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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1919)
'IIIIIIHHW. IMK I'Ol'R '-". mm, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald k. j. m r it it Ell I TO It iini.i:s.i.K limit i lii'itM -: n it I'.ws hi iw i:sru!.vri:. mil mi I I'.KItl IV. Mny 2 V n.i:i i"in of I.OOO orRnliUod plunlrl- l 'in 1 inndo nll upon t hue" ,niii farm not fnr (rum Stettin, foi.-id no otiutloyv of thp farm in l.' ill m irrii'iwt H pr i wM "he r.ntr i ' -la.ii-M d roiiiiwlli ' ! 1 n r i Knlt'rcd nt the postoltlcp at Klam I'.'Moad official to or ' i .. "' 1 th Knll. Ore . for trnuMiilsslon tlirn ,,, wh.rh In v erf. I il,. r the mall, a nccond-ol.ii., limits Jno , ..j , ,, , .,.,. h p . 1 1 "ll ' I .'lv .IS U i Putillahod (tally mrcpt Sund.i) t The herald l,utlltilnc Conipan of Klamath Kallw. at I U Fourth stroot lllt I ....- ......... i.r., i,,.iiniiir, ll will Ml memlu'lH of lln ,.v xo.i u..ll to find out what A liof i'oim mo un:...l to l. pro'i ni l.omliiiK iiifilmii foiiipimj " t lrtl.l'ato lit 111.. Mcm-.n off.-r iiu on .an lm iiellilnt: ovr.-KM tomorrow mid t Imii.t tiif mi n m. i. in:. tn:ti fi...M if poitiio i' ll.UKII. nimri.M MmiMKiT. i ftloo " oor 111!" ii v niKt I'litiN J. 10 Imf rl'iq You will rind IIiiomIiooI lloyiT iinv tiin, for whirl, wo mo llm ,''"" hr.'Iim in Klnntiitli n.iinty nt Urn. I U Slior loiv, 71" Main M V'l I I.K.UII'lt l I Th ci -Ml ' ' , , ,, i iisi'iiiiii: rois thi: im w i " "lira f. Imi'iri'i I'ov Slin.-a III lllr Hindi V hi... 011 1 ( Slioo oii' ?L'T Mit'll t lxii,i'o i..i Tin. m ir. im ! I I'liiiipniix of V of Mil I'Iim ., , . ... ""1'llt, .. , . "'"'mm. i I ii' ' i i i i. f.iri- on,r i nv Surcrtptlou terms by mall to any ti1i ., j.,,,,,,,..,, oilrr in me inucu mku's. On year - 5 '" lo m,,,,"h ,b' "' " One month . . 60 - tl.o ' .ir noUSTON'C J! MnroMilltiin .iiiiiriiirnl J TfVK Mriiilior of tlir A.m l.iliil l'rt The AssoolMrd Pro. I eolii!Hel) .ci i. i:vr.N i i-iimn TiiMiKi:o. 'JF.T. Ma : The NT 4 i'l entitled to the ue tor republication probaldv tnrt from I.ltlimi '.vo-rov. of all news illpatoho credited to It f ti, wenfher permlle The i-re '! or not otherwise oreditid In this pa- .. . . , .. . , ,, , per? and also local now published attempt to ,ech I-ni:lnd o-, Men.on.,1 kensln p"' All rlRhts of repnhllcation of spe- - HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE l I N. Woliictilat .. v,iilid Mjlilt .1 Ml U ctal dispatches herein erred are alto re- TIUlttl). M W -'!i. IIMIl. TWO i:i.K'l'ION- IN om:. You 'll f'nd anv kid of hi' divn1 ""hoes. SamlaN and Hoxierv ni The llrudlev Shoe Slore. TJT Ma'u st TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIJ I.K tK TUlf for dalrv o mv homo al M9 MI.'hiRan ae It It McUine 29-2f Th people of Klamath count v mu-t i u overlook the tart tuat mere . ... are v rtiihlly two el.Hrtion-? in one on WAN'TKO t once Ootid perl- enoed oun.c woman as second S T A R T HEATER loi 11 u.i. : ii.: M w hum lo n " - M "I 1 1!U A.n, ,ff&Sl jV t t Thu 1 ltrt ti tha lolinr for the construction of high- r,,ort. K0(1 naRe. u iiiini,r,i Juno of bond1 vjjj. the attorneys for the bond work Phone at our epeni- at p buyers contendlni; that to be ab-o- ni. Harpst .M Wh.fler JS-tf of the lecality luieh sure of the FOR S.VI.K-Phon-' 3J bonds, it will be nece-sary to vote for th M.i at a -special election In or der to meet thi requirement, the countv court called a special election ' WTEtV on June 3rd. It will be hold at' the i Gur:iey co 1421 Manxanila ti 29- If -Fiijrerman. ratchet set ter, at once t-eo lihreniere l-r.- dav. Hotel Hall 29-1 til in e t.aie. same place and with the on that date, mut there will bo two foil SAI-K Three-room furnished oino o fleers a the . neral election houne for $r..n Only inn cash -. th,.. .i..i0 ion ihr win h . and balance 1 ko rent K-'" - nt ad of .me Ing nuesiion one for state 6. t Majn s, Imuiedlnte t'hllcote ,v Hni It Ii. 29-3t Specirl attention should bo paid to t OfVTV Ti:i:.-I"KKlfs Mil If V.. th's fact bv the oter. so that th'v -N""'" h,'',,v lxp" ,hat ,h,;r' , , . , ' are funda In the county ireaturv for will know- the necessity of voiinK on lh(1 rPdpmpt(oP , Klamath count tai-h ;u i.tion separately general fund warrants Not ?. 493. SO. 494. nt.49". 1.).l9t. .tO1:. pro tested tpreentod for pavmeni 'hi mt nnlii fnr unfit nf fun. Is I on Jul. matter of voting these bonds, little 4,n. ion . -- if an- interest has been aroused on Interest on same will ceas- from MERRILL OPERA HOUSE this important (juntion Ther-J is no 'la'" , xinrinv rii'iTltl't. I'ateo at itauiain rain, ur 'sin, thin J'Jth .hn Ol M.O 1! I!' TITIV. H MTl llll.M. c i v vs t"K't In v ew of the fact that no partic ular attention has been paid to th J -'J b . 9 rrn i:ni km: "I i n mid 'i lie l'.r..i.loii Mnr" V tiie.iiii fioni to I IiiMi. rEMPLE THEATER urn rri.iPttlr IVrfiii- !U I.I.I. Ill M 11' In Tiir i:i i minim; iiv 1'iltlie . Iititt riirient l'eiil .iIiiiN-Iiiii III ,v !.. Mutlnrr '.:tn r.-nini; 7 :( A I). i &.. ' r - " Mb,?-! "'-"' 1 ZEROLEk A scientific $cric in lubrication The Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication 12nj;i nccrs study the lubrication needs of each make of auto inoitilc anil prescribe Correct Lubrication. By exhaustive study and ac tual tests these experts have determined the correct consis tency of Zcrolcnc for your make of automobile. Their advice and recommendations arc made available for you in the Zcrolcnc Correct Lubrica tion Charts. There is a sepa rate chart for each make of car. Zcrolene in correctly ref r.? from helcctcd California rri.iie uii. It krepx its hiliric.itmi: body nt cyl inder licat, liolds coiitprchnion, i;ivrs petfect protection to the moving parts and deposits lenst carbon. It in the product of the combined resources, experience nml etmipment of the Standard Oil Company. Get a Correct Lubrication Chatt for your car. At your dealcr'ti or our nearest station. - I if-. doubt a - to success of the is'.i.c. bat this crainty must cause no iinrlec on the part of the voter. It is ea- 29-j tential that eery ote that can pos- sibly be cast for the bonds be secur ed, for the reason that we want to be able to so to th? Highway Commis sion with the practically unanimous vote of ihe county and use it as an argument to secure every cent of money we can possibly stueze ou' of it. The ote should be an indlca ' tlon of the voter that he wants good roads; that he is interested enough to r't out and vote to raise the mon ey to Im Id them; that he is going to watch how the work is done and what Ii Is costing and that he Is not eoing to stand for the same profli gacy and incompetency that has marked the construction of the Klam ath Irrigation Project. This ' 'errion is the m."t tanr-rl .nt event In the history of Klamath coun ty. We have no hesitancy in saying thet If this county is seamed with properly constructed highways, that -evvry acre of land will double in value. That the Increased assess ment r'"i win mak" th ioc to 'ire ent heavy taxpayers nothing, for It will make available for taxation ti. property that today is practically worthless. tVe were in hopes that public meet ings would be held thruout the coun ty, at which would be dlHCuss-id the problems of good roads not the ne cessity for them, foi' iwr.-on? knows this but the riuestion of their con duction, their location, the cost, all things connected wit ha program that must of necessity extend ovet i. pe rlod of five or more years and will cost five or more millions of dollars. - Btit since this hag not been possible. The Herald hopes to stir the voter to a sense of duty In this matter and to n press on him that It Is vital to his particular fcection that evury vote possible be cast. The time is coming when the various sections of the county ll lbe demanding recognition in the matter of the distribution of the money to be spent. Now Is your time to get ready. Let your vote show your interest .and then when you go before the county court and the Highway Commission you will be in a position where you can say 'Every voter In our precinct voted at the special election." Vote, whether you are for or :i', iho bonds. Show that you are Interested In the question of roads. We hope thut you will vote for the bonds, but we ure Just aB anxious that you go on record one way or the other. Then will ih officials know what the peo ple of the county think and demand in tin matter of good roads. And .'on't forgot that you must have ! apeclal ballot for t' e bond question Count Treasurer Merrill. r-Ci . V- - I I ... ..- 1 $Tiuc for each tpc of engine I STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Calilurnla) OLENE p .iiKwir A- X Oil tO-lMNt V I.: W H Y 9 mm Coffee u vacuum packed by special process which preserves its strength and A rich flavor indefinately. The most economical coffee you can buy. Remember Oar Guarantee tv R. A. W1NZLER, SPECIAL AGENT, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HPpMI BUY THE FIVE POUND CAN fgj BfrjifflB AND SAVE M0RE M0NEY JJm 'SHifrlnT M m M B is 77o m m m m m C JUM PA Cheap For Cash V vfaj&vei I I "-'Now FHison "We are closing these out and no reasonable cash offer will be refused. These are the present latest models and will allow exchange in three months on other stand ard makes. Don't delay. EARL SHEPHERD CO. NEXT DOOR P. O. ' t T t t t t t y ? f t f t t t r t T t T IT I t T T J T ? i f T T J J T ? T Y ! Announcement We Are Selling the R. M. Wade & Co. Line of Farm Machinery and Have in Steck: HEIDER TRACTORS ROCK IS LAND PLOWS, DISCS, HARROWS PEORIA D R I L L S SMALLEY CUTTERS M A N U R E SPREAD ERS AND JOHNSTON MOWERS AND HAYING MACHINERY. Johnston Mowers have to be seen to be appreciated. They have been sold in the East and in the Middle West for 67 years. You haven't seen the latest in Farm Machinery until you look them over. HOWIE GARAGE INsnt.N(T - - I.,. ,. i. i hii . I""'.L.. ' Mm h. ""He. '1 In I JiS I I "J f i "V JL V t T 7 ? T t t t t i ? T T T t T T T T T y T T k