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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1919)
I h 5r ' ' Herald ArpiClAt NEWSPAPER J KLAMATH COUNTY, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS Xbirtecntlt Ycnr No. 3,576 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919 Price, S cents s Olhp IBttettmii lis will IE FIUME OR o. a. c. President wedding here in I ON EXTENDED trip jewelry store IB logger completes winter operation I I IEK MEETING COIIVALI.IH, Miiii'Ii 21 I'iosI-' A Jw..iy hWu In ii rather mi-1 I II U L U I fl H 11-11 It Htelror. ;i i.iomlnent logging dent W, J. Kerr of llin Oregon ,r- umiiil plii.e to Mngo 11 wuiIiIIiik 1010- I II III ll I fill MM rontruMor here, returned fumi the 'vlillurul Collcg.i Iiiih koiic on mi t.- inony. Inn II works'imt nil rlxht If' ltiiirvnrin vstrd'iy, after torn- tended t !! In visit imiu eiliii-iillonii ununified hy tint i-IkIii parties mull IT M I V 111111 l'1"""" ,',B "I"'" work ,,"r' Uitr Iliflt M ill Iohh mill attend Impoil.itUlii proper iifflilal, affording to II J I fl I r CHI I I I II I T of silow anil unfavorable londlUons rri:tlnrIH'n III I lie Intereijl or J'.P WIiiIiiim of the Kliitnnlh Jewell'! fl LnllLI Ufl I L li.iv. handicapped nil the logging i toilette. Ilefnie lei. Vint? he iimii-iivi il ffiftiiiiini u'lui I...1...... ...,.. fi. .. ...i., .. i .. . ..-. i ........... fr i ' ' - ' "riipuij "MW IIVI';i lylllllll lllll HI 1 , n Hill I flJ ll..,.,l,.J, I n pint for establishing n Kim turps little affair yesterday I Kteigcr tleflnres ami lie now has' null nl the tollege niiitet terimi II Ih JnhS ll Cm, nn employe of Ihuj ' ' i million (mil a half feet In ..,.. ur.llrnw Unlet Con-'"'",'"1" "'" "ur ',''1""1 "' "'" "" M,,,,lM' """,l"" (,"'i"'"'J' " '"New Organization May Be ti; t-r. whom he had ii.ten.iod to Will Wl"'"raw w,,," "" inpt. him,, win, nl bride , )., .,rll J ,, betwVen four nml five million jon Ig Mntle I Th" l'"',,l,l'' "l '11 " "I- Mnble Kerhy nml after pilrrhiiKlng , Formed Soon reef. , ' ' rlly of California, Stanford, Urn th., rUK t, couple foiiml Hint Jus-, Mr Kteigcr reports that the Mod- ' ' , t'lilvernlly of Inwn, (own n(ui Vol- the N J Chnpiiinii. whom they Intel ) m a o I.nmhet Company Cook House at V. jloKf. University of ChtfiiKo, I'nlvei. pi.Ke.l lo lie the knot, had left fur J l Camp Two which hurried down re- ,. KOC DCCVPn l,ll,r "' M',''l,,:""- A"'l'lK Awrly lit-' (i diiy In onler not to delay their PRYINP. NFFD IS FF! T "" '""I which tied up operations GERMANS AKL rttVtU uin College. Cm mm and Columbia Iwppi,,,.,,,,, M, Winter got busy nml ' Ii.ih been rebuilt v. oik resumed. universities lie will Mthly methods , Iim.I ltn Konsmmi of Die l.iilli. of niKiiltltulloii lit noiil.t of the In- ,,rnii Chpteh at the More where the' ; MlttitloiM. O.rr.1 VmU S"J- '!' h'"4' n,,l,,,,j , (iwwrr.1 fr I iilure I.Inn f i" lOltMCH .UMI.IJTIf m.U'll . u-.r Will llnu'lli'rn I'ouulit IH lllllti; WITH Will: liww, i Vln lirriunii" I hi .Vol tAUv th- rrtHprfU Ahni.l. ' '.Mill wiih hnpplly iiilnilnnted j UeorK" '('' HuKRlmi, who In p.i kliuuii In Klnmiii KiiIIh where he i n llieinlmr of the lllltli f il Pnriilly nu'd allilellr rourli ireiel Iiik hit enlrnui'.i Inlo the arnij ... STORRS DENIES ! PARI IN CRIME! I jl the IiIk loRKerK on the lie- "(rMitlim me tttill opuiatuiR he run IHre.lnr- of Old t'ommrn inl Hull Tiiki- l-'lr-t Hl.p nl .M.elliiK V.slei- L I fl I L la .fl.TiHMiii Will Cihi. J I ll I L Tl nw of All Inter.".! lo See What Splill l Imllrnti'.l l) rilien. CHAMBER IT (II) ,Mlnlil l'r)i ,,.njj jinrili 21 -Tim riallnli thu (juthreiik of the nr. arrived lut ,t "lu MCCIIAMl .. ..... .... I... ..if., r. II I dtltflttt t" ""' ' "l,l tllDH'irillo in.iiiuih ".in inn mm lliilli iiy-iu tut u'tmtilmmn.1)' derided liT with- Hlvnr for n llt In Klninutli Kill In , 4n from Ihe Cimferemo unlens Mr HiikkIiin wim very popular with Flume Ii Midpn'd lo Itifo fiintvm-' the itrliool Mtuleiilii nml him mnde a ponnwuily U" Ui' ruticluiiloii of html of frlemln here who will wd- . route the )ouiik tiinii and til wllo rw. f ii. Thll aweitlmi ha l"'H I'"'"' ,,f '""". i toittftillon ullir.' I'i "f tMl 'i A step toward the 'format.o t jf a. roinmeiilnl orKitulzntloti was taken l!l(i lll.'l.l) IX Hi;,T-,huro yenteidny nfternoon Jien the j officers nml dlrectoiTi of the old Tl.i:, Ciai.MS Hi: KXi:V Xoril. KIIIMIlt, fommorclal Club mot at IMi OK I.NTIIXTIO.N OK (illtl. TO ""' c")- Hall, and dhcusced the beHt I meiiiig of KettlnR an uiKauizatloii ef- Ml. I, HIS Wll'i: Ifected which woul take (are of Hie I man) questions of drteloptnunt, that inie now (oiiiIiik tip at an InrreaninK OIKJAMZATIOX IM.AXXIXfi io ii:r iiioiiixn itoiiKKT i:. hTUAHOKX l KITOHT TO Ol'KX l'l' THIS DISTIIICT I'OUTLANI). March A To sound tt Pmkp Cunfiirinte. Tim d autliof the Itnll.tnH for tin addition of territory mi tln eust In view (if their ureit lftur thore Inw heon Tltouly upprewted hy I'rcsldiint Wllion on llic ground Dial thl "ec tlonihoulil li.-roim a purt of tha new JifO Blvle llepiibllr I I'AIIIS. Murrfi 21 Uoiicnil Koch. I'ACKK.11 IIUI'SI lUted In nn Interview here todny IMt "Tfii Itlilne Is our only Kod j lit of clrfciite I do not domntid ttntutlun." he snld. "but If we do Mtfuri Unit frontier, p will lilt fotiKhl In i nlii " t H further ndiled. "It was the' wonderful tuhllerx (hat envo us the HAH TWO HOI I(S I.AL'till AT HCATTI.K Mincli 21 --The polho.rnto and w'hlih would proinote. tln sentiment throughout the state rela- Kenerai uuvaiiceiueui oi ine iiiy unit ttvo to tile, propositi extension oi ine 'strahnrn railroad, known as the Oro ruanlzatlon which was ,. cuiifornla & Intern rsjlroad. IJlorrs Is the unto mechanic of Oknn-; suspended at the bcglunlni; of im1 ,Snuti from nend throURh Stlver Iake iiKnn, for whose hue Ituth (iarrlson, war Is still Intact and In shape to'.,, ijjcavlew and Klamirth KalN, the inn rlKliU-on year old Klrl has con-1 K nhead if It Is round mlvlsablo. j ,,roj,osjton j bcinR Hiilimittect by the fosned polMinliiK his wife. I Many howexer. hellei that nn en-' 0rPKon stat(. chamber of Commerce ; Storrs denied nn km.wIedKe oft ttrei nuw orKiinizaunii wonin ne ' .. .. uux..arv commercial orcan- the vlrls Intention lo kill his wife better All weie united esy:rdi In z.lols f tle vo(e of lebe auxll UST XKillT and said he did not know they it .the opinion that something littuld , ,rIcjl ,s SUllclently favorable to the Intended to meet He said tint sho " n'"t' iinmeniaicuy ami wiui mis P 'ne holdlui; Dudley M, Storrs In ceneral udvan L rustody hero todny althiuiRh no'iyiunty I chirce has been placed rtKalnst lilin.l The yld o K BIG HIT had been (o see hm In OI'KIIA HOKSi:. IIANCIXf! AXIt m,t '"" I'" '"'I nof link Ii sl.MJIXO IX'I'.CIAI.I.V tiOOH Okanogan, I Id er to do so. '': Idea In view """:' " '' """ """project, so thai the business men can It was decided that a ' . , , , ,,, mmlttce of the directors 'would "I wnilt to set Unit little Klrl out, ' a canvass oi ine various inier- he (old the police Miss -"ts represented in the lty to asrer-, of this I Cirrison was calm he counted upon to support It. the btate chamber will Kct behind the ! proposition with all the support It . . ... and collected tain wliat sort or support would be when liken by the officers jester-J K'ven the move. enn muster. Tliis railroad extension would con- 'nect with Nevada, California & Ore H A .. . . t ' lM.iei litem liroumi on me Mtee.. . , , , , si.iml.l .1.1, l.n f....n.l In 1. .mk. lit I'll liv ti.i,. v.nt i itill, ltl Lit. ' ' . ... . .n.n r'tllrriAtt nt 1 .Ilk ivl , Hill! flVRT irwlxlctory. My only merit w In- """' "" '"" "" ' ' , whether Htoir still cared for her , rartory and it is believed It I"" k.'.i.. ... , . 'i' Mi i'lluVo they cuiil. I 'o a. ha' they Mint, will be i niiis meetlnc will I... till- ihis r0iltl Billn connections with the "W. ,l,ftt the .rniUUn. despll,.' r"" ","' tb" hoJ l "" !,"t,,l '" MAN PASSES AT ',,,1 nt I""-M't vcM.lent date extern Pacific and with 1 the mulnir of rruihlmt tUo fJ.T."ho ?"V,,,,,,K " ,l'" "otiMoiLWlAn r30ILO 1 )m a ye ch!UIll)or ()rBunIze(1. em lMcltlc branch from tij ..',... .......... "Open lloiise nml tuny nindo a hit, rnilNTV HfPITAI i Ti.m ihn ..v... of tb.. mitni.t.. wnri.i Klamath Kalis. It would wn iriu ic, io nun Killing morn ,".,,, ., . , ... r- Ivx.i. I..h I...... ll. ...r...i.. ..u.i III llf. II, lll1 ,111.11 III ' . ) ... .. .'! ... COUNTY HOSPITAL mm and became It kuvo everythlnc neretiiry to a Krunrli victory. IU8KI.. Mnrrh 21'-lleilln ml-' llr ttiiv it.... .I... l.r,..l,l..,.. tt il... r ... .. Jlr uccniiii iiriiiiiiice lommiision ni Sp hm prcK.'iiteil a nolo th llin In IwiIIIkI cIcVkiIci. nskliiK If Oer tuor thntiht cotmliliT us true the ttlemenls In llin Krenrli mid llrtl- libproi.thnt the peine treaty would' m redy for the (luriiiiins us soon nrrtildont Wilson had approved ll, ind tbat (tin (ierimius would tiu ill- loed in nrlKhlior. discuss or moil- " the (Inriiuiciit lliu llrst net until t'l.i Inst i.i.'e f the iiilieslrn nwii). Alien t flftom of the preilli '.. I'lu.-slert KlrU of this city ,av the hi.ui puh-' two hours of rnlortnlnmenl which would put lo hham.i mi) tlit.iR of a similar nature which Iiiih in penrod for a Ioiik llmo -Tho ca:it which has been triilnlliR for sevnnl weeks under the. leadership of M-.i. Ilime Soulo llrntton, Mrs. Kstelle Car rier mid Mrs. A. J. Vo), under 'lie, auspice, of the i:iks l.udKe, eariiel Iho cntlrii proprnin thru 'wltlunt p hitch mid nil deserve reat credit loi i nf cnninr...! nn Kininniii i"ntia nml untire territory of Klamath and Lake ,". .... .. ... .1 11 Wenner, who l.iiU resided In1 Kl"stl) County ns never hefoio was counties lo direst connections witn plainly evident frym the discussion Portland through Central Oregon, of tho directors, many of whom have thus assuring tho bettor commercial spent much time in outside points relations between the southern part ilurlni! the paid few 'months .in. I ' of the stato and Portland. realize how, rapidly Klamath is com-' it bas been Intimated Unit if Uiu lug into the limelight. Willi thi es- tuckers of the Strahom road receive nun TlnTii lire no ehlldien nr re- """?''"eiu hi ' .. mu ."u.i nun ine .iKhUranco oi uiu supiiori ui uiu latlves mo far iw Is known Tim ilii-l1" advertise the oppoi tunlties of ,)Uhmss men of Oregon to this exton- cased had formerly been engiiged ,,,ls 'H1'"' ,u,,l 1,''(", .''! ,,f s.ou. steps will he taken to construct as a hlncksmlth here. Kl i math County for about ten years, PiumimI awny jestnrday at the Coun ty Inflrnviry. Ho hud had several htrokes of paial)sls during pU i"lht few mmik nml had been vlitiiiilly an Invalid Ills wife died several veins nel lloune Imti promised premier ufiinau (n pres.uK n project In n ' ) which he hopes will satis "ciorlly Hem,, tl(, ,iH1M, The Ilullnn iIicIhIoii appamiilly nin to n IipiiiI ii bitter conlrovorsy wteen Itnly nu,i the ugo Hlnvs f tlm dlspohitio,, of the laud kob Iho Aililiuti sen. IIAUUUIIII. March SI. TUo roa . ,,Un"" "i""tliiK hero passed ft wlu on refusing lo pnr'.lclputfl In "t-ellveryof the (lurmiii Merchhnl "Pi aenuimi,.,! ,1V (llu K,ltmUCi ,,fl. "H It , ,. , lllly (f (1 H(nt "w nd hl.nru,K , rofllHU , ,,nrry th'.;. . 'rH "" ,!l" Kr"l,,,,l tluit I iiceii no kiiiii union that Pt tho Initial delivery. -m t 1AVAI, miciti TIX OPK.K T( MK )l'i:.M,, N thih cm- tlm performnnce. The splendid 'en- I'AIUS. Jhrcl, 2 (,.t.,r)-Col.-T "'W1" ,lui ,,lff,,,l,,,t nr,H v . .. " "' ll.lllirj VOI- ,, ii. .., n.i.ln,,,,.. wm ii r. . tllll l.'l...... ...ii , i.ra, ...... . ..' -. i marked hy all ! Tho chotiiB and solo work which, wits Interwoven with recitations, whouzvs, mid stunts was ux- roptioiinl.and the heaiitlful dam lug was tho fenturo of the moiling. Tlnv final sceno In which Miss Quor'tlu Ilrown emerges from u nininiiiiilh dam shell and performs tlm run eluding ilanrn, vvns peihaps the hlg gist surprise of Iho evening Thosii who participated In the. af fair wore Mlssivs Clniidlu Siln't, EAGLE RIDGE SOLD TODAY iiii.wTiiTi, itixoirr ox sum: ok IiAki-: takkx hv max MtO.M ItltlTISII COIil'MIIIA. 1M. t MKDIATi: KOSSKSSIOX the State Chamber of- Com- ,, met co which Is destined to become so great a factor In the building of the commonwealth, Klamith Coun ty will work toward lis goal inoie rapidly Tho correspondence' now cnmi-ig in for Interested fanners and busi ness men from .all over the cou"t. . I huh reached a point whoro lOip'ai.t O C. Appegato vvho' has "been lad ing tare of it during tho past u"ui!h finds that assistance of miiiiq Kind fit. m tho community miiht be foith-j coming, ns lie been doing (lilt. ' work ut his own expense. ! Some up-to-date litoratui.i do-1 scilptlvo of Kl.imath County, Ls alsoi srci'tly needed at this time. RUPERT EFFECTS ESCAPE NEATLY 4 i:i;. I.K.W IMi O.N TIIAIX KKOAI (iAKl.lii: Tll'SHAV. I'KOIl AllliY (JOKs TO KAIt SOI'TII TO r.stAi'i: Ki:ni:itAi ciiaiujk iZ!:!VwcvrivoA'u- . , "r jonn mcuiiii nt All extensive ni'ilty deal l.s holtig completed here today by which the Mnrle Itnmlio, Josephlno Low, heth.l , kk uidge result on the west aldii DrlRColl, Wnlvo JnrolM, Korno Horn?. f tj,0 iipper Ktnmath Uike Is helin? IjihI, (Irnro lloagland, Mlldiol tt, )u oUlr by Dr. V. H. (luddls, who Iturko, Alleun Smith. Knrlo Muni- uuenlly came horo from llrltlsh Col Romory, lloss Kllgoie, QuerMt.i ' umbn and vvho expects to opoi'ite Ilrown. Doithn Mm tin, Vova Mnrtln, , (, Lodge and the hlg rinch vvhlcli Moln Chnstalii, MJIdred Thrashor, j' In tho propeity In tho Viirdii Coznil. Helen and l.iirllo' r,,iim. lino, Dr. I. M. Noel and llowni-.M rrltH xtiniilvo oiitato has beoit, act! Gofer. ' SAIiKM. Or.. March 21. Warden j Stevens lias received wind that 'lied' Unpen, who escaped a few diijs ago from Cold lllll was seen hoarding a train at llazelle, California, on 'day, after buying some clothes from j a Kiremuii. It la now believed that he had I prom Panged for help In making his t ........... II.. will niiil.tlitv n In Mov rim following- offclers wme "'i1"- " "-- ; " , ... , HO V nuiuil - hum n.ii lu i'vu'u um POISON CLUB AT SPRING L AKE NOW A mooting of tho funnels lu the Spring l.uko district was last evening at tho Spring l.alco Sfhon! house and a new poison club ormu I- SINNOTT SEARCHING FOR YOUNG CORNISH ciRiiii MODIFY GBUSP ON I CABLES WASHINGTON. I) C . March 21 Van Alien Cornish of Klamath Kails. Ore., who was Inducted Into military service on March 4. 1917, and asr.lgn-j sd to company O, 161 Infantry, has not been heard from since June,' 1918, by cither his wife or his moth-' er, Mrs. h. A Davidson, of Klamath Kails. KffortH to get some Hed Cross, without success. Itepre-' III Short Time sentotive Slnnott of Oregon has taken up the matter with the war depart-, - merit, and learns that tho soldier was reported to the department In Sop-;jJEyg lumber as missing In action on July' 23, 191S. Kurthcr Information was sought by the department on Kehru-' ary 12th, with no response, Kepru-:;.rlllnp w, h, Hwetofore .entatlve sinnoit nas reiiuesieo in.; dep.irlment to cable General I'ersh- were made for a long time Censorship to Be RemOTed' ne trace of him through the, v fnMITea IS WELCOMED t Ing and aihe for immediate lnforma-j tlon. IIAI1IIIT DltlVi: SIXIIAV. Ilehl f 'alilm fur TwrnlrHoan 0t of Tvveiilj-K..ur, Will Go HH and Hair With Public From .Vow oa. (Vii-.fip.lilp Soon to lie Otct. Hesldents of the Merrill district ire urged to be on hand for tlm ro.b-' Fleming r3nch five miles southwest &f the town at ten o'clock riurday r.iomlng. This me-irs, of eprniln- nllni tlm l,n lina nrf.VPl YPTV Gf- , , ., . , ,. , , non government messages will be fectlve in the past and It is expect- ed that a large number of lite Jt.iim-j ..Is- will be killed nt Ih'i time LONDON, March 21, The cable j agencies say with eitreme pleasure that the rights of the gOTernmeni de partments as to priority in the use of the cables are to be immediately reached and that government and 1 sent at alternate half hours. Previously the government often FREE COURSES occupied the cables for twenty hours I out of twenty four. I It is also understood that toe cen- 'sorship will cease within a month. FOR EMPLOYERS) STATE SENATOR DIMHC ANSWERS LAST CALL liAHOIl KMI'IirtYKKS WILL 1SHJ CIYK.V AID HV, GOVKKX.MKXT IX SOLVIXt! rilOHLKMS -NOW PKKVALKXT.; POItTLANDf March 21. Emp'ov ers of labor tliruout the Northvvm au being lnvltd to intend a free course of lectures on Employment OREGON CITY, March 21. Slate Senator Walter Ditnlk'died here lait night at the age of thirty nine jean. The breakdown which resulted In his death. I3 believed to have keen due to over work during the hut? session of the Legislature. ItltKWKKS' KIGHT OX 1'ROHinrriox bkglnh NEW YORK, March 21. The, fn.unh UnfTmnn Tirnwlnc comnanv. Management. toie given under thej, ' . . ,....., of liililhinfc "--' -"- " the Inited States Urewers' Associa tion, has applied to the federal dls trica court for an Injunction restraln- auspices of the federal government nt Reed College in Portland, Apiil 1 to May '10. The course will be given in only four institutions In the United States, at Harvard Univer sity, the Bureau of Municipal He search, in New York, the Northvest ern University at Chicago and at Reed .College. A nn,mber of instructors, headed hy Professor Thomas Mitchell of the I'nlvers'ity of Pennsylvania, will gio the course here. Dr. Mitchell was Tor six yeats assistant professor of ecoti- ing the collector of internal revenue and the United States district attor ney from beginning any proceedings, to interfero with its contemplated production of beer of 2 M per cent alcoholic content. WK.DDIXfi UACT NWHT. i,..,i r.m ..bell of the Klamath omics nt the University of MlnnesorU Ag0ney and Miss Alma Stanley were mnrried hero last evening at si thirty by tho RevSimpson Hamrlck of the MethodUt Church. The cere mony occurred at tho Washington Rooming House on Sixth Street. It is e.xpeited that the couple will, make their future home dn tho Agem district. and in addition has had much pract ical experience us an employment manager. Ho has just arrived In Portland. Several largo employe! h of labor are assisting in the preparation of tho work and in addition, vnluable data touching upon all phnses of employment and tho relation between employer and employ es, have been secured by the government for the course. sad xkws hi:ci:ivi:d. D M. Griffith mid tho tavoin Is nl-1 President Charles J'aik, soi vviis full of guests dining the sum mer season. Dr. (laddls tho now owner tikes I Immediate possession of his now tHMHiior, Alex Chujuo, ... .... . , I.......... 11-....I.I..... 1... 1A. ........ 1ft. - oii'riitiHi ill tnu mm uy wr. nmi it. --' "-"' " "" - ; , ,..-,. .,,, h,duol unnlnbt him 1011,1 " i for the theft of Liberty boiuU. I II., -,,,.. It Ii.mii rrti.. tinfltfit till .1 Itohiistllaul was selected as fo , . ... .,,,, . , , ., . c board t i U month, hut did not polfon lnlxor for tho noxt, year.,'"'" v ' ,, , , , , .. ,. .. ... ,, , , i n so owing to tho chargu Practlcully every man who attended ,. --llllll"llli.UH. BANK INSTALLS DEPOSIT BOXES .. ".f.iniiii .iiiiiii nini.iiii r. a i ' KUnmii, Km,, 10Hl0,C0 Uml n " recruiti,,,; ,,.,. ,., . o in g n , . To nlrot tho liu'roas ng i icmiinn , hhmhiiu.b .. ...a n....... ..u ....o .-... -y .... Jnmu ivi.- vpiivut Win.rj"yB ...U '". ""f"ror mfo doposU boxes, tho Khwintl, ! I.o). vvhir will assist him In opo- ot'tlu, sun rrols wh oh have provo, .Aim LAM, SI. m I. IkiHlyhVi '" U0 'cw,0,, "'Statu has Just Insta I an- UtiK his now holdings. Tho conilflt-- 1 "c..p i ...o .-.meis ... ...o - 1 . in i. i-.f.. . i 1... I tin tit akiit I ii li.iniliiiii t) in till liitt i( I 1 it proporty.iiiiu win soon no jojihm iv " - . " To nlrot tho lii.To:isng demand , inombuis of his family, no mis no. '' i"i'o.. .u , .... News of the death of his sister, Mrs. Caroline Trlsler ot Lincoln Ne braska on Monday, has heen receiv ed hy Harry Stllt.s of the Central Garage heie. Tho deceased was a sister of Harry, Phllipp, Miss Eliza Stilts and Mrs. Leach of this city and Mrs. Carter of Uialr Nehiaska. She leaves two daughters and one sou. Mrs. Trlsler had visited in Klam ath Falls and has n number of. friends here. I MALIX ItAXCIIKU VISITS. i; viotokmH's YEAR AGO TOB.U. ASHINGTOX, D. C. March 21 One vear ago today the German ar m w as at the peak of 1U power and poure.. down on the British force , ruardy intent on winning an . overwhelming Uitorx. be'0" Americans phould arrive ln W, st .ut la! numbers. V Today Germany does not exhU a a military power. RIITRXS FROM MUM ,5 B nradbury returnejMwl ; inr nom Sulem, where he mailers of business concern. ti ...nuructlon "of, f. nk ,tlvcr Dam by the California, Oregon I'ower Company. "Kill: KIIOM DAIHV. Rrvai. n . . ' ill" r. I,ni1?. ?r -" . v wiiii-y ii'.,.i wlinrn Moiuivo rauchlno .Into.nD:, ' proof viuilt loiratod In tho brink, ........ ........ v , .... .i .... olhor Boctlon of III! boxes. Tlm now- atlonof the deal vvns not niaiio pu-i-Imixoh tiro tvvli'H as doop as (litwe or-'lio. illnnrlly In uho and will serve the Air. and Mrs. GiUflth lmvo nindo spoclul purposes Unit dommided a lingo nnmhor of friends In this tholr Installation. As tho linsln.vs.s of ' community who will regret id oo past. xixirrv kihst novs iiosm, CLEVELAND. March 21 Airplnno mull Forvlco hotvvoen Now York, Ctovcland and Chicago, is scheduled F. Kumpf, a well know i resident or the Malln dlstrlcr, iiai.l tho Coun ty sent a business vliit, .istorilny. i Mr. Zuinpf Is a most enthusiastic booster for tho Kltunnt'i Country' ...... ,.,iinB to.the wret and especially for the Malln So, ion. i ' '' Q, Myone cugb lie bolloves thoio U u sraut uttiire,""" f ,he Herald wtr thcie in mi agrlculiurnl way. ! Mealing copies ' ' t $25 REWARD The Herald will W """ subscribers. TACOMA, March 21. The UlOtli start April 15th, postal authorities' 1.KAVKS rOH IIOKV. . ....... , , i .. ii,n.i, i.iv M.iiTi., IHiliro Thv lmvo Trench Jlortaft Ilatterv has nrrlvJd noro uiiuouuceii. iww ui, iu ii '"ivuiain mr ii Hiiriri iinu inaiiiiiiiiin iMnriinaitu iiiiiiiiiimiii uiv in ij oiv ----- , - -- ,-B .. ......... . .""' 'fpm the Dahy .ii.,,.,,., ..,,,. ,. ...,.,., ,.. n,n rim. Undo no minouncomout of tlmlr fr.- tbdny. It Is tho llrst unit of the 91st 'mail hotvvoen tho East mid ost will for Hooy, California, whoro ho o.v - UMI ovlft....... ..m. 1 tui'o plans, I Division to not homo, ho mado daily, it was said. ul Fruuklln loft tills mo-nliig ' poets to remain lu tho future. their delivery i" ..y r pl,c,,ce of Mealing r.. .ili.nif Main street. n" "; . , J in slim It. and with Op r 'KollertnslbU reward. ' n fevfei Sl m i Ft