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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1919)
ng mh .,.,,-HI, FAI'LU III' OK Ioi'ficial rAPKn op AM.VIH Kiivn KW KLAMATH FALLS TliirtKfMtli Ycnr No. 3,030 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1919 Price, Five Cents UmL SOLDIER i rnnii uiv nc i rniiiii ivini ill started a Move It Already Under Way In Klamath County MANY CATTLE ARE i COMING FROM SOUTH 'ii-nrge Null ii pnitniiM-nr MhI ilfiili'i Ihi-. Ii.m returned ffim tit') tlllllltllll .tpt'lllt Wllere III' III- inn, plelrtl ilolitorliig foiirtin liiiiiilnil hi'iiil uf iuiiIk In llii' uffliiTi nf ih-p llllllllll lli'Mi-rtllllMII fur till- IIik u( till' I ltd I it ii r. I III' will huto tomorrow fur ' Fruiirlseo in retelie a shipment of i llllrly nit lilln Uf beef which llr il shipping fur slimmer pasture on hi ' KIiiiiiiiIIi riitiKcit from ratines 1 D INI N CHAUTAUQUA MANY ENJOY THE KLAMATH FISHING I mm st m uK i, in rvi:i; san llttNUsro AMI POHTLANIM now wmi.aiu.i: to pkopli:! - M.VM.Vlll FALLS ' I KiiM)ii:s iaji;at is ikaturk Or CLOSING .VKillT AT l'A. i.ion. riTV wki.l im.i:asi:i WITH KNTIIti: PIUMHtAM W. R. C. FOSTERS MOVE Willi m it) thing alinut the estuh- Arlznti.1 ' "siiineiii spirit, spun mill smiling, a i pure lit I new equipment Installed after - I In-In ic rinsed down fur nearly u year, MAN CHARGED WITH i" t"rr'' "' " ,,0I,,D ",purl rhpf ""d RFATINP MIC UICC wu"''r" fr',m Han KrancUco, thi beau DC.A1INU Hla Wirt, tful dining room at tlm White Pell- rii n Hotel huh opened last night to tin- public for the season and will continue to run while thn demands Aaron Akla Shepherd huh broiiKlit I Itfturnr.l Snlillrr Will lr F.nlrr- before N J Chapman here this ' Ulnl by "rp Wrrk Fnrni Mn- inoritliiK charged with bnatltiK his dajr Night. Ilrrr. When Htr to' wife. In an ulterrutltm In Mill Ait- Matlrr UUrtimed at Luncheon. Ilia liriirliiK hiik placed for Mnn-ill')- at Irii n'rlock anil bt wns placed uf the public juiitlfy It operation. IS wry appointment of this room lit In keeping with the very bent that thn Urgent cities have to offer and After bringing the splendid talent from tin; outMlde for the period for a neek. the Klllson White Chnutuu iia System wound up Its engage ment here lant night by giving the residents a hIiow by their own talent and the llttlo hoys and girls who con stituted the cant brought down tho home during the entire perfor mance. There were only five days In which to prepare for tho event and thn children who participated are to bn congratulated on their perfor mance nil well as Miss llalley of the Almost fvi-r) Hii'inliT lit the fort'' of the Firm National Hunk took ail I vantage of the Memorial Day holiday , yi'Hterday to go a fishing at the ' Sprugue Hlver beyond Chlloquln . The party left Thurtiday night and report the best kind of a time A to-, tal of seventy five flith were caught during the day yesterday George Reese. K. SI. Graham and , K. L. Merrltt of the W O. Smith Printing Company, the latter two with their wIvch have gone for a taste of the name sport down the Klamath (titer below Keno. They will probably not return until to morrow night. THREE LUES SNUFFED OUT under 1 1 (jo ball Being unable to I Hit" service In In keeping with the i Chautauqua force who trained' them. IN TINTS It l exported t hut thn firm step , rl"" I'll" liliinutU hn Him placed I toward" the organUullnii of a Klam- I '"" ,1""1 M earing Ih Chapter of the Koldlera' lglnn I will be taken Moiitlny night. June !, brn alt the soldier anil nallor bti)a la Klamath am Intltod to be thn latitu uf the Women' Itellef Corpa o( thl rlty In tile Weal Hall of the I 0 0 V tmlltlliiK Kollowlng thn Memiirlal da ejer- tlifi Friday, the nnlillern of ihii' World w-r and the mb.-ra of the ""V IN -"" ' THIS Wi:i:i 'IIMIl.l."TK.s WOltK Tin H.siiAt. Tiim:i: not tihi: iiii.i.s .m 1 1 : itrrt iim i equlptiirnt The huge kitchen In the The plot of tho affair centered moil uiwiitiK place imaginatiie ami around Doyn and girls gardening thone Hho like to know how and I operntloni In which Uncle Sam. Ag Hhere their food la propured could I gle and Scl. the latter two represent- 1 lng Science and Agriculture, appear ed In costume. Thone entertuintnentfi have been) glwn all oier the country and have! done much to aid the Food Com-1 mltuion by stimulating the planting ' and raining of gardens among the 0 A, II Here the Rlleata of the infill Wra of thn W It C In the I'uhllr ' Library building An elaborate ' lonthwin w apread by the ladle tlltr which membent of the C A It ' Vfr ralli'il upon In tell nluirt ei- i rrlfnre nf the War uf thn Itebel linn, during nhlch Cup! (), (' Ap ficjiilr uml () A Sleurna reaiuindt'd loionii nttitira In alt ltifiirttiul itui ill. Ii..i'.fttri ' Thri'i' Inilli'tiiit'iilN uruIiiiI I) (' llri'i'tlloM' of llonauta. Martin (!reu nuil Wllnnii II uiiil Nannie Totltl I hate bt'i'ii it'turiieil by the Cranil i Jury. Hhlt'h cloned Itn Inteatfgatlug ennlon lit-re on Thursday night llri'i'illoti) In rhurgi'd lth an an not be other p than delighted with a trip of Inspection thru this depart ment It Is announced that an there have been tunny calls for dinner dancing here, this Innovation will be tried out fur a tltm' and should the Intim ated patronage be extended. It will younger folks be roiitlniied right along Miss .Marie' Individual songs, recitations anil I Itaiiilin In to be at the piano. Instrumental pieces by the boys nnd ' lrln S Cobb, the great humorist glrln which wore exceptionally good, wrller recently stated In an article brought this part of the program to In the Saturday Kvenlng Post, that a clone I lleitd. Oregon, boasted of the finest j The Kirl Hippie Concert Com- small low ii hotel In the I nlted j puny, composed of four of the most States We haven't any quarrel with talented musicians closed the Chau- IN T E SECOND SWITCH ENGINE NOW HERE Business In the local yards of the Southern Pacific Company In Klam ath Fulls hag now reached a point where two switch engines are re quired steadily to take care of the demands. The second engine has Just been put on here nnd will continue to operate at leaBt until the winter season. Speed Demon in Death De fying Pace at Indianapolis ALL RECORDS SMASHED Tito Men Burned to Death, 0fl . Killed and One Injured In Kuriww International Road Race Today First Since 191.1 DePalma Lead First Hundred Miles. LAST WEEK IS INDIANAPOLIS. May 31 The 500 mile international automobile road race started here today under a swel tering sun. Ralph DePalma driving a Packard lead the first 100 miles with Dablot In a Ballot second and L. Chevrolet In a Frontenac third. All previous records for the speed way for that distance were broken, the average speed being 92 7-10 miles per hour. Arthur Thurman turned over on the north turn of the 44th lap. Ha jwas killed and his mechanican, M. Mollnare had a fractured skull as a. PORTLAND. May 31 The past reguU or the mtshap. utUiltaiiUgi t,f the forming of u , """" "" ,n" ,"'n,"M "' uvi'TK" !,""r-lo--.ll thapirr of the Soldiers' Legion ' """"' " "nn," niwhunt. Clreei, of the uim.,1.1 war Here brought up , '" hrW '"' ""' ''""-l",,r "f " .U .U.u-,l Arlle Worrell mmle ""' "", T,",,u "r" ,""rKl,, w,,,, Utfli.1 ...i.ioui.f, ,! n fol- ' ,m"" ''' southeastern , iviamaiu i otiiiiy iieiotiguig to t lit- firm of I'nrum iiml Todd. Not true bills were returned tur- sun John Let' Hall, charged u It Ii ' iK'Kb'ct to support bin family, Will- I lam II Ciini-I r for threatening to I kill Jim lirlttH's mid linn Satage. Mr Cobb uml we are h"re to admfro the i'p ami enthusiasm of our brothers of Deschutes County, liut we tin feel that Mr Cobb much a he lias been around, could have hN edtiratiiiu rounded out by a little more travel He has never seen the White Pellcun. iiil ! r'ltnl l.t Fretl A Wester feltl ami ('apt .Marlon Nine, anil sit n' ol'iers tilled their belief that orh an ttrgiinlintltm ahotiltl bn form ti In Kluiiuilh Falls us noun as pos-libit- Inforilint Itlfl rtirilln. ft,.. .... (fr.lnrn i.xr .., i . . '"'"I I la-nrv I rniler for uouiulltig it --.. .... ... miiiiiii ii itiiiii rtllip '" win nc si'Ciireil In the near fu lrf, and it is tleslri'il Hint eterv sol !ltranil sailor In KIiiiiiiiIIi I'ulln and KUraath County eligible for this or nnliiilliiii ahull become it member The arituuugoi tif sm-h a hotly mny not lc entirely uppnreiit to nil at this "mp, but the future will determine " rth It Is heroin I n k a strong ornlint nlreudy thruoiit the milfl Stales, and It wus felt lit m:i voti:hs ikv citv uovi mi:asi'ri:s. lli:.VD. Mny .11 The voters of llentl have defeuted two bond Issue mensiires proposed by the City coun- tuuquu here with their musical flre-i works. Karl Hippie, the leader prov- ed himself the most versatile musi cian Imaginable, playing every thing i from a tin whistle to a snare drum and doing It welt. Marshall Louis Mertlns, poet of the Kansas -City Star during the afternoon of the last day. spoke on "Tlrlcks Without Straw." The Kplc at reconstruction He dealt with Home Life, Kducallon, Commerce, politics, and Religion. He said In week was generally favorable for fruit crops, cereals and hay crops, ac cording to the weekly summary, is sued by the weather bureau here, based on reports from all parts of Oregon. There are 33 drivers In the races. The purses aggregate $50,000. This is the first international auto rac since 1915. Lecocqu and his mechanician. R. Bandlni, burned to death when their row lie'iiiiglng in Charles Drew .Member of the Jur Here I. W Copoluiiil, Inreiiiiiti Thoiiius Michael. , W II llrott ii I N Stiles. Jeff Wil sou. C W l.uttit uml .'inn Padgett part "The share of America in tho world ne ire is th tilnu-siinro v. were a feature of the weather in lo- rll The measure to bond the cltv for 'n not need a I.cnlne nnd Trotskl. "nine. ' "' pruBreweu tun tt i ..rt ,i.i,i. i... ..,...i r... We need a leanlii nnd ntnu- at i Wo . Idly. Aphides have appeared in !,' i 'ii' hi inn nit ui nil i if i j --- - -- ...,... ...... ,... .. . the cltvs imlebtediiehs was tle.-eated i w ulld other Roosevelt dams with SIlnl1 numbers in Marion county, li a tote of l.s.'i to t!. "r billions For America must feed i Winter wheat, oats and ryo ore Tin. measures tn bond the cltv for the world in peace ns in war." generally premising: these crops ; Saiiuu to be used us a retolvlng fund to take cine of the city's street lm- NEW REO RUNNING TRUE TO OLD FORM Mr Mertlns read some of his tvar.l'xve been benefitted by rain in west poems, quoted from "The Wishing crn counties but wil lneed more mots- The fore part of the week wascar overturned. They were covered with gasoline which burned for tiv minutes before being extinguished. The burning gas spread over the (rack while the men were burning to death and several speeding cars were compelled to dash thru the blaze. The accident was the most serious in. the history of the track. The two victims who were burned are said to be from Los Angeles. Bablot's car .driven by J. Chasagne. a relief driver, turned over and tha former was slightly hurt. His mech- nician, A. Romlguire was seriously njured. At the 300 mile mark, Wilcox in a Peugeot Is in the lad. bright and warm, the maximum tern- j perature going above 90 degrees in 'many places. Toward the close of the week the weather was cloudy and I moderately cool, with good rains ' west of the Cascade mountains and light showers over most of the re mainder of the state. Light frost oc curred in a few localities, doing no material damage. High, drying winds ! I 3D to 11.'. In Its third edition Mrs C L MrWIIIIums Is Just nine ririni: from it treat lili'lll of cold those present Friday Hint Klnmntli irenni uml liniment, but perfectly noultl keep In step with Hie move- 4iuppy lloth me due to her remark-, I""1, utile experience of tlrlvln gu cur fiom At the meeting with the Women's Portland to Kliituutli Fulls, muklng "'lief Corps, tlm nultllers and snllnrs J75 miles the lust tiny Mr. nnd Mrs lll ho exported to tell some of their .McWIIIIuins went to Portluml for tho '"P'-rlenpos while In Ihn sortlro of purpose of bringing home u Heo road-1 '"I" nam. mid a good social titen- pier for W II Robertson, nnd whllo I" Promised the hoys by these (here ho tvus nble to secuni n threo 'omen nf KIiiiiiiiIIi Fulls who did i tunrter ton truck Hint be hud been ""Tim work to enlighten the , begging for and which he hud sold to nr nliaenru of Klamath's boyHfio the City Transfer Not wishing u "m (mine Kluinnth line! upproxl- Jntur trip, he consented to Mrs. Mc- mately finn men In the service ilur- WIIIIuhih' driving the minister and Triii ""' W" A" I)olz," n"0it'"l Hho ucqulttetl herself so admirably '' lIui lu uiivliiiiu tn tn lii'iiln Jifmhftrj nt frntA o-.-i.. r '!. ii nil in n iiriiiv iiiiii ny Who Wfll-1 nmiDhl Xfrnimrliil y wero- Capt. Marlon Nino. l.t. rr0( A, WrNlnrfntit Tnn w win. imi, Clurrnpn w wmt..... t-. v . . . iiiiiiiiiii ? i nit - ""n, Archa C Rohnrls. Robert n. hllltt, llnrrv A n.nti.... r.l..a. n '"ompaon, Knrl .T. T,.nnir t.v.,.. BklllinKton. Frank P. Zlabek, Loy.l 'Hahn. c. fl. Wood, A. T. McCloo, ""old II. Towor, Joe R. Carter. "ftl Aln Alf.J ir -j , . -..-" .,,,vit itirinii tinii ..7."- Ii'inbar. Soveral others took tliMi Momorlnl day parndo In- Foite "r0,U Merrymnn nnd w' u' II BANKER'S HOME IS BEGUN HERE TODAY for th1"1'1 W"' broken lhla raornlnu of tm n,W ""o'ldonco at tho corner 1 TIIM and Pine Street which la to Put up f0r a, M, Co,or of ,h0 National Bank. com D9W h0m" w,,,ch ' t0 b0 f th,ed of 8eTen Toomn w,n bo one most modern and complete Ii wv. Ko,W' " wl11 cot between Ye nd Pigut thousund dollars. COI.OM'.L MAV RKSKiNS. PORTLAND, May 31 Colonel John L. Mny bus tendered his resig nation today as adjutant general, to take, effect tomorrow. Ho will ro- turn to tho Southern Pacific com pany as assistant superintendent ot tho Portland division. There, has been no announcement mude as to his successor. May laid that governor Wlthy combo had asked him to take charge and to straighten out the military uffalrs In tho state. This work is now completed. MKXICA.V TKOITIILK QUIKTKI). NOOALKS, May 31. President Carrunza has comminded his order of yesterday for troops to march on Chihuahua city saying thut tho situ ation there hud quieted. IIKMKF OOnPfl RIKETfl MONTUV. The Woman's Relief Corps will hold itn regular mooting at the Odd Follows Hall on Monday evonlng. All members are urged (o be present. T TO THE ENEMY .irito Slavs auk ih:cl.ri:i) TO in: murk ohstinatk than ITALIANS IX SKTTLIM: Till! rien: issri: Dateless Dispatch by Associated Press- The Plenary session of tho Pencil Conference Is In conference today to rend tho Austrian pence terms, Tho .lugo Slnvs lire snld to bo oh stnclo more unyielding than nro the Italians lu tho Adriatic dispute. Meanwhile, there is no Indication of what action thn Allied conferees pro pose regarding tho counter proposals of Gormany. Most of the Oerman suggestions have been answered In advance Tho Bolshovlkl forces claim to have reversed tho Poles in Volhynla taking Rovno. Klsowhoro the Rolsho vlk claim no Important gains, LONDON. May 31. Tho evacua tion of Orenburg, one of the last Bolshevik strongholds in southeas tern Russia Is suggested in a Rus Ian wireless message today which says that west of Orenburg tho Bol shovlkl have abandoned Tatlkevo, "under enemy pressure." MM'KR ItAKK KTKAMKIt MKKTS AN ACCIIfRXT. The steamer Klamath was put temporarily out ot commission on Thursday when one of her cylinder heads blew out. It Is expected that repairs wilt be completed today. inn i ! iinm iNHHW ! KAPLAN I. HKACHKS PLYMOl'Tlt IjATK KSTI'.RDAV. MAKKS LAST .ll'MP AT RATK OF SKV KNTV TWO MILKS lMIll HOUR PLYMOUTH. May 31. The NC I completed her flight from the Unit ed States today urrlvlns from Ferrol lu Spain on the last jump yesterrtt' afternoon. Large crowd wero out to greet the Americans. The seaplane made the five hund red mile jump lu six hourj and fifty nine minutos at a rate nt neavlt seventy two miles an hour It is learned here unofficially today that there Is n prospect thut the NC 4 may fly homo over tho direct routo from Ireland to New foundland and it is understood that a conference will be held shortly to discuss this matter. American naval officers say that the NC-4 is in bet ter condition than when she began her flight. Kxperlence has been rained by navigator flying pilots on the trip al ready taken which will prove ot In estimable benefit In case the return trip should be mfde. prntemeiits wuc defeated by a vote ot Oute," and other Wnr Poems," now lutv in central and eastern counties for proper tilling. Winter wheat and I oats ure heading in most sections, 'some rye is being cut fo rensilage and hay. Until near the close ot the week spring oats and barley were generally needing rain . This conditio"!! was relelved in the western counties at the close ot the week, but drought continues over most of the central and eastern counties and tn many cases spring grain is suffering. A considerable acreage of corn is belns planted. Early corn is coming up well. Culti vation is in progress lu Douglas county. The week was generally favorable for fruit crops. Dropping ot prunes continues in some counties but has ceased in others. Peaches nro being thinned' in Lane county. Strawber ries continue ubundaut In Douglas county and are ripening in Malheur county. , Irrigated alfalfa Is growing well. Alfalfa, clover, timothy and vetch have been benefitted by rain in the western counties, but elsewhere, where not irrlgatd, need rain. Some hay is being cut in western counties. Pastures have been revived by rain in western counties but elsewhenf art drying rapidly, although there is still sufficient food tor stock. Lambing and shearing have been completed In most sections. Planting1 ot potatoes made good progress and most ot the crop has been planted. Early potatoes have made good growth. The warm spring weather ot the early part ot the week was helpful to gardens and in west ern counties they have been helped by rain, but elsewhere more rain la needed, ' XKV RKCORD HUXO UP IX AIR MAIL 8KRVICE. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 31. A new air mail record In the Chicago Cleveland service was hung up when the plane flying from Chicago cov ered the 322 miles in two hours and 42 minutos. WEATHKR BRPORT. BOUNTY TO VOTE FOR GOOD ROADS The County Clerk's office is very busy these days preparing for the election which is to be held here next Tuesday, June 3rd. when the Important road bond issues and other progressive measures are to be voted upon at the special election. From the general reports from all parts of the county, the people ot Klamath are going to put these meas ures thru with a record vote. The season last winter when the highways becoem almost Impassably was enough to bring the advantages of god roads here most forcibly he fore the people and now that thai chance has arrived to build good highways, with the co-operation oC stnte nnd Ferednl money, there seems to be little doubt but what ad vantage will be taken of the offer. BKKF PRICKS TO TAKK DROP SOON". CHICAGO, May 31. The Ameri can meatpackers Association has an nounced, a decrease In the price of beef "Immediately at hand" due to cheaper grass feed. Cattle are mov ing to market and the exports of be7ef are practically ceased. The government has now stopped buying. CAXinnATKS FOR WAROKX. SALEM, May 31. The only two men mentioned for Warden to1 suc ceed Warden Steveus at the Statn Pentltentlary here are Sherlff.Tay lor of Umatilla County and Former Sheriff William Esoh of Marion, County. VISITS FROM WASHINGTON. S. A. Fullquartz, father of Mrs. Hill Hunter of this city, Ii here look- Oregon with light to heavy frost In I ing over the country- for a few days east portion, tomorrow morning from his home at Keystone, Wash' great northwesterly winds lagton.