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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1919)
M)MA,.II n 7, llll'i vagr nioirr 7 HE 'EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ; r X t f f T T f ? t f T t t t X":K-K rs WQ) V 553 1 ?? i aw bV U 3l 1 HI & 11 HB H a If 1 Si 61 && & & Mil! u? a & "ET TOw "S" f "v S? S Wsl A TiT ou For Men and Women at the K. K, K. Store ' 4U&U X - ? ? 'A FOR Your Outing and Camping Trips you'll need some of these Good Clothes all the latest styles in Khaki and Woolen Clothes for both Men and Women "Duxbak" and "Kampit" Clothes are made for all Out-Doors Wear and you'll find them exclusively at K. K.K. STORE h f ? T T T v t V t 1 Leading Clothiers and Hatters xxxtx:xx ILUli IIS mm CXTEST KKTWEKX DtTt'II AX1 IJKI.CJIAXS OVEIi A NARROW STRIP IIM'UliAKIiY K. " now has almost (Ue(i ,iottn. AS "DUTCH" APPKNDIX" . : ROTH PARTIKS DIG VV AX CIKXT RKCORlA -icn of tlio treaties of lb."D and cut owing to tin- nicessltv of guard- urm unit submit proposals "implicating nelth- lug the future of sterling exchange A etles of tmicrete uiouiiiiu nt er a transfer of sovereignty nor the oa America adorned with (ierman inuchKe guiii. creation of international servitudes.',' Sir Aukland said that the Hoard and In somi' Instance with Gorman The commission will Invite Ult;ii in ;of Trade could not consider any ono helmets and rifles lias been put up and Holland to submit 'joint formu- trade or indtistiy by itself, but imistlto mark the front line of a dlvlsuti las" In the matter of waterways, look at everything with n view to mhunco or to tell of the capture of the general principles of the Peace the best Interests of the nation.' a certain village by some regiment Conference to be appllid as bases From this point of view the matter .Most of the motiumenis nrc bi'liiK for the same. of maintaining Great llritain's II- placed In prominent places near the The bellicose feeling on both sides nanclal position and therefore the main Minds, when possible, so that ! position of her exchanges mis the they will serve as guide posts for 'essential consideration. j tourists lsltlng i-he scenes where DC CT"Dir"ri"WC RJIAV I The American Chamber of Com-, the Amerlc.ins fought their greatet "M-4- !... : ::::!,: BE LIFTED ON AUTOS merce here announces, however, that, battle on French soil the government has promised to re- , view the entire Import and export po- Hear tin LONDON, July 5 The automo- sltion on September 1, and that the bonis. first heat of the diplomatic tourney bile section of the American Cham- Hoard of Trade has agreed to a con- with her neighbor, Belgium, over oer oi commerce in i.onuon nas cession in tavor ot reporters not rep-) (By Associated Press.) , PARIS. Holland has scored In the J ub- records at Sllep-7-1 the clauses of the treaty of 1839,'made representations to the British resented In 1911 but who have slnco1 Then1 which have aroused a good deal ot Board of Trade with the view of established sizeable businesses de feeling on both sides of the Belgo- having the import restrictions on pendent upon automobiles from Dutch border. .American motor cars further relax- America ed If not entirely removed. At pres- It was these 30 years old treaties inat gave Holland the Limburg "pe ninsula" the narrow. ent the Importation of motor vehl- elonsated c!es aml I,arts thereof Is limited to 50 percent or the iui;j imports up Kfrln of lnnd nonularlv known as the "Dutch appendix." by crossing which September 1. 1919. in proportion the Germans In their retreat last "tc """" -x"v.. fall saved themselves a detour of MONUMENTS TO MARK ARGONNE ADVANCE XOTH'i:. i will lni a very Important i meeting of the executive committee of the Hed Cross Tuesday afternoon tint !..'!() livery membi r Is urged to be present The annual leport will be made and new ollUeis will lie elected for the ensuing jear !! SHOES SAVE! r Shoes are advancing In price every day; large raise re.-iull In leal hi pi lees will iiialto shoes almost double M ,r'n, M a shurt tlini). Von can overcome tlio huge cost of shoe by having our old ones tepalred. UV ate prepaied to do all kinds of lepalrlng. on Hborl notice using only lh best of material anil workmanship If jou live out of town, send your shoes In We pay (turn charges The regualr meeting of the Wo man's Relief Corps will be held to night at S p in. Vl'ItDl .V .Monuments to (om- Sir Aukland Geddes, President of mr-tuoiate the achievements of the some 40 miles and possible capture by the allied armies. The Belgians dug up ancient rec ords showing that several towns and Tillages situated in Dutch Limburg liad, In the thirties of last century, petitioned the first king of the Bel gians to bo Joined to his new k'ng dom. Although tho Dutch Llmbur gers of the present day are said to have no such desires, an inlluputlal section of Belgian politicians c'am ited for the annexation of Llml urg to Belgium. Also, to safeguard the fuluie position of Antwerp, the Bel Bfan annexationists claimed the ter ritory known as Dutch Flanders, sit uated on the southern bank of the Schmidt estuary, which the tr ct'cs named had also given to Uollat.d These t -rrltorlal clnin. . .. j'i '. a xtonn of patriotic indignation lni Holland. Queen Wilhelmiua visited i the disputed parts of her dominions, and there was a good deal of fiagi wining and shontlng about "dying in the last ditch" before giving up national territory. The situation was becoming unpleasant. Cool Beaded elements in Holland realiz ed that an estrangement from the Belgian sister nation would be fraught with disastrous consequen ts, when a conference was called by the five greaf, powers to reconsid er the treaties of 1839, a delegation of eminent Dutch jurists came to Paris with the firm resolve to avoid anything in the nature of a breach with Belgium. - On the cession ot the territory, howover, their instruc tions were definite, and the Dutch standpoint and been upheld by the Cve great powers. It was agreed to Institute a com mission of seven powers, including Belgium and Holland. This commis sion is to examine the proposed re- O V Demorest. Dentist. t;th mid the Board of Trade, informed the au- Americans In the battle the Ar- Main, over Siigannnn'H Store. 7-3t i tomobile Importers that no increase gonno are being built, details of the I m In imports could be allowed at pros- work being attended to by different SAFE -BUT INSANE Sin-lid your Id'o hours at tho Hot Springs Both House. It BRADLEY SHOE STORE "For Good Shoe Repairing" 727 Main St., Klamath Falls, Oregon. by Parcel Post Jwnfel'iity ' ..v M.S2, f ! . , i i ; m J7rxAt Hear tho July records at Shep herds. 7-1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY --:"--........t....4..:.0,i8.i(i-!i4 FOR SAM: T!y owner, nko hniiio I on west sice where trult nnver 'fails mid Irilgation costs nothing 'ill South Riverside, or I' O box 1, Klamath Falls. 7-31 i WANTED Woman (ook or mnn mid wife to work on ranch. Phono r,.". r,-3t FOR RKN'T Furnished looms for j gentlemen Call 711 Walnut. 7-3t j FOR HAM:- Hull 2 jrs, Durham mid Holsteiii, Hxcopttonally good breeder, V. C. DeChalne, Sliliiplng ton, Klumatli Falls, Oicgon. 7-3t IFOR SAM-: 40 acres good land for truck farming VS mllo from city limits. 20 ncres can bo Irrigated at small cost. Prlco $C0, Wrlto X ut Herald Office 7-fit FOR RUNT 5 roomed houso lit Shlpplngton. For particulars cull at 350 Ninth St. 7-lt TO KXCHANOK Klamath Fnlls nroporty nnd timber claim for Calif, property. Sen W. P. Soule, Low Is St., on Wcst'f.ldo, Monday, I'ltonilny and Wednesday. 7-2t FOR BALK Jersey cow. saddle horse, and phonograph. For parti culars phorte 337M. 7-2t FOR SAM: I Roo r. passenger car In first class condition. Biggest liny In town, Imperial Garage, Hoagland, McCollum & Auten, 7-3t FOUND- South of Merrill, sack con taining ranger's Instruments kodak and clothing. Ownor may ob tain same by paying for this ad and calling at 703 Pine St, Klamath Falls Oregon, 7-lt Forget Your eet J.....i..t.p,,,i,,1,,t,,t,,,-1Ittl This will be hard to do if you have corns to contend with these hot days. The quickest way to get rid of corns is to use KLAMATH KORN KNOCKER It costs but 35 cents and will provide count less dollars worth of comfort. One bottle will remove several corns. PRICE-3SC. liJtfiffl (jnilerwowfc PhanMy Wv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tSS I , f WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE IFll P-qnV BUY THEIR DRUGS jgACvl X ajmni.w.jr - -fTsyX.sztf"sMi,.