ,. or , to tho Boll.hongt Corn-i . .. ---- - - .. tin or 01 mo hw4 ot section 33, towii "'"" ship 40 South, Rnngo 14 East of iiiu wiiiiiinuuu Aioriniuii; iiiniiuu North to tho Northonst cornor of tho SICiVi of tho 8WV4 of Section 33 of 1 Hnid TowiiHhlp unci HniiKo; thonco KiihI to tho Noi'thoiiBt cornor of tho HWVi of tho SR,J of Suction 33 of mild Towtmhlp and Ultimo; thonco N.nili .,( ti. North, 1 , ,,!. 1 ,,f ii,,. n . f id. si -, (,f ., i n f "i.'il li.nii-lilp unit It,,,,,., f 1 hiiic. Kimi (iih iiiirl.-r nf 11 mil,., mori' or . hh in tin. i 1 mil r 1 in i... iii'm i,,,ti 1 '-. 1 , 1 mi 1 , , , , 1 ,,f ,, , 'I n III 11 ninl IduiK ' lii'i'e X 1 1 1 1 four mid ilir.'i- 'nmrler nilli'n, more nr I.'mh in ili. Norllii-ii.l eorner nf the II!1, nf I he Hi:",', nf Hectlon I of n.i'il 'I nwimhlp iiii IduiK", th"lice U'esi In lh. .Norlhi'iiHl Kirtier of the RW, f Ih" H I-:1, of Hwtlon I of ald TomiihIiIp ti ml Itatil'.e; tlii'lic.' North In Ih" Nnrlln'iiHl cm tier of III.' HW', nr the Nl'.i', nr Keitlon I of unlil ToMtiHlilp mid Kiuii'.e, tbet-i" Weil In ih" N'orlheiiMl miner of the HH'i of tin- NW',', of Bed Ion I of wild Tnwimhlp nml Ituiii'.e; lh"i.(" Ninth oil" iiinit"r mile, mine or ! bh tn lb" Miiillbeiiiil collier of lb" SW Vi nf Seiiiiiii !t III Tottimhlp Jl!i Knillb, ItlUlf" I ' ICiiHt of th" Wllliiiin'llc Meriilliitt, thenio Not ih one mil", mure nr Ichh. In Hie NortheiiHt corn er 01 III" NWi of Kei-llon T! nf mild ToutiKhlp nml Itiilif',)', Ibi-lice Went tn 1 hi. NortheiiMi corner of the NW', of the NW, nf Beel Ion 31! of n.iiil Tuwimlilp und ItmiK". thence North In Ih" Norlhi'iiil rorner of the K '4 nf tin- BW', of Bed Ion 21 of mud lowiifhlp mid Itiini:", ihenco We.l nf the NortheiiHt curlier of the Kt-;i, of the Ki;i, of H, 1 1 Ion 2'i of Mil 1 1) TnutiHlifp mill lt.iiiKi: theii'c North ont'-'iuarter mile morn or I"hh to the omiftcr for t,'' I'tminoii to Section 2K nod Sec ii"i 20 In nu 1.1 Township und ItiiriK" th. no Wt'Ht to Mi Noribeimt corner of lb.' NWVi of tho BK, nf Bec 1 tnii L'!i of mild Township and ItanK" ih.-iii.. North to tho Northeast cor n.T of the" BW'i of tho NI"i of r.rt'nn 2'J of huIiI TowtiBhlp nnd llnnit"! th'-nre West oti" and ono iunrtnr mile, troro or Ii-hh. to the Nottlienut loinrr of the BC', of the NW', nf Bfctlon 3u of said Townahlp and Uani;.". thence North one qunrt.-r inlle, more or Ichh. to the (tunrit r cninnr comnioii to Sec tion lit and Section 30 of mild Tnwu nhip and rnoKo; theiKi- Wet one half nill". moro or legs to the Kouth "nt rorner of I ho BoiilbetiHt ', of Section 2 1. Township 3'J South, Unit"" 12 Cant of the Willamette Meridian: Thenco North to the Northeint cornor of the S I ' i of tho BK'i of Bectlon 'Z of mild Township au Range, thonco Went to the North flint (orner of the SH',, of the BW of Bi'dlnu 21 of 1111 hi Township and Itnnc"; thnc South o:ie-(iiartor mllo. more or Ii-hh to th" onc'iunrti'r rorti' r common to Section 21 and Bectlon 25 of said Township and Itnnite, thence went (me and ono iiuorli r mile, more or le, to tho Northeast corner of tho NW'i of tho NW'4 of Mfcilon 2C of Haiti Town ship and ltmiK'-: thence North to the Nortli.'itHt corner of the SW1', of the SWV, of Section 23 of mild Town nhlp and ItanKe; thence Went to tho Noitbt'iiHl corner of the SI',', of the Si:'4 of Section 22 of mild Towii Hhlp and UmiKc; thence North one ijuarter mile moro or li -n to the oil's iliiitrte' corner i '.miiin 1 it Section 22 nml Section 23 of mild Township and ItanKe: thence west of the North etiHl corner of the NW', of the SEW of Section 22 of said Township and Uniice; Thence North to the North jiHt corner of tho SW'i of tho NI'U Section 22 of said Township and ItutiKo; thence Wott to the Northeast corner of the SK Jof the NW'i of Section 22 of said Towtihhlp nnd It mice; thenco North one-quarter mile, more or lest, to the quarter cor ner common to Section 1 and Sec tion 2 I of mild Township and UniiKo; thence West to tho Northeast corner nf the NW, of tho NW ' of Sec tion 22 of s.ild Township nnd ItutiKo. , thence North to tho North east corner of the SW 'i nf tho NW '5 ..f .-otloii 1". of mild Township nd ttntiKO. thonco West t lit. NorMi .it 11 11 or of the Si:'. -r ft" Nl '. i.t frdir-ti K, pf said To a nihil' ntid Knur.", thenco North to t!i itinr.or corner roninion to Section ! nnd Sec 11.111 in of said Township and ItntiKe: thence Won to the North' list cornor of the NW', nf the SI'', nf Section 0 of siild Township nnd Itnnpe; thenco North to tho N'oilheast coiner of the SW4 of the N'l:1, of Section ! of snld Town ship .ii.d ItanKe thence S' st one nml 011.-oit.irter mile, more or less, to the Noithe.tsl corner of the SI'', Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores aro really neigh borhood department stores in which various lines aro feat ured. Ono druggist may push patented preparations, nn othor tollot goods, enmorns, optical sorvlco, tho fountnln or othor dopnrtmont which nets him good financial ro tunm. Our specialty has always boen tho filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a result our store has be come a proscription contor. Wo carry an exceptional stock of prescription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is tfp-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Proscrip tion and Reciplea aro Important and deserve the special care which we are able to give them. V - VlMll l"-L.-i I'nuMun ll' ' ' v.hb.1 ..micuu. rit.v Ll rrj ) ist.n snvu rtS 'ZUZtV nnderwooffsPharsMY Vi's KLAMATH TALLS OPEGOM ..V"' i.r ih. SW, of Keitlon H of Haiti loAtisbip nml ItniKV , tb"ii''c BotlMi 0111 half mil", nioro or less to the NoriliMist corner of Iho Bf'V, of the BW", of Heel loll S of Hlilil Town ship iird ItutiKo; which polnl Inlcr I'.'Im the preueui liomiilmy ln of Ih" I,mice Vnlley f rrlciil Inn l)ln Irld; Ihence riom mild polnl nf In 1 its' d Ion In a Houihenxtorly direc tion iiIoiik said present bniiiid.-irv IIik of Hie l.niiK'-ll Valley IrrlKiillon ll'Htrld lo th" Norihi'iisl roin-r of lh NWV4 nf I ho BW', of Bectlon 17. TouiiKhlp l South. ItmiKo H i:n st of the Willamette Meridian; thence south to ihe Norlli'-iisl corner of th" NW!, of the NW',' of S"c llnn 20 of mild TowtiHhlp and ItatiKe, tin ni" CiikI oui'(iiiirler mile, morn or less lo the one-quarter corner ('(minion to Sccllon 17 mid Section 2't of Kiiltl Township and ItfinK': thence Hotlth (illo-bnlf mile, Itioro or less, to the center of Section 20 of snld Township and ltmiK". thence 1'nsi oue-balf mllo. inure or less 10 Hi" one-quarter corner com mon lo Bed Ion 20 and Section 21 of sold Township mid ItanKe; thence South one-half mllo, pin." or Ichs to the Bouih'MSl corner of said Section 2(t of said Township mid ItanKe; thence r.ast one half mtte more or less to the quarter corner common to Hod ion 21 qni Section 2 of said Tow tn hip and ItanKe; thence South lo the Northeast rorner of th" SK'i of th" SW, of Section 2R of snld Township ami HniiKo; thence West to tile Northeast corner of Ihe SW '.i of th" SW' of Section 2S of mild Townhlti and ItmiKe; theme South 10 the Northeast corner of Ihe SW'i of the NW'i of Section 31 of nuld Township und Until,'"; thence West in the Northeast corner of the SK1, of the NW V4of Section 32 of said Township and ItnnBe; thence South to the center of Section 32 of said Townblp and II1111K": thence West on"-half mile, more or less, to the niiurler corner common lo Section 31 and Section 32 of said Township and limine; thence South one-hulf mile to the Northeast corner of Sec tion 0. Township 11 South. ItanKe 1 1 liast of lb" Willamette Meridian to the point of buRlnninK- All persons Interested are hereby Itlvi-n notice to appear at the office of the Hoard of Director of the K"ll Valley IrriKution District In tho 1oomiB IlullilliiK, Klamath Fulls, Or-Kon, upon Tuesday, tho "th day of AuKUBt. A I) 1910 ut tho hour of 3 o'clock In the afternoon, and show cause, It any they have why the petition should not b" granted. A. 1. WISIIAUD. Secretary of the Hoard of Direc tors of the Lsngell Valley Irri gation District. 14-21-2S I eTKi: ok rixAij si:ttm:.mi:xt. Notice Is hereby Kvn that tho undersigned administrator of the es tate of Lilian II Stilts, deceased, has filed In the County f'ourt of the Statv of Oregon, for Klamath Coun ty, the final account of his adminis tration of .said estate anil said Court has fixed August 16th. 1919. at 2 30 o'clock V M as tho time and the court room of the said court as the place for the heaWtiK of the said final account and for the settlement thereof H. i: STILTS. Administrator of the Estate ot Lillian H. Stilts, deceased. H-21-2S-4-11 lo.ono n'ei'i.i: i:at iirtsi: caki.. LOS ANGIXKS. Cal, July 21. Ten thousand person-? were served with 'cuts" irom a sdnglo cako at Lincoln i'ark here The monttcr con ft'etion which was a feature of tho I'otiith of duly celebration, was six feet high, four foot thick and weigh ed nearly half a ton. XOT1CE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hop. Cam., sand and gravel pit, In any quantity that may bo desired by contractors nnd builders. AL F. GRAHAM. Juct Remember this. Tho dntps for tlio Elks' Convent Ion are August 14, 15 nnd 1C Got ready. GLASS Phono 1110 nnd I como and give you a price that will savo you money. Carpenter nnd Cabinet Work. i:. C. STUCKV. 1140 Main. Phono .140-W. Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 108 IiAWRENOE'8 CIGAR STORK Klamath Falls, Ore. Highest cash prices paid for flno OREGON INDIAN PIPICS AXD OTHER RELICS Postofflco Box 2G6 KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrovr, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink.B Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnoctlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" nit. w. m. iiLKvriu.v;, SPECIALIST In J)isi;asi:s of uk- iikaiit nnd XEItVOL'H SVSTKM. f'onsulititlon In your own homo without charge. Residence Office Iih mid .Mnln Sis. I'bone 71 Livei-y, P'ocd and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Iing Tilps Our Specialty Iteitsooable Kates Phone lilll M'J'J Klmu.-itli .r, COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 721) Main Street Meals served from C a in. to 9 p. m. good corn:i: axd iii:al ckkam Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 I.lis. T.'c iimshi:d WORK I'lAT WORK HOUGH DRY rut Your Duds In Our Suds" . PHOXi: 421 Corner Main And Cihirct HARLEY-DAV1DSON Service Station We handle thu Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchahge all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. 0th St. Klamath Falls WWVfiyiWViVSrsHAArrA KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We To All Kinds of Spring Repair ing Xew Ones Made to Order Aile Straightening nnd lllnrksmtthing AT.ti WORK GUARANTEED Phono 25II-Y 017 Klnniath Ae. FOR ANY KIM) OK ri'RXITL'Ri: Sco Andy Mauritsch .At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 170-J Phono Jtltl-.I 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AXD CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St Home-Made Pies nnd Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Han" 1M MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 151-4 S0 Main jrVMMMrVWrVVWsVVMiAi I E.L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Wllllts Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon rArMrrMrMirW"irA FfiOPESSTONAL CAPDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Nou Open for M.ll'I nllj ('iisoh 301 High St. Phone 455 J iih: i-Aitisnx itnAt-Tv siioi' i I 111 i;il .MiisHiicltic liii'iii lung and I'm I,. I I'aiks Mnniriirlng. Bhainpooing J Br alp Treatmnt j ."Id Mnln I'hoiio .100 X"M":""X"'"M-',X"-:-,X'-M"5' H. C. SCHLEEF KATKERINE SCHLEEF I'lijsii l.ins ami SiirgfiiLS Off iff, While itldg. ,.? w..vM...A..;....M...A...:w:-..: "- f DR. G. A. MASSEY KiHcessor to Dr. Trunx Suit 200, 1. O. O. I Hldg Olllce phone Hd.l Res I'linne BOM DR. CARTER nnxTisr wiiiti: nun.Dixa I'HOXl !585 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver I'HOXK a.-1 Dr. P. M. Noel I'lIOXE 4 Over Underwood's, Seventh nnd Main Streets , 1 f A r K.E.U wloi civr jlljj dcxtist Ixxiniis lildg., Kluniath Falls DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 CITY AXD COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 517 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic PbyslctnD t Surgeon , Suit" 211, I. 0. O. F. Tempi ! (over K. K. K. 8tor6) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physl clan and Snrgeou In KJamitk Falli ) SAW .MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Deslgneri and bulldeis of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, l!o Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appr.iNals nml teport.s made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building nud install miichliicr of .111) kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 141) T Olllco in K. 1). Building V , . J. C. CLKGIIOHN Citil Engineer and Surtejor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 11)251. WELL DRILLING Vocliatzer Bros. & lUahzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W. I SHANGHAI I RESTAURANT ? CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE T HOUSE J Short Order Meals Sorved. X 73 Main Street X KIiAMATlI FALliS, ORE. 11. I. i f fti t