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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1919)
seei o ,,-in.. i'."'1 " ("' OITH IAL PAPER o KLAMATH PA-LLB OK KMATH MUM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1919 No. 3,663 Price, Five Cent '.i n iwmmmmmmmmm mwwi J fifsm f lit Thirteenth Year flB UK j goni L m N L! ! ' 111 IN CROPS Giant Bombing Plane That Will Try Transatlantic Flight Nearly 150 Settler on Low er Klamath VERY VALUABLE U..I Knrmrrl) Cnrml h the Nv. U.blr Wnlrn. of the ' " KUlM' ilh Mki In" " ' "",r,,,, B,", , .Vim Vlunl l Over I'our Mil' linn IMlUn ll"B ,,r h",!'' uf California I .... . .1.. I .. Ian. .tt. 1,1 tlirV lCt. C 4111 . wnci mi ' seated Id III" tl'n-S '" "'" l"""1 julMHrnr d tnti-urli lilrh ope ration the. n Jrtli land f Hi" l-"""' KUinalli l-ake were '" iw rt-clultitfil. noonKftcrlhuurln h w"t'1'1 r' mil In rulnlni: a iuriimi to " inrd Iho land mnU-r Urn iiiitlKuhln wilenIiclliir It n iiimwIi 01 vr flo land or would be lotkil upon .m like lultom To the average tTi"n It uuld acini t make Hub' ttltfor eoce, but In tlm state niul lullunnl Otcrnmtnt It make n big different-, and to thin far! upward Of one homlrril and (Ifir settlers owe hamealraila that Uie have taken up nice Iho frclim of the w.i 'f ' ttr Lower Klu wti!i I alto. All ot lln It) fjliisllon nr rated In California It teem that the toatlt In that lati. ut limit tli court onthli ut tlio lit(lui'iui of county potltlrnl mac him, really took upon tht 'ttlcr as intuit il to mime f "tloJi anil uh n retilt t'ie men who have lotuii il on t'n reclaim t-d bad have nccurtil 11 di-cMInn front ii luprome rourt of the .Statu of California which rnsninill)- jtnutre that they Mill tin able to liohl Cio property for which th hmo hem flrhtlnis for thv past luo ratn When the wnlcrn nt Imkhii 'o t cede and th II mt urill.T ituuln IiIk appearance, hr uui iiiio il liy tin, Churchill Intcrpntn Tlio iukk w ink. n Into court, ami tm Mtili-r lost lfort the Slakl)ou count) trrmnnl An appeal wn liken to tlm impmiHt urt of the mate, nml It wan lioru hat a decltlon waa liniuiml ilonn tltnl Vnockedercoone ronmrtiil with tli "off his plna", for llu ilcclitloit flated that It wan ni'lthrr mnli nor oreriloie land, but wan Ink,, tiottnm lanJ. and aa auch wm tin. lxcIiihImi property of the Stat,, of Cullfnrnlii Tala wan a blc nurprlKo to tlio 8utt 'ri, who did not rcnllro wlmt tlio do dlon meant Wh.u u,..r iillorni'yi. HrouKhm,lu.rnnnlUlt wim "covered that thn drriMnn tnmlo It wnoit a certainty Hint tlu.y could "old the landi, for tln.y did not Imvo dl with iho fiMloral Rotornnionl nd could b, coniplMiiK-AllluhPiiiBto wiulailon. purcliiiM, . prport, "om Iho mate of fnllfomln loon u H.I, mil) undiir IOO. he land iw iiirhl) n(Vi! up 'l today thcro an, nlmiD-olKlit rnl, " "wirnelM rt ,or() Uo , i.T, neClln" m ImnHMlvnilH. lo- u ,er "" ,,nal" ""l !"' la'0 m 0t ,lu' '" '! "fcUke. The ,, of ,1h, land Is up- J ready on tho , ,,. '"i tidy sum. n 8,0,t,Or!, Ablatio.,. ha M, J "oUKhout ms ,en 0d by ihld.nce of th0 men ,nlor1.,eiI , C Sun U,Btl ",k BC"001 h" t iltai r'!,y ttUm,,lod nnd th Uta Jl.'nd ent'U8la"tlc foul- Jlodoo . T" n"y tatlHl.ot1 W fl"rt a"'k,you c waa huLtanMC.C"Pt,l "" for the Th,,'..0t,h08eU,. lr e 7',,0n' Jaok p'"" Ul l"t It wu umlutulned ... 1 galMMBIaMTM aaHalt 1 1 mr i MBfcflrfaVWvRjH&LaVaP ' . ' f V . -, . 1 - "34 I ,... .: '- I t KVialHHaV flRidMaftalialiaflK. MaUNlAk?i&aVkMttiaaflattK -.1 lUfr i&3P&'!aWibaaHKaaaaaaaaaaK1J' J K HaClIaaaaaaaKtkUallaaaaLTVaE lEaV T!L'tBVttr . &A VlBtlHalaaaa30aaaaaaaaHlhS!lV DIRIGIBLE H C!E PfiOJECT STARTS FLIGHT FOR LANGELL i , m:it scotkam) this moiimn; i AM) WIIK.V liAHT IIKAHI) OK ' .WAS MAKI.VCi KOItTV KNOTS 1 AN noun I j '.OS'l'ON. July 2 Th poiltli n of i llliii rntlxli DlriRlhle It- vs hloh li-u 'lam o.tUIlL. Scotlnnd. at '. H till" jn.ornlnr. In an attempted fllsht itorosx the accaii to America, uan about '.''J' I milftt off the coast of Irelan 1 at ) clock HiIh morn Inn The alrstii,) was tlfn making 40 kViutH an hou I VALLEY SURE Upward of Thirty Thousand Acres to be Reclaimed DARLEY ENGINEER FORREST PIEL WEDS SOUTHERN LASSIE i It N M-opoMMl to Ve the Water Stored In the Clear I.nke l Horsefly Itecrvofr lUpid Pro-Ki-ecK lw IteinK Made and it lt Po. sll.l.- That Work Will Start on it ThU Fall Under the direction of C T. Dar ley, the engineer who has made It. I i ic t Plel, one of the best kno. n I .ind popular )ounR men o' thh clt ! w it" married to Miss Mrtl- W Wtl- !i?in of MemphlB, Tcnnci eter Vliny ituirhltie of Captain John Al I'll'" llunille) Pjiro filer and the 'bop ,iu, ,i1Uf! brlnrlnc ton hanni climax rock and Meiiloniint Arlliur W off" on tho IiIk advc.turo had to be' n uartlme romance that ltd In-! possible to Irrigate the lands around re Hon while Mr Plel was Btatloned Hananza and in tne onna vaiier. in the South awaiting his transfer to 'here Is being formed In Langell Val- j KruitLP The wedding took place in ley a project which when completed 1 t:iif filv nt the Pi.I home. 104 Wash- will place under Irrigation upward .'&2tii3iizxaizsx. thin Ik the Kluut Hundley Page four-eliglued bombliiK piano with wblrb Vlre Adinlrnl Kerr and hi Drown In n non Hop lllgbt hctohh I lie delueil When It will Mart will dc- crew hoped to beat the Vlckem- Alluntii Itudliilnr t on tilt held up peud lurgel on wi.ither conditions i Ifllt for the (HtrpOlle of tiiierferlng with the fnriutiu' of the html Inn for Iho purpoxe of pro(.-tur mid uiotir iirIiiK the propnrntlon of mUTiitort blriU A rommittie on rei.uti'in ttim nppolllleil (olitUtlUK J I' itZil (' I Jtiv. ( Itnelire llenl and Joihii i P l)emtulit ThU lotumlttee will lino rhitrge nf the pretiaratlon of all mutter relllii;ti the welfare of tlie, Ion One nf the ltltre!lnir fn f li roll Kilt out nt the inoetltiK I , the water Ii.ih not oul nieiliil frmn . the liitid. hut thnt It lit nw from two to nev ell feel below (he niirface wild It U n rletr elli-ilKli Iirimf thnt the re i litiiiullou of thi I iihU ih of a permati eut chnrarter MILI.1 nflLLflR rllT I Vril PTrrl lw,nM ,,r luon- rounds and the In llfl I I I All I I I ill '"""0I1 WIi lo ,lnw' a regulation 24 Un I L- L.i L.U I L.L; foot ring Otherwlre the agreement limltiiik' of the rontixt to twehe rounilH and the redurtlon of the size of the ring lo twent) feet ()i glmill) the mill were to hne gone xlanilx an signed b Kk.karil, Ington street Rev i: P Lawrence ot of thirty thousand acres of land, the rirht Prcslnterlan church read The progress made has been phenom- the simple ring ser ice cnal. when the territory and injer- Mr Plel is n graduate of the Klam- e&ts lnoled are taken Into consld- nth Count high school He later at- ration, and Engineer Darley U tended the r.lunU of Oregon and dally demonstrating the immens spent his milliner working on the alue there Is In the elimination ot Wll- different papers here, his first expert- red tape and the application ot tha PRESIDENTON HIS WAY HOME oAei: omim i.s t Mti ii tut: M(KI' I'AVOItAltl.l' )l USUI ikns wii nu:r i.i:t t iii: IS SI'CMIISt; Mt en inn; IN im-viim; M IMMl III Pltlll'UHI (V v ( it. cin'iiiiM.- om:i'ii:i wirii UK. I'll. Ill I MI IvMII KOI T ro i, I. oiiimiis TOI.i:i)0, Jul) 2 -J.'s V lllar.l. (he Kanu gulnt w P dot- ti.l bis title of the World h hem we glu fist 1 1- rhnuiplJii ncnlimt the rhn'lriig -r Jack Iemrwe. of t'tn'i. hero next l'rlila afteruou I tot Ii Wlllard uiul lieinimi). lime In n eirnenll) train lug In till" l(lnty for several weeks p.iM Neither one has left aii)tblng untried or undone In order to get hlmnelr llllo the best possible con dltlon fni tin, i nine of wh'ch f ir tli Jaik Johnson four )ears ago Isrit und Dempjie) each being entl tied ! a third of tho moving pic ture prl lieges Wlllard Is guaran teed $100 000 and Dcnipes) 27,' 600 When the men step Into the r!e on Krldav. each will have a big fol lowing of iMrt'sans Those who re belli K with The Northwestern saving to the actual work In hand. and Inter he was cltv editor on the I i nrg Herald tire h h return from Fnnce. where he served with the American rrniv for . veral months he has been itnploved in the offices of the Pell rar IJa.v Lumber compan) The voting lv on Wlllnrd's rutulnlng his title, pe,ple expect to make their home In the landowners was netn in tne or- Itislst that he Is Invulnerable to pun- this clt) Aces of the Reclam.Uion Service, at Ishmeiit und that Dempesv will fall "hlch were present a large number i ,,i, i,,a i.nriv nnnniirtit with an CTATC CMr.INCFR Tn of the landowners Interested In the- eftectlve blow Maliv of them also g HERE NEXT WEEK l,roJect With the tireless energy of the man. he has labored day and night to bring the project to the point of act ual construction and this will be un--dertaken this fall, unless some un foreseen obstacle arises to interfere. Yeaterday afjernoon a meeting ot (C onllm'tid on page S i The matter of the applica tion for tho waters of the Clear Lake and the Horsefly reservoirs was the purpose of the meeting, and Engi- at I lav ana. Cuba Wlllard was placed in u pusltlon to begin building up an luieiitti- fot tune and should Demiwev rtipttiie the title there Is no telling how much wealth he mnv arrumu- ON 8 S r.KOIKlK WASHINGTON. Jul 2 The presidential oynre continues mult r lite mont favorablei conditions, with calm seas President 1 Wilson has done some work on bis tn.'hHinte lo congress, but is giving' considerable time to rest I late In these iln)s of high finance i when spoil promoters talk of the. (sk)" us the llnill for big events j Aside from the actual purse money of 127 "00 signed for b the two pugilists $ I oo.ono of which Is guar miteed to Wlllard. win, lose, or il I! Hr.idbury director of th Klamath Irrlgat on d'strit 's In re r. ipt of a letter from State Engineer neer Darley presented the facts to 1 errv A Cupper, stating that he wl.l Project manager Newell, who seem ie here on July 7th. nt which time ho ed to be nuite familiar with tho de wlll make a personal Investigation of tails of the proposition, and stated nil matters In which his office is or that In his Judgment it was a per m.i become Interested This means fectly practical and feasible under that he will be In n position to make taking on which he looked with fa- an examination of the big Linge.ll or anil tnat ne wouiu immeuiuimr IT lit is IT.I.T THAT IT IS THV. Valle project, the plans for whtcn place the matter before the Service Pltl'MMINlltV SrKP TOW.lltn Engineer Darley is rushing to com-' ofticials in Washington. A POLITICAL INSUHHKCTION pietion and' will undoubtedly have. There will lw another meeting held Ol' ItADICAUs j ,ar enoUB advanced to give Mr Cun-ion the 12th of this month, when Mr. I per a comprehensive Idea of what Is Darley will have the completed plana ItUItLIN. Julv 2 There are lull- contemnlated reauy tor me approval u. co u..w- :::::.;; :r EERU1 STRIKE IS K S . i rations that the strike movement i hero may developo Into a political In- MRS. NICHOLS surrectlon Tho street car strike ors. If they are approved, ho will j Immediately take the matter up I .. i.i. .. si.ia anplnpur find securd IS ARRAIGNED hlg ap)r0ait which Is necessary la Mrs T F. NiThoUs' was today ar- I order to secure the state's guarantee wlih the coinliiK bout, dwarfs all pre-, ,.i, i,ini, ih.. rmiienU urn now il.i-'.i i i.. t. ...!. .i, nn.,o.-. 'of the project bonds. When this Is CLEANS DOCKET vlous ring contests Into nunnclal ob- ,. mlK a dictatorship by the prole j chapman on tho charge of shooting secured, the next step will be the llvlon Tho "gnte, irom tne sine ,ar,,t is now regarded as slgnlflran' JUDGE CHAPMAN lilrnvv fhtt tinrilimiH UtnOlllU Of C .IH 1 1 .. . ., n ... i, ,,H tl, ..tlmrlnn 1 ilirtuii.'ii' J limn tj tin un- n u ! i which will bo handled In connection n,1(l ,. lne 0,-i.prs ie frankne-, , Justice Chnpmiin )esterilnv tmule m . ,r.,.ts lin, concessions Is expected clean sweep of his docket whlcn h.iK() ()it (M(, 0,,.mon dollar mark been growing to considerable sire I XN ti !-1 would mako the receipts of during his n cent lllnesH when he dls-1 ir(n()llH mu, rlirui, look vet poneil of the following eases HMm , mpariBon Slate vs Jaik llurk. charged wllhi ... v the during promoter iiiistiive V Nosko, minister of d fense U tlghtenln,-; the mart''!' lav r T, il.uions. foleny: Case Is sit for hearing Julv Sluto vs. Wlllliiui Davis, assault ntid battery, tried )esterdav and the defendant was found guilt) and Hiii'il 121. Ktatovs Ocorge V. Cniroll ilmig"d wllh having llnnr in his possessloi. He was tried jesterdu.v mid found not ll'llltv , ,., iauii. linvlnc been fotc vs. Wnyuii Iteland. chniRiM . (JmoH ut a Iuomonl.B notice to who Is lulnglng the two big men to gether In this hout geneially does .(blngw on it large si ale He secured the Johnson-Jeffries light for a 'guarantee of $100,000 and nt Reno i.OMITIts s.lV.s r. s. Wll. LINO 'HI !... l.nn.t Alnvtlnn tTCan Or neorce C. Mitchell She vas HOIiling oi uiu ""m. c... bound over to await the action of tho grand jur and was released on S.t -000 bail. V.W HrTl'RNS FROM ntANCT. 'OROIVI.i int Parker, one of the ponulnr i voting men from this county, who PHILADELPHIA. Julv 2 Amerl. .joined the 20th Engineers, landed the sale of the bonds and the letting of the contract Some Idea of tho size of this pro ject may be gained when it is re membered that last year there wrer irrigated under the Klamath Pro ject 33.270 acres With the comple tion of the Langell Valley project ca will be the llrM In extending hor ,1UI1U. Urt evening after doing his "e of th ficUeS fect "" ,!' hand to those nations she fought now tli it the vwtr Is ended "bit" on tho other side to show the bis receipts amounted to $270,000 Stiml0, ,;nm,,rs pr,.s'den of the Am-' cr when It comes to doing things on I Of coutsH tho promoter was at mi enormous outlay In blluglng that orliuit Kednat on of 1 abot at the a big scale and In n hurry. Pat comes lautichlug of the labor s'.ilp" A fol .U,)!Uk bringing with him a recoul ot Hog Island with having llniwr In his possession Dufondant was found guilty and fitted $10 and costs Btatn vs. Arthur Robertson, chrrg ed with having liquor In his poises slon. Defendant was found not gulltv. A slmllnr vordlct was rundured In tho caso of Htnto vs. Rusty Mouiu. Htatti vs. Llo)d Wilson, charKi'd, with hnvliiK llipior In his possession waH found guilty and fined flft, us wbh also J. H. 8tark, who was fined $7C and C. II. Hall, ngulnst whom tho Judgo levied u fine ot IIITi, Joseph A. Fl)nn and J. M. Sullivan who aro IioIiir hold on tho charg-i ot stealing an nutomohllo fropi Joo Avery, wore arraigned and tholr ball fixed at $1,000 each, Tho data for their hearing has not been set, The case ot tho Htnte vs. Asa Shop herd, charged with assault was dis posed of by holding tho defendant to tho action ot tho grand Jury of Crook County and fixing his ball at $2."0n. Ho was turned over to the Sheriff of Crook county and taken to Rend, where be will be held for trlul. move fiom California to auoiuui stale. In order to secure a battle ground Rlckntd's outlay for tho coming battle Including guatanteed cost of menu construction COUNTY COURT OF TO MEDFORD brilliant achievements and one that will leflect credit on thnt branch of tho 20th that was composed of the It we lads from Klamath County. All members of tho County Court. pur , ...... I nepnmlumlMil lie tlintr nttnrnnvs lefr advertising and ... expenses , . . ; .mount to a mis un. J ca thev RO t0 lm prosont nt tho . observer mlg think tin . . tl o pro motor will .til havo a big art, n of ptoflt out of h0 hu; '" ";' company In tho case of that content mission. At "r Blanco thl. seonw Coun roasonahlo. but lllckunl 1 1 tn : to bntanM tho pay tho regular war-tax o ten per- , o h courtnoUM 0 nlocU cent on all tlckots P"J 3B It was thought sometime ago that btiR guaraiitwirt tho local tnort' ,m8 cnR0 would come up on Its merits a percentage also. Tho un"" u,nt weoki but th3 and othor legal States government, howovor. w'", moV08 Rl postpone the final act for havo u big claim for Income tax, so ,0lietm0 u Tho proap8ceiLnow aro d.f when nverythlllR Is doductou .... .. .... . , ... . (.... .. - -.--,- uini it mil uo dia weuftB ur iwu Jfrom tho "gate" Rlckard a " umthB bof0re tho labyrinth ot legal of profit probably win nut tur """'M 0Chnecalltles will be cleared awny of tho results he attatnou m 'ur.nd the actual trial ot the case Is had. of his previous ventures OARRP.TT VAN HIPKK IS niSCHARGKO FROM AHMV. Somo changes havo boon made In tho conditions govornlng tho bout; slnco tho original articles were sign Oregon tonight 'and ed, the most Important being the rulri fonUa westerly winds. WEATHER nEIH)RT. Thursday, fiarrett Van Riper has been dis charged from the army after two ears spent In trying to get "across". Tho government went so far as to givo him his sailing orders at one time and Garrett got as tar as New Orleans when ho was ordered back and assigned to the 106th Aero Sig nal Corps, at Dallas, Texas. He was mado a sergeant soon after that and later a Sergeant Major. Mr. Van Riper was then transferred from the aviation division to light field artil lery, with rank, and after several more transfers ho was assigned to the 19th Training battalion and received his commission In November 1918. He resigned his commission and was discharged, thence being free he re turned to his old home here, where he expects to go Into business, country will be reclaimed and Klam-. ath county will havo added to it mil lions of dollais of wealth. ThU has been made possible laigely thru the passage at the last election ot the state guai antee of irrigation bonds, which makes it possible to find a. market for such secuiities and the. money for the construction and com pletion ot the undertakings ot tht kind. LAWN TENNIS CLU OF RAY CITV COMINU TO riSH AT ROCKY POINT The Commercial Club has recently received a letter from the Lawn Teu- nls Club of San Francisco stating that a delegation of Its members expett to spend a part of the month ot Au gust upon Upper Klamath Lake, with fishing as tholr main purpose. Tha Club says, "We xvlll be glad to pass along any Information received in re gard to Klamath County." LEAVE FOR ASHLAND. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Arant will . leave by auto tomorrow tor Ashland, vhere they will spend the Fqnrth and a few succeeding days taking in the festivities and visiting friends. I